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Fembots, why are you such a fucking loser?

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Fembots, why are you such a fucking loser?

Diddled as a child

Abusive childhood gave me massive social anxiety
Chronic pain and I don't really like people that much.
>mentally ill
>sexually abused as a child
>no support system
>born ugly
Shit that's sad... common theme for women on this site. I've noticed, in women, that those experiences will either break you or turn you into the coolest person ever (usually the prior)
They're weak yet hateful little creatures.
Also there is no such thing as a fembot.
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>those experiences will either break you or turn you into the coolest person ever
>turn you into the coolest person ever
How does getting molested as a child make you cool?
I'm a tranny
inb4 >"fem"bot
Psychopath mother with alcoholic father and genocide surviving mother that divorced--lived in poverty--continued cycle of abuse. Parents never loved me, I never loved them. Dad was distant, mom was controlling and physically/emotionally abusive. Gifted child, art prodigy that failed and never forgave self for. Three cancers, two benign, one malignant. Debilitating chronic pain, opioids. Antipsychotics and about 7 antidepressants. PTSD/Chronic depression. Violent sexual fantasies of self abandonment.
i have the tism
I think when he says cool, he means 'total whore'
Chad doesn't love me.

(male robots get paid more and have easier access to wealth so there's that too)
born that way to be honest
You're just an extraordinarily bad male loser.
>inb4 >"fem"bot

just because its true doesn't make it tedious
Because l fail at everything I try.
I don't know, genetics I guess. If I still believed in god I'd say him.

I guess most of all, I just suck at living. I didn't ask to be born and everyone just asks for so much. Why are we created if we're just going to be made to work and slave until we die? I hate working. Why am I expected to push out more babies even though I would suck as a mother? I'm just some stupid NEET girl. Relationships suck, I don't want to have a guy attached to me all the time and expecting things from me. I just want to have a quiet existence. I didn't ask for this. I'm not cut out for this system. I just want to lay in bed. Why does society punish me for laying in bed? It's not like I asked to be made. It's not my fault the condom broke, it's not my fault daddy is gone. I was a mistake, you shouldn't expect much from me.
Because I'm a bipolar ADHD-riddled tard
I mean in the long run. Their mental state is altered to cope with the situation. Pretty much always makes them shut-ins. Some (the ones I referenced) end up becoming expressive as fuck though through art and whatnot as a means of communicating inner thoughts. These types are still broken. don't get me wrong.
It's just they have unique thought processes.
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>drop out
>can't have children
who would want me

there is no place for me, i've developed this weird fantasy of being mercy killed by someone. having someone recognize my pain is nice. i know that i can't bring them any happiness and that i'll just bore them, so fantasizing about being in a relationship is just unrealistic. instead they at least take a few minutes and hug me/ sing to me then just choke me until i die.

Were you raised Christian? Tell me about what you used to believe and why that changed? Genuinely curious.
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Paraplegic, ugly, heavy anxiety/panic attacks, socially awkward, stupid, worthless.
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>giant terrible boobs
>not retarded but not smart
>make shitty decisions
>use this site
>doing nothing with my life
>terrible at everything I do

Never diddled as a kid but had a pretty depressing life, trying hard not to kill myself because I have shit to do soon. I'm planning it for next summer tho.
Are you controlling insecure and jealous?
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Damn y'all. How did you even find r9k? Or even better,why do you come on this board?
Would you date someone who is also socially awkward and shy?
Just help me kill off humanity, girl
It'll be fun
I love dogs, if you know what I mean.
Yes but how would we meet if we're both socially awkward and shy? Seems tough and stuff.
We've already met
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I wanted to find a place that was full of involuntary virgin NEETs so I could fit in somewhere. After a year of two of looking, I found /r9k/. I've been addicted ever since.
Wrong. That's not it all. Unfortunately there is a high probability that will occur though.
I certainly don't want to stay here. It's awful and I want to move on with my life and get a GF and the social life I've missed so far.

Honestly all of the girls in this thread sound pretty robot tier imo. They are way more fucked up than the average robot.
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>she lives life on easy mode
>her retarded female brain prohibits her from enjoying simple things in life
>she could get a bf with a snap of a finger but her internalized narcism wont let her be happy
>she gets buttblasted about things she cant change in life
>she doesnt realize that being weak is expected of her and natural
>her mind will forever be clouded and she will never be able to reach the clarity of her male counterparts
>takes selfpity to next level
>thinks she is main character in a soap opera, playing her grandiose fantasy in reality
>wastes more drinkable water than swiming pools
>blames everyone else for her problems
>makes world romanticize her and not her romanticizing world
>can turn malicious without a reason
>dont have souls
Oh. Where do you live? I live in Colorado. It stinks here.
Ireland, it doesn't stink here

How did you become paraplegic? Describe your condition and the story behind it please.
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mental illness and brain damage put me where i am today, feels bad man
Giant terrible boobs? What size?
that pic hurts
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"secret schizoid" (diagnosed), i also like anime and coding and i'm sure people put up with me only because i'm a girl
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>when a woman tells you they suffer from chronic pain

yeah never heard of that lazy ass excuse before, sometimes my back gets sore from a bit of work too
Cluster migraines my dude. Nothing to do with my gender.
>daddio in jail
>mommo on drugs
>got diagnosed with asbergers
>got in a wreck and ruined my motorcycle
>back and legs in constant pain
>live alone
>never had gf

Trust me, you got it better than me.
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Because I have no friends.

Pic related.
Tfw no red pilled gf with more dating experience than me
(: You'd be good in my book

what's the big deal about racism anyway?
>sand nigger
kek, you did well
hope you called them a sandnigger lover

Racist roastie btfo.

Reform your ways!
>Thanks for not inviting me to the party. :)
Kill yourself passive-aggressive cunt
Better to be alone than hang around a cuck who'll invite Muhammad into his home to rape his wife and daughter then lick up the mess and cook him halal dinner when it's over.
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She invited me to the last 10 birthday parties. I didn't quite know how to react and why she suddenly started ignoring me. The "racist convo" was about not letting migrants in.
It's that gayfest discord they call "resistance". In reality it's a bunch of homos looking for company.
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Me on the left. I really wish I didn't lose her over stuff like this. I got a message this morning from a person from her group of friends saying they're talking shit about me. I've never been mean to anyone. I just want the best for everyone involved and I suppose my curse is that I'm honest.
Can I get a backstory or something?
You're overestimating her intellectual capacity. You also care too much about a bunch of normalfags.
Bein severely introverted, misanthropic, cynical and bookish coupled with intense bullying and neglect by parents in favour of my younger, prettier, bubblier sisters as a child.
The back story is, she is a friend from secondary school and a year ago or so she joined a group chat with me and some people from here. Then we had a conversation about migrants and the group chat people said if she wants them in she should get raped. And I didn't reply to that and I said if she wants rapists here then that's just as bad.

She was my connection to a group of about 8 people who always had parties and I'd go to them sometimes. I felt like they were a group of friends but I realised I was really wrong.

Sorry I'm talking about it so much in the thread. I'm not attention seeking or anything I'm just really upset because I have no other connections to real life people and this all happened yesterday.
Can I be your friend or is this just attention whoring?
How's that going for you now, anon? Did you show them you could do better than your sisters? Are you still in need of affection?

top fucking kek dude i hope the memes were worth it
You really don't have to be friends with these neurotypicals. They're emotionally driven.
>She was my connection to a group of about 8 people who always had parties and I'd go to them sometimes.

>failed normalfag
>secondary school

What part of the British Isles are you from?
If you live near me then it'd be great. I don't like being on my phone that much.

do they only have primary school in america?

would explain a lot

Female autism at work.

Roastie stop recycling racist/feminist progaganda and people might be more tolerant of you. Most Muslims never rape anyone. Those cases in the U.K. were mostly fabricated by government and feminist social welfare organisations and then taken up by tabloid media and then right wing nationalists.
Attention whoring it is then
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Well done, call him a nigger lover and remove the cuck.
It's called high school there, where are you from anon?
Not them, but the Quran is a book of hatred and detrimental to the western world because of its barbaric nature.
>telling a paki that their people are rapists and cultural destroyers indirectly to her face.

i mean, are you retarded or did you think the hive mind would be pleased with your thinking?
>muh racism
I already like you.
Well one of them was a teen mom and the other one dropped out of uni and is now living on welfare (and I'm fairly sure is an Ice user), and the third one (yes, 4 teenaged girls in a house was pure hell) is an -artist- and graduated with a Gender Studies Degree. She works in retail with no forseeable change. so at least I've proven myself more successful than them. I haven't let anyone close to me in years so I doubt I really need affection.
Aww.. well if that's what you want.
/pol/cucks are basically meme spouting, newfag retards on the level of this guy >>38704219

Like the other guy said hope the memes were worth it.
Where the hell are you from then?
You have to understand that human society works like an ant colony, ours opinions, desires and more are totally trivial in the grand scheme of things, we are just little gears that works in a giant machine. Theres no inherent purpose in the fact we exist, we only keep going because nature developed a purpose by itself and thats "keep improving", and i don't mean that as indivuals improving, no, im talking about the giant colony we are part as a whole, most people haves that hardwire in their brain since birth, new generations advance thanks to the sacrifice of the previous one, theres no purpose, mother nature haves just 1 directive "keep reproducing, keep expanding" is that how life protects itself, we are gonna keep making bigger tools, bigger rockets, and finally colonizing other planets till literally the universe ends, the only exciting thing is how much are we gonna advance before that happens, i used to have the same questions as you but when i finally realized what we really are, our natural purpose ruled by instinc, i kind of felt... In peace, it doesn't bother me anymore, this parasytic race haves so much potential, limitless actually
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Please be my anti-islam gf we can go to EDL marches together
>Supported bombing Assad for absolutely no reason
No anon YOU'RE the one supporting white genocide you dipshit.
EDL are civic nationalist faggots

-t. Koheleth
They're the only group who seem to understand though.
BNP is the group that actually understands.
you would be more than welcome at my party : (
diddled by daddy, beaten by mother, bullied by sister, and then my cat got cancer and I watched him die over a month
Yes except I never said that. I don't have anything against muslims and I'm not for bombing Syria.

This all started because she wanted to 'adopt' a refugee into her house. I told her it's a dumb idea. I said we should help those people over there and not bring them over here. There's a culture clash and the threat of bringing Islamists over.

Im from South England
Actually, after i come to terms with that mindset i developed a weird affection towards our race in general, idk why, im aware of all the fucked up shit we had done and we keep doing but i don't hate it anymore, i feel that i just assumed it
South east? And how old?
Be my south england friend and get over your phone phobia
>just choke me until i die.

I love you broken fembot. Just saying. Let me hold you and tell you how much I love you before I beat you to death with my own two hands.
Try again hole.
>i know that i can't bring them any happiness and that i'll just bore them

Would bet my balls you still could do that, but you are too afraid of not being perfect or getting used and discarded.
ohhhhhh, I'm in Kent :(
>(male robots get paid more and have easier access to wealth so there's that too)

women get paid 103% of what men get paid for the same work, working the same number of hours. this is because the equal pay act makes employers terrified of getting fined or sued, so they err on the side of caution and pay women slightly more for the same job.

the "pay gap" is due to men working longer, working more dangerous jobs, and not taking time off work for childbirth. when a man has a child, he works more and harder to support the child and the woman financially. when a woman has a child, she's probably taking care of the child instead.
Fucking reply sheepshagger >>38705082
you're a virgin aren't you hating on women like this and coming up with reasons women's oppression is all women's fault

also, believing such a lie (muh patriarchy pay discrimination) without validating it independently is a better example of why you are such a fucking loser.
y-yes? okay? what am i supposed to reply to this

how is this hating women? this is stating objective statistics. i love women because I don't lie to them to appease their emotions like a beta orbiter. that's why they stick around.

the truth will set you free, even if it hurts at first.
Biggsby#7961 on discord. You reply with contact info
But I've never had a discord
Well what do you have then? Sheepbook?
I have a kik. I'm a bit behind with the times aren't I
alright what's the kik then?
Stop talking to the paki lover and post kik
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Loving every laugh
You're all right fembot
Childhood abuse, low self esteem, non normie interests.
Visiting this board is a form of self harm for me. When my depression at its most intense, it's habit to find a reason to hate myself. Seeing a bunch of sad people I can't help, who hate women and optimism, is one of the most stressful and dreadful things to me.
Wish I could stop coming here, considering blocking the site from easy access.
Mostly relating to the visual arts and film, and writing.
It doesn't seem so out there when I word it like that, but I'm mostly interested in things that blend reality and fantasy or are full on fantasy. Cartoons, campy surreal film, robots and animatronics, puppets, practical effects makeup, costuming.
It doesn't help that I almost strictly know about these things and not much about normie interests (sports, game of thrones, cars, guns, beer).
Sounds fine, have you ever tried to get into anything film related before? You might meet people with similar interests there.
I have never heard a single feminist say anything about Rotherham or the other grooming gangs incidents in the UK.
>Those cases in the U.K. were mostly fabricated
Rottheram police detected
>i'm sure people put up with me only because i'm a girl
why the fuck does that bother you? that is why you roasties enrage us. why can't you just be happy that society privileges you? society doesn't give a FUCK about us.
Because I used to be fat, now I am just ugly, and i've always been weird and uncomfortable with people so I never do anything. There's just something wrong with me.
>Because I have no friends.
>Pic related.
any chance you'd cosplay as sexy hitler?
>hiki neet lacking motivation living in mom's basement
>Seeing a bunch of sad people I can't help, who hate women and optimism, is one of the most stressful and dreadful things to me.
you must be new here. robots don't hate women and optimism. they are just grumpy and annoyed about life. there are dozens of robots here who would marry you right now. they are desperate and lonely and just want to be loved by women, but women shun them and so robots get angry at them because of the emotional pain from being rejected. robots need lots of hugs.
find something you want to do later in life, anon.
>robots don't hate women
not the r9k of today anyway filled with pathetic thirsty fucks
I miss the truly misogynistic r9k of old,
those were good days...

Is this your channel?
do any femanons in this thread want to be my gf?
Mental illness, forced me to drop out of grad school. Sucks.
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i was just born this way, no control over it

wish I was a teddy bear desu right now
>that pic
Is that a thing you actually fucking do?
What is it you were pursuing a degree in?
I would give you a child if i had proper finances to support a family, too bad im a NEET, good luck finding someone to give you the joy of parenthood
I've already have an idea what would be the most suitable for me, but that 'unmotivated' part kind of blocks me and as well as the fear of failling into my recurrent pattern of 'getting bored with whatever I'm doing atm'. Right now just being a neet loser doesn't bother me that much as at the beginning...
>tfw you will never be her teddy bear

I wonder how many trannies breastfeed dolls.
I'm not new. Multiple women hate threads a week and people like the person who replied to you before keep me miserable, which is what my sick brain needs in order to "keep me humble".

Life seems so easy for robots sometimes. If intercourse and a romantic relationship are all they need to beat depression, I envy them greatly.
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I'm a lesbian born into a conservative family. I'm very above-average in everything else but this negates everything since I have to hide it. Thus I never had a relationship.
I don't know, probably borderline autismo or something
>t. roast that sleeps around and wonders how someone can get emotional fulfillment from sex when she has it so easily, but it does nothing
Have you tried not being a lesbian?
I play video games some, I like watching anime and movies and stuff, playing tabletop games. I draw some. Live in the USA
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I guarantee you none of these "fembots" would give a robot a chance in hell.
i'll bring home the bacon, you can be a stay at home dad.
just pls fertilize my eggs
I am 4'11 and pretty fat. I don't look good at all, actually I just look like a fat child which makes it hard for everyone to take me seriously.
Wew rly?

What are u gonna do for work...?
are u 2 going to fug now?
>Live in the USA
Oh, nevermind :^(
Would you date a 5'5" manlet?
My parents were high school dropped out that lucked out by having decent job. They literally have a failed view on how things work. So they taught me all wrong.
>i'll bring home the bacon, you can be a stay at home dad.
>just pls fertilize my eggs
lmao, deal. what's your discord?
Lucky for you i have creampie fetish combined with pregnancy fetish and im decently empathetic towards kids because i come from broken home myself, you don't happen to be from around Northern Europe would you?
Being a stay at home dad and watching over kids doesn't sound like a bad thing, i actually tried to apply to a vocational school at one point but didn't get in because too much competition, but i did work at a youth center for 2 months (policy prevented me from working more)
Of course not. """"""""""""""""""""""Fembots"""""""""""""""""""""" absolutely hate robots. They hate robots for not being chad, and they blame robots whenever chad goes for someone who isn't them.
Where do you come from and what are you looking for?
At this point I'm fine with any guy above 5' since getting relationships is pretty difficult for me.
okay pls be my gf
I am sorry anon. Wanna chat anyway maybe? What kinda stuff do you do for fun?
marry me pls
we can talk about how disgusting non-whites are together
I'm not in a relationship currently, so I don't have sex.
It isn't the answer to everything, and I'm nervous for how you all will react once you realize it's not the fulfillment you've been craving this whole time.
Do you live in a big city? You could still just search on websites to hook up with another lebian/bi and form a relationship without coming out to your family. There certainly must be some gay community, etc. near you?
Mostly the same things you do. But because of social anxiety reasons, I always ghost people I'm talking with after a while and then feel like scum, so better not.

I hope your life will get better, femanon!
Do eu fembots exist?
Yes, they do. But they all belong to me.
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The ancient Greeks defined happines as the excercise of vital powers, along lines of excellence, in a life affording them scope. If one's life has a missing aspect, like close companionship, the whole is diminished. In essence, missing out on a single, critical aspect of the human condition makes a man, or a woman, lesser in the grand scheme of their personal existence. And you can substitute lack of companionship and sexual relations with anything that causes feelings of FOMO.

Even the smallest issues can become big ones when one lives in a sheltered, or otherwise compromised existence. Nice talking to you.
yes but we only like girls
The fuck is that supposed to mean? You only get to have one girlfriend.
>wasn't allowed to go over to friends' houses as a kid
>also had a really high IQ when I was younger
>was ugly for most of my life

now I can't relate to other people, lol
I do the same thing honestly. So we're probably better off really.

I hope your anxiety improves and we both find qts or figure out how to be really satisfied with life somehow
>tfw unironically in a relationship with 3 fembots at the same time while talking to a bunch of other fembots
It gets tiring, but at least I can be a little social. And I don't see this as cheating because it's only virtual.
>the ancient greeks said it so it must be true
Stop trying to avoid responsibilty for your own life with pathetic appeals to authority
>potatoe nigger island
>doesn't stink
Pick one you green bastard
it's not cheating. kek do they know of each other? if not, how do you keep it hidden?
aplastic anemia.
friends disappear very fast when in medical all of time.
have it good
>aplastic anemia
Do you get neetbux for that?
Anybody Northeast US here? Guy btw.
>above 5'
More pointless discrimination.

Did you even read what I wrote? I never offered anything up as an absolute. All I did was adress a statement with another. One that I'm not entirely sure of, myself. Grow up, Anon. Your sheer stupidity showing. /pol/ is that-a-way --->
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I'm so sorry life is like this.
I hate seeing all this sadness.
I just wish we could all be happy.
No they dont everything they said is what every fucking women says.
>its for attention which you losers give them like a drug dealer sells cracks.
The average women the post.
I grew up with women and spend time with women.
They are this.
Please don't rush into something like that.
Make sure you find a man who will love you and take care of you.
something like this
special help from government for sick.
where in the northeast are you from?
>If intercourse and a romantic relationship are all they need to beat depression, I envy them greatly.
men need light. women represent light, to heal them and inspire them.

women only need to not be cunts and they can't even manage that. they want to be shitty knockoffs of men. society expects nothing from them.
>wastes more drinkable water than swiming pools
>implying you can drink chlorinated water
Anon, pls.
>Is this your channel?
if it is, she's adorable as fuck.
tfw no conspiratard qt to watch oliver stone movies with.
>i was just born this way, no control over it
literally no man gives a fuck that a woman breastfed a teddybear as a child or an adult. women make me angry at how retarded they are.
>oh no, one of my tits is an inch higher. i want to die. omg. no one will ever love me.
>I'm a lesbian born into a conservative family. I'm very above-average in everything else but this negates everything since I have to hide it. Thus I never had a relationship.
you are already in despair over being in the closet. just say "fuck it" and be a lesbian. honestly, your parents will be more okay with it than you think-- as long as you are not an asshole about it. that is what i hate most about gays. they act like the most important and interesting thing about them is their sexuality. and they talk about it all the time. fucking annoying. just eat pussy and be a cool person. you might be surprised how things turn out.
im not a loser though

just moderately successful and moderately fugly. to my credit i have dropped $13,000+ into cosmetic surgery to fix that, with varying degrees of success
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Hmm, probably because life decided I was one of it's rejects. I'm an incest baby. My grandfather raped my mom and I was born. My grandfather went to jail then died and my mom eventually killed herself so I grew up without parents. I'm pretty slow, probably a result of the incest so sometimes people will talk to me and it takes a second for my brain to catch up so sometimes people get frustrated with how slow I am. I have several learning disabilities so growing up I was always in special ed. and I was bullied relentlessly. I became pretty shy and awkward as a result, I have no friends.

I'm not attractive. I'm not deformed or anything but I'm not pretty enough to justify dealing with me. I have attachment issues and I'm overly emotional. I get overly clingy to people and end up driving them away. I'm just lonely and unwanted so I act creepy I guess. I have severe anxiety and abandonment issues so I'm just pleasant to be around either.

I'm a NEET and I have therapy every week. I spend everyday at home because going out triggers my panic attacks, my therapist comes to me. I live on social security and I've never had a boyfriend or anything. Guys I get close to think I'm weird and try to avoid me.

I'm just a defective woman. Mentally ill, mentally slow, unattractive, extremely clingy and easily emotionally attached, awkward, among other things. I'm not meant for relationships, my genetics stink and if a guy broke up with me I'd cry for months and hate myself.
>At this point I'm fine with any guy above 5' since getting relationships is pretty difficult for me
another /r9k/ love connection.
100% success rate for fembots looking for bf and husbandos.
ask for one, get one. it's that easy, vagina holders.
female privilege, everyone.
>are u 2 going to fug now?
they'll name their kids after us. it'll be dope.
>they'll name their kids after us
My name is Braphog.
Giant terrible boobs? Let's get married.
>combined with pregnancy fetish
literally not a thing.
it's the only god damned thing you are supposed to accomplish in your stupid and short existence.
>i have a breathing fetish

incest baby, huh..
be my little broken inbred gf pls
>I'm so sorry life is like this.
>I hate seeing all this sadness.
>I just wish we could all be happy.
you're a good soul, anon.
I just wish I could hug you all.
I wish I could take away all of this pain and sadness.
youre reasonably close to me, do you have contact information?
>being this indoctrinated and oblivious to it
God bless you summer child
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Fuck man that made me tear up a bit and i haven't cried in years. I sincerely hope you find happiness in life, however that may be. I'll pray for you and the souls in this thread.
>I have attachment issues and I'm overly emotional. I get overly clingy to people and end up driving them away. I'm just lonely and unwanted so I act creepy I guess. I have severe anxiety and abandonment issues
lots of emotionally needy guys want an obsessed gf. what kind of obsessive shit did you do to boys you liked in the past?
>Giant terrible boobs? Let's get married.
it's literally loudly lol to hear the stupid shit coming out of a woman's head. men give no shits about any single thing she is fretting over.
>I just wish I could hug you all.
>I wish I could take away all of this pain and sadness.
r u girl (female)?
that's a tempting offer, if so.
Thank you.
I just hate thinking of other people feeling like this.
Nice dubs.
[email protected]

I'll give contact to my non-throwaway soon, don't wanna get catfished or some shit.
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>my genetics stink
my genetics also stink, pls be my failure gf
I'm not a product of incest, but i'm also very slow, people always tell me to wake up
I wish you were real. I would walk to your house right now, even if you lived on another continent.
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Good luck you two!
Do you mean it? If you become my bf then you'll never ever get rid of me, I'll never ever let you leave, I might get uncomfortably clingy and stalk you and get overly jealous. I have a hard time controlling myself.

I kind of stalked a boy I liked a lot once, it was honestly not my intention. I would never leave him alone, I'd show up at his house a lot and I'd send him text messages constantly, he got fed up with me and said I'm a psycho when I started appearing at his job. It was honestly not my intention to make him uncomfortable, I just can't control myself when a boy is nice to me..
could you be more obvious swedecuck?
Fuck that guy, be my gf. We can obsess over each other and fuck each other every day.
>Do you mean it? If you become my bf then you'll never ever get rid of me, I'll never ever let you leave, I might get uncomfortably clingy and stalk you and get overly jealous. I have a hard time controlling myself.
Perfection. Where do you live please be near me please.
>I kind of stalked a boy I liked a lot once, it was honestly not my intention. I would never leave him alone, I'd show up at his house a lot and I'd send him text messages constantly, he got fed up with me and said I'm a psycho when I started appearing at his job. It was honestly not my intention to make him uncomfortable, I just can't control myself when a boy is nice to me..
you can't be psycho during work hours. that is not cool. you got to dial that shit back. seriously nothing makes a man angrier than fucking with his brain while he is trying to work. you can suck his dick the whole time he is away from workplace if you want. find a boy who wants you to move in with him and do shit for him at home to keep your brain occupied.
Name them. Maybe I spoke to some of them that would be hilarious. Also if any are Dutch or close to dutch donate them to me thanks.

That's actually not true, they were pimped out by Muslims but there were white Johns seeing those children.

That's part of why the Police didn't do anything about it until the media spun it to take the blame off of the locals.
I know who you are.

Please post less
I was born to a drug addicted mother, and apparently abused, but I must have been too young to remember because I literally remember none of it.
I went through foster families for a while until I was finally adopted.
The family that I was adopted by has this weird tradition of adopting all of their kids.
My mother was adopted. Her sisters were adopted. My grandmother was in her 60's and still adopting children. All of my siblings were adopted. Naturally, everyone in this family came from messed up homes and most were mentally unstable, including my mother. I had six siblings and I was the literal middle child. Three younger brothers, three older sisters. Never got attention unless I was in trouble. My mom was single for many years until she married a man who hated all of us and treated us like trash. She never left him though because she was a virgin until she was 38 so she didn't want to lose him.
Never had any friends. I'm literally only interested in anime and video games. Nothing else. I get overly emotional and I'm annoying.
>[email protected]
>18 years old

sorry anon. maybe someone else will email you
Do any loser fembots want to be friends? Only precondition is no dating. [email protected]
>this activates my white knight mech
Id still date a girl like that if she was loyal and not utterly mad (self harm / harming others)
>he got fed up with me and said I'm a psycho when I started appearing at his job
Don't show up at his job, that's too much.
If you get a bf and you want him while he's at work, do something at home that you know he'll appreciate when he gets back.
You'll know he's looking forward to seeing you when he gets home.
For someone like me who really lacks of companion you're perfect
>not actually censoring her first name
>apparently inviting her to a group chat of "people from here"
>such that people from here will see this and white knight you / dox her

Get help you crazy, vindictive bitch. It doesn't matter whether your political views are right or wrong, but your "Fake friend" guilt tripping, venting here, and being so incredibly insanely outspoken to people who don't care to hear it suggest mental instability.
>>this activates my white knight mech
>Id still date a girl like that if she was loyal and not utterly mad (self harm / harming others)
yep. there is a man for every woman, but not the reverse. nothing that girl posted is a deal breaker.women have crazy high standards and can't wrap their brains around how men think.
You know full well that you're the dream girl of everyone who posts on this board. Give the attention whoring or role-playing, whichever it is, a rest.
>Don't show up at his job, that's too much.
>If you get a bf and you want him while he's at work, do something at home that you know he'll appreciate when he gets back.
>You'll know he's looking forward to seeing you when he gets home.
i have seen over and over that women do this because they know it's an irritant. it's a test and women love testing men. they want men to prove that nothing is more important than they are-- she doesn't give a fuck if your boss rips you a new asshole because of your girl's behavior bc that's not her problem but yours.
I turned 19 a few months ago ;_;
/r9k/ is majority male, we all know it and it greatly affects the topics that get taken into consideration. Though its important to keep in mind that it doesn't make its contents useless or plain wrong as you make it seem.

Male robots don't hate on women just for the sake of it. These where usually normal members of society up until 12-14, but where shunned from any social progress whatsoever. They are passive, not social, possible heavily anti-social, might be non-neurotypical and they might have had an abusive past. All these factors impact their ability to be part of society.

The thing is that males are expected to approach females, never the other way around. Surely there are exceptions to the rule, but keep it simple. If you are a introverted female, you can play your cards during 18-30 and get the best mate out of it. If you are an extroverted female, you might be perceived as bossy, but the same thing applies. If you are an extroverted male, you might go about finding a mate by socializing, getting better at it and judging your social market value through your success.

The introverted male however gets shunned. He probably isn't a bad person, he probably at least tried to get a STEM major or is currently doing one, he is knowledgeable. But he can't get one step closer to any of his social goals. The thing is, intimate affection is a physiological need. And as they can't fulfill it, they lash out.

So if you go at them with "fembot here :)" and your list of highly superficial issues and internalized narcism why wouldn't you think that they get fucking furious? It only makes sense.
Nothing special really, just bored with everything else
are you a fembot too? i want a girl friend.
>Not realizing this was made in MS Paint
Canyou project any harder, you failed normie? You are not a robot. If you didn't dropout of high school, if your shunning didn't begin in elementary school, you are not a robot.
You're the perfect girl every robot wants. Too bad you're just a roleplaying guy.
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I'm ugly and lazy.

That's it. I don't have a dramatic backstory.
Never had a boyfriend though?
I like ugly girls
be my qt
how ugly?

For you, bot
The (you)s won't stop coming
No, sadly.

I'm not a qt though.

Pretty ugly, my face normally would be like a 4/10 but I have a lot of acne and stuff so I'm just a demon.
Please be my not qt gf
>tfw fucked an ugly, fat loser fembot last night

I think she just wanted to finally lose her vcard. She was cool though; would fuck again/be friends with benefits with.
I'm a temporary loser. I stopped playing video games and doing majority hobbies of interest because I've been on my period for 30 days. Iron pills are doing jack. I've gotten depressed, ironic how this birth control was supposed to control my seizures and bad mood swings from PMDD. And it did. It's just now that I feel so tired and weak all the time that it has me feeling down.

So I've been browsing /r9k/ for the past 3 days now. It's been years since I've lurked and posted. I recall this place being worse. People seemed to have lightened up, but this place is still toxic. I know I shouldn't be here, but it's like I'm getting addicted to this place again.
>I've been on my period for 30 days
What the fuck
>Pretty ugly, my face normally would be like a 4/10 but I have a lot of acne and stuff so I'm just a demon.
Oh, well, that makes me more curios. I'd like to see you but you wouldn't want to show your face
The idiot nurse practitioner couldn't figure out why this is the case with me. She told me to keep taking the birth control anyway, even though I'm on my second pack, until I see the actual OBGYN, which is in 2 weeks. All she could do for me was prescribe iron pills to increase my hemoglobin level. I've gone from 12 to 10 since I last saw them in early June.

Anyway, I'm fucked for now. At least my anxiety hasn't been acting up.
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Yes, yes, very good fanfiction thread, anons. However, there has yet to be concrete proof of a single female here.
>tfw knew someone who had extremely long periods and it sounded terrible
sry femanon i wish i could help you feel better but i doubt words are much help
>I've been on my period for 30 days
So you're just bleeding to death now or what.
BTW does your name start with E?
Kind words mean the world to me anon. I've been shutting myself off from my friends, too, so you have made an impact on me. I appreciate you anon.

>bleeding to death
LOL god no, I hope not. I'm not bleeding THAT much. I mean, I'm bleeding enough that my iron level has depleted, but I doubt a woman can die from their period. Again, I'm just depressed and feel suicidal every once in a while every day, but I can easily cope with that. Worst case scenario, I have ovarian cancer, but I doubt it, because I don't have cramps.

Name starts with an L anon
im glad to hear that, i hope you start to feel better since i have a general idea of how shitty your situation is and know its tough. if youd like, id be happy to drop some contact info if you want a rando to vent to. otherwise, i wish you the best
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Can't love, addiction issues, lesbian, extroverted with no friends.
>extroverted with no friends.
How that happends? elaborate, pls
I crave social contact but don't have the social skills to get it. Not that complicated.
m-maybe not
oh shit I didn't realise about the name, i was doing it on my phone
oh, ok. That must be prettty shitty
you sound so sweet. i want a bf with those fetishes.
I have those fetishes, and also actually got in to a vocational school.
Please be my friend
what a queen
Talking to her on kik. She's a degenerate
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Feels nothing all the time. Maybe too much expression of the autism gene.
Talking to you on kik. You lack logic.
One of you post caps.
What is your Kik? I want to talk too
Who that? They look alright.
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Punished for being redpilled, fuck this gay world
Social anxiety, ADD, physically deformed, lethargic, drive people away with my negativity, not good at anything.
My sister was too, turned into the most functional of all the siblings, has a husbando and children.

I assure you, there is surely a much greater amount of reasons you are a loser aside from being diddled, chin up!
I guarantee the reverse is true as well.

This board is filled with people who are disgusted by anybody like them and thus end up forever alone because the only people they respect don't respect them.
This. Most robots complain about being alone, but are only interesting in Stacy. They are everything they claim to hate. Two sides of the same coin.
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>New /r9k/ is so handicapped that they actually fill a goddamn """fembot""" thread with contactfagging without having seen a SINGLE timestamp.
what the fuck happened
>This board is filled with people who are disgusted by anybody like them and thus end up forever alone because the only people they respect don't respect them.
That's because "fembots" don't exist you stupid skank.
Robots would much rather have stacy than stacy who also pretends to be isolated and ostracized for attention.
All of you whores need to go to >>>/soc/

Mods need to make fembot threads bannable.
Because I'm scared and lazy. I know what woman I want to become but, I'm to afraid to look inside myself to know who that future is. How to become her.
To be mundane is to be lazy.
I want to be a strong woman but, I'm affraid to push my boundaries and limited. How one grow when they have been placed in the shade?
Plants often grow better in shade.
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shade? Its all in your head mayne. Do what you wanna do, a year from now do you still wanna be doing the same thing? Just start changing right now, the hardest part about changing is starting the change. New habits are hard to form not to maintain.
most robot are thirsty af actually
You sound like a legbeard
>This. Most robots complain about being alone, but are only interesting in Stacy. They are everything they claim to hate. Two sides of the same coin.

Basically two things happened:

1. The age of first marriage in the US and western Europe rose, dramatically.
2. Women got fat.

Here's the thing: prior to 1975, 90% of American woman WERE Stacy, at least at the age of 19. And that's when everyone was getting married.

So the type of person who would become a robot in 2017 would date a girl who was "plain", but by our standards today would be a Stacy - because she was actually a humanly appropriate body weight.

And they'd get married before the age of 23. And maybe it wouldn't work out...but it pretty effectively swept the land clean of robots and fembots.

Robots and fembots who aren't thin and who are over the age of 25 shouldn't EXPECT anyone to want them. Because they're fucking gross. They don't want each other because they CAN'T want each other. On some level they're still human beings, subject to biological imperatives They were born at the wrong time.
You can say that's superficial and mean, but it doesn't matter. If we were all younger, and thinner (much, much thinner) it would be possible for us to all pair off - but we aren't, so it's not.
Not really a loser. Just bored and a little socially anxious.
How do you look?

You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Above average, I've been told.
Why do you come here then? you have high normie potencial
Because I'm bored and sometimes like to give advice to suffering robots.
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Cap for your there
this threads actually attract fembots. and the type of """"robots"""" that make these threads are just hoping to get in contact with fembots. this is the ultimate form of cuckoldry, you can't get any lower than this.
Oh, you're this kind of posters. Do you give useful advices or just the classic: "just b urself bra"?
>this threads actually attract fembots
Fembots don't exist you underage moron.
She doesn't give any advice, dipshit.
She whores out her gender and soaks up attention from dumbass orbiters like you.
I don't give advice to those kinds of robots. Only the ones who actually have a shot.

"Being yourself" won't work for 90% of you, sadly.
*attention whores
oh, alright. that's fine i guess

Yeah, it's so shitty
Overprotective mother that didn't let me leave the house. I've never had any real friends.
Can I be your first friend?
you aren't a true fembot unless you've tried to breastfeed your dog or cat but no milk came out because you've never been pregnant
Yes, and I'm sorry for that. Only thing I can really say for that is learn not to give a fuck what people think of you, but I know most aren't well off enough to get away with that.
I was in a car accident and I'm mission one arm and a leg. I'm also missing an eye, I'm pretty much a freak.
>m-maybe not
for serious, tho, do fembots actually look like this? do they just think they are too weird to be accepted by normies because they are "john hughes teen movie" tier quirky? you can get chad. you don't need to be here. you are so much better than this place. i'm not blowing smoke up your ass. you are interesting, appear nice and not a vapid roastie and not a heartless cunt. you have real, high value. it honestly makes me sad that no one is loving you right now.
Fembot here. This bitch knows full well she's attractive and not a loser. She's just insecure and doesn't fully trust herself, so she posts in threads like these for affirmation.
What color is your eye? Do you have a fake one and/or an eyepatch? Which limbs are you missing?
Time to give story please
>tfw no KS gf
The attention whoring isn't enough proof for you?
>Only thing I can really say for that is learn not to give a fuck what people think of you, but I know most aren't well off enough to get away with that.
I think that'd worthless since we mostly lack of companion and affection
>Here's the thing: prior to 1975, 90% of American woman WERE Stacy, at least at the age of 19. And that's when everyone was getting married.
oldfag here. it's true. going to school with nothing but 100lb girls who were all fuckable was a daily mindfuck for one of the few fat kids among the ocean of slender or muscled chads.
like, there were only 6 overweight kids out of about 200 kids in my senior class. kids today wouldn't believe it. the girls were all marriage material.
>all these trannies pretending to be female
>Fembot here. This bitch knows full well she's attractive and not a loser. She's just insecure and doesn't fully trust herself, so she posts in threads like these for affirmation.
i hope she has that kind of self awareness.
They all do. Don't be fooled.
>Fembot here.
lol you're a man
Was born ugly and boring.

In b4 men ask to be my bf. I've gotten in contact with at least 50 guys from here and they all ghosted on me except a couple who have friend zoned me. I exist as just a hole for men.
I always get ghoted by girls. Do you wanna try who ghost who first?
This post is so relatable. Everyone on here insists that they will take anyone if they are female but that's absolute bullshit. Ugly and boring girls will never be loved no matter what.
I'll be you friend so I can't friendzone you. I'll never show any romantic interest in you. I won't intentionally ghost you, I'll tell you if I want to stop talking. [email protected]
post your contact to see if that's true
would you date a robot?
deaf girl best girl desu
Yeah, you got discord?

That's the definition of ghosting you retard
Fuck off double nigger Lily is the only good one.

end a personal relationship with (someone) by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.
I said I'd tell you, dummy. Ghosting has no warning. I withdraw my offer, don't ever talk to me.
Can I get in on this? Do you have email?
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1v1 me kid
i bet you didnt even read koe no katachi
Greentext please I need to fap to something.
Did it: >>38718834

I'm waiting for you

Your curse is that you're a racist piece of shit and stupid enough to be surprised when your associability backlashes.
Not him
>koe no katachi
Fuck I loved that. Is the movie subbed in english yet?
yeah i think so
i really need to go watch it
She's (he) right you know anons
Where do you live?

Ugly girls don't exist. Boring girls do, but someone will eventually pick them up.
> all these fembots getting guys' contact info
> 'mommy, how did you meet daddy?'
> 'oh, on r9k'
>Ugly and boring girls will never be loved no matter what.
I'm sorry, fembot.
I wish society was just honest with us from the start, that some people, people like us, don't get to experience love.
It probably wouldn't hurt so much if I hadn't got my expectations up.
Are you serius? look at all the offers they're getting right now
>tfw the only way to produce women who have genuine empathy and self-awareness is to either molest or beat them in their formative years

What did God mean by this?
>Was born ugly and boring.
>In b4 men ask to be my bf. I've gotten in contact with at least 50 guys from here and they all ghosted on me except a couple who have friend zoned me. I exist as just a hole for men.

men don't look for women to be not boring. we don't care. just don't be a bitch. women are all attractive in some way because the female hormones they got during puberty increased the cuteness of their features and made them permanent from childhood and added hips and tits and an ass. they aren't all pageant winners, but they all have features that are attractive. nature guaranteed that for you.
>>tfw the only way to produce women who have genuine empathy and self-awareness is to either molest or beat them in their formative years
>What did God mean by this?
sucks how true this is.
Yes, and in all likelihood nothing will come of it like >>38718692.
Ugly people don't get love.
At best, we get settled for.
Knowing somebody is only with you out of desperation must be horrible.
When you think about it, most women go through life feeling as if they can't be touched. You can't call them out when they're wrong or you're a dick. You can't hit them or you're a chauvinist. You can't belittle or joke about them because or you're a misogynist. Unlike men who are taught that there are consequences of walking around like the sun shines out of your ass while you say and do whatever the fuck you want, women are basically rewarded for being retarded because men want to fuck them. They end up completely lacking self-awareness because no one took the time to tell them that every little thing they think or say isn't amazing.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I was abused by my mother growing up, and sexually assaulted.

I feel no empathy or guilt, and neither do any of my friends who went through similar circumstances.
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Why were you friends woth them? He/she sounds like a cunt desu.
It's more of an art than a science
I only like little boys and can't admit it to anyone,I know this is wrong and I should seek help but would rather die than admit I'm a pedophile in real life
So you're a sociopath? Or just not nice?
Are you sure being ugly and boring is the problem? You must be something to be able to get ghosted by more than 50 guys, I do respect that you really try, after giving a chance to a so called "fembot" here I decided that this was not the best place to find someone to date, but most of 50's or so guys were probably cyborgs or failed normies. I feel like in order to make something happen you need to be able to have a genuine interest in knowing each other and be clear with what you are ok with and what you are looking from the start. Also, realize that most guys will be interested in getting lewds and not a genuine relationship with companionship and where you two share activities or common interests even if it's an online relationship, Anyway good luck finding a robot bf.
Can I be your bf that helps you kidnap kids
I'll rape some empathy into you, cunt.
If she keeps trying i think she can do it, i really hope so...
Nothing wrong with liking shotacon unless you mean actual kids because in that case you're a fucking monster for traumatizing them.
gaurentee you most the girls posting here are not as bad looking as they claim they are.

we are our own worst critics
I like both shotacon and actual kids but would never attempt anything with one.
I hope so too.
Being lonely and unloved is horrible, I wish nobody had to go through it.
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Well it's not like it matters because you can't post your own pics here anymore anyway.
Can you go more into detail on how exactly that would work?
you could post it to imgur or something and link it
Got an email? Ustwoplusyouu @ gmail
Youre interesting and we have similarities. I can friendo you.
>not that anon
lol in my case i've always felt more atracted to white girls so even a 4/10 is good for me, the problem is that i'm spic and ugly.

Life is a bitch for giving me this tastes
>so even a 4/10 is good for me
So slightly below average?
>Being lonely and unloved is horrible, I wish nobody had to go through it.
Yeah i wish the same
I fit almost every single one of the diagnostic criteria for ASPD, last I checked, so maybe?
I don't really care whether I am or not. It's more that I'm incapable of relating to anyone who hasn't had an utterly miserable childhood.
In r9k standards it'll be a 2 or a 3
I would overpower you and roughly violate your holes.
>Well it's not like it matters because you can't post your own pics here anymore anyway.
post on /soc/ and use that image link. easy.
fembots want to believe they are hideous. they have decided that is how things are and that's that.
women don't understand that men adore feminine features and nature gave them to you free of charge, like a fucking winning lotto ticket on the ground. you have girlish eyes and girlish noses and girlish chins and girlish hair and girlish shoulders and girlish arms and legs and knees and ankles and hips and tits and ass. the degree of all of this varies, but hormones worked their magic on all of you. it's why traps can make themselves look appealing to men in photos after a while on hrt. most men hate women because of their personalities, because they are bitches and cunts. that is what fembots do not want to admit because that is even harder for them to change. makeup and insta angles don't help.
No, that part was pretty clear. But how would that make me develop empathy? I don't understand your logic.
I already sent you my discord and you didn't responded. I think i won the bet
>Yes, and in all likelihood nothing will come of it like
>Ugly people don't get love.
>At best, we get settled for.
>Knowing somebody is only with you out of desperation must be horrible.
you get love by having a loving heart. that is how a man loves you. looks fade quick. bring beauty to a man's life, real beauty. be virtuous. be kind and gentle and tender and supportive and loyal. most men feel like fucking trolls and ogres. do you not understand? we don't expect beauty queens. it's not that important.

be like a dog. men fucking love dogs. it's all so easy. bitches just don't want to admit how easy it is.
>But how would that make me develop empathy?
I don't know. I just want to hurt you.
That's interesting. Could you elaborate? Why do you want to hurt me? What do you think it will achieve?
Remember, I've already been sexually assaulted. Multiple times, even. It just made me more unempathetic.
It's because he has a weird rape fetish and wants to rape/hurt you
Well I would like to hurt you because it would be fun for me. Perhaps I could train you to find pleasure in it and purpose.
Different anon btw
This is the reason most girls avoid you
Actually no. Im not a robot anon.
Never had much trouble there. All you have to do is try. Win some/lose some.
>Why do you want to hurt me? What do you think it will achieve?
It would feel really good.
I'd love to do it over and over again.
I'd enjoy feeling you squirm and struggle, but best of all would be when you just accept it and shut down, just laying there limply, staring blankly ahead, just wishing you were somewhere else.
is there anything worse than a girl with absolutely zero empathy, cant relate to anyone and also is a huge fucking cunt to whoever doesnt fit her 00.001% of ppl who she obsesses over?

honestly i can tell why youre a "robot"(in reality just a huge cunt)

fuck off
>just wishing you were somewhere else
You don't have to be so hard on yourself, anon.
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I have had extremely vivid sleep paralysis ever since puberty, as well as nightmares that jolt me awake, ever since puberty. No medication has been able to treat it, aside from the depressives that treat my resulting insomnia, but all that does is put me back in that hellish state anyway. I've actually lapsed into panic attacks after some of them, have woken people up with my screaming, and injured myself falling out of bed. Usually it just leaves me a whimpering, shaking wreck though.

The depth of detail I have about the terrors and hallucinations once prompted a therapist to encourage me to write/draw it, like a dream journal. When he got it back I saw his jaw tighten, he said, "I don't think we'll be doing this anymore" and tried to prescribe me an anti psychotic.

What else to say? My hair doesn't cooperate, my eyes have dark, dark circles, the commonality of me being eaten alive makes me really anxious about being touched, I have trouble gaining weight, I don't look people in the eye, work in a factory, etc. I'm pretty pathetic in general, it's just the terror consumes you. It stains everything, how I think, making me paranoid, and it doesn't get easier.. I'm thinking about killing myself just so I can finally sleep sound. Desu.
Be my crazy friend please. Talk to me about your night terrors.
Holy shit, that sounds fucking horrible.
That's bullshit. Look at this thread. Women talking about how fucked up they are (including an incest rape baby) and robots still want them.
That's pretty interesting. My weirder sleep paralysis were being in my bed getting jerk off by demons or ghosts (thanks nofap) and being sucked in my house and look at a distorted me in a mirror.
that sounds awful
makes me wish there was something i could do for you
how about a hug?
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cause i'm an antisocial fuck and too tall to be cute
>cant be cute because tall
but tall girls are cute
How tall you be?
Post height

>but tall girls are cute
Don't lie to her.

She's right. Tall girls are not cute. It's because they're never really feminine, outside of models, who are only feminine in photographs and only for a few years.
its pretty hard to make friends when you cant invite them over to your house and show them your bling bling
>too tall to be cute
But you're not too tall for me to mate with to produce tall Chad sons
>too tall to be cute

I want an Amazonian gf.
5'10 there's an error when I tag many anons wtf
Be my tall antisocial female friend?
same height as me
its perfect
wanna get married?
i'm also 5'10, i thought you were taller
Are you too anti-social for e-friends?
Kys manlets, you're too short.
6'2, be my friend
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What fembots need.webm
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This is what l want to do to fembots
I think you are the same person, hopefully. I'm the other ugly femanon who replied to you. I don't have any friends and I'd love to talk to you sometime if you want. It would be nice getting to know another uggo, you know? Here's my contact info if you want it:
[email protected]
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>On a channel
There's no place for stacies. Specially the dumb ones.
Nice got a Kik?
I'm not but someone did me wrong and now I don't have any friends left irl.
well i'm a newfag on /r9k/ rip
i meant this >> thing.
Can I be your friend to replace them?
You can reply many as you can. But if the content is unoriginal, you can't post.

Read the "red box that appears in bottom", it will tell ya!
Do you have an email address
Are you jealous because she's gonna steal all the anons?
I'm into bestality and bisexual as well.

So The Stacy's not gonna steal any anons, nor can get a anon.
I don't get it? Is your beast fetish supposed to be good?
To me it is
you should be my gf so i can teach you the ways of 4chan
>supposed to be good?
Good thing is, more sexually attractive things.

To be lewd it means m-more cocks
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How to get gf? How to get friends? How to develop an interesting personality? How to stop abusing substanced?
Fuck I have this too, completely serious. Have you abused drugs in the past, especially deliriants?? Does schizophrenia run in your family?

Apparently the hypnopompic hallucinations are a symptom of narcolepsy, but I don't have that. Do you?

I have no idea where these hallucinations are coming from. Just this morning, I saw a monstrous gargoyle sitting at my chair, staring at me, and there were bugs crawling all over the wall. I have these hallucinations every single day no matter what position I'm sleeping in, no matter if I stop drinking and using drugs, the hallucinations and sleep paralysis are always there. Seriously feels like a bad datura/dph trip.
Oh. Be my beast gf to spitroast with a doggo pls
That'll make you gain some anons, actually.

Getting an anon is not even difficult
im not a dog but id like to have sex with you in the style that a dog would
wanna go for it?
>How to stop abusing substanced?
Please, just stop. Don't do them anymore. Tell someone you're doing it, get some help.
:3, you know me.

>Getting an anon is not even difficult
Anons are maybe not difficult, but the location makes a huge problem. I wish I was a californian.

So, you mean the regular sex? Sure if you can cosplay a animal and you have a big c-cock
They make me feel good though. at least im not hurting anybody except my mom.
>:3, you know me.
If you have an email please messge my throwaway [email protected]
You're hurting yourself, too. And your mom. Do you like it when she cries? Please stop.
>but the location makes a huge problem. I wish I was a californian.
oh well, that's the real problem
I could be normie passing if I wanted to. I had done it for the first few months of each grade of high school but it got exhausting. Being around normies is exhausting, they're loud and obnoxious and none of their jokes are funny. Being around autists like myself makes me loathe myself even more. I guess I am a loser, but I'm comfortable being alone.
Even if a fembot and robot lived 10 minutes away from each other, the fembot would not want to meet the robot. The fembots don't want a robot bf, they just want the attention.
I would want to meet him if he wanted platonic friendship only.
Are you kidding? If there was a robot who lived close to me and would actually date me, I'd go for it in a heartbeat. Stop making assumptions.
Definitely, not even living on US.
Okay, where do you live?

this is a 100% original comment
well where are you?
m-maybe we could meet~
Don't forget, the .ch
>I don't agree with you
She doesn't agree with facts? They were LITERALLY all Muslims, it's like saying you disagree that water is wet.
I've checked zeemaps and no one is near me. Since you asked, I'm in Northern California.
Americans have it easier, honestly
I relate to this.
Maybe except the comfortable being alone part. I'm not really comfortable with it, it's just less uncomfortable than being around other people.
Welp, I'm in SoCal. What a shame.

Is it about the country, or the fact that most of anons living on US?
We tried, anon. It wasn't meant to be.
I'm addicted man, it's not that simple to just stop. But i've been getting better. Went from drinking/smoking every day to 3-4 times a week. Working on limiting it to weekends only. But it's fucking hard. Addiction is a bitch.
the second

Yes, right about that.
But I don't thing more anons means more better.

Like The Stacy, she's one of them probably but nothing good about her.
I know it's hard, and I'm glad you're trying. Tell someone, try to get help, it'll make it easier to quit permanently if you have support.
The NRM has your back.
Never step down, that's how you'll get real friends.
Same here desu, but I'm a dude. I do alright in work situations but I'm totally fucked in anyhing beyond that.
>cause i'm an antisocial fuck and too tall to be cute
being tall is an obstacle, but not an impenetrable wall. you can act cute and wear cute clothes and talk cute and wear makeup in a cute way, etc. you can get 90% of the way there. it's not that bad of an option.
True, american also have to deal with their overweight problems
Be pretty then. Tall girls are always the prettiest. How tall are you? I'm 5'10 but i live in yurop so i don't feel that tall.
This is somewhat common amongst male robots too. A lot of us had real shots at a normie life but got social anxiety and trust issues. The isolation over the years has ruined any shot at we have at escaping being a robot.
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If you're fine with a quick, shaky hug that grips a bit too tight, I guess it's alright. It'd be a competition between whether my anxiety of being touched or my starvation for physical affection wins out.

No one wants to hear about my night terrors. I remember too much of them. It's night where I am, if I closed my eyes and concentrated I might see them. My hands tremble.

I'd vastly prefer those, to be honest.

My grandfather's uncle quit his job, sold his possessions, and lived in the forest in a DIY shack after turning 50 before killing himself years later, but I don't pass the diagnosis for being schizo. Most drugs traditionally abused induce sleep, and I don't know any hookups anyway, so the heaviest I get with are redbulls and coffee. It's fucking straining, man, the body isn't designed to handle this way of living. I want to sleep.
desu yes it I do. It sounds lovecraftian
Would you want somebody there with you when you woke up like that?
>If you're fine with a quick, shaky hug that grips a bit too tight
hugs can never be too tight
and hey maybe it could with the anxiety
the more you do it the easyier it will get
Can you take your whiteknighting back to redddit? She indulges you only so you won't feel as pathetic as you are.
>I'd vastly prefer those, to be honest.
Yeah, it's nothing compared to yours.

I really wish your life gets better, but my wishes rarely comes true, hope this one is an exeption.
Did you ghost me already? Did you not get the email I sent?
I wish Mexican fembots existed.
please tell us how your dreams go. I also have weird dreams about fucked up shit but it doesn't scare me anymore.
i wish mexicans didnt exist
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