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/uuu/ >ugly >undateable >undesired Get the fuck up in here.

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Thread replies: 113
Thread images: 35

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Get the fuck up in here.
Cause I'm in too deep
And I'm trying to keep
Up above in my head
Instead of going under
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I save tons of money being single.
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It's actually pretty nice though, isn't it? I know I'm cheap but I still wouldn't mind someone worth spending my hard-earned money on.
Have you guys tried being yourself and being confident?
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Still a virgin
I can't wait to die.
Just a few more years.

GTFO normie
you look like a deceitful person
That is a picture of a cute person.
Has to be by choice. You're a qt 3.14.
I guess this is true. Maybe after I buy a car I can look for gf
oh here's a (You)
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Im not that ugly, but im a fat motherfucker.
you look barely chubby but probably with gyno
Ive lost 4 kg since i took that pic. Slowly getting there.
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only girl that liked me left me for not being "hip"
>nice eyes
>cute face
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I don't think I'm '''ugly''' but I think I'm undateable. I don't have a very normal demeanor and people usually don't like me very much or don't want to associate with me.
why are people just posting attractive girls

is it for attention?
What? What the literal fuck does that mean anymore? Fuck her.
you arent that bad. You could easily date if you gained some muscle
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no girl ever liked me

i hate myself
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the least desirable guy on this board for sure
fucking bitches, at that time i wanted to literally slap her for the fucking cringe of a girl she was being
Nigga do you stalk rape and kill people???
You're not black.
probably kek
obviously not

you're not even a virgin
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no one will ever find me attractive what can i do mates
have you thought of getting a haircut. You are mostly creepy not ugly
sup chad, wanna party?
imagine if we all met like in irl and formed a squad smoked cigs and be all happy and stuff and the girls would instanatly come
that's really offensive to people like me
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welcome to the rice fields mother fucker
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just bee yourself, anon
i havea problem with your outfit
No. I'm a very moral person. I used to be a Mormon until I lost my faith.

speaking of ex-Mormons,

haha, hello

thats not nice
If we smoked e-cigs right now would all the girls come to this thread?

Hahaha that was horrrible this is why I'm single.
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remember, ecigs are for fags, cigs are not attractive or make u look cool but it sure as hell alows you to socialize
I can fix that for you.
cause we're on the e-ternet
Then I don't see much of a problem as long as you equally respect others. How would you describe your own demeanor?
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I don't think that I'm ugly, but I never had a girlfriend. Why? What do you do to get girls?
Did you not punderstand me?

Hahaha fuck I did it again.
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i wanna meeet u so bad right now senpai, too badd i live in fucking pakistan
This is a question we all need to be mentored on.
Fuck off, Chad.
you are not papa franku, don't even try to be
tried it and hated it. I'll keep my long hair till I start seriously balding
probably never gonna get laid again though
move to California, lots of SJWs from the Midwest willing to do anything to piss off daddy around here
I don't really know how to talk to new people. I'm really friendly but probably in a way that seems awkward and unnatural.

I guess you could say I'm shy and that's not a good quality for a man. I don't miraculously have a cool friend group that just accepts me either though. I'm just kind of here. An inconspicuous wallflower and outcast.
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I'm undateable, not because of my looks, but because of my mental instability. Potential girlfriends smell it on me.
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i have better fashion than frank
You're just playing it wrong.
As much as I want to lose my virginity and fuck a lot of white bitches, I'd like one I can settle down with and/or dominate who will love me for me, not just my BBC. Plus I'm short af mane.

Hello, me.

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing either a lot of times. It's too late once I realize the stupid/weird shit I've done and/or said.
I have a bad temper, oddly controlling tendencies and make rash decisions during mood swings. It's not how I'm playing it.

The worst part is that I often know when I'm making the mistakes and don't change my course of action.
I understand, but then that's your fault. What's keeping you? Complacency? Hopelessness that drains all your motivation to change yourself?
Not sure. I've cleaned up my act a few times, but keep falling back into a rut.
Gotta keep the consistency. If nothing around you has changed, it might be a changed of pace or environment that will allow you to keep dedication to changing your ways.
Nothing has been the same. Everything has changed, except me.

Maybe it is hopelessness.
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None of you are that ugly senpaitachi. I feel the undateable and undesirable part tho.
Nah, don't say that. Or you'll be in these threads forever.
Is there something you honestly need help changing or are you just being lazy?
kek this stupid faggot posts on /soc/, fuckin s41mson xD whatever the fuck ur name is, normie faggot
Whoa, where is the chill? I almost don't want to check your trip dubs you edgy fuck.
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You can either join me and The Rebellion or die with the normies, your choice faggot.
>that huge boil on yr forehead
Yea, I should popped it with the machete desu
shave and you're easily a 8/10 would blow
don't get an infection
My face is already ugly so it doesnt matter
yeah, you're one haircut and shave away from dropping panties desu
but if I shave I look like a 14 year old.
I don't think you're ugly

as for everyone else in this thread you all are just insecure, but not ugly
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man wtf my beard is my favorite thing. here, try this out. a couple years old, im like 25 pounds lighter.
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Last thread was good, but this is just a grotesque parade of attention seekers, fodder meats and anheros. The same anons, actually.
Watch the whole "Fight Club" movie without wasting time immediately go to the girl and start talking!
>The more you wait
>The more your cuck personality comes into play
>Remember: no bitch is above you
They all have to poop and wipe their asses the same way you do...
Woh haha
>man wtf my beard is my favorite thing
This is how I feel when people tell me to shave my facial hair it sucks. I look too young without it but I look creepy with it like what the hell man.

Also, black OP here. ID might change.
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Better fashion than Frankie O, hahahaha. The fuck outta here.
i find you attractive. tell me something about yourself. flaws included.
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How about lancing that nipple on your forehead with your rusty, dull Harbor Freight machete that cost $4.99?
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I left my comfort zone against better judgement on Friday and went with beers with a work colleague, literally all the cute women didn't want anything to do with me, I drowned my sorrows on beer as cute women ignore me and undesire me.

be confidence
I never got why people find him good looking.
Sure, he's above average, but he has an assymetrical face, almond jaw, weird mouth and shitty facial hair. Plus he's a schizo. Is it the high, straight forehead?
>tfw small and sloped forehead
no sense of color coordination.
his eyes are really far apart too

: ^ (Lies)
Ugly or average at best
No matter how i try to be pretty
you look like anita sarkeesian

I would still gf
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Ugly nigga reporting in, on that glo up tho.
She is ugly :|
well you're not ugly, shut up
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I get uggo'd and friendzoned all the fucking time so I guess I fit in here.
oh looks it's the objectively attractive "hurr I'm soo uggo XD n-no bully pwease :3" girl bait meme post.
you look old af
Shit I think I hadn't slept in 3 days so makes sense.
lose weight and then you'll look like a regular handsome mick
Been trying, kinda one of those "lose it then gain it back" things due to stomach issues and a new job pushing a keyboard.
having a sit-down job makes it really hard to stay fit, yeh

get a treadmill or stationary bike
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either too ugly or too dumb to get signals/ too shy to actually do something. guess I fit here.
god damn phone keeps turning the photo
You look like Justin Timberlake
Never aproached someone, being the "good guy" doesn't work and im introverted, i usualy avoid people as much as possible and i never had a relationship, dont know if it has anything to do with my appearence.
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Always feel so at home in these topics

Why is Chad posting in this topic? Get out of our, safe haven.
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What a bunch of fags. Sage.
you look like a 5/10 girl
Thread posts: 113
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