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Ask the sacred deer your questions and he shall answer truthfully!

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 516
Thread images: 39

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Ask the sacred deer your questions and he shall answer truthfully!
Do I have a chance with her?
darn. Am I going to date any girls this year?
Will i ever get a qt girlfriend??
can someday my qt lil sister love me as much as i do
>yes, but...
But what bitch
Did I do well enough on that exam to solidify an A?
Could I date my professor.
yeah, the fucking deer is rigged.
don't you tell me to chill, I wanna know! be a good deer.
is suh a good option
Same question here in all honesty
Can me and K work things out and start dating?
will the thing i have to do in august be as horrible as i imagine it will be?
Should I even try asking her out?
What is the answer to this now very original question?
does the chinese qt like me
will any anon that posts in this thread ever get a gf?
reroll fuck migos fuck quavo
O sacred deer, will I ever be a good trap?
Centaurs. Horse pussy?
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Will I find a qt.13 gf this year?
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Should i do it
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Well, fuck you too you dumb deer.
Rolling again
No magic deer, I won't chill
Will I make a bunch of random legal money soon and never have to do anything I don't want to ever again while being rich as fuck?
Will this retarded Anon who can't fucking type a meme right get his qt3.14?
Will I pass those tests tomorrow?
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will i ever have a cute trap girlfriend?
Is disclosure happening in September?
What are you talking about of course it matters, why wouldn't it matter? Should I do it?
What? That doesn't even make sense you dumbfuck deer
give me the answer deer pldpl
Is Cyberpunk 2077 coming out this year?
bruh pls
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Will I live the moments I dream of?

Only 1 in 100 centaurs have horse pussy? Sheeeiiiitttt
im re rolling because im underweight u fagdeer
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Thank you, (so very originally) friend.
Where dat human pusspuss at
Asking again because fuck you fagdeer

Will I live the moments I dream of
Will I get a new better job soon?
Has she cheated on me.
should I stop trying and get rid of her
will i kiss a girl this summer?
Should I leave him?
Will I ever find another friend?
Is he really my friend?
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Immortalized because dumb motherfuckers are looking at themselves.
I guess I'll take it, though honestly, I think I know what the "but" is
please tell me it's gonna be okay mr dear
Will i take her virginity?
should i do it?
That tall blonde girl, is she my future wife or nah?
You are lying to me, deer.
Should I talk to her at church?
dude do should i keep trying?
Oh deer, will I get that gf in September?
Will I finally see her tomorrow?
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Will I ever get another gf that's not a whore?
Fine, Sacred Deer. I'll reroll.
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will i have a painful and lonely life?
re roll

Will I finally date her within this current year?
Sacred deer, must I always be alone?
Will I make rent this month?
Will I live a long and overall happy life?
Holy shit lmao. Sacred deer, you amuse me.
Well I agree, will I get my shit together next month at least?
Will she ever give me head while wearing bunny ears like she promised?
Will I ever be successful and achieve my dreams?
Will I get a gf within this current year?
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Am I a good person?
Am I gonna get back to a 3.0 this summer?
Will I go to heaven when I die?
Will I succeed?
Oregano post
Will I see C. again within the next three months?
Will josh fuck off and die?
Rollin again.
Oregano post
Is that certain person interested in me?
should i ask her out?
Will he at least fuck off?
Was attending that thing a huge mistake?
Hello, deer.
Could you please tell me if I should consider going the trap (becoming the gf) path in the future?
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will i actually learn THAT song today and hit the gym for many gains?
Will I become famous in some way?
Will I make it?

100% original.
Should I just off myself?
Will i regret it if I wish her that happy bday?
Should I give up on it? Rolliolli
ugh will I regret it der?
do they have std(s)
Hello deer, are you always right?
Am I doomed to be alone?
Well fuck me, single forever. Thanks deer
Can I get cutie gf this year?
Will I always live in misery?
Am I going to fail uni?
Not what I wanted to hear but thank you for being honest sacred deer
Am I gonna have fun this week?
Will one of my movies I make ever be considered a classic?
Will one of my movies I make ever be considered a classic?
I have to roll again cause the magic dear told me to.
Is there still a chance with her? And will i see her again soon
Do they like me?
Will I be happy without her?
Should I give up, It's killing me?
Am I gonna succeed this week in my exam? Please be yes
Will she remember me in a good way?
will the next 6 weeks be fun?
will i...?

Will I ever meet her original self?
rwalings again
Is happiness, or at least something like it, possible for me?
I'm gonna kill myself, should I do it?
Go fuck yourself goat
No I won't shill mother fucker I'm gonna succeed this week
But what? I have to study right? Okay
will i make it in time? will i do what i have to do
I'll study hard Mr goat
Will it happen? I hope it does.
Rolling for this, should I focus on math?
will I ever get a gf
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Should I stay or should I go?
Originality is a lie
Fuck yeah
Nice thread thanks deer
Hahahaha poor anon
Am i going get what i want within a 5 years or less
will i ever get a trap gf ? this is an original post btw
Rolling again
will i ever get a trap gf??????
Will I get a good rank in my exam?
Will I ever be sexually satisfied and healthy?
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Am i cured and will i get past 80% grade point average in the exams that i will do in the finals?
Do I have to work hard to get Victoria?
Is my girlfriend worth it?
Welp cancer it is.
Will it last after I leave?
Will she break up with her boyfriend and love me, instead?
Tru dat, Deer God.
will i ever be set free from this moral coil?
Yeah lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Will I ever complete Brandon's build?
Should I be contempt with the mundane accomplishments like good grades, a good chance of a decent job, etc..
Will we be together? He is not a fuckboi?
Understandable, but next time, let's not let this happen.
i know i havent even started talking to her, is it worth it to even attempt it?
You ain't fuckin shit dog.
understandable have a nice reroll
Am I retarded for playing minecraft?
Will I hookup with one of the managers from work oh mighty all seeing sacred deer?
does she have feelings for me? I know I'm kinda into her, but I'd rather stay loyal. I just... wanna see what you say
will my dreams come true
fucking robot
you right, you right. she's my best friend, and I love her in that way, we'll never be more, and never need to be
Slav or Asian?
But what? Will it be more than just a hookup?
Is she gonna like me?
Is he my true savior?
Will a thread I frequent stop being such fucking faggots and enjoy it for once?
Is she being disloyal to me?
Dammit, okay. So if it's not more than just a hookup, what could you have meant by
>Yes, But...
Please, I just need a straightforward answer your holy majesty. I beg of you, with your all seeing, all knowing deer eyes, please tell me, will I hook up with Mcnulty?
Well I suppose you're right, perhaps I'm part of the problem as well. But I still believe my point needs to be shown maybe it's better that I wait for an opportunity instead of further aggravating.

Thank you deer friend.
Will it ever be anything real between her and I?
Reroll cuz that doesnt make sense
Same question WE WUZ KANGZ
Alright, I feel as though I'm being toyed with. Thank you anyway for your wisdom sacred deer. You have already helped me immensely.
I must ask one last parting question if it isn't too much for your holiness to grant me one last answer, will this occur in the upcoming weeks?
if i get a six then i kill myself
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did i pass?
Close, I'm going to roll for this anon. If I get a 6 he must kill him self
Hedge fund and ivy league more likely to happen with your help and will you help me?
How about achieving my dreams through my own merits?
Will I ever be able to land beast fucking skateboard tricks?
You know what deer? I think I'll achieve this all on my own.
Will I ever even be good at skateboarding?
Will i get laid after stevens wedding?
will kate and i have sex soon?
Will my body be ready in time?
Will I lose my virginity this year?
Is my thinking correct?
Will I have kinky BDSM sex with my high school waifu and impregnate her?
will I get into ucla on appeal
Will she dump chad?
Will I get laid this summer?
rerolling previous q, this year?
Will i ever get enough confidence and willpower to start eating healthy,go to the gym, take care of my body, and become a normie?
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im going to do it anyways to defy you. fuck you i can do anything i set my mind to.
will my country ever be free of niggers and sandniggers?

Am I going to die next year?
Could I have saved him?

Will I ever experience romantic love??

Does he still love her?
Will I ever be successful in my music career

Will I ever experience romantic love with a qt?
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Will I get a new job soon?
I guess I should let go then.
rerolling for the statistically unlikely third confirmation.
im pretty down rn and i gotta know, will it get better for me?
Will christine ever hang out w me
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Thank you mr deer
will i go to yurop before im 30?
SHould i break up with her? will it work out for me and will she be okay?
Will i fuck kt
Will the white genocide finally happen tomorrow so the blackbots can claim what's rightfully ours?
Is it worth the risk of texting that person?
three 'yes' in a row...?
wow, four now.
Just following instructions
Is the 25/75 Plan good?
Will she finally break up with me so i can whore around in my second semester?
will i ever be happy?
So please tell me Sacred Deer, our paths will cross again?
Are you real and are you lying?
Will I get a boyfriend this current semester?
Im wondering, can you please tell me if i will get a gf this year?
Should I take up fencing instead of mma?
Will i get a significant other in the near future?
Will we get the bad wax for the beach trip?
Will i get any happier soon?
Rolling up and down
Is she preggo?
Do I have a chance with her?
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Why i cant get a gf
should i be gay desu?
will my imaginary gf come to life and make me happy for the first time in years
Should I kill myself?

This post is oregano
will i be able to acquire sobe power fruit punch with reasonable ease in the near future?
Rerolling I guess since it said roll again

actually makes me ponder
Am I gonna get a boyfriend?
Oh mighty Deer, Does my best friend have a crush on me?
Will I have a girlfriend with big tits (not a fat woman)?
Am I gonna pass today's exam?
Should I drop out and try something else
Sacred deer, does she like me?
Will life surprise me and give me a chance to be with her.
Can I still start a successful family even though I'm ugly?
Well i got a another chance to roll. Maybe i will get another chance...
Should I fasttrack moving out?
Nice, sacred deer, should I ask her out somewhere?
Will my kitchen sink ever get fixed?
Should I become a trap?
I didn't ask for statistics. Should I become a trap?
I am fucking obsessed over V. Will we ever get together?
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Should I purchase a 2008 Ford Falcon FG XT with 155,000 kms for $7,500?
Is she preg?

Will i pull an ssj4

Is dewey from malcom in the middle god?
Is Caylen a gay name?
should i kms tonight
will i ever pull an lr
Will I ever get out of bronze?
never ever in your life
Is she the one who is going to die?
Should pepe be a hate symbol?
is my dick good enough for da womens?
will smash for the Nintendo switch ever come out?
Is it gay if you wear a condom?
Is she doing what I think she is??????????????????????
Am I going to be the one who dies then?
Should the age of consent should be 5?
is gintama the best anime ever?
Is the kid mine then?

Organic comment.
is gintama the greatest anime ever?
does the sacred deer tell the truth?
O sacred deer.
Will i be a qt gay boy?
did i get her preg?
Am I going to end up with her?
Should i keep this shit up?
Will we remain for a very long time?
should i go to the toilet now, or wait a until i'm about to shit myself?
will i find the one by 30
re-roll because it doesnt make sense
are you originally sure
fuck off robot
Will shit get better if I pursue this.
should i fuck a prostitute already?
so should I do fencing?
are you gay, though?

Did hitler really die?
Will I be caught cutting the fence?
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Will I ever get a qt gf?

Rolling again
ill ask now at the midnight hour

will i live the places I dream of?
Will I chicken out?
That sucks
can i have a qt gf this month

will i ever be happy, dear deer???

ty Deer, i knew it :^)
Is Canada real?
Is that person his real girlfriend?
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uhhh can I jerk off to cp?
Should I make move-adoodle doo?
Does C have the hots for me?
will a qt ask me out before my birthday
Dear deer. Am I going to have my own family one day? Please be honest
Is my future boyfriend a German?
will something absolutely perfect and crucial to my long term plans fall into my lap by pure luck today?
is my best friend a betacuck who's ruining his life
will she pass her paper she's been stressing over?
should i kiss her the next time we meet
will anyone ever think I'm attractive?
will i make it?
unoriginal, i know
is she ok? i need to know
is the LP guy going to make me sperg out tomorrow?
Will I ever compete at a high level?
is the danish milf okay?
Does my family hate me now?
Is it going to last another year?
am I gonna die in a year or 2?
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holy fuck, am I gonna die a virgin?
Am i going to have a good day today doing my stupid job thing?
is she cheating ?
suicide by the end of the month?
decisive roll
are jews degenerate? rollllllllll
are traps gay?
asking for a friend
Will I get that job I'm thinking about?
will I pass this fucking exam with a decent grade
will I ever heal from my tortuous childhood?
Damn. Then I'm truly stuck. Better kill myself desu.
Will she ever like me as much as I like her?
Will i ever find an actual partner?
Will i ever be famous/well known/have a legacy
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Will heidi ever go out with me?
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rolling again
Orignial comment
Is she going to contact me within the next month?
Fucking roll again cuz I got a 0
>too fat
Inexplicable answer, rolling again
will she come back when chad inveditably gets fed up with her autism?
okay then :(
Will my baldness go away in this 2 years?
Will i be happy?
Will i get the glory i deserve,dear deer?
wow thats pretty shocking my dear, after all that time she found some chad or became lesbian for real, ill never put my big penis into her ass then?
Does God exist? Obese
are your answers true?
Are major religions false?
but what? only once?
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well fuck you deer, my trips are more powerful than your future telling
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O great and sacred deer, does Kekcroc exist?
Will I die in an upcoming foreign war?
Sacred deer, will I ever escape the kelp forest?
Will Bosnia rule the world?
Will I go to war?
>asking cause I just joined
did she mean what she said tonight?? >>37983886
Should I lash myself more tonight sacred deer
will it work out deer?
Does chill bro mean yes or no?
im too faT?

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Alone forever?
Some shit
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Autism off the charts.jpg
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I isn't getting zero again
Will the rest of this year be good?
I guess I should reroll...?
Is my crush in love with me?
Sacred deer will I get a qt gf this year? And yes I know I am pathetic for asking this question every time.
same question oreganiomi
Am I too fat sacred deer? Because that would be fucking retarded.
Will I ever lose my virginity?

Will she respond?
rolling again.

will she get too fat?
Welp looks like I'll always be here. Will I at least ever receive a kiss from a girl?
I want to say get fucked, but that wouldn't make sense.
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>2 again
God fucking damn. Will I at fucking least ever hold a girls hand romantically?
can i have sex soon or nah
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Well that settles it
I will always be a KHHV
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Damn, the sacred deer really fucked you up.
will it ever happen?

Originally original.

Is she ever going to trust me?
Is homosexuality the cleanest, best pleasure?
Is she gay?

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I'm pretty desperate now deer. Will I ever get a boyfriend?
I want it all, am I man enough to get it?
rolling again for my pathetic life.
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Should I kill myself this summer?

Oreganoli ravioli
Am I going to marry her?
Will I ever get a kiss from a guy? orignialio
The fucking deer is playing with you let me help you, will this anon get a bf
Should I buy him those things
oh my god, i am so sorry.
thanks for the faggotry confirmation deer.

No way nig. I have to do this myself. rolling for your question.
Will things ever get better for me?
Will I have children?
Will it get better after the surgery?
I got my answer but still I remain unhappy. Done for tonight. Thank you deer.
will I ever be happy? oroginal
Will I get a fembot gf this month
Will I find a francophone who will tolerate my awkwardness and continue to talk to me after the first call rather than ghost me ?
Will i get a gf this soon
Does she like me? Or am i just imagining things?
Will i find a gf here
rolling again for gf
Is this the year I can redeem myself and conquer her heart?
Will I get a gf before I'm 21 Deer?
Does she love me?
so she was lying
deer is it ever going to be what i want it to be
will i be happy if i do this with her
Is fateanons fortune that he gave to me coming true right now?
will things get drastically better for me?
will i get a gf this years?

will I ever date "her"? ssads
will i ever get my money back from A & F, wise deer?

i suppose you r right, sacred deer.
will i be in a grad job 2 months from now?

FUCK, least I got dubs ;-;
Will I ever obtain qt 3.14 gf?
Is it over?

should l go after her?
will cbt help me?
Am i a chad?
Asking for a friend lolololol
Dont trust the thing guys its broken
is it going to be a healthy relationship if it actually happens?
will we end up together?
original post is originalasdasasdasd
I ate the sacred deer out
Sexy time coming anytime soon?
Will anything good happen this summer?
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varg in a bush.jpg
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O Sacred Deer ov beautiful EVROPA
will the white man rise again to reclaim the lands that his forebears fought and died for?
can I reach happiness
Quick wank inna shower?
will i ever be able to get a job and support myself?
Will I forever be the kv that I expect to be?
Is my majick legit?
Will I get with her?

Can I make myself change?

Will I cure my depression in the time of one year?
Wow! Dubs for Yes Yes!!! THANK YOU DEER.

Will I ever get a gf magical deer?
should i kill myself?

Donuts today deer?
Should I try heroin?
rolIing again
I'm going to take any further ambiguous answers as a yes, so now's your chance to stop me
Should I ask her out?
Will i be happy within the next 4 months?
Will I get a GF soon? please :(
am i still heterosexual if i fap to futanari porn?
will i live past 30?

This is a very originali original oregano comment
Am i fucked in the head
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Will she ever forgive me for all the shit i've done ?
Hope you're right this time based deer
Fuck you still bought them
Can I have sex with a dolphin? I heard it's best sex
Will that cute guy in econom kiss me?
Literally the only answer that doesn't make sense
Will I lose my virginity by the end of this year?

original commento
Does the girl who my brother likes likes me?
Will it happen?

oregano orilinage
Did i get cucked??
Will I get a boyfriend this year?
o sacred deer, will i make the cut?
Will i met and get my gf at that lan party?
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Will the pain in the stomach and back fo away in the next hour? Its unbearable. Shouldnt have slept 20h
just answer me,.
if I roll a 0 again I'm gonna kill myself
ShouId I talk to her?
Fine, I'll roll again.
will i live to see tomorrow
Will naomi start dating me?
will what i think happen, happen?
Will I ever get qt gf?
Never rubber ducky.
ahahahahaha punk

Est-ce qu'il m'aime?
does he love me?
Will I get fit this year?
will my depression ever go away
Apparently i need to starve myself to death to get rid of my depression. Makes sense to be honest.
Will I stay a kissless virgin this year
Will I get a chance?
Will I regret this?
will i go to prison for (((you know what))) ?
re-roll because 0
Hey you shitty deer will i make it?
Should I put on panties and fuck my butt tonight?
Will it stop raining so I can go for a walk?
i want to fuck you in the ass sacred deer.
Will I pass my maths GCSE?
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it my imagination?
Oh scared deer, are you as big of a faggot as the monolith?
Do they love me? deerblox
is there still hope?

will i ever put my peenus in a bagoo?
Does W know what happened that one night?
will i ever gather the courage to make the suicide
Am I chad?

Will i ever get a bass and learn how to play it?
Will i have any classes with M. this semester?
Will I ever become successful and leave this place?
i have osteoporosis, i will ever get laid?
will i ever happily leave this shitty place?
Is thy limit 34?
will i ever the qt ?
2/10 needs more "just be yourself bro"
Will we ever date?

Oregano commento
is the sun hot
Will I date my qt oneitis fwb and have her fall in love?

should i make the first move?
C'mon deer. Will my parents backstab me again?
rolling again because the deer is a question-dodging fucktard
Will i ever soort meself oot bucko?
Will I ever get a qt, thick ponytail gf?
should i go to church?
Its sacral deer not sacred deer.

Will I win a big prize (Higher than $5,000) if I play the scratch off with my next check (just my next check)
should I kms?
are we in this thing alone? Or are we in it together?
will she love me?


Thread posts: 516
Thread images: 39

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