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Social no Kyojin? Thread. It's been a long time, huh?

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Social no Kyojin? Thread.
It's been a long time, huh?
AOT a shit
I enjoyed attack on titan personally, fun to cosplay from
>the straps still piss me off
I'm still having a blast with the manga!
>I like the straps
The straps look good, they just take forever to put on. It took me an hour to get them set up when I first got them. And they really restrict your movement at cons
Arend is that you? If not, who do you cosplay as?
I can imagine they would be a pain.
Did you have the gear as well?
Some of the SNK cosplayers are insane with the effort they put into it.
I don't know who that is, sorry anon. I cosplayed Christa Lenz until I repurposed the boots for another cosplay

I didn't, I wanted to have some mobility at con.
>I wanted to have some mobility at con.
Well that certainly makes sense
I was still practically falling down the stairs, I took the escalator everywhere.
Luckily enough, most of the cons in my neck of the woods are on one floor and if not they've got elevators.
The con I go to during Easter is 6 floors, and sometimes the escalators are shut down due to weight limits
It sucks
Yikes. I can definitely see why you're going for mobility over authenticity then
Absolutely, but it worked out well in the end, so that's a plus
Excellent to hear. I put on a bit of weight when I was in hospital for a leg injury, so I'm going back to fitness and then delving into some cosplay myself.
Who are best shingekis and why is it BRAYH?
Mikasa or bust
I've put on some weight recently, too much work, not enough working out
Excellent taste anon.
Post hands.
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If you go for fitness again, good luck to you!
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Good taste.
How much did you guys spend on the cosplay? Was considering doing one
Hannie a cute, are you the hairline anon?
I am. Unfortunately..
My Christa cosplay was about $120 or so? Bought the boots, straps, white pants, wig, jacket, and cape with that
You shouldn't be self aware about it, if you're not losing hair it's good.
I'm just a self concious person I'm afraid. I compensate by trying to make other people feel better about themselves.
But I appreciate the kind words
>self concious
>compensate by trying to make other people feel better about themselves
Do you also apologise often and feel like people stare at you all the time? [spoiler]Cause that's what I do as well ;_;[/spoiler]
People stare at me because I have a walking stick now. Leg injury that didn't heal up right.
Sorry to hear you feel like people stare at you anon.
Nah is Armin, Sasha, Historia, Hitch and Jean.
Jeanfag reporting in. Looks like some people here are discussing /fit/ stuff so I can help if anyone is looking for advice on anything.
Heft heavy loads! I edited your picture.

Walking stick means I can't run anymore. How effective is an exercise bike in comparison to running?
I wish I could cosplay, but I am far too terrible looking to try such a thing...
For pure cardio it's fine, but you may also want to try swimming due to the buoyancy taking some strain off of your knee. Unless your pain is gone and it's just the fact that it healed incorrectly that's keeping you from running.
If weight loss in the form of fat is your goal though, regular weightlifting is very effective in the long run. Just having muscle raises your BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate, the amount of calories you burn per day from doing absolutely nothing) so you'll burn more calories over the course of the week/month/year, etc.
General rule of thumb is that you burn an extra 6-10 calories per pound of muscle.

Use this to figure out what your BMR probably is right now, then you'll get a better idea of how much work you'll need to do to offset what you eat. http://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html

Also 3500 calories = 1 pound. So say you burn 2500 per day but eat 3000 per day, typically you'll gain about a pound per week somewhere. This depends a lot on genetics as well though.

Sorry, you asked a simple question and I started rambling lol
Trust me, make up does wonders. I actually look somewhat human with makeup on and contacts and false lashes
It's the incorrect healing that's stopped me from being able to run. No load-bearing without a cane.

I think that kinda rules out straight lifting. Looks like I'm pretty much stuck with an exercise bike and swimming a little.

But hey, thanks for the answer and advice!
Any suggestions for working out from home? I tried going to the only decent gym close to my house but one of the owners was hitting on me and it felt awkward to go after a while.
I'm currently doing aerobics and other basic stuff like crunches and pushups but if you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them. I don't have a place to buy my own equipment so I'm just sticking to basic weights so far since I only want to stay toned.
Haven't been working out regularly in a while, but if you plan to work out at home basic stuff is the way to go. A few sets of 20-30 each should be more than enough to keep you toned.
Upper body and core stuff will still be able to pack on 10 pounds or so relatively easily(probably over the course of 4-6 weeks if you lift leisurely 3 times a week) so it's not too bad, and most of it doesn't require legs at all. But yeah, I know how leg injuries suck. 3 years ago I screwed up my left knee pretty badly - hyperextension, severely strained MCL & PCL, bruised femur, bruised tibia, fractured fibula - and recovery was not very fun at all. Leg injuries are the worst. I remember being envious of people who could walk normally and being sort of spiteful at the fact that they were taking it for granted lol.

I'll answer you in a bit. I'm typing up a pretty long description of stuff and workout regiment and everything, so it may take a few minutes lol
Again, I appreciate the advice!
I would rather not delve into and dwell on my own injury though, I've had enough of that in my personal life!

So Jeanboy, having a good day?
Give me tips on being less lazy Jeanfag... All I do right now is walk 3 miles with my dogs most days (and I've been lazy with too recently)
Any time! And I'm having a great day. Currently drinking a chocolate milkshake and drawing really crappy examples of exercises in MS Paint for that other anon. How about yourself?

Cocaine. Or more healthily, get a waifu and have her tell you that she likes people with ambition and/or /fit/ people. I can think of no better motivation than a qt waifu.
I could probably help a lot more if I knew what you like to do for fun/what your typical daily routine is. The only stock advice I can offer while being in the dark is doing what I did - play little minigames with yourself in order to let yourself ease into making positive changes. For example if you're playing a game or something, tell yourself "after I beat this level/boss, I'll stand up and do 15 squats. If I lose, I'll have to do 30." Or do the reverse order and say "Before I get to drink this cup of coffee, I'll have to do 10 pushups. A few minutes after I'm done, I'll have to do 5."

Basically become Rock Lee. Just find at least 5 or so little minigames like that to play throughout the day. Eventually they'll suck less and less and you'll be able to slowly ramp up the intensity on how much you do and for what. Eventually you'll Pavlov yourself into associating doing well in something that you enjoy with doing a few minor things to improve your life little by little, and then it will snowball into you being less lazy. The most important part though is to not give up within a few days. The first week or two always sucks the most with any lifestyle change.
In your case, one of the minigames could be "After this thread autosages, I'll have to go walk the dogs."
Sounds comfy!
I'm doing well, drinking some green tea and going between posting here and playing Donkey Kong.
I finally dug my snes out of storage!
They should but I might be taking it too slow, so I'm still not seeing the desired results. I should step up my game somehow.

Of course Janbo, take your time.
Yeah, was a problem for me too, I wasn't pushing myself hard enough when working out alone. The best advice I can give you is to keep doing what you have been doing until now but pushing yourself harder. This is assuming you are doing the correct basic exercises of course.

I guess you could do some sport too, doing wrestling with some friends helped me a lot.
>doing wrestling with some friends
As in, signing up for professional training? We were thinking about kickboxing but knowing my friends (and myself) we'd get bored of it too quickly. Plus a friend of mine used to do kickboxing and she said she always ended up with face bruises despite the protection.
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100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and 10km running every single day.

Okay jokes aside: If you don't have any weights, filling a gallon milk jug or something with water weighs about 8lbs/3.7kgs. I'm assuming you're a beginner and (pls don't be mad if I'm wrong) female, so 8lbs should be enough for most arm stuff right now.

Core(abs/obliques, etc.) exercises get the most out of reps rather than weight so try to do as many of these as you can, rather than counting like 10/20/30 reps or whatnot. Gym slang for this is "until failure"

1.) Leg lifts(lay on your back, keep legs straight, lift them to be roughly 70-90 degrees off the ground - whatever your mobility permits - and then lower them back down while keeping them slightly above the ground. Optimally you'll never touch your calves or heels to the ground again after you first lift them up.) This will hit your lower abs mainly - the four that are usually harder to have show.
2.) Rocky's(?? I don't know, this is what I was taught that they were called) Lay on your back with your legs straight. Bring your right leg up to your chest as though you're tucking it up into your shirt or something, turn your body to the right, and try to touch your right heel with your left hand. Your shoulder and head should come off the ground. Return to the starting position and switch(tuck left leg, twist to the left, touch left heel with right hand) This will target your obliques mainly - the muscles on your sides that support the abs and whatnot.
3.) Crickets(??) Another oblique thing. Get into the pushup position with your arms locked out so you're as high off the ground as you can comfortably be. Kind of the same thing as last time - twist your body and tuck your knee, but this time you should be trying to get your knee somewhat close to your elbow(don't make them touch, that could make you overextend or lose balance or something)
When you twist, bend the elbow on the same side as the knee you're tucking.

Yeah something like that. I've never done kickboxing, but any group thing like that should work. I did Taekwondo and Hapkido too and the fights were always fun. Wrestling was specially fun for me because we weren't really punching each other. Trying to get out of a strong lock can be incredibly exhilarating, you have to use all the strenght your body has.
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4.) Planks. These aren't difficult to explain thankfully. Get into pushup position, lower yourself from having arms all the way extended to laying on your forearms. Hold this position for about a minute or so(these are a bitch, if you can't do a minute then that's fine. I've been doing this stuff for years and can barely hold them for 5 minutes.)

You're already doing crunches so keep that up.

Try to do at least 3 sets of all of these when you work core. Do a rotation, so do 1.), then 2.), 3.)...etc and then restart at 1.).
The third set will be hell though. Take breaks in between them if you want to. They shouldn't be done like rapid fire back to back. 30 seconds to a minute of rest in between is usually what I do, but sometimes I'll be exceptionally tired out and take a few minutes to rest.
You probably won't do as many reps the second and third time around either. No sweat, that's the point.
I'll be back in a little bit with leg/back/arm/chest stuff, but I have to go for now. Should be back within an hour or so.
>100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and 10km running every single day.
Don't play with my heart like that Janbo.

I already have weights but I was trying to play it smart buyer with these so I bought pic related to use them for every purpose. It's 5kg max so I have it on 5kg for the legs and 3kg for the arms. Pls tell me if I'm retarded. I should work out my arms more but I generally do 3 sets of 50 of everything. For the core I do 3 sets of 40 crunches/oblique crunches, 2-3 sets of 15 pushups or so (I fail at this so bad) and 3 sets of 15 squats. Leg lifts as well. "Until failure" sounds about right.

By the way thanks a lot for the effort and the suggestions, I'm going to add these in the mix and see how it works and I'm sure other anons will find these useful as well.

Welp who knows, I'll suggest kickboxing again and see how it works. I think I'm too old to sign up for any eastern based martial art though, did they ever turn out to be useful for you or was it just fun exercise?
I think it'll be fine as long as you don't hurt yourself, once I kicked someone too hard in the mouth and spent the rest of the day apologizing. The martial arts training has only ever been useful for bragging, but it was fun as fuck.

And just in case you needed confirmation, what Jeanbro suggests is good advice. We used do excercises like those on hapkido. Having fun is the most important thing though, so I'd focus on finding something you actually enjoy instead of infinite repetitions. Which is why I think kickboxing could be a good idea.
>once I kicked someone too hard in the mouth and spent the rest of the day apologizing
Fugg, I'm not up for this kind of drama, but then again, working out from home is boring as fuck so I should do something about it. I wouldn't mind me some bruises anyway as long as the face stays intact.
To be fair I was 17 when it happened, it'd be different if an adult did it. I honeslty doubt any kind of serious bruising would happen if you use protection, but accidents can always happen, so keep that in mind.

Back when I was working out at home I always ended up skipping on some exercises, which never happened when working out in groups. Doing it in a group also lets you do different kind of game-like exercises or circuits, which is always good.
>Back when I was working out at home I always ended up skipping on some exercises
Yeah sometimes I get lazy too, I guess that's the good part of having a personal trainer. Now hyping my friends for this would be the toughest part since no one in the group is athletic except for me and my ex who grew a gut after not playing basketball for years.
And I'm not really the kind of person to join a group alone.
Gyms sometimes offer some trial days for these kinds of things, you could try that to trick them. [spoiler]That's how they got me hooked.[/spoiler]

Anyway, if it doesn't work out and you have to keep working out alone you'll probably just need to push yourself harder and keep doing the basic exercises. Good luck staying toned anon.
Thank you my shingeko.
Where all the qt asian Mikasafags
So who /bert/ here
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Oh shit anon, didn't know I was talking to another Bertfag before. Berbspeed.

Berbspeed to you too anon. Maybe he help you stay fit.
Pretty much.
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I'm an Arminfag through and through. Feels like a rare breed these days.
Good taste anon
Personally, I'm not into Armin. I'm all about the annie.
Though I imagine Armin's hands would be like your own.
How many Bertfag left out there with no hand posting? Asking for science.
Hello /snk/.
What's up anon?
I didn't realize this thread was still ongoing. Not much though, and you?
Hello anon. You the one talking about mobas before?
Yes I am.
It's an experiment really, brought it back to see what would happen.

But I'm good thanks! Hopping between posting and cooking, podcast in the background. Having a nice day off work in general.
So far it seems to be doing okay. I guess not all anons are interested which is understandable.

What are you cooking? I wish I had the luxury of being off today.
Which ones do you play? I mostly use league.
I used to play league and have been playing HotS.
Yeah, to each their own. Maybe a few more will make their way here in time.

Nothing fancy at all I'm afraid, just some steak, veg and roast potatoes.
Look forward to your time off work anon!
Maybe post a link to here once per thread?
>steak, veg and roast potatoes
That sounds good. I do look forward to my time off, as it only comes on weekends. I'm an 8-5 officecuck.
I used to play league a lot more during s2 and 3, but I'm still kinda hooked to it. Never really got into Hots or Dota 2.
My friend tried to get me into Dota but I don't like it. Tbh I've been playing Overwatch, that is until the beta ended.
See, posting it once per thread would practically invite shitposting. It may be better to keep it running and link it when relevant.

Sorry to hear that anon, I couldn't handle office work, it would drive me insane.
That's true. What work do you do then if you don't mind me asking.

I didn't because potato camera and I wasn't there during the thread.
That's one of the things that I don't want to mention just now.
Being an Annie fan, were my job well known it would just become part of the shitposting.
Not to try and sound special, I just want to avoid adding fuel to the existing fire.
No problem. I understand.
Very kind of you.

So, work aside, any plans for the day?
My roommate and I are going to the fabric store after work. Otherwise nothing particularly interesting. How about you?
Sounds good to me, anything specific in mind?

Can't say I've got much planned. Once I'm finished eating I'm gonna take a walk, maybe head to the beach for a while. Drinks tonight with some friends though, so that shall be nice.
It's not for me, she has to get some fabric for her sewing class so I'm just coming along for the ride. Your day sounds more eventful so have fun anon.
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Apologies for the late reply!
We had a blast anon, the weather here has been incredibly recently.
The /a/ thread is more /soc/ than this one at the moment...
It's part of the magic.
Are you me?
I might be.
Magical enough.
Historiafag reporting in.
Hisu not a best but she has 3rd/4th place for me
I use morning glory's notebooks as well.
Hisu a cute.
Oh good, for once I post in this thread and my ID is the same as the last time.
Eren best boy
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Ghost Hand.jpg
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Another Historiafag here.
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Draw yourselves in paint.
Ended up looking fatter than I am
can't draw for shit.
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Asuka best girl.
wanna hang?
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Get back in the titan Shinji, no time for dates.
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fite me
looks like I got a new id
I've changed like 3 IDs so far, it's suffering.
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Better one
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Does this count? I had it from some early draft-comic thing.
in other boards sometimes I use trips because of it

Is this a mojito? It's an important question.
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Did we ever find out why there's an Anon with a passion for hating Historia?
Hissy is a cute nickname, but the hussy stuff is mean.
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I tried
Good to see you here my shingeko.
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where did you get that?

I'll try this when I get home later.
Colossal Edition 2 I got in forbidden planet.
Colossal Edition 1 I picked up on Amazon.
Nope, I already posted my hair on the pseudo soc thread
ruffle hair
never tried buying stuff online, I mostly buy in local stores. UK?

didn't see
I moved outside the city, so online is a better option for me.
Northern Ireland.
Took me 2 minutes. I can't draw on this shitty phone app.
I've been to Forbidden Planet UK before. Great store, although they carded me for buying a tradeback of X-Force even though I'm in my 20s.
NIanon is that you?
Good to see you too my dear. Are you really a asuka?
Not really but I'm too lazy to draw myself right now.
That sounds about right, they do tend to be a bit uppity on procedure

Indeed it is. Are you perhaps the anon I was talking to about a week ago?
How do you even draw yourselves properly using a mouse.
I used to be able to draw with a mouse but since getting a tablet I don't have the patience anymore. It's not hard once you steady your hand but good luck.
Just draw a stick figure with something that resembles your hairstyle. Should be fine.
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>Green eyes
Superior genes anon.
It's fine. I actually have a delusion but we'll see in the future and laugh about it, do not panic.
Yes it is. How much are they selling the Colossal Editions for? Once they told me and my sister to leave because she brought a drink in but whatever.
Kek, now I want to hear it.
I want superior green eyes too ;_; Mine are shitty brown with the tiniest hint of green. Am so jelly.
Well hello there. You're keeping well?

The colossal Editions go between £25-£35 depending on whether or not they're pre-owned. I would say that you should shop about online, some Ebay stores sell new copies at around £28.

I've never been chucked out, but I knew one of the managers so that may well explain that.

They're a darker shade of green unfortunately, a tad brighter would have been nice.
post eyes
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thatstuff is hard with a mouse
I still fucked up because I have a square face
pic closely related
Just checked amazon and they have them for £25-28 so I might just get them there.
I know I'm sorry.
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Eyes are the new hands?

They make nice little collectors pieces, the coloured pages are nice too. The third one comes out in September apparently.
noice eye color m8
That's a really nice color.
Those are pretty cool desu. Maybe I'll post my shitty brown later.
Jesus, anon you do really have superior genes.
You're all very kind.
Maybe I'll get them (but I like the regular volumes too)
I'm collecting both, I like the idea of having the singles and collected versions.
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>inb4 image for ants

brown eyes are qt too, post anon
I can't say anything when I have like 3 different cover variations of the first HDM book and plan to get more. I'm also getting the illustrated HP special editions.
Sorry, HDM?

I've seen those illustrated editions, and though I'm admittedly a big fan of the series, I don't think I'll be picking them up.
I'm actually re-listening to the Audio Books
His Dark Materials. They made the first one (Northern Lights/The Golden Compass) into a movie a while back. (2007 I want to say? It was kind of crappy) Hopefully the BBC series planned for 2017/2018 will be better. (Can't wait)

I got the first of the HP illustrated editions for Christmas, so I might as well get the rest as they come out. I love the art.
>His Dark Materials
Hmm, I'm not familiar with this. I've heard of the movie The Golden Compass, but I've never watched it.

Oh that sounds likely a lovely gift. The art is definitely, very nice indeed. Good luck with your growing collection! Do you have a favourite book in the series? A favourite character(s)perhaps?
>They made the first one into a movie a while back.
I got these books as a gift when I was young and I remember that I loved them and was excited for the movie, but it turned out disappointing. I barely remember what was going on in the books anymore, but HDM, HP and Artemis Fowl were my favorites.
My favourite character overall is Luna, but my other favourites are Neville, Tonks, Lupin and Sirius. I'd say either POA or HBP is my favourite book but it's been a while since I re-read them.
Luna was great, unfortunately she was underutilised in later portions of the story.

I was never a big fan of Neville, but I can appreciate his importance in the story.

Tonks, Lupin and Sirius are excellent characters. Their stories were butchered in the movies which was really unfortunate.

I really enjoy HBP and DH, reading them back to back makes for a super comfy time.
That bear fight was so hype.
I had read all the books before the movie too. I was hyped for months, and so disappointed the second one was cancelled...

Yeah I was pissed that Tonks' and Lupin's marriage and family stuff was glossed over and ignored. I'm sure a movie only person would have been confused by the fact they suddenly had a kid with no build up. I was actually rather interested in seeing Andromeda too.

Iorek is one of my favourite characters. Overall I think Lee Scoresby (and by extension Hester) is my favourite. Also Lyra and Serafina Pekkala.
Same here, Andromeda could have leant some real weight to the return of Voldermort. Given that she was a healer, she would probably have some grim stories to tell.

What annoyed me was how they cut out Harry and Lupin's argument. It was a big moment in the book.
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