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If you're a white man, you have an OBLIGATION to breed with a qt Aryan woman. Breeding with Asians/Latinos = short brown mentally ill mongrels. Breeding with white females = TALL ARYAN WARRIOR BABIES.

Have a good day.
But I'm a mongrel myself, and my whole family is mongrels. 3-ways, even. I don't know whether you guys think I should just breed with a white woman and make a kid who's whiter than I am, breed with a Mexican and make kids who are more Hispanic than I am, breed with an Asian and make more 3-ways, or find another mutt and breed with her.
What about Egyptian/Syrian girls?
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Didn't work out so well for Arnold
>I showed you my dick answer me
first thing that came to mind.
I have no obligations to do anything. I am free todo as I please so long as I accept responsibility for my actions and accept the consequences of said actions.

Since I find asians attractive and see now downsides to dating one due to having a different perspective than you, you can't do anything to stop me, not that I'd succeed with wither asian girls or white girls in the first place.
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His son with that spic maid
Im nonwhite with a white girl fetish
But there are asian aryans OP
>mixed race
>thinks he should breed at all
Do the world a favor, and don't go making any little problems. Okay? The world is infected enough. I'm not telling you to not pursue sex and intimacy, but reproduction is off the table for you. Wear a condom AND pull out. Don't risk it
Go ahead and breed just to spite what this >>39406075 asshole says.
It depends on what definition of aryans you're talking about. http://aryanism.net/culture/aesthetics/human-beauty/ aryans can be black or asian.
I'm not very picky and not racist so I'll take any girl I find attractive and get along with
That said, blonde and blue get me good, and I'm blind and blue as well
>telling someone to ruin their life and freedom for (muh spite)
If you have kids...you're NOT a shark!
Nah, white girls are the most entitled spoiled disloyal little cunts to roam the earth, you can doom yourself to misery while I spread the white seed across the seas of darkness.
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I'm getting so desperate i think i'd fuck anything
I'm not having kids because I'm an antinatalist. But not everyone is and noone should not do something just because of racism.
Damn....Hitler looks handsome there....Such a detailed face.....Heroic
I've successfully baited you. Beautiful
I don't wear condoms because I don't exchange goo with girls who aren't at least my friends. And I'm totally gonna breed a bunch of kids. I was just curious as to whether you guys thought it'd be better to dilute to white, dilute to brown, make neopolitans, or fuck another mongrel. In truth, I've got a brand and only blondes seem to fuck me, but it's still fun to wonder.
Daily reminder that white women are complete trash with no loyalty who are determined to suck as much money and life out of men as they can, the sooner they die off the better
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I'm going to breed the nigger out of my gene pool, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Covert to Judaism and marry a Jewess.

t. cucks

Not white.

You're half white half mestizo? Tough call. Do you look white atleast?
Why? Because Ashkenazis have high IQ?
Problem is, both my parents are white and I'm nowhere close to being a tall aryan warrior.

He's the only man that can ever pull dark under eye bags and still be handsome tbqh
It's weird. My hair's got red highlights from my mom and I'm pale enough to look white in the winter, but my features are sorta Native-American looking (high cheekbones, etc.) and I tan pretty dark.
Can't really breed tall aryan warriors when you're a top tier manlet who is the same height as 80% of the females his age and also uggo
The white son has obviously better genes, he's just a lazy fat ass.
I'm not white (baltic region) so no breeding to me.
If anything it adds to his looks. He doesn't have the soft, vapid face of a child or metrosexual. He has a weathered face with character, the face of a decision-maker and commander
Best option for mongrels is just not to breed at all


drop that fetish
>half white half mestizo
No such thing, that's still mestizo unless you want to use outdated terminology and call it castizo. Just like there's no such thing as a half white half Mexican.
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>you have an OBLIGATION to breed with a qt Aryan woman
I would, but they won't let me. Seems to me you're barking up the wrong tree here mate.
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As long as you aren't breeding with the bottom tier you're good, Asians and Latinas make good wives generally speaking and the mixed kids aren't that bad
Only mixed kids i feel bad for are mulattos, they are basically children of aliens breeding with neanderthals and they tend to catch the stupid from the black side
>b-but muh pure caucasian race
Hasn't been pure in 2020+ years, everyone is part something mixed somewhere down the line, makes me wonder is it salty latinos / asians or /pol/ in denial making these threads, probably just trolls
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>If you're a white man, you have an OBLIGATION to breed with a qt Aryan woman.
Fucking anglos at it again
You should stay within your own ethnicity
Jokes on you, I'm a ukrainian NS with a french NS gf kekekkeke slavic seed cucking western women
Algerians arent western my slavgolian friend
I'm a spic mgtow
Then provide me with a qt aryan woman and enough chemistry between her and myself so we raise our kids in a way that will ensure they don't end up here.
>tfw East African/Middle Eastern masterrace
We are the most aesthetically pleasing looking people.
A nigger and a mudsham, how could life be any worse?
>how could life be any worse?
He could be white :^)
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Why the fuck would I breed with a roastie?
What the fuck did the white race ever do for me?

In a sense, it's even worse, because while other races hate me as not my kind, it's much more traitorous for MY OWN KIND to shun me from their society.
Fuck breeding, I ain't going to fucking risk half my possessions so I can spread my fucking DNA around.
>wanting a loose hole in 2017
I'll have qt sexbots soon enough.
You couldn't even begin to imagine the levels of cognition and aesthetics I'm on right now.
Hol up but we wuz tho
>We wuz colonizers n Shieet
>We WUZ NazIS n shieeeet
>wE wuZ sCIEntists N SHieEt
why the fuck do people assume that arnold had superior genes? is pumping roids now considered genetics?
Being lazy is genetic
True story, American whites have the weakest, most unattractive, least intelligent genetics of all the world's whites.

That's why in the whitest parts of America, kids are prone to sickness, adults to cancer and elderly to alzheimer's and dementia while they all look like they got hit with a bestiality incest stick.

tl;dr- American whites are the niggers of the European gene pool
Everyone who bodybuilds uses steroids, so it's something that's held constant (ie, he isn't a roid-induced advantage relative to his competition). Also, building muscles needs dedication even with roids. Your logic doesn't really make sense.
Somewhat, but it probably also has something to do with the fact that he's the illegitimate son. He likely felt the need to put in more effort to get close to his dad. The legitimate son has, well, legitimacy (ie, no need for Arnold to be ashamed of his existence) AND he's a Kennedy so there's a far more connected support system in addition to that.
explain to me why do you consider arnold to have superior genetics
And yet they're more healthy and attractive than non-whites.

Really makes you think
Just because white Americans have the advantage of falsifying statistics and spreading propaganda doesn't make what they're spreading to be true.
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