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I'm gonna be 19 in 3 months and I'm still a virgin.

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I'm gonna be 19 in 3 months and I'm still a virgin.
Feel like my life is crumbling around me, feel like I'm doomed, feel like there's no way out.

I've tried so many different things to get laid, none of them have worked.
I've been denied entry into all the frats I've rushed it turns out which means I cant get use their social circles to meet girls or to "accidentally let it slip" that ive never gotten laid before so they would feel all sympathetic and use their connections to get me laid

I feel so fucked, I dont see anyway out
I dont know what to do
It makes me just want to give up on life but I dont even know what I would do if I felt that way
Shit son, get your dick out of your hand and focus on school for a minute. You sound desperate as fuck and if you failed to get into any frat you're probably a straight up loser. Wasting all your time thinking about how to have sex is a sure fire way to die a virgin.
Well actually they seemed to like me a lot but one of them told me that there just wasn't enough room for everyone who wants to join to join, he also offered to hang out with me later on anyways, so I dunno. Maybe they liked me but not enough for me to join them?
I didn't lose my virginity til I was 21 and it's waaaaay overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's great and I think about it every day but the pedestal virgins put it on in literally insane.

Don't worry about getting into frats, greek life is also overrated.
>it's great and I think about it every day
>but the pedestal virgins put it on in literally insane

That's called a contradiction
>be 28 and a virgin

You learn to stop giving a fuck OP.

>I've been denied entry into all the frats

Ask them if they charge for cover for a party and go in with a wingman. Don't do that accidental "oops, I'm a virgin" thing either.
There's a difference between being horny and being depressed because you haven't had sex.
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Bro all you need is some confidance im like 330lbs and i still got my rocks off
Having sex isn't just to get rid of the horniness its godly in and of itself, it's something you'd do even if you didn't feel a tinge of horniness

>and being depressed because you haven't had sex.
Are you trying to tell me its abnormal for me to be that way?
>Are you trying to tell me its abnormal for me to be that way?


Spoilers: being this thirsty isn't attractive.
So you never felt like shit because you were a virgin?

And yeah I know, for some reason girls dislike it when you are a virgin and yet at the same time they refuse to have sex with you to alleviate the problem, its like they expect you to be born a non virgin or some shit

So I have to hide it when I talk to people
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Man its all about how you carry yourself if you don't think you are worth fucking how is anyone else?
>its godly in and of itself
Remember that pedestal I mentioned earlier? Sex is pleasurable not pious.

And a girl isn't going to have sex with you purely because you want to lose your virginity, that's creepy. Just don't bring it up, I've never had a girl ask me how many times I've had sex.
I've felt like shit because I wasn't in a relationship, not because I haven't gotten my dick wet yet.

> for some reason girls dislike it when you are a virgin and yet at the same time they refuse to have sex with you to alleviate the problem, its like they expect you to be born a non virgin or some shit

Christ you sound like an insufferable faggot to be around. I can see why the frats rejected you.

Spoiler alert: Your virginity is not a problem for them to rectify. And they don't dislike virgins, they dislike thirsty entitled bitches, which is what you're being right now. Stop giving a shit about your virginity and just try to have fun. It will happen when it happens.

Or try to get magic powers at 30.
I'm almost 20 and still a virgin. Honestly I'm more focused on school and trying get my life together, I'm going on a date next weekend hopefully our if that I can get her to be my qt gf. And in due time I'd she's down to do the dirty great! If not I can wait until she is. Not that bad man...don't fuck up and have a kid
This is what you need to do OP.

Follow this man's example.
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I never said it was pious, saying "godly" is just an expression but it means like the greatest thing ever, the best thing you can have in life

I never bring it up, I was just stating a fact
God faggot do you think I walk around talking about this shit out in public?
Of course not, I do a great job hiding and Im making friends who seem to actually like me, I'm getting random compliments on my clothes and hair cut, and the frat guy who told me that the others said no seems to want to be friends with me and hang out even though its a frat rule that you cut off contact with rejected rushes

But underneath the whole normie facade I put on is the glaring problem that I have never gotten laid before, its the whole reason why I do all this normie shit, in order to blend in and make them think I'm one of them, get them to like me, and hopefully someday somehow get a girl to have sex with me

>they dislike thirsty entitled bitches

Oh yeah but they have 0 problem calling virgin guys losers and failures and mocking them by saying "your never gonna get any"

Hasn't happened to me since I started college but it happened in highschool

>Stop giving a shit about your virginity and just try to have fun.
Impossible, no matter how much I accomplish I still go home each day and feel like shit because the ultimate goal still hasn't been fulfilled

"An ultimate goal is the goal one will seek to fulfill above all other goals. It is the foundational goal used to formulate every other goal one adopts. One’s ultimate goal is that which, when all is said and done, an individual sought to accomplish with his life. It is the goal to which one devotes all of his time, energy and material possessions in an attempt to achieve it. It is the goal that will structure one’s personality, decision making process, philosophy and physical activities. Every decision one makes will be made in the furtherance of his ultimate goal in life."
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Also more about
>they dislike thirsty entitled bitches

Guys also don't have a problem bragging about sex endlessly, songs aren't constantly made that become number 1 hits that go on about it, religions don't think its so powerful that they literally say its a gift from god and they try to scare people from doing it outside of "gods rules" through fear of hell

I can't even go eat at a fucking local mom and pop barebeque place without my god damn parents making sex jokes and seeing signs in the store about losing virginity jokes

Fuck everything.
>it happened in highschool
>Implying Highschool is representative of adult life at all

Hahahaha. Holy fuck son, high school is when girls act like retarded bitches.

>The ultimate goal still hasn't been fulfilled

Please don't tell me that your "Ultimate Goal" is sex. If it is, then that's really sad and pathetic.

And if it is your ultimate goal, even if you think you're effectively disguising yourself as a normie, you're mistaken. Your thirst is going to leak out if that's all you ever think about.
Look, OP, I'm trying to help you, but you don't seem to be willing to help yourself.

Try going here to get the validation you're looking for: https://wizchan.org/
>Look, OP, I'm trying to help you, but you don't seem to be willing to help yourself.
>Try going here to get the validation you're looking for: https://wizchan.org/
Listen to this anon nothing but great advice.
20 years old here and a virgin.
Shit man don't stress about getting your dick wet, putting effort into getting laid it and it will probably happen.
Stress about important things like money and not being a fuck up.
Even more about "thirsty entitled bitches"

Guys didn't have a problem posting their face when getting a blowjob on the couch on, or how great getting laid is, or girls talking about having sex with their boyfriends doggy style all on yikyak and then other posts are made mocking "thirsty guys" and then when I posted about my plight they called me a combination of insane and evil

>Hahahaha. Holy fuck son, high school is when girls act like retarded bitches.

Its also when they talk about giving their boyfriends blowjobs 2 feet away from me in english class, and going on DEPA shots too

No I hide it really well, they have no idea, they might, big might, sometimes think something is slightly off about me, like maybe I seem a bit un easy or worried, but that would be the total maximum

And your god damn right that's my ultimate goal, when the whole world is constantly bombarding you with how inconceivably good sex is, and how your missing out on it, and how your a loser and a failure and your not a man, and it goes on for years and years, it tends to do that to you.

I'm trying to help myself, but I need real ideas on how to get laid
Not people telling me to stop worrying about it
This dude didn't come here for advice. He's ignorant and going to make people feel incredibly uncomfortable.
Thanks anon, this mindset has stemmed from me being cheated on by two exs so I'm starting to love myself again and focus on making myself better for my next potential special other
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I came here for advice on how to get laid, not to be told that it doesn't matter
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This was on yik yak, a college app, used by my peers that I walk amongst every damn day
You should just get a prostitute, honestly.
>buy a good name brand condom
>buy a hooker
>dilema solved
Lol we have a hivemind
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It doesn't solve anything, condoms take out nearly all the sensation

>inb4 how do you know your a virgin lmao

Because literally all guys who have done it with and without a condom say so.
raw dog it dood
That is exactly what you need to do. Focus on improving yourself. How can you expect anyone to love you if you don't love yourself?

If you don't love yourself, and you just want to get your dick wet, you're going to end up in an abusive relationship. You're better than that.

>I'm trying to help myself, but I need real ideas on how to get laid
>Not people telling me to stop worrying about it

That is how you get laid. Stop focusing on trying to get laid and focus on improving yourself and becoming successful in other areas. Come up with a different ultimate goal.
Well then do what you must, dont take my word for it.
They'll shank you before they let that happen

>That is how you get laid

Oh yeah because just not aiming for it will magically make it happen, and just how does that work?

What am I missing in my life that is preventing it from happening, and how do I fix that thing or things?

And even when I start to tackle those, it won't be because I dont care about sex, I dont think you understand that its literally impossible for me to not care about it

Ive got some stuff in mind
>This was on yik yak

Oh, so it was on yik yak? Yes I'm sure that was all truthful. Do you think that someone would lie on an anonymous bbs app like that?

>Go to bar or party
>Bring a friend
>Have them introduce you to a random girl
>Talk about your acheivements
>Hit it off
>Get her number
>Grab coffee together
>Have a good time
>Time passes and you trust each other
>Benis goes in vagina
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OP find a hustle, something you are good at and can get money and respect from this is the first step I wanted girls so I went on the football team and sold meth while being a top player
They are all college students, what reason do they have to lie and especially anonymously?

cant get into bars because not 21, and cant get into clubs because my college doesnt have a greek row and thus the parties are very limited and only frat people can get in, and I failed to get into any kind of frat

So basically that kills the rest of your idea chain
This is my last post.

Get confidence, don't have high standards, don't act like sex is endgame because girls can tell and it's off-putting, don't Elliot Rodgers your campus.
*cant get into parties because blah blah

I would never elliot rodgers it but I might (insert serial rapist) it if fortune doesnt swing my way sometime soon
>I can't wait 2 years
>I can't slip the bouncer in front of a frat a $20 to get inside

>Why would anyone lie on the internet?
This is what I'm trying to do with a friend next week
>knew her highschool
>stay somewhat connected via Facebook
>year and half goes by
>she's in my Italian class to my surprise
No I can't win her over with language since she's better at it than me
>ask her to be in my group for project
>ask her coffee
>play waiting game and build confidence to tell her I like her
>don't know if I'm being super obvious or not
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Once you have the money do what YOU want to do and the girls will follow I got this sweet chocolate by just getting a case and chilling with some bros was not even expecting pussy
I have gone without sex for too many years as it is

About that money part, I've actually thought about it and I have the money for it, but I asked a frat dude bro who let me into his house once about that and he said that they wont even let you in for a money bribe

Also its crazy hard to find a party to begin with if you dont know the people hosting it
She looks diseased and ashy
Black and ashy go hand in hand....nothing wrong with a little bit of ash
Not really, ratchet and ashy go hand and hand. You probably have herpes at this point, no one fucks these hoes that why they're so desperate when your unknowing ass came along.
Find a friend who knows then.
Well she was my first and I got tested last yeAr and I've got it from a mexi, a white girl and even my cousins wife still at even 20
Working on it, maybe this frat guy will be my ticket in
...I stated early on I was a virgin, I'm clean. Later on look at the id's
>wasn't enough room for everyone

Fraternities have no limits to the amounts of bids they can give out unless your school put a limit on it or their national put them on some form of probation. That line is almost certainly bullshit
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My school is incredibly stingy so I wouldnt dismiss it too fast

And I wanna know more about this

>Please don't tell me that your "Ultimate Goal" is sex. If it is, then that's really sad and pathetic.

Why exactly is it sad and pathetic?

Can anyone out there tell me why if sex is so mediocre then why do people chalk it up so much?

Because I can think of loads of other positive things like hamburgers, hotdogs, video games, whatever, and no one chalks it up nearly as much as sex
There's nothing more to know about it. Unless your school has put a cap on their amount of bids or their national has they can do whatever the fuck they want.

Their national is a business and would therefore not limit them if they didn't have a reason, as less bids is less money they get.

Option C is that for some reason they want brothers to live in the house exclusively, and for whatever reason don't want more people because the house is physically at capacity. But that's pretty fucking dumb
No I was saying I wanted to know more about this >>23327084
and the stuff I typed in my post about it

I really dont know why they would not want me in though if they seemed to like me so much beforehand
Look I gotta go to sleep now keep the thread running in a tab or something Ill come back when I wake up
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>why do people chalk it up so much?

Really nigga?

Sex certainly is not the best thing on the planet, but it should be blatantly obvious why one of the three base instincts of humans should command such huge amounts of attention. Babies don't make themselves.
Sex is second only to power
28 yo virgin here, get on my level OP.
Are you seriously basing the entire point of your existence on having sex?

That's what is really fucked.
>19 in 3 months and I'm still a virgin.

Nobody fucking cares about that shit really.
If it's your life goal, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Nice just world fallacy faggot

OP, just go to a party, get drunk and fuck some random bitch. Once you have sex once and get it out of your system, you won't worry about the stigma anymore and can TRULY focus on other things. You're only 19 for fucks sake. It's even worse when your 24.
>don't act like sex is endgame because girls can tell and it's off-putting

No they fucking can not. Most girls are docile as fuck once you make a move.
So you never felt like shit because you were a virgin?
nope, why does it matter?
>Feel like my life is crumbling around me, feel like I'm doomed, feel like there's no way out.
every 19 year old feels like this. Just get through it

>So you never felt like shit because you were a virgin?
nope, why does it matter?
>have to hide it
literally nobody gives a fuck if you're a virgin or not. go hire a hooker if you want to lose it so badly
The three base instincts are food, shelter, and babymaking. Everything else is a means to get one or all of those three things.
True guess i watched scarface to recently
OP is unenlightened, how cute
You literally sound like the most desperate, unfuckable person ever. Sort of loser kid I expect to see shoot up a church or something because 'those dang girls just won't ride me!'
Good, I hope you stay a virgin until late you're 40 you pathetic faggot.

Listen to yourself, 'your life is crumbling around you'? All because you haven't gotten pussy? Grow the fuck up holy shit.

I turn 20 in a little over a month, and I'll be a virgin. Guess what, no one gives a shit. There's no sign on my head that says 'look this guy's a virgin', most people either don't care or assume that I'm not a virgin. If they ask I tell them the truth and that's that.

Don't let some kind of social 'norm' dictate how you run your life. Get back in the books and focus on school. Women are a waste of time.
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So is drinking and eating and no one talks about those nearly as much
Why do you say that
I've been told condoms ruin everything
Its just surprising is all
Well other anons have told me to not talk about which I didnt do anyways
You know calling someone in my boat a loser is n't really a good strategy to avoid these rapes and murders you seem to fear so much, it's kind of like pouring lighter fluid into a fire.

Same thing goes to you
Femanon here
>its like they expect you to be born a non virgin or some shit
for starters, I really don't see why you'd ever tell a chick you're a virgin. I've never met a single other woman to ask either, I know I dont.
If you're telling me you're a virgin, this is the only way I hear it:
"I'm a virgin, just letting you know I'm probably going to suck in bed and I'm telling you this so I have an excuse to be awful"
That's why chicks arent rushing into bed with guys who advertise they're virgins.
And also, no. there's absolutely no way we can fucking tell you are a virgin if you don't flat out tell us. If you're bad, oh well you're banging a slut who's probably got 3 more dudes lined up for the night and isn't even going to remember or see you ever again. Stop using virginity as a crutch/excuse for being shit. Just go.
> condoms take out nearly all the sensation
good luck getting laid in college without a condom bro. College girls don't want to get pregnant or STDs man. Neither should you. Like for real man, condoms are your ONLY source of protecting yourself. You wanna bang the chick that lied about being on the pill and then get cucked into paying child support for the next 18 years? times however many women you bang who do the same thing? Don't trust women anon, this is advice coming from a woman. For your own damn sake, use a condom, or get a vasectomy now and risk the AIDS at the very least. I promise you, college girls who go raw are guaranteed to have chlamydia or herps. Lived on a floor full of sluts my freshman year, end of the year all of them had some sort of STD.
> but I might (insert serial rapist)
Here is your biggest red flag. Come across as a rapist, girls will avoid you like the plague and tell all their girl friends to do so too. Trust me.

All in all friend, the reason you're not getting laid is because you're whiney and pathetic. Act like a chad and you'll get some sluts. I promise.
Or at the very least, lower your standards to the obese ugly chick who will probably fuck you right then and there just for uttering the words "wow, you're gorgeous"
1/10's take nothing at all to get to bed because they know that'll be their only chance to pretend they're desirable for 5 minutes
I'm gonna be 22 in 3 weeks and still have cancer. Big fucking deal you couldn't get laid by now, but it doesn't mean a damn thing. Even my sickness doesn't mean shit, because bitching about it and feeling bad for yourself isn't changing anything only perpeptuating your problem. Whiney fucking faggots now a day.
I've never told a girl I was a virgin but I worry that eventually one of them might ask and if I lie she wont believe me

What I need is a one on one monogamous relationship where the girl has been std tested, come back clean, and she goes on birth control pills that I watch her take

I never reveal my more rapey thoughts to them at all, a lot of people dont realize how easy it is to hide shit like that

But since your a girl maybe you can give me more info, what exactly do girls want before they are willing to have sex?
And whats the best way to meet that check list?
Like how come when I go to talk to a girl and she is sitting by herself, she acts interested and nice and talks to me until the end, I ask for her number and she will say yes and give me it, and then she just fucking flakes on me

I don't know what more I can do to get a girl to like me, I dress like a normie, my hair has that undercut normie thing, I talk like one, I act like one, and it seems to work right up until its time to get serious

These have all been in class, at the library, or in the commons where people get food, I dont know if those are bad locations or not but I cant find anywhere else on my campus where students congregate
>one on one monogamous relationship
Again, good luck getting that in your 20's. 20s is all about notches on a bed post, nobody actually dates in their 20s anymore.
A lot of rapists don't realize how obvious they are when they think they're hiding it well.
> what exactly do girls want before they are willing to have sex?
Everyones different. Me, I don't fuck outside relationships. So I'm a lot harder to get to bed than other chicks, because I require a real connection and bond.
The average slut? If I'm guessing you just need to be confident and good looking. But more emphasis on confident. Even a 4/10 can bump up to a 6 if he projects this feeling of knowing what he's doing. You sound hella thirsty, and that I think is working against you more than anything. I've been there, its the same for guys and girls. I've been single for 4 years, and have been hella salty about it. Guys don't want to date thirsty girls, girls don't wanna date thirsty guys.
who knows. could have been busy, could have been too nice to tell you to fuck off, could have just changed her mind. You might go through this process with a million different girls until one of them bites. Thats just life son.
I can't say for certain since I'm still 4 months shy of 21 myself, but I heavily believe it'll get better in bar situations. Booze loosens the social restraints a little. Since you're a rapist idk try not to rape the unconscious chick, but I know you will anyways. So there's one way, just have a good lawyer because all she has to do is imply you raped her and then you're getting raped yourself in prison.
Anyways, its a waiting game. You still have plenty of time anon. Everyones been saying it and you don't want to hear it, but you just gotta wait for it to happen. Unless you pay a hooker, thats the only true quick lay.
Look I've never raped anyone before so by definition I cant be a rapist

Why do you require a relationship to have sex? What exactly do you lose from doing it with someone you dont have a strong emotional bond with?

Everyone keeps saying to just wait, "oh it will happen when it happens" "just let it happen naturally" but I never buy that because its already happened for everyone else, and no one can ever tell me HOW it happened

I'm clearly behind the curve here and I dont know why
And I would have 0 problem dating a "thirsty" girl, all it would mean is more sex anyways

And I really hate that stupid phrase "thirsty" like theres something wrong with you if you want sex and its your fault that its not happening
I also wanna know why girls look down on guys who get hookers ahyways, of sex really is no big deal one way or another then why is using a hooker a problem?
>Why do you require a relationship to have sex?

Trust is one of those things that most people require for an intimate activity like sex.
Thats why Ive been told
But I still think people attach too much emotion to it, I mean why do they need trust anyways?
What are they worried that the others genitals are gonna shoot out a bunch of spikes out of nowhere unless they can verify before hand that it wont happen?
>Why do you require a relationship to have sex?
Instead of whining, get a condom, save some money, and bang a hooker. I promise you'll feel better afterwords even if you had to "lower your precious standards." Condoms aren't as good as bareback, but it's still pretty damn good, man. Plus you don't have to worry as much about babies and STDs.
How close to bareback is it? Gimme a percentage

Also sometimes I feel like I'm abnormal, like sex is just supposed to somehow naturally fall into your lap during your highschool years and I missed it somehow, and now that I want it so bad because of it it makes it hard for me to get it because some people seem to be able to just sense it, and it creates a cycle

Its supposed to be something that you dont have to work for isnt it?
But I never got to that point and the longer I go without the harder it gets
>I mean why do they need trust anyways?

Please tell me you're autistic. It would explain so much.

You do know that you're in a very vulnerable position when you're having sex right? You don't want the person you're fucking to be an unhinged psychopath, a walking disease vector, or someone who's going to abuse you.
>Why do you require a relationship to have sex?
> I mean why do they need trust anyways?
Well, it may be different for guys, but you're going INSIDE me. A piece of you is literally going INSIDE of me. Like, would you be ok with a random dude putting his dick in your asshole? I'd hope you'd want to know who that person is before you'd put a piece of him in your ass. Plus theres the fact that it's harder for women to enjoy sex than it is for men. Most women (70%) don't experience any pleasure at all from penetration. I'm one of them. You're more likely to cause me discomfort than send me into orgasm. Therefore, penetration, PIV sex to me is more something I just sit through for someone I like. I really get no benefits from it at all, therefore why would I care to let a random stranger do it? Thats why I don't fuck outside of relationships, I can use my vibrator and have a better time than any dick inside me could give me. If I'm fucking a guy its because I like him enough to want to make him feel good, its not for me. Plus, no form of contraception is 100%, you know that anon? If I'm that one in a billion girl who gets knocked up because the condom/bc failed, I'd rather go through that with someone who's name I at least know. Call me paranoid, but chicks have a lot more to lose in sex than guys. Guys only have to worry about STDs. Other than the child support and legal shit, they don't have to worry about physically carrying another human being, and being entirely responsible for pushing it out into the world. They are also less likely to be socially expected to care for it, as long as you pay the money you're fine, you never even have to look at the kid.
> its already happened for everyone else
has it really though? Take a look around your own damn thread, there are people older than you who it hasnt happened for either. And unless you were in the room while your buddies were banging, you can't know they aren't full of shit either.
Try being one at 30, you big baby. Your at the prime age so don't complain.
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An unhinged psychopath will already have what he wants so he wont do anything bad, a disease vector well yeah so thats why use a condom
>inb4 you said condoms suck
They do, the only time a guy or girl should be cautious is when its bareback, but condomed it shouldnt matter if you both met 5 minutes ago
>someone whos going to abuse you
Again the guy has what he wants

I think you put too much emotion into that whole inside me thing, if your lubed up properly does it hurt or feel uncomforatable? Because if not its a moot point

And a dick in a guys ass is a totally different thing than a dick in a girls pussy, it always annoys me when girls try to use that analogy
Plus Im not gay so clearly Id have a problem with it

Well just so you know child support and legal shit is horrible, even though the girl has the ability to get an abortion or put it up for adoption, she is legally allowed to chose to keep it , AND the guy cant waive custody of the kid which means that he is required to either help raise it or pay for it

>has it really though?
Yeah it has, these guys who are in their 20s and 30s are the outliers and I feel even worse for them then I do myself, even the CDC says the vast majority of people aren't virgins by the end of their freshmen year of college

>inb4 oh well you still have time
Yeah like 3 months and although there is still a sizeable majority that have had sex even before college altogether
I really want hyper realistic virtual reality and hyper realistic artificial vaginas to be invented so that we can just fuck whenever we want and not have to worry about anything else
Also whats better a high dollar vibrator or a pro eat out?

And why do girls walk around talking about how little sex means to them and yet get upset when guys use artificial vaginas like fleshlights and shit?

>inb4 you said I want them to invent it

I said hyper realistic ones, the ones we have now arent that good

If girls would be as permiscous as the girls at the woodstock festival then we wouldn't need these things at all
>Unhinged psychopaths only want sex

No, unhinged psychopaths want to leave you beaten, bloody, broken or dead.

Are you retarded?

There is something seriously wrong with you. What is it? What is your malfunction?
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I don't buy that, they just lack morality and do whatever it takes to get what they want, I don't see why they would want to hurt someone, that's called sadistic personality disorder, which is seperate from psychopathy

>There is something seriously wrong with you. What is it? What is your malfunction?

I'm too damn old to be a virgin and I can't seem to find a way to stop being one.
No one can tell me how to stop either no matter how many times I ask.
Read through this and can't tell if you are dumb as shit or autistic. You're 19. You want a list of all the millions of 19 or older virgins? Jesus
I'll be 25 Tuesday and I'm still a virgin. Lol, I stopped caring awhile ago.
>I'm too damn old to be a virgin and I can't seem to find a way to stop being one.
>No one can tell me how to stop either no matter how many times I ask.

No that's not your problem.

Go see a therapist.
Yeah tell that to the CDC


Oh yeah so what is?
Um, maybe like 75% It really just depends on the condom. Also, man, you're fucking 19. That's not really that abnormal. I'll never understand this idea that so many younger guys have these days that women are just supposed to pull off naked and swan dive onto your cock. You don't have to be a fuckign socialite, but you do have to interact.
I don't know, but I'm not a licenced therapist.

Go see one. You clearly have mental issues.
>if you're lubed up it doesnt hurt!
Says the male virgin.
No, not always, not for every woman. Penetration is always uncomfortable for me, even after drowning my pussy in lube. It's not always a god awful pain, but it does not feel good. Trust me. I have a vagina.
And again, 70% of women arent getting anything from penetration, and due to the positioning of the clit, you have to fit just right in just the right position to be hitting that at all while banging.
>you put too much emotion in putting something inside you!
>well obviously i dont want something inside me! It's different!
Its a foreign object, going inside a very sensitive part of your body, one of which you may have never put anything in before. There's going to be some stretching or tearing. The hole is tight and small, and you're putting something much larger in it.
It's the same sensation.
>going to court
>physically forcing a human life out of your most sensitive parts.
Even in todays modern era, women STILL die giving birth. That's how absolutely traumatic it is. You'll basically destroy your body carrying it, and then theres a good chance it'll tear your vag open coming out. Tear your dick hole, just a tiny bit, sound fun? no.
Some women even expel their whole uterus's during birth, and have to get a hysterectomy to keep them from BLEEDING TO DEATH.
Abortions are risky too, and can result in permanently damaging the uterus. Not to mention the emotional burden and stigma you have to carry the rest of your life.
But you know, gotta go spend a couple days in court getting a paternity test done. Boo hoo. You still are only obligated to dish out the money if the chick chooses to keep it. Yeah, she can put it up for adoption and then NEITHER of you have to deal with it, but she still had to go through the process of carrying it and birthing it while you sat on your ass and ate cheetos off your chest. That's all you were obligated to do those 9 months, you aren't obligated to take care of her.
Im 32, iv never been inside a woman, When i feel i want to i just jerk off. Then i dont care for a week or more.
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It sounds like your the exception to the rule and not the norm when it comes to the discomfort involved with sex

>Its a foreign object, going inside a very sensitive part of your body

A pussy is biologically designed to take a dick, an asshole is not
So they are infact different

If literally all women would go on birth control pills 24/7 then it would be incredibly rare that they actually got pregnant, and if so they are drugs you can take to kill it very early on

And when it comes to going through labor, they can put you under anesthesia and make you unconscious so you don't feel a thing

And abortions they can do the same

It costs around 64,000$ in child support over 18 years, its unacceptable, and no guy should have that hanging over his head if he does everything right and the girl still somehow gets pregnant, and she refuses one of the many ways to ensure that she doesn't have to raise it, and on top of that she demands to raise it and demands that the guy help and if not that she will sue him for money

Once upon a time a guy could literally just waive custody and that would be that

No girl will ever get my money, I'll sooner import RU486 from France and put it in her drinks then pay out the ass for nearly 2 decades

Fuck that

>inb4 guys who do that get caught
Not if you do it right and feign horror and sadness over the miscarriage, wait like a month after it, and then leave
Vibrator. Safer, cleaner, and probably still better than what you or any other guy could give. Because its me doing it and I know my own damn body better than anyone. Plus, we aren't talking about oral. You want PIV sex right? not just a blow job? Orals a whole new ballgame. Less risk involved, less invasive, less intimate.
>get mad when guys use fleshlights
lol that's not a thing. You probably heard 1 girl in your whole life (if you aren't making it up all together like you are) say that. Or rad fems screeching about anything that men like, which that's just rad fems and they aren't human anyways. But I'm sure you'll stutter "n-NO! I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME!!11" anyways.
First link had nothing to do with when people lose their virginity, only who have been raped.
Second is still, assuming you're white, listing people who have had vaginal intercourse before 24 as 66%. Thats not a very impressive gap. You're hardly in the minority.
last is listing a goddamn range of 18-44. Of course 90+% of people have lost it before 44. You're literally 1 year into that range.
What is statistics supposed to show? You think they have asked every goddamn person on this planet? Fucking hell
Its said that oral feels better for a girl than PIV

But with guys its the reverse

I was trying to find CDC studies that talk about the ages people first have sex because I know for a fact a few months ago I saw all these studies on it, I didnt think to save them though

And no I'm not making it up, there is a big stigma attached to it just like using prostitutes, guys and girls feel this way I dont know why

Also that 66% is from like the 1950s, the study is supposed to show at what age people lost it across the generations, back in the 50s the median was 20, some people went as far as their mid 20s

Nowadays its like 16 or 17

Its supposed to show that the vast majority of people in this world have already gotten to fuck by this point in their lives and I haven't.
I don't know, blowjobs seem more intimate than sex.

That movement of the tongue along the shaft, the eye-contact.

I get chills up and down my spine just thinking about it.
>oh lol but dont worry about that stuff anon dont bother chasing it cause it doesnt matter lmao
>Blowjobs giving me the spine tingles is chasing

Calm your autism.
Obv. trolling at this point
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Faggot I said "dont bother chasing it"

As in here you are reminiscing about getting head and you guys are telling me that none of this matters
Fucking hypocrite

I wish it was.
Again though, 70% don't get any satisfaction on penetration alone.
I'd say 70% is a high percentage, yes? 70 is higher than 30, so that makes it the majority no? Even if they aren't experiencing discomfort, they aren't getting anything positive either. So why bother with a rando?
>A pussy is biologically designed to take a dick
doesn't mean itll be comfortable. We're designed to give birth but you still hear women screaming bloody muder about the absolute mind shattering pain in the maternity ward. Enough so that our brains are wired to repress the memory of said unbearable pain so that we'll reproduce more.
I cannot describe it to you then. It's cramming a large object into a small hole inside your body. It's not always pleasant.
not all women can take the pill. Its hormones yo, it can fuck up your system. Thats why it needs to be prescribed by a doctor. Also if you get sick, and are on antibiotics, that can make your bc not work. Other drugs can conflict with it, and some drugs you need more than others.
lmfao no. No they don't. Not unless you're getting a c section. And you don't get to choose that, like some people seem to think you can. Women need to be awake because they NEED to push.
Plus you ever have surgery? does the pain just magically go away when you wake up?
But anyway, I see why you aren't getting laid. You are 100% completely autistic. You lack empathy, you lack reason, you lack all connection to human beings. You just wanna whine piss and moan and nothing anyone says to you will mean anything. I'm talking to a brick wall here.
Good luck psycho. you wont get women because you don't make the effort to try to understand them, you just tell them they're irrational and wonder why they wont open their legs for you. You act like you're still 14.
>I had evidence but i lost it!
so you made it up
>It's said...
by who. nobody that's who.
>16 or 17
pics or it didnt happen.
>implying I'm reminiscing

Thinking isn't remembering.
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You know what? Fuck you.
Fuck you for being so callous and indifferent towards my suffering and the suffering of other guys.

This is why some guys go and rape girls, or fuck them when they are too drunk to say no, or drug their drinks, or whatever.
Because fucking women like you are the most boring, un interesting cunts in the world and your ONLY value is your pussy, and you won't even hand that out normally.

I hope you get raped by a pack of guys in an alleyway or something.

Go to hell.
[Incelfag posting intensifies]
[Urge to rape rising]
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At least I'll be getting laid and you still wont ;)

Hah have fun with the autistic troll guys.
>all this crying about how sex is meaningless to a girl
>trying to brag about getting laid LMAO ='))))

Pretty soon I'm just gonna rape a girl honestly
I give it half a year tops
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Do you seriously think that this is bait?
Do you really think that there's no way a guy out there who is mad about being a virgin is thinking about raping a girl?

Because rapes totally never happen nope never.
Obviously you're just looking to validate your Incel tendencies.

Just go to Wizardchan to get the validation you so desperately crave.

Go there and blame your virginity on Chad and Stacy
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Alright Captain Incel, it's time to go home

I've said it so many times ITT:

I came here, to learn how other people get laid, so I could emulate it

I dont want to go to wizardchan because they have given up and I havent
>I came here, to learn how other people get laid, so I could emulate it
>I dont want to go to wizardchan because they have given up and I havent

You're unwilling to think of ways to solve your own problem.

You've already given up.
I'm trying to think of ways to solve it but whenever I explain how down I feel about it you guys tell me some variant of "it doesn't matter, your obsessed, go see a therapist"

Rather than telling me how YOU did it, you just tell me to stop caring.
Read my first post.

Read the greentext, you fucking moron.
I have no idea how you can be 10 years older than me and not give a single shit that your a virgin.

Don't bother trying to explain it to me, there's no way I can ever understand your apathy towards it.
>how you can be 10 years older than me and not give a single shit that your a virgin.

It's called having bigger fish to fry.
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I think it'd be best if you saw a therapist. I was 23 when I first got laid, and the reason for that was that I was an idiot up to that point because my brain hadn't finished cooking properly. You're an idiot, too, but you're also nurturing some pretty dangerous obsessions for which I think maybe you ought to evaluate and see if you should get some help, and I'm pretty sure this femanon is just riling you up. She's stupid, too, so I'll see what I can offer.

One, stop whining about condoms. Condoms are fine. Someone joked about that, and douchebags took it as a reason they could use to cum wherever they wanted because they're stupid. Wrap your rascal, or you'll die retarded like Al Capone. Second, try developing a personality. Get a hobby. Masturbate as much as you need to, but don't make that the hobby. If you're a person, someone might notice you. If you're a dickhead with no concept of empathy or female agency, security will notice you. Third, forget about the pussy. That's not even a goal. It's not an xbox live achievement, and anyone who tells you otherwise is an asshole. You keep up with this bullshit and you're going to be really disappointed for the ten minutes before the police peel you off of that poor girl, and then you're going to spend your short life in jail. Overall, it sounds like you have some growing up to do, maybe some work with a professional, and you need to stop paying attention to assholes/being an asshole.
I'm not a virgin, but I'm not promiscuous. I really value men not fucking every girl possible just because women have become degenerates. (It's not just about the sex, promiscuity is just a tell-tale of a list of shitty traits a person most likely has.)

I'm not seeking out virgin guys in their 20's but when I find some, who are totally cool about it, iI feel like I found a diamond in the rough. But then faggots like OP remind me that many virgins are actually more obsessed with sex than non-virgins. and not in a normal 'curiosity' kind of way, but in a aggressive, obsessive & pathetic kind of way.

>So is drinking and eating and no one talks about those nearly as much
I'm pretty sure people talk about food more than sex....
Relationships are more important than sex, anon.

How can you expect anyone to love you if you're not at a place where you can love yourself? If you can feel proud about where you are and the things you've done, its incredibly attractive.

>tfw confident in my performance in Grad school
>tfw can hit it off with grills in bars despite being a huge introvert and a shut in for several years with crippling social anxiety.
>tfw can't ask them for a phone number yet, but I'll get there eventually
I like you. I'm rooting for you to get your dick wet, but only on your terms. *thumbs up*
My ex was probably the most normie guy I've ever met, and he lost his virginity at 20, to his first girlfriend. ( He wasn't that into her, she was 'thirsty') after she cheated on him he had 13 partners (He might have even had more, since he probably knew that having a high bang count would not be something I'd really be happy about.) I was his first girlfriend in 5 years. ( meaning he didn't have to really put much effort into a 'relationship', he didn't even know most the girls last names, he just met them at a club.)

Funny thing is, he was the worse sexual partner I've ever had. (compared to my other two exes who have only had sex in relationships. one had 1 partner before me, the other had 4) I'm just adding this because I don't think you really have to worry about the experience thing, since many men with plenty of 'experience' still suck in bed.
Thanks man.
I already know that if the girl hasn't been std tested and she's not on pills that you have to use a condom, I'm not debating that, I'm just wondering how do you get a girlfriend to begin with and then how do you get her to agree to those two things

Its hard not being obsessed when for as long as you can remember you've been bombarded by the radio, tv, movies, and people in real life talking to you and nearby you, about how incredible it is.

Add on to that with degrading virgins by saying they are losers and failures and aren't even men and it does that to you

People may talk about food more often but in terms of the quality factor they seem to think that sex eclipses even a free 5 star meal

I've always thought of relationships as just being a means to and end, at least in the short run

Sometimes I worry that I might actually get a girlfriend and get laid but she will think I do such a shitty job (assuming I do) that she will break up with me and then bam there goes my source of sex
And yet, somehow the rest of us get through. Seriously, if you listen to nothing else anyone has said(and you're pretty much indicating that) try some therapy. You don't need sex. You definitely don't need emotional influence over another living human being. You need to grow up, and that won't start until you let go of this bullshit obsession. Your white whale is p-in-v? That's how we all got here, man!
Also, you don't have to use a condom. You GET to use a condom, when she lets you enter her with your disgusting pudd, because you both like each other since you demonstrated you were a worthwhile human being and she did likewise. That's how it works, shitwagon.
I know I don't technically need sex to live but going without it sometimes makes me not want to live.

"Something you obsess over to the point that it nearly or completely destroys you. An obsession that becomes your ultimate goal in life; one that your life now completely encircles and defines you."

Holly balls that is like spot on

Oh be quiet your lucky you live in a modern day 2016 first world country where the men let the women call the shots in that department.
I'm not going to argue about how fucked your world view is, so I'll try not to reee and just get to the underlying issues.
> bombarded by the radio, tv, movies, and people in real life talking to you and nearby you, about how incredible it is.
Give me examples of what you've heard about sex?
It's really just OK. If you've already jacked off, it's not going to be a hugely different sensation wise. The thing that makes sex different is the 'connection' the two people have. I can expand on that if you have questions.
>Add on to that with degrading virgins by saying they are losers and failures
Nah, I think girls who aren't completely vapid either don't care or can appreciate virginity. I appreciate it. I don't appreciate people who go about it like you do though. It's more the 'personality' of some virgins that are off putting, not the virginity itself.
>sex eclipses even a free 5 star meal
They bring enjoyment in different ways.
I'm just saying that your statement that people talk more about sex than food is incorrect.
>Sometimes I worry that I might actually get a girlfriend and get laid but she will think I do such a shitty job
Not likely. Sexual performance is something that can be improved. I didn't ever consider the bad sex a deal breaker in our relationship, since he was forever improving.
Your virginity might even be a plus. Since you have a clean slate, you can learn how to please her better than men who have preconceived ideas about how to please a woman (due to prior partners)
Yes. As a man I am lucky to have been raised by a number of strong, nurturing women who give as good as they get, and as a result have learned to carry myself with confidence into most social situations. Also, my "white whale" comment was not meant to give you some "yay poetry" moment you can toss in when you describe it to some other group of malcontents. The whole point of Moby Dick is that Ahab's obsession destroys him. Do what he should have done. Let it go.
>Oh be quiet your lucky you live in a modern day 2016 first world country where the men let the women call the shots in that department.
Men have always had to 'hunt' for it in western societies for the past 100 years. It was way harder back then since to get to the vagina you had to get married first. Even in cultures where you got to pick the girl, you'd be bombarded with all the responsibilities you don't want now, like raising children, doing all the work outside the home, paying for everything (since the women couldn't get a job), etc.
Having premarital sex has been looked down upon before 'women called the shots' so it's kind of a lose-lose for you anyways.
>I'm just wondering how do you get a girlfriend to begin with
Just talk to people. You'll attract someone eventually. She's likely going to bring you lots of grief, since once you're past the initial 'facade' phase, any sane girl would leave.

I kind of feel like when I posted this>>23330629, you thought you were talking to a woman. With that kind of attitude, it really is no wonder. Therapy. Yesterday.
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Alright I'll give you examples first from the radio:

(My mom used to play this all time in our car when I was a little kid and I didn't know what it meant)
(Just this past christmas I was at my house, my whole family and my cousins and grand parents and aunts were there, and my mom and aunt were sitting right next to me singing part of the song)
This is the most iconic of all, and even though all of these youtube videos only have like 8 million views they are years and years old and are all time best hits.

When it comes to TV, there are way too many examples for me to think of
Movies: Fast times at ridgemont high and american pie are the first ones that come to my mind

Literally the entire plot of both and especially the 2nd one, big time hits

In real life: At highschool I would sit in english class and there was this group of girls sitting next to me talking about giving their boyfriends blowjobs and going on birth control, at lunch there was a guy bouncing a girl in his lap, at gym class guys were sarcastically telling me to "get some pussy", they were taunting me.
In History class one girl looked me dead in the eyes, and with a monotone voice and a blank expression said "Your never gonna get any"

Every single day there are songs on the radio about it, tv shows and movies about it, people talking in real life about it, its impossible for me to escape it.

Also what exactly would you even know about what jacking off feels like? And how could you know what sex feels like to a guy? Your a girl
Man, for someone who claims to be bombarded by messages, you sure aren't good at interpreting them. For example, American Pie is not about "getting pussy." It's about a bunch of idiots who think they're entitled to pussy, and then due to their misadventures they grow up a little, and they gain something more important. Yeah, it's wrapped up in dick-jokes, but hey, try learnin' something.

I also remember my mom making a joke one time about "when the cars a rockn dont come a knockn"

I remember being on yikyak last semester and guys posting their faces when getting a blowjob, getting sex, and girls talking about having sex with guys

Also lets see what religions (I'm not into any of these but its undeniable how much influence and power they have historically had) have to say about it


"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her"

Cant find any jewish quotes so have this link instead


Heres an islamic thing
“In the sexual act of each of you there is a sadaqa (charity).” The Companions asked: `Messenger of God! When one of us fulfils his sexual desire, will he be given a reward for that?' And he said, `Do you not think that were he to act upon it unlawfully, he would be sinning? Likewise, if he acts upon it lawfully he will be rewarded.'"
So in all of these they are saying that sex is literally a gift from god
Oh yeah they gain something all right, by the end of it they have all gotten laid and all is well.
Have I mentioned you're an idiot?
Yo im a guy.

Sex without any emotional bond is not cool

The whole part of it being nice is looking the girl in the eyes and feeling the connection.
Lol and you called me stupid.
I just resulted to b8 images because you can't get through to this guy. He's too set in his beliefs and wont listen to anyone
Speaking from personal experience, I would have rather had zero sex ever than to have had sex with the few people I have. I wish now that I'd kept my virginity and I'll never again have sex with anyone unless they're a truly exceptional individual (so I'll never have sex again, most likely).
Thats exactly how you solve it faggot.

Women feel youre obsessed with it. You give out obvious hints like responding too fast to texts. Not taking small ques. Whatever.

You fucking faggot go to highschool to "visit the teachers" and try to pick up some hot 16-17 year olds. Youre 19 so its k. High schoolers are ez pz.
Im not obsessed with sex.

Im obsessed with a relationship and bonding. Im thirsty for that.

Is this also bad?
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How is it not cool?
Why do you feel that way?
Its so weird how me and my friends sometimes respond instantaneously to each other but with girls if you do that your "weird", oh because showing like for someone is bad.

What small ques? I actually wanna know so I can look out for the in the future
How am I mean to just walk into a highschool and in the few minutes I have before they start to be suspicious convince some girl to have sex with me later?

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Anyone got anything to say about these two?
Seems like everyone just casually ignoring them

No back before 100 years ago when a guy wanted sex he either went to an incredibly cheap brothel or he just took it.

Eventually he got married though so it wasn't necessary, and guys back then got married super young, like before they even hit 20.

100 years ago brothels were illegalized and coercion and rape too, and were stigmatized like crazy, all 3 were, but guys still got married super early on.

Nowadays prostitutes are gone, girls have literally 100% power when it comes to sex, and no one is getting married until like their late 20s and even into their 30s, and half the time the girl divorces the guy at somepoint anways

(50% divorce rate)
>going into the comments sections of these sex songs
>filled with people talking about how great it is

Sometimes I wish the sun would just explode
OP, what are your hobbies? Interests? What do you have to offer to a girl conversationally? Are you funny or intelligent or athletic or anything? Are you nice (like nice without being nice for the specific purpose of trying to trick someone into fucking you)? What are you bringing to the table for these ladies you're objectifying other than 'I try to look like a normie so girls will let me put it in them' and such?

Even though you've only mainly responded to people's genuinely helpful advice by attacking what they say, I still want you to get through this thread having learned something.
Because friends are friends.

If you get a serious relationship with a girl she also becomes your friend and instant replies are okay..

Even if you just started texting another guy and you recently became friends its weird if you respond way to fast.

With girls its a couple of things; you seem very thirsty and desperate when you respond very fast. Also like you have no life.
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Honestly this is why I have to do so much pretending, because outright if I show who I really am I don't see why a girl would want to have much to do with me as that one guy explained in pic related

Really I'm big into academics, science and history mostly, I like reading, and I'm huge into video games

I'm basically what most people would call a nerd or a geek, but there's a catch, I don't look like one. I'm tall, I have a pretty handsome face, got broad shoulders, and recently I've started wearing "fashionable" clothes and even got one of those undercut hair styles.

But when it comes time for actual talking thats when I have to do the faking, because girls don't care about the stuff I care about.

And yeah I am smart as hell, not athletic but I have the potential to do it.
I feel like I am generally nice, but I can't deny that I'm on a mission too.

Just got a text from a girl that earlier by your definition I responded too fast too, so I'm waiting and will respond later

She also said she wanted to do the thing I offered but the cold whether means we can't, so she is open to doing stuff I just gotta find an alternative
I bet after one get together she's gonna cut off all contact.
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Look I'm going to go see a movie with my friends, I gotta shower and get some clean clothes on, I'll come back to this thread when I get back

Later people
Those are just songs about sex, they're not saying sex is the best thing in the world. They could be about hamburgers, hat doesn't mean hamburgers are the best thing in the world.
There are way more love songs out there than there are songs about sex. So why do you think sex is the ultimate pleasure in life?
>Fast times at ridgemont high and american pie are the first ones that come to my mind
those are comedies (With pretty mocking tones at that). They also don't say sex is the best thing in the world.
>Literally the entire plot of both and especially the 2nd one, big time hits
Because they are ridiculous, they're comedies, they don't reflect real life.
>group of girls sitting next to me talking about giving their boyfriends blowjobs and going on birth control
Women tend to loose their virginity earlier than most men do. You're also only looking at a small group of chicks that talked about having sex, and not looking at the rest who are not talking about having it. (because they haven't had it) They also aren't talking about it because it's the best thing in the world, but rather because at that age they have some sort of idea that they're now 'adults' and want to be vocal about their new 'adult' activities.
I'm sure if those girls aren't complete cum-dumpsters now, plenty of them would say they wished they waited a bit longer.
>"get some pussy"
Kids say this in middle school, doesn't mean that the majority of middle schoolers have had sex.
> one girl looked me dead in the eyes, and with a monotone voice and a blank expression said "Your never gonna get any"
She's insulting you, probably because of your personality. Still doesn't point to the indication that sex is the best thing in the world.
Oh and this girl >>23330172

Bless you for repeatedly trying so hard to help this stubborn guy. I'm sad to hear about that 70% thing. You're young. When you're older you'll find a guy who's willing learn how to work with you to find what's good for you. Or you'll learn more about your body and what works for you. As opposed to some clueless kid slam fucking you or trying to pull some shit he saw in a porn. A lesbian phase might work wonders for you, if you can get into that.
>my self worth is determined by how many holes I've put my hot dog in

This is probably why you are a virgin
>I also remember my mom making a joke one time about "when the cars a rockn dont come a knockn"
So you think people mentioning sex in the slightest, means that IT'S THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD
>I remember being on yikyak last semester and guys posting their faces when getting a blowjob, getting sex, and girls talking about having sex with guys
People who have sex are vocal about it, people who don't aren't. So if 100 guys post BJ pictures, there might as well be 200 guys like you who don't... because they haven't gotten one. Jfc not hard to understand.

The reason they put such importance on sex in religious writings is due to the fact that sex meant = children. They wanted to make it sacred so people would not have sex before marriage. They also made it sound AMAZING so that they'd produce more and more off-spring to spread the religion.
The problem might be that you have a wildly unrealistic interpretation of human interaction. If you feel that you being your genuine self is not interesting to people, then consider working on making your real self a good person. If you're trying to trick people into believing a fake persona, you will come off as being fake. If you're a great person, people will be drawn to you. (You're not a great person right now.)

The thing about pic related is that guy is a person who hates females and literally only sees them as a disembodied vagina he's trying to fuck. This is objectification. Girls will never be into a guy like this (you know, unless they have mental issues or whatever, and like several people have said, if you're literally just only trying to PIV there are ways to pay for it.)
Thanks lol. I'm not saying I don't have fun having sex with my bf or anything, its just that purely penetration by itself does nothing for me. Its something I do for him. He does other things for me sexually lol. I'm just strictly clitoral myself. Lesbian phase would probably hurt me more than help lol, I had a bad sexual experience as a young kid with another girl. Completely ensured I wanted nothing to do with women for the rest of my life desu.
Anyways, I was purely trying to explain to him why some women like myself only have sex within a relationship. Which for me is that. I have no need to have vaginal penetrative sex with anyone for pleasure, and a stranger who didn't know me would probably cause me discomfort more than anything else. The only thing I'd personally really feel comfortable doing outside a relationship is giving a handjob and being fingered or something lol. And even then, with fingering at least, I still think I'm not going to get off with a stranger who didn't know my body like someone I was dating would.
I mean, I was laughing pretty hard when he posted something like "how would you know what its like to have sex as a man, you're a woman" to someone else when he was basically telling me I put way too much emotion into it and I should just get over it and that lube magically fixes everything and how he apparently knows my vagina more than I do lol. But I'm convinced he's actually an underage troll anyways lol I'm just watchin the shitshow.
>Im obsessed with a relationship and bonding. Im thirsty for that.
Not necessarily, it really depends on what you mean.
I know men who sleep around and etc but are starving for an emotional bond. That's alright .(The sleeping around part isn't mandatory, but it's just the situation of male friends in my life)

But my first 'bf' is absolutely terrible about this. He will obsess with any girl that gives attention to him, be there a connection or not, for the sole purpose of getting in a relationship.
He is just out there looking for a 'relationship' rather than a person to have a relationship with? if that makes sense?

gomen I haven't slept in a while, so I'm tired out of my mind.
If you're having a conversation via text messages just let it flow normally, don't do the petty waiting game. If it ever happened to me, it'd be a huge turn off, and I'd likely drop the guy. I don't think any woman likes the 'waiting game', it's juvenile af.
>because girls don't care about the stuff I care about
Your hobbies are pretty femme desu anon, so that's a terrible excuse.
The hilarious thing is, that he is trying to imply that women are only worth their holes.
But he's also saying HE is only worth their holes.
>I'm gonna be 16 in 3 months and I'm still a virgin.
>Feel like my life is crumbling around me, feel like I'm doomed, feel like there's no way out...
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"Dear diary, mood apathetic..."
I'm 100% with you. Just wanted to offer you hope as a fellow femanon that when you get older you will learn how your body works better so that dicks in there are actually GOOD. As a person who had similar issues at your age. (...That somewhat overcame them by experimenting with other girls). Like basically a girl or an older man will help you raise that percentage. Don't let one crazy broad throw you off forever. Though I am one so, idk.

Hashtag it gets better
hah I feel ya, I just have no sexual desire for women at all lol. but for the most part I'm ok with where I am. I know it sounds a little bad phrasing it like "I have sex for my bfs sake" but I'm genuinely ok with that. Like I said, he would do other things for me.
I'm a little drunk lol, think the way I phrased it before implied I had a bf currently, I don't but last dude I was with sexually that was the case.
The 70% thing tho, that is just statistically for the sample of women they asked in this study kinda thing. 70 probably isnt the exact number, I just remember it being somewhere around 70. Its not necessarily anything to do wth skill or "getting better at it" some women just dont get anything out of it period. Though for others it could just be a matter of growing into it so to speak. Like I said though I don't really care if I ever get off from PIV anyways. I get off other ways and am OK with my current system.
I just want my younger self to know it will be ok. I'm talking to myself, basically. (Also am kinda drunk). You're fine. I'm not judging or anything.
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Yeah I feel you OP, it's not like there's any girls on here on vday anyway.

I'm 24 and I just don't care anymore. I don't make any effort because I know it won't happen, past the point of no return.

Girls only SAY they don't care, but we've all seen all the screenshots where they talk shit and shame and bully guys and heard stories of what happened to guys after they told their first gf at an older age.

I'm not even mad. Every millenial girl has taken dozens of dicks since age 16, if I was a girl in my 20s and found out my bf had never kissed a girl I'd be really put off too and think "what the hell is wrong with him?" so I don't even blame them.

It's just shit, but whatever, we're approaching the age of 3D virtual reality so it'll be OK.
Definitely incorrect. Girls love virgins, by girls I mean potential girlfriends. No one likes tainted girls. Only one night stands / FWB want you to be experienced.
Double wrong again. Ever heard of ultra-thin condoms? Takes away maybe 5-10% of sensation max. Get it together virgin.
Whoops. No one likes tainted goods*
Those songs make it sound pretty incredible and they are super popular too

Aren't they comedies that mock virgin guys and or make it look like chasing after sex is just one big joke? Not sure which one

It just bothers me whenever anyone references sex in a positive light period, I feel like if I have to be a virgin then I don't want to hear about it period, like a victorian society where women who showed an ankle were ostracised.

Kind of an all or nothing type thing.
I don't see how the religions would be lying about it because all it would take would be one single session of it and then they would know its a lie (by your logic)

Well as I already said I think I'm a fine person but its just that modern US girls don't seem to think so
>The thing about pic related is that guy is a person who hates females and literally only sees them as a disembodied vagina he's trying to fuck.
No what the guy is saying is that he feels like its impossible for him to be friends with a girl because they won't have anything in common, and so the only point in interacting with them is the hope of sex. He is saying that when interacting with his friends there are no sexual aims at all because they are buddies on their own (plus he's not gay) but with girls they don't have anything in common

Well what I'm doing seems to be working, in the past when I've "let it flow naturally" the girls never responded

I really hope they invent hyper realistic virtual reality and hyper realistic artificial vaginas soon so we can be free of women forever

Why would they love virgins?
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Update: I get to go to Coffee but got rejected to go out with her.

Side note, was only asking about what time was best to go
>The thing about pic related is that guy is a person who hates females and literally only sees them as a disembodied vagina he's trying to fuck.

>No... the only point in interacting with them is the hope of sex.

That's the same thing. You almost got it.

"I go to parties to meet vaginas. Sometimes they have girls attached to them... you're an awful plastic shitty disposable person, but you have a vagina... etc"

>I really hope they invent hyper realistic virtual reality and hyper realistic artificial vaginas soon so we can be free of women forever

Dude you haate women because they won't give you the sex you're so clearly entitled to. You don't see them as anything other than a potential dick receptacle. This is obvious to them when they're talking to you, and it's very unappealing. Try to think about it from the woman's perspective. "This guy obviously doesn't like me and just wants to fuck me." You may think you're hiding this, but if you were, you wouldn't be making this thread.

It would help you to have female friends that you're not trying to fuck so you can learn how to interact with women, who as it turns out, are actually people.
23 and a virgin. Like why even worry.
It's your personality, not the fact you're a 'kissless virgin'

Women don't like thinking about bfs past partners, so why the fuck would a girl mind you only ever wanting her?
Exactly. The less sexual partners a guy has had, the better. I also value them having had sex in a relationship, rather than with strangers.
Well niggers make KFC and shooting up heroin sound cool. Just don't listen to rap songs.

The comedy is making fun about how obsessed they are with sex.

>It just bothers me whenever anyone references sex in a positive light period
That's not true. You're only listening to the positive.
If people has sex much more freely you'd hear even more negative things about sex. People are just preventing that by having hand picked a special someone to have sex with.
>I don't see how the religions would be lying about it because all it would take would be one single session of it and then they would know its a lie (by your logic)
Yeah religious books never lie about anything?
Fire carriages flying off into the sky are legit.

>like a victorian society where women who showed an ankle were ostracised.

Depending on your class, and I doubt you'd be born into an elite family.

>, in the past when I've "let it flow naturally" the girls never responded
That means they don't like your personality.
>I really hope they invent hyper realistic virtual reality and hyper realistic artificial vaginas soon so we can be free of women forever
It's like degenerate genocide. They're trying to stop you from ever reproducing
Call a hooker and get it "done."
It ain't all it's cracked up to be. Pun intended.
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Look neither I nor the guy in that cap hate women, we just recognize that we want sex really really badly and when it comes to friendship women don't seem to be the right ones to seek it out from.

I know religions lie all the time but I always figured that when it came to stuff that they knew people would inevitably be able to test on their own (can't test if a flying chariot is real because burdern of proof, but you can test if sex is great or not) and if the religion was bullshitting on it then it would be discredited or at least people wouldnt care about that thing anymore
>It's like degenerate genocide. They're trying to stop you from ever reproducing
If I can't reproduce anyways then who cares?

US women don't seem to like me, I think if I was in another country things would be different and from what I hear US women are viewed as being shit by men from all around the world.

I wish I could just kick back with my HRVR - HRAV set up and never worry about girls approval or lack of towards me ever again.

And the cool thing is that its coming soon, it will be here in our natural lifetimes (and thats not even factoring in cryonics to dodge death but thats another topic)

I just don't know how long it will take and I really don't want to wait anymore
Girls like virgins because no one wants to date a guy who has screwed a ton of girls. It just leads to insecurity in the relationship. I.e feelings of not being good enough for the partner, jealousy, disgust that you couldn't keep it in your pants etc. Girls (potential GFs) don't like guys who are desperate for sex. There's more to a relationship blah blah blah. The point is quit being desperate and save it for your future gf.
>girls like it if your a virgin
>they dislike it if your desperate for sex
>being a virgin makes you desperate for sex

Its like I can't win with these people
Meditation and a life of Monkhood isn't.
>...Anonymous (ID: YNt8M2kE)
>02/15/16(Mon)11:03:33 No.23335262
>>>23331996 #
>It's your personality,
Well I can't really change that, all the self help in the world never helped anyone
You really think you wouldn't raise an eyebrow if a 24 year old adult told you he'd never seen a nipple in real life
>making a thread complaining about being a virgin at 19 years old makes you desperate for sex.
God you're such an insufferable moron holy fuck.
Best advice on this thread. However, OP is still fucked because people smell that rapey shit a mile off when they're sober.
Get that taken care of by some sort of psychiatric professional and you'll be halfway sound mate.
Also cannot believe how much time I wasted reading through this thread.

Thread is TL:DR? Here's a summary:

OP is autism, you can't help, go watch TV or something.
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