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>tfw /r9k/ is the only board on 4chan resisting /pol/tard

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>tfw /r9k/ is the only board on 4chan resisting /pol/tard alt-right nonsense
Alt-left bots, unite!
>tfw despite /r9k/ rejects alt-right autists, lefty/pol/ is hard trying to fit in /r9k/
Leave this place, real robots don't give a fuck about politics.

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That's very original for me to say, btw.
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>a board dedicated to virgin losers is also left-wing

hmmm makes you think
no one on the left calls it the alt-left
We're not alt -left and not alt-right this board is for wallowing in self Pity and depression
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Fuck off antifa /r9k/ is a /pol/ board
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pls remove this

no nazbol allowed

only real leftists (anarcho syndicalists, demsoc, socdem, marxist, communists) no third position meme ideologies in /r9k/ the last leftist stronghold

nice /pol/ psyop though posting nazbol meme
Good communist is a dead communist.
Even nazis make more sense because they state outright that they're about hate and discrimination.
/r9k/ is no man's land.
Pol fags are the most cringe losers on this board.
keep /pol/ in /pol/
is it that hard for your dense head to understand?
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nazbol isnt communist, if anything its closer to nazi

it isnt even leftist its like third party bullshit

direct your hate to real leftists like me not psyop retards like OP faggot drumpftard
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get out your mom's basement and get laid you fucking faggots
>the virgin protest
>the chad demonstration

someone do it
What do you do if you don't want to be a classcuck but also need nigs and spics to exit the country immediately?

we are not nazis retard op is baiting
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>/r9k/ is the only board on 4chan resisting /pol/tard alt-right nonsense

Imagine being so ingenuous
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drumpf supporter retards will defend this
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I've got this and you can have it
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>spend my days around filthy leftist normies at college
>come home and can't even escape marxist scum on 4chan

I'm an alt-left Communist.
me to comrad
your not a tankie though right

Time to say goodbye lads,leftists and refugees are everywhere,there is no future for us
Robots don't care about politics. That's a normie thing. Fuck off /pol/ /leftypol/

No, I want neither Stalin nor tumblr.
TFW antifa retards are shilling all boards and nobody gives a Fuck
R9K needs more conrads

would you like to join a conrad discord?
National-socialists are leftists. Have you actually read what they preach? Basically, the whole solidarity of workers against capitalists but in the boundaries of a single nation.
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Nice some more middle class white kids that are going to tell me how to think and live...
Communism killed millions and it's currently starving venuzuela.
Only the working class though. Maduro seems to be eating well.
I'm saving this wonderful work of art.
Well, even cops do not have enough food. They are given rolls of toilet paper as a reward for excellent service.
what a qt, I'd plow that boipucci
I'm waiting for some idiot to appear and post that this isn't real communism.
Real communism has never been tried.
>anything with nationalism

That's just another brand of retardation. Fuck off to reddit or whatever.
>would you like to join a conrad discord?

There is one? Sure.
I once was at a MGTOW discord once but I got banned because of the hammer and sickle avi. Fucking tradcucks.
ethno nationalism is NOT leftist

socialism does not put any form of nazism on the left right paradigm, it's either on the right spectrum, or a third position
Being against capitalism does not necessarily make you left wing in europe. left vs right originally meant liberalism vs monarchy which makes hitler and mussoluni the only right wing leaders in europe since like the french revolution.
Nationalism has nothing to do with left/right you moron. The USSR was very nationalist despite being communist. They starved millions of Ukrainians to bring their food for Russian consumption.
If you're liberal you're not a real robot. Fuck off back to facebook.
That guys retarded, nationalism can be leftist, but ethno-nationalism can't be. Best nazis can be is third position.

T. American

ps: why are americans so dumbfounded when it comes to anything other then liberal vs conservative? lol
Where's that guy recommending Robots to go to Wizchan when you need him?
The whole left/right thing is way too simplistic anyway. It means so many different things based on which country it's being used in.
Aka left wing tendency to the increase of state power.

Nazi party.
National socialist workers party.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
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Im not saying do it OP but promise me you will at least think about it.
You just BTFO yourself by conflating nationalism to statism

Also you BTFO yourself by conflating statism to leftists inherently

go watch paul joseph watson american retard
B-but that is the Nazbol symbol
So presumably you envision a nationalist society that isn't defined by a unified state.

And you envisage someone politically left leaning who can accomplish their ideals without the heavy hand of state power at work.

Show me your pink elephants.
Lol, actually the more left you go the less increase of state power. Almost every radical leftist ideology that's far left advocates workers and the people taking power of the means of production, and removing hiearchial authority systems.

It's only in America where your left-right paradigm is so trapped in the overton window that you idiots actually think liberalism and conservatism is the left-right spectrum

I can see as a fat american where you'd think leftists are for more state control though, because you retards have corporations who ruin the earth and democrats(who aren't leftists) are trying to regulate them.
That's not true, this board is full of politics
this desu

dont argue with americans they have cheeseburgers to eat and paul joseph watson to watch its not even worth trying to convince them of anything lmfao
DPRK is also a socialist country. And they are EXTREMELY nationalist to the point that Trump's promices (not the flip-flop orange himself) are globalistic compared to Juche.

And yeah, left-right is based on economy, not ideology. You know, basis and superstructure.

> originally meant
Times changed since the French Revolution. Economic division is the only plausible for characterizing left and right nowadays.
Distributed means of production without central planning is impossible and it would amuse me every time someone makes the claim that marx leninism is anything but the carrot to the stick.
If it hadn't already washed the globe with the innocent blood of millions.
DPRK isn't socialist, and nationalism has nothing to do with leftism. I like how you reply to the most retarded poster in the thread instead of replying to real leftists though.
But communism was incredibly authoritarian, and it supposedly advocates workers rights.
It's almost as if you have no idea what you're talking about and only believe political systems work the way you think they do in your head, or based on what they claim it is.
Fuck off commie.No true liberal or leftist would associate with the term "alt-left"
Who the fuck is a marxist-lenninist now adays? You literally have no idea what your talking about. Maybe you'll find some maoists or some marx-lens on discord and twitter that are 16 years old but tankies like that don't exist IRL retard, most modern communists are neo-marxists or just marxists. Not tankies, big difference, tankies want statism and authoritarian power to meet their goal, marxists want no hierachial system and no state, or currency.

Stop talking about shit you have no idea about
Communists are cloudhead retards who all deserve to die.
Virtually all communist leaders have come to this conclusion, and thus killed a lot of communists.
The more dead commies the better. Fuck state slavery and fuck you utter imbeciles.
Only pol is a pol board
The rest of this God-forsaken website is allowed their own flavour of misinformation and social manipulation
r9k is a post-left board
Excellent cherrypick.
You're a credit to your murderous ideology.
"communism was incredibly authoritarian"
You realize how dumb you sound right? That's like me saying Capitalism was incredibly authoritarian.

Capitalism isn't a government, retard. Neither is communism. You're thinking of the USSR, like every other American thinks of communism because of years of mccarthyism and political conditioning.

If you want to debate communism, say something with substance, try and make up reasons why it wouldn't work and don't conflate it to a failed authoritarian state like the USSR like most driveling fat american pigs.

Modern communism = Marxism, no state, no government, no currency, no hiearchies. Anything else then marxism is usually a fringe commie group, because there's barely any tankies now adays.

Now make your debates when you know what you're talking about, because even communists agree with you when you talk shit on the USSR. We're all on the same page.
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Yup middle class white kids that think they know the world and how everyone is suppose to act
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k retard amerifat
>Marxism, no state, no government, no currency, no hierarchies
so impossible?
At the end of the day, politics are all empty. All that matters is gaining power and taking it away from others.
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nice argument american
Alt left doesnt exist, bait thread
See? Was that hard? Is it hard to actually debate a ideology instead of conflating it to a government who corrupted it? Now what I want you to do is google human nature or some shit and memorize the anti-marxist arguments so you have some talking points other then "HURR DURR MUH USSR"

because "impossible" isn't really a good argument on why marxism wouldn't work retard
I don't think communism would suddenly give us the Welsh wealth and manpower required to fix those problems
There is a physicality to everything
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people have started non authoritarian communism for decades. know what happened? they evolved in to capitalism.
Non authoritarian communism can't excist it always evolves in to capitalism.
The only way to keep wages equel or non excistend is by force

Congratulations, assmouth; you just made the most retarded statement I've ever read, earning you this year's Golden Cleft. You can take that back to the motherland and have the state smelt it down while you tend the coal mines.
While you're at it, you can also accept the Fulcrum Shitlord award, given to the most useful idiots whose choices reflect a lack of dignity and a desire to see everyone be as miserable as them.
Go fuck yourself, red. You don't stand a chance here in the West.
I'm eastern europian you fucking yank
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You will not replace us, libcucks.
Thanks for making my screenshots amerifat

I like taking screenshots of amerifats getting backed into corners and talking shit instead of debating its actually kinda funny seeing pigs scramble and squeel when they have no more talking points
Kill yourself this isn't even true and leftists hate us anyway
Thanks for posting a picture defending what most marxists believe

we hate identity politics too, you amerifats keep arguing about pronouns and white genocide while there are people dying every day

retards only know two things: burgers and identity politics and what trump is doing last
Some of you guys are such dedicated and intelligent losers that you've internalised marxism.
I should have expected this.
Funny' cause we're both looking at a reverse mirror. I'm magnificent and you're pathetic. You're the antithesis of me.
It's natural that you'd resort to ad hominem: you're a low-IQ labor communist. No more needs be said. You're a tried and true tardfuck and I'm laughing at you and your dumb ideas.
Yet again, let's look at Marx' words.
> Marx identified the production relations of society (arising on the basis of given productive forces) as the economic base of society.
That's how the wealth is distributed. There might be some people who own the means of production for themselves and make living by buying the result of other people's labour. That's either feodalism or capitalism. There might be a situation where the whole community (and therefore everyone in the said community) owns the means of production. That would be communism. And a transition between them is socialism. A society might be somewhere between communism and socialism, but these three are the most generic categories.

>He also explained that on the foundation of the economic base there arise certain political institutions, laws, customs, culture, etc., and ideas, ways of thinking, morality, etc. These constituted the political/ideological superstructure of society.
Customs regarding races, nations, gender rights etc. go here. In the superstricture. Not in the base. They do not define wether a system is socialist or not.
t. retarded fat american gets mad over political opinions on a japanese imageboard and decides to cry about it instead of memorizing talking points like an educated american
IDGAF, NK has state owned means of production, if you think the people own the means of production your an idiot.

NK is the opposite of marxism, and their """socialism""" is propaganda and everyone in the entire world knows that shit stop being a retard
>you amerifats
Go be a yank somewhere else
De hoer denkt hier weer dat iedereen amerikaans is.
denk voor je iets post want je lijkt echt op een idioot kut aap
retard i can sniff an american a mile away it's so obvious because their politics are literally liberal vs conservative

and what trump said last

and also if they mention burgers or mcdonalds
OH or if they say "MUH EMAILS" or "MUH PRNONUNSSS"
I've got one

If the transition to stateless egalitarianism is inevitable, if you think it's like the next step for humanity and that's why you're a marxist, WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO FIGHT FOR IT? you think the dictatorship of the proletariat is necessary for it? because that idea is thoroughly fucking antiquated and has no place in the technological context of the 21st century where we all already have really good standards of living.

No, I don't want feminism, no I don't want sjw thought police, no I don't want benign statues torn down, I don't want a single goddamn thing the left likes to push.
Just fuck off annoying fucking prick you make this thread like every goddamn day in fucking sick of it.
/r9k/ is an apolitical board. Everybody who wants to talk politics, including /pol/tards, shoud GTFO
t. Communist bates those on a higher level into donating (You)'s.
What is even the difference between a communist and a beggar? Like, check it, fag:
Communism gets its power from the incapable many. It decides that every human should be humiliated into voiceless, faceless, labourous toil. I'm very against that and clearly you're just stupid and/or suicidal. Step off the stage, Daddy's-Boy. You're clearly my inferior and I'm starting to feel embarassed for you.
You're also probably totally undesirable. It's a little spontaneous to say so, but communists are immature and have little to live for, so it's also quite easy to put the puzzle together.
You guys do realise the logical endpoint of worker controlled production is vastly reduced human productivity and the return to humanities resource scarce past right.

Capitalism has enhanced productivity beyond anyone's wildest expectation and it's been that way for centuries.

Shrinking production to the scale of the worker is inviting the return of famine, war, pestilence and death of the sort that stalked the globe before industrialised medicine, the pacifying terror of industrially produced weapons, industrialised food production.

You're a fool to seek this. Marxism is the apocalypse.
It is an apt analogy though.
difference between communism and a beggar is every single person has to work and put in labour to live unless they are elderly or ill

in capitalism you can be born into a rich family or be a fat ass pig and make money thats the definition of "give me free stuff pl0x"

u listen to paul joseph watson say BERNIE SAYS GIMMIE FREE STUF
and think american socialists are communists

wRONG opposite of that, we want ALL TO WORK.

you put in your labor, you get equality of opprotunity but last time im gonna argue with you cuz u dont even know what communism is fat amerishit

*spit* ur country u would never last a day in russia tard
it was never left though
thats the point mong
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>it's a "[insert ideology] recruitment thread #1243232" episode
Don't you get tired, /leftypol/? We have this thread every day. Just when I thought /pol/ stopped shilling, you came to fill the void. Fuck off normaltrash, fuck your radical politics and fuck your roast-enabling leftism trash.
I hope your neighbors eat your destitute little body you red fuck.
Come to my country to get burned like some eldritch outsider. Like:
My neighbors and I sneak into your house and bring you to the beach to burn you with your ideas. I believe burning to be the most magnificent way to die. So in a way, we're more merciful than your guys, who would just dome you with a piece and leave you out in the snow.
I'm glad you have the shitty life you deserve. Stay out of North America.
How does someone having a million dollars prevent someone else from working?

R9k isn't a leftist stronghold. Go back to huffington post.
nice "sources"

seriously if that counts as academic citation I guess I should just stop trying
So just because I don't support communism i'm rightwing?
1 i'm from the most socialist country in europe
2 i'm a socialist
3 you are the reason everyone is voting right
4 stop ruining the left

jammer dat je niet verder denkt dan je neus lang is.
Who do you think promoted the "strong manly Chad highschool football jock" meme that cucks us? It's the /right/
Far left policies are legitimately more insane than far right. I'd go fascist before I went commie faggot. Of course in reality I would sit at home and survive by luck or be murdered.

It fucking sucks, they're not content with having mainstream media backing all their bullshit, they have to come here. As though they couldn't push their nonsense literally anywhere else.

If I wanted this shit I'd watch MTV.

>my MTV tier politics are so banal I need to rebrand them to seem relevant. I'm also a candidate for a length of rope
Nah man, fuck gib me dats, fuck tranny faggots, fuck white guilt bullshit, fuck feminist lies (the wage gap isn't real! How the fuck does a former president mention this garbage?!) The world is fucking insane. The best we can hope for is a war to purge society.
It's sad to see the left ruining there own parties and throwing rocks at there own windows
The true reason the left is losing all over the world is because of faggots like OP
>africans being africans
>the US = capitalism

kill yourself

Oh to be a dumb kid again. I actually kind of miss the blissful ignorance.
The current left doesn't resemble the reasonable lefties of the 90s in any way, shape or form. These people are mentally ill.
Under gommunism, roasties will walk all over you. Do you like free speech, having rights, not getting executed by diversity death sqauds? Well you can't have those. Chads thrive in all systems. And under communism, they get directly elevated as "workers representatives, commissars etc" and will actually gulag you for not "being urself comrade"
You know the commies fucked up when actual left wing socialists start siding with nazi

As a left wing socialist I can say I hate extreem leftist kids more then nazis

nb4 you must be right wing
>I happely pay 42% of my income to taxes for the greater good.
I find myself wondering if we'll actually have another civil war or if we'll just keep moving on to the next big news story.
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Historically, ''right-wingers'' killed degenerates

Left-wingers killed in order to implement their new unnatural ''economy''

Therefore, the right kills to preserve what is good (it trims), the left kills to implement their fucking retarded unrealistic ideal (it pushes beyond the boundaries)

kill yourselves commies
I was hardcore leftist before all this bullshit
when things that actually matter were discussed

But sadly I now have to identify as neutral/purple pill Because if I say i'm left everyone will think i'm a college student white middle class hippie
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One more time, fellas! What could possibly go wrong?
>tfw already 30
>will probably be too old to fight for national socialism when the time comes
Damn it. We were the worst generation after all...
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Away with you shills.
Leftist win:
>work to death
>starve because central planning is objectively shit
>women laugh at you and become chad cocksleeves 24/7 since morals die
>all kinds of hedonism becomes rampant
>if you aren't a chad you'll never amount to anything since nobody will vote for you

Rightist win:
>a submissive virgin wife is basically gifted to you
>mixed econ system ensures you can actually progress based on ability, not on popularity
>memetic democracy is dismantled, roasties are disenfranchised for good

Wtf, I love Hitler now. Right wing is the robot ideology and marxism is just normalfag-enabling trash.
hello frienlos I am back from the grave
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>middle class mama's boys supporting communism when they'd be a prime target for comrades tyrone and cletus to apporpriate their home and toss them in the gulag

Kill yourselves for the good of us all if you're so altruistic.
If you don't think the left are fucking crazy, free speech hating, muslim cock sucking, child fucking psychos, I don't know what to tell you.
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No, /r9k/ will always be an ancap board
>he doesn't support recreational nukes
Isn't it odd that a website that lets you say what's really on your mind gravitates towards national socialism? rly mks u thnk.
no fuck off we hate you just as pol >>39364139
Humans would do well to lower our population if we're not going to colonize other planets anytime soon
>/r9k/ is full of class chicks that want to keep giving power to Mr. Shekelstein
Really makes you think
Nerdy resentful writers working in the entertainment industry. Fill in the blanks yourself.
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>tfw centrist fascist
>literally riding the line between right and left but halfway up towards fascism
>don't care about racist shit, just think social hierarchies are a necessity and having a glorious and caring leader would turn out better than democracy
>get called a commie by nazis and a nazi by commies
Politics was a mistake
I came here to avoid /pol/itics.

Thank you, commiefag anon for bringing that board there.
Yeah, I'm all for the "alt-right" (which was DEFINITELY turned into controlled opposition the moment Richard Spencer was associated with it) until they start getting into retarded racial politics. Like, yeah, the degeneration of our morals is kind of a big deal and the "fallacy" that was the slippery slope doesn't seem so asinine anymore. Stop pushing your dumb anti-nigger shit though.
>anti-nigger shit
I just want them to go back to Africa. That's all.
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>becoming a communist because /pol/ is bad

Socially progressive neoliberalism is the only way forward.
You're fucking retarded honestly
this board belongs to the MAGA emperor
vroom vroom bitches
>being literally the worst kind of "centrist" and just taking the worst ideas from the radical left and the far right

Do you think they'll let Donnie Moscow use Twitter from prison?
>muh russia

This is 4chan, not the Salon comments section. Maybe you got lost.

Alt-alt right when
Fuck off, we dont want to be canon fodder in normans cultural wars.
This also isn't a Breitbart comment section. We literally have the emails about Trump trying to set up a real estate deal in Moscow during his campaign.
I agree with everything minus you not liking racism and I assume it's because you're not white

part of preserving social order is keeping races separate, otherwise you get races competing, you simply can't have a stable country with several groups fighting over each other. You just can't fight human nature, people self segregate, they want to be with their own race most of the time.
/r9k/ was always right wing you retarded newfag
Kill yourself commie faggot.

Not original, what a surprise.
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Keep on throwing that shit at the wall and watching it not stick.
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Not true. I am fully national socialist.
And you can keep throwing your tax dollars at the wall that Mexico isn't paying for.
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Kys commie. This is a neoliberal board.
Kys even harder than op
how is this any different than "fascist" who unironically go around wearing nazi shit?

Hitler literally had a secret police

this is why no one gives a fuck about politics, both sides are equally unappealing
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keep fighting the good fight comrades

KEEP /pol in pol you little sheep minded bitch
It doesn't matter at the end:
Get bullied by chad and his aryaner-than-thou friends. Non-normie entertainment is deemed "degenerate"
Be a slav- I mean comrade, in Stacie's People's Factory. Get bullied by stacie and her white knights. Non-normie entertainment becomes normie because it needed "diversity", or was too white, or was too male.
I'm a reactionnary traditionalist. Fight me faggot.
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They're also getting period pads, toothpaste and toothbrushes, you damned fascist.
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The wealth of the bourgeoisie is now in the hands of the righteous proletariat.
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No denks I chose God.
who is that Napoleon in the picture behind them?
Stop associating us with yourselves you disgusting kissless mentally ill degenerate virgins
We love our Chads
Not sure. It's venezuela so you could probably find out who just by scrolling through paintings of military/political figures on Google images considering their relatively short history.
If it's venezuela it's 99% bolivar aka the only good venezuelan that ever existed and even he hated most venezuelans
>source: my ass
Too bad that during Communism literally everybody but most rich 1% (or even less) starve, die or are at war.
Good commie is a dead commie you faggots.
Fuck. Off. Politics are for normalfags be it left or right.
>real communism has never been tried
>real national socialism has never been tried
being so much of a fucking idiot your own argument works against you
>Comparing third world shit holes to america
Normalfags always win. The only solution is to make our own country,
Literal cancer picture op kys
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Here's the actual accurate version
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>>just support the system you don't agree with

No fuck you you fucking moron.
>Americans do American things
>this means capitalism is bad
I'm a Fascist but what the fuck
>larping about politics
>pretending like your individual ideas matter
>literal cancer picture op kys
Fuck off back to twitter normalfaggot. get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out
File: foto0876.jpg (62KB, 500x667px) Image search: [Google]
62KB, 500x667px
It's almost like winter weather is by far the most deadly form of weather that is.
What first poster said. Robots are a neutral party. They are centrist with no convictions, but some desires
You're facing Autism with Retardation? Good Luck.
Can we all agree that if you vote you're not a real robot
File: supreme.jpg (29KB, 480x640px) Image search: [Google]
29KB, 480x640px
>caring about society or politics
nah, that's just you normalfags, get back to your preferred sub, cunt
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