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A few months back, I would sneak into my little sister's

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A few months back, I would sneak into my little sister's room and do stuff with her... just little things, like kiss her and touch her places, and one time I wiped a tiny bit of cum onto her feet. Nothing that serious, nothing that would hurt her.

I only did it maybe 10-15 times, and then I stopped, but my sister and mum have been acting strangely for the past week or so, and two nights ago, I overheard my mum asking questions to someone over the phone that were pretty obviously related to what I did with my sister.

I immediately packed my bag and prepared to GTFO town as fast as fucking possible, only for my mum to confront me and tell me about what "your father" was doing to my sister, and talked about the possibility of telling the police. Apparently my sister thought it was my dad doing it, and brought it up in casual conversation with my mum, which is how she found out.

My dad has previous sex offenses (none of them actually that serious), so this might just fly.

Is there any chance they could get DNA off of her feet, and if it did, wouldn't it test as a match for my dad since we're both closely related?

I'm also kinda worried that maybe my mum is lying to me or fucking with me and knows that it was me all along.
I highly doubt she saved the cum on her feet, it's probably been washed off. You're fine, just stop what you're doing
First, you're a piece of shit.
Second, tell your sister it was you and apologize. Doing anything else will fuck up your whole family in one way or another.
Fess up and admit it while apologizing. For once in your life do the right thing. They won't forgive you if you lie about it and then they find it was you. It is better to confess. Be a better person.
Just be cool and let your dad take the fall for it.
>Nothing that serious, nothing that would hurt her.
When I was a teen lad my sister would drink smoothies she'd refrigerate at night for breakfast, after she became a vegan. I had plenty of nightly fap sessions after she went to sleep where I'd cum in her flask bottle.
Nothing has ever been more dick hardening than watching her drink my cum every morning.

It was a pretty degenerate thing to do, now that I think about it.
>I only did it maybe 10-15 times
I like you anon.
how old are you, and how young is your little sister? my boner needs to know/
>I'm also kinda worried that maybe my mum is lying to me or fucking with me
yeah its probably this. wipe cum on her feet so she doesn't feel left out
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I fucking hate this place, how can one be this fucking degenerate. Say goodbye to your dad op.
fembot detected
I hope you never had siblings, cause you've probably had cum on you too
anon I'm gonna be honest with you, for your own sake don't say fucking anything.

there is absolutely nothing you serve to gain by telling your sister or mother it was you.
Also remember.
OPs dad might have actually been doing fucked up shit to his daughter.
If OP owns up to cum-tagging her feet, he might go down for some brutal shit like anal sex or raping his sister.

Also if his dad has previous, and the mom is planning shit, she probably wants to divorce him anyway. Women are retarded and would ignore abuse like this if they benefit from the arrangement.

OPs mother probably was looking for any reason to divorce him anyway.
>Man up
>Say it's you
>Be sent to jail
>Be killed or raped cause prisoners hate the likes of you
It's up to you anon.

you have a way out of a potential jail sentence and a butthole the size of a grapefruit for the rest of your life...

Dont listen to these moral faggots, just do what needs to be done!!
I'm thinking of letting my dad take the fall for this one he lived his full life he is in his 50's I deserve my life.
"in" is waaaay harder, and not worth the risk. You'd have to have balls of steel.
You absolutely do anon... honestly from one man to another... life can be shit... bur prison can make it ALOT worse.. just keep the head down, let this all play out, and ignore any moral fags

Ps: remember to ensure deep sleep before tagging <3 4am is the golden hour
Thats what i do
>I'm thinking of letting my dad take the fall for this one he lived his full life he is in his 50's I deserve my life.

wait anon I have a better solution
the very fact they choose to talk to you about it shows that they aren't sure whether they should call the police

My advice to you
INSIST your mother and sister don't do anything
say you dad is a good person and doesn't deserve anything happening to him
Fuck this fence sitter anon, someone is going down hardcore for this.... its not something that ANYONE will drop, just do what needs to be done..

There should be more of this, fuck off newsummerfag
This. Save your father but don't admit to anything.
>Just let your dad get raped and murdered in prison instead
Confess anon. You deserve to be raped in jail for how fucking dumb you are
>I'll just sneak in her room and rub her pusy a bit
>I'll just wipe some cum on her foot
How fucking dumb are you?
shut the fuck up traitor

we need to protect our own
us robots need to stick together

His dad is a worthless peon
consider this a necessary sacrifice for OPs protection
>no greentext
fake and gay
What previous sex offenses did your dad have?
If anon pushes for his father to not get punished... he will be seen as a pedo sympathiser .. which is almost as bad as a pedo.. fuck your dad anon, its better him than you
If there is no evidence other than your sisters word then there's actually nothing that can happen anyway right?
this >>38854669
im curious as well
>If there is no evidence other than your sisters word then there's actually nothing that can happen anyway right?

The justice system is so fucked for men that a woman's word alone is enough
Turn yourself over to the police, scumbag.
>Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
I agree

If you're going to be a degenerate why would you go the extra mile and wipe cum on her foot? Why don't you just take a picture next time and hang it on the fridge?
also you are forgetting that OPs dad has previous sexual offences

any judge is gonna see that any immediately assume he came on his daughters feet
kek, you're a twisted fuck
Does you're dad really deserve this? You're basically going to ruin his fucking life. You know that right?
>stick together
30 y/o KHV and the thought of sneaking into my sister's room at night to touch her is fucking repulsive

OP is disgusting
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>spotted the newfags
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I've got it OP. Move out, but have the motivation for it being that you don't want to live with a monster that would do things to their children. When the father denies this they're going to be looking at both males in the household. Get the fuck out of there and don't look back.
get the fuck off my board fag
It's sexual assault against a minor I think he'll be fine.
>he thinks this is a fucking joke
Don't get doxxed buddy ;)
NOT right
fuck off moral fag.
Honestly I just remembered this site used to shit on moralfags all the time. Fuck off newfag
Owe up to what you did, dont let your father take the fall for this shit.
It could ruin his life until he dies, while you could only get a dissmisive punishment.

Please anon, dont screw your dad over, i hope you do the right thing.
>trying this hard to fit in
Mein Got, grow a brain lad
Do nothing OP please.
Shut your mouth. It's your parents fault you were born.
See here >>38855528
It used to be board culture to shit on moralfags and I'm not going to let you faggots ruin it.
>the anyone that respects board culture is just trying to fit in meme
kill yourself normalfag
>ruin his life
the guy is 50 years old and he has a wife and daughter

his life is already ruined
You need to realize that the only thing this guy has going for him in his life is his job

Then he comes home to a bitch wife and daughter who think he's a fucking rapist

his life would improve if he got out of this situation
>kiss her and touch her places, and one time I wiped a tiny bit of cum onto her feet
>Nothing that serious
>he thinks board culture exists for r9k
>board culture
Jesus Christ
>we need to protect our own
>us robots need to stick together
>We're all a bunch of retarded sick fucks that molest our sister
OP deserves to be raped and murdered in prison, just for how fucking dumb he is.
>Little sisters deserve their fully grown brother sneaking in at night, rubbing their pussy and wiping cum on her feet
>This is normal behavior and if you don't like it you're a fag

Where did it all go wrong for you anon?
I didn't really sense moral faggotry I think he was genuinely disgusted senpai
Diddling your sister ain't exactly everyone's cup of tea
It does and was prosperous a few years ago until a horde of newfags came to /r9k/ and ruined it
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it's probably better you fucking kill yourself
>t. 15 year old edgelords that think this is their safe space
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>we need to protect our own
Shits gold pham
Imagine taking an image board this seriously
>Sexually assaulting a minor
>Dismissive punishment
Are you that fucking retarded moralfag ?
It's the fact that he was disgusted in the first place. I've been so desensitized by this site that when I read the OP I just smiled. It's typical and tame to what gets posted here. This should just be another one of those robots fucks his life or someone elses thread. Nothing special

We should send some of our goons down there to take out OPs sister and mother honestly

That's probably the best solution here, only way to guarantee their silence
>being so fucking new they haven't realized it's done ironically
I hate having to spoonfeed newfags such as yourself but god damn. It's /r9k/ faggot
>I've been so desensitized by this site that when I read the OP I just smiled.
Holy fuck, you're hardcore brah

i'd judas op in a heartbeat
Stop projecting newfag
autism is a spectrum, not everyone is in as deep as you are
>His dad is a worthless peon
>consider this a necessary sacrifice for OPs protection

And if anyone of you retards would actually finish reading the post before writing your reply, you would see that this is not the narrative I made.
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>I just smiled
woah hold up bro, I'm hella desensitized also
Thats not anything to be proud of. You've desensitized yourself to having a normal human reaction and are telling people who aren't as far gone as you to fuck off because they arent mentally ill enough to post.

I'm not a "moralfag" in the sense that I'm not gonna make posts telling OP to kill himself or that he's a horrible person (although what he did is), because it doesn't help and those posts are obvious. But don't be proud of being the exact opposite of that either because that's just sad, thoughtless and edgy.
And you should be if you aren't a newfag. You shouldn't be offended when someone calls you a nigger.
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>Everyone who disagrees with me is a newfag
Nah, the rest of your post is pretty consistent with its opener. Just admit you're an edgelord at heart, who enjoys shoehorning his badassery. We've all got flaws!
hehehe big keks my brother, no newfags here
Stop saying newfag so much you fucking autist learn a new word
>thinking I'm proud of being desensitized
Does everyone here have elementary reading comprehension? And yes I am because THATS WHAT WE USED TO DO. FUCK OFF NORMALFAG

Haha haha
>my dad has previous sex offensives
>It runs in the family
I hope you go to jail you pathetically amazing retard
Only retarded edgelords become desensitized
If you're not proud, why would you feel the need to make it known, EVERYONE over the age of 15 on the internet is desensitized to obscenity
What makes your useless anecdote so special ya dang dingus?
While I'm 99% certain this is shitthatneverhappened.txt, I'll say this:

Your mother probably does know it was you. Most likely, she has coached your sister into distrusting her own memory and believing it was your father for the sake of getting out of her relationship with him and cleaning him out for all his assets in court.
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please enlighten us more anon
>being insensitive is being an edgelord
How can anyone be this new. An edgelord is someone that's pretentious. I'm not being pretentious I'm sharing what I felt
How about you offer a synonym faggot
Kill yourself. Or better yet, tell us where you live.
>EVERYONE over the age of 15 on the internet is desensitized to obscenity
Which is immediately contradicted by the amount of disgust for the OP in the thread
confess that it was you and don't get your dad in trouble. you are the lowest scum possible, betraying your own father out of the lowest motive possible. jesus christ dude
1.an edgelord is not someone that's just pretentious
2."I just smiled" is the most hilariously edgy thing I've read in weeks, just accept your faggotry my man
Or you know anyone that has thick skin and is used to talking with men and not pussies that analyze everything they say to make sure that no one was offended.
>I'm not being pretentious
>Being disgusted by a man that molested his little sister means you're a pussy
wise words from a lord of the edge
I'm desensitized to war, I still don't like watching war movies. It's not contradictory, because desensitization increases your threshold, it doesn't make it disappear. People can consider OPs deeds to be worse than what they usually see, which is subjective
I think the problem here is that you read that line and said it in your head as if it were boasting. And then kept that interpretation as if it were the only possible meaning. And the moment that you were corrected on your mistake you retaliated because obviously you are me and know how I meant for that line to be read
>smiling at a story about some degenerate touching his sister at night
>autistically raging at anyone who shows any signs of disgust with OP
>projecting onto others
Nice job. You only think I'm raging because obviously that is the only tone anything can be read in. And you benefit and it makes it easier for you to attack me by projecting that I am upset.
>anyone that is at least 15 and browses the internet is desensitized into obscenity
Evidently you haven't been browsing the thread because there are quite a few disgusted with OP
> saying "edgelord"
i just didn't care man. a similar thing hapened on a meme group i am in.

>autistic guy is getting nudes from a girl
>other people (admin staff) is getting aswell
>autistic guy discovers and leaks the nudes
>everyone is outraged by it
>i said he did it well
i think i am too dead for memes and this shit.
everyone has love in their hearth and empathy.
i don't feel nothing for the girl that got her nudes leaked and i just feel rage for the ones defending her.
the same here.
why anyone would put someone on the can for a little bit of cum?
there is no empathy to be had on this story.
Virtue signalling this much for moralfags.
The absolute state of this board.
Absolutely, it's impossible for you to backtrack upon having your dumb post called out.
>fucking newfags, op doesn't even faze me
>I didn't mean it in a good way tho, fucking newfags
Or perhaps you legitimately don't see its idiocy, in which case it's probably not worth replying to you.
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Then why else would you smile while reading a story on molestation? Having a straight face, not feeling anything, that's desensitization. But you just had to let everyone know you smiled. Because you're a hardcore r9k veteran.
Redundant post. Read my explanation of desensitization in this context, then try again.
Kill yourself you stunted, disgusting, perverted human being.
Why are you moralfags so triggered ?
He just put some cumdrops on her feet, he didn't facefuck her.
I enjoyed that movie, but holy hell the theater was crazy
>wouldn't it test as a match for my dad since we're both closely related?
if they gathered your dna fron your sisters foot in the form of cum and tested it agains your fathers thy would 100% know it was your father's son's dna. how do you think paternity tests work?
fake and oddly intricate
>>fucking newfags, op doesn't even faze me
Because it shouldn't if you aren't a newfag. If this were posted a couple of years ago I can grantee you that we would be shitting on moralfags. What I don't understand is why are you going to argue like you know how this place was when you evidently weren't here. Yes OP is an idiot, but he isn't the first nor will he be the last. I'm not backtracking I'm telling you that you made a mistake and that there are multiple interpretations to a post. Only I can decide which interpretation that post is meant to be read in because I fucking wrote it retard.

I smiled because OP is a dumbfuck. You have the interpretation that I smiled at the idea of molestation. OP's story is hilarious to be because it intrigues that sadistic side of my personality. You got the interpretation that the point of the post was to announce that I am desensitized when that wasn't even part of the point I was trying to make.
If you get disgusted by a story like in the OP you are not desensitized. You're a newfag. If you're reading that word newfag as if it is meant to derogatory you're heavily mistaken. It means that you are new and yet understand how the culture on this board functions. The problem with the newfags today is that they read the word with so much hate as if it wasn't meant to be said in the manner of stating facts
underrated post is underrated
@reta.sisters is their instgram
If you listen to these retards then you deserve what will come of it.

Quit doing it and never tell anyone, if they mention it again tell your mother you doubt it's true. But no matter what do not admit to it.
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if your sister isn't 10 years old or older then you've seriously fucked up op.

otherwise, you're straight op, I used to do the same kind of shit to my sisters.

if you tell your sister it was you and tell her you'll get killed in jail if she tells she won't tell anybody, as creeped out and disgusted by you she'll be afterward she still loves you enough as a brother to not wish death upon you.
who the fuck wipes cum tho? if you're gonna molest someone secretly, don't leave evidence. christ. op is a fucking imbecile.
on the feet is probably fine, who the fuck would think to check there? they probably just inspect the puffy vulva and that's it
no pics of the sister?
Come clean. Don't kill your father.
kek something similar recently happened in a meme group i'm in
is it Church of B_______ by any chance?
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