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This thread is for us chads. Fuck you beta virgins this is our board too whether you like it or not.

>be me
>8/10 face
>above average penis
>just got back from the liquor store
>got a bitch from /soc/ coming over
>bitch from Tinder too
>Chad friends coming over too
>gonna be loud on my deck and blast rap music

lol I pity all u virgin losers, all it would take is is you to man up to get some bitches but your too weak willed to do it. Oh well, time to use up these roasties (1 is 18 and the other 16, legal here). Don't worry robots you can marry them when they're ready to settle down and quit getting rammed by bad boys like me.

So yea my fellow chads this is our thread no virgins allowed

>Inb4 le reeee meme
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Cool, have funn
I wish I was half as cool as this post
Good joke LOL only tru frankenstain fans know this xDD
What's up my Chad?

I always come here to laugh at all the losers and read about how they fantasize about smelling the feet of girls I fucked every day lololol
Daily reminder that left pick is a 9/10 while right pic is a 6/10
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I wish I could help you and magically remove your autism
You'l still end up in the same place as all of us. Death is coming for us all.
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I wish you'd die but we all cant get what we want
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you're welx
you really do sound like someone who listens to rap
Chad here, I hope all you fuckers stay off /a/ with your shit taste and anime watched under 500 series
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What up. Healthy with a committed relationship and a good degree on the way. I come here to make sure I never slack, and become as lonely as everyone here who made shit descions in life
It blows my mind how so many girls fall for the makeup meme. The one in OP's pic looks 10x better on the left side.
this jpg pisses me off everytime I see it. delete it
same. she was so cute before but toxic masculinity dictates she must wear make up
If you have to brag to virgins about your life you're too insecure to be a Chad. You're a Brad at best. 8/10 isn't really Chad tier, more normie tier looks. A 9/10 or 10/10 actual Chad could take anything he wanted from you.
I really shouldve decided to be born into a family without a history of mental illness on both side, thanks for reminding me what a shit decision it was
thanks anon, your post squeezed a jolly kekkle right out of me
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moon landing and homosexual
nobody here has ever touched/let alone talked to someone of the opposite gender
C-chad sama, how can I become cool like you?
>be 8/10 chad,just above king of manlets
>There's literally no competition at all
>Every make either doesn't lift or is ugly as fuck
NYC is a strange place. Also being a Chad helped me see how vile woman are. When I fix myself up for an event I easily become 9/10. Remember this;lifting is forever,women are not.
Most men prefer girls with no makeup, girls impose them beauty standards into themselves
>are you feeling okay today?
>you look sick
get a clue, anon
women say that to women more than men do
so lads what is your best opening line ?
chad life is best life, lifted my way into chad-dom
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What is the worst type of woman and why is it the late 20/early 30-something reliving the Disney phase of their shitty childhood?
Man up? Bro you're finding chicks on the internet that's not manning up.

You think guys here are too chicken to swipe on tinder?
this is LARPing, a real chad wouldn't come here and even if he would he still would never have to pick on bottom of the barrel males to feel good about himself.
I wish I'd be dead, maybe I can do something about it.
Dunno why, but left looks way prettier
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you're not a true Chad unless you're me

literally a transcendental Chad.

I go anywhere and without meaning to, all attention is on me.

women take notice, men take notice.

it's annoying.
When a chick says she's scared because she's been hurt before, you KNOW she's an easy lay.
>legal here, but not the US

Taken Down!!
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Is "Chad" just the new "John" ("hey faggots I hate every single one of you... etc")
God I haven't seen that in fucking ages

>I blame my mental illness from succeeding in life
Nah m8, it's you, not your mental illness that's holding you back. I have straight up mild asbergers and severe depression and I have a masters and a nice(ish) apartment by myself.
>Juss bee urself, anon hehe u can do et
Fuck off, cunt.
>be me
>good looks
>above average penis
>6 figures income
>going to spend this weekend at a 5 star beach resort with one of my fuckdolls

What are your weekend plans fellow Chads?
I know right? I tried to post the whole pasta to OP just to show him he's not exactly bringing a new concept to the table here, but it says I can't post non ASCII characters. I didn't think the pasta had any.
because it's natural and she doesn't look like a generic whore like every other makeup'd slut out there.

I made a thread on this once and everyone called bullshit that I prefer girls without makeup. But they just seem more like real people to me that I can actually have a conversation with and be normal around.

One time I went camping with friends and the girls didn't wear makeup and it was like I could chill with them and just see them as normal people like everyone else. Then they went home and put their stacyface on again, ugh.
All of my dates in the past six months have gone nowhere. If I didn't have a FWB I would have gone insane by now.

I really need to step it up, I don't know if I lost my touch or if Tinder got harder as it got more mainstream, but I used to have a lot more success two years ago.
Anon, I pity you. I really do. That kind of attitude is exactly why you can't succeed, not your mental illness. Get some help man
t. norman

nice dubs and fuck the filter
>t. norman
Thanks for the dubs recognition. Nah, not a normie by any means. I have two people who I can call friends that I know outside of games, mild asbergers, and severe depression as I stated earlier. I suppose you maybe quantify me as a cyborg if that one "how robot are you" chart is to be believed but I dunno, I've been here for a while now.
I know that feel bro. Girls are just so damn flaky. At least I have fwb's but a real gf would be nice.
Yeah. The worst is I don't know if for some reason (maybe just the luck of the draw) all of the girls I went on dates with didn't like me, and I could sense that, and so I didn't kiss them?
Or maybe it went nowhere *because* I didn't just straight up kiss them on the first date? I don't know mane.

Same thing for grills just showing up to your place for "a movie". Has Tinder culture changed, and grills don't do it anymore? Or did I not match with the right girls? Or do I suck when I didn't a year ago? So many questions.

I'm fed up with fucking without feelings, I want a real qt gf now, to the point where I'm idealizing my exes that I dumped for various reasons more and more, andI know that's not good.
Tinder rots your brain mane.

Yeah whatever norman, why do you spout that "just bee urself :^)" bullshit then?
>Yeah whatever norman, why do you spout that "just bee urself :^)" bullshit then?
Well I'm trying to help out a fellow anon here, but I can safely say that none of what I said involved saying to "be yourself" or any derivative of that meme. If you'd like to point to where I said that and explain why you think that I have the time tonight to respond (another sign: it's Friday night at 1:46am and I'm arguing on the internet).
>If you'd like to point to where I said that
Gee anon I just mean you're all about "look at me I'm autistic and get grills, you can too!". It's not that simple. You're likeable, he's not.
>why you think that I have the time tonight to respond
Well you are so far
>it's Friday night at 1:46am and I'm arguing on the internet
Well it's 11am on saturday and I'm bored at the office, so an internet argument is exactly what I need.
>on /soc/
>much less 4chan
>much less the internet
>Gee anon I just mean you're all about "look at me I'm autistic and get grills, you can too!". It's not that simple. You're likeable, he's not.
I find it actually funny I have to convince you I'm not a chad or whatever. I am not that likeable, anon. While I'd like to think I recognize my issues, I never had too many friends growing up, was never popular, and had exactly 1 girlfriend in my entire life. Also, I never said I could get grills; I don't know where you got that.

>well so far you are
That's my bad. I meant to say that I do have time.

>an internet argument is exactly what I need
I'm down for it, anon. Put 'em up.
>and had exactly 1 girlfriend in my entire life
Why the fuck are you giving that anon advice then

>I'm down
George is the best character in Seinfeld and I'll fight you if you say otherwise.
I wasn't giving that anon love advice. I was trying to give him an "if I can do it, then you can do it" type thing

>George is the best character in Seinfeld
Damn you're not wrong there. But Niles Crane is the best character in Frasier and I will throw down if YOU say otherwise
> Chad doesn't know I am an electrical engineer and cut that party short.
> Chad doesn't know I worked as a sound/PA technician and thus have access to all the gear to blast my music loud enough to wreck his house.
> Chad doesn't know I don't drink and therefore if the police comes over for "disturbing the peace" I'll be the sober one.
> Chad doesn't know I pick up women face to face unlike him, fucking wimp (granted my success rate is low).
>if I can do it
But you just said you can't. Once is a fluke.
Haven't watched that yet. Neither Seinfeld nor Fraiser aired in my country, so I've been watching Seinfeld recently. I'm almost done with the last season, I might start Fraiser afterwards.
>But you just said you can't. Once is a fluke.
I didn't think the anon I was replying to was talking about romantic stuff. I just meant "I can do it" like "I can be a generally successful person despite deficiencies"

>I might start Frasier afterwards
It definitely takes some getting used to as it is about the upper class of a western USA city but it's totally worth it imo. I enjoyed it the same way I enjoy King of the Hill; low-key humor and a show that makes you care about the characters.
>I just meant "I can do it" like "I can be a generally successful person despite deficiencies"
Right, you're full of shit then :^)

>It definitely takes some getting used to
I've seen it compared to Seinfeld a lot, is it the same kind of humor?
>still living in basement

nice fantasy you have there brad.
Well I'm not terribly successful with women, you got me there if that's what you were going for. I'd like to think even the lowliest robot can become successful in other ways though. But yeah, I definitely wish I was adept socially.

>I've seen it compared to Seinfeld a lot, is it the same kind of humor?
It's definitely similar but I've only seen the first season or so of Seinfeld. I would actually compare it a bit to Parks and Rec (only) in the capacity that once you're past the first season, if you're still watching then you're probably gonna like it (Parks and Rec is almost universally said to have had a poor first season).
> implying my condo has a basement.
>Parks and Rec is almost universally said to have had a poor first season
Yeah I couldn't get past the first couple episode, but I have heard I should power through the first season. Or is it okay to skip it entierly?

> I'd like to think even the lowliest robot can become successful in other ways though.
In other words you're full of shit and you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about anon.
>Yeah I couldn't get past the first couple episode, but I have heard I should power through the first season. Or is it okay to skip it entierly?
You can skip it entirely, you're going to miss very little and it's not terribly funny early on. I actually feel similarly about The Office in that it doesn't hit its stride until season 2.

>In other words you're full of shit and you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about anon.
Well maybe.I never rule that out as a possibility, but I'd like to think there's hope for every robot out there. I remember reading a glorious dream an anon on here had a few years ago in which robots lived together as NEETs on a farm sanctioned by the government, just playing vidya and improving skills.
No,being a Chad is basically being everything /r9k/ isn't.
>I'd like to think there's hope for every robot out there.
See my previous message about you having no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're basically on the level of "just bee urself" fags
Well it's certainly possible, I won't rule that out. I have seen success stories by robots though so I don't think I'm wrong. And I don't think I'm "on the level" of the "bee urself" fags because I've not and have never advocated to "just be yourself" or anything like that.
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>start writing shitpost about how ive ascended chaddom
>h-heh maybe ill call myself vlad and do a big long post about how I can fly and shit
>realize how lame this is
>realize how lame replying to this thread is
>decide to write this shitty meta post instead

im so fucking tired and lazy fuck this shit fuck you for making this thread fuck you all for replying to this thread and fuck myself for being alive.
Hey man you're good. This "Chad" is another basement dweller just trying to feel cool
>There is someone for you
>bee yourself

Err, sorry I don't follow. I didn't say that and you don't seem to be quoting me.
Alright, I've got two really chad-ish things in my life. I'll share the second best, but current one.
>two years ago
>second year at Uni
>volunteer course open for everybody
>3/4 normal people
>1/4 shy Erasmus students who just want to practice the language
>meet 8/10 japanese qt
>she blushes whenever we talk to each other or are paired during the course
>once when we are both early and alone she drops and destroys her phone because she's so excited
>invites me to her place where she cooks for me
>pretty awkward
>suggest we could watch a movie
>kiss half way through
>make out
>repeat next week
>take her virginity
>her Erasmus time is ending so decide to break up with her
>meet in public place
>she cries the whole time
>flies back to Japan
>I've got a new gf literally a week later
Fast forward to current situation
>got a gf for 2 years (different one than before)
>suddenly Japanese girl texts me
>says she decided to come back
>wants to meet up
>say I'm in a relationship
>pause, then she says alright
>been meeting her twice so far
>she's clearly still in love
>my gf is not happy with me meeting her but doesn't want to alienate me

how can you have sex with random girls, don't you feel sad about the fact that they dont love you, that is just occasional sex?
that wasn't even what he said but it's funny how you interpret it that way
She looks far better without makeup. Source?
Found it. Aliana Fox.
Sorry, Alaina Fox, not Aliana.
Who /formerchad/ here? I setled down with a nice girl before I got odler and they all hit the wall. I miss fucking different girls and doing drugs with the lads. But we all gotta grow up sometime right?
Got my mom visiting my apartment while my brahs are out. We're gonna fuck all night long.. Give dad a grandchild
Honestly rather be a normie than be a fart smelling toe sucking dorito eating faggot
she looks 23-25 on the left and 38-42 on the right
>be me
>5'11 chad
>anger management issues
how do i stop attracting sluts and start attracting qts?
Chad please help me become you.
c-can i w-watch the thread?
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