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Musician thread >r8 eachothers playing >no singers

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Thread replies: 90
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Photo on 2016-01-20 at 17.43 #3.jpg
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Musician thread

>r8 eachothers playing

>no singers

>must post face so we know who you are

>ive moved on from metal so its a bit choppy

>Not allowed
>Not musicians
>Because of pleb x factor/American idol neonates with no experience whatsoever, singing is no longer respected
>Because of shit tier wonderwall-at-party-playing douchebags, guitar is no longer respected either

fuck my shit up famiglia.
A you're a cunt
B i hate your music
C i did not download it
D whats it called
E do not post more
Z i hate you
>Giving a shit about what is and is not expected
If you like singing, sing. If you like playing the guitar, play the guitar. If you only make music for the sake of gaining recognition you should not make music at all senpai.
Singing is just a bore 2 me and I honestly find shredding and long hair is what destroyed the guitar
Go be a bitch elsewhere
>Singing is just a bore 2 me
>implying this thread is about what pleases you and you only

wow you are more egocentric than what I thought
I just dont find singing as a musical talent, more you have it or you dont settle down buddy. I mean if you have some good lyrics post it as long as its not how depressed and shitty you are
Can I post my lyrics of how I knew this boy who was gay in denial?
>says the registered bitch
common i dont wannabe just any
i wanna be yours, what did you play
sounds silly but do it
Meh. Not terribly impressive technique, and not very imaginative.

But ur hot so its ok.
A guitar solo >>23199547
what song
I knew a guy from /soc/
He thought he has a giant cock
Instead he was mean to everyone
I believe he mutilated his genitals

Always mean to everyone
And they always appear to be better than him
Stating he slays all the pussy
But we all know he means Tim Tim
This is how I know you have no kind of actual musical training. If you knew anything about being a musician you'd know the amount of work that goes into singing.
Post what?
none thought you didnt like it?
at least you rhymed one line
>I knew a guy from /soc/
He thought he has a giant cock
something musical
The good singers just sang didnt take lessons But yeah if you want to try out for american idol you have probably practiced a lot to sound perfect
Like Freddie Mercury he never took lessons he was just blessed with a unique singing voice
did i say otherwise? post more
Oh wow you're actually mentally retarded. My bad. Singing in your car with the radio or being a joke on American idol doesn't make you a singer.
I don't play anything. Don't tell me I can't critique because I don't play. I still have ears.

Do you have anything more melodic that's original?
>A you're a cunt
>B i hate your music
>C i did not download it
>D whats it called
>E do not post more
>Z i hate you
Your very first comment
Mkay so lets see someone train to sing like freddie, they would completely destroy their vocal chords
This is a musician thread if you have nothing to contribute leave http://vocaroo.com/i/s1hg2JxGFjWU
>Not terribly impressive technique, and not very imaginative.
>I don't play anything.
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The voice of an angel.
I'd sell my soul for half his vocal chops.
Queen was my first favorite band
Queen is my last favorite band.
arent you?
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Pretty much
Howd you find a band?
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Most of my friends play instruments, just gather and jam with them once in a while.
Someone has issues
All my friends listen to rap or country and the ones that play wanna play metal and I really find metal boring, no offense

Well it's hard to find people that shares your tastes. I can play almost anything so we just play whatever we want to according to our mood. Jazz, metal, blues you name it.
You would too frienda?
Still listening to your jam haha
>I wanna find people who can jam something like Soul sacrifice But people rarely play instruments like that anymore
11:00+ very TOOL vibe
not me but what did you expect you're pissing off important edglords
10/10 just finished would play the triangle with you guys
i would but i have hardcore writer's block right now so everything i play sounds like absolute fucking shit to me
I forget this website has some seriously ill creeps on it

Here have some more.

Then fuck off
Its like that rob zombie song about sex and sheep by pinkfloyd mixed so far
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only for 199 days
You gonna r8 or?
I believe I had said weeks.
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They were so unique looking
>thread is now a unique looking musicians thread
the first one was better tho i like it from 2:43 onward
Nobody looks as genuine as these guys anymore
Why not
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People would call them school shooters here on /soc/
Unique looking musicians?
This is the love of my life.
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Him and Jim Morrison were pedophiles, FACT
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Kek he does look like one there.
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They all have the same odd face
>Because of shit tier wonderwall-at-party-playing douchebags, guitar is no longer respected either
Absolutely this, I play live acoustic guitar and the majority of requests I get are shit-tier britpop like Wonderwall. And I honestly believe that shredding has killed the electric guitar, now any old twat with an Epiphone Les Paul can claim to be a player. Shredding, as technically impressive as it is, is something that can be learned by repetition. Like my buddy always says, anyone could pick up sticks and try their hardest to learn say a grade eight drum piece, but they may not necessarily be able to play anything other than that.
Idc. I love him forever.

Pic related.
Music is honestly dead. People lost the soul.
>Edele is the best ive heard as far as modern musicians go
I knew a guy from /soc/
He thought he has a giant cock
He berated the people on all the boards
Made claims of all the pussy that had scored
His hatred he did spread.
Like butter upon bread (Fuck off, I'm tired)
The pictures of his peepee got leaked
We couldn't stop laughing, not even after a week.

>Eh, eh?
Maybe you can let him fuck your 6yr daughter and sacrifice her to crowley afterwards
At least mine rhymes.
Not that good, you could do better.

You might just be examining the pond scum, friendo. Explore a little and you'll see music is still alive.
Its all the same, post a song that is original from the 21st century and not electronic
It's probably why he's so good. Sold his soul to the devil or sum'n.
That and he ripped off Black musicians and we all know black people have better rhythm
2:11 with a garage band beat and piano playing that was copy pasted lol.

People could improvise for hours with complete originality in the 60's
You got me but its not original for RHCP they already had plenty of similar songs prior 2002
Even bands that were great in the early 2000's have gone to shit now.
*Unpopular opinion time*
Take Fall Out Boy, they started out making some fine ass pop-punk. I don't mean From Under The Cork Tree, I mean before that. Real original music, with witty, cryptic lyrics. The kind of thing that just makes you want to jam along. And now look at their newest stuff, American Beauty/American Psycho. It's essentially the crap you'd expect an artist like Kanye West or Lady Gaga to release. Not to say it isn't good music, I'd just argue that It's lost its soul.
Or Green Day, who went from singing about real problems to pumping out three records in a year filled with throwaway tracks with meaningless lyrics.

It breaks my heart to see my childhood heroes sell out their origins to sell records. I only picked up a guitar to learn to play songs like Uptight and Jinx/Haushinka. And the saddest part is that nobody can see it. Guitar, as an art form is dead. We live in the age of consumerism, where people make their music for cash and not for love or passion.
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Green day and fall out boy were nothing special but I agree all has gone to shit. Movies are the same way
Lets hope it was worth it
>pic related
Still counts. Also I believe I should get extra points since its from such a well known band.
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Used to love this shit until I took psychedelics

Dude watching Page play Dazed and Confused with live as a little high school stoner is what started the whole love affair. I already dug Zeppelin (mostly because I love lotr/hobbit) but that was the moment I realized just how much I loved Page in particular.
When I say "live" I just mean a live recording.
To me, the beauty in music is in your own mind. It's why everything is so diverse. I can't say that I am a fan of Jazz, but I am very happy that it exists. The same with Rap, it all serves a purpose. But now we have worthless crap, people going on The X-factor or American idol not for their love of singing but for their love of money. Their greed even. If Dannii Minogue can ride her sisters coat tails to fame and fortune then what hope do the rest of us have. Radio stations play the same outdated crap over and over, and when they don't they are met with complaint after complaint. Just the other day I was sat in my A-Level physics class, we had absolute radio on in the background while doing a little independent study. The station plays Bold as Love by the blues god himself and the immediate reaction of my peers is not to sit and listen but to get up and change the station. Perhaps it's the lack of respect for music that we've lost as a society, I may dislike Jazz, but I respect its merits. As with Pop and EDM, but there are so many out there who are so intolerant and closed minded that they listen only to one thing over and over, with no room for anything else.
Its probably fluoride or something, people have no imagination anymore
It's really the music industries fault. They have realized that the human brain reacts positively to familiar sound paterns, and they make massive amounts of money off of that realization. This is why so many different genres are all starting to sound the same. And no one cares, because it's "catchy."
So you get pages sigil tattooed? This is why I hate people
Good for the teeth, yet bad for the brain.
I guess we can't really have anything both ways anymore.
It's so true that it's sad. It's the lack of respect for music that makes me want to put my guitar down, but the knowledge that if people don't do something about the state of the modern music industry then it will die which has me keep picking the old girl back up, not to sound pretentious. If that means I never fill stadiums with adoring fans then so be it. The biggest insult to me is that bands like 5 Seconds of Summer can call themselves rock or punk, everything is so generalized now. Even Gerard Way has released a pop album as a solo project.
I got the Zoso as a tribute to the entire band. Also because he's my favorite member. Also because it's my favorite of the 4 symbols and the only one that is distinct and strictly related to them. I love the mystery of why its his symbol, and the "hehe, I'll never tell." Attitude he has towards it. Also its my ass and I like it there, so hate away.
Our government truly does care about our oral health adding "sodium" fluoride to our water
Really? I like chicken and the whole whole which came first mystery, think ill get a chicken tattooed on my dick
What a tiny chicken it would be! Cute!
Well my dick isnt the size of a chicken so it would be a cute little chicken
Same with me, I saw Green Day live in 2010, I was 13 at the time, I'm not sure if I was just high on Mike Dirnt's bass tone, but I felt so inspired that I bought some awful piece of shit guitar off of my school music department for £30 and taught myself to play. As I say, it's all in the passion. Some people play just for the social benefits which negates from the moral value of the instrument as a whole.
Sodium Fluoride is genuinely beneficial to your health. It reduces risk of heart attacks and arguable makes it taste way better. It's definitely better for your health than living in Detroit, we can say that for sure.
Thread posts: 90
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