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This is what an empowered feminist looks like.

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This is what an empowered feminist looks like.
What part of this makes you think she's empowered or a feminist? I see nothing that even hints at either.

She literally posts in a thing called inceltears that is like 95% of her posts. She makes fun of virgins.
What part of that makes you think she's empowered or a feminist?
>empowered feminist
no, it's pretty much reality as accepted by everyone alive
Of all the things you could have chosen to post regarding feminism, she really isn't saying anything that bad or insulting. Nor is this even remotely indicative of feminism?? Her views are kinda old fashioned.
If she was an ~empowered feminist~ wouldn't she be talking about how it's sexist that women can't approach guys and how many guys she's screwed or something
>no, it's pretty much reality as accepted by everyone alive
this girl is even trying to ease robot retards into the game by doing some of the heavy lifting for them (eye contact, smiling, acting girly and touching them-- even telling guys she wants to hang out with them which signals that the guy isn't a creep). Shit, these dudes deserve to be KHVs. She's practically lining her pussy up with your dick. This is more than most girls will do. She should be celebrated. She's not asking for much. We all understand women are privileged & she tries to level the playing field for dudes.
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Your move virgins
>just a girl with normal expectations for a guy
Sometimes I forget how pathetic the guys on here are. You're a man. You must approach women if you want them. Only the Chaddiest of Chads doesn't even have to do that. They're maybe 1/10,000 people - so small that they're not worth considering.

Women have different standards they must live by then men. The sexes are different. Deal with it.
>this girl is even trying to ease robot retards into the game by doing some of the heavy lifting for them
Not at all. She's doing those things for the men she's attracted to.
I doubt she's being that flirty with robots, anon. I mean unnecessary touching is basically the flirtest thing a girl can do.
>I mean unnecessary touching is basically the flirtest thing a girl can do.
Since when?
So what? She's some fat bitch with dyed hair, I'd die a virgin rather that having to deal with people like that.
She's Asian and posts in gone wild subreddits. I don't think any guys want to be with her anyway.
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dildos aren't objectifying, rubber vaginas are.
the point is that men risk more by approaching and women risk less. Women aren't going to get fucked up by the bouncer or fired form their jobs for saying hello to the wrong guy but men will. I mean if I even look at a girl I have to worry that I've made her uncomfortable. Women should approach because 1 probably won't get rejected as much as a man would 2 basically won't be punished for sexual misconduct 3 would have more options besides the guys that approach them
You're assuming all men are safe. That's not true.
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>this girl is even trying to ease robot retards into the game by doing some of the heavy lifting for them (eye contact, smiling, acting girly and touching them-- even telling guys she wants to hang out with them which signals that the guy isn't a creep). Shit, these dudes deserve to be KHVs

If you truly believe this then you literally understand fuck all about how a lack of confidence/fear/shyness can completely ruin your life as a man.

When you've been bullied and degraded like I have all throughout my childhood/teenage years, then even as an adult it can be near impossible to make a move on any girl, even when they're "dropping hints".

Men are still expected to do ALL of the actual initiation. If you have a complete lack of self-confidence, then you will second guess every single "sign" a woman gives you and therefore not be able to do any of the physical or romantic initiation necessary.
Odds are you won't get "fucked up" or have your life ruined unless you go way over any reasonable line. As long as you're clubbing in a place full of strangers, there's basically no consequences.

Women can't approach because:
1) They look easy.
2) Making you approach is a minor test of your manliness.
3) It violates gender norms.
If you're that self-conscious, you're not ready to have a girlfriend. You should focus on improving yourself up to the point where you view yourself as a worthy man and women will follow. Improve yourself physically and socially and financially. Going straight for girls when you fundamentally lack the confidence will almost always fail.

Don't buy into that normie "fake it till you make it" shit either. You need to improve yourself until you have genuine confidence.
so she seems to be saying that the proper analogue for an onahole/men is credit card/women
Literally nothing she said is wrong. It's actually how a woman should act.
>Implying I haven't done all of that

I have friends and an active social life. I dress well, I take care of my appearance. I go to university and study hard while also partaking in a couple hobbies that genuinely interest me. This has meant I now have a rather interesting life, but it has done NOTHING to make me more comfortable with women.
>nothing is about women
>but I spend my fridays ranting about women on a Chinese knitting forum
sort their posts by controversial, he claims to be a black man. clearly a troll.
I ignore bitches like this on purpose. Its unattractive as fuck. If you want something say something. Don't sit there and give me "signals" all that tells me is that you will be a terrible girlfriend completely unable to voice your problems and talk about them like an adult.

Its also funny watching girls like this get increasingly mad. Its the funniest shit ever watching them try to contain their anger and keep giving those "signals" and failing.
>clubbing in a place full of strangers
About the last place I would want to be in without getting paid for it, or ever approach a girl.
>ask pthem if they want to hang out
If after this you STILL don't get it you deserve to be alone
She's on reddit, diptard. She's definitely an empowered feminist.
I really try to be a good person and feminist (yeah I know I'm a cuck faggot I don't wanna argue about it) but people who think male masturbation aids are gross and vibrators aren't really get me steamed
Honestly no respectable feminist would say all male masturbation aids are problematic. The one being quoted in the post you're responding to isn't saying that either. I don't agree with feminists who condemn fleshlights, although I see their point and consider it kinda valid. It's just not a big deal. But if you have something that doesn't look like a female body part, I doubt you'd be getting any pushback from any feminists.
Well, obviously *you* would never know.
Huh? How so? I've been crossing lines all my adult life, but nothing bad has happened and no one has told me? But it was somehow still impossible all along?
>just pick up those roasties when you are both 30 anon
How about no?
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