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Late Night Meh Thread You know the drill by now

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Thread replies: 118
Thread images: 21

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Late Night Meh Thread
You know the drill by now
Dead as fuck tonight
Hey there stickybunz cum bucket fag boi cock slave :3

How's your self-loathing tonight? Covering it up with a transparent sense of bravado as usual, sweetie?
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cut my life in to pieces
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Hardcore man!
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Meh is a creepy stalker. I'm reposting these pictures I saved from last post. Others should do the same to derail this attention whoring faggots topics.
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Here's proof of meh samefagging and self posting in crush thread. Pathetic and cringeworthy
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That's the last (so far), but he manages to constantly ooze cringe in every thread, so people may have more to add in future. He's probably gonna come back with "obsessive stalker", but it's all true and took barely any time. GG Mr Cringe, you scrawny twink
Lmao. I knew the guy was a weirdo, but this is a whole nother level of shit. I've seen him desperately creeping on girls before. Funny thing about posting all that stuff is that he'll hit the 100 pic bump limit faster.
Yeah, he posts cringey desperate attempts to get girls to talk to him a lot. Great point about the 100 pics, haha that's an added benefit
Is that a thing?!?
Nice hair cut OP let me know if you go gay and want that juicy cock sucked
Is that a cum stain on your mirror?
Man this threads gay
Toothpaste use logic man
Analyzing your behavior, the most logical thing to believe is that you wank while staring at yourself in the mirror.... So, I think it is quite understandable to think that!
Great to see people using the screenshots posted in last thread. They really do show what a total loser and cringey bastard this guy is. Keep up the good work. Make them mandatory for these cancerous threads. Just sucks that you can't sage, so it bumps him.
Quads and actual humor fuck is that refreshing lol
Don't act like you don't want my cock
Jealous swine
OP isn't even a fun attention whore. He's narcissistic and too dumb to realize when people are being sarcastic assholes or agreeing with him in a joking way. He's got his head solidly shoved up his own ass. Probably a virgin due to weeaboo tattoos and having the body of a twink and face of a teenage girl.
this t b h
unfortunately he isn't a virgin
I'd probably need eye bleach to see whatever thing let him fuck it. Unless he's gay. Gay guys tend to like his type. In the closet guys too, probably because they could spin him around and pretend he's a woman
Lmao, I see Meh has initiated damage control and won't discuss the pictures. We need to start doing this every thread.
He had an Internet girlfriend who he never met and who had an actual boyfriend at the time. He refers to her as his ex, lmao. So he's a cuck on top of all his other failings.
this is getting ridonculus...
I do ok for myself :3
It's been that way for awhile stalkers gonna stalk.
I don't get why you guys reply to the thread if you dont like the guy! xD That's fucked up
I hope they continue. I don't feel strongly one way or the other towards the OP aside from knowing he's a bit of a tool. The drama is funny to watch though. There's apparently a bunch of people that dislike the guy.
Yh I feel that, aha but it appears to me that the drama is caused because of the replying?
is he gonna post nudes or whet?
It seems that drama is usually caused by OPs reactions. He usually gets defensive and pissy. Though I get the impression he'll take whatever attention he can get, negative or positive. He seems to lack it in normal life. Why else would any average person come here and make these threads? Not like he's extremely good looking or charismatic and funny enough to deserve adoration and attention from the masses. So he settles for being mediocre but acting stuck up and narcissistic about it to generate more attention.
Quite! But one could argue that novelettes like that escalate the theatrics.
Nailed him to a T. Meh his name, meh his looks, meh his attitude. He just craves all this attention. Just look again at the pictures. What kind of attention whoring loser posts themselves in a crush thread?
There's a metric mega shit ton of people who don't like him. He drives people away from this place, mostly women due to heavy harassment and stalking.
I don't know if you're new here, but the board really doesn't like the guy as a whole. Like
said, he drives women away in droves with his desperation and stalking tendencies. Only reason people respond to his topics are to get a rise out of him. He's well known as Mr Cringe or just plain Cringe by the people of the board who actually respond to him.
Could you guys please derail all this guy's threads in this way in future? You're like chemotherapy to the board. Disrupt Craterfaces threads too when you get the chance.
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You look cute op
Probably samefagging, but if not, watch out for OP. He tends to stalk and harass any girl who shows him the slightest interest. Though "cute" is a friend term for guys, haha
Is that really true?
Just read those pictures that were posted. Also he gets drunk and starts pestering people in threads for their Kik and if he does manage to start talking with someone, he shares pictures of them claiming that they were his ex. He's a scumbag andand a plague on this board.
Who Te fuck is craterface? The guy who posts those twatty king of soc things? Or is that some other fucker?
Wow. Okay thanks for telling me
Anyone have his kik? I'm not gonna add him or anything but idk I'm just curious
Aha yeah I'm kinda new. But evn a newfag can tell the board don't like the guy. What idg is if /soc stops replying, he won't post as often no? So why not do that then?
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David, I think. Pic related
Mehsin or some weeb crap
don't post your dick.
Seconding this. No one wants to see that
incidentally i used to bother him into posting one every thread
i kinda lost interest though
Jesus!! I have not seen whatever that^ is before! Satan above! xD
because it's nothing interesting or spectacular, just an ugly cock.
Lol you guys are getting out of hand with the lies why so pissy jealousy trolling angry at my non interest in you all this effort for a lie is beyond me
It's mehshin why
In short yall niggas need jesus
I honestly have such a confused boner right now. I never remember finding you attractive before, but you got hot.

Post fresh nudes for old times sake.
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Well I got much larger in size :p but sorry I don't camwhore anymore the community is much to cancerous these days well I mean I do attention whore obviously but I keep my clothes on mostly
Here's a gif I made with my ex for your trouble though
your ex has terrible technique, no wonder you're such a loser. can't even get a good bj
Well this is the most pathetic insult I've ever haha you get blowjobs I bet she has cooties
Come on champ now you're just scraping the bottom of the barrel
Obviously she wanted to know so she could avoid you, dimwit. Don't blame her either if even 1/10 of the stuff posted about you is true
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im so fucked up.. i just wanna talk.
to anybody.
You're a good looking guy try a kik or Skype thread this is a very cancerous thread you may want to avoid it completely
forgot to add..
skype: smokingp4per
reminder: i dont care if you're m or f
i aint bi
i just wanna talk mate
that literally made no sense. Are you mentally retarded as well?
have you taken a look at the tattoos?
Shame, now I'm going to regret never saving any of your older pics, haha.

Nice gif though.
and you're now posting it here? wow. you're a scumbag. this was probably supposed to be fucking private.
Thanks sorry man
Make sure to. Take a snapshot for my next thread ;^)
Tfw 32 posters I wonder how many are just one or two guys samefagging
Or you could stop being an awful human, stop harassing women, stalking, samefagging, and try to be a better person.
this is literally my first time posting in this thread, are you retarded
this thread is not just visible to two people
literally what the fuck is wrong with you? you're putting that chick's entire life on the line just for you to get attention.
fuck all these 'literally's
I need to get out of this habit lmao
I litterally do none of those things quit believeng the hype tard
But you have, you've been caught, on multiple occasions. Its been proven, its fact.
Lol wat have you even looked at those pics they prove one thing me an a ex etchings whatever you want to label it got into a fight months ago
Have yiu ever dealt with a bitter ex it's not something to be posted as facts
did you ever think that perhaps that ex is 'bitter' for a reason? or do you genuinely believe you can do no wrong
Dude, I've been around long enough to see all of that be true about you. You're a fucking nightmare, its the most common of knowledges here.
No Ive admitted to shitting on that relationship but I never stalked or harassed her we did get into fights though but that's not 4chans business also left to grab a drink so id's gonna be different
I mean yiu can keep lieing then I can't stop you ;p
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Whoops forgot pic
>Dicks and mental illness
You're the reason that description was a thing. You're a tragically sick person, and you just keep getting worse.
Somebody forgot to take there meds
You might want to change your I'd I'm done humoring this one
>four loko
could you be any more of a faggot?
I could be you so yes
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No ones been samefagging kid, we leave that up to you.
This. OP is king of samefagging
I hate you so much get off 4chan god
does he do anything besides get drunk at home by himself
Seriously dude, you aligned your crotch with the cum stain!
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Got hungry made a snack :3
I'll never get why people don't make there own chips
I actually aligned a cum stain withy crotch
Get a fucking hobby mate you life must be shit if you hate a random person on the Internet
There's first world problems then there's neet problems
Let me guess mommy didn't buy you the latest call of duty so now you have to take out your anger on me
Feeling really lonely. Not good
What's the matter why so lonely
why do you keep posing with your four loko? Is that what you consider a cool thing to do?
For people like you toots
You better watch out, he'll EDM you to death.
Man I haven't been into Edm since I was like 18 that fucking feel when 18 was almost 5yrs ago
Kill me
Just got home and just felt this loneliness come upon me Senpai.

Your snitchezel recipe was good that one day you told me.
Oh man that was awhile ago I recommend alcohol and bubble bath Stat
I'll try the bubble bath. I tried to have some Jameson earlier but the smell was making me gag.
Well you're not smelling it your drinking it and if you really need to mix it with some Coke or if you really really need to fill your mouth with coke then chug Jameson then finish with more coke
Gonna grab the bottle from my car
Cheers wish I had more booz but can be added to go back to the shop
I'll take a shot for you friend.
For me you'll have to take atleast 3
Tfw Damien Jurado_hoqulam came on
Yup now I'm lonely too yay :/
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You're better looking than OP, but it's not like this is a rate thread.

OP, the crush thread you self posted in got deleted. What happened? There was discussion going on last night, and when I went to check it just now it was gone.
Thread posts: 118
Thread images: 21

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