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I’ve considered plastic surgery if I don't kill myself.Not

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I’ve considered plastic surgery if I don't kill myself.Not that I hate myself or life but I do struggle with a lot really basic shit but I'm not getting into my reasons since it's irrelevant .

I've been lifting weights for over 2 and a half years because people kept telling me it was the only way women would be interested in me(nevermind I know plenty of guys who never touched a weight in their life who do fine). But in my experience it doesn't really help if you aren't already at least minimally attractive already even though it's better to be fit than not in most circumstances. It did nothing for me and people still tell me I need to put on weight even though since I fucking started I put on 40 pounds and I'm not really skinny at all so whenever people say this to me it makes me want to slit their fucking throats.

Don’t tell me to get therapy. I've been my literally my entire life because I'm schizophrenic and autistic and on meds. It doesn’t help. I already know I sound insane to most people. I know my mental illness will make it unlikely women will ever be interested but I am interested in looking as good as possible regardless(otherwise I wouldn't still waste time lifting weights) and wonder what features I could have improved

Years of working out but I'm still apparently strictly average or below average or that I’m really plain looking(which is weird since I’ve also been told I’m exotic looking but that pisses me off too). the only girls I know who have commented say I'm ugly as fuck in real life and others have told me I look like ET

I commonly hear I need a better haircut but people tell me this no matter how I get cut and can't help that I'm multiracial and have this hair and I honestly don't know what to do with it. Short, long in a fro, long on top short on the sides, a fauxhawk, buzzed, etc Literally every time I get told to get a better haircut. But I know people with similarly curly hair who are considered to be good looking
Basically I'm wondering what things I can do to make my physical appearance better that don't just involve working out or buying expensive clothes.
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Let me start by saying I am in the same situation. Postponing suicide with the idea that I can get plastic surgery someday.

Is that you? I am way uglier than you. My chin looks like this guy, except I have a big jew nose too .

I can say that you don't look deformed at all. Plastic surgery won't change much for you .

Actually seeing people with fine faces conplaining makes me want to kill you and make your skull into a wine glass.

Anyway, as far as getting women, as a man personality matters more. We are more shallow, we don't understand that appearance matters less to them

I am ugly as all hell and have had several attractive skinny white and Japanese women be into me ( also I'm a sperg that browses 4chan every day) I still want surgery because I can't stand the sight of my own reflexion. It's not for women . plastic surgery will have 0 effect on your chances with women
If you don't think your the shit, why would anyone else.
Well my suicidal desire has nothing to do with how I look but explaining my reasons and train of thought for that would be several times longer than the opening post already is.

And I'm not really complaining. I don't even have a problem with how I look. But in general I've not heard good things and like I said I am interested to peaking my appearance to the highest point I can just because I'm interested in it and no other real reason.

I know appearance matters less. But it still matters to some extent. But regardless I can't get people to speak to me at all in real life and as I pointed out being severely mentally many people both men and women have told me it's unlikely to ever happen for me. THis is why I'm interested in my physical appearance as a personal project instead. Otherwise, again like I said, I would just quit lifting weights because I otherwise don't really care about that at all lmao

I don't think anything is so severely wrong with me I should have this degree of difficulty with women

But I don't know why this is what you guys keep commenting on when I've specified that I know

I don't have a problem with myself but women and men keep telling me I'm unattractive and in real life I can't get people to speak to me at all. So again I am interested in my appearance as a personal project to give me something to work. Not because of women.

Like I literally state this in myopening post and yet you guys keep saying this and it makes me wish I could fucking stab you guys because I literally already covered this.

But why does it matter if I think I'm "the shit" or not whatever that means. Some of the most insecure guys I've ever met in my life have been with more women than anyone else. I feel like this doesn't matter at all. It's not like I have a problem with myself or hate myself. I have a lot of difficulty with a lot of things but I don't feel like I should at all. I'm actually pretty happy with myself as a person.
I've seen you bitch all night, shut the fuck up already
Bitching? I just want advice on how I can make myself above average. I'm not complaining at all. I'm fine if this isn't possible. I just want a straight answer on what I look like or what I can do because it interests

i seriously want to fucking kill all fo you

The next person who says anything about me complaining or doing this because of women(which again isn't strictly true). If anyone else says anything else like this I'm going to go fucking stab my little sister while she is napping.

I just want to know if it's possible for me to be above average and if yes then how I can peak.
Fuck it I'm jsut going to beat the shit out of her anyway cause I'm super fucking angry anyway about people assuming shit abourt me and it makes me want to fucking kill someone
Shut the fuck up.
kill yourself spaz
Why am I not allowed to ask for advice on how to improve my appearance? Whether I'm bad looking or not I feel like there is nothing wrong wtih this
I really feel like just slitting my sisters fucking throat because she's the only person around
why? you're pretty good looking dude
Because as I said in the post people tell me I'm below average or strictly average and in real life the only women who've commented on my appearance have told me I'm ugly as fuck. Both guys and girls have told me I'm not conventionally attractive and that I'm not really good looking enough to get girls so that's all moot.

I already know my mental illness is going to make the whole attracting women thing nearly impossible as I've been told over and over.

But I'm still interested for myself how to improve myself. In rate threads I get pretty low opinions although not as low as what people tell me in person. I guess I want something to look into and that I can work on to distract myself so that I don't kill myself because frankly I'm just bored of life, and it's just something that interests me now.
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Im ugly and been working out for over 2 years as well, eat healthy, skin care for over 3 years, dress well, get $25 hair cuts, and Im getting a GOOD college degree. My family is wealthy, I went to private school, I drive a $50k car, I'm well traveled, and my parents take me on vacations I get to stay at 5 star hotels and they spend $250+ on one round of golf for me(i golf a lot). And ethnically Im german and italian, but we had our dna tested and im all white.
>So skin color and wealth do not help my friend, i feel like id get more girls if i was black or mixed.

I've never been on a date with a girl in my life, I've never held hands with a girl, and women do not even speak to me.

inb4 i get compared to that half asian guy that went on a shooting spree.

inafter Im not about that, I may be ugly, but my life is good otherwise and i like to live it.
Why do you have this idea you need to improve your appearance?
You claim your 27, and have had 0 partners.
I can promise you, it's not based on how you look.

And these threats your making, are absolutely insane.
I'm glad things are working out for you.

I get compared to Elliot Rodger a lot too. But I think it's more because I also have mental health and anger problems and I'm autistic.

I didn't growup with the advantages you seem to have but I know they don't help.

also I'd hardly call Italians white

Like why is it people can't understand that I'm interested in improving my appearance for fun/because it interests me? I evens aid in the op that I'd have given lifting a long time ago if it were solely for women because I didn't care before about being or the health benefits or any of that non sense.

Girls like to go out of their way to make themselves look as nice as possible. So why can't I ask what I can do to achieve that as well?
I don't have to. No one has to do anything and even ugly people get laid. That has nothing to do wtih anything.

I have just chosen to take a personal interest in improving my appearance and people tell me I'm average or below in rate threads all the time and in real life people tried to put me on okc, tinder, and like every other dating app and I couldn't get any matches over prolonged periods even wtih more successful guys and girls helping me. So a lot of them told me it's how I look. and in real life I've been told I'm not attractive and never heard anything positive.

So I recently took a personal interest in what steps I can take to improve. Plus the thing about people always telling me my hair is shit is insanely true and I never really cared much about my hair desu but I've tried out so many things with it and heard the same shit that I'm really curious what I could do about it.

and yeah I have like zero control over my temper that what I shifted my focus from doing this out of personal interest instead of attracting people. I've been in therapy my whole life.
You can improve world by unburdening the tax payers and killing yourself. Rid the world of your stupidity.
I had my Dna tested I'm pure white I got proof. Also pale as hell with brown hair.

What else can people tell you ? Short of surgery options are limited and I'm being honest with you my man I got problems with my looks too.
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Dating apps are not a good place to start.
>pic related
You just need something to build your confidence up
Try hitting up a few chubby chicks at bars.
I don't have a problem with my looks beyond what people tell me. And well yeah that's literally why the first sentence of this thread mentions surgery and why I go on to ask what I do surgically.

But I mean people also seem to often shit about my hair to say so surely someone in the world has an idea what I can do with it because I don't.

And huh I guess I'm surprised.
Oh well that's easy you go to a plastic surgeon and they show you on a computer how different features will look in you and they will initially recommend what to fix if you don't already tell them. My friends dad is a plastic surgeon.
Dating apps aren't where I started. People put me on dating apps because real life wasn't working at all. Women aren't interested in me at all. I can't even get any to speak to me to being with even with someone wingmanning me, introducing me to friends, or talking me up first.

I've already tried that. I already go for girls who are chubby ro that I just don't find attractive. I can't lower standards I don't have and I was using a bot to right swipe literally everyone on tinder so based on other people I know I should have had some kind of hit doing that.

But this isn't even what this thread was about. I was just explaining why logically I might be very good looking even though I think I look fine and why I have to consider other possibilities. I have no interest in wasting time on talking to women.

My confidence is fine and I don't feel like I should have a problem. But I get ignored a lot or asked to go away and there very clearly is something wrong. I feel good about myself all things considered. It actually makes me super super angry when people assume this about me
Oh cool I had no idea that's how it works. But showing me isn't very useful because I don't realyl have any understanding of whta things are or aren't attractive. To be completely honest I'm sort of face blind and people generally look the same past a point. Like I guess I know if I look at someone whether they attractive to me or not. But like posting in rate threads is hard because I try to rate people but I look at attractiveness as more of a binary yes/no situation than something to measure on a scale. That's why I'm curious what other people think.
I'm almost certain it's not your looks that's made you lonely. It's your.. "personality"? Literally, chill out. You're so strung up.
Well it's hard because you can't go too crazy with surgery you could fix a big nose but I mean you need to be specific with what you need. Again man you have to talk to professionals to figure this out
you dont look that bad buddy.

gym would help deffinetly though,.
What exactly are you hoping to gain by making this thread then?

Grow a beard or something, change it up.
If you aint gaining muscles but your lifting weights your probably not taking in enough protein etc.
or your fallling out of routines.
I guess I shouldn't have said I have no interest in wasting time talking to women. I think it would be great to make a female friend. Or any friend at all really since I don't have any. I should clarify I meant in the way of trying to date or sleep with them because I've tried enough as it is and have no idea ho

I'm not lonely. I just have a really strong sex drive. I'm not particularly interested in sex for companionship nor really see that as a good idea for me or the other person. Although I'm interested in making friends including women but I wouldn't characterize myself as lonely at all. I enjoy being by myself most of the time. It does get old though. And then people told me to start lifting weights and all that did was make my sex drive even stronger and stress me out a lot physically. I think ti's a little more complicated than being lonely or not and I wouldn't really say I am lonely anyway.

But the thing I always point out to people is how are people going to know anything about my personality if they just will not speak to me at all? That's a far more important step than anything else. Getting people to engage me at all and I've tried a lot. But again I'm schizophrenic and autistic and people regularly tell me I'm really weird and no emotional intelligence. Even the people I mentioned who were trying to help me were people I met in real life from message boards. I have no friends and never have made any sort of connection with another person although I'd like to/thinkit sounds interesting. But it doesn't particularly concern me. I just want to understand things better. I obviously don't walk to people in real life threatening them. Usually I get mad because of people insulting me or making fun of me. Which ya know...that doesn't happen in real life because people don't usually say anything to me unless they have to.

I don't feel strung up at all. I'm just curious about these things work.
I literally LITERALLY say in that post that I've been lifting weights for over 2 and a half fucking years and it hasn't helped me in any way at all and I hate doing it.

Like I had calmed down before this post then this shit that I already addressed int he post being quoted gets brought up AGAIN

why do people always tell me to do this when I already fucking do

I can't grow a beard. I've tried.
I'm definitely taking in enough protein. I have put on quite a bit of muscle. That's not the problem. I said it didn't help me with women or make me feel better(because I don't have a problem with my appearance). Not that I wasn't putting on muscle. I never said or implied this anywhere.
I guess like I said I'm interested on how to improve my appearance for my own curiosity and as a personal project

As I've already said several times. Women make themselves look nice for fun why can't I?
I just told you 8 times what you can do you cant fucking do anything else. I would have done it trust me. I question everything my face my dick size my skin color I don't know what the hell is wrong with me and want to fix it but I know what is possible and what isn't.
I don't think anything is wrong wtih me though. That's not what I'm saying at all.
>This blue wall.

You want to know why you're "omg 4ever alone"

It's because you're annoying. You are the whiny guy no one wants to help. Because as soon as they offer you a hand, you complain it wasn't what you wanted. When they give you their two cents, you throw it right back at them for not being when you want it. You come begging for help, but really you just wanted some magical quick fix. You didn't want the truth, you wanted honey coated lies to make you feel better and a quick bandage solution.

You are scum. I dislike you, and I can see why others do as well. If you have any dignity left, leave. I don't have much respect for a guy like you. You know why? Because all you know how to do is complain, and try to get other people to fix your problems. Well guess what, buckaroo? You dug your own fucking grave, now go lay in it. You want to become a person who succeeds? Learn how to take advice. Here's my advice: Grow up. Stop being a child, and literally LITERALLY get off this board. It's for adults.
Well since you can't fix other people's opinions either you change to fit what they want or you live with it. Problem solved.
plus on top of this I know women

I guess I was hoping for women to come give me advice on like stuff like style or what to do wtih my hair and skin care and shit like that. Stuff I always see girls nitpicking about.

Not a bunch of guys angry that apparently I'm better looking than some of them according to their own paranoid delusions and have nothing to complain about when I'm not complaining at all.
I didn't ask why I'm alone. I asked for advice on improving my apperance why

I'm probably not getting girls because I'm mentally ill and unable to connect with other people and have abilitiy to sense how other peple feel. And I've had women literally tell me these things before.

This thread isn't about why I can't get women at all. Women don't speak to me at all so I don't see how they'd know I'm annoying. It literally wasn't what I wanted. I didn't ask for help wtih women in this thread and you're making me wish I could slit your fucking throat, carve your eyes out and put a bullet in your head because I keep explaining this and you're the one ignoring me not the other way around,.

Also 4chan is barely for adults.
meant to say I know women I've known like to nitpick about this sort of physical stuff like minor details
why are people getting mad at me and keeping going on about me being alone or women not liking me? I literally said in the opening post that isn't why I made this thread. I've tried to be friendly and cordial to women in real life and to ask abuot them but they just aren't interested and that's fine. I'm not worried about that.

I'd like to know how to improve my appearance for my own interest and know what is an isn't attractive and I see women talking about these little physical details all the time. Stuff like eyebrow tweezing and doing hair and stuff like that. Even in relation to guys.

I'm not sure why people have such a hard time understanding where I'm coming from
Kek. Welcome to superiority complex? Want me to rip apart your appearance and tell you how to get better? Here's the hint: You don't. You make up for it with a personality. You learn interesting hobbies. If you're ugly, you're ugly. You don't suddenly begin fucking Channing Tatum or something like that. You'll always be ugly, and I think it's appropriate. It matches your inside.
I don't know how to improve my personality because the biggest issue is I can't get people in real life to speak to me ever so I don't know what they'd know about my personality.

People I've spoken to online said they actually enjoy speaking me to and that it's only a problem because I have no control over my temper whatsoever. I'm literally unable to tell when people are joking and thing like that. But I don't know how many times I can stress that isn't what this topic is asking for at all. And it's not why I can't get people to talk to me in real life.

I do have hobbies but how would anyone know that if they don't speak to me in real life? Once agani this all boils down to me being unable to get people to speak to me at all.

And yeah sure I would like you to tell me about my appearance if you don't mind? This is what this topic is actually about.
Also why do you keep going back to this stuff where you keep making fun of me or insutling me over being ugly or saying that women aren't going to like me for my looks and stuff like that? I'm not doing this for women.

That's not my motivation for wanting to look better anymore or again I'd stop lifting weights since I didn't care for it. It's for my own enjoyment. Plus I know I am not physically ugly.
also even if I were a shitty person what does that matter? That doesn't stop other people I know from getting laid or dating(both men and women) and I don't just mean super attractive people either.
Solution, make cars a hobby of yours.
Then get a dope car, and start going to car meets.
Meet people at car meets, and impress them with your car.
You have to learn about cars and how to work on them though.
He doesn't care. He just wants appearance stuff. Don't even help him, he'll just bitch again. Let him wallow. And have a good day, something this bastard never will.
I've failed my driving exam 14 times kek

But yeah I guess if I could drive that would be cool. Most people I know tell m they don't want me ever driving though. Being able to have a cool car and drive is a dream of mine though. I actually had a drivers license but it expired because for awhile I didn't have a car then I was never able to pass a driving test again. But I keep trying. I actually don't like driving. But owning a cool car would be neat still.

I'm not bitching though. and like I said I do have hobbies. I used to do ballet and want to start again. I play several instruments. I'm interested in mycology and like to grow mushrooms of different kinds. Just for starters.

But I'm not looking for solutions on how to meet people. I've given up on that entirely.
And I am having a good day. I don't know why you would say something like that.
Make cars your hobby. Turn on your car sit in the driver seat close the the garage door turn the car on and kill yourself.
why do people keep suggesting? I am totally interested in cool looking cars and I wouldn't mind someone teaching me how to fix one up even though I don't like driving very much.

But I do actually have hobbies I enjoy already.

Why are you guys so angry at me?
I feel like posting this(and this is a conversation with a girl I met irl that I met via a message board) to shut down all this stuff about me complaining about women or that I'm forever alone or whatever nonsense.

I get along with women really well when I actually get them to speak to me at all. That doesn't make them want to fuck or date me. I'm not complaining at all and the all I said in the op was that I can't get people outside of the internet to speak to me at all so I don't even get to display a personality.

As far as women I speak to online(specifically the ones I've met) they've already told me the problem is I start to make them uncomfortable

I was NEVER looking for any answer or explanation to this and I don't know how many times I have to tell you guys this. I was never complaining either. I know what the problem with the people onlien I talk to is but I don't know what to do about that I haven't already so I leave it alone entirely.

Not being able to get people to speak to me is an entirely different thing and I don't know why you guys keep conflating my passive comment about that with complaining about women not liking me.
*start to make them uncomfortable because of how easily I get angry or confused because I can't tell when they are joking and things of that nature
have you ever been hospitalized?
I've seen you post this gay shit in at least one other thread today. Stop using your sob story for attention.
"why are you guys so angry at me?"
you threatened to kill your little sister you psycho? you're awful
You guys are fucking pathetic claiming you are so lonely and sad because of mental issues. I personally have autism, and at least I'm not a puss like you guys. Go ahead kill yourself, just remember that girls don't get the dead guys. Plus yes I do get angry aometimes, but I still get women! Wanna know why? Cuz. Im.Not. A FAGGOT. Stop making yourself seem so desperate, nobody likes a lose like that.
yeah several times but it's been a few years since the last time and the last time was actually because of a very serious phenazepam overdose.

It's not for attention though. That doesn't make sense usually that I'd do something for attention that usually makes me people. I'm just asking what I can do to improve which seems fine and nothing I'm doing on my own is working and I clearly have no understanding of how this stuff works. But people in this thread cleared up that I'm ugly apparently. So mystery solved

Why does everything always have to be "for attention" just because people don't like it? In fact why does it make sense that someone would do something people get upset about for attention. Shit if I'd know everyone was going to get so angry at me I wouldn't have made this thread. I seriously have no idea why people are mad at me about this. It doesn't seem like a big deal at all.

yeah but people were posting angrily at me before that and that's what set me off. I know that's not ok and I don't know what is wrong with me really but I get really angry like that a lot when people start insulting me or making fun because I literally can't stand and never have been able to and i have only gotten triggered quciker as I've gotten older. I'm sorry.
I'm not lonely at all and never claimed that. In fact I already said that. I'm just super horny and desu lifting weights only exacerbated that. But like I said I've never really felt lonely although I am interested in meeting people and don't understand why it's been so hard. But I'm autistic as well and schizophrenic on top of that and people have told me being schizophrenic will make interacting with people very difficult so I'm not really concerned with that anymore.
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