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What gives kids so much energy?

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not having to work
Stem cells
because life is inherently exciting to human beings

It's true. I used to feel like just being alive - experiencing things in real time - was exciting enough. Now nothing satiates me when there are anime and fleshlights.

The fact that they have yet to see the world for what it really is.
Bedtimes. Early to bed, early to rise.
They suck it from their parents.
Then remember that anime, vidya, fleshlights, etc. are designed by other people who are basiclally just like you.

It's interesting how adults conspire to keep children in the dark as long as they can, isn't it?
Uninjured bodies and uninjured minds.
Their heads haven't been filled to carrying capacity with lies yet.
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Related question.
What makes it so that kids can experience things fully but adults can't, and how do I regain my ability to truly experience moments?
Like the first time you ride your bike under rain or when you watch a horror movie at 10 y/o and you turn into the physical manifestation of fear.
I wish I could explain it better.
Try becoming black.
Children generally have a faster metabolism. Their smaller bodies also means that they use up less energy to run around and jump.

Innocence once lost can never be regained.
That's a load of fortune cookie bullshit. There is nothing good about "innocence".
You've pretty much experienced everything by the time you're an adult. Nothing is really as stimulating at that point because you've either done it or seen it done a bunch of times.

Try to imagine some uncontacted tribe watching a horror movie. They'd probably freak the fuck out like a child.
Well, innocence is pretty much just another name for ignorance. You can't really become ignorant again once you learn something.

After you ride a bike once, you'll never be able to ride a bike for the first time again. You can't un-experience it. After your first kiss, you can never have another first kiss. That's what I'm getting at here. You can't get childlike innocence again. It's just not possible.
I've heard that mushrooms and LSD can help one regain a sense of enjoying things and naturally finding things interesting and curious.
Ignorance is bliss
>the world is my oyster
>anything is possible
>I will be an astronaut/inventor/neurosurgeon, not a wagecuck
>most people are good
>I'll fall in love with a beautiful girl and she will become my wife
>everything is free
>the future is bright
>everything is awesome
>magic/santa/easter bunny/monsters/ghosts are real!
>I have friends who enjoy playing with me and having fun
>the only death or funeral I've experienced is my goldfish/dog/grandparent
>my parents are madly in love and would never get a divorce!
>bad things happen, but that won't happen to me!

Also, the schedule of (non-poor) children is ideal for all humans
>7-9 hours of sleep
>exercise regularly
>healthy, balanced meals
>don't drink or smoke or binge eat
>minds actively engaged constantly by school, extra curriculars, books, creative media, nature

children do everything lightly, and are just learning to feel deeply
"It is dark because you are trying too hard"
You expect things. You are cynical. You have the wisdom to know things probably won't live up to your expectations or the hype. You know the limits. The possibility doesn't even exist that maybe everything you thought you knew was wrong, and that is a monster in the dark corner. You are weighed down by your disappointments, your knowledge, your feelings and biases, logistics, money, "reality". You feel so deeply that it is hard to experience anything lightly and end up with a profound memory as a surprise result.
>>minds actively engaged constantly by school
Good joke
>monsters/ghosts are real!
nah man I was terrified for years and ashamed of it
psychedelics make the mind more child-like in that the mind does not uses discrete pathways to process things but instead uses the brain as an entire system
A lot of people talk about the bliss of youth but honestly I was just emotionally wrought most of the time and didn't have much to enjoy.

I'm 22 and life is much better now, I'm much more content.
Psychedelics can be powerful and very beneficial therapeutic tools for self development and healing.

At the same time they can also have the complete opposite effect especially with people who have already existing issues.
They haven't drank enough fluoride yet.
If you're using them for healing then aren't existing issues assumed?
How do I become a child again?
This isn't fun.
They weigh less...
please just drop 700ug and report back sir
>tfw Christmas will never be a pants-shittingly exciting event again
>tfw you will never be kept up all night by internet creepypastas again
>tfw you will never enjoy another story without a detached, trope-savvy critic in your head pointing out every flaw again
I'm planning on doing a shroom trip soon, but I'm afraid it'll fuck me up.
Set and settings dont forget you must slay the ego you'll feel a lot just remember its an experience nothing dangerous
I've been meditating for 20-30min a day for a couple of months now. Do you think that will help?
>I've been meditating for 20-30min a day for a couple of months now
this is what I hate about psychs now is that they have this kind of stigma. It's a fucking drug anon you're not training to go into orbit, there's no need to prepare like that. The more preemptive you are the more chance you 1) are super stressed or 2) have an underwhelming experience
Thing is I don't just wanna get high and then come back to my normal self. If it's just for recreational uses, then I won't bother.
If a drug can "change who you are" I would consider you a very weak person.
Yeh, yes, it's recreational.
This is true until you realize how shitty is the life. That's the reason because kids are energetic.

>inb4 edgy
Time impacts children differently. Remember how days used to last forever and now there's never enough time in a day? They have energy because they dont spend it based on normal human metabolic rates. They have evolved some new form of invisible forces to keep time from acting upon them properly.
Children are learning at a much faster rate. Their brains are constantly forming new neuron connections, so anything can be an "aha!" learning moment.
Yes, anything that keeps you going with the flow I highly suggest getting rid of big life issues first and for fucks sake turn off your phone
>>tfw you will never be kept up all night by internet creepypastas again
fuck, this hit me hard. even when I was 17-18, when I first read that drr drr manga it kept me awake for a week. I was a pussy but at least it was exciting.
>not being an energetic adult

It works if you channel your energy well enough that you can become really skilled in something. If you're a master with the yo yo, with making people laugh, or with just plain charm, you can be as energetic as you want. It's generally shame that holds adults back from being energetic, and it's hardly shameful to be good at something.

Also, self-awareness. For instance, Ze Frank and Milo Yiannopoulos have managed to be silly adults who make it work because they're not clueless.
Kids experience time dilation, we need to harvest some kids and use them as a fuel source to break through time and space.

Magic Mushrooms, according to internet anecdotal experiences. Also, if the accounts of a crazy rambling man on the internet is to be taken seriously, prl-8-53 might also give you that feeling.

Not having to work + having lots of money. I know because I am a poor net and all my goals are always on halt due to lack of money. Otherwise, I would be drifting, parachuting, flying planes, learning piano and riding a bike around the world while drawing every thing that catches my eye.

Grandpa's touch.
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