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Is there a possibility DMT is Sigma-2 receptor agonist?

Also is there a possibility haloperidol is antagonizing that receptor?
So in hypothesis,

Among schizophreniacs, there are lot more smokers than in normal population, it's not scientific, but let's say smoking causes cancer, which is random unwanted cell proliferation.

DMT as Sigma-2 or maybe even 1 receptor agonist, is causing that proliferation to cease.

Cancer is much more wrong, people get psychotic from carcinogens(they cause cell proliferation, which is related with substances causing psychosis i.e. PCP psychosis(which cause schyzophrenia) is reversed by agonizing Sigma-2 receptor)...

So I could easily, but not much scientificaly conclude, that carcinogens cause psychotic behaviour, and DMT can cure psychotic behaviour and also cancer.

Where I am wrong?
Deutsch et al 1988 The Sigma Receptor: A Novel Site Implicated in Psychosis and Antipsychotic Drug Efficacy.
Im confused by what you're asserting. I figure you're the schizophrenic guy from that other thread where the other anon was helping?
Schizophrenic individuals do tend to smoke more, but what does cancer have to do with psychosis? Cancer patients don't have higher levels of skitzotypical or psychotic behavior. also carcinogens don't necessarily cause cell proliferation, some just damage DNA, mitogenic factors cause cell proliferation. Often times carcinogens mutate DNA in ways that increase mitogenic factors (like bcl-abl fusion gene), but they dont cause psychosis. the PCP example is not the same as the cancer example.
It's possible sure, but i dont think DMT is going to ever be used as an anticancer drug, if that's what you're asking. Anti-psychotic maybe
No, nobody helped me here...

I just got a little bit... How the fuck, that thing is somehow related!

I just feel normal on DMT, not sad, not angry, just fucking fine, I want it so bad, instead of that they give me somthing that sucks my life away.
What does the haldol does to these receptors?

It's agonist or antagonist? I found mixed results, I am confused.
Well you type exactly like someone who was having a conversation with another anon yesterday about why he couldnt understand why his thinking was different, which is completely appropriate. Your brain is just wired differently than neurotypical people anon. Because of this differential wiring, you think differently, and sometimes can act differently, which some people find scary or alarming. Often times this wiring includes paranoia, feeling people are laughing at you, or just an overall explainable differentness, But you need to be rational, as much as possible, especially with trusting the right people, such as your family, friends, and doctors.
It must be very difficult anon. My sister is dating a dude who is schizophrenic (she didnt know at the time), so i empathize with your plight. Can you describe how you "normally" feel, as you put it? And can you describe what "sucking your life away" means with a little more detail?
I slept like three hours a day...

They give me long release haldol, I have sometimes not enought after 10...

When it started I was like whole day sleeping after they got me it...

I can't feel happyness...

When I take exctasy I feel like before all that shit happened, having enought dopamine in brain...

That shit is PUNISHMENT in chemical form...

It does makes your dopamine not working,...

It's true I've got somehow fucked up dopamine pathways, but neuroplasticity made by some mushrooms or some other psychadelic can be way to ACTUALLY FIX wrongly firing dopamine pathways by making them PLASTIC and ADJUSTING them, not just supressing them until new one builds....

After injection, first two weeks, I am catching even fucking straws of motivations to atleast get my self off bed and go to a fucking job...

Then I am a little bit okay for next two weeks, I feel like I have some shit to do... I want to do some interesting cryptography projects, buy a computer that supports Android stuidio and develop some end to end encryption chat app, but when I get another, everything is gone and I am thinking of something completely else...

I don't trust my family! They gave me away to a clinic when I was underage when I was diagnosed...

I was programing for three days nonsleep and they fucking forced me to shut down computer! Of course I had psychosis...

Then I got problems at school(mathclass, I wanted to go for IT, I just loved number theory, still got some books that are not sold, they have them only at school but I stole that shit because I knew I may not be given the chance to have it again, real good learning material)

They had problems with motherfucking weed I did before bed to fall asleep from all physics, maths and algorythms, how to program physical models and how to get money before it...

>>> Writing more, you get it all, if you want me to trust somebody you gotta read that.
I got a job online, fucking 17, doing PHP... For script I coud've done in two fucking weeks with some like three days dedicated to rest and sleep altogether going uberman on the way

So I got psychosis...
At school they let me to go to school only on testing after the year was end... It was nice year, I had some toxic relationship and also got addicted to benzos and quited myself...
But when it was about to finish, I forgot to set up appotiment for the test...

My mother took me in hospital again, I said doctor I am okay, I don't hear voices, just I've been trought a lot of shit(quiting benzos gives you quite too much anxiety to finish schoolyear in one month) and I've also lost my girlfriend and shit .... No voices mentioned...

In report doctor written I have voices and gave me electroconvulsive therapy... I woke up remembering almost nothing... In fucking soft cage, because I didn't finish schoolyear(yea my mother wants to be proud)

Next year i've got to go to daily stuidium at another school, because the school didnt wants me anymore(moma told me she was there and did her best)...

So I went there... I was learning what I was missing In first year cos I went straight to second and it was specialised school... Plumbing... Pretty far from cryptography...

They told me go to school or find a job... I went abroad working, I failed, they kicked me out because whole fucking pallete in warhause fell on me, happily I didn't got injured...

Then I got home... I couldn't stay because I need to 'go to the rehab'... Cos I smoked fucking weed , it relieved the anxiety I gave myself in bad relationship and also benzos aftershocks...

So I rehabed from weed, I couldnt live home, cos I didn't took full atleast 1year rehab from weed... I FUCKING QUIT BENZOS MYSELF WEED MAKES ME ONLY SLEEPY... and It is also only thing that made me sleep .
Anon i wish i could help you, i do, but you have something different than my sister's boyfriend. If you think psychadelics will help you, i say go for it. If a prescription medication is not working for you, ask the doctor for something else, saying it is not working for you or puts you in a shitty state of mind which is worse than no drugs at all. Eventually they may find the right drug for your type of brain.
I don't know your family situation, but by saying they gave you to a clinic, that at least shows they tried to help you, indicating they care about you. If they didnt care about you they would just let you do whatever you want in a basement and forget about you. Instead they paid money so you would hopefully get better. Be very careful not to equate the shitty care you got with your parents not giving a shit.
Good luck anon. It's a curse. i truly hope you find reprieve somehow
to add on this, stop smoking weed. Neurotypical people respond very differently to it, but even they can fall subject to psychosis if genetically prone. again, do not smoke weed, it only exacerbates psychosis symptoms.
I got job at Kebab after I quit, in different city from one friend... (Guys from IBM camed to lunch sometimes, atleast something)

So I lost my ID. gotta go back to home city, didn't have even for friend, I spend my daily earnings on habbitage and food ( 30eur every second day, my fucking job. 2e per hour ... $3 dollars per fucking hour at fast food )

Still couldn't live at home... Got some job, where they ripped me of 800 hunred, whole fucking month of work...

So I grabbed backpack and went hitchiking...

Been in spain for a year... Stealing in shops, mainly food, sometimes electronics...

I've got back cos I lost my ID so cops couldnt let me go when they cought me(yea if you steal just food there they cannot inprison you, but they've had to idetify my so usuall ID checks sometimes ended me on police station)

So I got to slovakia...

Went to uncle... He gave me sort of job... Painting of steel construction...
Got some money, he borrowed me computer, I went on internet

Instajob-> registration to mailing form for 60euro
That's what I did in two days at work, now I could in two hours...

STAYED UP LATE, Kicked me out!

So I drinked so fucking much I ended up with korsakoff psychosis, barefood on the main square being nice to people, just fucking city cops called state cops and anbulance on me, cos I was fucking barefood and talking nonsese, I was not talking nonsense I made fun off them and they didn't got that..

They(doctors and parents) told me I need rehab... I told them I need to sleep somewhere different than street, but they forced me into rehab(winter was coming) they told me they will rip me off self responsibiliyy if I don't go into rehab and I will be for rest of my life in hospital.

So I got into long term rehab... FUCKING UNDERAGE METHADDICTS WHO COULDNT EVEN CLEAN THEIR ROOMS... I lived in fucking squat in spain, like WTF? Really? CLEANING ROOM? I've got to clean my room out of pingeon shit to have where to sleep I got stuff like that...
So I cleaned toilets every fucking day for half year...

Fucking gypsie was priviledged there because he somehow represented institute in boxing, he was dumb as fuck, bullying me and even tried to rape me... I couldnt defend my self cos I would break his neck in like zero if I had a fight I would fucking kill him like I pig so angry I was, but I fucking didn't want prison, so I decided to be beaten...(you know, once you know how to turn head around those fights can be quicker than expected but I don't fucking kill stupid people, they are here to kill eachother and I am not one of them)

Then I fucking quit... Still couldn't go home cos I didn't finished it...

Got homeless somewhere else

Got fight with security at the shop, they get me to hospital, and judge told I need to medicated, I got back to homeland living with my mother and now I am working without school as fucking software developer....



Also I've got something strange on ballsack and I am suspecting fucking halldol gave me cancer.... It may be coincidence, but fuck, THEY WILL CUT MY BALLS OF IF I DONT FUCKING FIND SOMETHING THAT DOES KILL IT BEFORE THEY KNOW

Maybe now it's time for golder heroin but I am no fucking quitter,
I found some mechanism over cell proliferation and I am going to fucking try that atleast when I finally got test subject with cancer, I wanted to do it even before, but now I am closer

I've read some sucess with cannabis and also ayahuasca and it makes sense to mechanism I discovered in this fucking pathways

Problem is it doesnt simply regulates proliferation, but also affects behaviour...
~ Sigma Receptor...

In my condition being on antagonist such as haldol is pure bullshit when everywhere I fucking read is stated I need to agonize that to get rid off bullshit in my head body and cell metabolism
Now tell me who can I trust...

Doctor Lied about voices in my head in his report to get some sort of lab rat,
Mom lied about school, I forget to mention that when I was at my original school few months ago they told me I could finish but my mother put me elsewhere...

Also when parrents got divorced mother lied a lot...

They version of story is 'we couldnt talk to you' of course they could not, I was at fucking computer... talking with like whole internet at once... I told them they can massage me and it wont be interuption in my workflow cos I check massages when I am finished codeblock...

My version of story is they are fucking SYSTEM TRUSTERS...

They hate Cannabis, they drink alcohol and smoke cigaretes...
I fucking love cannabis, my boss at work asked me for some, I think I have no problem with fucking smoking cannabis, cops can be the only one...

I am calm, I have good sleep, I wake up early and even have something like tendencies to do sports when I smoke for longer period of time...

But it's fucking dangerous harmfull drug...

It's fucking miracle, when your head is full of code and schemas, you just take few puffs and can sleep like it never happened at

Also I know I can't do it outside on alcohol cos I will fallasleep in bar, I can smoke a little on rave party cos speakers keeps me up...

Also tested molly, it's not so effective over haldol, still wroth it I take racetams to somehow compenate memory impairment (measured) I take tests regulary(nobody knows I am doing this) caused ...

Acid is great, I laughted my ass off on it on total bullshit, being feeling somehow wroth something more than piece of shitt...

Shrooms also work, but I don't get so much energy from them as without halldol...
DMT was also very nice, I felt good days afterwards, until another haldol injection... Maybe it knocked of haldol off those fucking sigma receptors if it has good affinity...

Also I dont want to do medication that has "SUDDEN DEATH" side effect

Meth on haldol was also impresive, I was fucking talkative...

But I am not doing drugs anymore expect for serotogenics,
for dopamine I choose suplement of chemical precursor, and something like phenylpiracetam with modafinil with it, so it will somehow take away that dirty haldol feeling of wrothlessness I really didn't feel before my last administration session started...
Why schyzophreniacs do suicides? Neuroleptics makes you do that. It's part of program, that's how mind should literally react to them if it healthy... But that's paranoid conspiracy.

But extremly low levels of dopamine and adrenaline makes you feel like fucking wrothless shit...

Atleast there are raves.
I am describing you state, I am already far behind it... Psychosis was caused by sudden unexpected behaviour with played up shit on my adenergetic pathways... Now I don't expect that my parrents see what I see and everything is fucking okay, but there whooohaa, I am drug addict because I have wheel once a month and smoke a gram or two or weed per month... And that deserves a rehab...

Without weed I am completely full...


When I smoke weed first night I don't dream, then I dream with people atleast few nights.
Also if anybody is reading this at this point,

All I want to say is

I could do machine learning by this time,
but I am sitting here, when I next time visit doctor they will want to cut my ball off, doing fucking websites for money just to survive...

Cannabis helps me get past that...

And psychosis? If I had a gun I would shoot motherfucker who would even say he want cut my ball of, like balls are last thing I have in this life.

Feeling fucking antagonist on my satisfaction engine it's even feeling more wrothless... And my ball could be possibly be healed by things that are illegal because one big scum by simillar people who I work for indirectly... So...


I would rather be hero than let them cut my balls so I'll be fucking sure having my golden dose heroine ready when I visit doctor with that and If they say pack and go to hospital we'll cut your balls, I will fucking do it. I love my balls and I take them with me!
And top off all youtube is spamming me ads on product that I've got idea for too, but couldnt manage to get it working homeless.

All girls I ever wanted are for sure fucking some richfag at the moment.
what is the product?
And after that I am not normal patient, I get cortisol at night... At day I get none...
Oberlo, I've been into affiliate marketing 8years ago and got ideas how to manage everything for dumbfuck who got money to invest...

There you may check the affinity
That's not sigma receptor
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