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>your school >what you think of it >your major/degree

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>your school
>what you think of it

>your major/degree
>what you think of it
>University of Arkansas
Entire perimeter of campus is covered in churches. Kinda retarded budget. Currently spending a shitload of money to expand a stadium when they can't even fill the seats they have now.

>Civil Engineering
Pretty chill. Most classmates get shit done and immediately head to the bars a few feet down the road. Everyone seems to shit themselves at the thought of anything Chemistry/fluid though
>University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Small but fun. It's not Madison.

>Electrical Engineering
Too many Asians, not enough poon.
>University of Tennessee
Fun place in a fun city, but please god stop all the damn construction.

>Mechanical Engineering
My major is the catch-all for every idiot who doesn't know which engineering to take.
>Harvard University
>Bachelors in Physics

>PHD in Physics
Beneat me.
>Liberty University
I consider it my punishment for being a poor highschool student and being too afraid to reject my parent's financial help. Although there are some things I like about it. At least it's accredited.

>Computer science
I can't make up my mind, although if I knew what I know now I would have done computer engineering.
>LMU Munich
like the uni, not particularly fond of the city

>Computer Science
took me a while to get here, but i'm happy with it now. started with physics, worked a lot on the side, decided i liked software a lot, haven't looked back.

pure edge
it's alright i suppose. i haven't taken classes at any other UNI, so idk how to compare it.
The grad students in the split level and grad level classes i'm taking are dumb as hell

the physics undergrads are way cooler than the math ugs; but the math professors are better than the phys profs.
the course material itself for both is interesting and challenging.
>Monash University - Melbourne
Goes alright
>Mechanical Engineering
>uni in canada
>its good I like it

>software eng
>its alright. Although I'd rather study math or physics, but at this point I'd rather just focus on getting good job and I can study math on my own if I want to
meh, not very organized, but depends on course and the professor.
I like it.
Pretty nice school I guess
>Mechanical Engineering
We're being overran by Arabs and Indians. White people only go into political science and communications due to the SJW movement.

Da schools good, eh?
Ive never lived anywhere that gets ton of snow, ya know? Must be a beauty!
Ive heard da canadians are real polite, but i seen a couple of boys get in a kerfufle over a 2-4 and a mickey. It was just a klick down the road from my hotel next to the tim hortons out there in vancouver.
>NC State
Huge school with lots of stuff to do and a really nice campus, especially the Engineering campus. [spoiler]Completely overrun by smelly Indians though. Seriously, being at this school has actually made me racist towards those curry-eating, unhygienic fucks.[/spoiler]

>Computer Science
No idea why it's in the Engineering program, but fits me cause I like software and can net me a job pretty easily
I envy you
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>>your school
Singularity University
>>what you think of it
They have a singular mindset.

>>your major/degree
Quantum Consciousness
>>what you think of it
We can move our brains into robots soon so pretty cool.
>not particularly fond of the city
how come?
>Durham University
Hate not having gone to Cambridge

Absolutely detest how physics is taught in the physics department, seems more like stamp collecting than problem solving; meanwhile, I love how it's taught in the maths department.
Don't be so salty, Durham is fun now that exams are over. Unless you found the work here way too easy, I doubt your life would be much different had you attended Cambridge
What does Michio Kaku have to do with a sexual fetish?
You're not making any sense.
Buckland's schol for he brian harded
It is a smelly and poo.
I mayor an coulor in with craon
It fun! Butt (hahaha butt) I can nt druw in specisal jaket ;^^(
> University of Naples Federico II
Functionally a third world school, we don't even have heat or air conditioning. It's not a campus, so it's not impossible to have the same day two courses in the opposite side of city. But teachers are generally great.

> Robotic Engineering
The course is well structured (pre-structured)... I'm a little disappointed to study tons of math and physics and to have maybe four courses of mechanic and programming in three years (on a total of 25, I think)
>your school
Rhodes University (South Africa)

>what you think of it
It's a mix of post apartheid "revolutionaries" and people actually trying to improve things. Complete tumblr hugbox

>your major/degree
Bachelor of social sciences
Majoring in Geopolitics
No bully pls

>what you think of it
It's fun and interesting just a lot of writing, I wish I could do science but I my brain just isn't geared that way.
>average /sci/ poster

>Ohio State
It's alright. It's huge. There's quite a few homeless people in the area around campus. They really try to get everyone involved in everything.

>Mathematics - Applied Chemistry track
I think I should have done the finance track.
>University of Heidelberg
It's prestigious I guess, lots of modern stuff, it's okay although I would've preferred an average uni in an English-speaking country

Again, pretty modern and well-structured. Too many exams but I suppose it's inevitable
>your school
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
>what you think of it
Bretty good
>your major/degree
>what you think of it
So far, really easy
>Bachelor of social sciences
>Majoring in Geopolitics

The amount of respect I have for people like you is extremely little.
>my brain just isn't geared that way
It's wired you dipshit

> University at Buffalo
Big but cozy. Shitty buildings unless you're in math, CS, EE, CSE, or MD. Lots of Asians, Indians, and NYC fags.

> Math and Chemistry

Probably going to drop the chemistry part, I don't know yet. I want to go to med school instead of graduate school.
you must be a fucking delight to hang out with.
> UC berkeley
Everyone is either dumb or extremely leftist shills.
> Software engineering
Not to bad.
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University of Essex
- The uni is so fucking left wing it's going back to the right. They've just introduced a pay increase just for female academic staff to counter the'wage gap'. The uni pays its employees, and it's illegal to pay someone more or less based on gender, but somehow there is a gender wage gap. The staff at my uni are fucking stupid. I also hate everyone on my course because they don't do the work and then complain that it's difficult.

-I do all the reading so it's not that hard. I enjoy the abstract shit we have to do, like Spinoza or levinas. The students are fucking stupid. Graduate teaching assistants aren't much better though. Most don't like talking with me because I have views they don't agree with. It's fun.
There's no software engineering major at Berkeley.
Fuck right off.
University of Twente

Nanotechnology. Only institute in Europe to give this study next to Zurich
>lies about his major and college literally just to shit on made up liberals

how sad
That's a pretty great video, thanks. Can't believe I used to unironically read Maddox when I was in middle school, my god what a tool.

What is the difference between software engineering and CS?

Chem Fag here.
Not much, but no one calls CS at Berkeley "software engineering".
Fucking terrible, no funding for literally any department but engineering. Everything is based around funneling graduates into dying Coal/Natural Gas industries to try to keep this god forsaken place from collapsing for a few more decades

>Mechanical Engineering
Currently despise it, should probably switch to math or physics before I succumb to my depression and kill myself from lack of satisfaction with my career prospects and life in general

who /chronicallylostanddepressed/ here

>electrical engineering

pick one m8
>Goethe University
Quite nice, sometimes a bit unorganised
Party school!

How many panther girls you fucked yet? I got my dick wet a couple times.

At one party i got so wasted, i went to the panther hall dorm and pissed on someones door. One of the girls ratted me out like 45min later and one of the guys living there tried to fight me lol.
>Hunter College of the CUNY

Pretty dank considering it's hella cheap. Plenty of grills. Wish the grills in my major weren't so ugly, though.


Pretty sick. Feels great being able to contribute to humanity while getting the same mental masturbatory pleasure that I would have gotten with a Math major. Also sometimes makes me feel like a wizard. Really hope I'm not the only one who thought that before.
you sound insufferable
>Carnegie Mellon
definitely a great place for my major and I made a lot of friends, and we just got a new gym, so I think its a great place.

I think this major is often just becoming a code monkey, but as a freshman we had a theoretical CS class and I loved it, and I definitely think that the theoretical side is really cool, especially at my uni
>University of Toronto
It is The Cuck Shed

>Philosophy of Science
Not bad, Hacking is here
when the containment board fails this happens :(
>your school
Univerity of South Carolina, Upstate
>what you think of it
Good community, decent facilities, fucking 0 administration; professors vary wildly in quality

>your old major/degree
Graphic Design
>what you think of it
Not for me. Sold as the 'practical artistic occupation,' and it indeed may be, but it's not worth my time since I don't enjoy it enough to validate the unstable employment situation coupled with it in most cases. The facilities at Upstate are blatantly some of the worst on campus; even the theatrical arts department (music & theater) gets better treatment. Additionally it's a prime example of what I said about the professors. Half of them are involved, pro-active, helpful, and self-sacrificing, and the other half are self-absorbed and short-sighted.

> your new University
Limestone College
> your new major
Computer Systems and Networking
> what you think of it
Haven't stated yet, but the fact that I went in to check up on my registration and financial aid and half of it was already done for me, exactly as requested, already puts it leagues over Upstate. I'm taking this degree after watching a friend who got from this college fall ass-first into a 40k annual job; 9-5, 5 days a week, weekends off, lots of holidays. If I'm even half as lucky I'll be more than content.
Good on you.

I know a dumbass who was lucky enough to even graduate graduate with a Comp. Sci. degree, 150k in debt, with a 2.1 GPA that turned down a 65k a year job in IT at a very stable company, that would help him pay down the debt, because he wants to move to silicon valley and "do a start up." Literally has no idea of a start up idea.

Some people I swear.
All my friends who studied finance at Fisher are doing pretty well now.

Yes, trapped in Chemistry. Please help, I hate everyone in the department expect the one P.Chem professor.

Changed to Math and never looked back.
My friend has dropped out of Oxford math to do startup despite him loving math more than anything and being good at it. Year later he hasn't achieved shit. I don't understand what makes people go chase startups recklessly. Is it the illusion of being the next Zuckerberg?
>Georgia Tech
Fine school, but Atlanta kind of blows. Non-engineering schools tend to feel like a second thought at times.

I enjoyed it. Lots of great faculty in algebra who were incredibly helpful to me. I learned a lot of math very well. It's a small program, which was a plus to me. The math building is a piece of shit, however.
No such major as software engineering. Don't lie about Berkeley, faggot. Most of us hate SJWs here.
ayyy. I'm transferring into this program this fall as a junior undergrad

I literally only know of one start up that is successful, ChemE PhD graduate who got 22 publications in 3 years during his PhD. He's been working on this idea for a long ass time.

But ya, most start ups are just a meme.
>University of Copenhagen
Highly ranked public uni.. I like it.

Well acknowledged protein chemists here. Like that part
Already told him, oskibro
>>your school
St Cloud State University
>>what you think of it
It's pretty fun.
>>your major/degree
>>what you think of it
Love it, but I hate that everyone assumes I want to be a pharmacist.
i thought cuny was yuck
What about Delft, or Regensburg, or Dresden?
>>your school
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
>>what you think of it
Pretty good university by German standards. Informative lectures, nice professors, a lot of freedom for students to choose classes. I also highly appeciate the town. Not too big and not too small, generally I can feel safe here.

>>your major/degree
math MSc
>>what you think of it
I really like math. If I didn't, obviously I wouldn't study it. However I'm worried about the possible jobs I can get afterwards.
You could probably say the same with Cambridge students, but I feel like most here don't really care about maths, but more about just getting a degree, or at least the ones I've spoken to, and I have a feeling it is better at Cambridge. Also, the name of Durham is barely as prestigious.

Looking at academia or industry?

I don't know how it is in Germany, but here in the states, or at least in my area, statistics is pretty hot.

My friend does it and helps doctors design clinical trials and does the data analysis for them.
Thank god I didn't choose it then
I haven't decided yet. Laws in academia are weird in Germany. From what I heard, you're not allowed to stay at the same university where you finished your PhD. Employment contracts are also limited in time, so you have to switch to a different university every few years unless you become a professor. And if you don't become a professor within 6 years after your PhD, you are not allowed to work at any university in Germany at all anymore.

Industry on the other hand has the disadvantage that most likely your job won't contain any higher math. Certainly I agree with you on statistics being the most employable branch of math, but even in statistics most jobs in the industry merely ask you to apply the same models they've used for decades already. Positions in actual mathematical modelling seem to be extremely rare. Best I could hope for in industry would probably be something CS related (my minor subject).
Jesus fucking Christ get over yourself

if you think universities are places people go to "learn" as opposed to places people go to get employment certificates then you aren't as smart as you think
>as opposed to places people go to get employment certificates
That's not what they are, though, and the world would be a slightly better place if people would stop treating them this way.
>University of Oxford
Alright, I guess. Nice city, but a bit expensive.

Hard but fun, I eventually came to like all three branches although the departmental teaching for inorganic is a bit of a mess. Had good tutors who were able to keep it challenging for me while accommodating my weaker collegemates.
Studying CS in TU munich, why don't you like the city? Living here all my live so don't be to harsh
Yes, you are right. I'm majoring in CS and my minor is in business. I do go to Berkeley though and I made a stupid post.


Get your head out of your ass
>caring about knowledge makes you a socially isolated intellectual
Yeah, nah, you're just a loser, sorry, for those who aren't hopeless poorfags the idea that learning for the sake of expanding your mind has value is pretty fucking obvious.
>Binghamton University
It's ok. Not a good place for people with seasonal affective. Far too liberal for my tastes, but it's healthy to have opposing views around.

It's dank af desu. Only bad math professors ive had were from the Calc series, and that's most likely due to the spillover between other majors affecting the way the classes are taught.
Universities are literally places to learn. If you're going there to get an employment certificate, you are the base reason for skyrocketing costs of higher education.
>UC San Diego
Lots of lonely/depressed people but a great place for learning/research.

>Cognitive Science
Looks like I'm going to learn about a wide variety of cool stuff
I nearly decided to go to Binghamton
Where'd you go instead, if you don't mind me asking?
That man is based as fuck.
[spoiler]Weil ihr scheiss Bayern seid[/spoiler]
Graduated from NCSU. Glad to see another member of the Wolfpack here. I hear they made changes to CSC 333? What's the story around that class? When I took it it was a highly theoretical proof based course. Heard they went through phases of dumbing it down and other phases of turning it into a compilers course.
>TU Vienna
Pretty chill, don't particularly like the people there tho.

>Computer Science
Fits me just right, although I'm thinking of getting into physics.
Are the people there pretty smart?

I'm doing physics at Cambridge and now realizing that I'm really too dumb to do well here after working my ass off last year doing literally nothing but studying and getting a 2.1. I assume that any possible advantage that being at Cambridge might give me is dissolved by my mediocre grades.

I'm kind of in too deep to walk away now and I just want to hang myself. The workload is huge, the competition is tough, the exam stress is insane and I've never felt so insufficient in my life.

I wish I hadn't applied here, or that the application process would have weeded me out like the pleb I am because it would have been kinder in the long run.
You shuld kill yourself if you are ok with that
You probably should change your study methods
>I wish I hadn't applied here, or that the application process would have weeded me out like the pleb I am because it would have been kinder in the long run.
come to manchester senpai, cambridge is a meme school
i'm here and i'm smart.

but seriously though:
i only really have experience in the physics department. every undergrad who survives 3 semesters in the physics department is - in my opinion - spectacularly intelligent. all the people who graduated last semester and the semester before were among the smartest individuals i've met. there are two freshman here right now who are exceptional.

well, i have minimal experience with other departments and i can sum it up this way:
I feel like a retard in all of my physics classes, but i feel like the smartest person in the world whenever i take other classes
Come to America. No one here understands your weird bongland grading schemes but everyone will respect a degree from Cambridge.
>University of Iowa
Really fun. Drunk all the time.
>Electrical Engineering
Incredibly versatile, high salaries, not very challenging.
yeah for real Cambridge is held in high regard
>lousiana tech
meh, boring. there's a tall qt with incredible legs that dresses well that I see sometimes. Not many attractive girls. Not that that would matter anyway.

considering switching to physics, but engineering is the least mediocre thing at the school. some decent faculty (especially in linear algebra and graph theory), but overall the school has a huge shortage of faculty. funding is bad, school almost shut down this year from the state of louisiana cutting off TOPS (a state grant program)

I want to go somewhere in Michigan (home state). I got in to UofM, but I got fucked over by my dad on the CSS/Profile. I'm going to reapply, this time hoping for an exemption from the non-custodial part of the CSS.

in every measurable way WVU is way better than la tech. Makes me feel bad. I need to just admit it to myself, my school is a joke.

: ^ )
>Tufts University
Love it, can be a bit overly PC but is great overall

I have to work hard but I love it.

I grew up in Lynchburg sorry man I understand what you're going through.
>your school
>what you think of it
pretty baller with rich parents and scholarship. has unique core classes requirements and culture is alright here. wish i joined a frat and majored in business

>your major/degree
Mechanical Engineering
>what you think of it
wish i majored in chemical engineering, to bad my school didnt offer it. i honestly dont get most of the shit.
louisiana here, what made you choose LA tech? I never really researched the schools but I thought LSU would be the best for those subjects

incoming freshman detected
im a poorfag from michigan and went there for the full ride.
ahh, I gotcha
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>your school
you eye you see

Pretty disappointed because of its lack of recognition, but could be worse.

>your major/degree

It's pretty straightforward, but it seems to lean heavily towards industry rather than hardcore theory. Most students try hard to be codemonkey plebs rather than get into the hardware end of things, which is pretty stupid since UIUC is basically the only school with its own dedicated IC fab.
Nevermind, Stanford and Berkeley have their own as well.

I just got lied to by everyone around me.
Do your thing, bro.

I don't really know how, they've always worked until now and I don't think what I'm doing is that different to what other people are doing.

I'm also thoroughly unmotivated to put in any effort now that I see it won't actually get me the results to reflect that. Life at Cambridge is a stress-filled hell anyway, and another year of that with no prospect of doing well doesn't sound great.

I don't know what I should do at this point.
Man, these always scare me...

Google how to study.
I'm taking Autonoma next semester so I can't speak from experience, but my brother has taken it and he only described it as "fucking retarded" and "not real programming". I'm not entirely sure what he means by this but I'm sure I'm going to find out
>UC Irvine
It's aight

I enjoy it but everyone in the major seems autistic, I don't really like being around them
>but my brother has taken it and he only described it as "fucking retarded" and "not real programming".
He sounds like a mong.
This is why the vast majority of CS majors are retarded codemonkeys desu.

Sprinkle in even a tiny, tiny amount of theory and they'll start bitching about how its not muh PRogramgariNGnING !!! NoTyhinGE TO DO WITH PROGRAMMIGNIGN I juSTS WANANA MKAE GAEMS AND PROGRAMMINGG!!!
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>Hamburg University (Germany)

It sucks. Competent lectures and such but the campus and student life is just awful and grey. Pic related.

Welp, I guess a lot of stereotypes there. I thought it was a meme but o well. It's not unusual to hear while having a girlfriend and being a normie "People like you don't belong here". It's really cringeworthy sometimes.
>UC Santa Barbara
great for undergrad but I'm leaving next year when I get my B.S.

I love it, just hope I don't get JUSTed in the job field. Was debating on whether I should focus on bacteriology or virology but I think bacteria are going to be a bigger problem in the future
>It's not unusual to hear while having a girlfriend and being a normie "People like you don't belong here" It's really cringeworthy sometimes.
Then why are you on 4chan, normie?
>your school
Chalmers University of Technology
>what you think of it
It's alright, lots of feminists/environmentalists though. Will probably read my master somewhere else
>your major/degree
Mechanical Engineering
>what you think of it
It's alright.
>University of Kent
Really fucking nice campus, crawling with international students, fun place in general. However, Vice-Chancellor recently accepted a 14% payrise when most staff were struggling for 2%. And she spent it on business-class flights and 5 star hotels.

>Masters Physics with Astrophysics
Not gonna lie, there are a few real tards, but no doubt they'll be weeded out in 2nd year. Lecturers are all really nice and approachable people - they do a lot with societies and students. Really happy with the course.
>However, Vice-Chancellor recently accepted a 14% payrise when most staff were struggling for 2%. And she spent it on business-class flights and 5 star hotels.
You're cucks for not protesting
>your school
KU Leuven Campus GroupT
>what you think of it
Fine, if a bit disorganized
>your major/degree
Elektromechanical Engineering
>what you think of it
A 2:1 is good though.. I have no idea why you're stressing out about it.

You sound pretty depressed. Should transfer or take a year off.

From my googling, a 2:1 seems pretty good. I thought he meant 2.1 in USA grading system.
Wadham College, Oxford University
>what's it like?
The people are, by and large, brilliant. I hang out with English students and they seemingly always have intense discussions. I love it. The physics students are considerably less keen, which is a shame.
I think that this college is the laziest. People procrastinate most of the time, or at least that's what my friends do. But somehow they get by. I guess enough work gets done in the end.

A lot of it is very dull. But that's the first year. I do like the maths part. Probs gonna hate thermo next year..
I have one good tutor and one shit tutor. (surprisingly enough the good one does the maths half).
This is why I'm majoring in Math instead of CS. The disregard most CS majors have for theory is astounding, but I guess I'm weird since I got interested in logic before programming.
>>Carnegie Mellon
>definitely a great place for my major and I made a lot of friends, and we just got a new gym, so I think its a great place.
>I think this major is often just becoming a code monkey, but as a freshman we had a theoretical CS class and I loved it, and I definitely think that the theoretical side is really cool, especially at my uni

Muh nigga. I went to CMU for math. Now I work in the private sector and I realize that campus is filled with gods compared to normies. I made six-figures starting though
Trevligt att råkas

>University of Gothenburg
I like it, but it's spread out all over town and we don't have a real campus. My department is like a leech on Chalmers university in this way.

Not what I expected but I wouldn't wanna do anything else. Starting my masters next semester that's where it gets real
>your school
University of Kansas
>what you think of it
It's a damn fine school for the midwest, probably one of the best IMO. Good bar scene, it's respectable, but it's very leftist.

>your major/degree
Aerospace Engineering
>what you think of it
I went in for the space side of things, but it seems like the department wants to shoehorn everyone into UAV R&D because that's what the big paychecks for the university are now.

They complained they had to take linear so the school made a special course for them.

I just decided to do Math with focus in applied. Much better.
I'm going to Stony Brook as a freshman this fall
>Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Other than being the other recognised university in Singapore, it is also the other Chinatown.

>Maths(they call it Mathematical Science for some reason)
1st year is pretty easy. Last minute study can net at least a B-. Thinking of going into stats, but feel like quitting because the local job market is depressing and potential student debt
>University of Melbourne
I'm pretty happy here. Mostly good teaching staff and good resources for an Australian university. My department is a bit crowded now though.

>maths (pure)
Coursework is interesting though research is pretty hard. Possibly haven't found what interests me most yet. Hope I can find some work if I don't pursue/reach academia.
>Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto
bretty good

>Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering
breeeeeetty good
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Most of your Universties (US) hand out degrees like candies nevertheless.

EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) reporting in
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>Elon University
Great school for class size, most people who go there are childish and cliquey, seems like high school sometimes, won't be respected very easily if not in Fraternity/Sorority

>Biochemistry, Neuroscience Minor
Classes are a joke to be honest, Extremely easy, saturated with typical "Grey's Anatomy" pre-med students who love to talk about how pre-med they are.
Nice! most of my friends from the Air Force went there or the one in Zurich
that Rolex building is amazing and I still can't get over the price of going there
tfw wasn't educated in Switzerland and no IB certificate.
Hope you enjoy it senpai. I thought it was pretty nice when I visited.
Keep your chin up, bro. I graduated from Tech in the 80's with a math/cs double major. That degree was good enough to get me into my applied mathematics PhD program at UC Berkeley. I had a great career and retired early. Your undergrad degree is really not as important to your future success as you might think. Btw, I was in Ruston a couple of days ago and stopped by campus to see my brick in the alumni walkway for the first time. I'm proud of that brick.
wait, there is an Eleon University already? He hasn't even reached Mars yet.
You're not funny
Because of his interest in academics?
>Some tiny school in Canada.
The university is awful. My department is way too small, basically no choice on courses. Have to self study to gain depth of knowledge. Professors tell me I'm going to have to catch in grad school which will be difficult. My relationship with the faculty is great at least and they're all amazing people. Also everyone is super chill. I've made a shit load of friends where in high school I was considered a "loser".

Absolutely love the program. Just wish I could get more depth.
I'm from Canada and I felt that way in Mechanical Engineering at my school. I switched into Math and now my world is so much better. Just do it anon, engineering isn't worth it if that is how you feel.
1. for my taste, it's just too many people and too big. i come from a small city, i used to live in a place where you could see the stars at night. never though i'd miss that, but i do.
2. it's so goddamn expensive. apartment rent isn't particularly bad for what you're getting (in terms of culture, as in opera, theater, good schools, concerts of all kinds, the works) but i rarely take advantage of any of that, so i feel like i'm overpaying.
3. the style of everything here is just so... weird, i can't even put my finger on it. it seems like Munich is the city of the lowest common denominator in terms of living, everyday culture.
4. i have no connection whatsoever to the culture. i don't like beer, i don't like football, i don't like pubs, i don't particularly enjoy the vast majority of Bavarian food. there really isn't much here.
5. although everyone seems to disagree on this one, the English Garden - the southern part - sucks. it is muddy in fall and in spring, crammed with people on sleds in winter and plastered with groups of people drinking beer in a way that you can't even find a spot for your towel in summer. i don't know about most other people, but when i go out to enjoy nature i like to enjoy nature, not the loud drunken musings of a bunch of freshmen.
6. it's all about money, money, money. what job you have, how much it pays, how much you spent on this, on that, what car you can afford. i know this is bound to happen in a city with hundreds of thousands of excellent paying jobs, but i don't give a flying fuck about money; i make enough to live a nice life, do all the things i like and then some, that's all i'm interested in. yes, i could afford a new car if i wanted to. yes, i know that i can get a discount as a BMW employee. yes, i drive the Fiat Seicento by choice, crazy as that apparently seems to you.

hope that wasn't too harsh for you. i'm suffering a bit.
>but i don't give a flying fuck about money

Das kann nur von jemanden kommen, der nurnoch selber für sein Reichtum wirklich arbeiten musste.
Wirst du sicherlich anders sehen, wenn Mama+Papa wohl nicht mehr dir Unterhalt & Studium zahlen oder das BaföG nicht mehr greift und du zusehen musst, wie du auf eigene Beine überlebst.
nurnoch = noch nie*
Alter das Salz aus deinem post hat mir meine Suppe ruiniert
Halt an dich
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Wenn das so weiter geht, wirst Du wahrscheinlich in Zukunft dich an diesen Geschmack von salziger Suppe gewöhnen müssen, wenn Du noch etwas zu futtern haben willst
Ich hab auch mal Informatik an der Uni HH studiert. Das Lernklima ist furchtbar. Bin echt froh, dass ich an eine andere Uni gewechselt bin. Das Niveau in HH ist extrem niedrig und die meisten Studenten in der Informatik sind richtig anti-intellektuell. Die wollen einfach nur "irgendwas mit Computer" machen und haben kein Interesse an der Theorie. Und wegen denen werden die inhaltlichen Ansprüche jedes Jahr gesenkt. Hab einen Typen im 6. Semester gesehen, der nicht wusste, was ein Logarithmus ist.

Read texts on your own. That's what a majority of math is.
Colorado School of Mines

Best school in colorado in my opinion.
Small size, lots of great profs from over the world.

But I decided to go somewhere else for grad school as I want to study immunology.
that quote is bullshit right?
Quantum Skeletons is a very intense field of study.
Who /communitycollege/ here? Come on, I know half you fags on /sci/ attend one.
>University of Waterloo
big mistake, I should've gone to a cheaper school, and the campus life fucking blows.

>Pure Mathematics
pretty good, no real complaints about the faculty other than first year profs, and the material is good.
>UT Austin
Love it here.
>Biophysics and Biology double major
I'm doing this so I can truly understand the mechanics of biology.

cheap and easy til all mu prereqs are done...cant wait til one day i can complain bout my uni
I thought that leafs had free university. Or is that just a meme?


I went to University, realized I had no idea what I wanted to do, took a bunch of classes at a CC. Then came back to University.

In the long wrong I should have done the CC, thankfully SUNY schools are cheap, especially if you're a poor fag.

Some benefits I found were, especially if you want to do engineering:

>better non-autistic professors (in terms of pedagogy)

Most were retired industry people who knew their shit inside and out, or full-time teaching professors that actually enjoyed teaching. I can still remember a lot more what I learned at a CC than University. Also, more personal attention. I didn't really care that much for it, but there are people who need it, nothing wrong with extra help.


Since I was a poorfag I went to both CC and University for free, thankfully I lived 8 min away from both. Please don't dorm unless you have to. Undergraduate doesn't matter as much as you think, I went to a public school and ended up at a top 5 graduate school. Unless you can get into a top 25, its not worth it. I know people who went >150,000 in debt going to stupid private schools. Good luck paying that back.

> A lot of companies link up with CC's

Lots of companies sponsor CC's with programs that can make internships easier to get.

> Culture

I think the culture of CC was better than University. A lot of non-traditional / career changes / military people, made it seem like a more serious environment than seeing a bunch of frat bros.

> Advising

At my University I had like 7 academic advisors, almost all of them were useless. At CC I could stop in and see my advisor and they would sort of take care of all the bullshit that University made everyone do that was just a waste of time.

So ya, don't feel bad. Community colleges can be a really good experience.
>I thought that leafs had free university. Or is that just a meme?
who ever said that is retarded, it's just barely subsidized.
Hope it burns to the ground

Nice campus.
Professors are either new tryhards or old crazy relaxed men.

c'est bon. La ville est bonne
still bad at french

Weird campus for walking around.
Mechanical engineering department seems underfunded; I had a nice lab though.
Some neat research on stearable needles

> Mechanical
engineering for the indecisive.
Ahh, makes sense I figured as much. I have a leaf friend who won't shut up about how great and free everything in Canada-land is, but insists on living in the states. How they

>"could go to U of T for free cause in Canada all the universities are free, but I'd rather not."


I'm aware that 2.1 is an okay grade and that, to many people, complaining about getting an okay grade at a top university will seem like the height of foolishness or arrogance. They may be correct.

However, not only did I really want a first (duh) but all the signs indicated that I'd do a lot better. My supervisors all expected me to get a first, provided I do the work. And I did a huge amount of work. I did past papers, and I thought I did well in the actual exams until the results came out.

Yeah I'm bitching over something fairly stupid but it matters to me and further I feel like I literally cannot perform well enough to stand out in the exams. And I really can't motivate myself to bust my ass just to get an "okay" grade.


I don't really want to transfer but who knows. A year off is also a possibility but I think it would make things worse.

Have you considered doing research? I don't know how it works in the UK, but when I was an undergraduate I didn't do as well as I wanted (A's) and hated every minute of it until I did research. From then on I got straight A's and was at the top of my classes. Happened to my friend too. It's a weird idea, but I think it feels like you're more involved I guess. Plus you could get some publications, which only raised my self-esteem.
Chemistry PhD program

To all of you undergrads saying chemistry is the best thing ever:

Get out.

There's no room for you, there's no jobs for you, and you leaving while I stay is better for your future and gives me one less person to compete against for work.

Just do yourself a favor and change your major now if possible. I love chemistry too, but if I didn't think I needed a PhD to do serious R&D in this field, I wouldn't be going to grad school. Do engineering or something while it's still a wealth of job opportunities.
I'm gonna tell my story because I feel like it's something some high schooler browsing this thread might find important.

I got rescinded from FSU because I had shitty grades my last semester of high school and I ended up going to my local community college, Broward College. When I got rescinded I had no idea what I wanted to do but after talking it over with my dad this year I decided to follow civil engineering like him, which I probably wouldn't have had I gone to FSU. I had taken a lot of AP classes in high school so I only needed three classes for my AA, (speech, wellness, & chemistry) and the rest of my classes were prerequisites.

Let me tell you about my experience here: the advisors are shitty but helpful. They kind of fucked me over because they made me take a class I didn't need to. They also told me I didn't have to worry about an incomplete on my degree audit because I had 0 hours remaining, when in reality, only after lots of persistence, I got the incomplete removed and my AA degree (had to do with AP credits transferring).

BC's saving grace however, is the fact that the teachers here are amazing. Better than any high school teacher I've ever had. No bullshit, straightforward but moderately challenging tests, no gimmicks, nothing. I feel like I learned more in my three semesters here than I did in four years of high school.

I also saved thousands of dollars, while receiving thousands in scholarships and financial aid, so economically, going to a CC was a very wise decision. Basically, I got paid to go to school. My advice to anyone who is in high school right now is to go to a CC and transfer out. The teachers are better, the price is cheaper, and you'll likely end up going to your first choice school anyway. Why take classes at a university that is likely far from home when you can take the same classes for less and not have all the extra costs like housing?

I have, actually. I'm doing a little babby's first research project this summer. I'm just a bit jittery about research because of all the horror stories people tell. But to be honest the non-research industry positions mostly don't seem to be what I want to do.

I'm glad to hear that it worked out for you. Gives me a bit of hope.
I'm an American with a dual citizenship and since I'm a citizen it's pretty cheap to go there (around $5000 a year tuition) but not free

That's not bad. My University is public and pretty well ranked. Costs around 6 - 7k a year, which in my opinion isn't bad.
Kindly pack your bags and leave my country. Thank you.
>caring about University rankings
>jobs are decided almost purely by your University background

>living in Germany
>all Universities are free; nobody really cares about "prestige" and rank because there's no real ranking system in Germany
>You'll get almost anywhere good education
>you'll ALWAYS find a job, University degree is already proof enough to be somewhat smart here
>never endured the struggle to suck teacher dicks to get recommendations letter and some sort of SAT proof
I'm planning on moving to the US after graduation anyways since it's too expensive to live here anymore.
If all your unis are equal then they are all equally bad and you're just lying to yourself about how each one is amazing. There can only be one university that is the best. And thus, a ranking is born.
University is not free here. It is cheaper than in the USA, but not free.
Quebec has the cheapest tuition for Quebec residents (2000 or so) and here in Ontario, I pay about 7000 a year in tuition.
Fuck people like you. You didn't choose your country anymore then he did.
Fuck people like you. You can either be a complainer or you can be a doer.
If he didn't choose Germany, he didn't choose Munich, he should be happy he's studying in a first world country at a great university for fucking free instead of starving in the Sahara desert.
Fuck both of you you spoiled retard shits
>German not understanding the economic consequences of DUDE FREE SHIT LMAO government policy

This is why Europe is spiraling down the drain.
No. There are better research oppurtunities like the Max-Planck institue (which would be over Cmabridge if it would be considered in the world rankings, look it up) but the teaching and standard is nevertheless really high.
We don't have grade curves, no multiple choices, just a small amount of tries to pass an exam else you're banned for this subject countrywide, ...
The Universities are state/government controlled and not private. Thus, in order to get $$$ from the community Universities have to be accredited in with strict regulations.

Plus, your Bachelor @ US is considered here as our high-school diploma. You won't get A's handed here like candies like you do in the US.

t. someone who spent 1 semester at Stanford for Erasmus
Well, it's an investition. If it wouldn't work out, it wouldn't be like that. Any modern democratic country should have free education. Your country spends billions on war while we spend it on our people.
Come to south Florida. If you're from Canada you'll find lots of Canadians here, albeit French, but I think you'll like it. Nice weather, lots of job opportunities, no income tax, beautiful springs up north, and warm beaches 8 months a year.
>University of Washington
>Campus is OK, pretty good social scene, fucking hate how competitive school is though. GPA is basically taboo to talk about since almost every major is competitive

>Pure Maths/Economics
>maths is bad, too many classes taught by graduate students, only few higher level classes with actual profs. Advising department is a shithole. Too many CS and EE rejects and autismos. Good curicullum though. Econ is better with profs and people.
I'm not justifying his complaining. I don't like complainers either, but I don't like people who think they own the country they were born into either. Nationalism is the dumbest thing ever.
>Georgia Tech
It's ok. I stay in my room a lot but the people I have met are pretty insufferable and behave as if they go to MIT. I'm here for the summer currently.
>Nationalism is the dumbest thing ever.

S-sorry senpai.
But I love my country. Is that bad?
>quantum skeletons
I need this
Yeah it is. You shouldn't love a country you should love the principles it upholds. Love for the state is dangerous for obvious reasons
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>muh nationalism
>a bachelors from harvard = a high school diploma in germany

k fritz. keep believing that. your schools are shit and have a shit reputation internationally.

>I'm not justifying his complaining
Then shut the fuck up.
I was about to go to WVU for Chem. Engineering, but switched and am going to Marshall for Mech. Engineering. What is so bad about the major?
What you need to do is read all of Michio's works and with that knowledge and a handful of caesium you can make a quantum skeleton.

I feel that any school that has the "institute of technology" suffix attracts students like that.

I know people who go / went to RIT that behave like they are at MIT or Caltech.

>I can get any job I want anon, RIT engineering is on par with MIT!
>RIT is basically NY's MIT
>RIT is worth the 55k a year!
That sounds nice, but almost every perverse news story I've heard from the US comes out of florida. I was planning on moving to South Carolina, but I'll keep that in mind.

The Carolina's are real nice. A lot of my cousins moved down there. Nice weather, low taxes, good economy.
Anyone studying nuclear engineering?
Listen to this guy.

I went to a private school that didn't offer engineering right out of high school. My friend went to work at UPS.

He went to community college, took bullshit courses, saved thousands of dollars, transferred to uni after having tons of time to really think about what he wanted to do, and graduated top of his class in engineering. CC scrubbed from his gpa. He is starting at a huge company with a really good salary.

Don't fall for the memes. Do CC, think really hard about what you want to do, then transfer to uni. I'm $30k deeper in debt than he is and he's much better off than I am.
I went to a frat party at Binghamton when i visited in the fall. I did not enjoy it, but i loved the mountains around the area
was better

there are no new jokes under the sun
Heidelberg, KIT, Dortmund.

You know nothing senpai
what uni breh?
>implying Ivy (Harvard, Stanford, MIT, ...) are on the same terms than the other trash US colleges.

You have maybe 5 good ones with good research recognition but the rest is trash.
No wonder you guys have to write 100+ application letters after graduation for a mere 50-60k job
>>You have maybe 5 good ones with good research recognition
That's honestly a ridiculous statement.

Are you implying that there are only 5 decent schools in the US?

LOL okay.
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Ok. Give me some proper names and Universities which are on the same terms like MIT, Stanford & co.

>Disagreeing without examples and solid points
Stay 'Muriccan.
You claimed there are five schools in the US with decent research. You could open any journal in any field and see immediately that this is false.
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Yes, I do.
I'm not even American but those schools are the best in the fucking world, not just the US. Goddamnit.
Bei weitem nicht alle Unis in Deutschland haben den gleichen Ruf. Es gibt teilweise riesige Unterschiede zwischen den Bundesländern. Informier dich besser mal, bevor du dich bewirbst.
t. American
Tu9 und LMU und sowas? Exzellenzinitiative?
Zirkel-Masturbation ohne Aussagenkraft.

Habe selber Maschinenbau an der TU Dortmund studiert und trotzdem würde ich sagen, dass das nicht wirklich "vorteilhafter" war als z.B. die TU Harburg
>no multiple choices, just a small amount of tries to pass an exam
Both are not valid statements in general. Depending on your university and your field of study, it is very well possible to get multiple choice exams. After all the exams are made by the lecturers and the formal requirements are very weak. Also at some universities students get up to 10 tries to pass a single exam.
>we spend it on our people.
Perhaps you should watch the news once in a while. German government is wasting money on a lot of stupid shit. The German people however receive none of it.
Currently it doesn't uphold any principles at all anymore.
Diplom times are over baby.

'watching news'.
Sorry, I'm not doing that. But seems like we suffer a lot from lacking healthcare and infrastructure, don't we my fellow german?

Natürlich wird viel Geld für Murks ausgegeben. Trotzdem kann man sich über den Lebensstandard hier nicht beschweren. Natürlich bekommt der Deutsche nicht das Geld auf's Konto überwiesen. Das wäre ja auch behindert.

Dass du täglich dein Arsch in die Bahn bewegen kannst, ohne Probleme einkaufen kannst und Bildung für fast Lau bekommst sollte mehr als genug sein. Wir bekommen halt durch vieles indirekt in den Arsch geschoben du undankbares Stück Scheisse.
t. Mittelschicht-Anon, der nie hungern musste und sonst ausser paar Mal den Wahlzetteln sich nie politisch betätigt hat
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Pic related. It's you.
>But seems like we suffer a lot from lacking healthcare and infrastructure, don't we my fellow german?
Na ja, unsere Bundesregierung arbeitet ja fleißig daran, auch in diesen Gebieten uns auf das Niveau eines 3. Welt-Landes zu bringen.

> Trotzdem kann man sich über den Lebensstandard hier nicht beschweren
Genug Leute beschweren sich. Ihnen ist der Lebensstandard zu hoch hier und sie wünschen sich, lieber in Armut und Kriminalität zu versinken.

>ohne Probleme einkaufen kannst
In vielen Städten ist das schon nicht mehr gewährleistet. Es kann vielerorts passieren, dass du auf dem Weg zum Einkaufen von einer Gruppe "Jugendlicher" abgestochen wirst.
ching chang chong
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>your school
UKIM-Dental university
>what you think of it
I wish i never got into it.
Corruption and nepotism is something that was forced into my face every single day and got seriously depressed.

>your major/degree
>what you think of it
Absolutely not worth the effort Ive put into it.
The degree itself is not recognized in EU,and my pay is around 200 euros/month so do your math.
I still live with my parents because i cant afford to pay rent.
>erklärt die Mittelschicht zum Feindbild
Es ist einfach widerlich, wie ihr antideutschen Linksfaschisten mit euren eigenen Landsleuten umgeht. Die Mittelschicht ist die wichtigste Schicht für soziale Stabilität. Sie bietet Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten und generiert gesamtgesellschaftlichen Wohlstand. Es mag für geistlose Antifa-Randalierer und -Schläger wie dich undenkbar sein, aber es gibt tatsächlich noch Menschen in Deutschland, die sich Frieden, Sicherheit und akzeptable Lebensstandards wünschen anstelle von Armut und Gewalt.
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Bisschen arrogant die Gesellschaft so schwarz/weiß zu teilen und Meinungen und Intentionen zu unterstellen, meinst Du nicht?

Als ob Frieden und Sicherheit und ein komfortabler Lebensstandard nur den Leuten aus der Mittelschicht wichtig wäre. Vielleicht solltest Du mal deine Brille absetzen.
>But seems like we suffer a lot from lacking healthcare and infrastructure
No offence mate but I recently took a trip to Germany and I have never seen so many beggars in my entire life.
There was one at almost every street corner. To me that doesn't seem like a country that can take care of its citizens
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They are illegal here. Most likely Gypsies and romanians. You wille ncounter them in Berlin, Hamburg, München or Frankfurt mostly.

Yeah, we don't like them as well. But somehow they are like cockroaches. You just can't get rid of them. They don't have any value and impact on society except being fucking annoying and being criminal.

Every country has its negative aspects; it shouldn't overshadow the good ones though.
>You just can't get rid of them.
You did it once with the jews.
There is literally nothing stopping you from doing it again.
>And if you don't become a professor within 6 years after your PhD, you are not allowed to work at any university in Germany at all anymore.
Holy shit I'm from Austria and I didn't know this. That sounds terrible and pretty fascist, too. Do people even bother to try to stay in academia then?
Nur Idioten lassen sich auf eine akademische Karriere ein. Wenn Du nicht zu den 0.01% gehörst, solltest Du dein Glück in der Wirtschaft suchen. Du glaubst garnicht, wieviele Physike mit mitte/ende 30 auf die Straße gesetzt werden von der Uni, da der "Vertrag" abgelaufen ist. Dann stehen sie quasi ohne Industrie-Erfahrung dar und eine Anstellung in der Wirtschaft kannst Du dann meist auch knicken.
Hmmm... There is actually a compelling logic behind a policy like this. It would clear out all of the deadwood in academia. I suspect this is the point. I like it.
Fairly sure you can do pretty much whatever the fuck you want with a 2:1 from Oxbridge in a hard subject.
You're not alone
>studying CS
>got offered atleast 10 positions for IT
>not just code monkey work
>already working for 21 euro/hr (~24) as a working student part time
>already foot-in-the door with a good network in tech-industy
>not worrying about emplyoment afterwards

Say what you want but studying CS is just great.
People entering Universities without a plan and job goal just deserve to starve after graduation with unemployment.
Are you me? CC is far superior to university for exactly what you said.

I think the culture was the main difference. People took shit seriously in the right ways and not seriously in the right ways. I think that's the best explanation. At my CC you never heard of people bragging about staying up all night because hell, most of them had to work and couldn't do that shit. However people always took the work seriously and showed up to class, office hours, payed attention, etc.

People wanted to learn and had concrete, inspiring goals. One person in my physics class already did a degree in finance and worked for a bank for awhile. He hated the culture and wanted to go back to school to do engineering. We discussed finance a lot and he was quite interesting.

I know people that were in the military and got to go back to school for free. I really liked them mostly. They were not phased by anything. They just showed up and learned and went home. Some had interesting stories.

Compared to my university, everyone had real reasons for being there, and wanted to learn. At my university most people went there right out of high school because that's what good students do. The people that were serious were mostly "look how nerdy I am" types.

When in CC whenever I talked about experiences I had outside of education, others were interested and contributed. When at university they were mostly apathetic.

People just seemed so much more focused and driven. Granted at university there were way more resources, but the culture was a huge downgrade IMO.
Is it true that unless you're part of the intellectual top 0.1% you won't ever surprise a professor academically since they've already seen the creamiest cream of the crop in the world?
Post acceptance/commencement of GTFO
AYYY, what year senpai
Can't really answer your question since I'm part of the intellectual top 0.000001%
Why would you want to surprise a professor? If you want to surprise them, wait outside their office and yell "BOO" when they come out. That'll surprise them.

You absolutely can impress a professor though, just by being a good student. You won't get "wow you're a genius" because professors are surrounded by geniuses and honestly, learning freshman calculus is not going to make you look like a genius.

Being a genius is overrated anyway. It's just time and work. The more time you spend studying and working, the more of a "genius" you are.
>surprise a professor
Fucking boot lickers.
I swear to god you will be the point of the spear that will bring this world down.
Dunno. W ehave this mathematic professor which always graduated with honors and in the upper 2%.
Works besides teaching in consulting for companies (finance specially), wrote few publications, ...
But even today he tells the story about a 2-3 individuals he taught which had an eidetic memory.
Seemed like he's still pretty jealous of this.

But hell I would be as well. You busted your ass for decades to hold the knowledge you own and there are some lucky fucks with this ability which are absorbing everything like a sponge.

He said he was pretty fascinated, jealous for that ability. It's nice to know that even top-notch professors are deep down soemwhat envious.
I'm starting my PhD in math this fall out Purdue. Can anyone redpill me on the school? The visit weekend was 10/10 and I had a good time. I am worried about the location. Indiana is a shithole lol.
>about to start his PhD
>using 'lol'

Is this a joke?
Are you retarded?
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I'm not. I guess.

Are you?
Oh god, you went where MIT kids party.
>How gay is it
Not that I know of, no. I might be though.
>you aren't smart if you don't show your pretentious perfection everywhere, including ethiopian scraperboard appreciation boards
yo dude iunno aboutchu but i am an capable of switching between sarcastic self-deprecating and correct formal writing in an instant because i'm a sentient intelligent human bean.
RIP in peace. Whats your major?

I'm a Senior year at Stony brook, Mathematics major.
>Listen to this guy.

Don't tell me what to do.
I'm going in undeclared, but I'm probably going to do bio or physics with a minor in english
CC is far superior to university. Like 100x. It's cheaper, the teachers are better, you can dick around more. The culture is better. CC is just better.
As a PhD student you are obliged to act like a mature person on 4chan
You are ALWAYS obliged to act like a mature person on 4chan. No fun allowed.
kek going back to school this fall, starting at Clackamas Community College to get a transfer degree to go to Oregon State.
There is a lot of politics in academia unfortunately. I know of two professors who didn't get tenure at lower ranked schools, but got hired as associate professors at higher ranked universities. In one case, largely higher.

Indeed. The people are more interesting, and generally interested in learning about you. It's not small talk.
As a human bean, you are obliged to do whatever the fuck you want on le internets, because not every moment of your life is a test of your superiority, you fucking brainlet.

Perhaps a PhD student doesn't feel he has something to prove on 4chen, unlike you.
They could have went to Rennsalaer and paid 35k AND got a better education
Assume we are both of equal IQ. If you are only sometimes posting intelligently while I am always posting intelligently, then the spacetime volume of my intelligence is higher than the spacetime volume of yours. QED
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>Perhaps a PhD student doesn't feel he has something to prove on 4chen, unlike you.

My high school pushed the fuck out of RIT. We had like a ton people in my class go. I went on a tour once just to get out of class, it was so dreary and cringe.

The local SUNY which is ranked higher is only 15 minutes away, and costs 7,000 a year. The guidance counselors would try to scare us like "don't go there, lots of Asians and bad professors!"
>Neuroscience PhD student at ivy league school
>I spend more time in a given week shitposting on a Swedish rock-collection forum than I do working
How much do you know about the philosophy of mind? Can you explain consciousness?
This does seem to be the implication.
Why are guidance counselors allowed to be so retarded?

My school never had one, but now I really think that's a plus. I mean who the fuck thinks its a good idea to shill college to some retarded kid who has sub 1.0 GPA?
You sure as hell can impress a professor, to the point where they actively want to work with you.
incoming senior, but okay
>A Scottish university

Shit. Filled with normie scum


Neither practical or theoretical enough. A huge waste of time. Corporate cuckoldry training at best. I flushed all my intellectual potential down the drain by not having done a maths or physics degree.
>he tells the story about a 2-3 individuals he taught which had an eidetic memory.
Who wouldn't be somewhat jealous of that though?
Here, friendo
True dat.

Professors are more impressed with work ethic rather than pure, raw intelligence, at least in my field. You can be a genius but be total shit in lab, or not show up, not be able to design project, etc. What good are you then?
There is nothing outside of what you can actually do. There is no genius aside from the products of genius. Innate "intelligence" without results is a meme.
The guidance counselor at my high school never even talked to me. I think I talked to her once and she smirked at me. I'm doing my PhD in math while the other people went to an expensive 4 year to study some shit like psychology and are now disappointed.

I feel like all the woes of millennials isn't bad economy, or being self entitled or anything like that (well partially) but rather an entire industry of guidance counselors, "honor societies", SATs, ACTs, seriously misguiding any high schooler that is not retarded.

"Leadership", "change the world", and all these buzzwords are not at all what anything is like. Honestly the average person just wants a job that doesn't suck, and wants to go home and watch TV or play video games or something. No one I know from high school wants to change the world or be a "leader" or anything and it completely sets people up for failure.

I watch my dad and one thing about him that is a striking difference between him and the way these honor societies and guidance councilors approach things is that he wants to do things while they want you to be something. If the amplifier for his home theater craps out he tears it apart, looks for the problem and fixes it. Where a guidance counselor would have you join an honor society of electrical engineers, try to get you to take physics class, and make sure you take honors English or whatever. They want you do BE some vague notion where he would just fix it.

Now studying and diligent work is necessary, but not because it will turn you into something, but because it will be useful for something.
Right, you can impress them by showing them tangible results and a good curiosity. I don't mean to suggest you have to be a genius by any means.
Like if you look at all of high school, most of it is getting you to be something. They want you to practice sports, music, do homework, etc. This is not bad really. You do need to work hard. But it just seems like they want you to turn into something. They want you to be an exceptional person. But it's all so vague.
Which is why we need shop classes back. We need people to learn to fix things, do stuff. It's so important. I've learned a bit about cars and it's saved me so much money it's ridiculous. Learning how to fix my computer saved me money too. Learning how to fix stuff and actually do things is so important and useful.
U Can't Fail

>Aerospace Engineering
Awesome, get to work on satellites and do orbital mechanics calculations and intern at NASA/Lockheed-Martin.
My local high school was gonna cut funding for its shop classes. Thankfully, there were enough protesters and advocates to keep the shops up. So many life skills can be learned in a high school shop class. I'm kinda disappointed I didn't take enough of them
Woo pig sooie.
Force everyone into the niche of "being smart and using ur braine"! We don't need skilled laborers where we're going!
My high school had I think one shop class but I never heard anything about it. It was really underfunded. Thank god we had honors English though!

I took some auto shop at my CC and it was super helpful, the skills transfer over to a lot of things.
Knowing what you know now, would you still go to UW?
Anyone in Stony Brook?
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>Florida State University
It's whatever. Tbqh, I only give a shit about the STEM departments, which are pretty nice. Everything else in the school is pretty much not my problem (outside of classes), although the Strozier and Dirac libraries are full of good philosophy and science/math books, respectively.

>Mathematics (Pure)
Pretty nice. I just wish there were more people (namely, poon) in my classes. I've only seen about 5 girls in all my math classes. I wish there were more people in the math classes in general as well. It gets kinda boring when you see the same people in every class, so I started hanging with the CS kids. However, I will admit that the professors are pretty amazing and the material is challenging yet entertaining.
Oh yeah., I just wanted to clarify in case some HS kids were reading.
>"Leadership", "change the world", and all these buzzwords

I never really understood this kind of mentality behind undergrad admissions. You're essentially penalizing people who aren't completely delusional from drinking guidance counselor Kool-Aid.

If you're extremely smart but meek about your achievements in your essays, and you go up against someone dumb but convinced he's God's gift to the world because he lives a sheltered helicopter parent lifestyle where everything is literally handed to him on a silver platter yet brags about it, they'll pick the latter.

No wonder kids these days in general are completely fucking delusional about their own position in the universe. Privileged kids who go to Stanford and Yale are guilty of this, but I go to a state school filled with inbred hicks from all the bumblefuck parts of Illinois and shockingly they STILL have this mentality just from getting a 3.5 in Journalism or something equally if not more stupid.

>ehrmageraD im a college student im so smart xD XDd
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>Your school
Dartmouth College

Pre-wealth with a minor in fr@ life

I have little to no idea why I come to this board.
Actually the opposite, we go to MIT all the time to party.
I would say about as gay as any liberal school. It's a great place, ive also made great connections with professors at Harvard and MIT because of an astronomy colloquium that we run.
>I never really understood this kind of mentality behind undergrad admissions. You're essentially penalizing people who aren't completely delusional from drinking guidance counselor Kool-Aid.

That's exactly my point. It's absolutely delusional. And no one hiring gives a shit what honor society you belong to, or how great you are.

I think the failure for people my age (I'm 24) to launch, so to speak, is just woeful underpreparedness to face the world.

There are jobs out there. Decent ones, too. But they often require skills that just aren't there. Nothing specific, either. Working on a car has helped me in math, computers, etc. Diagnosing and fixing a problem is important. It has nothing to do with teaching x and not y. It's just the kool-aid, as you said.
I'm going in as a freshman in the fall
Same here. Are you satisfied with your choice? What are you studying?
i was originally going in for bio, but i changed it to undeclared. I'm pretty happy with my choice especially because of the price. wbu?
I forget those little fuckers are going around quietly taking life advice from 4chan.

tfw undergrad chem

looks like its pharm/med school for me

You'll hate it if you're only doing it for a job, especially in Medicine.
Torn between studying engineering (most likely nuclear, maybe electrical) or Physics. I was aiming higher actually but I got a full ride so I decided to stick with Stony Brook.
if its not too late transfer into an engineering program that involves chem, like chemE (but this is going to have close to the same job prospects).

I'm serious though. There is a wealth of PhDs in this field graduating with no job. Everyone I have known personally who graduated with just a BSc in Chem has done lab tech slave job until they realized its time for grad school.

you gotta decide if its worth it. people currently dont value chemistry like they used to. i say currently because its the last sliver of hope I have for this field. maybe there will be a boom? id rather fool myself than think about the possibility of me never achieving anything in my life.
just the tuition is covered for me and not much towards room and board. Are you in-state?
>Stony Brook

Ever think of doing something like Engineering Physics? I have that at my school and its basically a physics degree with engineering electives.

good to hear. my depression clouds my perception of a lot of things

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>Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica (ITA)
You thought it was hard to enter? Guess how it's inside. Classes are top tier, but I have to live with shitty classmates in a place that looks like a fucking bunker.

>Computer Enginnering.
I like it. What can I say?

nah i'm a premed, lots of volunteer experience and my parents are pharmacists so I know what i'm getting into

just worried I might not get accepted so pharm seems like a reasonable backup

yeah i was thinking about chemE but i'm not sure I could handle the course load and keep a high GPA
>University of Toronto
Just kill me

>pure math specialist
Great profs
Have you tried research? You might enjoy it. You can make good money as a CS/CSE researcher, but just know that you will never make up for the ~5 years in wages you will lose to a Ph.D. program. (Because you're missing out on 5 years of industry experience.)

An MS is the best bang for your buck. A Ph.D. is for people who love the subject, and don't care so much about money.

It's a bit late to try interning at a national lab, which is a cool intersect of industry and academic research, but you could still try doing research with a professor, and get a feel for what a Ph.D. will be like. And if you're still not sure, intern this summer, and then decide for if you want to apply for Fall 2018. You'll make good money.

I can't tell you what the best path is, especially because I'm starting my PhD (in Computational Science and Engineering) in the Fall.

If you think you'd like research, please give it a shot. It's not as hard as you think, if you're interested in the subject. Anyone can get a PhD if they are motivated enough. I have been told this countless times.
Not OP, but I am interested in Computational Science. What is that all about?
Yeah, I live maybe an hour away from Stony Brook actually (same county etc.)
First time hearing about it but it sounds interesting. How is it looked at, i.e. does it just make you a jack-of-all-trades?
but it shouldn't be like that
Is Applied Math a meme? Currently at a CC, I'd like to do Applied Math with a focus on either economics or computer science (goal is to work in finance) then go to grad school. I have heard many horror stories about math types unable to find work though which has me worried.
>UC San Diego
>Reject school full of CAL/UCLA rejects who do not want to be here. Shit tier, I should have gone to CS Northridge and saved $.

>Structural Engineering
>Shit degree; picked because it is the easiest and fastest to finish. Full of like minded people.

It's a little rough at times m8s
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Take the following and you will be fine:
- numerical analysis
- linear programming or numerical optimization
- probability
- statistics
- pde
- actuarial math
- math of finance

Your goal should be to come out a numerical C/Matlab coder. If you have room then a course in combinatorics and number theory would be useful.
what kind of school lets you do comp-eng and cs like that. no good schools in california let you do that
What if you lean more towards analysis?
Faggot - all math majors take proofs, analysis, and algebra; that is a given which, is why I did not list them.
You said the goal should be to be a coder
>no financial aid
>bad scores so not accepted to any good universities

Having to pay for community college by myself really sucks.
Ich wette du hast viel Spaß im Leben
>>your school
california state university san marcos
>>what you think of it
>>your major/degree
>>what you think of it
better than a business degree i guess
bruh we probably know each other

>Melbourne Uni
Pretty good for Australian uni, we have probably one other decent one. Campus is nice, location is good, people are so so.

>Maths (Applied/Mathematical Physics)
Jesus fuck its a clusterfuck, we have hotdesk offices for our Masters students, the stream itself is a mess. No clear progression, theoretical physics is a joke to any reasonable level, applied maths is just whatever they thought of at the time minus stats. Taking pure classes + my phys classes to fill in the gaps. Love my supervisor, and all my lecturers bar one tho.
Mine was ok, asked what I wanted to do I just said science at my uni. She said might as well shop around anyway and I know she shills one uni but its decent. She said that she'd quit her job if I didn't get my first choice tho so she wasn't fussed.

>Spoiler alert: She was right, I did
He's correct though. Real analysis and other proof classes should be a given for any math major. Even actuarial-focused math majors here take Real Anal.
Just finished my second year physics at oxford. Thermo & stat phys is breddy gud tbqh. Quantum is more of a pain though
>barely subsidized
School is quebec is cheap as fuck. You could literally sneeze your tuition.
not to mention the #1 uni in canada is in quebec
It's focused a lot on the applications of HPC. The program requires taking classes in another department such as classes in CFD or logistics, as well as HPC courses like parallel algorithms.
Furthermore, Computational Science is what a lot of people do at national labs. It's too hard to understand these giant computers perfectly, so often we runs lots of benchmarks to get an idea for how these systems behave. And then of course people come up with models to describe how programs run on these systems with (in some cases) millions of cores.

We do obey the scientific method.
There's nothing crazy there that I'm seeing. What so wrong with CE and a few extra CS classes?
Nothing at all. Ignore dumbass anon.
My dept doesn't allow CEs to do this either. But maybe that's because CEs are required to take many CS classes to begin with.
Exactly. They both take the same stuff up to the third year, then senior year if where they diverge. The usual policy is a major class cannot count for another major. You cannot take advanced algorithms and have it count for both a CS and CE major.
Holy fuck man, I'm from Brazil and I'd suck your balls anyday of the week. I struggled with a simple electrical engineering course at a federal uni, I don't even want to imagine how hard it is in there.

People from other countries will never know how hard it is to take a real admission test.

Congrats mate.
The smartest monkey in the zoo is still a monkey and Brazil is s country full of primates. Unless they only let in pure whites from the south.

note: My captcha was to pick out bananas they must have known I was talking to a Brazilian.
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