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ITT CHAT/DISCUSSIONS Alas, my dear /soc/iopaths, the new age

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 533
Thread images: 126

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Alas, my dear /soc/iopaths, the new age of shitposters dawns before our very eyes. Let us welcome newfags of all creeds and colors (except for Germans) and celebrate the cumming of a new frontier.
___________________________________***This statement has been redacted from the following events that transpired from recent events.***__________________________________________________________

>For newfaguttes:
Introduce yourself with this format if you'd like. You don't have to include all of the topics, and you can post updates of whatever topics within the same thread.

>>Chat General
Take a pic in your current state or tried as a ISIS combatant in court of your peers
FUCKING DO IT SERIOUSLY, especially if you know your ID will change
>>Music Discussion
>What aren't you doing?
>>Why you are a fucking NEET weirdo?
>Video Games
>>Books you're currently reading
>Films etc.
>>General Discussion
>You have to follow these guidelines, you'll be dicked to death if you don't, just post some content so other anons get to roast you.
>>Who cares if this is a international meet-up board, after all.
>Why do you fulfill at least one of all letters in the word NEET? (If you don't, then LEAVE NORMIE REEEEEEE)

Jk. You can stay. But only if you post lewds. ;3 Will need a headshot as well for legal reasons

>>You must follow these guidelines or you will be subjected to chinese pupper torture wherein you will be forced to eat barbecued dogs.
>>Even though this is a hookup board, we get a ton of international familia up in this bitch, so celebrate diversity and please hold off your plans on your local beta uprising, at least until winter.
>>This isn't exactly a rate thread but if that is truly what you seek OP will never deliver. So stop asking. Unless you have food or big genitals

Old Thread:

Annnnnnnnnd start posting............NOW!!!
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On the topic of writing your book and all that, don't you collect inspiration from this place?
Surely, I've been introduced to a lot of viewpoints where it has changed my standing on a topic for the better.
Are those memories actually better though? If they've fogged by substance abuse and loneliness that's what's going to last the longest.
Are you dissatisfied at the moment with your day to day life?

I think you've progressed a fair bit, I was really happy about your update on your current job, seemed like you were really getting somewhere.
It'd be selfish of me to not recommend staying away from a coping mechanism if you feel mentally prepared to go without it.
But that doesn't mean I won't be sad about you leaving.

I'll bring the yous shortly.
bum...nah just joshing

But bumping for future (shit)posts and (You)s lets see what happens
Quit or don't quit.

I'm giving my 30 days notice to my landlord soon, not sure if i should mail it or not, and then I'm off to new ventures. Might have have to submit for namechange then apply for my new passport. For the best anyhow. I'll have this place in my memory. Could be one irritating experience or maybe a place for new friends. It all depends on how you look at it. I admit it was fun. Hope that I wasn't the only one having fun. There is time to move on when soil is no longer productive. I don't know what else to write other than the fact that I overstayed for far too long.

Picture not attached.
Duck man is another one biting the dust? We just lost an regular idk why the mood in these threads have changed so drastically.
I guess all things come to end at some point but I didn't think when I started posting here and watch this place turn into the end of rome. Hope your new place and new look on life is a Good change, god only knows that I need something like that.
Being in this thread is like being in a group of friends, theres the good times and the shit times I guess.

Can I ask what made you want to leave? Seems like everyone has their reason

And also reveal yourself
And this line of numbers was:
>9 12-15-22-5 25-15-21


But who was this intended for one might wonder
Would never know.
My real name is Arthur. It sucks to be one to leave, usually I am the one asking others to stay a bit longer for the partey or whatever. I have stated my reason. I simply stayed longer than I should have.
Well from all the ppl I've talked to hear i think this is the second person's name I know now, think I told 2ish ppl mine now. Yeah you can't really make stay in these thread so I'll save the formalities, I've stayed here longer than i thought I would but thats life eh?
All I can say is i hope you weren't someone i talked to daily cause that might cause me to start packing too ;(

And I guess I'll start with my (You)s post a time sheet thing with a depressing pic
>I expect some entertaining shit posting.
If you ask nicely, I'll start shitting up this thread too
I lied I didn't end up smoking those marls cause their too gross for my black ass. Found some merican sprites so that was a better trade off
>like a normal rebellious teen
How old do you think I am m8?
>You take me some kind of easily amused buffoon!
Ohhhhh fuck I see what you did there you cheeky fuck. To bad i don't know any other monkey names to make a pun rebuttal

Thats what it always seems like, you hear about some gang shooting in the news and theres always some kid who ends up getting shot never changes. I'm sure you never have to look back at your toilet after your done and have to bleach it
I've done it not a big fan unless I'm trying to better myself at something, quietness is not something I like being around. But yeah theres not to many ppl I'm super fond of and I know its the same with me but thats the game of life we play no? Kek I'm not a religious person

I still don't know how becoming a priest here or in other counties. I've heard the federal government or some branch pays their salaries or something like that. But thats a pretty big contradiction for separation of church and state

Your asking the wrong person lol, I've never figured it out those shoes are pretty ugly imo. It was the fact that michel jodan designs those shoes, and he was a national treasure and hero to some ppl. Now I think its a social status thing and bragging right
Kek thats a great contradiction you have there

I think those couple of centimeters really matter for him, you can see how happy he is when hes wearing them. Having million of dosh cant make you feel taller
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Well this is pretty copy and paste but i honestly don't think anyone will notice or even give a damn about it

Lets see how the mood of this thread will take hold of us this time

>>Music Discussion
N/A for now
Lat one is pretty hot and has been in my head all week
>What aren't you doing?
Its 12am and I'm pressing letter upon letter to make this post look bigger, is it working?
>>Why you are a fucking NEET weirdo?
Because the things I do are too deep to be held in the work place, know what I mean bunda–mole?
>Video Games
I played red orchestra 2 for the first time after a year and half hiatus. 332 hours played in that damn /pol/ ridden game
>Books you're currently reading
Fell off the wagon again with reading, think if I had a physical copy I'd have more insensitive to read the poto
>Films etc.
......Do the fucking olympics count?
Just me and you Drawanon
Two regulars or maybe three in a soon to be empty thread, its just like phil collins genesis

Hows your monday going anyhow?
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Can someone explain to me why every the merican athletes or teams have been getting snubbed for the gold this week

Just watch as those dutch and italian vultures watch their pray as she loses all her stamina and falls back from 1st place, then swoop on their prize with no remorse like birds of prey
Daily reminder that eruo-poor will never be grateful for "us" kicking Hitler out of the throne we all know you all put him on.
On the bus to university, I think I'm late they administration might close early today
this is why woman shouldnt be part of anything useless whores
Alright going to have to cut the shit posting short for now, I'm suppose to change someone's oil early in the morning so I'll be heading for bedi by. I'll most likely will be up sooner than I'm usually

Even tho it might be vaccinate

Are you heading for your classes or trying to sigh up for the semester? Tell their asses that the bus came down with mechanical problems, like the radiator blew or something lie lie and lie some more(but you shouldn't)

Kek do i sense some inner hostilities between you and some lady? If you got issues have a tissue and smack that woman around next time she mouths off to you
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I am here because I was evolved on my way to....Omega male.

Used to bust my ass for shit job I don't like, doing shit I think is fun, getting know people I think was necessary and most importantly, give too much shit damn that I don't ever need to be.

Do what you want, and refused to settle anything less. Fake it until you make it? sure, but you still have to make it.

How to "make it"? you said.

1) Live like batman
-be a minimalist
by definition, you OWN less than 100 item
I own 121 item now.
If you are poor, buy a used 250cc motorcycle.
save money until you can get a car, or if you live in area with good weather you don't need a car.
Car pool to work, pay people CASH don't be cheap on that.

Don't buy things because is cheap, just don't buy anything if you are not replacing it.
NEVER buy "what if" item

2) stay FUC away from online gaming, porn, or anything that rob away your time for anything pays dividend.

-Play guitar pays dividend, LOL is not, LOL will makes you an lol stock.
-NO cellphone game, actually use your phone for reading, stock investing, fact check, write down you idea
-NO unnecessary socializing anymore, if you hate them, nope. Push them away from you life. get to know 3 type of people-The Wise sage, the knowledgeable specialist, the happy go lucky positive guy/gal. Stay f away from negative people, but listen and ALSO pay attention to what they do.

3) Be yourself when you have your TIME sort out for you

TIME management. You can do much better with time sort out, wake up early, work out, build your morning routine, and work.
study. BALANCE.

this, takes me 10 years to realize and BUILD.
NOONE climb ladder of success with hands in the pocket.
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Nah getting my certificate and finishing what paperwork I have left
Managed to catch them before they close
And found this dude there

How's your day been so far.
To my Anon friends
I'm not home so I cannot make a proper post right now, sorry for being an annoying ass, and sorry to those who felt bad cause of me
You're not just "entertainment" I really value your presence and hate the idea of you getting upset because of me.

I have lurked other boards for years but im new here. Im mostly here when im bored at work or bored with my gf. I try to join kik threads but mostly get dudes responding.
kik im a girl :)
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Too true muh relative.
You're breaking all your rules by being on 4chan post bank account you hack
And Batman is the opposite of a minimalist
He is a billionaire sure, but he doesn't go about spending money. How long does it take to check and post on chans? 1 min, 5 min? You take longer to take a piss.
Implying you spend less then 30mins on 4chan a day his super power is literally to spend money gadget cars planes ect sure he's a master Strategist and skilled in combatants but the dude is the opposite of a minimalist do you even know who Bruce is was and pretends to be baka
Also if you want to stay in a minimalist money pinching safe space get off the internet hate machine
>master strategist
>lets joker kill rachel
Checkm8 dc fag
Hope you enjoyed overwatch you jerk
Ayyy always showing up to shit in the nick of time for shit, if this was japan you could have gotten a printed note from the bus system saying how late they were

Maaaan wtf why do you guys get all the neat looking lizards, why tha fuck are you so blessed to run into a Chameleon? I won't one but after what happened with the last two lizards idk if I'm "mature" enough for them. Those two lizards are floating in alcohol now.
You should either take it home as a pet or as a meal.

I've just woken up from the dead and I'm getting ready to change this faggots oil after they come back from autozone. Pretty hungry but idk what there is to eat

Bruv just do what you can, don't let yesterday bring you down senpai. I'm probably going to be stuck as your friend till the day I die or lose internet from a solar flair. Getting happy or upset we are still all anon bubbies, its all bueno

Oh yeah
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Have a pic before I go head out, came out pretty lewdish but just don't look at like that.

You guys are perverts
It's like counting the money you spend to run your own business. The point is that for him, a billionaire, he spends less on himself.
>Oh yeah
Ah yeah okay.
How do you know he's not Batman 24/7 when he's Bruce he's throwing parties attending parties traveling the world boozen shmoozen laying trout ect he's a trust fund kid not a minimalist dude lives in a pimped out mansion filled with all his nice shit he's got so much nice shit look at all his nice shiet being Batman isn't even his job it's a money pit/hobby
Ya bit compared to his some billion american dollars he's using small % thus making him the minimalist ;)~
Bit is but, silly typo.
Grasping at straws now aren't you lol just admit defeat fucking children acting like sages with egos to learn
You're trying to day that 0 spent is the way to go and I imply that the ratio of already existing accets to the amount spent has to be minimal. Basically don't spend on stupid shit ifnyou can't afford isbwhat I am saying. Gosh damm :o
No. I didn't get defeated but I accept the defeat anyways. If that makes you feel any better.
Wow such advice many wisdom wow
What's next don't eat crappy food make sure to exercise brush your teeth at night 10/10 op
Learn the philosophy of minimalism
You lol. Think uh. That being minimalist means eating ramen for breakfast when it's a ratio.
>normies who dont know shit about shitty comic book whiteknight and life in general
>No I'm a stubborn child but I'm also very passive and avoid confrontation at all cost
Damn passive aggressive everyone's a special snow flake and deserves a gold star kids
Shit posting with out contributing having an opionon with out substance do to lack of social skills
Nice buzzwords though cuck
Not convinced, try again
I will never gtfo your life, I will leech every last penny you have and black mail the shit out of you until YOU die, even if I die before you I will haunt you
It was two at day , two at night can't saay phrases like lunch and dinner cause Idek what I'm doing anymore
Swiss and jam, one of my favorite combos, ever tried them ? Hell I think I'll make one rn fuck good figure ;-;

Kek you should as my grandfather once gave my cousin a knife that was wrapped up n a handkerchief right under the CCTV at the airport, moreover my cousin's name is literally Jihad
I like the way you think, I grant you the position of my crime partner
I just love it kek I seriously am cracking at this moment

I might handle them drunk if I was drunk too and by handle I mean I get real violent when I am drunk

What the fuck did you just you little .... I'll have you know I fun fu'd all my life, I fun fu'd before I walked , I fun fu'd before I talked and I sure have fun fu'd before (You)

Lol is your dad huge in size, that might've helped too
Well if you were Arab she would've wanted to feed both you bois before the girl, You'd still be second but not last

I second that, I was that dude in certain situations but got me into trouble tbqh, Arabs are half nigger remember so I can say that too
I can understand what you're saying, it is disgusting tbqh but again made by disgusting people so what to expect from such people
Pictures or it didn't happen

Well I couldn't criticize the white minimal table and desk, left me with the colorful pillows

I'm still on that theory blacks and arabs are related
It's "A'abed" which also means slave, but it's also very common to name children like A'abed -(and here a character of god) so it's not used as derogatory very often.
I'm pretty sure Japan would ban me from their country even tho nippon wa aishteru ;-;

I know :') that's the second time in my life that I do hold one
Ah so you done it I see, noice did you use the medical one ?
Fuck, they're tiny, I think last time I tried to catch one this tiny I ended up with the tail only in my hand kek
If I hadn't found it early in the morning, and needed to do more shite, I just released it back into the wild island of trees in middle of the university

What did you end up eating

Yes pls be my friend always Anun-kun ;-;
I read that post, I feel like a fucking ass, I'm sorry for those times I ignored but I did not mean to ignore for the sake of ignoring, I was probably either doing something or too caught up in a discussion here,not a great excuse but I do feel bad about it so I apologize.
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Well a 30 minute job turned into almost a hour of work cause the battery was drained(by me I might add) from using the radio while working on it. For what ever reason the after market radio will kill the battery if you leave it on with out starting the car.
If it wasn't for the my shirtless black neighbor who was kind enough to help me push it down the hill to pop the clutch then jump start it I'd probably be installing a new battery rn. Thanks my nigga

Makes me wonder who installed that thing, was probably some dude by the name of jose at pepboys or something. But now i know and knowing is half the battle

(You)s will be despised shortly after I finish eating this breakfast burrito
have a free (You) from a random crossposter passing by
Fuck it then I'll just wire a good sum to your swiss banking account....you do have a swiss account right?
Thats like the same goal and mind set of a russ gold digger, but good luck I got like $40 to my name atm.
Kek if you eat them like that I'd just call them snacks or pretty dinner parties
Swiss and jam? I never knew those two would mix, never tried that before. Swiss cheese is hard af to match with. But DO IT TO IT

Wow dies your grandpa know what subtlety is cause that was totally not subtle lol. I could ask what the intention of that was, but idk if big wolf is watching
I have "fool" proof plan for a bank robbery too. We go in full black suits, paint any part of our skin that not covered by our cloths white. And only speak in the most whitest accent we possibly can
If you ever go to england just hold in your laughter when some bloke asks you, "did ya see my dag anywhere around m8?"

You won't have to do anything cause most ppl start crying their eyes out at that certain point of drunkness. I think your lucky you don't have to deal with that. Other than that shit that happened with your drunk friend.

Kek I'm still laughing after reading this. Your wrong, I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in fun' fu, I’ve been involved in numerous secret fun'fu tournaments in thailand. You are nothing to me but just another punching bag for my ren

Yeah he's your typical law enforcement meat head
Meh good enough for me, but I'm like the pickiest eater of the three off us, pretty sure I'll piss your mom off as much as mine us to get

Yeah I feel you, I've gotten in trouble with my mouth, one reason why I barley speak my mind and stay quiet. True but I think arabs might be a little more on point with their insults
Well I do agree with most that I said but most of was mainly a joke. There are black dudes who feel that way, but im on the fence
kek don't ask me that

Ewww white table and desk? What color are the walls in that room anyways?
I still believe that to be true, but I should do some more reading before I come to a concussion. My brother has a copy of They Came Before Columous by Ivan Sertima. Dudes been on mission to red pill himself isn't doing good job tho
Kek a'abed means slave. We came so far, but I guess thats just another word that lost its meaning over time

Japs are cool enough with brazil to open a sony plant over there and go on vacation for the big booty butt girls. Whats one muslim girl going to blow up anyways...wait your not a lone wolf are you?
I've never even held one before fampie kill me ;( I just want a chill ass lizard other than these pussy ones

Kek I did in the most unorthodox way possible. Someone used ALL the medical alcohol(maybe that was me) so I just use nail polish remover and whoever's half empty bottle of vodka was hidden in the bathroom.
Seems like the blend worked everything is still in tacked
about to take a huge shit yall want pics?
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What is this word "Nice"?
I would make a joke about being black inside and out but that films already been made.
As old as you feel.
It's a gift, really.
Monkey see monkey do, I guess.
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what is:
-you do a lot with very little in your hand.
-100 item is the entering ticket.
-sentimental item is overrated.
-NOT about what you have or what you can have, more likely to be what you can live WITHOUT. Trim the reality, trim more.
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what is not minimalist

-organized, you have a lot, but you ORGANIZED
if you don't have a lot, then you don't even need to do anything because there is nothing to be organized.

-Have lots of item that basically do the same thing.

-Impulse, unplanned spending, buying without thinking, eating without reading what you ate. etc

-Had lots of "friends' in your social cycle, social network apps etc, but in reality you are as alone as you ever be because when is last time you speak to a completely stranger?
Filling void with a click? that is such cheap friendship

-definitely not hipster, although lots of hipster sense the trend of being minimalist is cool begin to converting their life style to it.

Last word
-own one thing and use it until it reach its designed life cycle.
-give away, give away, give away.
-if you want to have something, first refuse it to be cheaply made. Quality>quantity
-If you can't afford it, work
-if you can afford it, think before you spend
IF this all is that easy, I believe we all good here.
nothing to see. 2c

Minimalist just a begin, because once you notice how much TIME you actually have by NOT have to worry shit about: organize/chores/distractions you can actually invest your time on something that PAYS huge dividend.

I am fluent with 4 language and expect to have 3 more, learning coding, philosophy, gym, travel.
Build car/bikes on my weekend, hang out with friends that will comes to my rescue and not just shallow HI what's up. Build relationship, and learn how to make a perfect Caffè macchiato.

No thank you, I would rather live this way for the rest of my life and pass it to as many people as possible.
Good week.
Look Im not saying you weren't correct but you weren't incorrect either.
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Not really from these parts, so don't really know what to expect with these threads, but here goes;

>>Music Discussion
I don't listen to a wide variety, but enjoy Death Grips, AJJ, and The mountain goats, among a few others.
>What aren't you doing?
Processing my paperwork for the accounts dept.
>>Why you are a fucking NEET weirdo?
Reclusive and have trouble connecting with peers.
>Video games
Used to play Maplestory semi-regularly
>>Books you're currently reading
Bleeding edge by Thomas Pynchon.
>Films etc.
The holy Mountain, Dogteeth, ex-machina are a coupe favourites, want to watch 'A girl walks home alone at night' next.
>>General Discussion
Discussing the fall western civilisation.
>Why do you fulfill at least one of all letters in the word NEET?
Technically not NEET, but social outcast none the less.
First ever girlfriend. Too damn smart. Not really a show off. She would learn something the day before and tried to impress me the day after. I stepped on her photo so I gave her mine and kept that one. It was after rain. Time - 10 hours before propeller jet was to take off.
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see pic
>>Why you are a fucking NEET weirdo?
>Video Games
>>Books you're currently reading
>>General Discussion
>You have to follow these guidelines, you'll be dicked to death if you don't, just post some content so other anons get to roast you.
>>Who cares if this is a international meet-up board, after all.
>Why do you fulfill at least one of all letters in the word NEET? (If you don't, then LEAVE NORMIE REEEEEEE)
bum'p fyp9
Ey Drawanon do you have Skype? I kind of want to stay in touch with you.
I couldn't sleep. Here's a doodle.
Anyone want to talk?
Anyone awake?
Anyone know the pass code to the safe?
Looks like me when I'm about to sneeze.
Everyone is butthurt since they aren't based Americans, what's up though bb.
I'm asleep, this is all a dream.
0113, first part. Can't recall the rest.
Bumping from my odd ass sleep this morning

Give me a minute to write some (You)s
Yeah mah friend I still have mine. Would be really nice to keep in touch tbqh, this thread might be in a dry season rn

Add: catjakin, and yeah thats my real skype name pls no bully

Should this thread just turn into a art dump for the time being? I'll dump tha shit out of some shit right now
Added pham.

>> Music

I listen to almost everything. From Mozart in G major to fuck up some commas by future. Late night jazz is also something i wanna mention for hipster points.

>> What am i doing
Im currently studying computer science (engineering) at a university in Sweden (which is where im from). I'll occasionally write some "comedy" i just enjoy it nothing speciale. I'm also really interested in motorsports. Going fast just does something with my body.

>> NEET attributes

I've had som problems in my family and it makes my thoughts a dark place sometimes but it doesnt show on my surface. "edgy". Doesnt really qualify but i dont want the normie stamp.

>> Video games

I've been a "nerd" in this manner as long as i can remember. Games fucking rule. As i told u about my dark past games helped me escape rough times. I'd take a good campaign over a nigh out any weeknd. I've basically played all sorts of games right now u'd catch me playing. Csgo, darksouls, eso with gf, mount and blade.

>> Books

Wish i was a reader but sadly i'm not. Gonna try and start though.

>> Films

Love a good drama omg. Like a good dramas make me emotinal. I dont cry my eyes just go shiny.

Movies/series: got(duh), rush, wolfofwall, fury, interstellar was cool, guardiansodg. Amongst others.

>> general

I think i did this on my other things
"going fast just does something with my body" Just read that and omg im such a loser
Adrenaline rush, feels good don't it.
Always squeezes a loud and nervous "holy shit" scream/laugh out of me.
Why nervous lol, I would understand if you have people with you along, but alone it's one of the best things you can do/feel.

Btw read your resumé, looks like you would've fit in quite nicely with the rest of these tarts. Too bad everyone is kill. Oh well.
Rip in piece 2016-2016
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Hi, I'm the french sad poet who posted here a few months ago. I'm heartbroken again, by another girl this time, but I'm doing okay. My libido is just kinda dead, this never happen (even when I feel like shit I masturbate daily).

How are all of you tonight?
>How are all of you tonight?
I am delighted and you should be too.
you look like an half ass tranny kek
Why is that?

fuck you man
>Why is that?
I feel like being delighted today.
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people laugh at your roman type
not being so bright
sit back, relax and build the prototype
where is the favorite
female of light
clitorious fireflight
>time being
Do it
Bump'n To Dump'n
Bring my post up
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Does this work for you, bby?
I have a feeling you know the answer ;)
If it isn't Kazoo and it's a no can do.
What happened.
I'm pretty god damn late to the party, this thread is on page fucking 10 atm so here comes some dumps.

I'm just going to post some old stuff I have in the stack of drawings I have and never scanned, pls no bully on anything until you walk a mile in my shoes okay
First with a dump
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Some smudgy battle in the grass.jpg
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Then the flump
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Tomb of heroes.jpg
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Complete with the pump
Followed with a hump
Alight this is the last hump a dumping pic dump for me mah friends, lets pray that our thread sees some more life tomorrow or later today or whatever fuck your timezones
Dear lord I think this might be the end
Bump since I have a different I'd ;)
This heat is too much, I'm sweating worse than when my ex asked me if I loved her. Or the time I was constipated for a week and when I finally took the dump, wew lad x(
Sounds like life in solcal, and also when I ate to many eggs in a week and got constipated pretty hard. Just think about cool thoughts like in Stand and Deliver, and don't move around alot.

But damn man if this is the end of these threads, then I really don't know what I'm going to do after their gone. Think I might literally go insane but then again shit doesn't last forever.
Think I'll go out today and buy some alcohol maybe some whiskey. Get drunk and make my final shit post for this dying thread. Idk but first my chanfriend now the chat thread :^(
Eggs do that? Too hot I already died.

Chanfriend? What happened?
I think it was the eggs. I was eating an egg sandwich almost every night last year, I think its the calcium build up that cause you to grow a plug in your ass. Would not recommend.

And it was someone I started talking to for almost half a year before I found this thread. Me and her use to talk almost everyday and what not. Now it just seems like its gong to end soon.
But thats life i guess, nothing really lasts forever
Eating egg sammiches erryday, living that based single life are we. I'm never eating egg again.

Oh, that sucks. Happens though idk why, maybe life obligations who knows. What happened to this threads btw, you mentioned something as well.
Hey Drawanon
So I guess I lived up to my reputation of ignoring once again, I'm just here to say I wouldn't want this to end but I wasn't feeling all too well these days, emotionally or mentally whatever this is called so I've been somewhat or trying to at least to be alone
Hope you're doing well.
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Do not mourn a loss, dance for what it had been.
Something similar will be made made again.
I like your drawings tho.
Wasn't erryday more like erry other day. But hey since when could you not make an egg sandwich while being tied down? You need to take those chains off and spread your wings and fly away toward an egg sandwich.

Yeah usually something to do with life can't really do to much about that. And nothing to big just this thread's time of the month, same as with that chanfriend. Life obligations come up and ppl move on, hopefully this one ends sooner or later.

Hello hello pc
But don't be so hard on yourself pham, if thats your reputation than alot of anons and regulars here ITT too. I went through some shitty moody phase this july and didn't want to talk to anyone, idk what it was that got me down in that mood, but it was pretty bad cause I think I cried for a bit at one point.
I'm going to hope and or pray you get out of your slump too, just take some time for yourself and be safe mah friend.

And I'm hanging there as usually, hopefully life will pick up pace for my arse.

Kek thats exactly why I'm going to get a nice buzz and possible mostly likey probably might not shit post when drinking and thinking. But no promises

And thank you my friend, that was the best of the billions of drawing I had on me. I feel like I could kill this thread if I scanned them all.
I like your hand friend btw, I sure he has so many stories to tell about the times your spent locked in a tug of war contest ;^)
>But no promises
You could doodle something interesting.
>scanned them all.
Better then bumping it to death
>war contest ;^)
...Who talked? :0
>You could doodle something interesting
Hmmmmm someone gather up all the pics of the posters from this thread and I'll "try" to draw a portrait.
Or maybe I'll draw the first person's face* into rpg character. Thought about that one for a min
>Better then bumping it to death
Maaaaan that would take forever unless I was drunk or something
>...Who talked? :0
You know this call is being monitored right now right?

Sand up slowly and look to your right, their some men looking for yo, DON"T!!! look at them

Like all
hackering the planetarium earth
uses .py
ooh ~~~~~~
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J'ai une question pour les anons;
This niqa plays too much Dark Souls kek, I like them though keep taking that dump ya retart.
Why is one eye smaller than the other, normans can't draw it seems.
I think it was more often than not. Doesn't the egg make you gaseous af? It does for me on occassions and when I fart the smell is so noxious, it even bothers me surprisingly, which brings me to the point that your partner would probably hate you for that lel.
Ha! Ironically I ate two egg sandwhiches just earlier today when I got home, rip in piece sis.

I hear you buddy, been the same for me lately, but taking a bit of a break and just lurking/posting here for a bit.
>time of the month
No wonder it always gets fucked.
Anyways don't take too much notice of it, it happens all the time. I'm pretty sure I've spoken about this, if not to you to someone else. Oh well, the cycle continues tho bro.
I do suppose so, you're never really thoughtful enough of anything to know when to change your approach. Atleast not before it's too late.
I find math rather simple, it's straightforward atleast. There are always a right answer and wrong answers.
Luring me, probably not.
You can seduce me.
That's really appreciated and very true desu.
Thanks for participating in making this place what it is.
I too, enjoy the attitude.
Whatever attitude it is, been too long to remember.
Will we ever yield?
I didn't come here to lose, merely to be a loser.
Makes enough sense to be viable, it is a mediterranean barbecue recipe forum after all.

These probably won't get answered looking at the thread in its current state.
But I always try to deliver (You)'s, whenever that may be.

Not a good day.

Does anything count nowadays?
Does our shared future together count? Does it really matter? Think about lil tommy.

I'm just gonna pretend this question is for me aswell as I need to deliver fresh baked lines of text.
I've been quite bad for some reason, decided to leave home for a little bit with a mate which will eventually get me back to the best shape of my life.

t. I think I'm getting fat.
Didn't I warn you about entering this part of town ever again?
This is your final chance Nathan, either quit it or quidditch.
I dig the curls.
call me.
is this?
Eh? Swede man is that you? You went from 90's hunk to Terminator kek.
I know, I fucked up.
I figured it was for the best.
To fuck up.
See, and notice how off by an integer>>24186221
Shhh don't say that, you look fine as always. Almost didn't recognize you though without the facial hair and fabulous curly locks.
>I figured it was for the best.
I know what you mean, I'm about to cut my hair relatively soon, the heat is really killing me softly.
>To fuck up.
That's what we do best isn't it.
I have failed, should I commit sudoku in repentance?
>one eye smaller than the other,
I CANT HELP MY JEANS! Stahp bully me.

>town ever again?
Oh no what are you going to do? Punish me? ;)
>Ride my broom Ron.
Can't we just cuddle?
They're attracted to themself, sorry.
>You helped
...I understand what I must do now.
>Should I do a draw thread
Drink, drank, dunk
Everything is.
Even the way you cook your steaks
>Look before I tell you not too
Okie b0ss
They better be white tight jeans or else I'll give you a nice spanky :)
>Stahp bully me.
The only thing you can draw is babby dicks ay lmao.

You're the mean one here, not even answering to me question hmph.
Yes, indeed.
I personally agree with that I look god awful.
That's alright though, every once in a while.
How long is yours atm?
I don't even know who you are to be honest and so it's a bit difficult imagining.
They say you never learn until you fail.
I've learnt a lot so far.
As soon as I hear the word punishment or torture all that comes to mind is pulling out nails with pliers.
First it pops, then it's off.
We can't cuddle, what if anyone sees?!
That sounds.. ambidextrous.
What is it that you must do? In case of miscommunication pull my finger.
>This niqa plays too much Dark Souls kek
Nah pham I drew all that crap before that game was even a itch in those gook's pants. If anything I think I should be getting royalty for them stealing my work. WHEN BANDAI!!!!!!

Out of all the foods that fuck up my stomach and give nuclear gas, eggs do the least amount of damage to me. Even a rice krispy will give me black guy gas and also heartburn.
Ayyy I hope you threw some fucking hot sauce on those ironic sandwiches

Maybe its time for me to enable my lurk mode for now.
You could have told me before, but I've repaeated some many fucking things to ppl on this thread casue I don't know their lurking. This thread is like a circle maaan a fucking circle man. And we're just cogs trying to make it spin again.

It only counts if you mean it and stay in contact I guess other than that its as purposeless as a ant carrying a its dead comrade just to be caught in the spider's web

>Should I do a draw thread
Whooooa whoa whoa famdingo I never said that. Draw threads are tedirous and ppl don't follow the rules and not post shitfuly lite pics of them selves. We need one more drawfag for that
>Drink, drank, dunk
Drink, drank, dunk

>Okie b0ss
You know your a little shit but your a good bloke other than being from Essex
But we can't fix everything
Well. I've lost my partner of two years. I lost my partner of eight years before him. I've lost almost all my friends.

I don't really know what to do anymore.
>I have failed, should I commit sudoku in repentance?
Negative negative. Don't worry, you did not fail before me.

Here's a yutey song, be childish today ya cUnts.

>I'll give
(Insert remark)
>You've been here a while
I know, I'm trying to distract myself. You people should talk to each other more.
What were they?
>nails with pliers.
My favorite? Have you been reading my diary again?
We poke them with our long, long, fingers.
I'm afraid they're are.
Well a hair cut might help but then I wouldn't look half mad.
>Pull it
My last,LAST, one went pretty well.
We could just do it in here.
>You're decent
Become an hero now or l8r?
>Fix anything
I don't know what you're referring to...don't try to fix everything, perfection is an illusion and we need cracks and breaks for something to be healthy.
Only a delusional fool strives for perfection.

>do anymore
>Yes, indeed.
Blow me a cloud my fair traveler, and I will trade you with a meal.
The past couple of days, I've been doing copious amounts of thinking, haven't reached too solid of a ground but made decent progress in relation to what fluidity I have been in, what I need is to leave this state of apathy
I recently tried exercising as a way to improve my mental state but obviously not sufficient
One conclusion I had reached is the necessity of learning to let go, so I gave up a decent amount of my shit, clothes that had been there for years but kept in memory I have given for charity, gathered a pile of random objects, toys, hair clips..etc. and gave it to my younger siblings and cousins
A small step indeed but a necessary one, so when a time comes where I have to make a big step I'm prepared
Some of you left, some might've
I just wanted to say that just in case you didn't get the first one I apologize for last couple of posts and behavior in general, I was in a really bad "mood" let's call it as I don't want to go into detail, it happens to everybody and there were times when you too were in such bad set of mind that I endured, remember that at least
I want to learn to let go, but I won't of this place of you guys, not now

Aw Drawanon, I'm sorry I haven't been there for you, you're truly one of the best I've met here
Thanks every word is appreciated

How's your spirit these days then.

I guess it was due to fact we haven't talked too much in the past so i did not notice but I also have a feeling of something new in your tone
Never, not in the face of Armageddon
>ITT professional losers(people pay us to lose)
Removal units are a meme

>tfw answered
Because we are absolute madmen

Memes aside, that sounds like a healthy step, definitely would have a good result
Where have you been lately, outdoors or just at this mate's

Doesn't look too fat from where I stand.

>tfw you've been visited
Wise palm of content.
That's your opinion though, which I would refute but that's beside the point.
Kinda long-ish, a bit below the shoulders. Will show later I guess, it's 4 a.m as of now and I'm gonna have to get ready by the time I post this.
Kek, that's reasonable since I don't post face as much, I'm the retarded beaner fag, but we've spoken on occasions idk if you can recall.
At least you've learned, I keep failing on the same things...
How's the WWF thing btw? Still at it?
What about Demon's Souls ay lmao, probably not before that game ;). You calling Miyazaki a thieving plagiarist son? My Nipponese friends and I will rekt you know with our R1 spam P.W build dex build, skrub git gud.

I think you have a good digestive system then kek.
>rice krispy
Nvm, is you serious though? I don't have that much trouble with gas, even though beans are like a staple diet for me, and still no gas.
Hot sauce wtf, you think I'm some sort of degenerate Mexican or something?

Maybe, pretty sure half the people that used to post are here but don't want to post. Probably, it's all good though, at least we can see if your stories are consistent kek. Circle of life, there will be replacements and new people, if not here, in different iterations of the same concept. Are we a broken machine then?
Take advantage of being single/ alone. Learn more about yourself, etc etc, what people would usually say. There's a fair chance you'll meet new people anyways, you can start by interacting here if you so wish.
2 negatives = positive, so I did fail...
I didn't know I had to keep up to someone's expectations btw.
( Oh baby don't do me like that!)
Mark inserted
Draw more babby dicks if you're up to it then lel. You people? How r00d. I literally did talk to you tarts, I posted a vocaroo and no one answered like always :'(
Pressed for time so I will make it short. Just because one is in a bad mood doesn't mean you can't post without it getting to intropsective, I mean the points of these threads was to provide a temporary distraction to the reality we live, was it not? Also you aren't the only one to be guilty of this though, like you said, everyone including myself of course is equally at fault at this when it happens. Just gotta have to learn how to not let it spill out that's all. Anyways getting off topic, I don't think any of us holds a grudge if you do think that. It's good what you have done in all honestly, self-reflect, only you know yourself best.
Would keep going but I gotta run, besides these idiots are better at consoling and advice giving than me. smell ya toots.
P.S nobody cares ;*
Still waiting on an answer btw kek.
Sweeping the floor atm;-;
Get back to you when I'm done
Have a bad day :*
I want to the floors so clean that I can eat off it.
I'm already late so...
Ayy palechan I'm happy to see your making your way out of that shitty hole you been in. And honestly I think I know what you were trying to do by getting ride of your old belongings. Letting go of that nostalgia drench stuff is a good idea to clear room for the future.
But if that didn't make you feel any better than I'm sure it brought a little happiness to your siblings. Or alot kids only give a shit about materialistic stuff around that age, they probably think your the bee's knees or your about to an hero yourself(don't tho, or at least not yet)
And exercising seems to only relieve anger but thats about it, well thats in my case. Duck I think meditation could be a better method for finding resolve, but I have no clue how to do it.

Man that was seriously to nice of you to say honestly thank you. But I'm just that regular annoying anon here.....I-I'm no hero

Kek but my spirit is still in tacked for the moment. Usually laying in bed to long makes me depressed and think alot so I think I need to stop sleeping in. Hows things on your front, physically not mentally since you said your not talking about it
>Demon's Souls
>Came out in 2009
Oh shit I've been discovered. But fuck Miyazaki, From, Team A, Team B, and bandie. They should be put in a firing line for doing the same things over and over. Not having that dank dex+strength build cause its fabulous

>you having a good digestive system
Nahhhhh you even had to correct yourself there. My stomach is as shotty as a century old water main, it still works but that shit doesn't really do it's job all the time. yeah idk where that term for gassy beans came from they don't do anything to me.
>you think I'm some sort of degenerate Mexican or something?

I'm sure we have a pretty high number of permalurkers in here atm, might be higher than the actually posters here in the thread. Think i said it before but lets see what winter brings in. Maybe the cat will drag in something new or familiar. None of us should be broken machines tbqh, I mean is it that hard to do
some routine maintenance on ourselves like the manual that god gave says to do.
> we can see if your stories are consistent
Wait what? What did he mean by this?

>My last,LAST
How man anonfags or requests were you able to do? I use to OP some of those threads but that shit would keep me up till 4am, trying to draw everyone I could.
Kek I actually forgot to to buy any alcohol today. but thats what fridays are for no?
>Become an hero now or l8r?
Save it for later like the English Beat would say.
Unless your one of those Kent cunt cukbois. If so pls do yourself a favor
>Only a delusional fool strives for perfection.
Your talking to the dude who says the same thing in public and gets dirty ass looks for that. Perfection is a cancer, just look what happened to japan
>have low confidence
>try dating/chatting site
>only 1 girl that looks like she has downs and one fatty added me in 14 days, one girl blocks me after 1 minute of chatting, no attractive girls want to talk with me
i feel shit, should i just kill myself?
You're probably right, and I know about the no grudge thing I just want you guys to know I care if you get upset because of me :--x
I cannot contain myself sometimes, I do control myself for a decent while then I start making little bb splosions, just like I'm suppose to :')
I know, I feel a little less cranky since I did, as Drawanon said I had to make room, I don't want to stay in anxiety over something not happening so gradually preparing, and thus motivating myself to push forward that thing, not yet at that point of "motivation" but I can tell I'm heading there (I sound like Pious)

Yes Cinderelly ;-; , tbqh I haven't helped around the house much the past five years when in school so I'm trying to do so now to not be totally useless in time I'm still looking for work
Still not at a point where I can cook kek

How have you been the past few days.

A little hard to get rid of Nostalgia when you are it but I'm trying, you're right tho, future and momentum towards it
It did it did, yeah they're kids in the end you know they like getting things you know, my little cousins of 5 and 7 were especially surprised because I'm always the scary one they run away from kek, I'm sure their mothers appreciated more junk and mess in the house tho
>at least not yet
Kek, copied
Speaking of which my mother was fucking surprised, as I'm usually the one who doesn't want to throw anything away, she kept wondering what I was up to, I gave her some things as well
You're right I guess me and you are not the types cut out for meditation I'm too impatient and have no idea how to relax myself

Nah you're koolaid, speaking of which I'm going to add you on skype for future contact if you don't mind

>When you're already dead on the inside
Yes , I'm not one to give advice but I found that waking a little earlier is helpful, you should get up even if you had nothing to do, just walk around or listen to music would help a lot.
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>Aren't doing



Medieval history from different sources, not sure why.

Animu//The Tatami Galaxy , and Sekkou boys

Not about not wanting to talk, it's just that there's nothing to say other than usual
Physically been lazier past couple of days, gained half a Kg but got on my feet and tried to fix that this morning

Do anything special lately ?
Kek your kinds right about that, your kinda of the relic jewel of this place, but the more is gone the less weight is on your back. Just don't get rid of everything you like.
I wonder if they thought it was a trap or something when you gave your stuff to them. Hopefully they won't think your scary anymore after this. Think if i remember right my little sister said I was scary, was so-so butthurt about that cause i do have a scary presence sometimes, hopefully your title changes.

Shit lol sounds like she had a pretty good shock from your change, but I pray she's not tripping out about that or anything like looking for a therapist. But I hope she knows that this is a foreshadowing for your future disappearance.
Lol I like to say i've become more patent but thats a fat lie. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I only know how to clear my thoughts for about a minute.

Ayyyyy go ahead and add my ass, I need more real friends in my skype. Its catjakin so you don't have to go scrolling for it

I really need to start walking tbqh, I use to go outside for shit like that all the time. But i think having a car spoiled me. But I got no excuse since my car is in heaven now

>it's just that there's nothing to say other than usual
Duck pham I feel this on all levels. Thats what I miss about having a job, always gives me something to talk about, and i love telling stories if you didn't notice lol
Well you don't sound that lazy tbqh. You got up of your arse after noticing you gain some so I give you two thumbs up

I broke my drawing hiatus, idk why I had one but I did. But I got an email back from that job, the owner said I could come in tomorrow in the morning or on monday. Its 4am rn so I know I'll never make in the morning lol so monday it is.
Other than that i went out eating with my friend at his work. Didn't eat all day and got high(of course), my friend gets 50 god damn percent off over there too. Did you apply for any more jobs the last couple days?
Why does everyone want a gf? Keep looking.
Alright I'm going to go lay in my bed, sip some tea. And see how long it takes me to fall to sleep this time.
Goodnight if I do fall asleep yall
Seems weird to be thinking about this, but I'm just wondering how geoanon's trip to Poland is going. Just wish I asked her to take a buttload photos while she was doing it big over there, but all well have fun geo-son

Back to sleep for me
I just asked myself where I was from the beginning if I was that dependent on them.
Being able to rely on other people is a nice feature of life, being dependent on them can be very bad.
Reading? I am your diary.
My fingers aren't long, it's quite tragic.
>Are are
Well this just opened up a completely new viewpoint.
Bless you, child.
Is that what's trending atm?
You need jesus.
Aren't you in the blessed lands, the freedoms?
Jesus should be all around.
and inside.
A meal does sound nice, can you describe the different ingredients and flavas?
Makes sense, or they're just way too spread out.
Like most of my visits to /soc/ atm they're very short and I usually don't have the time to spend on typing everything out which bothers me in a way because these threads are impacted by everyone here, even memes.
I appreciate the quick replies.
I was gonna change out replies wtih backstabs cause I thought it felt fitting like taking a stab at replying back but yeah not sure where im going with this.
I'm never healthy, that's my secret to success.
Wasn't at the mates house, look at pic related.
Well either that or I'm getting too skinny, something's happened.
I deem your refute acceptable, granted.
Aah, I know exactly what you look like then as I remember you.
Of course I would, we had a long chat and I remember you saying you perceived me as someone that you didn't expect to ever really talk to like that.
What would it be that you've failed with?
Getting up and trying again is a lot more valuable than to never fail.
It's in the eye of the beholder and you behold yourself more than anyone else.
I've for example a lot of times failed with WWF because I couldn't do this or that, but I've also done a lot of good stuff in my book.
They never cancel out eachother as they're both experiences.
and yeah, I'm still with WWF. Will most likely be for a long time aswell.
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>A meal does sound nice, can you describe the different ingredients and flavas?
I have to admit I'm no person to describe creations. I'd rather have you as a judge. The meal is like like any other meal, warmly served, a little too hot for some, just right for others. The occasional, "watch out, it might be hot", can be heard from distance. As soon as the lips touch the spoon, it feels just right. The rush of flavas will bombard upon impact. Secret seasoning, pepper and salt can be tasted but it goes far beyond. Beef, brunswick, delicious, excellent, fine, good, great, hearty, oyster, rabbit, rich, savory, savoury, spicy, thick and more. Basically mouth full of orgasm!
I forgot muscal links.
Kek it could also mean my name since it literally translates to that, no not everything still have things like my weeb shite, and the kawaii figures
Those little inepts don't think, just gather around like chimps, man I don't care I don't want them to like cause that would be a problem too, how old was she when she said that kek
I call the twins, two little girls that came from murica, Shibas, its common tongue for ghoul so now they know me as Shiba

Kek she has her own therapy which is worse, she thinks is she gets me to socialize more with relatives that would solve all problems I might have, or even worse think that I finally found a husbandu that might be coming soon
And how would you do that even, teach me senpai


Walking really helps with thinking, I can;t think properly in one place, you should also do it like early in the morning or after sunset

And you are good at telling them tbqh, I really enjoy your stories, you're really funny
Not like I have to worry about anyone seeing me, I'm almost at home all the time and in T-shirt and baggy pants but it feels good to be fit

That's good news, I seen your drawings good job, I sketched a little myself recently but only like three little ones
Congrats! my turn now ;-; Kek and he was Ok with that right
What did you guys have, been eating shitton of pancakes lately myself
I applied for one more two days ago, a Communication Assistant post in hope they respond.
Pancake break between posts
Have a this until I get back

>Pancake break between posts
>Have a this until I get back
You know what a good meal is ^.^
Waiting for your return, clicking your link as I post this.
I'm pretty sure I'm 80% pancakes from amount of pancakes I had past week alternating between syrup and jam, I want another one but muh weight ;-;

You missed some memes ;-; if it were still meme era would've photoshopped you into something, you missed last supper but that might be editable when my laptop is not autistically slow
How will you be paying for that ?
I did feel like someone will stab be the first post I made, but surprisingly everyone is cool, almost

Idek tbqh Swedeanon, what the hell does one do, there were times where being "healthy" wasn't required but old ways aren't sufficient anymore
Well in my defense could've went out then slept at a mate's motel(couldn't resist the pun)
So tell us about this "sign"
It's for true champions for it has that quick release of energy in it. I alternate as well. I'd eat pankakes everyday if I had a reason to.
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That does explain a few things...like why spoons are dull and my walls are seeping blood.
I have string and a pully, we can change that.
It's what I do.
It's been trending since the 1850's, get with the times, damn.
He needs me.
Nope, lost that back in good ol' long as time ago
We stopped baptism.
You know too much.
four? It was mostly just other draw anons chippin in.
Just dump your doodles in it.
Aww, that's cute get back to me when you start downing the "cool" stuff.
I am the next magnificent bastard!
>Talking in public
What are you?
>Understand what it is you want off the site
>Mention you're rich
>Use copy and paste messenge
>Mention that your dad owns a company and a yacht.
I'll do you left, right, and four dimensional.
You can't tell me what to do, I haven't signed anywhere.

>Wise palm of content.
You know it, bby.
What's a reason not to.

Read your palm for my fortune.
Lol so your name is translated as something like a jewel in the desert storm, wish my name had a meaning like that. I was wondering if you got rid of your all your neckbeard stuff. Put all that ish in a hobo bag
They are kids so of course their going to have that mob mentality, but their also nigglets are heart too so you never know what their thinking ;-) Man I think she was 10 or 12 yo when she said that, wasn't that butthurt about back then. I kinda like that I intimidated ppl back then.
>oh no the shibas twin are back in town, hide the money and fetuses
But seriously are all your relatives from the states some form of assholes and douche?

Brah I got you added, now I don't have to worry about having my covos watched

I'm really going to have to force myself to do it. I most likely will go for a walk in the early morning since its always feels cozy at that time. And also it gets dangerous around here at night, I'd like to go to the trail around here. But we get alot of coyotes here, had two almost
sneak up on me and my friends last week. And i forgot about the rattle snakes.

Ayy thanks pham I try, I knew some good ppl who knew how to tell some good ones. But no clue why I'm the funny guy in phamily tho
Bruv no one should care unless your wearing or doing something haram. Idk what feeling fit even feels like anymore, I feel fit but I know my lungs could be better

Ohhhhh those were your drawings?! I thought that was britchan. Keep that shit up those eyes look better than what I can do
That was the only way to contact that faggot, never had to do this before with a job. But its like you can only work there if you know someone there, very weird
I had a fat arse pepperoni calzone, my friend got a tri dip and my brother got fried shrimp for whatever reason. But can you teach me how to make a proper pancake cause I get mad making them
Communication Assistant? I can really see you doing that, they better call you back
Lucky you phamgget, it almost felt like I was working in those threads. But all I get are 4chan bucks and some ty's
>Just dump your doodles in it.
In this thread or some other one? I no want to get blown out of water by any true artist lol
But hell I usually made those threads on the weekend maybe I'll make one today
>start downing the "cool" stuff
So I sould get back to you today since theres koolaid in this house am I'm a nigger
>I am the next magnificent bastard!
Well?.......Wheres my favor at. Do I have to remind you that you work for Mr. Latiotonnini, and he doesn't not like waiting on little molly shmucks like you
>Talking in public
Bruv I'm black its what I do, you never been to the movies(theater) before?

Wheres, "you forgot to lube me last night" and, "we should really have a talk about us" at man that could have taken home the gold
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>ur gay
But I liek grilles
>You will witness something make's you question your previous choices
Is the light close ?
>You'll eat breakfast
What kind
>A bean will flood facebook.
But Mark-chan said...
>A fight will happen
R? R
L ? I
>4chan bucks and some ty's
You make it what you want it to be.
It's practice.
>True autists
do it
>koolaid chicken
Yous a'ight, don't go to prison tomorra
Not thinking I work for and against competing entrepreneurs , honestly. Let's have some professionalism.
>Holla grll where my
Seen. Seeen.
>You're a white guy with a medium sized bag, why don't you go into movie theaters anymore?
Well it all started when they confiscated my Haribos...
>He has feelings too
I don't hear a no.
Ew, breeder, gtfo.
>close ?
I don't know, have you paid the bills?
>What kind
Who am I the cook?
I'm afraid
I don't
Kek no I meant "Nostalgia" but I can go with Jewel in the desert tho it would sound funny in Arabic, Noo it's safe on my shelf where it belongs, for now...
Ouch 10 or 12 is not "kids" kek, it's alright kids cry when they see my dad so at least you're not there
Yes all of them, annoying af, I feel sad for those two girls tho cause it's highly likely that they have Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy so I try to be nice to them

But the NSA-san

That's cool kek, where were you, do they come near the houses
Do it , wait what time is it there if it is early you should get up and go for it rn
Ah the snakes are dangerous, do you know what to do in case of snake bite, like sucking the poison and spitting it out and shite, I remember watching that documentary when I was around 9

Your mom saved those genes for you, I bet your siblings are not at all
No not that fit kek, just the appearance tho I kinda just had a huge pancake so idk about that, omg how many times did I mention pancakes itt
Exactly I'm being too halal

No I did not post them, it was probably his, I drew one of the twins actually kek the one who's more devilish
It's like that in many places, you have to know people to get places, I don't know much people unfortunately
Sounds good tbqh how much did it cost after discount
Kek I just use the ready mix, or I'm saying pancakes but I actually made crepes a few times that is per one( 1 egg, 1 tbs sugar, 1.5 tbs milk, 2 tbs flour, .5 tbs vanilla)
I also just sent an e-mail for an actual architectural office but Idk I'm just sending randomly till I get something.
>What's a reason not to.
You misunderstand there my frind.
Well it should be a bag a cheddar chexmix or something cause thats what I what I want my payment to be
>It's practice.
37 minute vid, with no mention of chicken, what a played out stereotype
>Some of you skinheads are pretty chill, don't go to prison tomorra
That easy for you to say
>competing entrepreneurs
So you work for one of the guys that "said" he invited the hover board, or in lateman's term a hoverkaffir
Lol see thats where you fucked up. You have to buy the brands that are sponsoring the theater pham. Or just sneak it in like a real man
>I don't hear a no
No now fuck off
Thats not a nice name then, just sounds like it comes off as "the old things are better", what is desert jewel in arabic anyways? Better watch out for that rouge wet shower towel then.
Yeah I know right, that made me feel like shit. Kek what do I have to do to gain a power like that.
Shit thats sad if it true, I hope it isn't tho. Hopefully its just because their young.

Just delet your history daily

We were mostly near the foothills which is like maybe, 3 blocks from here. Before we saw them we heard a whole group of them fighting in the distance.
Nah way past that time, I didn't see his email till like 1am lol, so I already knew I'd have to much kaffir in me to go
Lol thats all I know, sucking the posoin out from the wound, but wtf do you do when its a neurotoxin, just leave the dude there? Feel like I'd swallow a bunch trying to save someone.
Have you heard the cure for drinking antifreeze? You have to drink as much alcohol as the antifreeze or its your death
Your being too fabulous.

Most likely, the rest of my siblings are very dry and boring at times. Kinda sucks

Lol alot but it just makes me want one. But its to late, if I make one I'll have to make a bunch for everyone. Guess I'm okay-dookie on appearance sort of, I can do with some more mass tho

Then I don't know where I'm at then. I kinda want to know what those twins look like now. But shit calling them devilish is pretty harsh now kek, still funny
Yeah I'm the same way, thats why I'm trying to get a job with my brother. Think I burnt all my bridges in the automotive world, even tho I wasn't a big talker at work
Fuuuuc fampie it was $62 something after that discount it was $30 flat. That deal tho
I don't know anyone who makes their own batter tbqh. But fuck creps!!! I've still never had one. Never knew you need those extra ingredients to make them, tho vanilla is a given
I can't see why you wouldn't get called back for that one, but then again everyone wants experience
I'll let you watch me eat my breakfast/dinner?
>Man need his chicks
Is this more to your taste, good sir?
Just remember the three step guide
1) DON'T
2) BE
>Magnets lmao
I work for him and the guy that's working to increase electrostatic repulsion.
I can't afford £15 popcorn
But's he's on. ;)
Is that like a fetish or security thing? Either way I'm down, I also hardly blink so get use to that.
>dat video
God damn that song was was god damn gold, wtf mang why was that so hot? Think it was that 90s r&b vibe that sold me. But I wonder what your youtube recommendation look like viewing all this ish
~I bust that windows out in your car. I that I saw myself a Church's box.~
That shit was the god damn truth, church's is the most god tier brand name chicken spot. Truely this man is some kind of fallen angel, cause he fucked up his throat a little bit. He should sell those lyrics to some famous artist
>1) DON'T
>2) BE
>3) BLACK.
I failed that test the day I was a itch in my daddy's sailor pants
>I work for him and that repulsive guy
Just tell both of them to add water the lithium-ion batteries they shove in there
>I can't afford £15 popcorn
Least I know whatever county I see a movie in I'll still get jewed over for snacks. But bro just sneak in some spaghetti easy fix

Whoa whoa don't tell me you never snuck any outside food into a movie before. You just put it in you jacket and act like your a normie
>But's he's on. ;)
on the edge of the line

I'm briefly dropping by. This is the best Death Grips track, I think, and it also expresses so much of what I feel, so I will post this here. Anyways, I'm really busy. Apologies for whatever bullshit I've been putting up, but by this time it should be obvious I have a very difficult and temperemental character; I sometimes wonder why people bother talking to me; must be some good characteristic of mine that I am completely oblivious of, I think.

I had somewhat of an epiphany and a conscious change of mindset. I've never felt as confident as I do now about my capacities to do what I set out to do and this makes me feel so damn alive as I am finally completely in control of my life. Recently I made a very strong decision of dropping the words "I can't, I'm tired, I'll do it later" and so on from my mental vocabulary. Not sure what to add, but something has "clicked" and it is for the better.

I guess I will jump in some other day. To add, I'm damn excited about school. Each day that I have slaved away in forest I have brought myself closer to university and other good things.

Have a good night. Or evening. Morning. Whatever. It doesn't really mater.

I also read this.

sorry and have a good nakte
Nakte :--x
You too. :-x

Ayyy back from the "ded" or leased actually. But I guess you can say this a moody thread at times, you just can't tell how mad ppl get thru the internet.
Shit I remember taking words like those out of my mental thesaurus, it worked for me too but then I relapsed after I got out of highschool. Stay motivated mah friend

And I need to get back to your (you)s my bad my pham

guud nite
What ever happened to the bump master? Seems like only ameri"can"s are the only ones that can save you foreigners from your own mishaps.

But in any case enjoy this bump with pic included, complete with my acceded afro after a shower and picking it
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I've been listening to some pop-synth as of lately. I kind of like Chvrches. They are catchy and their music is pretty trash, but it is pretty comfy and that singer is very qt.
To answer your question: yes, I do. This is a very odd in itself, at least these threads are something very interesting in the context of 4chan. Most of this site is ironical shitposting or anonymous discussions, but this is quite the opposite. Think of tripfags amassing in a single on some other board; that is quite unheard of.
Oh, yes. There are so many different people from different walks of life and most of them are rather interesting, well, at least for me.
It's hard to say. Memories are often better than what actually happened. People are strange like that: you don't get to understand how good something is until it has passed.
Not too much, actually. Things have progressed a lot and I am making steps towards improving my life. There are some frustrations, mostly the idea of being stuck in my small town and the monetary mishaps of my family, but I've learnt to handle them as I've been in the same situation for years. Only thing that differentiates me from back then is that I have something of a goal and drive in me, something that I was quite lacking then.

I'm not leaving completely, but I won't be here as much as I was. If I can't work on quanitity, I should focus on the quality of my posts. It is better to have brief, but good conversations than many dull and repetitive ones, yes?
Sort of. Expect more conversations from me on Skype than in here though. Well it can be, but I think it up to everyone to keep the mood somewhat good. At least that is what I want to do. You too!

He did his duty to preserve the thread and now that he is gone, we should appreciate his efforts. Assuming that that person is a "he", but that is irrelevant.

Looking good man, by the way, I like your afro.

I'm going for now.
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You may think you're dandy but do you have a dog that acts as a parrot?

Too tired to reply, so here's a bump.
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>mfw good news about school.
Gonna use this opportunity to spam more Chvrches.
Cute doge.
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>Anonymous (ID: /51tkvap) 08/13/16(Sat)11:37:05 No.24192

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I have to go, have a good day.
>I have to go, have a good day.
same to you
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It's nice but I wish I did not live up to it that much sometimes, "Jaw-harat Al-Sahraa" kek I want to hear you pronounce it
Don't say rouge ;-;
Their sister of 11 years has it confirmed unfortunately

>When nostalgia hits

But does it happen that they come wandering around the neighborhood
So did he contact again today or all set for Monday
Kek documentary said suck out I can;t remember beyond that, well that and don't move around so it doesn't get to you heart as fast, at some point I was almost certain I'm going to be bitten by a snake some day
>Dude: he died sucking me
I'd drink antifreeze on purpose for that kek
Aw :') ty Drawanon

Thin bois are kawaii so you're good, I have to stop I'm gaining stomach again

They're cute tbqh, fair hair and eyes unlike their parents one of them has curly hair and is tom boyish, the other straight hair and very princess like in attitude
Tho I do imagine you as a very pleasant person to be around honestly
So it must've been some fancy place, but that is good discount

You should try them asap they are soo good with cottage and jam
I'll be waiting for that

So sup for today.

Elaborate then.

But muh offspring that will immigrate to Europe and change the way their gubment operates
Then who was phone ?
Make me

I don't know, can you repeat the question ?


>Good news
Very good news. Nice trips.
Will you tell them
Ty I got them myself.
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My mother met the principal of the school ( she happens to be the biology teacher also; she is a pretty smart woman ) I want to get my education at. I know her too. She told me of my plans and she was very pleased to hear what my mother had to say. Turns out she has a very high opinion of me and thinks of me as intelligent. She praised me for being that one kid who never went to school but still managed to outdo most of his classmates. And she told that she will contact us and that the little shit that I have left in 9th grade isn't very important and won't be any obstacle for me, that is, I will be able to strike an agreement where I will be able to get to the 10th very quickly. So it is not only I that wants to see myself educated, but also the school itself. Things are much better than I expected them to be. It really helps that I have a left a lasting impression on many of the teachers that teach at my local school. It's funny considering I was a lousy student that barely attended. They are sure I am capable. And I really am. All the gates are open for me. This only serves to make me even more confident that I already am. And my head is full of ideas and plans. And I have been doing everything I said. I have good reasons to be very happy with the way things are going.

Where do I cop some myself?
Aw :') I'm proud of you
It feels great to hear some good news particularly pertaining that matter, so it's a little more than two weeks till the semester now, feels like yesterday we were talking about it
You deserve everything good tbqh pham, may things progress for even better moments
I also admire how everyone really thinks highly of you, you're worth it

Apply here :--D
Bro what the duck I keep waking up at noon man this isn't good since I have job appointment in 2 days. Maybe I should go to the doctors and complain about a hangnail so I can get a prescription of xanax.

Think my dawg's copper breath woke me ;-√

(You)s are imbound
Oh, thank you, it really means much to me. You know, the best thing is that I could feel pride swell up in my mother as she recounted what happened. I'm really happy to know that she will have a chance to be happy about me.
Barely any time left, indeed. Only a few more days and I will call the principal. Few more and it will be all school. Time has really flown, looking back at everything. Few months ago I was completely in desperate, now I feel a surge of confidence that has built up over the last couple of months.
Thank you again!
I like making lasting impressions. And you really flatter me like that. :--xD

Ah, you were two digits off. :') Well, where is the form?
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really good band and really funny, thanks for teh keks
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Those are some really body proportions there on that statue. Graeco-Roman sculptors knew their shit. Although that could be a Renaissance or Neo-Classical made.

They're like a strange mix of Russian folk and punk. I recommend listening to them tbqh.
Yes and the graduation part, parents love these things kek
Indeed it feels nice when things pay off
Don't thank me
I will stop now kek
Hows the berry thing going

I missed because I was busy complimenting you, just sign here.

You know your sculptures my m8

Would do. The song is mostly about sucking dick tho lols. Occasional doggy style fucking. Overall, not bad/10.
I'm sure they do. I really want to make my family proud of me.
I'm so glad I actually found these threads and got that will to change in the first place. There are still plenty of flaws with me, but I think I might be able to work on them.
Haha, sure. I don't really mind it, but I suck at accepting compliments.
Not so good, this week was bit slow. I still have time and it hasn't exactly stopped.

Signed by Jānis XXXXX

How was your day?
I like them too.

This one is about the era when Soviet Union broke up and the chaos that ensued in Russia. They made songs so rude they got government mad kek.
I'm sure is already
You left a good change in them too
It's okay I don't know how it's done either :--x
Aso long as it hasn't I guess, what have you been doing with the laptop

There're trips in your future now

Alright, for a day I guess
To tell the truth not too good, some shit happened that I do not wish to say, not today a few days ago, but it's paining me.
Not as much as I'd like.
Yes, but I do too have that slight drive for perfection, so I am very keen on chiseling myself away until I am content with myself.
I blush easily, so it is painful sometimes. :--xD
Nothing much, really. I'm still getting used to it.

With your blessing, kek.

Why not? It's alright if you don't want to speak about it, but you got my curiosity.
I'll be waiting for your rebuttal to my novel posts on skype then. I need to start squeezing down my (You)s here and on skype tbqh. It should be everyone's job to keep the mood of the current thread, but you know some ppl want to talk about their depression and what not.
I kinda of feel bad not replying to some of those post here, but then again I can't play counselor everyday.

Why do you and your dag share the same facial expression? But you dog comes off pretty damn smug and I'm not liking it. I'm pretty sure my retart dawg is a much more of a friend then yours
Thats a promise
You're getting there
You'll never be totally content, but I get what you're saying
Aw you red rn ?
Did you watch anything recently ?

I only jinx kek, even unintentionally

I just don't, I did not want to say anything but I figured if I type anything related will ease a bit.
"Jaw-harat Al-Sahraa" fuck don't make me embarrass myself, guess I'm firing up Clyp
>Don't say rouge
swindler then?
Fuck that sucks, I hope she doesn't get chronic back pain from that. I get that sometimes, idk if a backbrace can even repair that

When nostalgia hits I remember that one time I took a piss

Ehhhh I haven't seen that happen in a while, happened in my hometown in the desert before. Theres a lot of dogs in ppl's front yards. And coyotes here a scrawny and avoid humans
Think its all set for monday, I should email him back. But he replied to my decently large email with a suppppper sort one.
I'm surprised you haven't with all the animals you fuck with. So next time someone gets bit by one I'll suck the poison out and swallow. Ty tv

Lol isn't that something you'd want someone to die for for you? Thats very glamorous
Ha I bet you would, maybe the greatest excuse for a drink ever created

Kek theres a fin line between thin bois and fembois. I pray I haven't gone to far

Is it the the american air that makes them look so gosh darn dosh like that. I hope their parents do something about their health tbqh. They could be singers or models
I'd like to think that, but I have my off days like any other moody young person. But shucks thanks for that :o
Bra it was a claims jumper, their like applebee's like a bar and grill

Cottage like cottage cheese, and what kind of jam? Idk theres even any left here. If you don't get called back then you already know they want experienced ppl. Pretty dumb tho

For one I need to vaccum my from cause my hair is everywhere from last night. I'll forsure go buy some alcohol today(maybe) and draw some shit
I will check the Skype out in a bit. Yes, but talking sometimes helps. It helped for me, in a way.
No of us can, really.
Yes. I'm patient.
I know, but I don't look for those things. I like turbulence and constant striving.
Was bit. I actually smiled now that you said it and I think I might have blushed, kek.
Nothing really. I've read some brief essays. Recommend me a film. I remember you recommending "If..." a very long time ago.

Dang it, I guess you are right because I missed mine. :/

Alright, I just hope that it isn't anything too terrible and that you will get better.
Ayyyyyy so that means your fucking in right. This might be the one time having a parent in the teaching department pays off. I'm glad the teachers think so highly about yourself, but don't get too cocky about that. You never know if some korean exchange students are studying over there
or something, watch yourself. Are you going to be attending regular classes or something a continuation schedule where you do most of your work at home and come in only a few times a day to take tests. The gates are open but are they to a draw bridge to cross to the next chapter of your life?
Or are they the entrance to the flood gates to wash you back to your former state? Thats up to you tbqh, go be and do all you can do.

Seems like the only time I can say anything deep is when I'm starving of hungry lol

what did he mean by this?

Check it but take your time with them. I need to find something sip and munch on right now. Talking helps but talking to some in person is always helpful, unless their not listening to shite you say
Then why do ppl keep coming here to vent? WHY? Kek I'm joshing you I know why

Enjoy those double (you)s pham I didn't want this to happen
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Alright I'm probably going to be gone today, so I'll leave you yall with this webm, of how my morning waking up usually goes when I wake up
Yes! She isn't related to me, but I and my mum know her well enough, so it does help. I'm not too cocky though, but I am going to try and get the best I can out of that impression.
Haha, I doubt so. I live in a town of something like 1300 people, so it is unlikely.
I will work entirely from home. All of the work is done on the computer, but I will probably walk to the school a lot to talk with the teachers.
Yes, they are. Finishing my school means a step closer to university. And university means moving out to a better envoirenment.
They won't. I'm too determined now.

Maybe that is why you should fast and remain pious. :')

I meant that police is at your door as we speak.

Yes, I will. I can't allow myself a weak (You), that would be below my usual performance, kek. I don't mind talking in person, tbqh.

Tthank you senpai. ~
Reminds me of my dead dog. ;-;
Sorry guys for missing on (You)s
I think I'm going to sleep earlier than usual today

Nakte. Sleep tight.
Dooge damn cute.
>They made songs so rude they got government mad kek.
Teh Kek lol ;)
Likable tastes
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I don't know if you know this band or not;
If one thing that school or more like job readiness class, is that networking is the best tool for getting somewhere. But if your going to use that impression in your favor I gots no problem with that, more power to you.
You never know man, one day chinese ppl will fly into your country to give birth to their kids for your education system. It happens in my hometown apparently
Alright that sounds pretty cool/chill and very modern. That seems like a pretty easy ride since you have the internet too. But kek you might be the only student in that program who'd visit them.
But hey theres always the military....(in strong and metallic lavitian accent)

Ehhhh that an easy answer. How do I get that ripped jesus bod with the 8 pack abs

Its pretty hard for me the do weak (You)s very odd. But I aim to be the greatest (You)ighter in all the land, I can see it now

>Reminds me of my dead dog
I can't even remember all my dead pets, our what my other pug looks like now. Damn thats sad

Oy m8 its all gud bruv. One luv one luv, just git your arse under your sheets and git to sheep and count yo dags

boa noite brbrbrbr

Thats what everyone says, but they don't understand the smell that dag emits, I just think she's fugly
>hats what everyone says, but they don't understand the smell that dag emits, I just think she's fugly
It's not worse than human mete. Not at all!
There are times when you have to get fucked up, just to feel normal. Why is it?
Sorry for not being able to reply in time, but I think I will be going to bed. I got caught up in some shite.
Well I haven't tasted anything yet and so I find it difficult to judge anything.
Sounds a bit too hot for me, I am white after all.
Who yells that from a distance? Do people care that much for me? I'm tearing up.
What is this secret seasoning you speak of?
Did I hear oyster?
I'm not in the market for oral orgasms, don't leave me with the spoilt milk.
I saw that one, I did regret not being in it as I did know everyone else in it. A work of art, if I may say so myself.
With my body! You can have all the discarded toenails you want.
If people go on hiatus it's usually for a reason or two. I didn't sense any backlash when I returned either. Assumption threads were still roasting though.
I suppose you either stop eating and substitute every meal with 4 cups of coffee, followed by an absurd amount of straight caffeine snorted.
Hospitals can decide to forcefeed you though, there's no escaping this hell love.
It could've been, but then again I'm a lot more sophisticated than that, as I'm sure you've noticed by now.
The sign shows where I went, to the arctic circle. Don't you read anything of what I put my soul into?!
You don't understand me like you used to. I want a divorce.
I started by looking at your picture before reading any of the stoped comments you made and I have to say you've seen some shit.
Never have I seen such a face of apathy. Horrified with slight erection.
Your walls are fine, Eric.
Your floor however, my goodness..
I'd rather not change that, I'm comfortable in my own chubbiness.
I seriously doubt that.
How dare you call me out for being oldschool? I'll have you know I bring the hottest memes around.
I'm Jesus.
Hehe, American. hamburger
I've devoted myself to my own kind of christianity where we're all equal except for the slaves.
You're my slave now.
Reinvigorate baptism, now or never.
I do pride myself on my intellectual prowess.
This is what gets me going.
There's a reason behind why people tripfag though, it's always nice being able to connect and keep that relationship with people, whether or not you actually know them personally.
Have you met someone in this thread that you haven't enjoyed talking to? I haven't, yet.
It's a bit contradicting when memories are superior to the event itself but we cherish it more when it's over. I do mean in the sense that often times we regret things like that, everything about it really.
I know you are, like so many others here making it's apparent that we evolve as a group in a way. I don't think we quite understand how important this can be, or will be.
It's never good to make a habit of something negative. I'm all for resilience but just because you can break something down it doesn't necessarily mean you can build it up again.
I'm not sure about that, it depends on your own view most likely. In hindsight you'll appreciate these moments more but all in all it really depends on you as a person and how susceptible you are to judgement.

See you later, slav-chan.
It's all right
I forgot to check your dubs, I'm sorry for that. I never really listened to death grips outside of this thread or this board. Unsure what I think about it.

Selected ice creams, ooh yeah.
jk bump
>you've seen some shit.
If you flip a coin 100 times it will fall on heads 50% of the time. I repeat you will not get head 50% of the times you toss it into the air.
This scares me...
I'm merely an actor in the game of the cat and mouse.
Oh you flirt.
You love my pudding floors. I saw you staring.
Hmu when you start waddling, we can call your brother up, eh. They're not called Sperm whales for nothing.
Wrong. I bring the memest memes this side of northeast ohio.
Your papa is a floating, invisible, sky beast? Where have you been, my lord?
>Cuck believes in equality
Sheeple be sheeping
Hey! They have names...like 50p, 20p, free...
Shall I bring my whips?
This isn't China...
Oh yeh?
Simplify this

>gubment operates
...How'd you know our plans! Lord, emperor, Obama won't be pleased.
I bet you'd like to know, wouldn't you
Bit I'm a paci-fist er...

In The Legend of Zelda, ‘Zelda’ was the name of who?
I...I look bootyful! :D
>Security fetish
How'd you know I'm american?
I'm used to it already, that implies everything and anything.
I just have a lot of bobs burgers and SJW shit. What does this mean?
Never had churches. :'(
Just bath in clorox, ALL the proud, black, celebrities are doing it!
...Do you have anymore suggestions? Asking for a friend...
Ravioli ravioli what's in the pocketoli.
Just carry in your back then glare at the jealous normies as you eat your Chinese.

I came, I saw, I
Edit button when?

At least expand the text box...
If you remember your password, you can always delete and repost XD
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>>Music Discussion
Currently listening to Joe Hisaishi. Also been digging Jake Bugg lately. Saw Awolnation last month and they played really well.
>What aren't you doing?
Dating. Being a normal human being.
>>Why you are a fucking NEET weirdo?
My brain doesn't work right? I'm not NEET but have always been weird.
>Video Games
I finally have a computer that can run The Witcher 3, so I should start that soon. I played through Fallout 4 about a month ago. It was okay. Also played through a few short indie games on Steam (Axion Verge, Breath of Death 7, Cthulhu Saves the World, Titan Souls) and enjoyed those.
>>Books you're currently reading
Chess strategy books. Should start the 4th Dark Tower book at some point.
>Films etc.
I'd like to watch the Ghibli films after Ponyo. Been told Deadpool is supposed to be funny. Last movie I watched was The Warriors.
>>General Discussion
Drinking Steel Reserve at 2am. Whoo
Dead battery awakened me. Life is not chess. It's checkers. Left or right and there is no move backwards. Too linear to be complex.
I mean my meat and potatoes have smelled bad before, but my dawg is in heat and has been cleaning her junk nonstop
The mixture of dog breath mixed with the shit shes been eating(again) and blood make one powerful cocktail

I'm going to take the high road and go to sleep early, I don't want to see the cloack hit 4:00am anymore

>How'd you know I'm american?
You revealed your true nature the second we meet, didn't you know? This battle has already been decided even before we fought.(I've been watching to much anime ;\)
But you can't be used to it cause you'll will never understand the true nature of the struggle of a nigga just wanting sum chicken
Kek it means that bob's burgers has subliminal liberal measuring in it, and its already weaking you.
But 4chan embed links really fucked up my jewtube sit tbqh
>Never had churches
I can only assume theres one over there but its name brand. So if you got a real chicken place your not missing out
Nahhh clorox will just give me that MJ nasty look. I want that slightly ashy obama look going
Yeah tell him(you) to put the battery in your mouth and apply water. We should do that to POWs
Probably a gun and some white dude shouting nigga

Just hide that Chow Fun in your under your pants you'll be fine

Ayyy I guess I got someone to talk about and complain about the witcher 3 now. I hope your computer is up for it. I know I had to drop the resolution on mine. I'm on my third play thru atm but I've still haven't bought the dlc, I hear its pretty good too
And how was that steel reserve? I've seen them before but never tried one if I can remember right.

Alright yall my late (You)s are done and void I'm off to bed, I'll just let myself out......
This plonker bought an account.
What are you a Paid Poster?
Lucky son of cunt.
You belong here
>strategy books

In my professional opinion go into it and rate it on it's own merits.
It is funny tho.
>didn't you know?
How do you know I'm not merely acting?
>to much animus
>to much

>Complains about having a natural resistant to maryland chicken
Just change that ninjer to a ninja
>Not being a liberal in 2016
Get in the trash reason.
I shall wear my +5 logic makemericadecent'gain hat
>what was that
>I can't hear you
>over the
the youtube
We have KFC and asian places for our chicken, it's a different kind of hell but you get used to it.
Just try to whiteify your hood-ass daughter(s)
>Primary school games
Don't forget border control, tackle and beat up those mexicans.

>Pretend it's an octopus

I really miss waterworld.
Russian government is no joke. ( There is humor in saying this, lel. )
I don't! Sounds pretty dope tbqh. Very folkish!
Connections are always good, aye. I'm actually surprised things turned out as well as they did, so I am very appreciative of this.
So you are saying that Chinese are going to take over this small town? They're small people, they surely can't hurt us at all, r-right?
That is so because Latvia is literally permeated with optical fibre and will be a super power before 2030. I don't think I will be the only one though. Lots of older people take this option as it allows them to work and study at the same time.
Screw the military though. Ours is very small, but the professional part of it is pretty serious business and it essentially means that you are guaranteed to be shipped off to some warzone. NATO standards and all.

You eat loads of bad food and exercise without a clue as to what you are doing. That works for me.
>implying I'm not a skeleton as well

I should really log in my Skype so I can finally reply to you, kek. I completely forgot, sorry mang.

He was a small shit with a very furry coat. It's not even that sad though, kek, but I liked that doge.
I'd say nine out of ten times it is attentionwhoring, tbqh. It's even worse on boards like /lit/ where tripfags are walking bait. There have been some very good tripfags though.
Can't say that I have.
Well yes. I was pretty low back then, so I can't say it was the best time, but there was so much fun and activity as well, so it is a mixed bag. I think some people prefer to remember the good things, atlhough some focus on the bad.
It's been very important for me. Honeslty I don't know if I would've have changed myself hadn't I found these threads. These were a wake up call, in a way.
Either for the better or worse, I am very judgemental. Not that I necessarily thing it is a bad thing, but it leaves a bad taste in mouths of many people.
It is!
Better late than never, bby. ;')
It takes awhile to get used to them, I think. It was so for me.

I love ice cream. There is a stereotype about Latvians and ice cream: Latvians are apparently horseheaded people that eat ice cream all the time and have six toes. Or so our neighbours think of us.
What the hell is that you are drinking?
Well, I actually meant to post this as V A P O R G R I P S
You look alike
>It is!
Or is it
>ice cream
Wonder if it goes bad if you don't eat it on time.
Is that a compliment?

...Thank fuck you.

>facial expression?
I rant to him about all my woes and diabolical plans, I think it's getting to him.
>liking it.
Dogs, what can you do?
I'm not sending him to the Chinese
Does yours lay it's head on your head when you're feeling down, lick your forehead, then bark for ten hours at the door?
>Your dog cannot compete.
>>Unless it's for pugness
Thanks mane.
But you will get head 50% of the time. This I comply with.
What are you gonna do? CRy?!
Your acting skills are subpar, you're demoted to dishes. This is a sign of my own weakness.
Ever so slightly.
I saw nothing as my face was implanted into it, munching away.
I'm sorry ma'am, you no longer have any floors, it was an alcohol.
I'm not wearing these fly jeans from the 90's for nothing. Hmu when you wanna get serious about the produce.
I'm split lickety something.
I've been inside you all this time, don't press charges.
It was all a trickery, you almost fell for it. I can see it in your eyes.
That's a good idea, your slave name will be Kenneth.
I've got plenty of whips already boy.
This is China.

Attentionwhoring is also a reason, this is why /soc/ is here in the first place. We're all bastard children.
They do seem rather difficult for some people to get into though, noone new ever really comes around it seems and I know I've seen comments on how some tripfags just circlejerk without letting anyone in. Maybe we're being too shut in.
That's true. If only decisionmaking was as simple as focusing on the good things or the bad things without dealing with the consequences of both.
I think you would've, perhaps not right at this time but without a doubt in the near future. You already had the incentive, all that was needed was a bit of drive. Don't stop patting yourself on the back thanking others. You did this, congratulations mate.
So am I. I think being judgemental in a way is good because it's easy to distinct between if you feed yourself the information in its most obvious form.
I appreciate people being honest and straight forward with me, it makes me able to work on myself but also learn and teach other people.
We learn who we are based on getting to know others after all.
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You're welcome.
I've never attentionwhored. :^)
I guess everyone has matured to the point that everyone new is quite alien. Then agian I was a newfag to these aswell in February when I first came and I was welcome.
Ah that becomes quite difficult then. To sway one way or another in accord to some memories.
I am afraid I might become quite arrogant. I have a tendnecy towards that, actually. I'm quite the asshole in person.
I don't mind giving judgement to people. I have never understood the negative stigma with this. If I feel like someone is an ass, I have to trouble giving him out as much that he is indeed is an ass.
Yes, that helps a lot.
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The ass
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I'll meme you one day, I the artist grant you the may you to say so
Nothing Arab-voodoo disregards, send them to my address
Things did change for most of us, that is even after a bulk of the posters left but it lives and that's a good thing
I think came a period when I did not even browse soc except for this thread, but the whole board is slow nowadays, even assumption threads are not what they used to be

I'd snort anything rn, I do have a tea addiction tho
But surely there're fragile spots, I want to find the gap or bomb one if it comes to it

You don't get my puns like you used to ;-;

Tho tbqh the first time I did not finish reading beyond your Swedish aS#@E#@sds!&*...
My heart's already on the noose bb.

I talk to "people"
Ismashed (because what else does system do after taxing but fuk us all)
Show me the world, shining shimmering splendid
I'm not that type of grille

Your mom ?

You like it huh babes.

Yes, I do know what you like :--D
Should've asked for a picture when it was that time
Yes do see If... and tell me what you think please

Bad things will come to you in my company

I'll get over it, in time

I don't know if you read what I posted earlier but I've been trying to "let go", did some more cleaning ans organizing today, feel a little lighter now, or maybe actually feeling the idea in action instead of it remaining a hope and what if
Preparing myself and those around me mentally for my departure even if it's a year or around so from now, but in past week I came to point where I was choking again, the moment was a lot more intense than ones I had before but it was shorter because I managed to snap out of a little faster this time, I can say I am at a point where there is motivation once again, but at least no longer allow myself to wallow in self pity for prolonged periods.
I woke up on time but I got caught up doing "things" around the house. But my stomach ache from the flesh of of beast or cheeto dust. And I must fight off the urge to crap myself while i type these (You)s

Uh ahhh, Impossible my technique was perfect. Does this really mean I'm as weak as they said I was?
Ohhhh wait I mean "too" much, thanks teach even tho your a asshole
>maryland chicken
Not even I have had that god sent of nigger bird yet, besides maryland is ghetto as hell

Thinking librals are the only trash, when theres more then one diaper that stinking up the pile
>mfw your not a ironic, unironic fascist like me

>+5 logic makemericadecent'gain hat
You must not know of god lord +10 white paladin makemericagreatagain hat. It also buffs your charaisma if your intelligence is low

Yeah enjoy this recommendation that some how got on my youtube. I'm glad I don't stay logged in to my gmail. All i got is a bunch of car shit if I do log in

Theres was a pretty good chicken spot called Louisiana fired chicken, but ironically was ran by koreans. Still good food but they'd sometime fry that shit in the same oil they fired their fish in.
>hood-ass daughter
But mister Obama took his childrin out of the hood

If you can't stand octopus then just pretend it squid, those are completely different animals, one of them dosn't even need swim. Trust me
How come? Please, are you mindreader? :-DDD
You couldn't see shit with my shitty webcamera though. ;-;
Alright, I will download that film.

Strange how I ignore all of the forebodings.

Please do. :'-DDD

Is there someone specific you've been trying to let go or is it just a genereal sentiment? I did read your posts, gosh. They made me feel bad about myself and my asshole moves.
And don't get back to self-pity and wallowing. Only ascend now. Now that sounds very optimistic, but I think it is possible to get out of whatever mood.

Bit half-assed post.
Kek no you didn't, you have something really nice about your accent btw
Yes pls, anything but that word
She has stiff muscles and can't play like other kids anymore, she will be paralyzed in time they say, nothing repairs it man, and no cure yet

That is a romantic moment, cherish it, keep it in your pocket in a heart shaped locket

Theres a lot of dags*** in ppl's frotn yards
Pls get it right next time
If you wanted to get rid of someone who's tiny you could just throw them by the coyotes right
That's how they act, high and mighty and too busy for our asses, hopefully one day we'll get to act like that
Ikr, I used to play in the trees and tall grass in the middle of the summer, just lay there for long at times, but I guess that's what the twenty cays were good for, they left no creature alive, rarely have we had any snakes or mice
Omit poison from last statement

You have some faggy wishes tbqh Drawanon :--D
Will do anything for drink

But has science gone too far

I need to hurry to murica then or am I beyond saving , or has science once again gone too far
Nothing much to be done tbqh until they find some cure for it
Shite I googled and I'm jelly ;-; I've had ice cream and a crepe for a meal today

Yes with any jam of preference, I like cherry personally

Oh my, what happened last night
did you end up buying ?
Just don't get to excited about it and hold those expitations till you walk thru the door. You never know, you might get some shitty or milfy ass teachers
>surely can't hurt us cause their small
They already polutted the hell out of their country and its had an impact here. Idk if their going to take that place over. But there is a lockhead in that town which still develops military aircrafts. Wouldn't be surprised if they all want to work there.
Soon while all be picking berries for our latvian masters, space colonies when? But program doesn't seem like it would eat up to much of your time tbqh, least you can still get edumacated and make some money on the side, don't give up that opportunity
Ehhh I don't think I'd want to get caught up in NATO shit, I honestly don't even know what they do anymore. Is there some Latvian Brigade or something? Whats the point of shipping ppl out when its not so big

Well I got the bad foods part worked out, don't know what I ate yeserday but its fucked my stomach up rally good.

Ehhhhhh idk do it in your own time, its going to get very confusing having two sets of large (You)s here and there, but all well

Now I can't wait for mine to die so i can remember all the goo........the things about this dwage

>I think it's getting to him.
He'll soon want to challenge the master for his title and claim to the dojo
Send his ass to the thais then, they make a good pealed dog at half the price. They'll even let you keep the collar too, unlike the chinese who cook ever bit
I'll sometime wake up with her head buried on my dick(which is not my cup of tea tbqh) She can't touch my head cause my afro, but she'll lay her head on my arm or something.
Pretty sure your dog just misses the mail man, mine dosn't bark that much since she a retsrt. But she'll spend a good thiry mins licking her bean. Does that count?
Science bb :--D (I'm kind of stuck on the word science for now kek, brace yourselves)
All webcams are shit, which is why I like their pictures, you gotta try with them tho

Dat edge :--D

I try

My weak self, I figured amputate the infected parts
Don't feel bad, it was nothing and I mean from both of us
Yes slowly but ascending, not going to rush my self into thinking I am yet, but in preperation for it.
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I'm always a cynic about everything mang.
So they breed like goblins. God praise the Aryan mens and let us not persih against htis yellow blight. :-DDD No work here, we laready lack work for ourselves. Strangely enough some companies are hiring Ukrainians because they work for pennies. IMMIGRATION WHY?
Space colonies are only coming up. Soon enough, brother. You can be a honorary Latvian. We're a tall nation, so you will fit in. That is what I like the best about that. I do intend to overwork myself in education though because I really feel like I should give a complete effort.
I'm not so sure about that, but I am pretty sure there are our soldiers, somewhere.

How come? No matter what I eat my stomach keeps on working.

Well they can wait. :^)

He won't die, I grant him immortality.
Teach me your ways, o' wise maiden. ( Why so? )
Ok, here is a particularly shit photo without any context at all.

Just don't chisel it away. :-DD

You better do. ( Don't tell me what to do, am I rite? :') )

If I can improve, you surely can too.
Yeah, but I was very mean. I am a very mean person in general.

How was your day?
So randum Xxd (Just happened)
Are you styling your hair now

Idk man I'm pretty good with justing


I can, but matter of will I, anyway
You might've been but I'm not known to be sensitive either

Nothing unusual, my body is aching from yesterday's workout so did not move around much
A colleagues wedding was today, and she bothered with sending a card, but I did not attend, for I hate weddings and I decided to start doing things I don't want to do less often
I got word of more suitors, I guess people assume that since I finished part of my education that I'm so ready and excited to fulfill the "other half of my religion" and marry, they were talking about it in front of a cousin of mine, she told them that I wouldn't accept an illiterate, it was to my advantage that she spared me the awkwardness of them actually coming over but she did it out of jealousy because she's my age and single but they said in front of her that they heard I was decent looking and from a good family
Kek I guess that was sufficient to make you regret asking

And yours ?
Mfw when I don't want to see that time, but the anon i talk to from across the pond has to almost everyday for the sake of the (You)s

Ayyyyy I didn't fuck it up!! Really? I don't think I'll be able to figure out what it tbqh, I kinda hate my voice st
I'm going to remeber to not say the r-word around ou for now on lol. Your now a rascal
Eh fuck man, thats depressing honestly saying that. Thats one of those things i wouldn't wish on anyone. Mobility is one of those things you take for granted till you lose it

I neither own a pocket or a heart shaped locket but rather take a rocket to the end till I dock it

Is it me or is dag ownership getting a bit played out now? And I'm already sick of seeing pit bulls, to many faggots have them now
Its either I get it right or get it tight
I could do that, but you have to give the coyotes a little more insensitive, like a open wound or maybe some gravy train dawg chow
Seriously at what age do we get to sit on our arses and act like sum big shot. I just want ppl to respect my greatness and have to listen to the dumb things I say
Kek I'm surprised they never brought back a ded snake as a gift. But duck man I miss climbing in playing trees, fuck being old

Wh-what I thought thats what everyone wanted too????
Don't say that in the states lol. Bruv if you get the hair out the sink I'd buy a $100 bottle
Kek is science to blame why I have no chest hair yet?

Seek asylum from your parents, cause they bet you and tell you sweep up the cinders from the fireplace. But fast food has strange effects on youth tbwh
Yeah wheres the cure for chronic butthurtness? Cause I need it
Don't get too jealous, you don't need a formal dress or anything. But holy shit how has your stomach not exploded yet. What kind of icea cream

Uhhhh don't say anything but I like grape jam

Maaaaan I didn't and I'm mad, cause I can't do anything today cause of that job. maybe I'll buy some when i come back. I'll make sure to post my finds too
Randum xDDDD ( It always does, doesn;t it? )
No, it's just fuck my shit up-tier now. I hate how it looks between being short and long. Very odd and awkward phase for me. Unless you can washing hair and saltwater from sea as styling. It's sunbleached though.

Shaping me, oh, noes.

>those funny English sentences
Of course you can. You have lots of things going on for you, so keep on holding youself together.
Yes, but it isn't good for any conversation tbqh.

What did you do for a workout?
Don't fall to pressure anyways. I've never been to a wedding. I've only been to burials. Latvian ones are funny. First part is all sadness and gloom, the other one is lots of alcohol and happiness.
Decent looking, eh? Why can't they fug off with their husbando stuff and leave you alone. ;-;
No, it wasn't. I'm actually curious. I don't ask anything if I don't care to get the asnwer.

Very boring. Nothing much, really. Had a few drinks with someone who tried to extort money from me. Now he owes me money. Funny how Eastern Europe goes.
Good stay that way don't let anything surprise you or at least don't let ppl see you get surprised. Thats how you keep it kool
Don't know if thats true in the states, but some how american educations are better than chinese ones idk how that is. Did the war in Donbass turn ukrainians into Mexicans or something. Wheres trump when you need him?
Immigration so I can get the hell out of this place
Only space colony I'd want to live in are the ones in 0079 gundam, but they do have a habit of blowing up sooooooo idk. Yeah I'll be that honorary lativan who has to live in the segregated block, but might still be worth it. Just don't over do it and over load yourself.
If you close your eyes and can only see homework on a computer screen in your mind, you might be a redneck, or I mean working too hard.

Just remind me to stay out their way. And I'm cool enough for you to tell me not to come to school right?

Pretty sure I ate nothing but junk food yesterday that might be the cause. I really need to stop doing that
>they can wait after I spam you my sanic fanfic, I know your a fan

pls pls don't, I just want a big dag after this one

Fucking skim this shit, I need to paraphrase these (You)s
I am as cool as James Bond was in Dr. No. No surprises for me.
REEE! Ukrainians out. Probably that has caused them to emmigrate. They quite like sucking European Union cock anyways. Hope they enjoy their "benefits" as cheap workforce for poor Eastern Europeans.
What is that? Well, don't blow them up then, bb. You will have a whole ghetto for yourself, so no worries.
Redneck? How come. I am already white trash so, I am not that far. OPAAA ZHOPA.

Don't come to school, some of you are fine.

I've never been large on junkfood tbqh.
>sanic fanfic
Please post.

I will buy a tiger after this tbqh.
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An ordinary human is part male and part female. When two come together, it completes the human.
Yes, just one big coincidence
It's alright really, not awkward very normal, but keep growing it longer

I don't know if I posted this earlier

Kek I like my sentences the way they are
I will
It happens sometimes, needless stress over it

That thing I signed up for, I was soaking literally, my hair was dripping when it was over
At least they have a fun part, in addition to the plus of having one less person to worry about, I have so many people I want dead in all seriousness
Well in comparison with other girls from my town, it's that time of my life, they don;t have to fug off because I will
I know but it was a long gossip story

What kind of drinks, wait so you gave him after all ? Is he the type that would actually payback.

No man you have a nice voice, I personally like it I think I've told you before
And I shall live up to it
It is, but eh life what can one do

Rock it don't block it not with an eye socket

Kek can you please record you saying dag, fuck man I cannot not laugh when I read it, every fukken time
Drawanon I'm worried for you, you're heating up like spaghetti and you know what happens next
An ax to the head works ?
We don't, that's why we fedora up on /b/ because that;s the closest thing we can get to it
Ikr those days, I remember there was a tree I used to climb at school during the break and it was known as my (and my gang's) tree the younger classes wouldn't dare come near it
My cats are jews I think

You hang out with the wrong crowd bro
Drinking being the only haram in the process**
Fuck after a week of cleaning the toilet I'd do that now get going to the store
No that part is your mother's fault

Taking shit from no one, effective immediately after I start earning my own money, As long as it's pancake I can handle kek
Mountain dew to ease pain, rat poison to cure
Not like I have any left, only one I have left is gypsy tier ;-;
We're all big coincidences. To say that determinism doesn't stay true in face of will. Neither does free will. ( Duh! )
It looks shit and that's it.

You did. :-X

They're bit hard to read sometimes.
WILL. ( I like that word, it's my favourite. )

So you are getting into shape? Good job.
It's usually fun when you have a bottle of 0.5l in your ribs. Like who? Oh edgy Meen. :-xDD
Just one year or two, right?
I don't mind, to be honest.

Brandy. I haven't given him shit, but I convinced him that he does indeed owe me money that he doesn't because old obligations and I have helped him out a very long time ago. Obviously not the type, but I can get him to help me out in different ways even if it isn't with money. They are very weary of me because they know that I am not stupid and respect me me more because I told them to fug off.
So if an androgynous comes together with another only then are they two.
Sorry sorry, I always do the ninja edit. I think too much blood is circulating on me today. I can't tell. It's all hypnotic and kind of awesome at the same time. Can be more awesome. Should be.
True what you say my friend from another mother.
Who yells that from a distance? Do people care that much for me? I'm tearing up.
Did I hear oyster?
>don't leave me with the spoilt milk
Get a blood release. Or whatever they call that thing where they drain your blood.
>So if an androgynous comes together with another only then are they two.
No haha. It's separate. Forming one. I did try to rewrite to make it more clear ;X
I believe it's called bloodletting.
Let my blood be, man.

>Let my blood be, man.
all good :X
I want no trouble ;pp
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Which james bonds? That can get you killed in some places mah friend, I'm telling you this cause i like you
I mean I guess they'll enjoy those factory nad lumber yard jobs at low low prices. But fuck you might be seeing alot of them if their as dedicated as mexicans.
>Give a mex a job and he'll make dosh. Give him two and I bet he'll be paying you
Spacui Colonioo are just big cylindrical structures that "spacenoids" live in. And the bad guys throw them at the earth a few times
Nahhh thats a whole different genre its self, its a life style chose you got to commit to. And have in truck with a big ass petrol or diesel v8 is one of them

>Don't come to school, some of you are fine.
This is what i wanted to hear

Don't come to america, that is the cheapest form of food which lower income ppl end up buying. One of the many reasons why people get obbeast

Thats easier than you think man just got to saudi arabia or china. That shit would would be tight as a tigher until it breaks your ceiling fan and your mum gets mad
Well, it's all conflict after all. I may have a treaty for you tho -^_^-
cool jpg
Unbiased unprejudiced eh.

I apologize for nothing

I don't care :----D
Only naturally it is

Oh yes so much difference than lets say a few months ago
That's where my gap exists ;-; Like so many, where do I even begin
Thing is, I want to be >>>/out/ by next September when the semester usually begins, I really want to go to the US so I searched for schools in NY, found one with a decent couple of programs
But it;s expensive, and I need to look for a scholarship, now the scholarship that I saw and the that usually students from my department get requires a one year working experience and I haven't even started working yet
Now I haven't searched for UK yet or haven;t in detail to precise, but the scholarships are easier there

Do you intend to make him help soon or just a reminder ?
No you're very far from stupid tbqh, and from what I know quite serious
So just that for today ?
The best one, obviously. Don't you know, mane? You can always get killed, but life is to be lived very risky.
I should hire a personal Ukrainian assistant. Not so long ago our local factories hired some Moldovians, but they got pushed out by locals that weren't so happy about foreigners.
That is capitalism for you, bby.
Oh, y-yeah, those are Latvian made, obviously. E-enjoy your space on spaceship.
I never chose to be a hick, I was molded by hicks and criminals, now I am become a hick.

I'm always there for you. ;')

I can't get obese, I have thin genetics. I eat like a cow and I don't get any weight.
>tfw eat lots of salmon and fat rich food yet still skelly and feel hungry constantly

Let's go to China together.
As always.

No need for apologies. :')

I've actually grown quite fond of how strange your sentences can be, by the way.
Actually I am quite obsessed with will since I've realised how far it can take you.

Oh meen is becoming a thin girle, very good to hear. Now I have to get thinner though. I eat too much, yet don't gain weight. I'm not sure why do I feel so hungry, but I must eat.
Don't worry, you will fill them up soon enough. Speak you're mind. :-xD
I will be stuck in Latvia for so long. I wish I could study abroad though. :/ You like NY?
How is your work looking like anyways? I know you applied for some place, but will you get anywhere?
Always have that place as plan B though.

Of course I do. He already has. As funny as it sounds, it has been some shite around my house. Getting some wood sawed with a chainsaw ( he has one ) and other shite. He can also take me places with his car. And I can use him to get drunk if I wish so. I don't know if I have mentioned this, but I've been using people like this for a very long time. If there is something you can learn from people like this, it is manipulation. Most of the drugs I did were for free and alcohol was very likewise so. 1/2
I've done stupid things though. Still, even though I was a very apathetic piece of shit, I have got to known some very useful people.
Kek they might fuck me up tho, as one of the programs I liked at NY was called Art writing, thanks :--x
And once my feet land on burgerland/crumpetland I will believe in it too

I was thin :-x just wasn't toned, kek why do you have to are we in competition without me realizing
I'd start with my uncles keke, does that surprise you
Won't you try after school tho ?
Yes I do actually, if not NY at least Washington, anything east coast xD
I don't know I'm just sending my resume and wating no replies yet, the Museum manager came back from Italy so i will try talking to her since some dude from HR quit , because of her kek
Ah yes I'm going to apply for multiple places

>I can use him to get drunk
Best use ever kek
You're right it's quite useful, remember that fag teacher he used to always tell me what I need to start doing this but I haven;t learned to yet tbqh
Fug ;-; for free , don't tease me

At least you got to do stupid shite, I'm too old to be doing stupid shit now.
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It. Because of it and it alone we conquer. We defeat our enemies. The whole reason why we haven't nuked one another and the whole reason we hold our bases is because of it. Lies have been invented to preserve it. It was and it will be. We get mad and we get angry and we call it names, but at the end of the day, if we are lucky, it is there. It is the best thing that can happen to any one of us. It is both, the pleasure and the pain. It is everything and it is life. It is the beginning and it is the end. It is all about it. It is the damn stage and it is the damn theater!
Maybe its time to make a career in book audio. But I feel like you've told me that or at least some one has
Go buy a rascal, ???, profit
You've been in france to long

I try to rock as well as I like to floc it, but tell me why I have a rocket in my pocket?

Why is it cause I'm rhyming to much? I should stop but usually I'm terrible at. I get burnt right?
Well why get the coyotes out if your just going to brain him?
Kek two shitskins shit posting it up would work. I kind of miss counter racial shitposting, everyone thinks I'm white
Well they'd never let use climb trees at school, thats a law suit just waiting. Thats pretty gosh darn dosh pham, did you just kick kids out(off) you didn't like
They all probably came from the holy land. Some could have been spies and you didn't even know it

If I did I would have told you everyone just needs pussy and money. Thats a goal for a lot in solcal
Thats ehy you need to buy in bulk, having a cache of forbidden things buried out in a field safe and sound so the sun dosent heat up the munitions
Kek I'll say I feel that pain but, I'm sometimes the cause of that
An ax to the head works ?

When you land a job just let a few months past before you start talking shit. Thats what I did and will do again, cause I do almost all the house work here and its gai
Jesus christ thats pure white trash shaman medicine, how do you know this?
Kek we're on the same boat then, all I really need is a court appearance outfit and I'll be fine, maybe
I'll just say i know which one your talking about, and put the safety back on my ppk
That dude would probably be taking "make yourself at home" way to seriously, maybe as a gardener. Kekels to those patriots for kicking them out, no foreign workings in factories pls. I'm not in a union or anything but pls

Oh you know you or me won't be up there for a few decades, unless we marry into lush rich aryan or jew families
Go wine about your country boy woos in some honky talk jams. You'd be fucking famous, the slav country boy. i know some soveits

Thats our excuse but have you ever talked to a fat person before? They make it sound like a struggle
Nah thats still natural food that burns up in your body like its suppose to

We'll hit up hong kong first to get our barring then go to the mainland and do some exploring, but we'd have to go see the great wall. I should put that on my bucket list. That and getting Tibetan hashish
Art writing? Oh, you could write? Now you're talking. Tell me more please.
It helps to think that you will get there despite anything that could go wrong.

Didn't you say you were chubbier when younger? Maybe, but I have certain advantages. There isn't a trace of fat gene in the male line of my family. So you might lose that one, but you still win since you're pretty cool. :-xDD
What's wrong with them? Mine are pretty cool, although I've had fights with the one I lived with.
I will, but I will probably school here because I lack the means to school abroad. Maybe after I get bachelors then I can go abroad.
Why do you like East Coast?
Please keep me informed, if you can.

Indeed. I can't even count the times he has borrowed money from someone else so we could get drunk. This might make me sound like a bastard, but everyone does that here and the best thing you can do is take advantage of someone so you aren't taken advantage of.
You should've had listened to him. :-xdD
Yes, 4FREE. This is why it was bit hard to drop everything. Shit is actually pretty expensive if you blow it everyday.
No need to tease you. :-xDD Remember I already told you are guaranteed to get bum beers from me in unforseeable future, kek.

You're never too old to blow your money in cash slots and get drunk out of being angry with yourself for doing so. You think like a very "young", so it isn't an issue for you.

When do you sleep?
Treaty? Treat me well, knave. :^-^:
Oh you do? You actually do? I obviously meant the best James Bond. *The* best, you know what I mean?
They would probably get drunk too often and I would have to drop them though. Can't trust Ukrainians though, even if I have some of their blood in me.

That's my goal. I need to marry a rich Jewess so I can spoil her with my superior Aryan genes. WE WUZ CULTURAL ENRICHMENT AND SHIT.
I'd rather not. Complaining about our country is our national sport, so I wouldn't stand out.

They do, but for some doing something as much as waking up early is as struggle, so it is a matter of perspective.

I want to go to North Korea now.
Speaking of sleep I was about to post that I am going to, at least after thirty minutes or so, I need to do a couple of things before I do
I need to wake up early because I found that makes me feel a little better
Talk to you tomorrow

I must go my pillows need me, but I forgot to mention I had TWO ice cream sandwiches (such a healthy diet)
Night Drawanon.
I can't tell if you're hitting on me keke |▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡

I'm into gilrs.
Night 4losopher.
Can you record some meme shit before you go though? :-x
He is watch out.

Sister :-xxx
Tomorrow I promise.
>He is watch out.
Keke thanks anonymous from ITT CHAT/DISCUSSIONS

Night, sleep please. Break my hart in the morning again.
I'm a girl, btw. :')
She has stolen me a recording. ;-;
Alright, I will be waiting. :-xD
Sleep tight. :-x
( I might record something tomorrow too, so pls get some cool ideas while you sleep. )
Pic related. I hope your taking about the *best* right here cause he is the best by far--I'm being ironic, License to Kill was by far the worst bond film of all times
That was the same thing I was thinking, I mean i don't want to sound racist, cause i never joke about race. But some of them just seem to be ready to pick up the bottle, their rus one way or another.

That wedding would be like a romeo and juliet one, where two families with a tattered history become one for the good reasons. They'd probably let you plough the whole Steinburg family since you look so bold and stern
If you came over to america and song the honky talk you'd be a national treasure in a heartbeat, mericans love foreigners picking up their music. Sounds like a joke but its not

>matter of perspective
Thats the best way to describe that. Thats what I need to start saying when they vent about it, that will quite them down. Rolling out of bed is a totally different thing from them than it is for me

Ayyy lets go and take as many north korean flags as possible look how it turned out for this guy

Kek yeah go chock out your pillow with your hair he's probably into it. But hell two isn't that bad unless they were some double XL sized ones, fuck i want one now
Sleep well and farewell palechan
>I'm a girl, btw. :')
Nice try mr.neckberd. Somehow I trust you.
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I can't decide if I should a) fix existing engine or find a match for it. Either way I'm putting turbo. Just did a pressure test on the radiator it's not cracked yet. Also undecided if new or keep the existing. I'm putting turbo and modifying the alternator bc Jap cars have alternators on the bottom. I was told to build a cover for it. I also have a cracked exhaust pipe and one the suspensions is bent from when I was 4x4. Water pump is dead.

Only think that works on it is transmission. Oddly enough I want to change it as well.
Thing is think. Mobile.
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i said turbo twice eeeh. Picture related is what I'm building.

Need rear brake disks too. One is cracked.
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last post before I go and pull the engine off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHKWIJpScRw
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i wanna raise this. What recommend?
yeah get a kit
YEAH RECOMMEND ONE FAGGOT i dont know much about this stuff. I just know how much money i've put into to keep it working.
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I hate to tell you but your car is weak. 300ish total if you want good quality that will last. There is no recomendation as I am not a manufacturer. Take that to the guy you'll be buying your kit from.

If you just want it higher, buy from your local auto parts store. They have everything you need.

Type of suspension? Here is mine.
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Lift your can then replace. Or in my case for rear I have to add or remove. In any case I hope you know how to lift your car to change your tire keks.
Why do you want to raise anyways? Seems pointless. Kind of like kids who think that lowering Hondas will make it run any faster.
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anyways this is the Cherokee you want

First one is around your year and watch 6 min hah. Nothing agaist Jeep(s in general it's just they seem under perform on tough terrain. Preferences, nothing more.
>raising your SUV
>putting a turbo on it
What the fuck are you thinking?
Get an engine that doesn't require dinky maintanence and fag stress tests, bore that shit out, get a new cam, heads, rings, and go carbureted. Seriously, you fucked up first by driving a Toyota that wasn't a car or van, but to make it even worse you're considering a turbo over a super. You want torque with that kind of weight, not high end horsepower, don't be fucking stupid. The only thing worse you could do is to request a "twin turbo". If you plan on lifting your truck and want it to actually be worth it, you want the torque to compensate and work with your suspension system, not just drag all that gay-high-end that you just blew 400 on. Outside of that, if it doesn't kick 500HP/700lb/ft flat then why the fuck are you lifting it? Do you want to have a cool truck or do you want to drive a Geo Metro with a Lambo body kit?

If you think you can handle it, get a manual three speed.
>>putting a turbo on it
It's for sand.
>>raising your SUV
He wants bigger tires maybe. Otherwise I don't know why anyone would raise just because other than looks.

I dont want twin because of stress and cooling.

Mine is lifted I took a pic of a different truck that maybe similar to Cherokee.

Solid btw.
>you fucked up first by driving a Toyota
Um that one is very subjective as I have a full sized Ford and full sized Chevy. I also have an 80s Toyota with a very powerful engine, you should know the model of which I always forger something along with rx..
it's a light suv with current engine 1000 kilos

v6 3.2 liter

I considered v8 if I find a good match and if I feel like redoing mounts. I have to work on the intake if I want to go sand big time.

I don't know, today I took off two blocks and tomorrow I'll try to lift the second block off. Well see, I might just trash it. I know a person who'd buy it off of me. I might sell others too and buy a ranger. Or put money into my Ford.
literally I just asked 1 fucking question and you go on an autism fucking sperg about it. Kill yourself.
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5k is how much I have to spend so I don't know what I'll do yet.

Here is my ford. I popped a tire on it one time when I took it off roading. Did mud too ;p
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I had hot chocolate, bear with me.

I'm also trying to show off.
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So I put some films on download. Any more recommendations? It will probably take a while to watch all of these, but I can download more and put them in my backlog.
I've been listening to this album.

I don't feel to good today. I couldn't sleep very well yesterday and I stayed home because I don't feel all too well. Other than that, it is pretty good going.
I think the worst one was the Moonraker, actually. My favourite Bond was that one Australian chap, to be fair with you my lad.
Racist? Oh boy, you can't be racist with these Ukrainians. You can only be realist. :^)

I'll leave it up to you to write up a play about all that good stuff. Not only Steinburgs, also Goldbergs, Shekelsteins, -steins in general and whatever Levi's there are.
God forbid I do that. American country music is the worst musical invention ever, kek.

Oh yes. It probably involves a bunch of SWAT maneuvers and what not. I can only picture this.

>goes to North Korea
>has to stay for fifteen years
Absolute madman.
I have a smooth, well shaven neck, so I am practically a grille. :')
>I don't feel to good today
;/ get rested

Just woke up as well. Sore.
>I have a smooth, well shaven neck, so I am practically a grille. :')
Qt grille ~.~
Look ma I woke up early for once in my life, can you pls stop telling me I'll never fit in dad's shows. He was a size 10 I'm a size 11, so fuck off I already made that hurtle.

Shit I still need to get eraserhead and probably most of the things on this list. You couldn't go wrong with Invasion of the Body Snatchers, thats a classic. And Fitzcarraldo by Werner Herzog is one of my recent favs.
And I've heard Jacob's Ladder is suppose to be a solid film, hopefully all these films are still up on the internet rn. I can't think of anything else atm for I just woke up and am not a morning person.

You come down with a cold or something or are you one your manrag, casue its real goddammit it happens to me every month

Ohhhhhh those two are on pair with eachother, the ending in that one was horrid tbqh. But fuck license to kill was just a crappy late 80s snuff film, where everyone's main man bond got his revenge on the evil cartel, I'd easily would just watch octopussy.
>You can only be realist
If its a fact ukrainies are dirty slavs why would they get mad at something thats true \;^]

A play to rule all the jews you say. Maybe i can split it up into five diffrent plays all that have to do with the daily struggles of being brought up in wasppy wealthy jewish family. Then I'll do one about the poorer side of the Shekelburgs, it will show the daily
struggle of having to ascend to working in the media and how hard it was going to Brown while your cousins all went to Harvard university.
You can say that safely in your comfy ass room in your comfy ass forest town. But you say that over here to the wrong person you better be ready to throw down. Hard

>SWAT maneuvers
Waaaaaaay to much energy right there

Bet when he gets back he'll have the perfect goose steps in the states
I am really rawr rn, check I tried to cash is empty.

Trips. I honestly forgot to check. I'm not a doctor, not legal anyways but feel better. It's hot healthy to feel bad.
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Had a nice shave. Now there is a healthy dose of perfume on my cheeks as I don't have an aftershave. I'm probably fucking my skin up like that, but I guess it is a habit to put some perfure on my cheeks after a good shave. Also shaved my armpits because I hate any hair there. Feels good.
Aye, I will.

How did you sleep?
Yes, very. :^)
Is that shoe size or? Euro 43 reporting in. I think I might be 43,5 actually though.

I'm downloading that now. I've always wanted to see a film with Klaus Kinski.
I'm going to put that on download as well. I don't usually watch any horror films, but a change is always nice. Hopefully I won't get sued by some movie distributor company.

Not that, it's just that I don't feel very well physically. I washed myself and did all sorts of maintenaince stuff, so I am feeling a bit better now.

Most of the Bond films are pretty trash tbqh. I like the very early ones.

Why would they, indeed. :^) It's not like they are eternally butthurt about everything.

Now you got the right idea my man. But there is one issue: who will publish your masterpieces? I bet they will be overlooked and you will be forced to live a life of a misunderstood genius shitposter playwright.
Well, as with everything, always use a pipe or any blunt object if your fists aren't capable of getting the job done.


He will probably launch a pro-Korean coup or something. Brainwashing does wonders.
You always forget about that, bby. :-X
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>How did you sleep?
I had vivid dreams. Already forgot what it was bah. It was good.
>Aye, I will.
>Yes, very. :^)
>You always forget about that, bby. :-X
Sarri ;X

checked 240201414, 1414 is repeating :)))))))))))

l8tr m8tr
You dream often?
What did he mean by this?
D-don't hit on me, silly bois.
You better be.

That is a palindrome, the king of all digits. Not even quints can match the beauty of a palindrome.


You were one digit off from trips, by the way.
Forgot to add pic related to last post, this is my usual week before they took KAT down ;>

Ohhh I'm at 44, we truly are the kings of the earth, I'll leave my fat footprint everywhere. But I've talked to someone younger than me before and he wore 46 or 48, so we're like dukes or lords

Klaus is pretty good in that film especially since their acting in the hot ass amazon jungle. And as always lives up to his reputation of being pretty crazy, but I'm pretty sure that film is around 3-4 hours so be ready.
Yeah give it a dl but watch those other films before this one, I think bodysnatches is more of a thriller, since its like cheap animatronic(rip) so it cant even be that scary. Wheres your vpn peroxided to Zimbabwe at?

Maybe it was just monday gloom or something, just keep your window closed next time

Yeah thats the sad truth, pretty sure I talked to about the new ones to before. Bond died a long time ago.....

>Euros staying butthurt over a century old conflict, genocides and coups
Why even bother trying to be nice to border crosser then?

I'm going to have to do those as seen on TV book publishers they have here, for just $19.99 I can get it printed on formatted to e-books. Isn't that how it usually goes back in then when your book didn't catch the public eye. They just called you a hack, or translated now its just faggot
Depends who looking around, at least here if someone is watching a fight and sees a bat or knife come out they might help beat you up. Thats best done in a alley way

At best they wake with as much energy as a fat bear in hibernation stuffed in a cave

Now that would be something, maybe he can cry to sway his fellow comrades into taking up arms for the father, mother land?
Rtorrent and vpn
>seeding torrents
Now why would you do that? How much is your HD? ( inb4 SD )

42-45 are pretty common feet size. 43/44 is the best one since it is easy to find shoes with such feet.

You mean this? Ah, the guy was quite insane.
My mother has forbiden me from using Zimbabwean VPN, she forces me to use inferior Ghanian VPN provider. :'(

Maybe it was the gloom of the life.

Just wait until the new movie comes out, surely it will be better than the last ones. :'^

I don't. Everyone that speaks a Slavic language and lives near to Baltics is either a Russian or a faux-Russian, therefore scum. :^)

But what if they were right in calling you a hack? Cornfather surely won't save your from mediocre prose, unless you praise the Pale Fire as the greatest work of the 20th century.
Then I ought to buy an assault rifle.

I'm always high energy tho, bby. Bears don't have shit one me.

Father, mother, whatever land prefix is now forbiden in the glorious republic of Korea. Instead, we refer to our illustrious republic as GREATER KOREA.
Arabs are sleeping, post nasheeds.

Man I cucked, today was the day when i was suppose to go apply to that damn job, but for unknown reasons the boss has to be there to even apply. Dude emailed me to come in today, but didn't show up I'm mad. But guess I'll get mildly buzzed today now

Because I have the power and the moneys thats why, nah thats some pic I found on /tv/ a while ago, theres like 24gb films in this pic I'm not insane. But I picked up a 2TB Hdd for $60 two years ago, greatest sale I've every been in.

Those are hard to come by sometimes like if theres a sale, those are some common size here
>I was never a hero and never negative
>I already had the thought 20 years ago
Was Klaus the first famous hipster?
Fuck he really gets wrapped up in his own thoughts, just word "curious" was enough to make him frustrated, and even his tamed asian wife knew he was getting upset. There was even a story that Werner and him fought often filming Aguirre, the Wrath of God.
Think he said Werner was a terrible director, which isn't nice

You need to make a thread on /int/ with just that in it. Those are true fighting words, might as well start calling them bolsheviks again

I shall be shunned and steered into the cave that is called solitude and write out my etchings of my view of the word, which is the word of god himself. Every word I write is fact and nothing else. I'm going to /b/
You need a Remington AR-15, cuz its your right to have downgraded military armaments.

I'm not and will never be, I only get high energy if I'm pumped or riled up which I try not to do that often.

Wait a minute that just sound like communism, the only title that counts is your ranking in the People's Army

Thats what the title of this song is? Wow and that fps counter just shows me its raw as fuck

Expecting muffled ALAH AKBARS in the background followed by some kind of rocket fire sound and an explosion
>Just got put on the watch list from listening to this
Ayy people

It focuses specifically on criticism, but believe I can if I learn a thing or two that is by reading more to get a grip of a decent vocabulary, I can write decently in Arabic tho
It might but I'm an auto pessimist, I cannot

Younger indeed, I haven't been so for past few years, more so the past year, when I first came here that is
You do have them advantages honestly, lucky basturd ;-;
My mother's side are like you, my father's are fat, I'm an in between as I can gain and lose easily, in fact it is this way in almost every thing, I'm always exactly in between these two unlike my siblings who take from one side more than the other
I'm 2kool4school

But despite those fights, he likes you correct ? Do you have aunts ?
My father's brothers are the worst kind of people, they hate my father and us due to jealousy and greed

It's the safest way honestly, where do you think of going to even if much later
The thing I told you about wanting to live in a busy city
Kek that was a rather embarrassing unironic xD
I can

Kek no problem mang, I salute you for it even
I'm trying to learn
I can imagine, I once googled the prices for that shit, for some reason kek
I don;t forget, one day I'll demand them and I will have them if you had to borrow to get them

I realize but I do not mean it only in the sense
You see now I'm mostly aware of these "mistakes" and the process of getting in and out as I learned it theoretically, but I autistically romanticize a life where I have made the mistake to learn the lesson ..etc, something raw born out of a quick rash decision not a ready made (Monologue: What the fuck am I even typing anymore kek)

So I was in bed for most part of the day due to stomach and leg pain, then I took some pain killer and had to go say goodbye to my cousin who's leaving back to murica tonight, I intended to leave earlier but I heard they were buying ice cream later so I stayed.
No man I imagine you would do great in a cartoon like Futurama
I have seen enough gay dudes in my life tbqh and I did not profit from that, in fact I lost so much
Too long ya khayes (see http://vocaroo.com/i/s0jR6cALNt88)

Take out a nail, give it a knock, place it in your eye socket, or even better a wet socket

Have you seen Arrested development ? if you have I might know a way of explaining why
Eventually kek, but till doomsday you become swirly
Are you saying Sansa should've just left Ramsy to die from his wounds ?
Shitskin privilege my mate, which is why we're so natural at it, I pretend to be a jew sometimes
Kek I bullied those girls, in fact I met one of the two days ago and I cracked without even saying hi, but she was nicer and greeted me, there's a six year difference in age kek
I know it because some disappeared under "mysterious conditions" but it's too late now

I could use pussy and money myself that you mention it now
I'm working on getting my family out of the house next holiday so I can get the house to myself and have a one person drinking party
Kek fug man but you do really feel the pain of cleaning so you're good
Kek she might use La Chanclah technique to block it

Advice noted, I think my parents are short on money these days, I know so I have to get one and as you said be easy the for a while
I'm from the holy land after all :--D
Dressing up is overrated anyway.
Morning m8
But it's half a hart according to you previously.
Alright here comes the (You)s you dirty bastard

Wheres the geneva convention at this is torture, he's literally watching her eat his soul and life force away
Barry Lindon tbqh.

Watched half of it some time ago, but did not get around to finish
Good night.

I keked because I imagined a Pepe there, then I cried internally for that Pepe.
I'm ironically watching futurama as I type this so lol. But mfw when I always thought about making a cartoon, but I'll never be that gosh
Are there really that many homos out there in france, I know you had encounters in your town tho.

Get out of here, that was more of a poem than a rhyme. I can't do those

Kek I have but only the old season, are you saying I'm a Micheal or something? pls explain you scared me
Am I slowey turning into someone I shouldn't be? Should I stop watching to much anime then?
Wat? Nooooo but that was her chose, why let a half horse cocked man die in the woods when he's already dead on the inside.
I just wonder how long it will take ppl to figure out theres no sjw here just shitskiners. Kek I remember I said schmuck a bunch and got called a jew. I was pretending to be an italian merican but whateves
Man I bet she just thought that some people will never change when she saw that. So basically you were kicking kindergartners out of trees. nice
>"mysterious conditions"
Lol I laughed, that just mean bludgeoned to death in a dark alley or burnt

Its either one or the other cause one them requires gosh moneys
Kek your planning a some trip for them a few month ahead just to clear out the house? I like the way you think palechan
I guess thats how you know I'm not a lying to yous
Christ I'm glad I'm not mexican, I'd rather get beat with a belt again than a fucking sandal. Don't joke like that

Yeah those money trains stop every once in a while
Are you saying jews are nothing but trash, cuz there......well
Until you get outdressed by some rich white boi, damn 4 star restaurants
Fuck I got caught up and somehow an hour passed, and why is clyp such a bitch to use?

Pepe is everywhere, every frog you see has had those feels before and therefore is Pepe. But wat tha fuck does fresh frog taste like, I've heard its pretty gud
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Morning morning
half of a half of a hart, might make it a quarter
I do dream often. In colour and very vivid.

>What did he mean by this?
something something
>D-don't hit on me, silly bois.
No turning back now
>You better be.
No kidding ;x
>That is a palindrome
Oooh, who would have though
>You were one digit off from trips, by the way.
I sure was, intentional ofc :)(:

teh pehpeh
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>>Chat General
Take a pic in your current state or tried as a ISIS combatant in court of your pee
Nu. Well...Here's a picture of something.
>>Music Discussion
>What aren't you doing?
Not being bored.

MFW when you don't post mfw
He can have the dojo, as long as I get my sweet, sweet, welfare checks
>Cooked collar
Not surprised, it's premium fabric.
Well this ejaculated quickly.
Kinda cute, can't she sleep in her afro?
>She's an independent woman
I guess it does.
Only you and the 300 I tweeted can know
>Black man want to eat you
...Thanks for the warning, senpai.
Explains why we only have three.

I'm sorry for what you're about to see.


Don't most fast food places do that?
By most I mean every.
By everything I mean just the ones who haven't been robbed.
>Out of
Not thinking they have 50 cent posters and illegal snake raves.

>One doesn't need to swim
There's only one way to find out which.
Are we going to have to bring out the meds again?
>What else
*Hides lizard nest*
It's splendor, you fucking pleblit.
>Scared it'll get lost
Just have another on standby to pull it back out.
Pick on someone your own size!
>Love it
Thank you
I lost my tear ducts back in 02. I was under fire. Pencils, papers, erasers of all shapes were bombarding me and my men. A 3H pencil was thrown at my officer, it was long, freshly sharpenend, it would of left a nasty mark if it hit. I knew I had to do something. So I looked at it viciously.
>I noshed on a sticky carpet
...Wew, tmi, keep in the jean threads, pl0x
>No means yes.
I see you at in consent class at 2 then. ;)
I have no eyes, how'd you not notice they were glass?
>I dub thee kenneth
Can I at least wear a sock to keep my ear warm?
You own nothing like mine, it's barbed, clawed, and twisted by Scandinavian slaves.
How'd I never notice!?

Did I fuck up or did you? 0.0
Throwing in my (You) before bedly time, is that what the uni bomber actually looked like without his aviators?

>Mfw I did post mfw post cause this is one right here

>Karate welfare bucks
Idk if thats how it works but if you can get them to live in the dojo your a good master
>premium fabric flavor
Ancient chinese secret is boiling leather in the noodle broth
Hey no one brought that up but you, what I do in the privacy of my own home is perfectly...legal. Tell your mom to stop doggin
Dat bitch weighs like 15lbs and runs hot af, she never come close to my head ;^)
Excuse me?

300 subscribers? Well look at this nigga. Hows the pro-communist tweeter movement going
>>Black man want to eat you
Nah more like black man wants to rob you cause you reflect to much sunlight
>Only three
You guys need to apply for some more section 8'ters

Fuuuuuck this chick and her boitoy(cause hes more of a cuck than anything) are all over the internet, not the first time I've seen her ass. Spppp hey if its just between me and you, I think theres something wrong with that lady
Autism bucks at work right?

Stop your going to attract Gabe with all this talk of "hats" and "trading"

Not alot they usually watch which grease they use, it probably like that cause you can immediately taste it and people with complain. Had my mom do it before as a kid
Yeah so all the non shitty ones don't mix foods with the same grease. Prob why thay got robbed tbqh
>50 cent posters
Do whites really thing ppl still listen to him? I could believe the raves tho, but their no Bush Twins. Now that was one administration, like father like daughter

One dosn't need one way to walk into one way to another way

How was your post not over 2000 fucking charas, this is blasphemy. This is madness
Now (You) this large (you) back to me.......in like 6 hours or so

Gosh night
Any updates on the job thing?

But my man, I am all about being a Jew in those things. I take, but never give back. Hehe.
I have 640GB one for my laptop, feels pretty ok. I've actually used computers with 40GB HDD, so this feels very large.

Same here. I wouldn't want a larger or a smaller foot. It's the perfect size as far as I'm aware.

He probably was, but he was probably the first one to toss a plate of potatoes in someones face for saying that the film that they were in was good.
Guy was nuts. They were good friends from what I gather, but not even he was spared from his temper.
It isn't, but tell that to that madman. :^)

I've had my fair share of shitposting on /int/, lots of it pertaining to that sort of banter. It's really easy to upset Russians there. Actually it is easy to upset everyone.

You can always spread the word of your work from /b/. I bet you could be like one of those recognisable posters that everyone hates. But hate them they must, for they are a watchful... what?
I have bear arms.

I bet ya haven't tried stimulants.

But communism is forbidden in the glorious, best Korea and every mention of anything of that sort has been removed from constitution.

Yes, it is dank af my man.

Kek that is what I was thinking as well.

Do you have any literature in English around your house?
>mfw a chance to turn Haneen into patrician literatery grille
I have a very negative outlook on life, but somehow no matter how bad it is I feel like I can outweight that by my own iniative and wanting.

Speaking of older pics, can you post something from a couple years back? I remember the picture with kimono cosplay and stuff, also the then and now picture with many of your pics, but pls, post something.
I do, but you probably have some aces up your sleeve, don't you?
It's funny now that you mention your father is fat, because normally very tall people are also slim. In fact in Latvian one of the words for slim, "slaids" almost always describes a tall person.
>slaids, feins puisis, bet bišk ferligs
t. granma
She memes me all over the place, I swear.
My mother was very slim when younger too, she wanted to do balet after all. She is chubby now, but she has lost weight.

Oh, a cool grille. ;_xD

It's cordial. No.
Why? If you don't mind.

Anywhere. Could be Western Europe or America, most likely.
I remember. :-x And I feel the same way.
kek, I didn't really expect you to use that in chatting. I guess I triggered something. XD
Yass. :-x

I feel pretty disgusted over that period, but it is for different reasons.
20€ a gram. 7€ or even cheaper if you're a bariga ( small dealer ), but that means buying quantities of 50+ grams.
kek, the idea of you demanding bum beers makes me crack up. The idea of a girl, out of all girls, a Palestinian one from 4chan, asking me something like that is really amusing.

Don't shy away from introspection like that. I think I do understand you, but don't yet bury yourself away as an old person. You're very young and you feel young. I fell for that thinking as well, thinking that 19 is too old to change things and I am already basically ready to be put in a grave for being a failure, kek.

Oh, I hope you're better. :/
>meen obsessed over ice-cream
Don't lie to me, you must have some very old Latvian ancestry or relatives.
Speaking of health, I haven't been feeling too good these last two days. Tomorrow I woke and there was this pressure on my chest and my heart was in pain, so I felt very nauseous. It was bit disturbing, but it went away. I hope it never happens again, because heart problems are the last thing that I want right now.
I'm halfway trhough as well. And I got your If... downloaded.
I used to dream more.

Something something spooks, nigger.


Turn back now, boi.


I would have, but that was pretty obvious, no!?

Don't lie to me, scum.

You're making me blush, oh anon.

Unfortunately there are no back moves in checkers
Yes, there are. Make due with a new ruleset.
What did he mean by this?
No excitement or strategy with that ruleset. It's more or less to force your opponent to make wrong decisions by sacrificing figures on either side. Trading few for many. There is also a "queen" figure of which I call the superposition but we haven't reached that yet.
I used to play checkers. It was pretty fun, especially if your opponent is smart about his moves. But it gets somewhat boring quickly. I wish I had upgraded to chess.
I know, chess is much better am I right...
Go is more complex than chess and it's closer to checkers.
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But complexity doesn't necessarily imply that it is better than chess.
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No it does not ;]
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That is image is too happy, please delet.
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How about inpost another image instead. No reason not to be happy even when you're sad.
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If sadness is what makes an individual happy then isnt sadness the state happiness for that individual. It shifted.
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waiting for ban on my other fav board to end so I might drop in here

how is everyone?
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I'm a walrus and I won't stand by this sophistry.
It's alright. Got my computer and I am nearly in schooling. The weather is realy shit so I can't make much dosh off the berries and the phone I've been meaning to buy will probably have to wait a couple of weeks. Other than that, it's a-ok.
I have nothing to do all week except stress over overdue books and eat food.

It's worse than it sounds.

>oh anon.
*blinks seductively (5)*
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>smiles seductively
Did I do good? :^)
You did above average.
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good to hear man, sucks about the berries tho.

I've just been at uni, shitpostin and what not.
I tried. :^) I can't smile at all, I can only smile ironically and doing stupid faces.
Eh, I will make those two hudnred Euros somehow.

Post-grad now?
I kindly request more walrus, sire.
I couldn't turn down your request, sire.
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No more, pham.
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Not now, not now.
I counted seven dots. Is that of any significance?
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udder rated
>seven dots
>post number ends with 7
At last, I truly see now.
What is your dog trying to convey with that expression?

My dog kind of looked like yours, except he was all black with white paws and furrier, unkept coat.
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"Peasants you all are."

What breed? Any viddes or pics??
I like this post.
What happened to his left eye and how did you get trips?
Truly spoken like a Brit.

None that I have around. Mongrel.
nope, last sem of undergrad
What happens afterwards? Any good opportunities for schoolarships? From what I understand you have a very good academic standing, so you must have some opportunities. Any plans for the future?

Other than that, how's life?
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Prince prince.png
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I am the king now

I see...
He had a delayed reaction.
possibly an honours program, and if not I'll try to find a job for a bit before attempting masters.
Trips checked
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Now that I am aware of your high standing, I require a title and land to go with it. Along with an annual income.
I see.
What kind of job?
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Bliss your kind checkers
>title and land to go with it
You're Snelly, you now own Tabelot.
Worship your god king ,dubbed...
No kings or gods here.
We are not men, not even mice. WE ARE MACHINES. Labeled and programmed since birth to repair, break,and reconstruct a system birthed by an unknown to serve an unknown. Speculation ridiculed, defiance dissected and distorted. The cure of sickness's withheld. The lives of strangers spotlighted and burned.
I want Nick Land to leave these threads.
should not have posted that thread lol rip
minor lab work/minor research.
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great post lad.jpg
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What thread? Tell me more.

Does it pay well? Please send moneys, I have no potatoes to eat. :'(
What do you mean, my good man?
Something along these lines.
cute/hot/not thread

and sometimes it does, mostly if it's a government job
Tiny question, does this Nick Land sit inside a washing machine, smoke dmt, and collect the screams of children?

Just wondering, is all.
Don't stress over it. You've had better pictures.

Oh, government? Now you best get me a green card pham. I know you lads aren't all that full as you say. :'^)
No, he reads a lot of books, browses 4chan and ponders upon the phenomenon of the so called "Kek", or the Frog Meme God of ancient Egyptians.

Not at all.
tfw I thought this was a good pic

no we are full stay out
although you are white so we could squeeze over a bit.... :^^))
Try getting some natural lighting for your photos. Your hair seems to be in bit of a mess, maybe get a trim or something to kill some of that volume, especially around sides. Eat carrots and get into skincare if you want to look better. I'm a pale motherfucker myself.
t. /fa/ poster that does none of these things as of now
I liked the one with the half-smile, I think.

Please no bully. ;-;
I'm Baltic. Balts literally means white in Baltic languages.

Only the supreme digits must be checked. I take your bliss with honour.
>No, he reads a lot of books, browses 4chan and ponders upon the phenomenon of the so called "Kek", or the Frog Meme God of ancient Egyptians.
But everything you said suggests yes...what happened?

This displeases me, my day is slightly less funny.
>Only the supreme digits must be checked. I take your bliss with honour.
Be honour'a'rood my child-aroo.
Damn son this thread got so active, it's most likely because I wasn't here beat time to post tbqh

Just give a few more minutes to get my beauty sleep, but shit I'll probably be gone this morning too
Thats like the $200 internet that neckbeards and don't get bothered by the price cause they have no concept of moneys
600 is bretty good for a laptop, but that shit will get filled eventually. I ripped a 500gb on from my old HP desktop as my OC drive. I have like 10 gbs free on it now ;(

Yeah my foot size is like my height, I'm perfectly comfortable with it. I don't want to be too tall then I couldn't fit in da sport cars da go boom

It seems that way, I don't even think that film crew and reporter knew how to handle someone like that. Maybe he invented modern method acting, where you act like some kind of deity
Yeah it was something that happened after they had their cat fights where they became friends. But fuck man I'd probably have to slap the shit out of his golden mane, a reality check does a lot of good
What if i told him his method was flawed, thats like the worst thing to say to an actor, no joke

Is the key just misspelling common words and asking millions of times, "what did he mean by this?"

I was talking to the paleone about counter racial shitposting, I probably could but idk if I'd feel comfortable posting my face on that board to the point where I'm recolonized

Wait wat? You don't have bear arms? Your weird
Kek iss that true they just lie to them and tell them they live in a free nation? Or is that waht the word republic is for?

Where do you get those dank ass explosion soundbits?
And hey man its war time, this-this is for our own protection
Had to cut out this part about the whole job shit, but enjoy this dumb read

Kek I think I posted about it yesterday, but that dude didn't show once again even after telling me to come one monday. I ended up texting my brother and asking if his boss was in, my bruv ended up calling me back to ask a favor(he left his
mini bong out in the front grass for whatever reason, wanted me to go find it) then he radioed his manager asking if the boss was showing up, and they both seemed confused on why his was a no show. I'm going to have to do this all over again next week hopefully my bruv can ask him.

>I like this post
I like your post and every post you make.
>waiting for ban on my other fav board to end so I might drop in here
Ban him please.
Suka blyat.
>I'm a walrus and I won't stand by this sophistry.
Only a true walrus is destined to claim such words.
>Be honour'a'rood my child-aroo.
I am all buttery
Where do they get the moneys in the first place, huh?
Nah, I am very eager to delete anything that seems unwanted. I like to keep things clean, so 640GB is more than enough for me.

I think it is pretty autistic not to be comfortable with your feet size tbqh. Time to make a new meme so that people have even more reasons to be insecure.

I'm pretty sure he was just having some friendly banter and those assburgers couldn't understand him, sadly enough.
He is beyond reality.
He'd probably attack you with some sort of a blunt object or even knife depending on the severity of your words.

Sort of, yes. /int/ is a shit board.

Don't. You don't really want to become a living meme on 4chan. Look what has happened to all of those that have become recognisable on this site.

I'm bear myself. I bear myself for bearing action of bear... what am I even saying?
Republic is for Star Wars game, mang.

Probably some sample off some war footage.
t. World Polis

That boss guy soudns like a lousy guy, tbqh.
Nothing, Nietzsche lied, Stirner cried.

Enjoy your disquiet.

You are flattering me now.

So memes are in your genes
Well most women gain weight when older it's no biggie

They just hate him since he were young, or they were too mean, and only leeched my grandfather's money so in the end he was fed up and left nothing for them in his will, despite that my dad felt sorry for them and secretly helped them invest their money in my grandfather;s land without telling him because he thought they might need it in case my grandfather doesn't leave them anything which happened, and now they think it's not enough and they assume my dad is hiding money from my grandfather from them/middle eastern problems
Anyway we're even almost broke now kek, my father is in fact a NEET and relies on money from renting a house he built from his own hard work and we finished our money before the rent is due

Same direction, noice
I don't it was to take away the attention from adjusting statements

If I had any monies I'd buy Quantities consisting of shittons, I was invited to one of my old school friends, the normies group that I have no idea why still invite me, and I smoked lots of hookah
>Dat subtlety or how I paraphrased unlike other grilles xD

I jump from an extreme to another so this feeling alternates
You were extremely retartet in that tbqh , it felt so ridiculous to read at those times you were still in it.

Better yes :--D

I can't resist anything with sugar especially ice cream
I'm going to have to get that checked to confirm
Fug man , how was today for you I hope it did not occur again, I know I hope it doesn't when you're just about to start a new exciting phase.
Ikr I want to taste frog too kek

No way were you watching Futurama or did you just decide when read the post, you can do it, maybe...
I was talking about the homos where I live, in France I do not even remember how the people looked like tbqh kek was busy looking at paintings rather than people

Things escalate, deal with it
Man kek dag is my weakness

Kek remembee that episode when they try to make Tobias just listen to himself
Must be something else tbqh, anime turns you into a neckbread not fruity
Hence ax to the head but not enough to kill then feed to coyotes suggestions
>When will everyone be redpilled
Never, bluepillers everywhere my mane and they're here to stay
No they were first graders, she was a girl I bullied later in life but it was same kind of bullying, she once told her dad about me and he sent a decent scolding with my uncle
They returned to me in dreams saying they went off to continue their education

I apologies for not finishing this post now, I'm so tired and I will go to sleep
Will deliver rest along with a penalty of your choice tomorrow.
Oh shit that vocaroo was really long. I don't know as to how do I reply. Should I record something, kek?

Will reply to rest of your post soon.
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>You are flattering me now.
Ur butterfly
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Well I'm back from getting a bus pass and going with my sister to sign up for the community college shes going to. The place we had to go to get the bus passes was at the union station for the train, so that place was of course gross and had plenty of cops swarming around it.
Plenty of bums and car/bus exhaust to last a life time, I forgot how shitty downtown LA was, just remember that if you every visit this place. But the college we went to was pretty nice except for all the construction going on and the heat but whateves, the squirrels are very friendly lol.
Both my mom and brother went to that college at one point, but I didn't even remember what my brother studied but know he didn't take it seriously. I should probably do the same one day but I still have no clue what I'd want to study tbqh

But enough of this banter, here comes some late (You)s for tomorrow. And I will fosurely be buying some alcohol today since I'm not feeling niggery today
Either from their disabilities check from their chronic lower leg pain, or it comes from their degree in some kind of IT job or something. The neckbeards that pay for internet like that usual have decent lives
Kek I'm on the very opposite, modding and making webms takes alot of fucking space among all the shit I've dabbled with. I like to say I'm a internet hoarder

You say that but theres women out there that really are, I mean I guess I get why but you can't do anything about your feet. But fuck we need to work on that meme, it'll work cause ppl relate footsize to benis size too

I can't even tell when hes mad or not, he was interrupting almost everything that interviewer was saying. That was pretty funny. I think he just on that......
.....Other Plan of Existence
Yeah he seems like the dude who'd kill his friend in a blind rage ad not even remember it

How is the board about reading worst than the board about working(bantering and shitting) on car?

Thats like what happened with a famous poster on /mu/ when that dude from /r9k/ shot up that college. Some aussie news station got a pic of the /mu/ poster and mistaked him for the shooter

That you hit up the gay bars in your hot shorts looking for bears
Ehhhh man idk if I honestly like star wars anymore, well anymore than I did.

I'm starting to assume thats where the pros get their soundbits, instead of paying for the at those gay websites

Yeah he apparently inherited the place from his dad when he died. Anyone who shows up in the morning and leaves at fucking noon isn't a great boss tbqh
Idk about uncooked frog but I'll take some grilled or in fajita form or something

Nah it literally came one right before you (You)'d me, they showed the god like original ones. Where lila finds her mutant parents for the first time. I don't want to sound racist........but I'll defiantly will need to find some jews to make a show
Are those gay dude like the hottest men out there or something. Reminds me about the tranny I say today with my mum, she tought it was a girl but we both say its chin and already knew

That was more like deescalate
You should get a wood carving that say dag and hang it up on your ceiling

Whoa what are you saying I'm starting to come off gay? When did start happening, did you see someone's boipussy and mistaken me?
Just enough so their motor skills are gone and they can't scream
REEEEEE bluepillers need to wake up. But then again who here on 4chan has really been redpilled. If they did they'd stop using the internet
Kek so you bully someone and they scold at your uncle, my god. Did he even care or tell your parents about that? Seems like you got away with it
Ha lol what tha duck do cats have to learn anyways. Its just eat, sleep, nap, sleep, eat, nap, shit, sleep, go outside, sunbathe, nap, eat, sleep. Maybe I missed one

Dude don't sweat it man, you missed like a sentence I think but I can't remember a fourth of the shit I type from a day ago
Go to sleep and count your goats fampie catch ya mañana
Hha nice pass. They didn't require us having a picture on our passes.
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>she remembered to record
Yas. Anyways, I really suck at speaking English and it is pretty late, so I won't attempt a reply now. I don't even know how do I go about replying a voice message so long, but I think I should try replying to some future post of yours in a similar way. Bear in mind I am very bad at this.
I kek'd.
Sorry if it seems like I ignored that message, but I need some tiem.

Yes. Is that a poem? It rhymes.
Actually my mother lost some. She was fatter in her 30's, but she lost a lot when she got into 40's. She dances at a local collective, so that probably explains why.

Your father sounds like a nice guy. Shame about your relatives, ours aren't as bad. Then again my family is much smaller. I have two uncles and five cousins. Three I meet regularly, rest of them very rarely.
Wouldn't renting stuff out count as work since he is doing some business, thus it isn't true NEET'dom?

Probably, but only time will tell.
I honestly didn't notice any adjusts, so you got me. Not to ruin that I won't even check what I didn't notice.

Of speed or bum beers, kek?
I've only had hookah three times and it was from very cheap pipes.
Your ways of showing that you aren't like other grilles is different from the usual I-am-not-like-the-other-grilles method. :-xDD

I know that feel though.
Yes, but you might be lacking in perspective as to what was going on in my life and how it was from my lenses. I've changed a lot, but I won't deny I was in deep despair then.

That's great! :-DD

I don't like too much sugar. Favourite sweets for me are the ones with a bit of sourness about them to balance out the taste. Very sweet cake with cranberry sauce for example.
Check your geneology. :-DD If you have Tāss or Zass somewhere in your line, fug, you're guaranteed Lettish.
I'll see tomorrow. I do hope too. :-x
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I'm about to hit the bed, pham.

Here's my take on the "le deep philospher thinking picture xDDD". :^)
Ay pham I might manage to cook up a reply tonight, but if I don't I've fallen asleep.
look like an half assed tranny lol
>Here's my take on the "le deep philospher thinking picture xDDD". :^)
What a great french existentialist picture.

I'm going to fight you
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Here is my "I am avantgard artist" pose. :^)

Anyways, good night, I'm off to sleep. See you around Frenchanon.
back from page 10
Well I'm some what near drunk and just wanted to pic bump before I head to note ville. I ended up getting 7.5% Laguna's and a beer for the road when I walked to my 7/11. But going at 10pm wasn't the brightness idea but I'm still here not rotting in jail so duck man come fite me I guess.

Enjoy this drunk pic that took me nearly a hour to take shoots off, its.......muh

Damn french anon I haven't seen you in a long while, hows lyfe been eh? And I'm half drunk too so don't worry

Kek i already know what what happened, enjoy this (You) while you slumber, and while I try not sound inebriated

Alright y'all I'm going to bed. But hopefully everything words out at
I was looking forwarfor the thread in the archives kekmek.
You r havin fun.
Bump. Will cook some replies up. I should also check Skype because I haven't in a long time and I have some overdue Skype (You)'s.
That's a great picture, my familiar. You'll get some mad (You)'s very soon.

You know me well.
I'm German and I don't know wtf this thread is.
Why am I not welcomed here?
your probably a faggot and this is the pseudointellectual special snowflake thread welcome autist
can i ask for advice on my appearance here?
Because there is a german faggot that regularely shitposted here and OP just wants some of his dick :^)
sure why not
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should i cut my hair?
i don't want to be a virgin anymore
id say a bit make it more rowdy idk but the hair is fine maybe try clearing your face obvious reasons other than that i say your good
and smile
>clearing your face
thanks but i guess i'm fucked
dont think genetics is really the issue just eat healthier and use some products to help online reasearch my friend
dont be hard on yourself i expect you to be a pussy slayer next time i see your face ok fag
ok sir
You look dead serious, just like some hitman.
I'm what now?
So how do I get a chronic lower leg pain for NEETbux gains?
Ah, you are indeed the opposite. I hate having shit around that I feel like isn't useful to me at all or won't be of any further need.

I can imagine women being uncomfortable with that, but I can't quite imagine a guy being insecure over his feet.

He doesn't care about the real life. Speaking of that...
He would probably remember all of it and even get a trophy form that as a proof.

In lots of ways. The shitposting about "How do I become patrician guise" is the worst.

kek, I think that eggman dude was also claimed to be a school shooter and some news reported on him as the suspect. He could've gotten money from slander, but he never sued them, I think.

But I am the bear bby, my chest is hairy as fuck.
I've never really liked Star Wars except when I was really young.

I found this fun video the other day.
Lots of Arab music kek. But it is very interesting how some artists use sampling to make dank af music.

He probably doesn't care too much kek. Can't blame him kek.
Impressive post.
Probably because you's a cuck.
You have pretty good potential mane. Go to /fa/ and check out the skincare threads and get some tips as how to look better. That board is bit toxic though, but you can still find good advice.
Sometimes I don't know ;)
Please be more specific, you are getting my panties up in a twist like that being all mysterious.

Untwist them then....
I wear no underwear because undergarments are an American spying device designed no enslave the white race and keep the Baltic man down.
Hmmm mind if I check?
I can't rnbut when I'm home. The reason I asked to check was because it sounds too fancy. 2fancy4me.
I'm a fancy dandy, pham.
Oh so are you. I see ;*x

You know, you have my tongues twisted. Not as twisted as your undergarments.
I can offer a free service of untwisting any of your underwear ;///
Thank you bby.

How does that even work? Proofs.
With digits like that, always pham.
>How does that even work? Proofs.
Well, it might require a quick or prolongue study abd thurral data ;)

>With digits like that, always pham.
I like you babes.
Explain pls.

I'm sure you do. :')
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Mfw I took almost twenty of these pics cause I was drunk and unhappy with the quality.
And for what ever reason my head is a little dizzy or whatever you call that. I didn't even drink that much either, this makes me depressed tbqh, I really need to build up my tolerance to the devil's drink. Plus its hot in this room like always

(You)s or (You) are in development pls stay calm and party on
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kek, what the

You madman.
Looks decent to my senpai, trimming it up and putting in some hair conditioner doesn't hurt. But I thought girls were into hair like that? But I'm a nigger so I don't know much about straight hair styles and things like that
All I know is your hair will be one of the many things ppl will look at. And even a dumb style will make ppl thing better of you

I always look serious, because I'm a serious man. And I take serious shits and don't take serious shit from no one

Waht do you mean how do you get lower leg pain. Its from standing up and fighting gravity, thats the daily struggle for them
My problem is that I think everything is useful, and some of shit that I have on here took days to torrent or to even find. I really need to buy a new copy of win7

You just have to make a factual statement about how small feet on men means there less than anything. I'll go ask /pol/ for their graph technology

Is death grips the reincarnation of Klaus himself, this would explain alot
Kek maybe he'll be that guy who has murdering in his genes. he'd keep his body in a tomb under his house and be the first one to call the police and report his friend missing.

That has the makings of some true bane posting tbqh, even the serious boards are going down hill now. Wounder how civilized /a/ is, they probably know how to have a good convo

This is what happens when normies come on this place with no good intentions. Shit if he did sue them he could have won. He could have literally started receiving death threats from that.
You'd have to go get that hair chest qualified honey, theres plenty of real hairy bears out there
Muh yeah same here, I can't even really explain why that is either.

Kek these dudes are from sacramento? That kinda explains alot don't know how I feel about his two white keepers tho lol
But holy heel that BASS and that fuckin tennis serve pham what tha fuck

Bro its a turn key operation from his side of it, money in the pocket bitch
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Thats a sign of peace man stop trying to trigger me. Or is that the version that hitler fucked up because he was a terrible artist?

Damn son that file name too, I must be an oldfag now
>Explain pls.
Not rn -.-
>I'm sure you do. :')
Ty and I know you do. ;^/
I meant I know you know. On the phone.
What do you people do for fun
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I see, I am a very serious person myself, as you can clearly see from the couple months of my posting.

You mean I have to gain weight pham? That's difficult.
kek, I too have Win7. I have no intentions of getting Win10, besides I am fairly sure this is a pirated copy. My screen looks very vanilla though.

You should conjure up some rumor that wemen love big feet or some shit kek.

Probably, who knows at this point. Personally I think they are a thing of their own.
But that sounds cool as fug mang.

/lit/ is pretty much 90% shitposting, half of it not even being related to literature, rest of it is actual discussion of actual books. I have never been to /a/ since I have never been a weeb.

I'm pretty sure Eggman is as robot as you can get. Motherfucker is quite ugly as a sin and has legit autism.
>implying I am not confident of my chest hair
I don't need no certificates.
Star Wars is pretty boring anyways. I find much of the fantasy worlds pretty boring. Never found the appeal of reading tomes upon tomes of lore about worlds that don't even exist.

I think they are, I'm not sure. What's up with Sacramento?
They're pretty creative about their thing, I guess.

>tfw no private business
y lif
No, it's an ancient Latvian symbol. :^) Actually that is a flag for a fascist party from inter-war era, Pērkoņkrusts. I just find it pretty cool looking.
Ugh. Fine.

Y the irony? ;-;
Lotsa things.
share with a bro
I read books and post ITT.
BOring.... next
Well I do other things, but you must be a connoisseur on all things interesting, so I'd rather not mention them.
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No idea what I am in for.
can you get any fedorer
Dude this heat and my head are killing me man, I'm going to lay down and sign off. I pray some merican shows up latter tonight this place is always dead in the afternoon and night ;^(


Depends on your definition of fun. Some ppl would say reading is fun while other say snorting blow off a hooker's bum is fun

Christ man don't make post my desktop its a horrid mess rn
>ask what they think of fun
>"depends on what you think is fun"
>le he used a funny word xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
/b/ is that way.
Clean it up then, pham.
>Ugh. Fine.
>Y the irony? ;-;
No irony, I messed up. I think you know the answer but want me to tell it to you.
To hell with the answer, I like your digits.
this place if full of idiots brah, welcome
>le I'm on to you
/pol/ is cross the page
an intelligent one, praise the lord, maybe I can get an answer out of you fine gentleman
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>browsing /pol/
True ha
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Four posts off those sweet dubs, lad.
Very well
>still no digits
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I've seen it with my own eyes mah friend, but nobody but the ppl that know me irl, know how much of an asshole and ball buster I really am

Hmmm I can't help with that either, why is gaining weight so damn impossible?
Windows 7 is just XP's more fashionable cousin. Now we're win-bros, but shit I'm glad win7 dosen't ask me to update or anything. I've heard so many stories here and irl about them updating themselves if you leave the prompt open for to long. Scary

I'll make those crappy facebook memes and throw some shit on urban dictionary. You'll have to be a the guy who believes so anons get even more pissed off

I'm sure someone has tried that genre of music before, it probably wasn't that popular tho. But now if you get enough whites to like it your gold. Just look at odd future

Shit man is that just what happened to all the boards on this damn website. At some point maybe 2012 everyone decided to just shitpost cuz its 4chin. Of my near 6-7 years on here I've never been on /a/ =)

Does eggman even look like the shooter? I still kind of remember his face from the news, he just looked like some plain old white dude.
No certificates means you get raped. Have you heard about how aggressive some of those gay dudes get at the bar?
I agree with the boring part of that whole series, plus the fact its been hyped up out of control. But non-fiction is the basis of the human condition, we all crave it cause we all want to escape our dull lives for a bit

Thats the capital of my state, and I heard it gets some what ghetto out there too but nothing crazy
You mean their cash crop

My dream of opening a shady tire shop ran only by blacks and is just a front for my drug oprations will never come ture. Am I aiming to high for the stars

Everything the fascist made was cool and stylish. They took one of the best saulutes and ruined with their vibe. Plus those uniforms man come on

Lol does smoking weed and watching tv sound fun to you?
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Fuck the shitposters appear in droves and now this has just got interesting
why ty, i rustle the jims of these dumbasses its what i do for fun. whats about you?
exquisite, I recruit jimmy rustlers

>answers my question with a question
was going to ask if you're a shitskin then I saw this >>24212317

>being this redpilled
>redpill/bluepill dichotomy
Just meme my shit up.

You never mention what do you do fun, unless you count """""""""rustling""""""""" us as fun.
>what do you do fun
so much for a "reader", my rustling is qualitative
Dude the scary thing is that was after cleaning it for 10 minutes. I usually clean the whole thing each month and then it turns into a monster

Take thy time phamenite, I'm eating later breakfast rn

Yeah you guessed that right, you found the only shitskin in this place
I hate it when it's not easter
well usually i do it 'alone' but how if you want to mess with these tards ill happily join this is my current fave thing to do watch

>What I do for fun is not important, I had a bad day so I'll just spend my time posting shit on a cantonese website

All you had to do was read the thread

omfg KEKS , you wot m8
>when he knows everything about you #allgirlthings

again with the reading, fuck is wrong with you people
I do
kek this guy really knows how to spend a wednesday I missed you more when you just bumped so this is good

Your not doing it right
made me touch myself a little
Ballbuster, eh? I won't ask to elaborate on that.

It is possible, but I haven't attempted to seriously myself and I eat a lot as is.
I don't like Windows 10 tbqh. And that does sound scary, that is why you get a pirated version to avoid those pesky updates.

Sure do, but please keep the thread informed of your exploits.

It's experimental music, lots of people have, Death Grips is just relatively well known.

Wasn't it more of shitposting before then? I think it got very ironic around that time though.

Not even sure, it is just that they spread a rumor that he did and there was never any proof, but media was quick to jump on that and hold him as the suspect.
No man, I've never been to any. You sound experienced though. :^)
Yes, but I prefer different art than genre-shit to that tbqh.

I wouldn't know anything about America.
Cash crops is raddish, not anything else. Raddish and carrots.

You can never aim too high, bby.

Yes, they are the most effay people ever. I unironically like their aesthetic and I think I could rock it as well.

I'm here.
It's more of a quanitity thing for you, it seems. I see no quality shitposts pham. You best step up.
>when he runs out of things to rebuttal with

Other than shit posting why are you even here? Your still going to have to read this reply
im glad you do i do it for the butthurt and the enjoyment of those who like to see the butthurt
thursday rn
i have fulfilled my destiny then i can die in piece
looks like your not a bad rustler yourself my friend <3
New thrõd
>when he thinks le hurr durr yer an internet edgelord is worth rebutting

no no , not getting an ITT CHAT out of me sir

are you also rating me, you fine intellectual
Yes I am, my fellow mental gymnastic.
I've traveled to b once, let's be bffs <3

>this happens often ?
Every once in a while.
>im glad you do i do it for the butthurt and the enjoyment of those who like to see the butthurt
What could I do lol.
are we now cool internet dwellers of equal meme status and edge pay
lets b then yay
thats an understatement i think its the same 2 no lifers posting shit that never happened or will happen idk 24/7
>What could I do lol.
you can either watch and enjoy or participate ;)
You missed dubs, that's a big turn-off for me.
did you try masturbating ?
can I call you buddy, my lord only two , is it that severe, not if we stop it buddy
just the way you like it huh ;)
You're the slut in this relationship, you wench.
i guess but your associating with one of them rn idk if is smart tactic
if it butthurts it can be stop
im v smart buddy they're not no the show must go on
stop asking for my dick
Is it feminine one at least?
doesnt look like it but ill allow it
>degeneracy is real
I want /pol/ to leave, but you can stay bby. ;)
you can't into this mode of shitpost i recommend you stick to your "individual of high knowledge" mode
u da best 10/10 bud
Fuck off peasant, I have high quality pottery to knead.
atta boy still not funny enough tho, try again
Your still going at this, what happened to my replies m8?
nah u da best no go on and lets destroy these dumb threads my bruddha
you already got rekt tyrell why do you want to be imprisoned even more
this is why you need feminism
i am an antichrist
Oh my god man, not going to lie, that man me laugh I'm still laughing typing this. Did you pick up that lingo from /pol/? Call me something new like a kaffir or something

This is why we need the wall
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Night cucks kek
>you can either watch and enjoy or participate ;)
Obviouslly obvious try again Pham
Thread posts: 533
Thread images: 126

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