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Hug your family and post results below

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Thread replies: 505
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Hug your family and post results below
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Fuck off nigger lover. I hope anyone who engages in incestual thoughts towards their family gets the fucking chair and dies like that Messiah nigger in the green mile.
There's nothing incestuous* about hugging someone.

There is only one relationship in this thread I support and even then I'm suspicious of if
But why so much anger, anon?
Yeah fuck off fag. I hate this fucking hug your family shit.
>acts as if these threads aren't low-key fronts to talk about wanting to touch siblings in a weird way outside of hugs
>that one guy that admitted to you he would fuck his cousin if they weren't blood

that always stuck with me for some reason
Some anons here are exceptionally creepy but fuck them
Hide it, problem solved.

No, those would be the "have you ever seen a family member naked?" "if your mother/sister was dressed in this, what would you do?" etc, threads. These ones are pure. Please leave.
I'm in love with austria, how do I date a dyke?
Because these threads are done in bad faith, instead of helping robots fix their sibling relationships, it's fap fodder for incestuous pedos
Kidnap either her older sister or her dog
OP being the main one.
She's spoken for.

Good job using the right word this time. But, you're still wrong. See >>39236398
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Sucked off my brother this morning before he went to work. He said I'm getting a lot better at it
Finally! Enough with this hug shit, I wanna fuck my petite imouto and I need help with dealing with these emotions.

And guys I'm dead serious about this.
I'm okay with polygamy
>voting for anyone other than story
Literally why would you care about the other options
You're really not helping by coming in and talking about sexual stuff nobody asked for.

You need professional help.

She isn't.
Nobody cares, kissy
Love your brother more privately
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If a dude get a sex change to look like her oneesan and then tell her that you wanna do lewd incest stuff and run away to Amsterdam to not be judged.

If girl just get plastic surgery to look like oneesan.

Important part is that you MUST look like oneesan
Anon please, back of the line
You and >>39236422 need to fuck off, this shit hurts and I wanna not feel it but I do. I'm not gonna talk to a shrink just so they can put a restraining order on me
But she's already with her onee-san?
Why would she want another that isn't even a biological female?
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Why don't you tell me what you'd do to her if you had the chance anon?
Are... Are you intentionally sabotaging the thread?
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Dude why the fuck are you defending your disgusting fetish? These threads have always been shit.

Motherfucker, it's you isn't it Austria?
Maybe we can have some fun in line, then, little ellie
I would hope not, that's disgusting and would destroy the family and give her beleaguered mom a heart attack.

You still >>39236581
have a shot anon.
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God I'd eat her pussy all day. I'm pretty sure she's a virgin and I'd want her to know how nice a tongue feels before I pop her hymen.

I'd massage her tits until she got wet from my touch.

I'd worship her tiny feet. She's a gymnast and I garantee they have a delicious foot sweat

So many things.....
>I'd worship her tiny feet
Of course it's a fucking footfag. Kill yourself.
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Pretty lewd, anon. I'm guessing your sister has no idea?
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Never change titcow. never change
Fuck no the moment she finds out I'm following >>39236774 advice and killing myself
Why are these threads still a thing? They're not even about hugging your family anymore
Cause we like bullying kissy and Austria
speak for yourself faggot I wish she'd post more sexual content and you're not the voice of this community
That's only because of faggots like >>39236893 that are only interested in lewd. They're pretty good other than that.
I'm convinced it's just one or two fags trying to thread police. I mean we know Story is here since he grabbed 500 again for whatever reason he does that
>only interested in lewd
false nigga I just like her in general
Story hasn't been seen for days, and she's not the one who's been grabbing 500. Stating the fact that these threads aren't intended for trips to talk about their sexual exploits isn't thread policing.

Why tho
I thought it was the new girl who grabbed 500
That was the anon who came from /lgbt/.
Accusing people isn't going to lead anywhere.
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Guys don't be confrontational just post family hugging and fugging posts and be happy
Who cares about all this just vote for Story to be doxxed. Gotta be the most interesting one yet
It's pointless to explain why to someone who just hates her for no reason

Okay kissy you're right this'll be my last response to this crap
sorry I just dont like you getting dragged through the mud every thread.
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I-I wanna have my cousin as my bf
My family all left for a holiday, I stayed behind though. No hugs for me.
No fugging pls that's 2 lewd.

I don't hate her, but her "Just fugged aniki XD give me attention" posts are unwarranted and unnecessary. At this point, she's stale.
Kissy's here. Her orbiters are here. Somebody talking down about Story for no reason is here. Story's nowhere to be seen, and hadn't been mentioned prior.
Just an observation.
fugged sister vagina with benis
If we're gonna be real about it Kissy's orbiters are the main issue for the Story v Kissy problems. Not Kissy or Story just the orbiters. They love to bring her up and harrass her and it's almost like they do it hoping for Kissy's approval when she just wants it over with.
I think I see someone that might be Laura
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Someone attacks either of us and it flares every time it's kind of annoying
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fucking incest fags trying to recreate The Hills Have Eyes irl need to stop
If you attempt to skew the results, I won't post anything. Delete this.

No one new voted anyways
Why do you want him as a bf anon?
What do you think your odds are, anon?
just give us what we want man
It was not Laura
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Pfffftttt, what did you do anon?
On an unrelated note, I'm done looking for today. Wish me luck tomorrow.
How tall are you brah? Maybe you can help Laura not have tiny children.
Fairly tall but not interested, thank you.
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>he's not interested in an autistic midget
I'm not sure I'd be able to provide for her the life she wants/deserves. If it was guaranteed that I could and she wanted to be with me then sure I'd want her.
>tfw dox anon probably doesn't have any info on story so he's dragging it out so maybe other people will get votes
He protected me when boys bullied me in kindergarten because my hair was very fritzy

Low, I'm just he sees me as his surrogate imouto. All his gfs are shitty though
Give him hugs and hold his hand and let him know you want to spend more time together. How old are you two?
I'm 19 he's 22
Your odds are better than you think. Be patient and spend more time with him.
Just hug him all the time anon. Post results
Boys make me so nervous, even my own family
Why is that, anon? Are there any problems with your family?
No just bad experiences with men and male schoolmates I think
The idea of hugging my brother makes me cold
I'm sorry little anonie. I hope you can get over your fear. How old are you?
I'm 22
I never really realized I was afraid of men until I was an adult, but now I realize a lot of my anxiety as a kid was probably related to it
by not being an utterly thirsty beta motherfucker wanting to get in a relationship with an attention whoring lyin tripfag LARPing as a rug muncher. man you people are fucking SAD
Have you tried seeing a therapist? I'd recommend a female one.
If it's all a trick that makes me want to be kind and gentle to the human behind the screen even more
But why do you think she isn't genuine?
I used to but not for a couple of years
I want to go again but it's a big hurdle to jump back over
Being around kind women is usually good for me
I mostly browse these threads for cute one-off stories or moments. My sister is so far up Hillary's vagina, I can't bear to hug her.
I'm not a subhuman and own a brain with an IQ over 100. try that sometime
That's unfortunate anon. Hopefully she gets redpilled so you can hug her again
Good luck working up the courage to go again.

Rest in peace.
And what evidence do you have for that? You could be a toad for all I know
Yeah. Thanks.
Sometimes I don't see the point of going again, I feel like I'm pressed for time and money as it is

If money is a problem, try talking to a friend about it. It probably won't be as good, but they can help.
Eh I'm enough of a burden on my friends anyways, they don't need to deal with my misandry
Please don't think like that. It's not good for your mental health. It's normal to ask for help.
I think it's time we see that dox
I think it's time you learn some patience and wait until this thread dies or I feel like posting it, whichever comes later.
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Yeah I know ya'll done talking about this and I'm a dumb outsider who doesnt know shit, but I feel like the fuck yo' sister people and the hug yo' sister people mesh together just fine until some guy starts whining about the shit he doesnt like. Just my 2 cents.
Also what's this doxing shit, why you gotta be all creepy.
Also if you want a cute/kinda sad thing, big sis was all shoved against my back last night, said she didn't want me punting her off her own bed again.
Sid you apogize for last night?
>not having her sleep with her head on your chest
Never gonna make it.
Yeah, that's all done. She just tossed it under the rug kinda, said we were both drunk and it doesn't matter. Lead to a weird talk about how that guy who thought we were dating would lose his mind if he know how we were at home.
That shit's fine but being little spoon is more chill tbqh.
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They seem mostly like tripfag circlejerks, like /b/ incest threads.
I'll post a story I had yesterday related to yours
>tfw just seriously pissed off my sister who has been lazing around in a nightie braless, occasionally has pokies shown, by asking her to dress more modestly
>she got my mom involved who told her to put something on for me and she flew in a feminist/lowself-esteem rage
>mom slightly favors me because I'm not an argumentative bitch but won't admit it
>stormed off claiming "she'd get a fucking burka and never leave her room"
>now she won't talk to me
>fuck yo' sister people and the hug yo' sister
>not doing both
You shouldn't have been a dick. She has no reason to dress how you decide is appropriate at home. Grow up and let her be comfortable. Now go apologize.
Fuck your sister are trying to undermine healthy and normal family relations for their boners, I don't like them
So if she chooses to be naked and that embarrasses me, do I just man up and deal with it? Should I castrate myself too?
I'm not going to apologize for being a functioning human male.
>5'ish days ago, have reunion lunch with sis and mom
>We live within 30 minutes but life get a in the way
>It actually goes well for awhile
>Sis brings up Trump' s first response to Charlottesville and states her disgust and hatred towards him and Nazis
>I argue that the alt left get a violent and that any political violence is wrong
>politics always does this to us
I'm 23 and she's 26. Other than politics we have really similar interests and it's such a shame. Send help.
Yeah, the boner in my heart.
He wasn't a dick, he asked her to be more modest because it made him uncomfortable.
She literally could have just said "no" and that would be that.
Are you one of those faggots from that thread last week? Unless you own the house, you have no say in what she wears in it.

He turned her mother against her purely because he was uncomfortable.
Haven't posted in incest threds since maybe 2k13.
No, she got the mum involved.
Don't be an idiot anon, it was her fault for making this into a big deal. It's called asking for a favour.
I was talking about the thread about someone just like you bitching about his sister wearing comfortable clothing in the confines of her home.

>who told her to put something on for me
>for me
Anon's a bitch, his sister deserves an apology.
I mean she's not wrong
The left being violent certainly doesn't excuse the right, and the fucking president should be sensible about this stuff
t. Not American
Apologize for what? Asking that she doesn't treat my mom's place like a womancave? For having functioning testes and morals?
I'm saying that anon is indeed a bitch, but the sister doesn't deserve an apology.
The mum didn't side with her because she was making a huge fuss out of nothing. He asked her, she escalated it far further.
For being a whiny little bitch that can't stand his sister being comfortable at the expense of you not being comfortable when you look at her. Look somewhere else if it bothers you that much.

Maybe so. Still, this is going to hurt their relationship if he doesn't apologize.
That isn't what I wrote at all. I didn't condone violence on either side. I'd give a /pol/ rant but this isn't the place. The point is, me and my sis would get along well if it weren't for the political divide.
tell her she's only following what the JEWISH, KIKE, media WANT her to THINK and that and that ANY rational PERSON could see TRUMP is CORRECT on THIS ISSUE.
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Disliking violent Communist doesn't make you a Nazi supporter. Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy ya know? You don't stop people who are bad because they are violent and authoritarian by being violent and authoritarian.
Does she want a new Hitler? Because that's how you get a mew Hitler. I mean the original Antifa in Germany only helped Hitler
I'm comfortable shirtless but that triggers her so I put shirts on. I'd freeball if I could but I don't. Why can't she give me the same respect? This is a pattern of her always bitching till she gets what she wants and I'm sick of bending my back to suit her needs because whenever I don't do what she wants she flips a switch and gets mean.
>women's comfort > men's comfort
D/a I agree your sister over reacted but really you're the one that's questionable for being uncomfortable with your sister wearing that kind of thing in her own home. If there were nonrelatives around, then yeah, she should have something more modest on. And if your mom did tell her to put something on "for you" then she herself was fine with what your sister was wearing but because she favors you, she told her that.
S/a >>39241615
Oh forget that then. You're sister's just whiny and hormonal. Stay clear.
If love to see the left call off their nazi/Russian collusion witch hunt and actually debate real policies, but I digress.

How do you guys get along with your siblings "so well" when they're morally bankrupt as far as beliefs? Or maybe you all got lucky with that.
Yeah I'm fucking out for today, I don't want 4chan politics with dumb as bricks r9k posters
>morally bankrupt
The question is, how do they get at that point?
I don't think violent and authoritarian has ever not been met with more violence. Diplomacy usually only works when there's already been lots of deaths and violence on all sides and a compromise is seen as necessary.
>mew Hitler
That sounds adorable.
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She barked at me lol. What the heck
Well my younger brother is a Berniebro and his politics are really dumb. I just talk to him from an empathetic point of view and he ends up at least saying I have a point. Gotta start with common ground.
Libertarian starry-eyed nonsense is one thing but being pro-choice is another. How could I ever respect someone so fundamentally evil? That kind of thing haunts me.

I wish I had a cute conservative little sis and not an angry sjw older one.
How is pro-choice evil?
Don't put shirts on, faggot. Be comfortable. Don't do something"for" her and expect her to do the same.
I don't think Bernie supporters even know what he stands for. They just hear Free College. I could pay for my own shit but I'm not surprised that people find that appealing.

On topic
Surprise hugged my sister and she just messed up my hair with a rough head pat.
You deliver a premature baby up to the head, puncture its skull, suck the brains out and call it a constitutional right. The definition of evil.
The point of good hair is getting it messes up though.
Would you rather have an unwanted half-nigger growing up being a burden and never knowing love? That seems evil to me.
No that's not accurate at all. Diplomacy prevented WWIII more than once. Without appropriate diplomacy the US and Russia would of nuked each other. The non-aggression principle is the golden standard. Case in point: If Nazis are okay go punch, who determines who qualifies as a Nazi?

Start with common ground or it seems like both of you will hate each other's politics so bad you'll never get along.

>I don't think Bernie supporters even know what he stands for

Anyways to stay more on topic my aniki heavily formed my politics. I used to be a very rose glasses progressive before I started talking to him about it.
to punch* goddamn typos today I swear
So you murder them because you're apparently the child's judge, jury and executioner. God forbid you give them a shot at life. But I'm the evil one? Got it. I would neeeeever want a person as morally bankrupt as you to like me so it's all good.
It's hard. Feels like you can't go anywhere without Trump's name getting uttered. I had this one idea I'm mind to try to get her back into the gym.
I made it, I'll abort it if I want to.
So now niggers have free license to cuck you
I don't know what you're trying to say and I'm not sure I want to.
I was implying it was a rape baby, fyi.
Who fucking cares? The real issue is whether or not we should flush condoms.
We should, with our superior American plumbing
Can we please not talk about politics.
>superior American plumbing
But I kept reading warnings not to.
Yes, shitty Japanese warnings
Cases of rape/incest/danger to mother's health constitute under 1% of all abortions. Concede to me that the 99+% are evil and we can debate the >1%. Or don't. By all means get back to the cute romance.
Don't lump incest in with rape.
There's nothing wrong with abortion.
Oh, does that strike a nerve? Well whatever, we've said our pieces. Let's get some tripfag updates and push past politics.
>Let's get some tripfag updates
How about instead of orbiting them and sucking their virtual dick, you hug someone and post results.
Making abortion absolutely illegal is nothing but evil, because you take away options for desperate and poor people

Making it legal doesn't mean it's moral, of course, but you're in a position to make case by case decisions

The only reason to want to make it illegal is so take power away from people.
Eh screw off. I hardly ever post and these threads would fall apart apart if regulars weren't maintaining them.
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Bruh as dumb as this shit is, seems like noone's here but me and I got nothin' to say unless you wanna hear about a vanilla milkshake.
I like you, dude, you've got just enough sense in you and fit in really well with the thread
Thanks for your presence and keep being chill
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>a vanilla milkshake
I want my cousin as my girlfriend. Maybe we can solve this together, what do you look and act like?
>Maybe we can solve this together
That depends, how old is your cousin?
Why does my cousins age matter. I just asked jokingly how you look and act so I'd know if you could be my substitute cousin and I be yours. Her age isn't that important as a couple years here and there don't make that much of a diffrence.
so she's underage?
Don't be shy. You can tell us.
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Okay anon we won't make hug your yamamoto threads anymore. You've won. We'll just stick to hug your family/imouto/sibling threads
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Ayy, guess being chill is all I got since I don't fuck nobody and I'm not a dyke, thanks though man.
Yeah man, she took that white thing in her hand, put the red part in her ho mouth, and sucked until her mouth was full'a that white goodness, you totally got me.
>not fucking your sister
Never gonna make it.
Fuck they know. Abort mission, ABORT!
Actually, I already told some posted in this thread before a while ago that she was 17. Before the incest hater gets mad again, I'm not gonna do anything with her till she's of age if she'd be open to it. actually I'm not even gonna try anything while we live under the smae roof period, the fucking risks are way to high and if anyone'd ever find out I'd probablly be left without a roof over my head.
Here's a bumpy
I don't have anything to post unless you're super interested in me being an emotional train wreck for the nth time
I don't mind you being an emotional trainwreck, I've been one myself all day. Besides, I never really mind it, it's better to talk about it than keep it all bouncing around inside your own head.
Talking helps but I don't want to keep sinking the thread down with it. It's nothing new anyway.
>I've been one myself all day
What's wrong?
I feel like we broke a dox vote record so we should get that shit
Keep talking about it and you'll never get it. Be patient.
>Talking helps but I don't want to keep sinking the thread down with it
Sooo... you want to talk about it privately?
>What's wrong?
My whole sleep schedule is just off because of reasons and I keep dragging myself down further. I just hit a lowpoint today that I've been able to stay above for a decent time now so that's demoralising.
Is that because the info doesn't exist?
>. I just hit a lowpoint today that I've been able to stay above for a decent time now so that's demoralising.
Hey me too, it fucking sucks.
Is that you Bongbro?
No, I hate it when other people touch me.
I honestly have no idea who bongbro is. Maybe he left before I got here a couple weeks ago. Might already be 2 months that I'm here I'm not sure. Time is hard to keep track of anyways when nothing is appening and all days are the same.
>I honestly have no idea who bongbro is
Fug, he's just one of the other Brits here that I talk to sometimes.
Nope, I'm here though.

That's very similar to me. It seems to go by ridiculously quickly, doesn't it? Like time is barely a factor at all and what used to be months are days.
I don't think my problems are important enough to waste strangers' time in private either...
My brother already comforts me enough though. I don't know where he gets his patience from

I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried sleeping medication? I don't really know how to help
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>"Hey, sleep on the couch tonight please"
>"Uhhh why?"
>"My pajama pants are gross, don't wanna do laundry tonight"
>"Gross how?"
>"Just whatever, I'm sleeping in my underwear, stay out"
>The ho is literally wearing a shirt with no pants
>"Woman you're in your underwear right the fuck in front of me"
>"Hah, this shirt's long, shut up"
>"Wear the shirt to bed"
>"Nah, just don't come in alright?"
I'm so confused. I say this knowing exactly what ya'll gonna say.
See I didn't even have to wait, there it is.
Hey girl, I don't really know your whole deal yet but nothing wrong with venting, I ain't opposed at least.
Well I'm sorry I'm not him. You can talk to me if you want but I'm just a dutchfag.
>one of the other Brits here
I thought you were dutch too, oh well my memory's shit anyways
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>just don't come in alright
>sleeping medication
My dad uses it. Fuckes him up. I will never touch that shit, I'd rather knock myself out cold with a steel frying pan, that does less damage.
Well, I'm sure your roblems aren't important too many other people just as mine aren't important to many others. Nice you're brothers there for you. I don't have anyone right now, and I think my worries are better off being told to anons on here then to anyone I know irl if I talk about them.
Sounds suspicious. Maybe she wants to slam her clam. You should be a good little brother and help her.
Nothing much, you've not fixed your sleep, same as me, I see.
>I thought you were dutch too
Nope, I'm just a stupid Brit who has been here for far too long. Why'd you think I was Dutch?
Oh shit is Levar Burton gonna be in there? Okay sorry sis but I'm coming in, no homo.
I'm sorry is this weird? On holidays I've spent many nights in bed with my sister or mother and they always only wear underpants and a baggy shirt kinda thing. Always a big two person bed though and we didn't sleep up against each other but I've even been around my cousin when she wore that, no problem. Do you guys sleep like eskimo's or something?
I thought you were ella, I wasn't looking right.
>we didn't sleep up against each other
Why not?
Eh, this time of night isn't really that late I think.
At least I'm not going to sleep at 7 now.
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>I don't know where he gets his patience from
Patient Anikis are great aren't they? I live mine to death and he puts up with way too much of my shit
Love* fucking typos I swear to god
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Considered it, also considered she already fondled the flapjack and that's why her pants are gross. Not like I'm gonna investigate but whatever.
I mean I've never slept with her in less than pajamas, underwear would be awkward, guess she agrees. This ho doesnt usually wear bras in the house either so there's that.
Then again I've seen the ho in panties plenty of times so I dunno what's up with her.
That would be too lewd. I love my nee-san platonically, and this would take us out of our comfortzone.
Aight, I slept in around 7 am last night too. We should start a insomnia club in here.
W-what about patient little brothers?
Bust in later and see what's up.

How is that lewd? Cuddling while sleeping is comfy and pure. It's like hugging, but you're also sleeping.
Yeah I guess it's not that late. I'll tell you what though, there are few things more sad in life than playing live WoW and listening to kpop at 2AM. I want to die.
Oh kek, silly Dutchfag.
Hey Kissy, how're you today?
I'm trying to fix my relationship withy father. I pushed him out of my life so he wouldn't find out about my feelings for him but instead made him hurt worse. I come to these threads to vent my feelings because I can't get to therapy quite yet. I know having sexual thoughts about my father makes me a sick fuck but I didn't ask for these feelings. I want them gone so I can have a normal relationship with my dad instead of what I have now. You don't always get to choose what part of you is the fucked up part.
I think the reasonable response to this is to go to sleep on the couch

Hey it's fine, I know I can rant here if I really need to.
I'm sorry I don't know any other ways that could help
If you want you can talk more about your worries, or just talk about other stuff, I don't know, it's 3 am and I should sleep but I'll stick around a little longer if you want company
I couldn't wish for anyone else
I'm scared he's going to ignore me at some point because of how much of his time I waste but I don't want to sob on my own
Already tempted, don't really wanna catch her schlicking it tho, might just check on her once I'm pretty sure she's asleep.
Hey I know, I'm gonna listen to her, even if I didnt she'd beat my ass back to the couch. Just curious about her is all, just wanna know what's up with the girl.
I don't think an insomnia club would work too well.
It could only take after a certain time at night, and one of us would drop from exhaustion at regular intervals.

Well, I'm just sitting here listening to vidya music and waiting for something to happen.
The ride never ends senpai
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They can be cute but mine is an impatient turd

Just getting over my congestion finally

I know he won't. He seems like a good guy.
I'm so sorry for your situation. It's just the worst when we hurt the people we love because we can't live with htem ourselves.
I think I'll try and go to bed. Posting here doesn't really qualify as talking for me and no one'd be interested in a mutual whining session about innane problems. And I don't count this as company either. You guys are nice but it doesn't entirely help my feeling alone.
>and one of us would drop from exhaustion at regular intervals
My sleeping schedule is fucked up, I wouldn't drop because I would've already if I'd ever do.
Whoops, meant for this post
>don't really wanna catch her schlicking it tho
Never gonna make it.
>They can be cute but mine is an impatient turd
Funny. I'm the most patient person I know, boisterous as that sounds. My sister has on repeated occasion yelled at me how I could just wait or do thing so slowely. I like to be carefull though so I take my time. Some people say I waste a lot of time but seeing how my father and sister run around I think I'm happy living at my own pace. And people apreciate it if you give them time.
I don't know, I don't think he would but I know I'm a drain on him
Oh, I'm sorry, I hope you sleep well
Did you ever say how old you are? Will you show girldick?
What makes it worse is Everytime I try to get with a man I always ruin the relationship by getting extremely clingy and constantly calling them daddy because I'm trying to use them to fill a void I can't fill. Once my surprise vacation is up (family got me a ticket to flordia to attend a wedding) I'm going straight to therapy and I wanna start the healing process so these feelings stop taking over my life and I can start a new healthy relationship with my dad and start dating men again without needing them to be a strong male figure in my life and be more of an equal.
>Just getting over my congestion finally
I get that pretty bad from my hayfever, living in a field doesn't really help with that.
>Well, I'm just sitting here listening to vidya music and waiting for something to happen.
I'll join you in that. What soundtrack are you listening to fampai?
>I know I'm a drain on him
There is no doubt in my mind that he has no problem listening to you or helping you in any way, Ella. It's what big brothers are for, anyway.
I'm 23 and no I'm not showing my little princess, this isn't /soc/
Would you show me your little princess if I gave you an email?
Anon pls stop, I may have daddy issues but I don't stoop that low, besides there are millions of other people's dicks online.
>I know I'm a drain on him
You probably are but that's nothing to feel so bad about. You're family, you love each other, of course you share your problems and support one another. My family can be a drain on me and I on them but that doesn't mean I'll ever abandon them or they me. You are a drain on each other, but because you are family, you help each other instead of turning away.
>Oh, I'm sorry, I hope you sleep well
I came of kinda passive-agressive, didn't I? I'm sorry, but feelings suck and this only helps a little.
At least you can recognise your problem, that's step one, and our making, or about to make, a serious effort to stop it, that being step two. Solving it won't be easy but the fact yo're going somewhere with it is already something good. After years I'm still not sure if I'm sick for feeling about my cousin this way and should be done with it or if I'm being stupid and should love the one I love and disregard the awfull opinions of others.
Okay I'm sorry anon I only wanted to see it because it's yours, please don't hate me
New tracks from games I like. Before that, I was listening to the Nier Automata soundtrack.
>little princess
That is unexpectedly hot yikes
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That's good that you're patient. Don't lose that.

Ella I'm sure your brother loves you every bit as much as you love him albeit platonic. Don't be scared of what won't happen, dear.

I have no idea why I got congested. It was probably one of those kids I have to babysit now.
It's a lot better than girl penis or any other weird name people gave it.
How far apart on the family tree is your cousin out of curiosity.
Feminine cuntstretcher?
I'm sorry I don't think that's completely true, I've had to comfort my sisters occasionally and while I'll always be there for them it still takes something out of me. Having someone around who feels bad makes me feel bad as well and it stays for hours
It doesn't help that he feels guilty for how I feel, I'm just using him like I use everyone else.
How far is being family going to take me when it's literally every day even when his girlfriend is here
He should be happy and not worry about anything but I just keep troubling him by being sad and pathetic and dragging him into my room to bawl my fucking eyes out and make him unhappy too
>feelings suck and this only helps a little
I know, it's fine
I hope you find someone to talk to
It can happen
I'm sorry I should just try to go to sleep now
Hello and goodnight ella
You're a very good part of these threads to me
>How far apart on the family tree is your cousin out of curiosity.
Why do you ask? I'm not trusting this shit, I have a job in a store and have to interact with costumers, I will not risk my identity, sorry.>>39246384
>How far is being family going to take me when it's literally every day even when his girlfriend is here
>He should be happy and not worry about anything but I just keep troubling him by being sad and pathetic and dragging him into my room to bawl my fucking eyes out and make him unhappy too
You don't sound like you bother him too much, you sound like you desperatly need to talk to someone irl because you're doing the thing that people do where they think they're being awfull to their loved ones and hurt themselves over it while their loved ones actually aren't that bothered by it. Talk to someone, get a second opinion on your situation, and I know it's hard, but try to not let emotions get the best of you. You sound like you're blowing it out of proportions for yourself, if your prescense here thus far is anything to go by I can't imagine you being too much too bear for your brother.
>I hope you find someone to talk to
I probably won't as I don't have time for a therapist nor do I want to be known as going to one. Anyone outside of that I'll probably never trust enough.
Oh I wasn't asking for your identity, was asking because I believe if they are far enough on the family tree it doesn't matter and if you had kids they would be normal, but if it's a 1st to 3rd cousin then you don't wanna mess with that. I'm not saying to go for it even if genetically it's ok but that's why I was asking. I'm also scared of getting doxed as well.
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Yeah this chick came out to say she wasn't being fair and I could sleep in her bed if I want, said it's fine and it's her bed, she can do what she wants, the woman giggled and said she'll do "exactly" what she wants in that case, then told me to go to sleep early.
She's fucking schlicking isn't she.
Sleep well and shit, you seem way too nice for 4chan tbqh, hope you feel better tomorrow.
Incest for one generation or maybe two isn't to dangerous. Inbreeding is. Even then, between full cousins it's still not too bad. A women getting a child in her 40's is taking a bigger risk getting a child then I and my cousin would. And thanks for the concern I guess but if I'd ever get with my cousin I think I won't ask anons for advice about kids adn related issues.
Yes she is you should walk in on her to mess with her.
I agree with this Anon, you should "mess" with her.
Last bump then I'll go to bed. Have a good day/night everyone.
Darn you, anon! I was going to bump asking who the one person who voted for Deer is and why they voted him, but now I cannot!
I can keep talking about my daddy issues if you guys want, I just don't wanna dominate the thread.
Please do. Any fantasies you have about you and him?
Go ahead. Feel free to vent about whatever.
Just let it all out. It won't hurt.
When it comes to fantasies...well I will live them out because of my gross fetishes but I did have to have my friend stop me from calling him because I wanted to take him to a festival happening in a town I grew up in and make up. Though the more sinister thing was I wanted a reason to be up close and huggable range and I wanted to ride the ferris wheel with him and be forced to make skin contact with him (insert he is a big guy meme here). Would also make him share a soda with me so I could have his saliva inside me and have a part of him in me...like I said I'm gross.
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No I fucking hate em all bunch of subhumans die now please leave me alone
I know one of you are gonna ask so if you wanna know what I mean by gross fetishes. To put it blunt at the very least I want my dad to punish me by putting me back in diapers for acting childish these last few years (aka your gonna act like a child I'm gonna treat you like one)
That's very mild compared to some of the other fantasies that have been shared here. Anything else? There's no shame here.

Odd fetish/fantasy, but still mild.
In other news, JohnnyNeptune is free and back to his usual shitposting. I kind of missed him.
Like I said it gets a lot less mild from there on out but I don't know R9Ks policies too well and don't wanna say something that gets me banned. But let's just say I'm also losing clothing privileges, never using the toilet ever again, being called mean things (but also followed by nuturing periods), forced into a collar, spankings, and the list goes on.
You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to get on Laura's level. Girl's a freak.
>I've voluntarily swallowed my sisters saliva
Eh, different strokes for different folks. Don't ever beat yourself up on that front. Hell, I'd say it's pretty tame to other stuff I've seen talked about this board.
Did you know watersports doesn't have to do with swimming at all? This thread has made me use urban dictionary more often than I thought I would.
Hey, glad you're still here
Sorry for not emailing you, I've been getting some error
That's good, I hope it turns out well
That's because the email is off, I can turn it back on if you want or if you wanna stay in contact I can make a more permanent throw away.
Also not sexual, but when my father dies I want his ashes...I even thought about slowing putting his ashes in every meal I cook so that his spirit will become trapped in my body and he can never run away with another family...
Sounds completely sane compared to Laura. Spill more if you'd like.
I'm just gonna leave a throw away here and you guys can ask questions n stuff in here or if your Laura say hi and stuff [email protected]
>tripfags are incestuous inbreds
not very surprising, desu.
I don't recall any of them saying they're inbred.
where do you think it comes from, it's in their genetics.
So you voted for Story right? Why? What did she do to you?
My arms are wonky and only one kidney works. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Why would you not vote for Story? Regardless of what she did to anyone.
I didn't vote in anything for anyone
And none of the doxxes have got anything right, so why care?
What would you do if you got doxd for real? Like if every bit of information about you that you've given people became public knowledge for these threads?
Why won't you do it and find out Anon?
Fucking shoot myself I don't know
Seriously it would ruin my life and my parents and they really don't deserve any of that, it would be 100% my fault
Sometimes I really think they deserve better, I can tell they wanted a son, or at least someone who does stuff, ruining their lives would be the cherry on top and my motivation of "don't kill yourself you'd hurt your parents" would be gone
I have something... in the works for Laura. I'm not sure how long it will take to complete, but it'll be better than doxxing her.

It's currently a 3 man job, but we might recruit someone else if we need to.
What'd they do to you Anon?
Seriously what the fuck
Is it some kind of joke or are you trying to find me or something?
Just fucking stop
Nothing really. I'm a sadistic man with some connections and I need new forms of entertainment constantly. This is another way for me to have fun.

I'll say no more until the time is right.
Stay safe.
Nothing? Doesn't sound like nothing if you're reacting this way. What exactly did they do to you?
With the constant "I'M GONNA DOXX [insert person]" and then nothing happens. Then someone comes up and makes shit up about someone or calls people random as fuck names. Just ignore it until it goes away.
I'm not going to doxx her.
I like you, kissy. You've got a certain energy about you.
I dare you to doxx them or whatever you're planning. Go ahead, release the floodgates anon just know you'll be the one responsible for whatever happens.
I'm not doxxing anyone. What I have planned is not ready yet.
A new day comes, I must rest. Until next time.
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It'll literally be nothing yet again. It's just bait.
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i found Austria and her sister gais. i waz da doxxer all along
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oh look i found Laura too gais i'm good at this
Top fucking kek
Bretty gud one Kissy
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Shit I fell asleep.
Nah, didn't do that, thought about doing something just to fuck with her but I told her I wouldnt so whatever. Checked on her a second ago just 'cause, she's sleeping obviously, pretty sure she's naked judging by the underwear on the floor, aint gonna say she definitely did something but I think she did something.
Surprised how chill I'm feeling, maybe I'm getting used to this shit, dunno if that's a good thing. Saw that shit and all I thought was "Oh I should put those in the laundry", because I'm a fuckin' housewife I guess.
Whatever, I'm being stupid, back to sleep.
Also dont do creepy shit.
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uh oh looks like I found trans sister guy too someone stop me
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Somebody stop this madwoman!
Put them in the laundry before you go to sleep, like the good housewife you are.
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here's beargguy too omg look at that inside joke he'll get it
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Oh look I found Story!
Oh come on man, why ruin the fun?
Nearly everyone has seen this already bro I don't care about my pics. Shouldn't of brought Story into it for no reason though.
You took all of the other trips already.
You could of just used me though.
what did I mean by that :huh:
Funny joke.
People are just trying to set your or her off but they don't realize they're the only people with a problem.
We set some sort of voting record and it's literally fucking nothing? Fantastic
Ugh this girl kinda fucks with me for some reason I got some chills in a bad way
That is... strange. The image just makes me go "oh, human beans are real on this website, who would've known". But I already knew deep down there where human beans everywhere.
Finally lost virginity
what does this have to do with hugging your family?
Worst bait I've seen all week
i should probably go to bed but here's a bump
I think it's important for people to be honest about themselves
I think so too. People should be honest.
Maybe some people are happier escaping into a fantasy. I think others would still care about them if they were simply honest about it. Lying isn't nice.
I'd still call them a friend even if they haven't been completely honest about their adventures.

Any lack of honesty here seems so selfish.
So when are you gonna confess to your sisters?
yeah like whole of 4chan has fallen apart without the regular tripfags.
>post porn on blue boards
>don't like it ? Simple just hide it :^)
>Rape and murder your entire family
>don't like it ? Simple just ignore it :^)
This is your mentality
I've no idea what you are even talking about, what blue boards, and who's posting porn?
I hugged my 2 brothers, my mom, my dad, and my animals. They all went successful <3
What type of animals do you have?
>tfw you were really hoping for that off chance that they had something good on story
>it was all bullshit
I don't know what I was expecting
How do you know it's bullshit? Because kissy said so?
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I mean they only posted my pic that's already been posted before saying it's Story so I doubt they do.
I don't think that was the same person tbvh kissyanon
Hows work going? Does your hours mean your anki lost his housesisterwife, and hes just stuck with a plain sisterwifr now?
It's high time for a bump
Did austria die?
Fuck off with these threads. 4chan is meant to be an ANONYMOUS image board. Tripcodes are for FAGGOTS. You're all inhuman trash, and I'm deadly fucking serious. Go down to the nearest gay bar and take a 12-inch penis up your fucking asses, all of you.
I wonder if they will make the right choice
Not at all. Just busy with family things.
4chan is not meant for anything but use as an imageboard
Is your grandfather okay?

Why didn't the IP count increase?
He's not great unfortunately. Apparently he had a stroke (his third) which caused the fall, or a mini stroke or something like that, plus some internal bleeding somewhere. He's still at the hospital. I've been there just earlier. Can't really do anything.
Shit, that sucks. Hope he pulls through and all.

How's your nee-san?
Do you think they feel guilty? Dishonesty is so messed up.
>Why didn't the IP count increase?
You guys are the creepiest fuckers I swear to god.
Well I work only 3 days a week so it's still mostly the same. My job is fun though
Just thought it was interesting to mention since she hasn't tripped in the thread until now.
What kind of mindset compels someone to lie?
Why are you obsessed with it?
Why wouldn't I be? I wonder if they just do it to make themselves happy. Maybe they're all like Pat. I wish they'd be honest about it.

Do you think Pat killed himself in the end? I hope no one else is so heartbroken.
>I hope no one else is so heartbroken
Ella sure seems to be.
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>tfw feel no emotions towards my family
I fear about them, their daily life or If they make it through in this fucking world ruled by Mr. shekelstein, but when it comes to some birthdays or other events that are related to expressing feelings towards them I'm getting some kind of blockage.
I've been heart broken for years, it's not really that big a deal
Who are you talking about?
I hope it's me, despite never lying and having no reason to be
Someone who I realised is likely delving into fantasy to make themselves feel better. I'm sorry for how sad they must feel and if the guilt of lying ever gets to them. Maybe they don't care about it.

I wonder if they'd be happier being honest about their love rather than running away to a fantasy where the love was mutual. A fantasy where they're happy.
You don't sound very heart broken.
That's because the world is so much bigger than my heart, and I try not to mind it even if it still affects me
I go through phases, though
What the fuck are you talking about my nigger?
I'm used to people lying, I'll love them anyways
don't engage him, he just wants attention.
Really, what gives you that impression? The majority of the posts I made were bumps from page 8 using my own thoughts to make them original and not seem like the entire afternoon was just bumps. I even talked to myself earlier responding each time the thread hit page 8.

But no, clearly I'm just another one of those faggots who tries to cause drama and not someone who's genuinely interested in the people here and feels partly betrayed through a personal revelation. I wouldn't even have elaborated on it if no one asked.
>feels betrayed
This is your fault for putting emotional value in a fucking thread on 4chan.
Tell us more, anon
What do you want? Are you happy?
My lewd niece licked my face
and it gave me a boner
Lol are you just now realizing everyone is fake? It was all a fantasy that turned into a community.
It was the only word I could think of, I don't feel any impactful emotional connection to people on the internet. Really I'm more interested in how they feel about it and if dishonesty is the best way for them to address their issues, because it wasn't for me. But no, continue blaming me for being interested.

I want them to be happy and honest. I'm fairly happy myself.
Is this the matrix?
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How did ya'll get so invested in these threads like this? Aint even making fun, it's just real weird to see this on r9k.
Just chillin' by myself if anyone wants to talk shit or whatever.
That's weird brah.
I think the only time I ever got a sister boner was one time when she made me give her a neck massage, guess we both weird.
I'm not fake I just don't matter
So who are you freaking out about?

That Kissy obviously isn't in a relationship with anyone and uses this as an opportunity to feel connected to a strong community and cover up her insecurities?

That Ella is probably a cute boy?

That Austria is just a lonely lesbian living a wealthy lifestyle while being heavily inhibited by her cluster headaches?

That Bear used a made up relationship as a way to be a bigger part of a new community as it grew?
>neck massage
>not giving her a hickey
Never gonna make it.
Anon, you say it's likely that they are fake but what if you're wrong?
You're essentially just making sweeping statements with no context to anyone instead of trying to contact them or explaining why you don't think they're real.
Cute boy ella sounds really nice
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Not the shit tlaking I was looking for but whatever.
Sis bit my neck once if that makes you feel better.
And you didn't bite back to reassert your dominance?
Never gonna make it.
Look, I get that you can't take their word for it but I'm not so sure they're all lying. I have lied about little details in these threads or omitted them to make myself less easy to identify irl. I have, however, never lied about any situation with my family I told you guys about. I get it is hard to believe some people succeded in getting a incestoues relationship. I know a couple irl that are family. Full cousins. It happends, it's rare, but not impossible. It's very likely some tripfags are liars of at least some degree, but that doesn't mean they're lonely people who write fantasy to fit in somewhere.
So what you're saying is you're not talking about anyone in particular, just throwing up vague statements to distrust the trips?
It seems odd to me that you'd post here if you didn't give people the benefit of the doubt. Are you just taking the opportunity to feel all high and mighty for being so critical of everyone? That's kind of sad.

Fuck me I didn't mean for this. I've been thinking about Austria and how I feel there's something "off" reading her posts about her sister. I've been here since her first posts as well as searched for her on the /lgbt/ archive site. Everything just feels off. All I get from reading those posts is the image of someone wanting to be happier and find an outlet for her feelings. That's all I'll say and I know it's all in my head.

Different anon.
Her sister stuff correlated too closely with the frozen stuff imo
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Well we was wrestling when it happened, I had the bitch pinned for like the second or third time in my whole damn life. She was prolly reasserting her own damn dominance.
Maybe not, who cares.
>not caring
Never gonna make it
>That Ella is probably a cute boy?
tbqh I would adopt Ella if this was true
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>Sis bit my neck
gif very related
Mine this time
I'm here because it's fun. I like everyone regardless of truthfulness. The relationships they supposedly have is the last thing I really care about. It's obvious that they don't care either seeing as how none of them bother sharing about it anymore. You can pretend that Kissy posting a low effort "Me and my brother fucked all night!" type of update is something but in reality it's the best we get now and it's telling. It also dispells any possibility of someone being another Story chan character because she cared about the character development and progression mostly. Everyone still here is here for the community and that's really what matters at this point.
I will end you anon.
Good taste though.
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Yeah okay.
Got halfway through typing nigga you gay b4 looking at the name. Still might be gay tho.
I'm sure the ho will rip a hole in your neck too if you ask nicely.
>no tooth gap
>Yeah okay
No, it is not okay at all.
>I will end you anon.
Come try it, shorty.
>I'm sure the ho will rip a hole in your neck too if you ask nicely.
I'm not in the business of stealing onee-chans for my degenerate fetishes I'm afraid. She's all yours.
>finally met my dad's family that my grandfather left behind to live in the US
>they're ukrainian
>nice family
>pretty quiet
>two second cousins
>total 10/10 model tier babes

Why are eastern europeans so fucking hot?
It's been months since the current regulars started posting, I think if anyone actually kept up consistent updates it'd make them much less believable. Do you really believe that Ella and Laura would keep having interesting and thread related content to post if they were real? The fact that they aren't blogging as much anymore and are now just trying to live through life past heartbreak says something. On a personal note I really don't see any reason to disbelieve them out of all of the trips. The worst I see them doing is embellishing their stories to make them more interesting as well as the fact that they both used a real name in their trip which suggests they're partly here for positive attention, which in their case is probably something they actually need in their life.
Bruh don't say it like that, her ass isn't mine, take the bitch, she'll be better off. Just let me live with you please thanks.
Nah I think it's pretty okay.
She's your sister, of course you belong to each other. Don't be that guy.
I don't know why you focused on Laura and Ella. I haven't mentioned Laura once. To be fair I think all of them have fabricated every part of their story related to the family member in focus. It's all just a fantasy that I don't care about. I like the community.
They're the only ones who I give the benefit of the doubt currently, and you don't believe anyone on the basis of... what? Which I don't understand. Not caring I can understand, I'd rather talk to other people here than indulge in the trips' stories, but I think there's a core of truth to those two at least. I don't get why you're so hard on the possibility.
>core of truth
Because they got rejected.
The only reason you believe them at all is because they were rejected. It was a fantasy originally and for some reason they chose to turn it towards failure and rejection. Maybe it was to seem more believable. Maybe they felt like the work necessary to continue was too much. I believe every trip is someone who has posted for a while and tried to have a story, eventually they built an identity they wanted to maintain but didn't care for continuing their story. Kissy is the most obvious case of this. She jumped on having a trip faster than anyone. She just wanted an identity. They all just wanted an identity. They saw how Story chan's characters were adored in the case of Beargguy and Laura, or saw how Beargguy and Laura were loved in the case of Kissy, Austria, and Ella. I don't blame them or think of them negatively because of it, I get wanting to feel included and wanting to be a part of a community. It's all just a fantasy that went too far in the end.
Kek at this thread. What a fucking failure.
>expecting something to not be a failure on /r9k/
I've been talking to Ella privately, and I'm 100% confident that she's telling the truth.
Me too Anon. Me too. To both of those things.
Okay, I have no reason to consider you a valid source in any way. I'll take the common law when it comes to dealing with 4chan. Everything is made up.
That and the fact that they both have realistic responses to it and moments in their life that cement them as real people at the very minimum.

Consider this, Austria has been talking about her feelings for her sister since before she started tripping here, on the cis lesbian general in /lgbt/. She's had an identity there and blogposted far longer than she's been here. The name Austrianon popped up 2015/16ish. Hell it's why I don't believe her because even though all those posts were under anonymous there's still conflicting information posted over those years that shows she's not new to making things up. The possibility that there's mutiple Austrias is there but I haven't found any indication of it. It's one large social circle there and it's easy to pick out her typing style as well as the post's context. That's why I've determined she's likely to be lying.

All you seem to be going on is your own suspicion. "Everyone only wants to fit in". That's it? I agree that kissy was too eager and likely falls into the category of someone wanting attention and validation, however unless you have strong implication pointing towards that for absolutely all of them it's more logical to hold off judgement and simply not care as you say you do rather than take such a hard stance on them being fake.
People should be honest. There's no reason to continue lying or avoiding the question at this point. Why do you still keep it up? Why? I just think it's unfair on everyone.

I don't want to hate you, you're still a person. I don't want to believe you do this for attention. I don't want to believe you'd go that low just for some self satisfaction. I don't want to believe you don't feel guilty for it all. That's fucked. I'm sorry you need to turn to this to be happy.
Everyone needs to be a part of a community and this is how the trips joined this one. I don't judge them and it doesn't affect how I talk to them or participate in the threads. That's what I mean by not caring. Not caring doesn't mean I hold some sort of agnostic stance on the legitimacy of the trips' stories it just means I don't feel a jeed to act a certain way because of it. It doesn't affect me.

You're acting like they've commited some horrible sin. It's 4chan, people lie, who cares? You're putting WAY too much value into their actions. They're just people trying to have a good time, let them. I would suggest backing off a little too, it's clear you have invested way too much in this.
I care.

They're still people. They're part of the community now and there's no point to continue the lie aside from saving face that doesn't mean anything. Continuing a lie when it's so obviously a lie is plainly idiotic. There's no point to it anymore. Why shouldn't I be concerned about the truth?
Who is lying here?
I don't let it change how I treat them either, like I said I don't indulge in their stories. Seems like you're simply highly cynical of them purely because it's possible they're lying and just want to fit in, based on no reasoning other than "it's 4chan and people can lie".

There's no reason to talk any more about this.
I'd have thought you could guess for yourself.
Come on, share with the rest of the class.
Austria, for one. With everything that's been said i don't see any reason to believe her. I think she's still a real person who is maybe still pining for her sister, but going into some abstract fantasy about it isn't good for her. And I don't want to believe she's so emotionless to not feel guilty over lying about it.
They don't have anyone in mind. They're trying to guilt-trip anyone who may be lying into confessing.
So uh

Any other insomniacs here this fine night?
Ahoy senpai
I'm not feeling too great right now.
I haven't talked to anyone from here outside of this board
What's wrong?
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Hi. Wassup?
Not really an insomniac tho, that would be my sister.
Oh god I'm so nervous about my sister's wedding! My dad is gonna be there and I'm scared about confronting him. The wedding is a few days away and my hands are shaking. I'm not ready to look at him let alone say hi. I'm trying to keep it together but God I wanna break down and cry, I'm not ready for this, I'm no where near mentally ready for this!
Same here my man. Doing anything?

What's keeping you up?

Just chilling. How's your sister?

Calm down, take deep breaths. Why are you scared of your dad?
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My closest friend.jpg
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Loneliness is beginning to hurt a lot now - but I'm not going to go into too much detail as my brain is rather scrambled at the moment.
I'm just so frustrated, the most interesting thing that's happening right now is that there's a spider crawling on my wall and combined with how I'm feeling it's making me do things like scratching my neck and just flail about.

Uh, not much right now my dude.
Pic of spider, it's really small.
I'm just scared who will badger me about everything "why did you push me away" "why did you say you hate me" " what's going on Anon". I can't tell him though, I feel pangs of guilt just thinking about him for my dirty thoughts I had of him. I just wanna stay away from him so he never has to see for the true monster I am! Why do I have to be this way, why can't I be normal like everyone else!?
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She's alright, been a slow day for both of us, not a lot to talk 'bout. Did all the laundry, made her real happy, maybe I'm destined for housewifedom.
Nigga what the fuck kill that bitch.
Yes! I just started up a new Bretonnia campaign in Total Warhammer, while using th STeel Faith overhaul mod. It's my first time using it and I'm having a blast, though for some reason no other dutchies or counties will confederate with me...
I should probably go to bed but fuuuuuck it feel sgood to slaughter 4800 vampires from mousillion with a couple hundred losses of my own. I had some buffs going on and the enemy was mostly crap, but my own army only had 4 infantry to hold the line and 4 archers. I managed to knock out one armie with my cav alone though before they could link up and the King really earned himself all the glory by claiming all three kills on the enemy leaders (there were 3 enemy armies).
I dunno, it seems so much effort to get in bed right now
I should just sleep
I'm sorry, I wish I could help
You could take the spider out to the great outdoors
Also, I forgot, I went to the Parade in amsterdam with a friend today. It was pretty nice but sooo expensive. I literally spend more money there then I have in total the whole past week.
>I dunno, it seems so much effort to get in bed right now
I know that feel. Do you also feel somehow that it's wrong to go to sleep? Like you are sure you forgot something that needs to happen and you must do it for closing off another day? I often feel anxious about going to sleep, that's why I stay up all night till I can't any longer.
Cool spider. Treat it well, man. Scratch it's back and it'll scratch you're in return by keeping moths and other unwanted pests away.
>kill that bitch
Spiders are good people. They've done nothing to warrant your hate.
You shouldn't run from yourself. It's hard but important to deal with the cards you've been dealt.

You'd make a good brotherwife.

Sounds cool, I haven't played any total war games after Shogun 2. Their dlc policy is terrible.

Go to bed little one
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Ayy, tbqh I'm bad at reading and didnt realize it was smol, looked kinda like a wolf spider. We got those back home, one of the top 3 reasons I moved out. The other 2 being black widows and bigass banana spiders that like to spin webs in front of your front door.
Nigga that's gay, why does it fit me so well tho, fuck.

"Oh you piece of shit, you want drug money again? You think sucking up to me will make your life better? Go back to your room, you stay there long enough anyway"


Depressively half-smiles and sighs
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You can't make me

We have a suicide pact now. I'd be friends with you if I could, but you know how the thread is.

He can stay as long as he wants. As long as he doesn't crawl along the floor once he's seven times larger.
>Spiders are good people
They aren't people but honestly I rather have them creeping around then some people or any insects. Spiders are pretty cool. Also, fun fact, my cousins arachnophobic. Story time:
>be on holiday with cousins family years ago
>me and her brother walk further ahead
>we notice big ass spiderweb with big ass spider (by dutch standerds anyway) between two trees besides the road
>grinn at each other for we now have an oppertunity to be upp to no good
>walk back to cousin
>be all hapy and whatnot and we get on either side of her and both hook one of our arms in hers
>walk with her up to where the trees with spider are
>with her not expecting a thing an being very happy with our sudden enthousiasm to walk with her we turn off the path suddenly
>she notices the spider the last second before going right through the middle of the spider web, the spider being at about chest height for her
>screaming so loud I feld the need to press my hands to my ears as they started ringing
>we had to carry her around the day after to make it up to her
That was really funny at first but then I felt kinda bad about it afterwards. I do like to mess with her but I don't think I'll ever scare her like that again, I underestimated how much she dislikes spiders.
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Did you really
I sometimes feel like I have unfinished stuff to do yeah, just being restless
I'm just being stupid and stubborn now though
>Scratch it's back
Maybe soon
Shush we're friends now
Give the spider a paper boat to sail the winds outside
That's just evil
I can't run from this game last. The table is full and the world is watching. The dealer is about to deal the cards and my hand is weak and I can't see the cards of my number 1 opponent. His cards and how he is gonna play them scares me the most and it's when my hand is at my weakest but I can't fold.
>That's just evil
I'm sorry ;_; I made tried to make it up to her. Didn't know she was really that afraid of spiders. She freaked out pretty bad, it was funny for the first second, but when we saw in how much panick she was we instantly regretted it. I learned my lesson though, she's heavier than she looks.
>we're friends now
I'll make a paper aeroplane in the morning / afternoon and put him on it. I don't think it will hurt if I add a place to sit in.
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Fuck, well I can understand a bit of your concerns if they're that prevalent in your area. Still though, they're helpful little assholes. Have a little tiny coworker at my office, only rule is don't dangle in front of my face and we're cool.
That seems reasonable. Hope you two have a long and happy partnership.
Oh shit, that's terrible. She isn't okay with the tiniest of spiders either? At least you made it up to her and that she's alright with bit of messing about.
My sister loves spiders, although the same can't be said for snakes or that one funny time with the cows.
Man that's funny but kinda fucked. What kinda spider was it? I'm just picturing making a cute girl walk into a banana spider and nopenopenope fuck off with that shit.
I bet you and the other Amsterdam anon are going to bump into each other at some point.
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Did she take revenge on you later on?
He might disappear when you wake up
Maybe it's best to let go and let him find his own way
I'll take those odds

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>tfw cousin admits to being a furry
>always had a little crush on him
>says he's mostly into reptile stuff


I know furry shit is weird but please comfort me in the fact that I came this close to rping with my cousin as a fawn and he says he's into reptiles
She's not okay with any kind of spider unfortunatly.
>or that one funny time with the cows
cows are scary man, they're big as fuck. Sounds like your siter had a bad run in with them. Usually they're pretty good natured though but if they want to kill you they can, easily. It's usually the bulls you have to worry about though, the ladies are nice and quiet mostly, though their curiosity can be mistaken for agression.
I have no clue what it was. I didn't even take that good a look at it, just it's size really. It was nothing dangerous though, most spiders that make webs that big aren't dangerous and we were to far north to meet any spiders with a real bite.
The chances are really small man, 'tis a big city now. I'm pretty sure we don't live even remotely close to one another nor that we engage in the social cercles. And even if we'd meet by accident, I don't think we'd recognise one another. I've seen that one picture with half her face but I've seen more girls that kinda look like that, and she doesn't know what I look like at all.
>Did she take revenge on you later on?
Like I said we had to carry her around for a day and basically obey her every whim but she's way too nice to me. I honestly can't remember her doing anything mean to me, ever.
the only direction fur on scales go is gross ones my friend
Oh and I;m really gonna sleep now, ella you should too. Not that you should listen to me, the guy that sleeps in around 5 on average when alone is hardly the one to take advice on sleeping patterns from. I'll talk to you all on here tomorrow then, or in the afternoon rather. I actually have a problem now that your opnions could help me with. Talk to you guys later I guess.
I just wanted him to pretend to chase me and capture me and then fuck me like I'm his prey. Instead I couldn't even admit to my fetishes because he shut them down before I could even start. I still have no idea how you could be into lizards and shit.
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Well shit looks like it's time for bed.
>curiosity can be mistaken for aggression
Ha, that's what exactly happened. I've shared this before, but I like cows. They can be a bit intimidating though.
>At a farmer's field asking permission if we could dump some tree branches
>Sis stayed in the truck
>As we were talking, his cows came out and started surrounding my truck
>Bumping, moving it a bit, mooing and stuff
>There was my sister in despair wondering why they won't leave
Who here /notintoscatbutenduresitbecausetheycare/ ?
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I just want to drop in and say my brother got me Prey and has been laughing at how much I scream in fear
>just want to drop in and get my daily dose of (You)s
As if anyone believes her anyways.

>my brother bought me a game
>so I'll get on 4chan and post about it xD
>I'll take my attention now please
jesus christ you people are pathetic
Prey is pretty fun, I'd like to go back and finish it sometime
Might restart because I feel like I wanted some neuromods
Are you scared of that guy earlier? Did you see anyone that might be looking for you when you were going to work?
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yeah but how does it make you feel?

It's scary. Save me
Eh, it's accurate
When's the last time your dad beat you with a belt? What'd you do to cause that?
I don't think he ever hit me with a belt, but last time he slapped me on the butt I was just being sassy, but I sorta squealed a little bit because I liked it and he's stuck to upside the head smacks since then
Have you ever tried getting all bondage'd up and leaving instructions for him to punish you?
Yea, with the instructions written on me and nothing in a particular order, just ideas for him to play with, maybe a few arrows
You have tried it? How did it go? Are you not a virgin anymore?
I thought you asked if I ever imagined it
Yea no still mega virgin
Oh... Uh, good luck if you decide to try it.
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provided without further comment
Why is Laura always the target of creeps
Didn't mean to quote you I forgot to delete it from my post ):
She's getting kidnapped later, I'm calling it now
Please don't kidnap smol. She's a good-ish person.
>That's weird brah.
it is .
shes like 12 idk and she grinds on my leg too when she sit on my lap
Hey guys how are we all doing? Me a bit meh. So my cousin and I had made arrangements to go out to some unsecified thing we like this sunday, just the two of us. Now however I got a message from my sister and a call from my mother. My grandmothers birthday is sunday and everyone forgot to tell me. Now I know I made the arrangement with my cousin first, but I can't just not show up to my grandmothers brithday. She's in her 80's and she's a great crazy old woman. I do want to go to her birthday and I owe her a lot. She even still promised me a big amount of money for my birthday that she will spend on my behalf on anything I'll chose. I can't just not come to her birthday and things like that but then tell her to pay up. You know the only thing she asked for this year was new pictures of all her children and grandchildren. How can I say no to that? On the other hand, you should've seen how happy my cousin was when I said we'd go togethr. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to go to this thing, especially not alone. So I told her she would go and I'd go with her. She was so happy and she told me multiple times she was so glad I'd come with and convinced her to go. Now I just had my mother on the phone and she's coming over to my place before I got to work, I'm not sure what to tell her.
Oh gee I don't know
Maybe talk about this with your cousin?
She's abroad right now, she comes back saturday evening...
Tell your grandmother you already made plans and can't come? I dunno, I think it's more important for you to spend time with your cousin
Where does your cousin want to go on Sunday?
>I think it's more important for you to spend time with your cousin
That actually made me smile. I think you might be a little biased. I do want to make her happy, maybe I can go with my cousin but leave early to still attend dinner with my grandma though I'll miss the rest of the days activities on both sides. I feel like I need to talk about this with my cousin but I think her phone is out of rach right now, and if it's not she's still too busy hiking.
>Where does your cousin want to go on Sunday?
I don't feel comfertable sharing that as there might not be so things in that area this weekend so that'd make me easy to find, sorry, but I can assure you it's cute.
>I think you might be a little biased
Maaaybe just a little
I think talking to your cousin first is the best approach, but if it comes to it you should favor her
>I don't feel comfertable sharing that
Sorry, I didn't mean to seem nosy. Just thought it's relevant to your choices.
Although I'm sure the worst you have to fear is me hunting you down to turn you two into the cutest couple in the land

Also I'm meeting with M super soon so I hope you can resolve this, sharing the day between them could work but yeah you might miss out on a lot. Hope it works out
>but if it comes to it you should favor her
I'll try too keep that in mind, and you're not nosy, it's just smoething we've wanted to do for a while but this is the first oppertunity. We're still on holiday so now we have the time for, or should've so it's not something we can just do next week if I can't this sunday.
I'm scared already. I really hope your meeting with M's gonna go well. I will wiss out on a lot if I try to do both, as most likely the soonest I can be back for dinner if I don't miss out on the main point of the visit with my cousin is probably around the time everyone has gotten to dessert.
Page 9 music bump

If you're on good terms with your grandmother and you really do "owe her a lot," then go to her birthday. If your cousin has a brain, she should understand eventually.
Hey anons.
Slow day. I don't have anything new to report since I basically slept all day because migraines and generally feeling like shit, but my octopus did her best to hug the pain away, at least.
>but my octopus did her best to hug the pain away, at least.
Isn't she just the cutest?
She most definitely is, yeah.
Also I think I hugged my mom for the first time in a decade today when she came home. Weird feeling.
>I can assure you it's cute
>it's just smoething we've wanted to do for a while
Stop teasing me devil
>I really hope your meeting with M's gonna go well
It was awkward, she got angry, I just feel like more of a piece of shit. I don't know if I really expected anything more.
Thanks for the thought. It means something.
Hope you feel better
How is your mom doing?

And what about you, darling?
Why did she get angry? That doesn't seem cool
Because she genuinely cared for and loved me and all I did was lie and think about other people behind her back. That I didn't love her and just used her for sex and would go back to a guy when it got boring.
I don't think she really believes that last part but I know why she thought that and why it got to her. She said she still understands the reasons for what I did and wants me to be happy regardless. It's better if we just move on.
That's saddening to hear Ella.
By moving on, do you mean that she doesn't want to see you again or something? You do care about her, so it would be a great shame if that were the case.
Ah, I think I understand
What are you going to do from here?
Sorry to hear about this, Ella. Hope she doesn't really believe that. I doubt you'd ever want to use anyone like that. Hope things get better. Wish you'd at least stay friends if "moving on" means what I think it does.
What else do you expect moving on to be, dude? Have some confidence
Yeah, that was my fault there. Seemed obvious. Sorry.
Why are you apologizing? Don't waste your time like that
Yeah. It's just awkward and shitty feelings now, for both of us. School starts next month so I guess we might still see each other in some part but I don't think we'll talk to each other again soon.
I still need to call someone
Maybe time will heal things, I don't know. I don't think she feels that way.
Please dont let that someone be your ex
What are you going to school for, ella? Or is this still grade school.?
I'm sorry I don't really wanna say with all the people here, I'm kinda paranoid now
Ellie, don't talk to your ex. Cut him out of your life. Think of how much pain M would be in if he talked you into seeing him again.
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Side effect of sleeping with a big strong sister: Waking up feeling like you're fucking dying 'cause the woman wrapped her arms around your fuckin' throat.
Man your dad's missing out on some shit.
This is why you sleep with your face in her boobs.
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What's everyone doing now?
The spider disappeared, so have a picture of one of my gerbils outside
>instructions written on me
Fucking wew, Laura.

Just vidya.
Prolly still wake up suffocating, no thanks.
Das cute.
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Covered in drywall and smell like paint. Don't think my sister would like smothering herself into such a weird scent, so I can't wait to shower.
Cool gerbil though. Name of the little guy?
Then face to face, lips pressed together.
I have an idea for the next thread so please let me make it
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What ya'll dykes be doing.gif
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Yeah this chick drools, no thanks.
Bring the roll back, nigga's bored.
>this chick drools
>implying this is bad
Why can't you be more like Bearguy in this respect?
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Nothing else going on? Are you feeling better now?

N-no you

His official title is Lord Orion the Third, but I often just call him Ori.
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If the nigga wants to drink spit that's cool, I don't tho.
Also good job tricking me into being grossed out by drool instead of kissng my damn sister.
How can you say you love your sister if you won't drink her saliva?
Nothing much honestly, no. I'm feeling okay but rather worried about my grandfather still. They're going to run some tests on Monday and see if he can go home (which I think he really needs to, psychologically) but otherwise I don't know.
I'm sorry please don't act like you know anything about us and what I need to do. I don't care how M would feel about this, I want to be happy.
I'm not really doing anything important
What vidya?
Hey I don't really know what to say but I'm wishing for the best
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I like Ori. You have more than just the two besides Pinky?
>grossed out by drool instead of kissing my damn sister.
It isn't much, but hoping for a fast recovery for him.
So when are you and kissy going to exchange tips on being housewives.
I'm playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R again. Trying out STCoP.

Thanks, both of you. I appreciate it. He's 90, I mean there's not much I can do except pray and hope. I just hate seeing him so scared/confused, the hospital atmosphere just isn't good for him.
Anyway, let's not pity party. Post hugs.
>Stop teasing me devil
>It was awkward, she got angry, I just feel like more of a piece of shit. I don't know if I really expected anything more.
I'm really sorry, that sucks. Eat some chocolate, that almost aways helps. I'm here by myself eating my cousins favourite chocolate becasue feels. I meant to give it to her when she comes back but I huess I'll just have to buy another bar.
Seriously, chocolat. Maybe music. If you don't want to feel alone at all try getting a few siblings for a board or cardgame.
I get that.
>I'm sorry please don't act like you know anything about us and what I need to do. I don't care how M would feel about this, I want to be happy.
He voiced his opnion badly but this doens't sound healthy. Going back to him will most likely be very detrimental in your efforts to be happy, in the long run anyways. It's true I don't know your situation, or any of us here do, but I know that going back to an ex you didn't work out with is pretty much always a very bad idea.

Also, I had my cousin and on the phone, the thing on sunday is still on, but we'll leave earlier then we had planned so I can still see my grandma, yay!
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Well I hope the tests are positive. Have a good night

Yeah, sorry for losing the spider. Maybe I'll see him again in the winter when he's about an inch larger.
I don't mean to make your mood worse, but do you want closure from the call? Please don't act at your worst.

Ah, my brain mixed up the naming because I was reminiscing. Pinky was the name of my dead gerbil, the one in the second picture is Brain. The other one that I have is named Anon because he's really skittish, regular brown and hides most of the day.
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Pretty easily to be honest, iloveheriloveheriloveheriloveher. See? All that without drinking weird shit.
Bruh if I knew how to cook i'd already be there.
Damn another cute one.
>your sister's saliva
>weird shit
How can you say that?
It's not that hard anon, I'm gonna start cooking right now! I now imagine the /r9k/ family cooking show. That will definately end in a kitchen fire.
Your threads fucking gay homo kys
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Now all you have to do is confess to her. And gif related will happen
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>pity party
Can't really see it as that. Best wishes as always.
>post hugs
I'll post this. She seems to be in a better mood, which I'm very happy about since this week has been a bit of a bummer.
Ah, that's a shame about Pinky. Nice little gerbil family you have there though. Hope they stay happy and healthy. I'll be here eagerly waiting for your spider update.
Respond unto her, "You're a dork. I can't do this anymore. I'm done." Post results
What a shitty and boring idea
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Gosh she's adorable.
Indeed she is. Nice get, but where's the tooth gap?

I'll make a new thread after my shower, please don't make one until then :)
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Thinking about the pizza thing ever since some anon mentioned it, feels hard to fuck up and doesnt send me right into full housewife mode just yet.
Bruh I'm her little brother, I've held the ho's hand and said I loved her like a billion times by now. Gif related pretty much happened during the last GoT, except she almost crushed every bone in my hand 'cause she was pissed Jon Snow didn't get laid.
Your sisters GoT shipping obsession is pretty cute. Fun sibling thing to obsess over together, too.
Seals are cute too.
But have you told her you love her as more than just a big sister? I bet not. Step your game up, dude.
God damn back of a guy for once
>tfw to scared too show affection to parents because it might make them think I'll try to kill myself or do terrorism again
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>I've held the ho's hand and said I loved her like a billion times by now
How have you not started a family?
Quit jacking off and make a new thread.
I had to dry my hair :(

Somebody post a roll please. I don't have any saved.
I have my lewd fantasies, I just don't talk about them
Also, that was meant to be squeaked, not squealed, I'm not a pig
You blow-dry yours? I like the wetness and it usually comes out better when I let it air dry
>I like the wetness
Laura 2017
Nice to see you haven't been kidnapped yet. How's your dad been since you tried to kiss him again?
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