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INTERESTS CONTACT THREAD Fuck including ASL. Nobody adds anyone

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 49
Thread images: 25

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Fuck including ASL. Nobody adds anyone except the thirsty creeps.

>Favourite films
>Favourite books
>Favourite musicians
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
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Hiking, Astronomy, Nature, Music, Physics, Film, Reading
>Favourite films
I really like O Brother Where Art Thou.
>Favourite books
Catch-22, Roadside Picnic. Reading Dune at the moment
>Favourite musicians
QOTSA, Pangea and other artists
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels

Walking, music, sometimes creative writing.
>Favourite films
Fight Club, Let The Right One In, Blade Runner, Scott Pilgrim, The Fifth Estate, Pan's Labyrinth, Bjarnfredarson, Big Hero 6
>Favourite books
The City and the City, Perdido Street Station, Annihilation, Neverwhere
>Favourite musicians
Placebo, Bjork, Kate Bush, Daughter, SOHN, Snow Patrol, Studio Killers, Lapsley, Dawn Richard,
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Magritte, Gravity Falls, Ghost in the Shell, MGSV, Dial H
Georgia, USA
Playing in a shitty punk band, film, reading,
Audio Engineer Student
>Favourite films
Scott Pilgrim, Turbo Kid, The Dirties
>Favourite books
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Series, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, A Visit From the Goon Squad
>Favourite musicians
Bomb the Music Industry, Joyce Manor, Direct Hit, Nouns, TWIABP
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Jeffery Browns girlfriend trilogy of graphic novels, Bojack Horseman, Silicon Valley
Bojack is fucking great. I've yet to watch season 2 though. And SV is pretty awesome, too. Good taste.
>A/S/L, regardless of what OP says
18/M/Atlanta, Georgia
Film, Writing, Reading
>Favourite films
Duck Soup, A Hard Day's Night, American Graffiti, the original Star Wars trilogy, Clerks, Swingers, and F for Fake
>Favourite books
Slaughterhouse-Five, Flowers for Algernon, The Disaster Artist, Dune, and The Great Gatsby
>Favourite musicians
The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Blues Brothers, My Bloody Valentine, Animal Collective, Megadeth, Slayer, Municipal Waste, and Death
>Favorite TV shows
Mystery Science Theater 3000, Rick and Morty, Siskel and Ebert, Stargate SG-1, The Twilight Zone, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Over the Garden Wall (if miniseries count)
>Favorite vidya
EarthBound, Journey to Silius, Beyond Oasis, Devilish: The Next Possession, Crystalis, Conquest of the Crystal Palace, Battle of Olympus, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time, Darkwing Duck, Blades of Steel, Aladdin, Zero Wing, Comix Zone, Pulseman, and Vectorman
>Skype name
united states
music, programming (not that I'm any good)
shitty games
basically neet, but I go to school
>Favourite films
perks of being a wallflower
ruby sparks
some other shit
>Favourite books
I don't read often, but
American Psycho
>Favourite musicians
Blue Oyster Cult
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
tv: lots of shows
Parks and Recreation, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Eureka, Angel, most of House, etc.
I play osu!
not much else I do

I like snuggles and cuddles

mtf trans, into girls and other mtf transgirls

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>Sexual Orientation
>Relationship Status
happily married
>Text / Mic / Cam
Mic or Cam as I am trying to overcome my social anxiety
>MBTI Type
>Favorite Music
Indie, Surf, Shoegaze, Rockabilly, Goth, Punk. I like anything from Burger Records.
>Favorite Movies
Grand Budapest Hotel, Sunshine, Moonrise Kingdom. Anything Wes Anderson :/
>Favorite TV Shows
Live:Game of thrones, Marco Polo, 30 Rock, Office, Parks and Rec
Anime: Log Horizon, Samurai Champloo, Bakemonogatari
>Favorite Books
Vonnegut, Sedaris, Poe, Lovecraft
>Favorite Vidya
Half Life Series, Ni No Kuni,
going to shows, museum hopping, foodie, walking around with some music. Anime cons
>What boards do you use?
/ck/ /fa/ /fit/ /gif/ /f/ /soc/
>Are you a NEET?
>What languages do you speak?
>What are you looking for?
looking to better my conversational skills, annunciation, and dialogue structures with someone interesting.
>What are you not looking for?
creeps, meeting up, other sources of contact
>Contact Info
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>Sexual Orientation
fem preference
east coast
>What languages do you speak?
noise, power electronics, psychedelic rock, neofolk, noise rock, post-punk, minimal wave/synth, industrial, techno, shoegaze, black metal, slowcore
Le feu follet, Shogun's Sadism, Nekromantik, Chungking Express, Au hasard Balthazar, The Seventh Seal
the trouble with being born by cioran
hp lovecraft
>fav videogames
EU4, CK2, TF2, L4D2, Stardew Valley, Dont Starve Together, MnB Warband
>looking for
>not looking for
boring stuff
>one fact we should know about you before contacting you
im drinking
>contact info
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music, movies, phiosophy, astrology, psychology, biology
>>Favourite films
persepolis, alien, come and see, mind game, horror movies
>>Favourite books
the nicomaquean ethics, knut hamsuns hunger
>>Favourite musicians
low, wire, cocteau twins, einsturzende neubauten. boris
>>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
watamote, street fighter,

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USA, Kentucky

I'm a painter, I work primarily in oils. Drawing both traditionally and Digitally.
I'm interested in space, pursuits of art, and humans. More specifically the history of people, as well as the person where they are at the current moment. I write a lot of letters, and I do amateur voice acting.

Senior Art Major - Painting Emphasis
Radio Station Manager

>Favourite films
The Martian, Fritz the Cat, Zootopia, Road to Eldorado

>Favourite books
Ender series, admittidly I don't read too often.

>Favourite musicians
Music is usually anything I deem as "chill."
A lot of Gotye, W.C Lindsay, Young Monks.

>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
I'm getting back to reading webcomics now that my semester is ending. I watch a good amount of anime too, a lot of shounen stuff since it's my hubris. I play blazblue, a lot of single player game too.
You should probably poast your contact as well man.


Request sent
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Iowa, US
Spending time with the dog, video games, do-it-yourself projects
>Favorite films
American Psycho (I know, I know), Inception, Pulp Fiction, Interstellar, Shawn of the Dead
>Favorite books
I honestly don't read. Tend not to pick up a book unless it's an artbook or a guide on how to do something
>Favorite musicians
Ratatat, Sublime, Fatboy Silm, Lana Del Ray, Cake
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Love vidya and anime.
>Contact info
gaming, movies, fitness
>Favourite films
battle royale
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
pc and ps4 games.
Im looking for people to play through mmos with and actually make it to end game because ive never done it before.
(dont be a perv)
my skype is Toukachu
Holy shit our film and book tastes are the really fucking similar. Never thought I'd meet another mieville fan. Sent I'm C c:
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Vidya, e-guitar, some sports casually

Work and studying

>Favourite films

>Favourite books
I don't read books tbqh, used to read some manga tho

>Favourite music
future bass, glitch hop, melodic dubstep, trap

>Other media:

GoT, cartoon shit

not really watching anything anymore but I loved HxH, Steins;Gate and Shingeki no Bahamut
used to read manga like Berserk or Sun-ken rock

Fallout NV, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 3, Rainbow 6, older Spyro games and tons more
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>Text / Mic / Cam
>Favorite Music
some of everything, mostly old school hip-hop.
Keith Murray-Nobody Do It Better
Inspectah Deck - City High
Big L - MVP ( Summer Smooth Remix ) ft. Missy Jones
Beatnuts - Hit Me With That
Naughty By Nature - Hip Hop Hooray
Souls Of Mischief - 93 Til' Infinity
smooth/contemporary jazz music is alright too
>Favorite Movies
goodfellas, scarface, old "Kung-Fu" films (Last hero in China, shaolin temple 1982, etc.) a bunch of other classics everyone's seen
>Favorite TV Shows
Drunk History, Investigation Discovery (Real Mystery/Crimes etc.), I watch the news a lot too.
>Books Read/Favorite Books
Animal Farm, Oldman and the sea, stuff that you probably read in middle school. I skipped to the end of the bible a few times, idk if that counts.
Dota 2, Dark souls 1&2, killing floor 1, Dead island, Risk of rain, Don't starve Together, Chivalry 1 & Deadliest warrior, castle crashers, CS:GO, Garry's Mod, war thunder, Injustice, Ultra Streetfighter 4, skullgirls, other games
>Are you a NEET?
>What languages do you speak?
english & enough spanish
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to
>What are you not looking for?
People who don't talk (you can still add me though, we'll chat it up eventually)
>Contact Info
What's your contact info? Hou sound cool
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Wellington, NZ
Vidya dev, vidya, culture/media, learning, writing, music, creative things in general
Work as a programmer
>Favourite films
In Bruges, Big Lebowski, Wristcutters...
>Favourite books
Brave New World, anything Pratchett, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles
>Favourite musicians
NMH, That Handsome Devil, Atmosphere
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Daredevil, Rick and Morty
Eden of the East, Cowboy Bebop, JoJo, Ippo
Arkham Asylum, Spelunky, Secret of Mana
Transmet, Y the Last Man, usually prefer Vertigo/Image/Dark Horse to DC/Marvel
Looking for friends to play osu with and chat hehe XD
skype: kagomez11
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Music, recently photography


>Favourite films
It's Such a Beautiful Day, End of Evangelion (am weeb sue me)

>Favourite books
Haruki Murakami, Kobo Abe etc.

>Favourite musicians
Virtuoso Guitar e.g. Vai, Eric Johnson
Prog Stuff e.g. Yes, King Crimson, Zappa
Basically anything really

>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
I dig anything cool
Love cyberpunk stuff
Vapourwave stuff
Sad aesthetic stuff
Weeb shit
Ren Hang photography
If you're chill then we can hang

Skype = venusisle644
>A/S because why not
18 M
Vidya games, anime, hiking, urban exploring, planning trips I'll never go on :^).
NEET atm getting job soon
>Favourite films
Apocalypse Now, GiTS Arise, That one live action movie with battleship yamato.
>Favourite books
dont read much desu.
>Favourite musicians
Babymetal, and lots of others.
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels Dark souls 1 - 3, Bloodborne, WoWs, Rising Storm/RO2, Total War shogun 2, stellaris, Insurgency, Squad, Arma II - III, Project Reality, Wargame Red Dragon, Mount and Blade Warband, WH40K Dawn of War, Nekopara, Overwatch, way too many anime/manga too list.
>Skype name
>Location UK
>Hobbies/Interests Anime
>Work/Student/NEET Neet
>Favourite films EOE
>Favourite books JOJO
>Favourite musicians AJJ
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Gaming, running, music
>Favourite films
Pulp Fiction, Warrior, Wind that shakes the barley
>Favourite books
22/11/63, Harry Potter
>Favourite musicians
A7X, Logic, The Kooks, Hans Zimmer, Snow Patrol
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
If it's a good TV show, then I probably like it. I watch some animes, Death note, Elfen Lied, Fairytail etc.

Skype - ImEndure
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History, philosophy, psychology, /tg/, vidya

Working and finishing my master's.

>Favourite films
American Psycho, Letters from Iwo Jima

>Favourite books
American Gods, House of Leaves, Faust

>Favourite musicians
Johnny Cash, some German punk band you likely never heard of, Sabaton, various Soundtrack composers

>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Vidya: XCOM 2, Silent Hill 2, Endless Games

Anime: Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei; Fate/zero; Kara no Kyoukai, Death Parade

Art: Not particularly knowledgeable about it, but I enjoy it; I prefer it either abstract and symbolic or just well-drawn real or imagined scenes

Skype: saibot_11
Kik: dbotais (during the week)
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hanging out, having nice sex
none and if you didn't take a notice I'm a lady for fuck's sake!
>Favourite films
don't have enough time to watch movies
>Favourite books
haven't read since my childhood cause it's freaking boring
>Favourite musicians
a lot, basically pop, rap
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Anime???I'm sorry? Do I look like a nerdy trixie or something??

guy.poor - creepers are not allowed adding me whatsoever!
nice bait

>You should probably poast your contact as well man.

Vidyas and movies
>Favourite films
Rocket science, rocknrolla and dredd
>Favourite books
The perfume
>Favourite musicians
The Pack A.D, Violent femmes and the rakes
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
I play smite, CS GO and lol sometimes, I read Prequel, Guttersniper and VGcats
Skype: Pixel
relatively/kinda new to Brooklyn, NY
the usual, watching films, reading books, writing stuff, playing/listening to music, etc
graduate student
>Favourite films?
stanley kubrick, french new wave, german surrealism
>Favourite books?
i'm a graduate student in comparative literature, there are simply too many to name
>Favourite musicians?
brian eno, krautrock, shoegaze, new wave
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
monet is cool, television is cool, i've seen too many anime series, i play league of legends, i don't read graphic novels
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Looking for fem 2 play osu with
Skype: ninjamon101 (dont h8 the name m8)
well, im pretty lonely when im on my pc, hoping i cant spend some nice skype time with anyone, i consider myself someone with a lot of humour and like laughing when i dont have a cripple depression.
at uni now.
>Favourite films
cant bother to think shit like that now
>Favourite book
not really a book reader
>Favourite musicians
electronic random shit, waifu wednesday
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
i like a lot osu, black desert, csgo and an endless list of games and moe shit

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i suck at playing piano but i try
working for a paycheck instead of waiting to win the lottery.
>Favourite films
whores glory, jiro dreams of sushi, all about lily chou chou, lost in translation, tank girl, hackers.
>Favourite books
less than zero, no one belongs here more than you, blankets, sandman
>Favourite musicians
m83, boards of canada, gunship, billie holiday, death grips, toro y moi, skeletons and sidewalks
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
i love the art of frida kahlo, i like my instagram, and i wish bernie sanders had a chance at winning.
contact: lightswitch_raves

i want someone to be penpals with. someone to say hello to when there's no one in the world who wants to say hello back.
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Chiraq, bruv

cooking, cycling, gardening, DIY, medical, strength training, sleeping, video editing

D28 & nursing

>Favourite films
sicario(??). efukt (while drunk). podracing > dedsolo

>Favourite books
DRUGS, a few gardening books, cycling anatomy, my messy moleskin logbook.

>music rn
zedd- true colors

>Other bullshit

>prod me @

gained 20 lbs in water/muscle. feels good
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Going out to the gun range (rifles and pistols), drinking new and fine whiskey, painting models and making/painting Terrain, p&p role playing, video games, a little bit of politics and I like driving.
Self-employed (no really I do actually have a job)
>Favourite films
I've never been good with picking my favorite movies, but I'll throw out there Upstream Color because that's the closest thing I've had to a religious experience.
>Favourite books
HP Lovecraft, Philip K. dick especially Follow my tears and Scanner Darkly, Red Dragon, Hyperion, American Psycho, Roadside Picnic, Solaris, Hammer’s Slammers series, Takeshi Kovacs series and The Expanse series.
>Favourite musicians
I'm kind of weird, I'm not that big into music but I love the mountain goats and Miles Davis.
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
zdzislaw beksinski and lots of random concept art for video games and RPG's.
The Wire, Leftovers, Rectify and Moral Orel.
Texhnolyze, Blue Submarine No. 6, Shinsekai yori, Ghost in the Shell, Paranoia Agent, Planetes, The Big O, Ergo Proxy, Kemonozume, I also have a soft spot for Spice and Wolf.
Silent Hill 2/3/4/and even downpour, Halo, Tiberian Sun, Total Annihilation, Alpha Centauri, DOOM/2/3, kotor1/2, Walking Dead, NeoTokyo, Red Orchestra 2, Far Cry 2, F.E.A.R., DayZ (I know it's shit) and a wide assortment of co-op games.
Punisher MAX, DMZ, V for Vendetta, The Watchmen, Sandman, BLAM! and Freesia.

kik/Skype: RedSnapperPizza
email: [email protected]
Playing bass, Self help, Retro gaming, Society, Psychology, Alt Media, Politics, Paranormal, Dad jokes, Alcoholic beverages
Looking for a job and doing some work for the local metal community in the meantime
>Favourite films
99f, Atérix et Obélix Mission Cléopâtre, The babadook, Swingers, Tetsuo - The iron man
>Favourite books
I read the news and sci/tech and politics articles mostly
>Favourite musicians
Death, Visceral Bleeding, Motoi Sakuraba, Yasunori Mitsuda, Pantera
Pretty much anything Thrash or Death Metal and retro games soundtracks
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
I watch alt-media, philosophy and politics podcasts, documentaries, twitch speedrunners, let's plays.
I play retro games like super nintendo and sega genesis and sometimes PS1/2 and some dreamcast.

skype: stlaurent.andre
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you have a youtube channel I can follow?

best way to overcome social anxiety is to work in retail

favorite museum?

do you have a digital portfolio of your works? Wanna check it out.

what are the job desc. of a radio station manager?

latest DIY project?

nice choice in musicians

favorite lift?

master's of?

getting a job will help. especially a physical one

I can be your penpal over skype

there's some enigma to vagueness. what do you do for a living?

also politics?

BIG O fuck yeah.

does self help work with alcohol? you should work in elections. I love it.
I've met a couple of bad apples on here and soc is a very small world plus I work in a niche industry.
I'm not massively into politics but I've made a point to vote in every major election since I was 18, even if there was no one I really wanted to vote for.
If you have any questions on my work or anything just hit me up on my contact info.

International Communication (basically translation)
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New York
>Favourite films
>Favourite books
Hunger Games <3
>Favourite musicians
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Big Brother/Ncis/LawandOrder/BadGirlsclub/Ufc
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new york

> Hobbies//interests
i dont go to the shooting range much but i like doing it. i like to go camping, explore abandoned places with chill people, im open to do psychedelics, i smoke mary no hard drugs fuck that. i love upstate ny atvs and hunting are fun af love skyping in groups

student / looking for work

>favorite films
wolf of wall street, austin powers, half baked

>favorite books
dont read that much

>favorite musicians
Odd future, Tyler the creator, Domo Genesis, Mac Demarco, Jimi Hendrix, and some metal

>other media
i play alot of vidya, sons of anarchy is my all time favorite show

Contact info:
lethaltoxin__offical (yes i know its misspelled :D)
United States
Music, hiking (and other outdoors shit), film, politics, cooking, health/fitness, crafts/DIY
Work and Student
>Favourite films
Thats a tough one, but I really enjoy films specifically from the 1970s
>Favourite books
No favourites, but I enjoy memiors usually
>Favourite musicians
Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Donovan, Simon and Garfunkle, George Harrison, Cass Elliot. Leondard Cohen
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Not really into vidya at this moment but I would love to get back into it.
I enjoy anime but I'm picky. As for TV I really like the sopranos and basically all those other mainstram shows
>Contact info
Contact info?
>shingeki no bahamut

Contact info?
Reading, Archery, Fitness, general weebshit
>Favourite films
American Psycho, Battle Royale, Fight Club, The Evil Dead, Big Hero 6, Star Wars
>Favourite books
A Land Fit for Heroes, The First Law, Warhammer 40k, Dune, The Martian, Wild Cards, Game of Thrones
>Favourite musicians
Sevendust, Gojira, Mastodon, Faith no More, Ghost, Death Grips, and many more
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
Rick and Morty, Game of Thrones, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Mark Waid's Irredeemable, pretty much anything from the Star Wars EU, and many more~
>favorite museum?

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Kyoto right now (Stockholm most of the time)
Fashion/vidya/movies/music/japan/gym stuff
>Favourite films
Post Apocalyptic stuff / Studio Ghibli
>Favourite musicians
The Weeknd
>Other media: art, TV, anime, vidya, graphic novels
All of that except graphic novels. Not gonna specify because tired.

Skype: eriktrulson
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Denny R - Denfield.jpg
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And a virgin.

Leave your contact info.
Thread posts: 49
Thread images: 25

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