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/Shg/ thread (collar bone length and above) FEMALES ONLY no mtfs

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 505
Thread images: 97

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/Shg/ thread (collar bone length and above)
FEMALES ONLY no mtfs or traps

>which means no asking for Skype/snap/kik etc.

Old thread: >>23178639

No footfags allowed
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Off work early today, but I gotta go back in tonight for my second shift
Ah damn that sucks, I really hate jobs that slit shifts like that. What are you going to do in the meantime? And luv that lipstick btw.
Looking for another cosplay

I wanna cosplay Matt the Radar Technician

Thanks! It's great, but a pain in the ass to remove
Ha lol I'd love to see you cosplaying him. You already got the glasses down and guessing you already have a good wig, maybe you can find some fake tactical vest and spray paint it orange. Remember my pops had a bunch from his job shouldn't be too spensive.
Yeah! I was thinking of just commissioning it to be made, so I can help someone out with business
dat face. want to chew on.
That might work out and your helping out small businesses, your doing gods work lol. How much does making an order usally run for?
Not sure, I am actually planning on having a cosplay commissioned already for an upcoming con. I don't want to take on too many cosplays though
How far down the line is the con? And have worn your sailor costume out to a con yet? Sorry I can't remember the chara's name ;(. How many more costumes are you planning on doing anyway?
I haven't had the sailor one made yet, waiting on my check. It's at the end of March, so soon. I'll do about 3 cosplays, one per day
nice face!!! moar!!!
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body shot?
Ahhh that makes since, three day con. And yeah you just got be patient and besides February is the shortest mouth of the year so its acoming lol.
You have a gorgeous face :3
Dang those subtle facial expressions are too hot to touch. And is it really that hard to get that lipstick off, guessing it's non smudge.
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Uniform pic

Yeah so I gotta hurry up

Thank you <3

It's a pain, I have to scrub with a wash cloth, and it still stays put half the time. But it's high quality and worth the price tag
was hoping for something more sexy
I don't just lounge around in skimpy clothes lmao, it's cold here and I work in the fridge most of the time now
Wow that's some tough lipstick, and I guess quality comes with a price lol. And are you really as tall as your door or is that mirror just playing some jedi mind tricks?
yeah i get, maybe in the future. what fridge?
It's angled upwards, I'm 5'1

Large walk in fridge at a restaurant
Ha one of my friends works in the fridge, and he ended up buying a balaclava to keep his face warm.
are you cook? most chicks i know that work in a restaurant are waitresses and dont really need to go to the fridge.
Ahh well now all makes since now.
It gets cold quickly kmao

I'm a cook, bartender, and counter girl. I pump about 700 little 2 oz cups of ranch. But can do about double that if need be. I make and cut pizza and fry chiken as well if I need to. But I also stock salad bar items in the morning, so I have to stand in the walk in for about an hour or so.

Yeah I'm a shorty
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POLL: Favorite song at the moment????? mine is Rivers and Roads. Really good. You should check it out.
oh fuck that, i'm not about that life anymore, plus not enough pay for my habits
high you are - what so not
Meh, minimum wage here is decent. A bit over $9.
Height isn't a big deal to me, and I guess I favor more to shorter girls idk. And wow there's got to be a proper job title for all the work you do over there, hope there paying you well.

Hmmm that's gonna be pretty hard to pick right now, probably gonna pick some old ass genesis sound like just a job, cause I listen to bad music. What band plays that sound?
go fuck yourself you fucking cunt.
why is there so much rage in such a tiny little cuck
Where the fuck are the janitors?
About $9.25 an hour before taxes, not bad though

Janitors have been a bit slow lately. People were sharing kiks in one of the previous threads
Are you serious? I feel like the only thread they care about is /Sma/ and /boob/ because of all the traffic they get.
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hmm I'm super into Landslide by fleetwood mac
Yeah, it took a couple of hours for it to be removed. I was kinda surprised? I got a warning once for mentioning my online shop, I just mentioned I had one, didn't post a link or anything.
Hmmm not that bad think I was a $9.50. Guess your working at a small business no way a franchise would make one person work that many positions.
Fuck you like an animal....nine inch nails
It's actually a franchise, they're saving money by having me cross trained so much. Why pay a bartender, a counter girl, and 2 cooks when you can just have one person do it all?
Wow really? Well if they trying to save money then their just gonna do the cheapest thing they can I guess. Honestly they should at least be paying you $10, I know some people who wouldn't be able to handle that much work. Are you the only one being cross trained rn?
I like the length of your hair, have you always had shorter hair?
There's a couple others that are constrained, but not to the level I am. I would love to demand a raise, but I don't think it would go over well haha
thanks, I used to have long hair a couple years ago but I cut it.
thanks :)
Ah damn thats not that cash, guess your the unicorn of the team. But probably the best time to ask for a raise would be after your training is over and they either realize they been working you hard or you put in a request a couple mouths in advanced. But who knows I got my 30 cents raise out of the blue after i helped them move to a new shop.

Dang I really digging that scarf goes perfect with you.
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moshi moshi Shima desu
good god please marry me

I've been an employee for over a year now, I'm just now learning cut side of the kitchen.

Senpai notice me
I am married to my v tsun tsun kitty cat
can't really compete with that tbqh
Hmmm then damn I'd say ask after your trainings over cause that sounds like a bunch of extra stress.

Damn I don't know whats cuter that fluffy chill ass cat or shima tha queena. Wish I had a cool cat mines a weirdo
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hihi :3
gomen ne anon ;____; she is perf I can't resist
show abs
too many cute.
Sheesh shima now I want have a squeeze at your cheeks, what are you up to today?
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I just ate so RIP
thank you guys! I got nothin going on anymore, just got back from doing an exam for school, now just hangin around :3
your spouse seems wholly uninterested in the sexy taking place right now!

How come your default expression is pouting your lips? You have such a lovely smile and that weird pout/derpy lip most women do make it look like an invisible hand is pinching ladies' lips together D:
yeah she didn't want a part of it ;____;
so we can look high fashion idk
Ahh that's one cute ass dress and one big ass cat. Hope he doesn't crush you when he's on top lol. And guess you could dl some movies or something, watched the new x-files the other day bretty good.
womp womp
She is normal sized haha I'm just small
That really put a pause in the conversation.
Ha I guess that's it. Webcams are always plays eye trick on me.
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My hair is getting annoying. Tempted to cut it again but got to stay strong
I-is that a ring light in the corner? If so, do you like it? Been looking for a good one
Yeah it is, I like it a lot; Mine is the StellarLighting Diva Ringlight with dimmer :3
Oops posted on my phone eheh
Ahh well you still look cute as ever, I thought you were planning on growing it out? Guess your just to use to it short.
you got your wigs, its all good.
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No I decided to grow it out. It's still short. For a few months it just looks like it's getting bigger girth wise, then all of the sudden bam! It's this length

I can't really wear those in public.
Up close you can tell they are fake. They were drunk purchase
Ooo! Did you get it from Amazon or where? I would love to get one <3
Oh wow that is alot lol, you could always wear it in a bun or just cheat and get the back trimmed. I do love how curly it is tho.
I got it from StellarLighting's website because I wanted their shipping haha
Thanks! I'll hop onto their site after work! I've been drooling over them the past week or so
I'm confused which one is the current length?
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The short one is current. The photo I just posted was a reference photo of what it looks like when people notice I'm growing it out.

That's it when I grow it out. That's what my goal is.

This is current
Gimme that kitty
Whoa that pic is just full of cuteness, and how many mouths has it been since you started growing it, and is that a all black cat? I rarely see any anymore.
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Well I started with this. And now I can tuck the sides behind my ear. Been growing it for 3 months?
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Oh, and yes. It's an all black cat. He's adorable.

No. He's my cuddle buddy
Dang yeah it grew pretty far in three mouths, got any styles in mind for your long hair? And oh my god that is one cute ass cat. Idk why black cats are so hard to find.
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Black cats are the least likely to get adopted so they get put down the most.

I really liked this hair I had
Wow that's a pretty wack, not surprised the black ones get put down the most ;(. Really like to have another cat.

But whoa alright no offense to your short hair but you really pull long hair off.
Yeah I learned this when I tried getting a black cat in October. The lady at the place told me that they don't sell black cats at in October because they get killed in horrific ways. And in other
Months they are just not wanted. Iv had a few black cats. Love em.

I know long hair looks best on my but,
I hate sticking with the same look for too long. It's boring. I need to change it up.
Yeah I know, I like your long hair but I'd probably start to miss your short hair, guess its cause it looks more exciting and shows off more of your pretty face. I guess you can curl it and put it up but what after that?

And you know i think I heard that somewhere maybe from a teacher in high school. That people just by black cats to kill them or some shit in time for halloween. Thats really messed up. Don't think I've ever had a full black cat just all tabbies.
Good evening, ladies and gents. <3
hi you
How's it goin? (:
Not much this late. I was trying to practice some lettering but not really getting anywhere at this time.
you should post more pictures because you are very, very cute
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I can't stand people who hurt animals. The trust of one is an amazing thing.

lol nice pic

could you post some pics in that thread ( >>23208321 ) without showing your face? This is my dream. You're a lovely beauty. And this would help you to be more confident with your body.
Idk why people would even do that shit, thats the same reason you have to keep your pets inside on halloween or 4th of july. And jajaja like that pic makes you look like a piece of art.
I saw a bunch of short haired chicks at school today. Any time I see them i think they're totally lesbo, even though I think they're totally hot. Lesbos still enjoy the D from time to time right? There's no way to ask a girl tactfully if she enjoys the D or not, is there?
I don't believe there is lmao
That would only make me feel worse not better. I would never post in those threads.

Yeah don't get a pet if you feel no need to protect it and take care of it.
Hahaha my face looks stunning there!
Quite the opposite, if you posted nude pictures, it would be great. I can't get why you have such a low self esteem. You're very cute and desirable.
Well there's a lot of people, especially in LA that need to get their doors kicked in for hoarding or beating their pets. Idk why ppl own them if they can't handle the responsibility.
really wanna see your feet again
I'm against posting nude photos anyway. Always have been

Exactly ~^.^~
Honestly I think LA has a big pit bull problem but no one really doing anything about. And speaking of LA I really need to fall asleep, how long do you usually stay up for?

And there's been so many thirsty dudes in this thread recently idk where it came from
I love pit bulls. I'd rather they have a home in a small apartment then being put down.

I'm up till I crash. I'm either up all night or a sleep by 8. Sucks.
I just don't like most of the owners don't like how ppl just own them to make themselves look tougher. But I've dog sitted some pretty nice(super spoiled) pitbulls before their nice dogs most of the time tho.

And damn really at 8, what do you usually do till you knock out? I usually get mad if I see the sun come up. And the house behind me has a loud ass rooster that makes me feel bad for staying up ;(
Damn cool hair
Watch movies and do pointless crafts, take photos of random shit.
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Hey guys! Long time no see.
yessssssssss it's been way way too long!
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How are you doing?
bump for YinYang and Kim
This face is perfection!.

I need a woman like this in my life. What ethnicity are you? You are gorgeous.
Mmm, I love a woman that has a 3 hole punch. Reminds me of what I'd do to her in bed.
Thank you! And my background is German and English. But Canadian really. So pale pale and more pale ahaha.
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You are so beautiful it makes me sick to even look at you. Sad because we will never meet but also because someone else will have you and that is not fair. Oh well, you are stunning and I wish you were in California. Have a good day you beautiful creature.
10/10 - Literally perfect
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I have never seen such a beautiful face in my entire life. I wish I could look at this everyday. Amazing. You look like a renaissance painting but with a modern edge. Simply amazing. Your facial proportions don't make sense. Perfect mouth, nose and huge eyes with amazing complexion. I'm really taken back by your beauty.
You should see a professional photographer and start assembling a book. I think you would find lots of print work. This face is incredible.
cutest thing ever.

Thank you, Shima. Love the new gifs. So lovely.
is it just /fa/
or does your view require short hair?
Thank you!
Idk about anyone else but long hair looks awful on me :u
Thank you! Always the best when you share.

Let's see more of you today? That'd be soooo neat.
Hey least you spending that time doing something productive, and the early morning is the best time to take photos. Wouldn't mind seeing some of the pics you took.
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They don't really turn out well because I'm groogy and random. I still haven't slept!

Heres a random ass pic I took

Hey, it's been a while! I loved your color. If you want my opinion about the hair, I didn't like the shaved part that much, but as I stated, the color and overall looks great. Maybe you can consider growing it out a little?

But you look fantastic, don't get me wrong.
Ha well you can't expect works of art when your half asleep. But someone out there would call that a masterpiece of our generation. And sorry for the late ass reply my phone being a punk ;(
Landwhale detected
uncreative insult detected
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Didn't get the raise I wanted, oh well, I'll try again in the summer
sup cute trap :)

How did you know? ;_;
Oh damn really? At least you asked that's what matters and now they know you want one that's still pretty wack tho. And how are you today?
What I always wonder in your pics: Do you wear makeup? If so could you share a picture without makeup?
If you dont wear makeup: How the fuck do I achieve such a clean skin? are you the fucking skincare goddes?
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I'm not wearing makeup in that image, its just my camera and lighting I guess? It only looks like this if I use my rear view camera, but it's a really high MP I believe.
Also, when I do wear makeup, it's really high coverage. I have a lot of acne scars on my face and small acne overall that I like to cover. So when I do wear makeup, I've usually gone all out. I use facial masks sometimes, but I also exfoliate and wash my face daily.
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You have an incredibly good looking face then! You have no idea how jealous my pimple deformed face is for that!
Even though, to be honest, I dont really think those glasses fit your face at all
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Just so the criticism doesnt stay useless, I guess something like this would fit you better.
Yeah I'm due for new glasses soon, it's just something put on the backburner for now.

I do get breakouts, right before conventions and photoshoots I do. Horribly. So I have to cake on the makeup for sure
Youre a model?
I did fashion walks, but I do professional photoshoots for cosplaying. Once my hair grows out, I'd love to do regular modeling
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Hair used to be down to my belly button
Cut it super short a few weeks ago
Yeah I think long hair would suit you better. Rn its a bit messy but not in the best way IMO.
Do you have any pictures of you modelling? Just out of interest, no creeperino
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That's why I wear wigs haha

Here's a preview from shoot I did recently
you're cute as fuck
Sorry you didn't get your raise. Stay positive!
Not really my style but it does look professional and you do look pretty!
It's always interesting to wake up and see what I took pictures of. One time I took over 100 pictures of a tree in my parking lot. No idea why I was so intregged with it. They were awful too.
Hahahaha that's pretty funny hope it wasn't a ugly ass palm tree getting sick of those. And out of the hundreds of pics you took not one was decent looking? Sounds like your sleep picing. But I guess I feel you took a butt load of pics of ants attacking a termite nest in the stump in my backyard.
There's always next time!

Thank you!
What do you guys think of curly, wavy, frizzy hair? Mine is naturally a bit curly, and since it's growing out it's becoming more of a pain to straighten it, I gave up this morning haha. Anyone else feel my pain?
Kim!!!! Welcome back!

How are you doing, girl?
Thank you c:
I love it! Please by the love of god dont go near that perfect hair with a straightening iron!
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I've been great! Started the spring semester which has been fun. I got a job that I quit two weeks later after crying from stress while I was working. Answering service jobs are not my thing. I get my last paycheck tomorrow which I'm gonna use to do something different with my hair. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of leaving it alone to let it breathe, been killing it with my straightener lol. Here's a pic I sent to my sister after I tried without success to straighten to top half of my hair for the updo I have.
You have beautiful hair. It's perfect like this.

I'm happy to see you again. I was afraid you were gone. :(
You should post more.
Thanks! I was just reporting in, haven't been here in weeks. I am being suffocated in homework already, this semester is really kicking my ass.
I miss your beautiful titties. Would you post them again? And, I guess this would wake up this thread. :)
Fuck of, m8. If she posts her tits this thread will be swarmed with the pervs that are ruining /soc/ IMO.
I really liked it the way it was in the first pic!
> I got a job that I quit two weeks later after crying from stress while I was working.
Why was it so stressful? :/
I just don't think sitting on my ass for hours staring at a screen while taking complicated calls back to back is right for me. Plus I had things going on in my personal life that made things extra shitty.
>I just don't think sitting on my ass for hours staring at a screen while taking complicated calls back to back is right for me
Sounds like a shit job, I wouldnt say its not "your thing". I´d that bullshit is nobodies thing!
>social life
hope its better now!
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Hey guys.

How are you all doin?
wow. you are STUNNING.
Oh hey kim was starting to miss you. And damn thats kinda of a bummer but its better to find a job your more comfortable with. And hey least you got hired thats what counts, and I guess you just got be use being in stressful situation for service jobs. I've been getting yelled at all my life so guess i'm just use to it.

But how long do you want to keep it? Are you thinking of going sorter or just pazzazing it up with a new style?
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Why thank you
Are you fucking blind?
>FEMALES ONLY no mtfs or traps

you are VERY welcome. Do you post here a lot?
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Not recently I've been really busy with uni and work so I've been laying off.
wanna kik me? I'd love to talk to you more...kik: whateverandever100
JFC you fucking shit for brains beta FUCK OFF
>which means no asking for Skype/snap/kik etc.
I like you and I like the wavy
from when i used to have short hair... threads like this make me miss it

short hair looks so nice on p much everyone in this thread!!
I'm in love w/ u desu
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HI how are yall tonight
Do you have a vagina?
yep i just look like i dont :(
shit sorry im high yes i do
can we see it?
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I'm fucked up w my cat
it looks weird is a titty selfie from a while ago good
Best way to live :3
i bet that cat can party
tits are good

i like all viginas, post it if possible
kek.. post non-blurry fucked up with cat
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>mfw I missed Kim posting


ugh, I've missed your posts
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Nah. I'm always taking photos like this when I'm sleep deprived. Everything looks amazing for some reason.

You do anything when you can't sleep?
Girl with tons of hair here admiring you all. I'll get it chopped off one of these days...
I had long thick curly hair before cutting mine. You should do it once. It's
Liberating and feels so good. Saves so much time getting ready as well.
What's happened to YinYang? I miss her. I really hope she didn't quit posting.
Who dat?
well you are here now, make the best of it
Please tell me you are not going to leave /soc/. There are so many threads in this board where you can keep posting pictures of you.
You're my crush. :p Please stay!!
I liked /shg/ because I never felt too compelled to take lewds compared to other threads >u>;..
Nobody compels you to do that. You never said "no" but "maybe". :/
You just have to ignore requests you don't like.
Yes, but compared to other threads where the main focus seems to be around gettin' nude, this is a hella lot better than those o: I didn't mind the occasional request I got here really...
A lot of girls in /shg/ are asked to post lewds anyway. You are not the only one. :^p

Honestly, don't quit /soc/ just because of that. It's not a big deal!

Are you upset?
I wasn't implying that I was the only one asked. Anyway, lewds aren't even the reason why I'm going away.

I just don't want to be bugging the others with my non-short hair, and I don't see any other threads I could potentially fit into. /shg/ is a pretty cool group, and I don't see myself enjoying the other threads on /soc/ since they mostly revolve around lewds :O
just cut your hair again, easy as that hehe.
or do you want to grow it out?
I just want you to know that if you leave, you will be a big loss. :(( I'm sad now.

Your hair looks just perfect in that picture.
I'm sorry you are having a bit of a tough time concerning work.
I missed talking to you :3
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You look cute! Could we see a picture with more hair in it?
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I just went blond a few days ago

I'm hoping to do a burgundy to blond ombré in the future

My hair grows pretty fast when I don't cut it
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Black hair comparison
looks good on you. how's life?
gorgeous both ways

I think I prefer dark though

4chan ink
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I'm working a 6 day work week which isn't fun but I'm also try to get into MtG and Pokemon cards again! My bf comes to visit for a few days on Wednesday and I might be getting a pet ferret soon.

I've just been really groggy lately?? Even coffee doesn't help it seems. Which is weird because I work out everyday and drink lots of water. Maybe I need to add more fruits and veggies to my diet? I've been taking my multivitamins daily.

I've just been kind of short on cash and have had car problems, so buying my usual fruit , veggies, and meats have been kind of tough. Hoping not this paycheck , but next, I'll be able to fill up on yummy bananas, green beans, salted peanuts, strawberries and smoothies yum
I was 18 when I got those tatts ugh lol
My coworkers really seem to like the blond on me
this is a great angle

I wasn't making fun about ink

just commentary
Do you... do you seriously have a 4chan and an adventuretime tattoo?
Love the blonde hair! Personally not such a fan but of nose rings but eh you still look good!
hahaha, that's detailed. sounds like the usual struggle of life.
>MtG and Pokemon cards
is that stuff still a thing these days?
>Maybe I need to add more fruits and veggies to my diet?
vitamins are never bad. my everyday breakfast basically consists of different kinds of fruits.
>short on cash and have had car problems
ha, tell me about it. same for me, my rusty old bucket doesn't like the current weather.
are they hitting on you?
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I get picked on for it a lot which is chill because it's such a cringy tattoo. I'm still deciding on the coverup tatts for it

Yes I do have a 4chan and adventure time tattoo. I know a lot of guys on the chan hate septum piercings but I love mine and I've had it for like 5 years

My uncle thankfully fixed up the car a little. And yes I have mtg on my android and computer. God I used to have bins and bins of Pokemon cards. Shame my mom eventually threw them out. The biggest things I've missed is the fruits and smoothies. God I fucking love smoothies SO MUCH. And nah it's been more female coworkers commenting on the change versus male
>Yes I do have a 4chan and adventure time tattoo
Holy shit thats awesome! Keep on rockin´ anon!
fuck the haters
ink is about time and place

and yah
you are lovely
bf is lucky boy
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Haha thank you anon! :)

The poor guy always talks as if I'm dating him as a joke and how can someone like me want someone like him. His ex really fucked him up, like mine did. He's a complete sweetheart though and a great cat dad :)
Now I really wish we had a tropical smoothie cafe here :'(
cat dad :)

needs some self esteem boosting
make your own>
post pics
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You can really tell a lot about someone by how nice their cats are. If that's the case he's the sweetest damn teddy bear there is! I've never EVER seen cats so damn fucking loving and clingy
If I had some bananas, raspberries, and strawberry yogurt. Fucking bomb
all the fruit veg too
plain yogurt though
>God I used to have bins and bins of Pokemon cards
same as me, i think i threw them out as well. except the shiney ones, they are lying around somewhere.
>fruits and smoothies
nghhhh, tasty as fuck AND healthy.
>it's been more female coworkers
that's a good thing. at least you know it's not just the thirst speaking out of them. lel.
Yeah it's probably cause your eyes are tired as hell and makes everything look 10x better like beer goggles lol. But honestly I really like that pic, its got a lot of depth to it.

Well during that dumb six mouth heat wave I was hardly sleeping, and I found out I can draw pretty well while sleep deprived, either that or I just watch the local news lol.

And wow 4chan is down again what a surprise
I'm bored, good evening
Stand up for us? What do you have on?
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It was from last night. It's terribly hot here so I was in my underwear basically.

Here's my troll face
Too bad we can't see your underwear. I've been awfully good this year.
They weren't particularly hot... It was laundry day D:
I'm sure on you they are amazing
I remember you. Post more!
Thanks, tho they were really plain hah

Hi! I'm on a tablet and it's 3 AM but have a weird one with Beauty Filter. Fucking Uncanny Valley shit!
show us pics of you in underwear. I like this. :)
come back girls
this is a very lonely night without you
You are all so freaking beautiful i wish i could meet you all
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That's pretty cool. Wish I could draw. Let's see some.
Let me just scan some pics really quick, but I mostly draw nerdy things if that doesn't bother you.
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Probably been drawing for 20 somethings years but I'm still a novice so pls don't judge lol. These are just some fantasy monster I drew up out of boredom and weed.
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The 1st thing with its chin tilted up, looks
Like it has a vagina for a neck....
Lol had to look at it at an angle to see that, was pretty high when I drew that so maybe I thinking of naughty parts in the back of my head. But thanks I guess. Got any other late night pics you want to share?
am I being detained
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Trees man...
Hello hot hot tamale
Ayyy that pretty good, feels pretty cozy. But where the hell did you take that? Looks like your in a forest.

and all the new girls

This thread needs you!
Oh wow. I waive my right to remain silent, and I consent to body cavity searches. For everybody.
who do you mean by Argie?
I live not too far from there, I'll have to cause some problems next I'm in :0
Didn't you go by this nickname before?
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Aw then you do remember me! <3
You are unforgettable! :)

It's nice to see you posting again.
I'm on holidays and bored so hey. Anyway I've been accused of being a trap in this thread lol. I may not have the most feminine facial features but I think maybe they've seen way many convincing traps :P
It's just right off a balcony. Just a tree on a lawn.

Hey-hey, you're back. Nice. Was sad to see you go last time.
Yeah, just needed to step back and take a break for a bit
Yea, went back to catch up on what I missed. Hope everything's going well. Sympathies about the no-raise-thing.
I like this hairstyle on you *_* you wear any style well though
helloou, how are you cutiepie?
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Im alright ty! staying in today, tired as hell. you good?
>tired as hell
from all the partying?
it's a lazy saturday night for me. birhtday party yesterday and tomorrow so tonight is chill.
you really rock short hair, olli.
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Thats cool. and ty!
Also ja went over to a friends for the night.
>Also ja went over to a friends for the night.
sweet, what did ya dou? also there's some creepy ghost to your left.....

Eyy, yo. Hope you're doing well today.
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I drank a lot and danced and explored the neighborhood lmao. And dont worry i've told that ghost to fuck off.
You too!
dancing gif, ha.
>explored the neighborhood
did you move?
>i've told that ghost to fuck off
me saviour, thanks.

daaamn, you have a strong and pretty face...
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I cant actually dance lmao i was just jumping around n stuff. Na i explored m'friends surroundings. Ty!
>I cant actually dance
yeaaah sure. they all say that, lel. staahap teasing with those lovely legs.
and what the fuck is that to your left? that creepy thingy on the wall is back.
more legs. show us you calves.
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Its a plushie! lol
I'll deliver cuz i gotta go get something to eat. See ya
>Its a plushie! lol
nooo, the other left you dummy. looks like a drawing on the wall or something.
have a tasty snack, lator.
Ah thats a sketch of my dog i did on the wall. Lator

Have a good one, yo.
beautiful ass
>thats a sketch of my dog
do you like drawing? samples?
Wow. U r my type..cute af
Nice ass
Well that had me fooled, looks like an official wallpaper, if I took one it'll probably look like I live in a 3rd world country lol.
Thanks! I'll try again in the summer time when the business is going a little better for us

You got this, G. You can do it.
Is that a polandball tattoo under your bra strap?
>come back after a few years
>no more pajamas or mira in the shg threads :(
>dat shima tho
Thanks! <3
shaved back i guess. heyo?
Hi there qt 3.14 :)
qt as fucking fuck
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wow now you laugh at me ;~; cmon man
Thank you much. It will be that length in a matter of months. Just need to fight trimming it.

Well that's depressing lol
well im egh and nast but reqs are ok. may black out tho.
Just more qt face pics would be nice but you probably blacked out by now kek
Yeah kind of funny thing is I only live a couple miles from Burbank. It's just an old ass neighborhood, maybe I'll look for a good spot to take a pic sometime.
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One more bump. Where is everybody?
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Just woke up, slept in pretty late today
I'll say. It's like bedtime already.
Meh, about 2 pm here for me on the coast. Waiting for payday on Tuesday
Hell yeah! Money is great. I don't get paid until Thursday so yeah
Oh damn. Just waiting on it, then I can buy the new cosplay and my ring light. Then I can alwaus have amazing lighting in my bedroom
Awesome! What are you gonna cosplay as this time?
Can you share more lingerie pictures?
Super Sonico~
I can possibly take more tonight?
Oh awesome! That looks pretty sweet.

Well if you're offering, I'd love to see some...
That's perfect!!! You're definitely my favorite girl from /soc/, I'll be here all day
I can't wait to cosplay another version of her, I'm excited

Aww thanks, that makes me blush <3
No problem. You should have seen my face when you posted the last three. I still look at them when there's no one around. Shame you don't do nudes.
I used to, but someone broke my trust and sent them to friends. So I don't do them anymore.

Maybe one day in the far future I will again.

Might hop offline to try to set up my online shop
Man that's the worst...
Yeah, so I don't do anything like that again. It just caused a lot of problems for me, so I have to stop.
Understandable. You're still alright with lingerie stuff?
That sucks, guess I'll just keep fantasizing. I hope you have fun taking those sexy pictures
<3 It's raining today!
God you're one of my favorites here. Your smile is amazing...
Yeah, I have another piece lying around here. I'll take pics if I can even find it

Will do!
Well you know I'll be looking forward to that...
creepy af desu senpai
Aw <3 Thank you. You're a sweetie.
Are you Indian? Like feather
I'm not. I'm Mexican, German, and Japanese. Mostly Mexican.
Ha, I knew I could see some arian genes in there!
Love Mexican women, they have great nipples. Speak Spanish?
Why all the Facebook pics? You should take some new ones!
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bump !!
You're adorable! Keep posting pictures
Nice ham hock legs!
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I'll just repost for now cause I'm in no state to take photos
What do you mean by that?
Sick, exhausted, and desperately need a shower. :c
What about posting older pictures?
Aww lame. I hope you feel better soon!
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I can do that!!

Gosh me too. I hate being sick :c
Wrong board >>>/lgbt/
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Work got me like is it time to go home yet?
Shit, I forgot having short hair means I like girls. I should prolly tell my boyfriend sometime soon.

Nah it's cool, you just look like a bulldyke is all.
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Clever and original, nice
You should show your face if you decide to be a dickhead m8
It's the worst. But I guess it's that time of year.

I know the feeling. Been here for 12 hours already.
And you're chubby, awesome combo. :^)
Moar please
gladly c:

Yeh, hoping it curbs soon. Prolly cause I was up all night both nights this weekend too.
Gosh youre so pretty, please dont change your hair ever!
Ew ouch. Get better already so you can take new pics.
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All that pressure! Thanks though, that's kind

ew ouch? wat?
can you post next to everyday things? I like to see how short you are
Ew ouch that you were up all night for 2 nights?
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Oh, yeah. It's cool. I was making money driving drunk people home.

Hmmm here's a picture with my cruiser? i'm not too short, hovering on the 5'5, 5'6 line

It was super scary, but amazing
Why do you even come to this board? Guys must be chasing you everytime you go out!
Ha I guess that's not bad then. Making money is always fun
You got some stumpy fucking legs for being almost 5'6.
chubby chasers maybe
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is she a nazi or why is everybody hating on her?
i like, please continue
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Yeah, made about 100 total this weekend. 30 bucks in gas money, so like 70 bucks profit. And I get to meet people, which is great.

It like talking to people. And nah, not really. I dont "go out" much really.

Right? Tell me about it.

Welp, I haven't done anything wrong except post so. ??? At this point, the excess of comments (Probably from one person) is almost comical.

Dat gut
What is this "Going out"?
Never heard of it.
>rarely going out but owning a skateboard
>skateing in sandals
Youre an absolute madman
Also why dont you go out much if you like talking to people?
P-please post here...>>23237400
It's Maxim, he likes to harass women on here.
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When I skated to class, it was just casual flat ground, so there was no worry about skating in birks or chacos or anything.

When I say going out I mean going to parties and getting wasted and stuff. I go out and do lots, just not much of a partier at the moment.
Makes sense since you have to actually have to have friends to get invited to parties which you obv don't since you're on here.
>having friends
Why do you think we're on here?
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Welp, I'm gonna head out and get homework done till the troll leaves.

Watch out, your insecurities are showing.
Ah well Im more of a nature less party type aswell, misunderstood you then!
Where are you from?
It's okay because you're here after all just like the rest of us so you can be a proud loser.
Very pretty. Do you ever show some skin?
Maxim never leaves.
Yeah Burbank is ugly as fuck
Really? I planned on going out there for some prototype testing tomorrow morning.
This girl is very average looking. How desperate are you that you would exaggerate that much?
I always thought it was ugly
Preferences, man. Personally, I'd say she's a solid 8.5-9 but that's just me. Dude is acting a bit overzealous, though. But if you're just spreading positive vibes, then who gives a shit? Let 'em be.
Basically anywhere near the SF valley is shit town, my brother works at the airport and says its nice, but I worked in Pasadena and always argue other wise, way nicer over there.
I always thought that whole side of Cali was ugly period.
Made some tea <3
lewd outfit
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Thanks! Surprised I still have it, it's from middle school
Well probably should have said all of los angles is a heap of shite, even the high desert is gross still miss it tho.

Ahh thats a cute ass gown, what are you up to?
Not much, don't really like this tea. So I might make some hot cocoa instead.

Just talking to someone online
is this dragon ???
Lol what flavor is it? Theres not that many teas I enjoy either just a fan of black tea mostly, and lol aren't we all.
Strawberry pomegranate

I don't think I'm a tea person, I like a lot of flavor. I wanna like it, but the taste is just so bad
You probably brewed it at the wrong temperature.
Ohhhh damn I totally feel you on that strawberry is okay. But idk about pomegranate sounds like its super fruity and deadly tart. Just go make some coco so you can get the taste out your mouth.
well it still looks great on you
qt feets and qt outfit, please tell me you have more pics! Also, I want some coco plz
Nah, I probably steeped it for too long knowing me

I'll get to it once I'm done chatting with my friend

Steeping only makes it stronger. The wrong temperature can burn it.

Steeping too long is correctable by adding more water and diluting the tea. If it's brewed at too high a temp, then you've ruined it.
I just got water from the keurig
Ha alright think you should gift your friend the rest of that tea, just cause you care so much lol.
Then you likely got the temperature too high, or if it's from some Keurig pod then it's just shit tea.
Nah, I just got the water from the keurig. It's an actual tea bag
Tea bags - unless it's a whole leaf tea it's probably just terrible tea.
Meh, I've known some people who love tea bags. So I guess it's personal preference
If you assemble them yourself with whole leaves or buy bags that are whole leaves (few are) then you're probably ok. The trouble is, a vast majority of tea bags are tasteless powder.
I will tomorrow! I was heading into work, so not many new pictures for today. Plus, my webcam is a piece of shit.
will you take lewd pics? :>
I have never gotten nude for this board and don't plan on starting anytime soon - but I have no objection to sexy pics. We'll see!
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God you remind me so much of my ex. It's both really nice and really painful all at once.
side note, your makeup in your first pic on the thread is fucking 10/10 holy shit.
Aww I'm sorry :(

Thank you! A lot of people seem to dislike it, but I wear makeup for me, not for them <3
Haha it's ok, it's a good and bad thing. It makes me really reminiscent about my past :)

And dude I've been trying to explain that to some guy friends but they're really ignorant about makeup.
I fapped to you 4 times in row in one day.
Do you have a blog or something? Would love to see more of you.
you fap to face pics? lel
I'm curious. And new.

Do people ever actually get to know these girls, or do much more than admire them anonymously? I mean I love short haired girls, but the thread so far is "*insert picture* Cute/cute/cute/cute/cute" repeat without end. Kinda degrades the value of the complement, especially with the obvious imbalance of gender. I have a feeling a lot of these guys are hoping their 'cute' gets noticed more. Not that I'm hating, necessarily, because I do genuinely think a lot of the girls in this thread are worth some complements, but it seems a little shallow overall for a time investment.
hey bud. you're on 4chan. shallow doesnt begin to describe it.

moreover, you're on /soc/ on 4chan. I really dont know what else you expected.
Finally, pal, if you're 'new' then maybe you should just look and see a bit more. if you dont have a lot of experience, or havent been here awhile, then naturally you'd fail to grasp it.
Well I if ugly girls would post ITT I would tell them what I dislike. But I agree, most of this is shallow bullshit where some faggots just want nudes from girls who need attention and love that they dont get IRL
the social aspect of this board is lacking.
If you want social you should visit the discussion thread thats up right now, best thread IMO
Yeah, and well few tit pics that she posted.
so where are you from?
>sexy pics

y-yes please
This thread is about mostly ugly or average girls seeking attention from desperate horny dudes with rock bottom standards in some sort of grotesque symbiotic relationship. The only value you'll find here is the comedy of how egocentric the girls are and how corny the guys are with their praise.
"I just passed my community college psych final" The Post
That's a fallacy, though, to say you have to have to have a lot of experience to grasp something. And I've been lurking a fair bit already. You can grasp concepts quickly, and I get the feeling you're getting defensive over my claim.

/soc/ isn't really that social, is it? Ironically, the most introverted place online has a place to interact (I know there are sane people but please). No direct offense to a lot of you but at this rate a guide to getting a girlfriend might be more useful. Yeah, I know.
New haircut, what do you think? :3
West Coast
you're too damn cute and just my type
Haha awhh thanks :3
What is your type, exactly?
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Hello everyone!
Why not me? :'(
Well hello how are you?
3 well adjusted 5 me, you still cute anon :3
Great haircut :)
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I'm fantastic how about all of you guys?
cute girls with short, dark hair. the glasses a nice touch too.

Also, does anyone have any good pics of mew? i want to do something nice but didn't save any of her pics
Well I'm great now that you are here :)
hey, you ARE fantastic!
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was waist long, then cut it to this lenght. But I'm groing it out recently and it's a copperish tone now
Hahaha, nice recovery ;)
And thanks :3
Thank you! I was so nervous going in to get so much cut off but I think it turned out pretty well!
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I'm so glad I've found guys who like girls with glasses! I hate them but I hate contacts more :P
And how's this? ;)
Not the other guy, but fellow appreciator of girls in glasses here.

The dark hair, lighter-ish skin, glasses.... unf.
I'm pale as fuck, Im unusually colourful in that photo for some reason
Ahaha Thats good
Why thank you.

Its dark AF now.

You wouldn't mind sharing exactly how pale you are when you're not being unusually colored by light? :3
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Something more like this x
I should be getting my professional photos back soon! I'll post one here for you guys, but the rest will go into my shop.
Oh, be still my beating heart.
You are so ridiculously adorable it's almost criminal.
>those lips
I want to kiss them
>I used to, but someone broke my trust and sent them to friends. So I don't do them anymore.

and if you don't show your face in the pics, do you think that may be risky? even if you post that kind of content in another thread?
Yes, I have very distinct tattoos that I cant exactly cover up
use photoshop to remove the tattoos
Wow, you're really pretty. I got a thing for girls in glasses, though lol.
I've missed you.
By about three days
Incorrect context.
Or I can save the hassle and not do lewds
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Photo after my run today. hullo
ahahaha, I was right about you being cute. Mew is a girl who used to post here.

but seriously, there isn't anything of hers archived. please, anybody. It won't be anything mean spirited
Oh, hi! :3 so you remember me? I'm from those failed Latina boards where nobody would post nudes.
Haha, we talked on skype for a long time.
does that mean you post nudes?
no. take your stalk crap and go elsewhere.
We did? Who are you?

Hahaha no.
misty glasses
It was absolutely pouring rain
It's hard to describe, we talked for a while about your living situation, and job. I'm a guy who was living in Colorado for a long time.
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I do think I remember you :) are you logged on right now? Did your name begin with a J?
I'm renting a room again, hah. Broke up with my bf like two months ago.
I'm not logged on, and my Skype name started with a J. I don't think you're on my Skype list anymore. :(

I'm sorry to hear, you did talk to me about your relationship on many occasions.
Readded you, didn't see you logged on anymore so I guess you had disappeared!
Favorite person in the threads. Hope things are going well.

I hear you have this but I don't know what you're talking about. I've also read the thing where you said mentioning was even an issues so I also kind of don't want to ask? Any way to find it, though?
U look soaking wet....gigady
anyone around?
And your abs...so kissable. I would cuddle you so hard.
You're super pretty.
You have a sort of fey look to you, it's very striking. Also, nice thighs.
You are so pretty! 10/10 would date.
new thread?
Pls make new bread
Looks like you'd have to fight off a couple of guys from this thread first ;)

Maybe I should set up a tournament, fight to the death with swords and whoever is left standing gets to blow their load over my face

Better plan; we all get together, dress up like gladiators, you in a roman noble lady's robe and we all gang fuck you and play video games after, talk about bro stuff, then gang fuck you again.
Woah bitch if you're getting armour I want some too. Fuck togas i want to dress up like Maximus

And maybe not on the gang fucking, one at a time is more than enough to fill me up! Maybe take turns

I don't remember giving you options in the matter. You want a bunch of guys half naked amped on test and adrenaline and murder around you then it's gonna be a gang bang.

You wanna get cum on your face and get choked a little while you get held up in the air, you pick one guy at a time and like it.
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Can't sleep
Fine then, we can play a game of poker then, less murder. And I'm the jackpot ;)

See, now I'm not so sure, making me feel like maybe it's not worth dominating other men in combat and court to win you. How bout you make me want it?
Well I mean if you don't want me... I'm sure someone else might
Ah, so you'll play coy then.

We could play that, or you could post something a little more scintillating then maybe you could make me want to just let go of all social moors and fuck you retarded. Or you could get some skinny timid needle dick to worship you like a puppy.
me either lets see your tits?
Sleep with me then? You still won't sleep but at least you won't be bored
Worship sounds good... Dick size doesn't matter so much, all boys have tounges
Hot damn that escalated quickly

Well I don't play that Bacherlorette pussy-on-a-pedastal game, so that's that.

I'd fuck ya, but I would kill every other man at the coliseum then let you fuck a goat cause I got better things to do than get down with trifling hoes.
Hahaha sorry, I couldn't resist!
Official new thread is here >>23259238
Thread posts: 505
Thread images: 97

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