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If you don't have a PhD by 25, you're not smart enough

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If you don't have a PhD by 25, you're not smart enough to make use of one ever.
What if I had drug problems in college and took a long time to finish as a consequence of that?
Smart people don't do drugs.
A lot of people do not have Ph.D by 25. Setting some arbitrary time limit makes no sense.
As if...
Lots of people are over educated these days. Copying and pasting shit from stack exchanges doesn't make you a fucking scholar.

Intelligent people don't let their drug use interfere with anything because they do it in moderation. You're obviously not PhD material. Hell, you're not even fucking hold a job material.

Is the only thing holding your ego together a piece of paper?
What if I had no PhDs at 25 but acquired two when I was 26?
Therefore most PhD's are from dumb people.
Avg age on all fields 32.2
Think of all the non-STEM plebeians with PhDs in Marxism. Not a mark of intelligence.
You're equivocating on a fictional, overgeneralised (to the point of meaninglessness) notion of intelligence.
>Copying and pasting shit from stack exchanges doesn't make you a fucking scholar.
I take it your formal education ended half way through highschool then?
The earliest someone could reasonably aquire a PhD is 26
It is different between EU, Asia and US.
In EU you finish HS at 18/19. College is 3 years, MD is 2 and PhD 3/4.
Ages for a finished PhD are: 26-28
Not taking into account that you might have failed a year because of different problems, went to school later or something.
What you say is so plain and only shows how unintelligent you must be.
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See most Field medalists.

The age is nowhere near important as the problem you solved in your thesis.

OP doesn't understand this because he's a brainlet who got a "PhD" from some meme tier university guided by village teachers and never worked near the actual experts of his field.
I got my bachelor's at 20
>not smart enough to make use of one ever.

In my country having a Ph.D is necessary for prestige at certain jobs. You get paid higher and you get to do the managerial work instantly.

In fact, I'm pretty sure most Ph.D students don't continue pursuing a career in academia.
A lot of very smart people are fucking wrecks.
I was addicted to world of warcraft in high school and it literally held my life back 5 years.
I'll be lucky if I finish community college by 25.
>all smart people were completely "normal" functioning members of society

>3 years bachelor
>2 years master
> minimum 3 years PhD
what country do you live in where you are fit to go to college at 17
Same, I fucked up being addicted to videogames and anime in HS.
Are you German?
Same here, got sucked in WoW for most of HS and I'm still trying to recover
Op, please don't make me kill myself.
>old people making excuses for why they didn't achieve xyz by the time smart people usually do.

If you skip a masters, finish your PhD on time, and your birthday late in the academic year, you can get on at 24 in the UK
>2 years master
lol, other countries
Tight, gonna get one anyways.
>dull, dumb people who dedicate themselves to academics believe academic success is reflective of intelligence, when in fact academia is often viewed as an unappealing, pointless, unfulfilling snorefest to people with exceptional minds
>tfw in your country undergraduate takes 5 years and masters 2 years
>t. brainlet
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Start uni at 19
Bsc at 22
Ms at 24
PhD at 28

Yeah hs ends at 19 here
I ended it at 17
what if im doing undergrad research as a 20 year old?
lol you're right smart people are never obsessive or psychotic.
>finished BA at 21
>MS should be done at 22
>hoping to do 3 year PhD
then maybe i won't be a brainlet

Close, Dutch. If you do applied math or applied physics there is a lot of opportunities in industry where a Ph.D is massively helpful.

Typically the work is such that even a MSc student could manage it but the Ph.D adds prestige to the firm and you get paid more.
sometimes life happens

i started uni at 33, starting 3rd yr in september, doing und. research now

ill probably be 38-39 when i start a phd (if i do a phd) and desu if you let age be an obstacle, it will be

ive done all kinds of shitjobs and doing this stuff now just feels right, whereas i see postdocs who've only gone to uni and never had a proper job and can barely stand doing a 9-5 shift
>delusional people failing at school and believing school is bad and they are intelligent

lol Ironically you haven't actually done anything useful with your PhD, and probably not gonna be able to, just like stated in the OP. How I know this:

>>9059357 is right. The quality of your thesis, the influence of your advisor and your faculty's reputation are the only things that matter if you want to "make use of your PhD", infinitely more than "age" because age doesn't matter at all when applying for postdoc, which you obviously haven't.
Godspeed anon. Starting uni this year myself at 29.
we're gonna make it, anon

29 europeanfag here

still debating with myself about starting university, no current job but I have got help from my family. The dream would be finding a job 9-15, don't care so much about the money, I need only for a room, food and clothes, and pay for university by myself. I don't care about girls, success, holidays, I want only to study and study and study and acquire new knowledge.
If I were a professor and willing to give out failing grades to anyone I don't like so they can't get into grad school, would I then be able to dictate who is smart and who isn't?
if a single professor has that much impact on your admission to a graduate school, go to a bigger school.
As someone with a genius-tier IQ, and a PhD from a top 10, you're retarded.

I am better than you. Get it through your head.
Top tier schools are going to filter students who've failed classes I'd bet.
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