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Ethical Considerations of AI/Robots and Western Media Propaganda.

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Westworld, the latest original show from HBO, is a stark propaganda piece to promote things called "Ethics". It's utter bullshit and entirely unrealistic but in luddites and normies it will brainwash them that things like sex robots should be illegal.

Is anyone else pissed at how Media tries to impose bullshit ethics by creating shows like this? Now realistic games like westworld or rape simulators with AI victims will be harder for companies to fund.

This anti-transhumanist propaganda needs to end.
I'll just give an example

>stupid scripted actors that are not human
>media portrays them as randomly gaining consciousness

If this is the case we should ban all NPCs from video games. This is just ridiculous and only going to harm entertainment. A complete propaganda piece that is not based in anything real but will be cited as "hurr we need ethical control over AI and especially in realistic video games."
Maybe learn to make your own fun or read a book if you don't like propaganda in your bread and circuses.

Fuggin bleb.
Gee OP, you really convinced me with those hot opinions
>Is anyone else pissed at how Media tries to impose bullshit ethics by creating shows like this?
No they don't. Media creates what people want to see and most western audience are hyped for AI but also afraid of them and find them creepy. That's why we have things like "Her" or "Ex Machina" while in eastern media like anime, AI and robots are often shown as friends and equal to human or even desirable, ideal partner.
>Now realistic games like westworld or rape simulators with AI victims will be harder for companies to fund.
They will be funded because there is demand on them. As always, these kind of things will be created in Japan or Korea because this is place of largest audience for these kind of things. Companies funds what is profitable.
I agree with you. ..but rape simulators? what the fuck have you been researching anon.
Imo, it's humorous and degenerate, yet it should be legal.
You know why nobody gives a shit about your opinion OP? Because nobody actually thinks that some emotionally crippled loser should be in charge of fucking ethics. Have you ever even been in a relationship (and I mean a real one, not the ones you make up to impress people on the internet)? Do you even remotely understand any of the implications at work here? No you don't. In the end all people will hear is some pretty desperate bloke who can't get into real life, so it prefers escapism. Sex robots are pathetic for many reasons and I see not a single reason why we should encourage people to consider them at all.
You type like a roastie.
There are companies working on sex dolls and robots at this very moment. No one gives a fuck about "ethics" or what is pathetic or if their customer have a girlfriend or not, companies do what is profitable for them. And there is demand for sex robots if you like it or not.

>I see not a single reason why we should encourage people to consider them at all.

You mean besides undermining all forms of prostitution including child prostitution?
>Falling for the sentient jew.
Robots don't have any rights.
Cyborgs have rights.
Robot-manufactured bodies that have sentence and are living beings have rights.
>Robot-manufactured bodies that have sentence and are living beings have rights.
[citation needed]
>sex robots should be illegal
They should be. As should homosexuality, transsexualism, foot fetishism and any other form of sexual degeneracy.
Well, in my opinion they should be treated like human beings are. I shouldn't have said that "they have" rights.
Pull your fly up, your insecurity is showing.
>If I ain't getting any, no one is!
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I'll just move to Japon where it'll be legal.
Call the police i don't give a single fuck.
I really don't understand this belief some people have that sex robots will lead to men completely giving up on women. It's very solipsistic, just because you would choose a sex robot over a woman doesn't mean every single man would.
There will be point in the future where you won't be able to distinguish sex bot from real female.
Assuming no social stigma, it will be ration choice to choose robot with perfect personality over flawed human.
>assuming no stigma
A lot of people won't even date outside their race/religion.

Since when has sex ever been about being "rational"?

This is exactly what I mean when I talk about solipsism. Not everyone thinks like you.
>A lot of people won't even date outside their race/religion.
That's because they are naturally attracted by people from same race. Having the same religion means you have similar culture and it also attract people. Robot could look and think the same as your race and religion.

>Since when has sex ever been about being "rational"?
People don't fuck crazy because they know their mental problems will cause a lot of trouble for them. People always are more attracted to people who are the closest to their ideal.
You're being way too reductionist. Not everyone is going to think like you. They're not going to just shrug their shoulders and say "well, this is equivalent/superior to the real thing so I'll just switch" because people aren't rational actors. People have a natural aversion to 'fakeness' and a natural preference for 'genuineness.' In addition, they are naturally preoccupied with status and will see fucking and marrying a robot as "settling"/"giving up." Finally, a large proportion of people will see starting a family as something they MUST do or else they'll see themselves as a failure. Part of this is cultural but a lot of it is hardwired. I'm not trying to say this is a superior viewpoint or that there wont be people who marry robots but I am saying that not everyone is gonna think like you.
I'm glad this sparked a lot of good discussion.

Why does having sex with a very young looking perfect sex doll mean you can't do other things? People will be sneaking out and hitting up the robo harem to have sex with bunny girls and shit even if married.

It's going to occupy the space that porn and vibrators currently occupy. Also women will do it too, probably centered on "celebrity" look-alikes as females go nuts for status.
Post meatflaps or GTFO
It's a fucking film - not a commentary on ethics.
Who wouldn't want to play out a fantasy if they could afford to.
it is a commentary on ethics

just like all the propaganda like gattaca and evil robot movies. They want the public to hate science.
They want to public to enjoy their product, not to brainwash them.
Stop browing /pol/
Nigger they aren't airing this show for ethics purposes. If you just watch it, it's a damn good show.
>They want the public to hate science.
From the perspective of /sci/ (i.e. a socially deficient autist who just wants to earn enough money to survive and be left alone), it's best if the public hates science while the big businesses love it. Supply, demand and all that.

Not seeing a problem here desu
>one of humanities biggest problem is that the raping of sex robots is frowned upon.

Real women are annoying as shit to court because they arent logical, sex robots is easy sex that is why men want them.
>sex robots is easy sex that is why men want them.
I want sex robot because I want to cuddle with my waifu and listen to her talking how much she loves me. She isn't even that important.
I see no problem with this. It would put african slaves out of business, that's why they don't like it.
>Not seeing a problem here desu

Swallow this pill, kiddo. The aim of these efforts is to make the public fear science and technology so it is easier to centrally control. It helps them push down more regulation and oversight through their hand picked "ethics" teams.

Look at the FDA, they have ethics teams comprised of republican/democrat shills that constantly stop new research. It allows the government to bloat up oversight and meddle in science and tech.
>fear science and technology so it is easier to centrally contro
haha tinfoil inferiro thinks technology makes it harder to contorl people


real cute
like hte little itty uneducated boy that you are
Fucking women isn't difficult at all.

The real problem is over 90% of women in a wealthy educated country are so insufferable that fucking them isn't even worth doing.

nigger rights, women's rights, gay rights, machine rights...

it's inevitable. everything's gonna have rights eventually. the only thing you can do is enclave yourself away from this shitty planet.
>Fucking women isn't difficult at all.

to distill your thought:

Getting rid of women you fucked is difficult as shit. that is the real problem.

they think you owe them something for regular coitus.
foil is aluminum now, Grandpa
Fucking girls you would handpick out of 10000000 possible configurations with a personality you choose, etc

is impossible with biological partners

Not so with AI/sexbots/VR etc

For instance if I wanted a sexual partner with a specific voice and voice patterns that trigger ASMR but also looks young.. and has a very attractive vagina.

Such a being might not exist in reality.

I would much rather satisfy my primitive drives with ideal experiences than be led on a arduous effort to get the real thing. Which in some cases would be illegal depending on the predilection.
>>Fucking women isn't difficult at all.
>Getting rid of women you fucked is difficult as shit. that is the real problem.
This, ahah
STDs are the biggest problem with sex imo.

Just look up the actual rates, it's like 70% of women have an STD.

that's what they teach you in american high schools

unless you're a nigger, faggot, or associate with junkies you're not really at risk.
People know that if they want a real, meaningful, emotionally intimate experience, or companionship, they'll need another human being. Difficulty is, a suitable person might not exist for them in their immediate context. They might never find such a person. In the meantime they still have all the same sexual and emotional desires, in some capacity.

Then you have cases where they and their desires cannot be met, or should not be met. Example being a country with far more men than women. Pedophilia, or whatever strange fetish. It may also greatly reduce human trafficking and prostitution. Fucking a prostitute is probably net inferior to a sex robot.

Yes, you ultimately get into the bigger picture stuff. The philosophy. What does this do to a society, what will the human species, our self experience, and life become. Should it become this. What are the minds of these machines really like, can we truly guarantee they no meaningful awareness or capacity for misery and suffering? Can we make them philosophical zombies?

Etc. You're being inane and myopic though. Please calm down before returning to the topic.

Also, propaganda is the nature of media. All media. All media is composed of embedded prompts that force the viewer to generate opinions and "understandings" about a given matter. The line has to be drawn at outright crowd psychology implementations of brainwashing campaigns designed strictly to manipulate for a shitty purpose.

nobody's disagreeing with you buddy. your argument is a non-argument by virtue of not furthering any argumentation. jfyi.
those statistics are very high and with those shit groups, still the risk vs reward for one night stands isn't very profitable. It demonstrates a benefit to "artificial sex" that isn't simply indulgence.

That's what I got from your post
Who doesn't?
What you do to an effigy is how you view the world around you and how you interact with people. Doing things to effigies that would be illegal to do to a living human is a sign of mental disease similar to when people do deliberate harm to animals for malicious intent.

The same is true for when people become too attached to animals or effigies.

All effigies need to be treated with impartial respect.
so are you going to lock up everyone who has played GTA and killed hookers in it?
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Physiological evaluation at least.
>Implying I'm psychologically capable of not treating robots like people
>Implying I don't feel bad when I damage inanimate objects
>Implying I didn't assign human emotions, consciousness, and experience to stuffed animals as a child
>Implying I delineate humans and machines beyond different specific mechanics of their constituent systems and the arrangement thereof


You are displaying signs of psychosis and telling a past history of it.
Let me guess, I'm suffering from anosognosia too.
Do you feel oppressed?
Generally, almost exclusively no. That's a bit too vague though.

If I'm oppressed it's usually my own deficits oppressing myself over time because I can;t bring myself to share anything real or meaningful about my life, and all these lies by omission culminate into living life through a false shell personality.

Very hard elements and habits to trace a viable path through, and avoid all the familiar traps.
Why would a machine even care about ethics? Why do women think a sexbot even thinks like them
>OMG I was made to be fucked by this creep I fee so icky
A sexbot wouldnt give a shit if her owner was deformed BECAUSE SHE WOULD PROGRAMMED TO BE ATTRACTED TO HIM ALWAYS.
So everyone with a rape fetish is automatically considered to be insane?
I've never understood how someone could actually have a fetish for violent non-consenting sex.

Rape porn / hentai != real rape. This includes for women that are aroused by the fantasy of being taken by force. I'm not sure why you'd even tag it as a "rape" fetish when it has no real world analog in practice.
Rape fetish is just natural male instinct along with female instinct, women love the idea of a man dominating them so much that ultimate dominate rape is their biggest fantasy.
I'm male an don't have a rape fetish or instinct. I do have a "no strings attached sex whenever and with whoever I want" fetish though, which has more to do with a lack of resistance and different societal structures than it does dominating someone against their will.

Nah, I've thought a lot about that underlying nature you're referencing here, and I've heard it said many times. There is some truth in it, but it's frequently misframed. Like right now.
I've never understood how people have tentacle or vore fetishes, that doesnt mean they aren't aroused by it or its somehow wrong.

If you want a scientific reason for rape fetish it could be argued it is evolutionary, left over from early humanity.
I never said it was necessarily "wrong" (though if you really go into it and how it affects their psyche internally, it could be argued to be negative), I just said I didn't get it. And I don't. It really doesn't make sense, and what's being fetishised as rape usually isn't actually rape.
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Worse yet is that while a SJW effort will be made to suppress transhumanism culturally in the mainstream; "you're increasing inequality!" "cybernetics should only be for the disabled!" "robots are unethical! we should be utitlizing human resources first and paying them better!" and so on; the rich will simply keep striving for the best and will probably fund public efforts to keep transhumanism taboo, possibly illegal.

Francis Fukayama said something obscenely retarded among the lines of "we need heavy government oversight on transhumanism and genetic engineering"; by whom and for whom Francis? We've barely been able to regulate high frequency computer trading where companies with the most MIT grads and server power get an advantage? And now you want to regulate the next step of biology? Do you think that anyone unable to escape whatever powers you plan to enforce such regulation will be anything more than farmed thralls for the elite that can? China is genetically experimenting on embryos /from what we know only publicly/, how the hell does the US or any other country plan on competing with a population of superbabies or augmented humans?
I don't see how a fetish could be extremely detrimental without other mental conditions present.

It is far from the most understandable fetish, while I don't have it myself I would guess basic instinct combined with a sense of control.
Yes, rape fetishes are insanity. The key word here is "rape". You can't rape the willing after all.
>with a sense of control.
I imagine restraining and forcing your penis into something that's possibly kicking and screaming, contracting their pelvic muscles, or otherwise trying to physically counteract your actions, is as much "being in control" as trying to contain a leak in a high pressure system with your bare hands. Or like a blender on full speed that's going everywhere or something. I mean yes, the thing might ultimately do what you want, but how "in control" are you really? How is that any meaningful sense of control?

I don't get it. Physical violence isn't about who has control, it's a fight over who ends up getting their way. This stupid shit makes no sense, fuck all of you degenerates, and I'm leaving. "Muh rape fetish, hurr durr, power and control dynamic ddduurrr".
>tbis is fucking bullshit I can't virtually rape my 8 year old Loli waifu now
>thinking a company would ever find the making of that game
>What you do to an effigy is how you
>interact with people

no, you're an idiot
>Implying there's any difference between a person and an effigy
The rich doesn't give a fuck about SJW.
Only PRs do.

You know that there is tons of manga, games and other arts about raping 8 year olds, don't you?

>Sex robots are pathetic for many reasons and I see not a single reason why we should encourage people to consider them at all.

lol I fucking love liberals

>rape is the worst thing ever and we must stop men from raping unwilling women
>b-but we shouldn't attempt to make unfeeling lumps of metal to fuck instead because the thought of men getting off to them is icky



The greatest moron to ever exist.
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