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Tinder thread, don't see one on the catalog. Rate + help

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Tinder thread, don't see one on the catalog. Rate + help people make their profiles better.
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Mine btw
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Has anyone else been having serious trouble getting matches recently? I had a profile like a year a go, and was getting a lot of matches and went on a few dates before deleting it.

I recently remade another account, and from what I remember it's basically the same setup, but I'm not getting fucking hardly ANY matches now, and the few I do get don't ever respond to my messages.

Don't know if it's me, or the App or what.

Using an LG G3 btw, not sure that matters.
I dunno man tinder be a fickle maiden. I just started mine up again and got a ton of matches right away and now it's really slowing down, maybe I gotta actually talk to them instead of just accumulating matches. I don't think anyone could tell you for sure what's happening though, maybe your game's just weak now if girls aren't responding to you
I'd take off the do people read this line and you're golden.
how's this profile working out for you? I feel like being a strong jaw white guy counts for a lot but you got kinda garbage style and you look really not-self-aware. Also the profile is corny and obvious conversation bait but I can see people going for it
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How about some help brethren?
Switch your last pic, for your first pic. Girls love seeing guys with other girls because it shows you are desirable to other members of their gender, and thus can help raise their social status among their own kind.
you're really leaning on the goofy guy at parties image, which is cool in real life at parties but I don't know if girls would actually want to go on a date with that guy. Maybe clean up you physical appearance and keep the bio, or make the bio straight jokes and keep your look, the tone of the bio as it is though kind of conflicts with the pictures
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Yeah, serious trouble. And it's definitely me.

3 is your best pic, 1 is the worst.
remove the comment about super liking, it seems desperate. and I like your second pic more than your main but that could be just a personal preference

your third pic is definitely your best

this is retarded advice. me and most girls I know don't even bother with guys who do this. auto left swipe on group shots as or shots with other women as first pic

your second pic is cute, I'd use that one if I were you. And your description is a bit gimmicky but not too bad
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Fuck it, I'll bite - if you're wondering why it looks different it's because I've got a Windows Phone

Yeah, second pic's best and nice description
Remove super like and "does anybody read this" - also, any pics of you smiling?
Use third pic as main
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Anyone want advice? Fucked 3 different girls this week so far.
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Need some help my bretheren!
What's the best way to open?
what do you talk about on a date?
Also very interested in those:
I guess there is no 100% recipe for the first one, but I'm looking for some more ideas. So far I just do a compliment (seriously, if the girl looks very basic-bitch like, "your eyes are fantastic!" is really the best bet, it seems, WTF?), or something about their profile, and i cant for the life of me figure out why it sometimes works (beside the basic bitch thing), and sometimes totally gets ignored. I guess its just random.
And the second one, it almost always ends in boring smalltalk. So far I have learned that you sometimes just need to be active, and risk somthing, but I would like to increase my success rate. Most important part, seems to get to touching her as fast as possible, but I feel like I need a "reason" to do so. My most autismo-smooth approach so far has been this:
>talk about the current refugee crisis
>WTF? Not a good topic
>Talk about the arabs molesting girls in Cologne
>"Well, since I am a foreigner too, and I wouldnt want to molest you, is it OK for you when I move a bit closer?"
>"Hm, yes… :)"
But I would like some more low-spaghetti approaches.
How much time do you have on your hands? I find it hard to have a real life and go on dates. i got 2 girls jsut come round my place and start fuckign so they are now my regular fuckbuddies, but I@m greedy and want more.
>tfw met up with 2 girls
>tfw no chemistry irl
How do I make a date into something more? I suck at this
Probably changed my I'd.
I got let's say a medium amount of time, but what does that have to do with the questions?
Apart from the fact that it's realy hard to schedule more than 4 dates a week, but that numer is kinda limited by the amount of matches anyways.
And yeah, fuckbuddies are great, until they fal in love with you. Hence, I need a new one (or love that would be ok to I guess, but I don't know about love. )
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>gay guy
>in an extremely conservative country
>just want a bf to chill with
Any advice for using Tinder and not getting discovered and stoned by the normies?
Well, the only way that a normie could find you, is by being a male and searching for other males, so well, ...
Also, you could always say you misclicked when making your profile and are actually searching for girls.
anyone ever give a girl their number, and then instead of texting you they just leave their number on tinder? So now you gotta text them like 'hey this is blahblah from tinder'. It's like a weird power move, I hate it
Hmm, good idea on the second one although
>I-I'm not gay, I swear
>I misclicked, the b-buttons are close, see?
I'm scared the normies here would temporarily change the orientation to gay (as a joke, out of curiosity or as a way to find who to bully) and that they'd find me. Does Tinder have some sort of location-based matching? Does it give any more info except the pictures I upload and the description I give? I'm feel that these services and apps will try to get you to be >le social so they'd analyse your facebook friends and somehow reveal you to them, for example
>*p-ting* Anon has joined Tinder
>huh cool, my man anon finally searching for a gf
>open profile
Well, I guess if you gave them your number first, you already lost the power move thing. I always try to get them to give me their number via tinder, and the I do indeet the
>hi, this is anon, blabla
Thing, or sometimes
>hi, this is anon, your favorite tinder match ;), blabla
you're giving these girls too much time, just act really busy and only see each one like one every week or two. I was juggling 4 girls last year and still made time for new dates, it honestly wasn't worth the stress though. I think 2 fuck buds is ideal but if they're taking up that much of your time I think you might be lying to yourself and it's maybe more like dating for them
Can't really help you too much, since I'm neither gay, nor in a country where that would be a problem, but it seems like your main problem is that you are not good with people? If you wanna keep the fact that your anus is not a one-way street secret, you gotta get smoother at that? But as said, I don't have a clue about those things.

However, so far it sems that tinder (so far) does not leak to facebook, or the other way round. Of course if you use you fb profile pic in tinder, it can be screenshoted an searched for, revealing your fb profile. But it seems like your mostly concerned about people that know you anyways? To be sure, you can easily us tinder with asecond, fake, fb account. But the issue of the pics being of you still remains (which, of course is the whole idea behind the app), so you gotta got back to lying smoother.
man don't talk to me about losing power you winky emoji face using mufucka. I think having rules like 'never be the first to give your number' are dumb and make tinder harder than it needs to be. But yeah I wouldn't just drop it off in the middle of a conversation, it usually makes sense contextually or we've already agreed on a date and texting is the obvious next step
Why so salty :P
For me it's the other way round. Tinder is 100% rules driven. Sure, you gotta find a certain edge that makes you stand out, but essentially it is totally
>guy need to make the first move
>guys need to be funy and interesting
>girls just need to say yes or no
Sucks, but that's just how it is. Even with otherways very intelligent and independent girls.
actually yeah I do have some ground rules now that I think about it
> no emojis, obviously
> don't try to hold more than 3 conversations at once
> stop sending messages after around 10pm and pick up again the next day in the afternoon

Also yeah I don't really fault girls for being just 'yes' and 'no', although it makes it harder to stay engaged. Honestly yes/no girls can be some of the easiest to get out on dates sometimes cause most guys either just give up on them or overplay their hand and try to make it sexual over tinder or something
>> no emojis, obviously
Why? Seems like girls love them. Personally, I cant use them anyways (Blackberry is all business, I dont even have an emojy keyboard in android apps), but sometimes things like :D and the all important ;) are really important.

>> stop sending messages after around 10pm and pick up again the next day in the afternoon
Yup. Timing is important. Also, dont send stuff in the morning, because till the time she will look at her phone in the afternoon or lunchbreak, you will be at the bottom of her list of all the other thirsty guys messaging her during the day.
But I would make midnight out of your 10pm. I am in a student town, so most girls are at uni and thus never go to bed before 11, and between 9 and 12 is the best time to get something even akin to a conversation on tinder. Really sucks that they got rid of the active times. That really helped a lot for scheduling your best chances.

>Also yeah I don't really fault girls for being just 'yes' and 'no', although it makes it harder to stay engaged. Honestly yes/no girls can be some of the easiest to get out on dates sometimes cause most guys either just give up on them or overplay their hand and try to make it sexual over tinder or something
Interesting way to think about it. Gotta try it the next time. But I am afraid that it just will be one of those dates that are very boring, with nothing to talk about, and thus no chance of anything more happening. How do you make something out of those girls?
I actually want to keep my anus a one way street except for one special vehicle in my life who I still have not met :^)
>you can easily us tinder with asecond, fake, fb account
You mean I could connect Tinder with a fake fb account? If so, then yeah - it was my original intention. Thanks for your advice, though - glad to hear it doesn't mine your data like a madman.
I guess I've never used emojis really so I can't say if they're objectively good or bad for tinder. I think they're corny when guys use them though and they would probably conflict with my dry humor kinda deadpan tone. I don't even use 'haha' or exclamation points either, maybe girls think I hate them though and I should switch it up.

And yeah I would keep texting later but I work in the mornings now. I'm glad they took off the active times feature, makes the tindering experience less stressful

> ...it just will be one of those dates that are very boring, with nothing to talk about...How do you make something out of those girls?
I've been on like 4 dates with yes/no type girls and they were all excruciatingly boring right up to the point when they get sexual out of nowhere. In retrospect I think some of them were actually trying to hook up and I was just delaying it by trying to entertain them and make it a date. I dunno, I honestly don't understand this demographic of girl. I guess the best bet is even if they look disinterested just ask if they'd want to come back to your place anyway and watch a movie on your couch and see if something comes of it
>it doesn't mine your data like a madman.
It probably does. Why would it ask for such a shitload of app permissions if it did not?
But so far, they haven'T done anything malicious with it, but seriously, in your situation, that part seems the smaller one of your concerns.
>I actually want to keep my anus a one way street except for one special vehicle in my life who I still have not met :^)
Well played. But from what I read so far, tinder seems to be more for the autobahn approach, so I am not sure if it would be worth the risk for you. But as said: I'm not gay, so that is just hearsay. I'd advice you to research some more, before you take the risk.
>excruciatingly boring right up to the point when they get sexual out of nowhere.
You mean in conversation?

>In retrospect I think some of them were actually trying to hook up and I was just delaying it by trying to entertain them and make it a date. I dunno, I honestly don't understand this demographic of girl.
Boils down to that whole >the guy must make the move thing i mentioned earlier!?

>I guess the best bet is even if they look disinterested just ask if they'd want to come back to your place anyway and watch a movie on your couch and see if something comes of it
Most of the time I'm way to shy for that, really gotta work on that. But you are right. Because otherwise, this will end in a first date that is the last date anyways, and I might as well end it with her thinking I'm a creep, instead of her just being bored. I got nothing to loose, but something to win. Once, when I went trough with that approach, it at least somewhat worked. (Making out, but not more, and no answer to my text the next day, but oh well…)
>Why would it ask for such a shitload of app permissions if it did not?
Pic related
>tinder seems to be more for the autobahn approach
W-wasn't that grindr? At least from what I heard, tinder was a lot less sexual.
>I'd advice you to research some more, before you take the risk
Of course, that's implied.
> Boils down to that whole >the guy must make the move thing i mentioned earlier!?
Well ideally you're just two people on a date having fun, but some girls really make you carry all the weight of making it a good time. But at the tinder-texting stage I don't even make the first move about half the time, I think I have a winning smile in my pictures so girls sometimes hit me up first.

> Making out, but not more, and no answer to my text the next day, but oh well…
Man I've been there, one of those yes/no girls I was talking about, had some of the best sex of my life and then doesn't text me back for like 3 weeks and I never see her again. Like I feel cool that it happened but also like I'm lame somehow, why she don't want me man
>Pic related
Oh, yeah, forgot about that. But it'll probably take forever until a significant amount of users will get that version, and still, most probably wont bother. Plus, it's free (mostly) which is always a kind of warning sign.

>W-wasn't that grindr? At least from what I heard, tinder was a lot less sexual.
Probably yes, but from what I heard, gays are a lot more sexual… But I would not rule it out that you find something meaningful there, it just seems like its not the focus of the app.

>But at the tinder-texting stage I don't even make the first move about half the time, I think I have a winning smile in my pictures so girls sometimes hit me up first.
Damn. That rarely ever happens to me. So I always initiate the idea for a date. I feel like it is downright impossible to keep girls interested for more than a few days. I already struggle to cover the days till we meet, when we have agreed to something, which more often than not is not directly tomorrow.
Well, there's still Xposed framework for Android versions ranging from ICS to MM and with Xposed come AppOps, Xprivacy, Privacydonkey and a lot more privacy controllers but yeah, point taken. Not everyone will bother w/ it.
I try to ask a girl out within one or two days of talking on tinder, but yeah I've really been struggling in the lead up to the date phase lately. The last 3 girls cancelled on me, I don't know what's going on, maybe I'm getting sloppy. It used to be a sure thing if I got a girl's phone number but now things are falling apart right at the end
There should be lots of stuff to talk about when you're meeting a girl for the first time. Just keep the conversation going by asking her standard questions about what she likes in terms of TV, sports, music, books, food, animals, etc. The point is to find a common interest and be able to connect through talking about it.
One question I like to ask is what's the worst tinder date she's had. And when she asks me the same question, I tell her about the time I was on a first date with a girl at a restaurant and her parents decided to prank her showing up and sitting a few tables over from us.
I usually check out their profile and see if there's anything interesting. If it's one of those basic girls with a blank profile and boring pics, I'll say something like: you look beautiful :) hope you're having a great week!
I get messaged first a lot recently, some girls just say "hey!" So apparently just using "hey" is alright if you're a girl. I think if the girl matched you, she's interested in you, so don't stress about the opener too much.
I think it just shows if a girl's interested she's gonna talk to you no matter what garbage opener you send her. I never use direct compliments like that though, but sometimes coming on strong is good.
As for establishing physical contact, my line is something like: do you play any instruments? Let's compare hand sizes to see if you'd be a good guitarist.
And after that the hand holding persists. And eventually you can start to make out.
you fuckin cornball, please never do that guitar hand line in public, if you need to do that you're maybe better off not touching each other
It's an example of how to initiate physical contact when the time is right. I'm sure you're an expert considering you didn't give a better alternative.
mate, it's pretty solid if she's all bubbly and shit. may remember that in future thanks
Current state of my tinder: "there's noone new around you" still matching with girls I know irl, various success.
I'm from a huge city with lots of university girls, it makes a big difference towards your number and quality of matches.
my alternative is literally anything else, my alternative is being a normal person who converses normally instead of driving the conversation towards weird excuses to 'establish physical contact'
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Dunno why the first pic is blurry here, normally it's clearer
It's about delivery. If you're confident and you've already been flirting together up to that point, it's a just a cute way to start playing with each other's hands. This is stuff that works for me, I'm talking from my personal experience. You still haven't given any better advice from your experiences.
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Help me brah
What's your description like? You have a pretty good selection of pics already.
If it's not stated what they're looking for in their profile (e.g. relationship, friends, casual hookup), do you guys typically ask the person?
Recently divorced single mom looking to trade coupons.
help me out ay
I don't typically ask. They'll ask me first sometimes, and I'll say something like: just going with the flow, open to pretty much anything.
Take the second pic.
And delete that first sentence
Like everyone else...you should take that second pic as first.
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You're fucked.
The picture of your mohawk doesn't appeal to anyone really, try getting an actual photo of your face in there. Your social media username "PsychedlicDrug" only implies that you're childish, and have a preoccupation with something that makes no benefit to your life. You're basically flashing that you're a waste of time.
Not saying "don't do drugs rah", but don't flaunt it likes it something to be proud of.
Made that account when i was a dumb twat, but yeah i'll do that thanks!

I don't get matches from that second picture, I got way more from that first one
Seems like you have a pretty good combo, I guess you could make your description a little more interesting.
This is mine:
Let's climb trees together... I'm new to the city and I'm looking to meet a fellow explorer to go on adventures with. Definitely message me if you're down to grab some sushi.
That cat tho
Meoww :3333
I love her so much, Her name is Socks btw :') She's 10
Tinder in LA suburbs is just not for me. When I travel I get plenty of matches, but here it's all cholitas and party girls.
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Took off the lines that sucked and swapped my main pic.

I have two I just added, thoughts? I don't have a lot of pictures of myself because when I'm out doing shit I just focus on whatever we're doing, taking pictures doesn't usually cross my mind.

It's pretty okay. My city isn't very busy so not a lot of people are even on Tinder (that I would actually right swipe), but I've got like, 5 matches in 2 days? Not terrible really.
Also, garbage style? Can't really see my clothes in any of these pictures, so I don't know how you discerned that.
What do you mean by "not-self-aware"?

How do you get that many? Is it just continuous right swiping?
Ya, I barely even check as I swipe. I feel like you save time by only checking the profiles of the people you're already matched with and can actually message.
I feel like you're implying you have more sex than me and I'm offended sir. I don't like your shitty hand games because I'm considerate of people around me when I'm on a date, and because you don't need these awkward verbal traps to kiss girls. In my personal experience it just kinda happens and you don't need to do much manuevering to get it there, sorry if that's not helpful
holy shit you put sushi in your bio, you're really the worst person I hate you so much. Didn't you have a father figure in your life to tell you to not do these things? Do you have a topknot and no shame?
well when I said garbage style I should have said garbage choice in pictures, which are all closeups of your face (which is not good) and now I see you've got the scrunched brow selfie as your main pic which is the most garbage youtube celebrity lookin ass picture in your lineup. In terms of your actual style in your previous main pic, your haircut is just on the edge of being good but combined with your suburban prom outfit it kinda backfires and makes you look like a high schooler. I don't know how to describe the un-self aware thing, it's just a vague feeling I get, mostly the scrunched brow selfie
people aren't gonna suck your dick cause you have a cat, everyone has cats
I see a bit of what you mean. Unfortunately at the time that picture in the dress shirt was taken, my hair was longer than I like to wear it. I was at an AGM and awards ceremony for a society at my school that I was part of. As for selfies, what would you suggest? I'm not really sure how else to take them.

But wouldn't you then match with a bunch of ugly chicks and fatties?
Sometimes I feel the best way to maintain a conversation with a girl is to just get sexual.

If I give a genuine message/reply, they usually ignore me - but "Wanna make out?" always gets responses, positive or negative.

...I might be boring.
I don't ;_;
eat shit sexhavers
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Ever since I put a picture of my cat I got some many matches. Too bad most girls don't want to date :(
Only pictures that hide your face at least half way?
Put some full face selfies on there, and some pictures of you taken by other people.
I know but I'm very insecure about my face but I should really put my face up. But why pictures of other people? I find people get annoyed by pics like that
I don't give a shit about that, i just love my cat and love to take pictures with her
who are you trying to convince here man, I know your heart. If you really just like cat pictures you could, ya know, not put them on tinder
pictures taken by other people fool, so you don't look so lonely. Also same thing I said to these other clowns who use cats as a prop. Maybe it gets you a pity match here n there, but is that really how you want people to see you? I know it's tempting but don't do it, put the cat down, it's just an innocent animal that knows nothing of tinder, don't drag it into this mess
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Recently deleted my profile and started again.

I dunno what girls who are into psytrance are like, but I could see them being the type who like fat bearded guys and call them daddy or something. That said, I feel like you got a very niche appeal.

First one is good, maybe even great. The rest are garbage. #4 makes you seem potentially handsome but also your taking a selfie while looking away from the camera which immediately negates anything good about it.

> run with scissors
Maybe a good line for attracting a very niche group, bad for everyone else
> Good food, Good times, bush doofs, etc...
Sounds like some australian shit, I dunno if any of it is good or bad
> No expectations = no disappointment.
All bad, this is really just setting you up for disappointment

>last few GF's called me daddy

10/10 anon.


i did have front on photos, but, im not sure where they've gone. will change and repost.
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Dont know why my main pic is blurry here, it isnt normally. My description says
>Work, studying, playing sports and open for suggestions
I think you'll do fine, not sure how I feel about the shirtless pic on principal but it's as good as shirtless pics can get. Maybe filter the main pic a bit to get it less shiny but other than that I think you successfully get the point accross that you aren't ugly
Alright, will see if i can do anything about the main pic. But the shirtless is staying haha, you would be surprised how many girls like that stupid shit (I sure was) Ty for the feedback
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Would this be a good tinder pic?
I think I'm gonna reset my profile for like the 7th time. :^) I'm bored and my convos are going nowhere (met up with 2 girls but it didn't go too well, I have their numbers anyway, so...)
Do you think girls that match me for n-th time are getting tired of my shit at this point?
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Right now I can't see anyone's pictures. Mine or matches

I've deleted the app and it didn't make a difference. Turned my phone off and on... Nope still the same. It's an iPhone 6 if that matters.

Anyone know how to fix it?
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Yeah but I just don't message them. Anyway it's just interesting to see who's interested, it's like a confidence boost.
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my main pic is blurry here, but it isn't in my actual profile
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I know I need more pictures but any tips for the description?
How is that inconsiderate of people around you? Do you think it's also inconsiderate to make out with girls at bars? And you may not find it useful but you can't speak for everyone.
You're implying only a certain type of person likes sushi which is false.
>tfw get matches but the guys always ghost before the first date

I've been surprised at the amount of guys I've talked to that have girlfriends and just use tinder as validation of their attractiveness and to talk dirty.
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So which of these are the best tinder pics?
5 4 6
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What if I add these in?
only 2 and 3
I don't care who likes sushi, I know that you know that girls put "take me out for sushi" in their bios. You're probably growing a beard out too cause you saw a bio that was like "beards (heart eyes emoji)"
four from this one and five from the other are the best ones
So you're saying I'm doing things that attract girls?
Thank you both! Hell we should start a collage rate thread haha
Are there any known bugs that would cause you to get less matches? I see people flaunting hundreds of matches on here all the time and I don't really understand why I barely get any. Will post profile soon.
I heard some people say before that they had the same issue, and that when they deactivated and reactivated their account they were getting more matches.
Okay, thanks. I might try that before posting my profile actually.
I'm saying you got no dignity and I can't believe you don't have friends who roast the shit out of you for your bullshit personality
You seem really mad over nothing. I mention that I like sushi in my profile and now you're saying that means I have no dignity and have a bullshit personality. You're making a lot of baseless assumptions.
sorry I use swears man, didn't mean to sound like I'm yelling. You put yourself out there and I'm giving the criticism, it's what we're here for, my assumptions are based on what you wrote ya bitch
and yeah I'm mad that I gotta use the same app as you tinder psycopaths, I'm trying to talk to girls without embarassing my family and you're out here eating sushi and doing pensive face selfies
Ya but what you're saying doesn't even make sense. Your main criticism is that I mention sushi in my profile and that attracts interest. >>23436887
You must be trolling lol, anyway hope things work out for you my friend
ugh you're so hard to talk to man, I feel like you're an alien who can only handle extremely literal interpretations of human speech
srry, but i hope for you that you are gay, because you look like a foggot
Do when you say eating sushi is shameful and an embarrassment to my family, you actually mean you personally don't like sushi and look down on people that do?
goddamn man I mean it's lame to put that in your profile, cut off your topknot in dishonor you have disgraced your ancestors
What exactly makes it lame?
turns out i got a tinder bitch pregnant 2 weeks ago

oh fuck

m80 why didn't you wrap up? first rule of tinder is to not fuck these sluts raw
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0 matches on tinder

Do really well on OKC though

Remove last pic?
I don't like your pictures.The first is a bit blurry and in a bathroom so I assume you just took a shit.

You have a picture with a girl who I would assume is your ex and you aren't over her.

I don't care about the nerdy non-you photos.

I do care about "the only price you pay is..." because it creates a weird monetization of our time. So if it went to another date, I'd assume that I would owe you something in return.

OKC and Tinder work really differently. OKC is about finding someone you want to go on a date with. There's a desire to make the interaction move to real life. Tinder is about finding someone you want to text with for a while to see where it goes. Right now you don't show much personality, so I don't know what I'd talk to you about. I get that you work, but what else are you?
I thought tinder was for hook-ups
why would you even text with some random person for more than it takes to set up a meeting
to make sure they won't murder me. or to pass time. whatever.

I mean, those are the most recent photos on my phone.


I don't take photos of myself so there are photos with this ex, that ex, this girl, that one night stand, you get it?

>So if it went to another date, I'd assume that I would owe you something in return.

They have to play their cards right to get a second date lol
If you want to match, take it down.

work pics and the bimbo or just the bimbo?
the girl has to go. Work pictures can stay. Try to get a picture where you don't look pissed off if you can; that'll help.
>bathroom pics
>pics with a girl
broken photo rules for any dating or hook up site.

I mean, I can put up 6 photos of me with a girl or 6 photos of work stuff or 6 photos of me with 6 diffrent girls

so how are we going to do this?
...take some different pictures.

Or get off Tinder. Or keep getting no matches. Up to you, man.

or 6 photos of me in a bathroom*

I can put up a photo of me in a bathroom in 6 different states in 6 different 18 year old girl's bedrooms!
can someone give me some advice? Which pic is better, the first one or the second one? And should I get rid of the fourth one?
Any downsides to using this: http://tinderautoliker.com/

besides the 3 euro cost?

Have a date for tonight from OKC

Going to get off of tinder
Why is the android version so shit? I'm getting "no one new around you" and I live near SD and I've only swiped maybe 300 girls
Swiped 900 girls, got 19 matches in a couple hours. Is this a normal rate for an attractive person? I used a male models pictures.
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"Drummer, Guitarist, Sprinter, & animal lover.

Swipe right for chicken nuggets"
I'm gonna start trying it, you've got me curious.
did they make it so that you can immediately send messages to someone you superliked regardless if they liked you back or not?
I don't think so, it just puts your profile at the top of their potential swipes list. They still have to match you back.
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Just joined yesterday.. Already got 4 matches, this is my profile. Description translation:
Newly moved to Copenhagen from Southern Jutland
Towering 5'8
Musician, Blues, Rock and Soul (I'm not really picky, as long as it sounds good it is good)
Beer, Wine and Whiskey (Y)
Love dogs as much as I hate dating sites

Which pic should I lead with guys and/or remove?
I can't make a tinder without a Facebook.
Tfw I want to reset my profile but a girl that I'd like to keep contact with wrote me
Can I just tell her I'm resetting profile and ask for her number so that we text or would that be awkard or something
Your 1st is best
I'd remove 2 or 5 as they feel essentially the same
I've had girls ask me to text because of the same reason. So it's not a big deal
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>tfw too insecure to put any real photos on tinder
My account has had discovery off since I downloaded it
I'm can't even use Tinder even though it's likely my only chance to find a girl. I'm a 24 year old kissless friendless virgin. I won't even have any pictures to post of myself doing fun stuff let alone with friends, and add on the fact that I'm ugly and weird looking and I'm just done

It's too bad I can't just post a picture of my penis as my profile picture, because it's fucking huge and gorgeous looking. Tinder sluts would flock to it
Post photo so we can help, brah.
Or reconsider your sexuality and use GrindR
I don't feel like I'm ugly but every selfie I take is horrible. Is it the fish-eye lens that does this?
Lighting and a nice background makes a big difference. If you know any girls who Instagram a lot, they could help you with the filter and all that stuff
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It should be noted that I live where Danish is the main language, but want to also be accepting of those who don't know Danish.

Stop fake smiling and taking selfies.
Bottom right IMO

Changed it up a bit, not sure if it's better
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Almost too good to be true.
I always laugh when I see you post. No one would ever imagine you post on 4chan. You look like a PUA

Haha not sure if that's an insult, but yeah I'm pretty social and get girls, but get bored and found this place a long time ago brah
Definitely include 9 from >>23436486
Maybe 4 from >>23436267
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Hey man, this is sorta related sorta not, but you've struck salty nerves so I'd like to as you for your opinion:

How can you differentiate a woman talking to you who is friendly/getting to know you/making small talk and one that's trying to indicate she wants to be picked up?

It can be a little tricky, like a woman who does all the things that indicate attractiveness (playing/fixing hair, checking and applying/reapplying make up (especially lip stuff), excuses to be close or touch, only to mention at some point she has a boyfriend. Or a woman who says her friend has been crushing on me yet hasn't made eye contact and is basically somewhere in the background.

Anyways, I've been thinking about using Tindr and your posts are food for thought. Your perspective would be appreciated. Thanks m8.
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*presumably, this is taking place at a bar.

My bad for forgetting to frame some context (and excuse me for any bad English, not my first language)
For the situation with the friend crushing on you at a bar, you pretty much have to make the first move there. It's as simple as going to talk to her. If you can make or smile or even laugh, then you can tell there's good chemistry. But if she seems inattentive by not making much eye contact or looking away a lot, then you can assume she's not interested.
As for online interactions, if she's one wording you and not putting effort into the conversation, then you should just drop her. If she's sending lots of emoticons and asking you lots of questions, then that means she's making an effort and she's interested.
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Thanks, I appreciate it! Any advice on trying to sort out if she's friendly despite non verbal cues of attraction and wanting to get picked up?
am I the only one who went from around 15-20 matches a day to like 10 a month when they updated the fuck out of tinder?
You jusy started looking worse :^)
I think the eye contact thing is the best way to tell right away. If a girl casually touches your arm or shoulder is another giveaway. Body language would be like if her body is slanted towards you while sitting or standing. If the hair playing thing is going on in addition to the other stuff then it's definitely another sign.

Good call.

Keep on rocking in the free world!
Haha thanks, hopefully something I said was useful
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How's this bio
I think it's good, maybe rearrange it to make it flow better while reading.
I also use the let's rescue some giraffes line lol, except with penguins from the zoo in my city.
.....................................................................................................................it's aight
as someone about to go on their 4th tinder date in 4 days, I think this tinder stuff works better when you don't try too hard for approval. Like you seem very inoffensive but there's tons of inoffensive people out there who would climb trees and go to the zoo *barf*

You're letting these romantic comedies get to your head, like don't be an asshole but also look like you've been there before
Ya definitely if you don't have the cute/quirky pics to back it up, it might come off as forced/trying too hard
I don't think there's a picture cute and quirky enough in this universe to make that bio seem genuine.

This is my sweet spot combo that works for me:
Fun enthusiastic pictures (no selfies)
Aloof but not uninviting bio
Being extremely normal in conversation and making my life seem put together, I think it counteracts my dick-ish profile when I just talk like a nice well-adjusted person
here's my gripe with this style of bio. I don't think you're really like this, you want to have sex with/date a girl who is like this, but acting like you are her is not how you get your dick wet playboy
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This is my profile, I've had it for almost a year and I get a good amount of matches and first messages.
no still same pictures, but I actually look better then I did back then

My bio before was "Recently divorced single mom looking to trade coupons" I seem to be getting a lot more matches with >>23443295 bio , but thought I would change it up
And I'm not even new to the city either lol
I think tinder is punishing me for using a fake GPS app. I haven't had a match since I started using it.
>tfw spambot matches
I got a phone number but idk if it's actually someones or just connected to a bot. 100% certain it isn't legit though
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idk why my pic page looks so blurry

do you have luck?
im attractive but the pics I have suck and im a shutin so its not like im taking new picks
had it for a week. no luck, few matches
For some reason it always blurs the first pic when you go in edit mode
Will wearing a MAGA hat in one of my profile pictures get me nowhere?
god, so much bullshit just to get laid.
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I've had the app for 2 weeks, 223 matches, fucked 7 and lost count of how many dates ive been on
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Use pic 3,4,6 as your main
Why is pic 2 even there?
What the fuck nigga change that bio ain't nobody got time for that
Get rid of the 4th. Find pics you are happy in or having a good time in. Smile more
Your pics don't have variety
No pics with just girls nigga. Also your main should be just you.
You can get more matches with 6 as your main
for gay dudes, grinder is more hookups, tinder is more dates
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Lol ill try it out, but its already pretty easy for me. Any other tips on improving?
I need HELP! Fucking a tinder slut is on my fucket list!

I need help with my profile and good opening lines please, lots of non-responders :(
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I hate to be a fugboi asking for help when everyone else has been giving advice, but here I go anyways.

I've been using the app for about two weeks and so far I've only gotten one match, and she hasn't responded (I feel like she may have right swiped me by accident).

Is there anything that I can do to improve my profile? Or am I just too fat and/or ugly for this?
I think mentioning video games is a big NO, and especially when you call it vidya… And guys probably shouldnt mention cuddling. And yor pics lack variety or anything that would make you intersting

Cant tell you too much about your looks, but to me it seems like admitting that you have to do something you dont actually want to do is a bad thing. This whole app is just about faking it…
Looks like a good fake ID pic
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Why are all the pictures blurry?
Rewrite my bio for me how you think it would work.
Try fixing your appearence a bit and getting some better pictures
I dont take good pics but I'm alright looking. I really dont have many better pics than those.
Also how should I write my bio? What should it say? I have no idea what to put

I kinda had a feeling that was the case, also, would you also recommend I take out 'cheeki breeki' as well? Now that I think about it, it seems a bit childish to have Cyrillic right in the middle of an English sentence.
What should a guy put in his about me?
excuse the ID change, I turned off the internet on my phone for a moment.
>Rewrite my bio for me
No. But some pointers:
Why mention your name, when it is right above anyways? And if you insist, I think there needs to be a comma after jimmy. Remove vidiy and cuddles. And I am not too sure about that open book part.
>I really dont have many better pics than those.
Then WTF do you do on tinder, besides crushing your ego? The whole idea behind tinder is that folks look at pics of the gender their are interested in, and then say YES or NO based on the attractivity of those pics. Dont have good pics? dont get matches. Simple.
And no, while you are certainly not the ugliest of the ugliest, you are also not some male model that will get any girl, even with the shittiest of pics.
>would you also recommend I take out 'cheeki breeki' as well?
Dont know, but if you can really do something resembling a conversatoin in russian, it might even be an advantage? But I would not call having cyrillic in it childish.
What would make better pics?
Just read the thread, or any of the hundreds of tinder threads here before it or after it, or any of the sites that come up when you type something like "online dating picture rules" into google.
What the hell is up with all these cambots on tinder lately? Seems like they're the only ones I get matches with.
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Just started my tinder about a month ago, not too many matches could use some help
this is a mess man, honestly tinder is gonna be hard for you no matter what but this profile is making it way harder than it needs to be.

The first picture is definitely your best one but I think you can do even better, if it has to be a selfie at least try to not get your arm so visibly in it. The dark laptop selfies are maybe the worst tinder pictures I've seen, very strong insane person vibes. Maybe try to mimic hipster kids and don't smile in your selfies and put heart emojis around your face or something since you don't seem opposed to memes.

Slim down the bio, you're kinda just throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks. You basically say your a software developer twice. And saying you watch a lot of TV and listen to music isn't really special, it's way too general to appeal to anyone, that's like just saying 'I like entertainment'. Maybe bank on one show and hopefully it can get something started, TV show conversations are pretty boring though so try to lean too hard on that.

Also, I think you should take out the 'ayy lmao'. I feel like you should go completely joke bio or not do it at all, right now it's like you're trying to be irreverent but then hedging your bet just in case by talking about other things you like. Either be too cool for tinder or embrace it
Yeah I wish I had better pictures of me doing stuff but I've never really been a picture person. I can probably get my roommate to take some pictures or something though. Took the ayy lmao and software dev out of my profile and I added a specific show and Music genres. I also have a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote in my profile that maybe could go or stay
This is my 4th profile and I got a lot more matches than my previous ones.

Now I just have to figure out how to start conversations.
that's the most directly anyone's taken my advice on here. I personally feel like Emerson quotes (and most quotes in general) are very fake-deep highschooler-ish, I'm not sure how girls would feel about it though
you could do without the second picture. I'm pretty much against your whole profile on some level but if you say you're getting matches then keep doing what you're doing I guess.

I usually just start conversations about something specific related to a place/thing that a girl's involved in. I grew up in the city where I'm living so I usually can figure out some story about something like the college they go to or the neighborhood they live in. Try to keep it about the girl though, I usually ask them how they like [noun] and then mention some off hand experience I had with it
>I'm pretty much against your whole profile on some level
Why? ;_;
cause you're being too post-ironic or whatever and it's hard to post-ironically ask people out on dates. Even if girls think that ;_; shit is cute it's not gonna translate well to meeting up in real life. Also you look like a kid who hangs out in malls in 2005
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This one just lost me completly
>Also you look like a kid who hangs out in malls in 2005
Yeah that's kinda the aesthetic I'm going for. I pretty much live life post-ironicly.

Otherwise I would have to face some complete mental breakdown, it's better to not take everything seripusly.
Figure the biggest thing is the bio, but any tips on anything would be appreciated.
Please r8 my bio (translated):
Studying translation at X uni.
I translate, write, train kickboxing and like to sleep in.
I don't wear contacts. <le :P emoticon>

>tfw you'd like to use :^) but everyone would tell you it's too cringe so you had to normie it up
really cute face but that bio made me uncomfortable
all your pictures are kind of bad
yeah 4 kind of sucks, a pic of you with a friend or pet would be good though
I would definitely message you, but you could add a better pic if you want to make it better. a straight on angle like 2, but good lighting like 1
take out 2 and 5.
Possibly lead with 3 4 or 6
you seem boring, like what 23 year old guy doesn't like video games and movies? that's like saying your hobbies are eating and sleeping. your pictures could be better, try taking it from slightly higher, and further back
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Hello dudes
3 is a better picture than 1. try to show more personality in your bio, it was kind of bland.
Thought you were the guy in the middle before looking at the other pictures. First pic should be just you

Pic #2 or 3 should be switched with the first, imo.
You look like a non-bald Breivik.
how well do you do on tinder? Pretty much any of your pictures are better than #1, I'd say #5 is best but you'd usually want to fill out the whole square. All worthwhile photos, really good lighting.

I'd disagree with the other guy who said show personality, I'd keep the bio the same tone, maybe even more factual by taking out 'literary addict' and 'music festivals', you can bring that stuff up in the actual texting
you're gonna really have to work the angles on your pictures, if you just present your face as-is like your main pic it's not gonna work well. #3 is good as a secondary pic but the rest are all just filler for someone who has little to show. Don't use the dog pictures as a crutch, at best they'll get a girl to say your dog is cute but it's not gonna make them attracted to you
So I've been using Tinder for a while now and came across this girl about a month whom I chatted with for a bit until the conversation ended at her end. Just a week ago I started it back up again and we've been talking on and off since. It feels a bit disconnected as she only messages me at around late afternoon/evening and what she says is brief (yet peppy) in contrast to what I say which is longer but not to the point of walltexting. We stick to things that interest us and on my end I try to give her enough information about me without dragging my messages out.

Is there anything I can do to keep conversations going longer without bugging her assuming she my be slightly interested but busy and if so, when would be the right time to make a move and go and meet up with her? Also if there's a way to tell whether or not she isn't, how so? I'm not desperate for a hookup but she's one of the chiller people I've talked to.
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I'll bite

Pretty well I think, but not as much as I want.

Thanks for the tips dude.

Dude, straight up ask her to hang out. I don't do the whole messaging forever thing because they lose interest after a while.


Last picture is the best, don't use drawings, get photos of you doing things preferably.

Good bio though, I want to be bros.
Im always up to be bros!
you should just ask her out in your next message, like make some comment and then end the message by asking her out. After like 3 days I feel like there's nothing you can do to make a girl more interested in you, more small talk can only hurt you. Tinder is for dating so it's not weird to ask someone out without much context.

I've been surprised by how many girls say yes to a date when they aren't really engaged in the conversation. A lot of girls are just fielding tons of small talk conversations but they don't get asked out as often as you'd think (at least by people they want to go out with). The worst outcome is that you stop wasting your time and at best you get a date
I snapchat you!
this is like half ass tumblr-core, if you're really a hedonistic nihilist then act like one dammit. I don't like invitational bios that say stuff like 'talk to me about...' or 'let's enjoy some...'. I don't have concrete evidence that they're bad but to me personally it makes you look weak.

Girls theoretically like unconventional dates like enjoying alternative R&B, but they don't trust you. You're just some weirdo on their phone, you gotta be normal before you can be interesting. Add some more pictures of yourself so they can be confident authorities will be able to identify you if they go missing
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I'm new to Tinder. Am I doing this right?

Switch #1 with #4 and #2 with #3. Besides that, I'd imagine you'll be rolling in matches in no time, if you aren't already.
>will be able to identify you if they go missing
top kek, will do.
I mean yeah it's fine, nothing really needs improving but you're almost intimidatingly hot in a football cheerleader kinda way. Maybe this is just me but I'd probably never get around to messaging you cause I'm more inclined to message girls that seem attainable.

Also this post seems like it might just be an attempt to get people to snapchat you/this girl, and I feel dumb for replying
Just had this happen, not sure how to parse it yet

>january 3rd - get matched with girl
>go out for drinks
>back to my place for the night
>morning comes, says she's really attracted to me
>begin dating sequence
>back and forth between my apt and hers for 2 months, watching movies, drinking etc.
>today comes
>changes her facebook status to "in a relationship"
>didn't mention she was going to do that to me
>posts picture of different guy 2 hours later
>"look at this cutie :3"
>solid, I'd fuck him.
>not sure how to have this awkward conversation with her

What do i do now anon? I'm going to have this conversation with her either way tomorrow, but I'm unsure how to start it. Monday nights were the nights we watched animu together.

I don't want to go back to the neet life. help.
>>back to my place for the night

Who suggested it?
Exact words please.
It was not my suggestion since I wasn't looking for anything but a serious relationship, and to me that kind of suggestion seemed really fast.She's also the one who initiated the call to go out for drinks.

If I recall it was something like

>"hey I'd like to go see what your place is like and chat more"

On getting there she asked if I played a lot of piano(I have a baby grand) and then she went ahead and surprised me with a couple of debussy pieces, while I played a few liszt and Satie pieces.

After that it was just some light hearted flirting, and then sleep. No sex till later on in the dating process.
I'm having a hard time lately near SD too. Weird.
I started a couple days ago and I have about 20 matches, but of the 7 I've messaged, only 2 have actually talked to me. Is this the norm or am I bad at starting the conversation?
I hear what you are saying. Would you still swipe me though? I generally swipe people based on their blurb over their photos. Most of my matches that I talk to are pretty everage but because we have common interests I get along. I find I do have to perpetuate and initiate most conversations in a lot of circumstances so I assume that's a lack of interest.

Btw, don't let the looks fool you. I'm awkward as hell. I find I'm usually the first person in a social situation to embarrass myself.
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Bio is too niche for normie tastes, but I feel this is a solid enough bio.

Very, very niche. Though, change the second word to "do".
yeah I would most definitely swipe right and then never talk to you, every guy swipes right on attractive girls. You being awkward or whatever you think you are has nothing to do with anything here, feel free to be as awkward as you wanna be it truly does not matter, people are interested. If guys are dropping the conversation on you then try throwing in arbitrary questions and smiley emojis if you don't do that already
Proofreading is not my strong suit, apparently...

But the niche factor is what makes interesting conversations
I know you dweebs idealize girls who watch anime but you're really setting yourself up for a loss there
pick one joke fool, they all basically convey the same thing
Does seen overkill come to think of it. I cut it to the first two
>but of the 7 I've messaged, only 2 have actually talked to me. Is this the norm or am I bad at starting the conversation?
It's really hard to start conversations that will stick out (positively, that is. Being "that guy" is rather easy), and even if you do, who knows what goes on in her mind, when she decides to reply or not to reply. You can improve your skills, but after all, its a numbers game.

WTF? does shit like that really work?
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>mfw I am leaving the house on my way to a tinder date and my phone buzzes, and I think,
>Damn, she probably is cancelling in the last minute
>but it's just tomorrows girl asking me if I'm still down for our date

so that part I got figured out, now I just need to figure out how to fuckin get into their panties more often. I have like a 10% success rate with that, and I feel that is way too low.
Thanks to these threads, I managed to get from autistic virgin to going out with at least 6 girls a month, now please, /soc/, help me with the next part!
don't get carried away with this tinder stuff man, you can get real burnt out on it. I used to try to keep constantly meeting more girls and it really wore me thin, I didn't put as much effort into the dates and I'd be lazier about keeping up conversations and forget what I'd said to which people. Also sex is usually a 2nd/3rd date activity and I was putting all my time into 1st dates. I dunno if this is what you're going through but I definitely had less sex during that time even though I was on more dates. So basically quality over quantity.
Not getting carried away, and I'm still keeping track of what I said to whom, but I just wanna increase my success rate. I managed to improve my "online skills" quite significant over the last year, so no I gotta work on my IRL skills.
okay if you got the energy for it then do what ya do playa.

Any advice about IRL skills really depends on who you are and how you present yourself. I dunno if you're even to the point where girls will come back to your place, but having a cool house/apartment can really help move things from the sitting and talking phase to having sex. I think people just want to have sex in cool venues.

As for how to conduct yourself on the actual date, just keep talking and being funny, I don't think anyone here can tell you how to do that though
I would like to think that my Appartement is nice enough, especially considering that students are my "target audience" whereas I have a job and some money.

But to get them thta far, that seems to be the hard part. I'm having a hard time to move from meeting for drinks and talking, to getting to my place.

It's not that I am a spaghetti spilling autist, on the contrary, on most dates the girls never take the exit option I'm giving them, when the discussion starts to stall, and instead order another drink, but then one of two things happens:
>a) we agree on meeting again in a few days time, and I never hear back from them, or
>b) we agree to meet again, and do so, and do so again, and again, and then I'm just that guy friend they whine to about how hard it is to find a good boyfriend...

Both options are rather unsatisfactory.
maybe there's something fundamentally un-sexy about you, hard to diagnose without seeing it in person. Sounds like you look good enough in the face for girls to be meeting up with you off tinder, do you think you're kinda tricking the camera at all? like are you shorter/fatter/skinnier than you seem on tinder? The Spaceballs reaction image makes me think you're saying some not funny things on your dates and you're maybe out of touch with what the young college crowd is in to, that's really my only clue though
I would assume I don't trick the camera, but you are right, no one is 100% the person that they seem to be judged by 6 random pics an a bio blurb. And regarding the reaction image: maybe you are right too, but I am definitely not one of those annoying, meme spouting idiots that treat live just as another 4chan board. And ironically, my biggest tinder successes have been with girls 10 years younger than me (don't worry, their legal, I'm just that old) so I don't know wtf that is supposed to tell me.
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Roast me
That's funny. I was already wondering why I kept my I'd over two devices and 5 wifis, and know it changes without the doing anything. Damn, I really enjoyed the "hemd" part, because it means shirt in german.
we can tell you like beer ya triangle boob having bitch. What font is that on your chest you look like a star wars intro. Nobody is impressed by your taste in meme bands
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Constructive criticism much appreciated
Halp plz
I think my pics are fine but idk what to say
is this a meme? I swear I've seen this before but you never change anything. The pulling hair line sucks but you already know that. The 5th picture is trash, you look like a balding little boy who eats too many turkish taffy
I changed the last photo and part of the bio. Tbh I repost it when I am bored to try to get a fresh opinion or to make me realise something needs changed. Turkish taffy? Very strange point but I may change the 5th pic
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Help me. Just got out of a 4 month relationship and I've lost my touch.
you ever hear the one about Charlie the Swedish German?
>match with two qts on tinder
>one doesn't want anything serious
>no big deal, I can live with that

>talking with the other girl back and forth
>feels pretty good, ask her out
>no reply
>(12 hours later) "ha ha, guess that's a no then, huh?"
>still no reply over 24 hours later

>3rd girl is a spambot from "Loss" Angeles

Damn it. I just want a qt gf.
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Hey everyone. This is my official first 4 chan post. I seen how nice and constructive you guys are being with each other. With my bio, I do sport a necklace that has 666 on it. To clear things up I'm Luciferian, no hate please I'm normal. Anyways, I've been told by people that I'm pretty good looking but my matches don't show so. Help would be admired and I'll try and shoot out tips myself. Thanks
dunno if bait
you seem like an edgelord extraordinaire
No. Believe it or not I am no where near the edge. I'm slightly edgy at best. Not bait though. I know I don't look like a "typical Luciferian" I forgot my makeup and long hair.
you fucking suck
i pledge 2 da edge m9
Haha I fucking hate new age kids
Ohh no kidding. I'm about a week in and I'm at ~75 matches so far.
Get rid of the internet part
Emphasize IT and put gamer after it

Make your bowling line add to your bio, its just kind of sitting there right now

Use second pic
the only thing i have on my tinder profile are four face pics and the caption "leave me alone" and i still get like three matches a day...
Not subtle with your nihilism/hedonism

When you put that in a bio, it only appeals to a small minority. Best to make it just a passing reference or something that only people who would appreciate that would notice. It also makes it seem more like a character trait and less like "oh im gonna say im this cause I want it to be my image"
Yo, how do you even talk to girls?
1. Get matches.
2. Start a convo.
3. They stop replying.
4. I don't pester.
5. Stop talking, leave it at my last message.

Don't wanna be a creep. Suggestions?
Anybody else have like 400+ cute matches but only like a percent success rate because they're apparently attractive but boring as fuck? Asking for a friend.
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Tell me how much fail, i am literally clueless
I keep getting messages with something along the lines of "Hey I'm only in town for a few days. Text me if you want to hang out. Here's my number/kik". That's spam right? It's strange because generally speaking the "girls" sending this aren't super attractive and it's always a different phone number/kik username that doesn't have any spam results when I google it.
I'd say use pic 3 as 1 you look less babyfaced with the beard, try to get a pic with friends or have a friend take a pic as you only have selfies
charge up your phone, i'm triggered
what do you guys look for in a female's profile?
Instant swipe lefts are when they have that whole "it's so cool to be rude" attitude that everyone is adopting from tumblr.

Basically just look for someone who seems nice, shared interests, and whether I'm attracted
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revision 3, is the burden REALLY on me to talk? really? ive stopped ignoring "hey whats up" type of shit but they literally never have follow up so theres no benefit to not ignoring those guys so far it seems
I'm just looking to instantly be able to tell what your face looks like. Not shadowed, not covered with silly shit, just your straight up face. If I like it, I'll flip through to see body type and maybe read the bio. If it says "good vibes only," swipe left.
You're cute! I don't know what the fuck is wrong with other people and not having shit else to say besides "sup." I mean, you can ask how they're doing or some other small talk bullshit. I've had the same problem with women, where they're just waiting for me to drive a conversation on my own so they can only reply with "lol" and "ya"

Somewhat related, I really hate when girls feel the need to specify that they're "not into hookups". It makes me think you take the platform too seriously and, honestly, you should have a good idea of whether a guy is looking for a hookup before you even get to the first date.

I've tried to make a move on the first night plenty of times, and the worst case has always been that we just chill, fall asleep, and pick it up from there a few dates later. The whole attitude behind "lol not that kinda girl" seems kinda bitchy imo, although I definitely respect the more general idea that some people aren't into one night stands.
i added that in with this revision because literally every match before i put that in was a creep telling me he wanted to fuck me or inviting me to his house for a "date"

i get a really noticeably smaller amount of matches now with that in there which is okay by me honestly but the whole "hey whats up i have literally nothing else to say to you" is still a problem

its just that the whole "sex with strangers" thing is weird and seems totally unrealistic for me because in my experience most guys especially in this area use fat chicks as "practice" or because they're easy and its honestly insane that this is a real thing so i just try to avoid that sort of situation in advance because I'm a fragile ass bitch
yay i passed
true story at one point when i was using tinder almost every single profile i clicked on the guy mentioned he was looking for his soul mate, next serious relationship, etc. it was really bizarre. i don't have anything about what i'm looking for in my bio but when i did it was "not looking for anything serious" but guys don't seem to realize the difference between a ons and a casual relationship....
That's way too subtle for your average bear. Gotta spell that shit out, because "nothing serious" means "we gon' fuck"
fucking is good, i just want to keep going out/hanging out/making out without any pressure that it has to lead to anything more than that. if you're dtf and want to see them again, they act like you want to get married or some shit and it's like...i just had a good time? does it have to be more than that?
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Also, I'd post my profile for rating or something, but I can tell you what my problem is.

(hint: it's my face)
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Haven't had any trouble. Already got a gf and I got the app 2 weeks ago (we've been dating for a week and a half). I'm mostly just curious on what you people have to say
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You may rip me apart now. I get 0 matches, I did just make it a few days ago however.
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Pic related my gf but I'm hiding her face
aw ur like 10 :')

make the last picture your first
/shrug I personally don't dig the car selfie trend, but I mean it IS good lighting. You seem like the kind of guy who would have good luck though, being white, thin and looking a little effeminate.

I'd lose #2, personally. It's one of those things that would be funny to a friend, but at first glance...not appealing.

Just opinions from a straight guy.
Any tips?
Shave, your facial hair is awful.
Talk normally, you're writing style gives off this "my IQ is 160" vibe.
Some of your pictures feel like you're trying to edgy and random. Stop that.
>I'd lose #2, personally. It's one of those things that would be funny to a friend, but at first glance...not appealing

Yeah haha I kinda put it in as a joke maybe I'll switch it with another silly one

Also thanks :0
That's nice. I thought you weren't gay, but I guess traps don't count.
No advice?
What, are you applying to the Hitler Youth or something? Why bother with the heritage? You're white as Wonder bread, dude. Otherwise, you maybe look a little high in that main pic. Maybe a femanon will have some input.
>implying I'm implying
No, but she's cute. I just don't know why you bothered to throw it out there...unless you got some nudes.
They're just some of the few pictures I have. I'm probably just going to close it and work on getting numbers irl instead. Maybe I'll take the other advice and shave.
It's /soc/ aren't you supposed to show off a bit I dunno
Native genes means I'm squinty as fuck. Can't help it much. And somehow when I'm high it gets worse. Can't incognito to save my life.

But otherwise it's not terrible? I usually overstuff with info so I'm trying to hold back.
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New to tinder
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Any Advice yall?
You look like you were made in a laboratory by horny girl scientists and you're on here asking for advice on your tinder profile?

Nigga if you don't slay pussy on tinder i'm killing myself
I would say deffinetrly start with 5
Guys I'm 19 with no car, how fuck am I for using tindr?
>live with my parents
>no job

i drive a chevy camaro though
i'm 25, recently unemployed

how do i not look like a complete loser? i can't bring the woman back for obvious reasons.
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Not getting as many matches as I would like (only like 25 in two months).
I figure I should lose the line about working out as its probably not a good idea to downplay yourself. But yeah any thoughts?
Just looking for a quick thing on vacation, but craigslist is creepy.
I know its a group-shot, but I'd put 3 first, then 4, then 1, then 2. You don't really look your best in the first one.
You could also consider putting 4 first and then 3, but its up to you.
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I've got no luck. What do?
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What about mine u guys?
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I've gotten a few matches here and there, but they were either a thousand miles away or nothing much came out of them. Any profile tips?
>have all 6 pictures used.
>use a pic of us with a girl or alone as main pic.
>only put your hight in description (unless your a manlet)

Starting convo.

>be cheeky, ask girl about herself. Poke fun at her a little
>don't ask shit boring questions or have short conversation.
>tell them funny storeys about yourself, as long as they don't make you sound beta.

Getting number.

>don't leave it Any longer then 2 days from first conversation to getting her number.
Easiest way to get is "I'm getting alot of weirdos messaging me on here, do you have whatsapp? Could we talk on there"
Indirectly get her number. Not as blunt as straight out asking her.

Once got her number.

>arrange a date in no longer then 3 days of getting her number.

Don't want to wait for ever and let conversation go stale.

Start on Monday.. Number by Wednesday date by Friday or Saturday.
And not arrange a date by then. Be on a date by then.

Date night.

>meet at a half decent bar, have a few drinks/ games of pool.Take her to a different bar/restaurant/beastro for food to mix things up. Few drinks after food. Invite her back to yours.

Always Fuck a tinder girl first night.
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Any helps senpai?
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Pls help, i just want to get laid, no relationships or anything. How do i do it?
Most girls do have nothing to say and put every expectation on a man to carry the conversation.
That is so desperate it's legitimately sad
Help then cunt
i disagree, if i saw the group shot first I'd click hoping it was the other guy and then left swipe when i saw it wasn't, or if i was already jaded by a host of group shots just left swipe right away because it's never the cuter one. you're not bad looking on your own but don't give girls a chance to compare you to your friends before seeing you by yourself, it sets you up for failure
Very shitty profile and pictures.There's no way to know what you look like. None of your pictures show your face clearly.
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Fuck, I don't know what happened with this girl, before we where having some good conversations then she went to sleep and now she gives me this short answers... so I asked directly if she had any interest in continuing having contact with me and if she would like to exchange contact info, and she gave me her number but... pic related. This doesn't happen to me often, I usually can keep great conversations but she is giving me NOTHING.
>I have a hard time talking
>philosophy of happiness

IMO, delete those parts.

Delete pic #2 and either change the bio or don't have one.

Ask questions about her. Maybe she was busy while she texted you and didnt have time to type back longer messages?
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I took some advice from you mates and so far I managed to get one additional match (though she never answered me back).

Do the changes I've made to my profile look good, or do I look like a tryhard now?

Also, when starting conversations, I've been starting out by asking if they speak French or English, could that be scaring them off?

Sorry for not contributing advice like a fugboi, if I had any good advice to give I probably wouldn't be asking for any.
Bumping for responses to this. It seems like even girls I hit it off with well will just stop responding or giving extremely short answers, not even enough to continue a conversation off of, despite having re-initiated conversation themselves. How do you work around chicks being deliberately dodgy?
Well, what do you expect to happen?
you essentially told her
>I use a fake number, because I actually dont own a phone, and no, I am certainly no 50yo fat dude in his mothers basement, catfishing girls on the internet, no, why?, what makes you think that?
Yeah, it sucks. only 1 girl in 50 can actually keep up a conversation that not consists of me doing 99% of the work. So that's why you try to meet them IRL as quick as possible.

And until you get there, it seems like you really must end every fucking sentence with a question. Even statements that would get a reaction 99% of the time in a real conversation just get ignored without any comment. But then, of course, every question must come naturally, and go with the "flow" of the conversation, and must not be job-interview like, and of course it also can not just be ending every sentence with "HBU?"…

Total bullshit. But then on the other hand, less investment than going to clubs or shit to get girls, so, meh… My dick is still happy, so I'll continue
How is my profile? Rate.v2
I deleted the app a while ago, but not my profile so I've got a bunch of chick's that I haven't talked with in like a month or two. What's the best way to spark up a conversation again? Any good lines, or should I just ask what they've been up to?
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Check my pussycatcher.
Read 'em and weep fella's.
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whats a suitably xd thing to say to a girl like this? Her pics are super edgy and she seems like an edgy xd girl so i was thinking of saying "oh name never checks tinder anyway so i can say what i want" and say some batshit thing to bait her into (You)ing me.

this might also be retarded but i dont rly see much to lose
Nobody is going to match with a fucking weaboo that coves his face with his phone when the entire point of the fucking app is to find someone with a nice fucking face to MATCH WITH YOU FUCKING WEABOO
Get rid of the shirtless pic you twink
I don't think lying about your 'athletic' build will work when your picture is right above it.
Your first line lets everyone know right away that you are an unoriginal faggot so yeah just keep everything the same
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Guys am I doomed?
Do you get laid a lot and if so are the mediocre ? I usually match up with landwhales.
With how many guys vie for each girl's attention on Tinder, how many of you guys actually have success on it or know guys who have success?

I saw that video that some Youtube channel did where they took 2 models, one man one woman, and swiped 1000 times and the woman had like 750/1000 matches and 500 messages, while the guy "only" had like 250/1000 matches and like 20 messages. And those were pictures of models

It's just difficult for me to imagine that with those inflated numbers, that a lot of just average guys like the ones who populate this Tinder as a whole and especially 4chan can have a lot of success. I assume Tinder is probably 75% guys, and likely at least 10 guys are messaging every girl who is on there, and that's probably a very conservative estimate. And the guys using a site like Tinder to get girls probably aren't exactly the top of the food chain in looks or personality.

With how much competition there is, and the fact that it seems like you have to be pretty good looking to have success, I just can't imagine that the numbers of men who actually have legitimate success meeting or hooking up with Tinder girls is very high. Maybe 10-20% of guys getting all the hookups because they are handsome enough while 80% of the guys get nothing.

And obviously this is for guys because for girls it is literally easy as shit since they basically have to do nothing to have success on Tinder.
Fairly often but not from tondre.
this article pretty much debunks your theory:

also, as a reasonably attractive woman on tinder, i can say that while i get a lot of matches, maybe 20% or less of those turn into messages, and less than 5% are ever anything other than "hey" or "how's it going"
This. It seems like girls I meet are either intimidated by me or are crazy. Do I have to want to have sex with them or something?
Is tinder a good way to hookup for a threesome? My partner and I want another girl in the mix. Anyone have experience hooking up with a girl for a threesome using tinder? Any tips?
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Please help. I'm not sure what pic are good, should I get rid of my motorcycle pic for something else?
Do live in Colorado?
Delete the second pic, it doesn't show off the strong suits of your face. I'd put in a big more thought than just a "Want to hookup?", add something a bit interesting, hell a joke wouldn't hurt.
Conversations going great. Then what? Ask yourself: "Am I taking any risks?"
An overly forward compliment, making the conversation sexual, straight out asking for a number, any of those are seen as something that sets you apart from other matches because it shows you have the balls to do what other guys won't.
Imagine how many 'normal conversation' guys she talks with on a daily basis. Try and stand out! Just don't be creepy.
dude love the back to the future pic
I have a pretty old phone (galaxy s2) when I get messages it's often just a square or just a blank space or the text comes in one per line like this

any fix?
Get a new phone.

Recently upgraded from an s2 to an s5. Totally worth it
>Conversations going great. Then what? Ask yourself: "Am I taking any risks?"
>An overly forward compliment, making the conversation sexual, straight out asking for a number, any of those are seen as something that sets you apart from other matches because it shows you have the balls to do what other guys won't.
That's actually a very good idea, because, yeah, she's a girl, so that
>Imagine how many 'normal conversation' guys she talks with on a daily basis.
is probably hundreds. But the
>Just don't be creepy.
part is really hard to do. Plus, at least where I am, most girls seem to use tinder only as a "normal" dating platform. If you play your cards right, you still can fuck on the first date, but it's not the hookup-app anymore it used to be.
But that essentially boils down to the >take risks part. Be the nice guy, courting her for weeks, and never have anything happen, because some Chad will simply grab her, long before you mutually and democratically agreed on a politicically correct date, or just risk it anyways, and maybe win her over…
But still, it's really hard to do this in a non-creepy, non-thirsty and smooth way.
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She probably wanted to compare you to the other guys and pick the best one with the most money and better apartment etc

So while that might seem like a good pick but I think you dodged a bullet there, you can do and deserve better than that. Piano gets girls wet.
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I have over 100 matches, but I feel im not getting the top tier girls (not bad, just rarely the really hot ones) Im not sure where im going wrong, would love any suggestions around the bio...
You look like a total douche, kill yourself
Use more pictures and try to have at least 1 with other people in a fun social situation, if you can manage
only models get top tier girls on tinder.
also tfw when after I installed the update and reset tinder I got NO fucking instant matches, last time I got about 50 instant matches in one day
tell me it's me and not tinder
what the actual fucking fuck
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R8 h8 appreci8
this. and have your mum take a decent pic of you
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I'll bite, after having the app for a few months, I've had like 2-3 matches nothing really came of them. Looking to spice my profile up a little.
Lose the mask pic, don't say aspiring

Maybe add something about karaoke instead of champion of singing, instead of saying "always down for drinks' say let get drinks
great first pic, to bad about your face

Fuckin memes nobody gives a shit

This is my profile:

Attached male needs one regular Affair Partner. Swipes right just because. Offers nothing more than adoration and secret confidence. Prefers an attached lady with an adorkable mind that he can bottle and savor. DRAMA FREE! Gets off making her feel desired. Zero maintenance. Knows what he wants. Tall and slender. Doesn't respond to moral sensibility. Knows how to spell. A kinky mind to have fun with.


Made it yesterday, after the first few swipes I log in this morning and see matches and one super-like. Talked a bit to the superlike but that didn't go anywhere. Another match is asking me about my pictures and if she could see a real one of me (it's currently all obscure), noticed the area is a bit too close for my taste so I'm not doing that for anonymity reasons (also she isn't that good looking, call me shallow) and I have 6 other matches.

I just don't know how to start a conversation with them.

inb4 I'm scum. It's just a fetish, get over it. I don't judge you for wanting poop on your chest or whatever.
just made this tonight, how am i doing?
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Probably remove the mask pic


Would make pic number 2 the profile picture. Maybe lose the selfie at 3


All your photos look the same. You're pulling the same face too. Maybe get pictures of you doing what you love.

Anyone care to rate mine?
Tinder is not for you man. Check out fetlife for any local munches.

It also straight up reads like a Craigslist ad. Will work on older girls, but probably not anyone 18-26.
I give a shit and so should you
I find something like 'The best things in life aren't things' is good for a short description rather than advertising your power level
that sounds like an utter reddit shit
who cares about reading such crap
not that anybody is gonna have pity sex with you for your dark memes
GIrls go on reddit, not an english knitting board
also why brag about having a woman punch in the face and lose your virginity to them? Are you hoping to attract a dominatrix?
Okay time for a girls opinion
the second pic in the grey hoodie make that your profile pic (casual is way hotter)
make the second one ur photo aswell
what the fuck is up with you guys choosing the wrong default, again make the second picture ur main and take the ones with your friends off
either the picture with ur dog or on the bench needs to be your default one looks cute and one looks fun.
take picture 2 and 4 off.
Take your default picture off, its doing you no favors.
When you have photos like 6 and 4 im not sure why you chose that as your default. Girls are insecure AF a lot of times so id take 5 off(even if its your sister or something)
so much potential.
take photo off please. Hair suits you a lot better. id swipe right on your default and your photo 4.
Are you fucking stupid? the picture in the greyish blue v neck is cute AF make it ur main photo.
> using male model pictures
if they look all look like professional pics they are going to come off as suspect. you want to show "natural" pics, like around the house, to better prove identity.
Keep going pls
Help me out soc

"Half Irish, hoping it'll be Dublin my chances somehow"
Fellow bruin?
#4 is pretty cute
Use picture 4 its more intimate
picture 5 is really pretty.
picture 3 is pretty and the most attention grabbing.
You are actually adorable....
picture 2 or 4 needs to be your main.Id take 6 off.
picture 2
Do you think you deserve hotter girls? dont be so shallow, work on yourself and the hotter ones will come. regardless take the pictures where you had to black peoples faces off, and change your profile picture to literally any other one.
How bout you show us your profile
I dont use tinder srry. im the girl that posts the boobie gifs that make everyone mad.
Thanks :-)
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Just went to Dallas for 5 days and got 134 matches. Come back to Florida, 5 days later I've gotten 3, and two weren't worth matching. Can any women explain this to me?

Also... feedback on the profile :-)
It's not hard. Dallas is a much bigger city with more people locked to their phones.
Not familiar those gifs, this is my first time posting in /soc/
Wanted to step my tinder up a level. I think its helped

Dallas Metro: 6.7 mil
Tampa Bay Metro: 4.2 mil

I mean... Dallas is bigger... but 3 to 134 doesn't reflect the difference.
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The pictures are not this pixelated when viewing them normally.
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Whats wrong w my bio? I mean I get matches but no mind blowingly hot ones.
Full bio
I’m on here looking for my r2d2 to my 3cpo. Avid ukulele player and amateur masseuse so I’ve got your back (literally). I can telepathically speak with dolphins and love working with kids. I’m bilingual and working to become tri lingual by learning Swedish. I love surfing, snowboarding, and attempting parkour. I play a mean game of ski ball and if were talking in terms of chuck e cheese tickets I’m the richest man on earth.Talk to me in bird calls and show me you’re nothing to shake a feather at
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How do I fix this

Made only a few hours ago
What boobie gifs?
>how do i fix this
>no one night shit
uninstall tinder and make an OKcupid
just say ur really busy but always on your phone cause your job
Remove any and all internet references.

switch #5 and #1

right now, all your pics are... basic
Any ideas?
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
You missed mine
I shall give you all general tinder advices.
The first thing you need to know is that your profile is a mirror. If your pics is emo and tumblrishy, you will get tumblerina girls. If you put normie boring photos, yoi shall get normie ass girls. Same with bio.
Now for the actual profile. The first pic is the first thing she/he will see, keep this in mind. BUT don't put a meme picture to catch the attention, or some really cool photo, but no face. The 1st pic got to be a face pic, not to close, good lightning and background. Clothes is important also. If you got the attention, he/she will drop an eye in the bio. Don't tell your hole life in the bio, cause if you do so, you will run out of things to talk. The bio ideally should contain a few hobbies (just the more interesting ones). And maybe a sentence about what you are lookong for, but not straightforward. You always got to be flirty and playful. For other pics. In the 2nd, try to put a body pic if you are proud of your sexy body. If you don't have a great body, don't worry, in the opposite sex there are people like you (I don't a great body). If you are like me, what do we need to do? You need to look fun and nice to hangout. This is the time for the social pics, climbing mountains pics, artistic pics, hobby related pics, and so on.
If you just sit in your PC and browse 4chan, you have a few options. Either you lie about just one little thing to catch the attention, or look for people just like you.
Observation: this advices is just for hookups and fucking. You will not find your love in tinder anyway.
Wow, my post is confusing. But you people can get the idea.
Does anyone have any questions for an active tinder user who is female?
A girl's perspective?
I will be happy to answer!
I'm from Aus and have probably met up with 13 people from tinder or so.
whats the first red flag?
Just want to write a little disclaimer before I answer, that these are my opinions and thoughts only, may be very different to other girls, or majority of girls who use tinder etc....

First red flag is a profile only having 1 or 2 photos, and no bio.
Or any profiles with no bio at all.
Or a bio with just an instagram link or snapchat link or something.
Can i have some advice?

Tinder profile looking good, got dozens of matches

But after I say hi, I just don know what to do anymore. and usually I got bored so fast because of the talk not going anywhere.

What are you looking to get out of tinder?
Dates or hook ups straight away?

Is the conversation not going anywhere because of you or the other person?

If I was you I would try to get to know them, ask about their life, what they do etc, plans for the weekend, try find common ground?
It really depends what kind of person you are talking to.
The thing about tinder is that most girls on it, aren't using it with the serious intention to actually meet up with anyone. They just use it as a fun game, to see who they match with etc. That's why most of the time they won't bother to reply to messages or keep a conversation flowing...

So try sort out of your matches someone who is genuinely interested, and is actually trying to come up with interesting responses too.

Hope that helps, probably not haha :D
That the question, I don't know what do I want to achieve on tinder, I feel that I want both (sex and commitment) but I just feel that I am too lazy to establish a relationship and just continue fap everyday
Well personally, dating can be pretty tedious and terrible.
I don't know if tinder is the best place for it also.
I often ask guys what they are looking for on tinder, just to hook up or date etc,
so maybe you should ask your matches that to see what they are interested in?
Some might consider this too forward, but I don't know, I personally don't like wasting time.

Try just talking to more of your matches and getting to know them, and if you find someone you genuinely like and are interesting in, maybe the whole relationship thing could work out too.
>after I say hi
Wrong, you never fucking say that. "Hi, how are you?" is just shitty small talk. What you need to do is open with a silly, but provocative pick up line. Since the girl swiped right on you, it's safe to assume she at least finds you attractive so a cheesy line would break the ice better and test the waters.
For me it doesn't matter, but maybe for some girls I guess. I will just reply with Good, how about you etc etc and the convo goes from there.
I prefer a Whats up? What are you up to? sometimes maybe.... This is all just me though, im really not that fussy when it comes to messages.

Some cheesy pick up lines can also just be really annoying and make me think the guy is annoying...
Sometimes they are funny and clever though!
Post ur profile and well help you out too
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Any help guys, I'm not doing great ~20 matches in 3 weeks
just bee urself
Maybe get a closer up picture that doesnt look like your getting rammed up the ass
I'd make 5 the main pic over what you have.

pics are okay, 3 and 4 are maybe weaker than the others

bio is a bit dull

no apostrophe in "loves", dumbass
Nothing on this? How do I save a nonpixelated picture like this shit?
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Any advice?
Bio is great, keep pic 1 and 3, ditch the others. You have so many pics of your face but not enough of you doing interesting things.
Your bio would be great if your pictures didn't make me think you were being serious about it.

You're looking directly at the camera in every picture with the same eyebrows raised, blank-eyed no smile expression, and it's a little weird.
Could rlly use some feedback
Pretty solid profile, but it's probably a little too LoLrAnDuM with the dolphin telepathy. Really depends on who you're going for. You're black, so honestly it's gonna be an uphill battle regardless of your profile if you're going for non-black girls.
that was def a typo... but thanks for pointing it out!
I've never used tinder before. What should I put if I'm visiting a town and want to get a blowjob?
remove 2 of your ribs, suck yourself off
I miss moments. Attention whoring aside it at least let me know if anyone wanted to restart a conversation with me.

Oh and all the slutty pics looking for validation, they're great.
if females I have gotten snapchats/numbers from on tinder are always watching my snap story still interested or just bored and surfing through social media? I always get numbers from tinder and we text for the night and then it doesn't really go anywhere because I don't find them that interesting and bother to text them the next day, yet they still always watch my snap stories.
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I get little to no matches and those that I do get never stick around.
i miss moments because you could basically ping all your matches to see who's down to do something right then. the app is basically useless without them....
Tinder girl bailed on me last night, said she was stuck babysitting. What should I do next
lose the bunny
Using an ancient iPod touch, hence the weird Tinder layout. Bio reads: Fucking shit sense of humour. Unconsciously think I'm superior to most people despite objectively knowing I'm a turd with the self worth of a kid who was molested for 8 years. Dad hairline paired with a 20cm+ forehead. Somehow have sexual preferences that are distasteful and boring at the same time. If you match with me, take 5 minutes to reevaluate your fucking life.
You do want to match people right? I get the whole self-depreciation humor but your bio is just terrible man. Scrap it and start from scratch. I really can't tell what you look like from your photos, which is the most important part

It's surprisingly worked as a reaaallly effective filter for uber normies. The ridiculously small amount of chooks that match with me are interesting, and worth communicating with.
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>people actually use kik

About 90% of girl userbase on there will get laid to about 10% of the male userbase. If you aren't getting fucked already then I have bad news for you.
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Rate my tinder please soc?
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I'm at a loss guys please help
All of you need to read this.

Photo selection checklist/tips:

-You need one of your face completely unobstructed, as well as a full body or head + torso.

-You should have one main pic (1st pic if possible, 2nd otherwise) where you're solo, but you should definitely have one or two where you've got some friends with you to show you're social.

-Don't have the same facial expression in the majority of your photos [Unless it's this really awkward/goofy face done intentionally in every photo in a variety of locations/situations. Man that would be brilliant]. Fucking smile.

-Don't have any mirror selfies, if you have to, keep it to one. No shirtless at all. If you have a shirtless, remove it and replace it with a suit picture.

-Cat and dog pics are cute if you're in them, but abstain from using pictures that don't appear spontaneous (i.e. the pet doesn't look comfortable and looks like its cuteness is being exploited for tinder matches).

-If you want to show that you're fun, have some interesting pics that will stimulate conversation, not another one of just your face.

-A professional photo is an asset. Actually look into getting some taken.
I say lose the park photo. Shows off the park more than it does you. Another close-up pic would be fine. Should probably also say something interesting in your bio. A fun fact about you or whatever.
Same thing everyone else said. Have someone else take a pic of you when you're doing something fun/interesting. You need some farther away photos.
Not digging the main picture. Could use something more high res. I would use the 2nd as the main pic, but then again you'd need to crop your friend out a bit. Head-on funny scowl > sidelong angry scowl.
If it works, why are you here. If you're going to stick with it, adding just a normal/decent photo at the very end would both be funny, and helpful for girls to get a good idea of what you look like if they've made it that far swiping.
Main pic could be higher resolution. Boat pic isn't very exciting. Dog is cute, but imo you should be in any pet photo you post. Not bad profile though, just doesn't stand out.
Potential. Scrap 2 and 5, get a smile in there and get more pictures with people. Maybe something that shows off you're a swimmer?
Anyone else having trouble loading their matches right now? Mine's been stuck for like an hour now. Tried logging in/out, restarting phone and reinstalling. Nothing happens.
I need help
Can't take a picture to save my life or more importantly my sex life
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Getting back into this shit after like a year and a half. I think girls in houston have gotten pickier because I'm not getting nearly as much matches as I used to.

Does tinder work internationally? I'm gonna be in New Zealand for like 10 days at the end of the month.
Cool, thank you
Should I upload a pic of me sitting in full lotus position with my dog beside me? I already have another dog pic as option to use

I'm into yoga and idk if I should list that only in my bio or if I should have a pic of it as well, since its a hobby

but i dont want to look stupid so idk

what do you guys think?
>love at swipe right

Should be 'love at first swipe'
if female then yoga is a plus it shows your flexible

if male it depends on how fit you are and how gay you look in the pose
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I'm a guy, thin and i think i cant look gay in the pose

its pretty much like pic related but with me looking at my dog
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well i did it. I went out and enjoyed life. I followed my passion and got close to wild animals and joined clubs doing all sorts of fun social stuff. I made sure my bio was chock full of interesting things and built character. Any other critques. I've followed all the sensible ones so far and thats how ive made my bio so good looking. Im even working on getting good at the ukulele What else. What more should i do?
Many of the pics are blurry but they seem fine. Expression is a bit flat in 2nd one though. First line should read "looking for THE r2d2 to my c3po". Also the bio seems very lengthy, trim the fat.
Make your 5th picture your first one.
Help me out.
I have around 15 matches after having the app for 2 days.
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R8 me anons
Make number 6 your first picture. Number 4 is a bit douchey. Your description seems like something a 16-year-old girl would write.
But it's ironic

Thanks for the tip though. Will take into consideration
Change your first picture to a picture of yourself. Maybe take out the other man in number 3.

Get rid of "extremely sexy hobbies" Change your pictures.

Change your description, don't add that you're a nerd and adorable. Stop taking picture of yourself that are so close. Add some with you with friends.

Description is simple. For number 3, take a picture of you with your dog. Profile picture is good.

You look intimidating in the first picture, show one with you smiling. Change the description.

Description is funny, but not a way to get girls. Remover number 5 and 4.

I like it.

Get rid of weebshit, guns, and videogames. What the hell is palomar? No one is going to know. Get rid of "No one night"
Get a haircut and you're good to go.
I like pictures 3, 5, and 6.
For your profile, have one of you facing the camera. Make your description about you.
Then, you should be good. You got this.
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>Change your first picture to a picture of yourself

But that IS me
Your description is boring and something a middle-aged mom would say. Girls want excitement.

Depends on the area, it's weird. In the city I live in, not many people even look at each other. I drove down on the highway about 30 miles to meet up with some family, and girls were giving me all these sexy looks. It wasn't tinder, but it's weird.

Shave the beard. Other than that, I like it.

Good pictures, make number 5 your first picture.

Get rid of "dank memes" get a better picture of your face and make that your number one. Good-looking guy.

You look good in number 6, make that your first one. Just crop out the girl you're with. For number 5, people are going to think that's your daughter and wife.

Get rid of 6 and 3. Make number 2 your first one. I like your look.

Get a haircut and push your hair back. If you're going to take selfies, try to leave your arm out of the picture. Stop taking photos from an aerial view.
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just the sexy bit or all of the hobbies? Is this pic to try hard?
That came out terribly. Make your first picture a view from the front.
Alright, that makes sense. I'll swap 1 and 2.
I would keep that you like to read. Involve that you like to go outside, what genres of music you like. Keep it simple. "Extremely sexy hobbies" makes you seem like a creep.

Get rid of horse mask and add pictures og you smiling.

I would not add the one of you in uniform. If you still have the suit, remove the pins and the hat. Have someone take a picture of you in the suit as if you're about to go somewhere fancy.
Yeah I'm not really allowed to take out the pins or not wear the hat if I'm outdoors. Its just really the only "professional" photo I have. Hopefully this is better but my music tastes range to more metal shit so I thought it'd be best to exclude it for now
There, it's getting better. For the first one, take a picture of yourself smiling, outside with some trees in the background or some shit.

I know you aren't really supposed to take out the pins, but I would do it just to get in the suit, take a few pictures. Then, get out of the suit, put the pins back in, and hang it up. The suit looks good on you.
I'll try but the weather here is shitty and its dark out atm but tomorrow if its sunny I will. I also have a shitty mustang that looks less shitty on one side I'll try to get that in as well
Hi my name is Andrew. I am 18yo male in Palo Alto California. I am bi and am looking for someone to exchange nudes with. Guys and girls welcome. Text me and I'll reply? : ) (650) 743-5441

So, would this actually be a turn off or not?

how do make a good bio?
To get nearly 2000 matches you don't need personality or game or humor or whatever.

He has no useful advise. The only way you can do better at tinder is get more attractive or maybe try using better photos.
Can you only see people who can see you? Like if i have my settings set to only women, and another guy has it set to only men, would he be able to see me?
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