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http://www.ntd.tv/inspiring/life/yo ung-woman-who-texted-boy

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Roasty got TOASTY
a life sentence for that is ridiculous
WTF They shouldve been way more lenient. a house confinement punishment for 2 months or something this is way to excessive. she isnt accustomed to crime and prisons at all!!! she is too pretty for that punishment. really angry about this...
>tfw no qt gf with a huge forehead to tell me to kms
>20 years for texting nasty things
She should be punished, but we can all agree 20 years is a bit much.
I agree, killers should be hang on the spot.
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>robots will defend this slag
>they'll claim "muh free speech"
>all because they've never been in a relationship
20 years isn't a life sentence

pretty much this, only include robbers too
there's no place for violent individuals anywhere in society
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"After three years, this girlfriend who sent text messages to his boyfriend to kill himself is found guilty"
she's not a killer her boyfriend was already suicidal. convincing someone who's already suicidal should carry 10 years max sentence.
She's going to get 6 months and probation because she's a white woman and therefore the most protected privileged class in the world
>20 years isn't a life sentence
yes it is
You need to read the case dude.

She would non stop text the guy about it and agressively pushed suicide as the only valid thing he should do.

Doing that to someone who you know is suicidal is fucking murder.
no it's not

let's be original today
This is really cruel. Why do that to someone you supposedly love?
encouraging a suicidal person to commit suicide is figuratively pulling the trigger.
Up to 20. Learn to read. She can get up to 20 years. It's very unlikely that she will get more than 4.
Because she didn't fucking love him.
She's a fucking sociopath.
It's not murder. I give no fucks about this woman, I hardly know anything about the case, but telling someone to kill themselves isn't murder.
UP. TO. 20.
Her sentencing will be on August third. It can be up to twenty. Learn to fucking read.
Besides, when he started feeling sick from carbon monoxide poisoning, he left the car and went back inside to call her. To which she replied:
> Go back there and finish this
She deserves 10 years.
When you're holding the hand of someone unstable through suicide it's no longer "telling them to kill themselves".

It is for a roastie.

After they hit 30 their lives are over.
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Yeah a bit too much to give her 20 years of prison, they should have sentenced her to death.
That way she doesn't go to prison.
And thats why mental people shouldnt date other mental people.

Date a normal (but sympathetic) person robots
but someone would have to be mental to date me
>roast beef bitch has to spend the rest of her prime fucking years behind bars surrounded by fat dykes
Fantastic. When she tries to convince her cellmate to kill herself, the fat cunt will simply break her nose.
Shell get five years and let off early on good behavior with probation.
>Why do that to someone you supposedly love?
She used him for attention. She set up a suicide help group or some shit too after he died.

She was probably going to write her college application essay on his death.

She is an opportunistic crazy roastie.
I'm sure glad no one ever checked my ex boyfriend's phone after he killed himself.
He would change the subject and talk about other things, start being more positive - then she would cut him off and tell him when and how he should be killing himself while saying she loved him. If you read the messages it is fucked up. It's not murder, but it's definitely fucked up.
I do not agree. She is responsible for a man's death.

The saddest part of this story is that she'l likely have her sentence reduced and get out on parole since she's female so people find it easy to feel sorry for her.
>that "I'm sorry I got caught" face
Why do you feel entitled to tell people to kill themselves? Do you not know what accessory to suicide is?

Probably think it's your right to yell "fire" in a crowded venue too
>more lenient
No. Fuck you.
>At one point Carter gave up on trying to change his mind and instead was now prodding him to commit suicide. She sent at least 40 text messages asking him to kill himself.
The text messages are the evidence. Who knows what this bitch does in person?
She actively pushed someone towards suicide intentionally. This isn't your '4channer tells person to kill themselves and they did'. This is assisted self-assassination.
I don't know what normal murder gets you in the US but 20 years seems appropriate.
>she's too pretty for this punishment
Fuck. I hate people like you. This shouldn't even hit a news source but because women can be evil without recourse you act up when they get what's coming.
It's awful.
They probably did and let it go because you're too pretty.
You don't even feel shame do you? And people think misogyny is wrong.
She sould stay in jail all her life, she is a fucking crazy bitch, poor guy....
Boi spill the beans
Why are women so evil? What the fuck dude
can I date astral people?
Nothing really to feel guilty about, he wanted to kill himself and I wanted a Friday night without his emo drama.
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How fast can I get autism if I try really hard?

That;s not a life sentence. Didnt you ever hear the phrase "25 to life"? The article says she faces "UP TO 20 YEARS" in prison, meaning that her sentence is not made yet. She'll prob get like 5 years + probation.
So just dump him you stupid bitch. You choose to be with him and torture him just like the girl in the OP.
Definitions vary. In Sweden 20 years is life. Which I find silly. It's just named that way to give the savage masses some satisfaction. Life should forced incarceration until natural death.
Poor little robot friend, you're barely literate.

Clearly stated that he was my ex boyfriend.
Yeah I didn't read that.
Doesn't matter. Same exact situation. You're clearly not forced to associate with him in any way.
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>When a roastie has to face the consequences of her actions

She's probably thinking "b-but I'm a female I shouldn't have to go to jail. Only men face punishment for crimes"
No, obviously not he is dead that would be spooky af.
Very funny you hellspawn.
I hope you burn.
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Did stalin do any good tho?
Yeah, burning in hell for like say committing the unforgivable sin of suicide.

I'd rather like to go to heaven and avoid seeing him for eternity.
Only ungood thing he ever did was dying
>I'd rather like to go to heaven
fat chance roastie
>woman decides to kill a man over some peace at a Friday night
How could anyone believe these are not the people who make the world such a terrible place? "Behind every great man there's a great woman" they say.
Yeah because religions tend to favor murderesses.

her face is too small for her head
she's interesting to look at but not because she's attractive

Did she wear her fucking pyjamas to court?
But he rekt ass tho.
Looks like the roasty got TOASTED
Divine forgiveness is easy to obtain, it's much harder to get humans to forgive you.

People are so arrogant with their judicial system like they are fit to pass judgement on anyone let alone actually punish them for something god obviously intended to happen.

More like man decides to kill self freeing up a nice young lady's life from his constant attention whoring and general emoness.

I didn't murder anyone but if I did I could still find forgiveness in god.
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>Divine forgiveness is easy to obtain
treachery is the 9th circle and you've got a one way ticket there
>basing your knowledge of the after life on what was essentially a comic book written by some Italian drug dealer
Anon you can't seriously be so stupid that you think this isn't just bants.
it's bants but I also legitimately think she's a garbage person who will get what they get
Imagine that guy being your brother or a good friend. You'd want her to suffer as well.
tippity top bantz.

The only thing I'm getting is paid time off on the anniversary of his death because it still hurts me so badly.

I might need to go to the lake and meet cute living guys.
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Look at the buttmad whiteknight ITT
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>tfw used to beta orbit a girl who would tell me to kill myself
>think she was serious
>didn't realise at the time and assumed she was joking and really loved me
>one day thought it would be funny to pretend I was actually going to kill myself
>bought a bunch of medicine
>sent her a video of myself feeding a picture of her several pills then sent a text saying 'murder suicide'
>laid on the floor for 3 hours hoping she would run to my rescue
>she never came
>saw her the next day
>she just said 'oh, you are still around' then walked away

fuck these whores
>20 years a bit much

You're kidding right? She should be in for life. She literally made him kill himself for attention so she could be the "grieving girlfriend."
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Roasty getting toasty. Fucking sluts getting fucked in jail.
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she is literally going to jail because some dude was just a little bitch.
l know it's great
So what? It checks out: He had the balls to go through with what they can't.
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the pictures of people as the weight of the situation they are in crushes them is so fascinating to behold. Imagine all the hope and light fade from her life as the walls and darkness close in.

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While I think that she's a shitty human being, i don't think people should go to prison for someone texts. He could have just blocked her and be done with it. It sets a dangerous precedent.

Imagine telling someone on 4chan he's a faggot and should die and he kills himself and the police arrests you. Same thing she did. That's just stupid, it's criminalizing interacting with mentally ill people.
if she killed herself too it would make a great story
>He could have just blocked her and be done with it

>It's not murder, the victim could've just worn a bulletproof vest
That's even remotely comparable.
It's literally the exact same thing, how can you not realize that?
t. internet censorship soccer mom
>t. internet censorship soccer mom
Literally what?
She did literally nothing wrong. I wish someone would finally push me to suicide like that.
I agree. They're just words and he could've stopped it anytime. She shouldn't face jail time because she was being mean and crazy over the internet. Unless she was there forcing him to stay in the car, it's not her fault. Also he was being an attention whore for constantly crying about being suicidal and not getting help. I dont blame her for snapping.
20 years hard time, how does it feel?

>what? goodbye.
She's going to get the minimum, then she will claim to be the victim and get a book deal and reality show, and retire off them. She will say, "the Patriarchy did this" and feminists will defend her.
She should receive a life sentience, or just a execution. That's some next level fucked up, a person like her isn't fit for society.
It's the opposite though, he wanted to get better, she kept pushing him back. She's the attention whore, she wanted to be the girlfriend of the guy that killed himself. This isn't like a stranger on the internet telling you to kill yourself, she was his girlfriend, he trusted her, and it's ridiculously naive to assume she never did or said anything in person.
True. Government overreach is terrifying, look at all the people going to jail in Germany right now for /pol/ posting on social media
>Same thing she did

Not really, on 4chan we actually don't have knowledge of who we're talking to or what's going on with them. This girl knew exactly who she was talking to, knew his past and knew his exact situation and still egged him on. It's still kinda questionable to me, but both ways.
>land of the free
>freedom of speech
>pursuit of happiness
>20 years in prison for texting someone who hates life to kill themselves
I sure love living in europe
at least I'm not delusional about my oppression and I get free NEET bux
stupid things get you stupid results

she's gonna learn the hard way
Nice bait but still a shame that there's idiots that unironically say that
>texting someone who hates life to kill themselves
Not what happened.
reminder if you think she did anything wrong you're probably
1. a normie
2. a liberal
3. think bill cosby is a rapist
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Did you even read the messages? He kept saying he didn't want to go through with it and she kept pressuring and manipulating him until he did retard.
4. Hate how women have all the freedoms without any of the responsibilities
>met in 2012
>together for 3 years
>snapped in 2014
>At first, Carter kept telling Conrad to ask for help and not take matters into his own hands but Conrad was saying he gave up already and was going to do it. The day that Conrad was going to kill himself he was texting and speaking to Carter on the phone. At one point Carter gave up on trying to change his mind and instead was now prodding him to commit suicide.

No where does it say he was trying to get better. He was about to pussy out and she said, "get back in." She wasn't telling him to kill himself the whole time, he could've figured out that it wasn't right.

>She's the attention whore

Yeah, she should've just broke up with him and had him killself over that. Live and learn, i guess. He shouldn't have been naive though, he's the man.
>victim blaming is OK when it's a depressed beta
Really makes one think.
It was for a long time and the constitution still does a lot but socialist creep is very real. Tbh you Euros are to blame for a lot, before WW1 in Canada we had a tiny govt, didn't even have income taxes
Dating: letting your guard down, letting a person into your life, sharing your life with, taking a risk

4chan: yeah not really the same thing
She was obviously guilty of reckless endangerment. She ordered the kid to go into a car filled with toxic fumes.
Normies hate people who commit suicide. They see it as the ultimate fuck you to society and their way of life. That's why attempting suicide is a crime and will get you locked up.
They can't get the boy so they go after the next best thing.
I actually think egging people on to commit suicide is fine. I do it all the time. It's literally my hobby. I'm sure I've given advice to at least 1 person who later went on to take their own life considering something I said
I've been doing it for at least ten years.
However it is hilarious when people are locked in cages for decades and I hope she takes her own life eventually too
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liberals want her to get the death sentence though, normies hate her guts

Of course /r9k/ will sperg because muh roasties, but no one seems to care that free speech is under attack.

There's now precendence for sending someone to jail for saying "kys fagget".
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20 years only? wtfuckinfuck
Attempting suicide doesn't carry a criminal penalty in the USA but you do get to be confined to a hospital where people force you to take pills for up to two whole weeks if you try it
>free speech is under attack
Verbal bullying is free speech as well, right?
it is tho or otherwise he wouldn't have brought up suicide first
she didn't threaten him in any way other than telling him, he will feel bad about not having done it tomorrow, which isn't a real threat since she doesn't indicate her taking any steps to make it happen
Wow, 20 years for telling someone to kill themself? Yeah that's totally fair. How is this not free speech?
Kill yourself faggot, literally buy some castor beans, grind them up, put them in gel caps and swallow as many as you can, get in the shower, turn the hot water on, lay down and close your eyes
Bull's-eye, I guess.
Way to completely oversimplify the situation you chimp

But he's correct. You should remember that the first amendment does not protect all speech. For example, fighting words are not protected.
I didn't oversimplify anything. That's exactly what happened.
Oh and you're the chimp.
Are you guys intentionally ignoring the circumstances and nuance of this case to play devils advocate? Or are you actually this thick-headed?
It's very different because in her case:

1 - She knew him in person closely and knew he was suicidal
2 - she apparently sent like 40 texts telling him to do it, it was basically at the level of harrassment

She deserves maybe 5-10 years which is probably what she'll end up doing. Jokes on her though because they are the prime years of her life, she may as well be in there for 30 years JFL
I don't live in America. 4chan is an international website.
Nah she will have 30x more sexual contact and human interaction, affection than you will in your entire life within a year of getting out.
Then don't make incorrect assumptions about our laws please :)
I don't, and didn't. But I do correctly assume you're all retarded, yourself being a sufficient example.
Damn, so someone getting 5-10 years for telling someone to commit suicide sounds fair to you?
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself faggot, anyone who thinks telling someone to DIE literally needs to HANG THEIR SELF IMMEDIATELY
Nice b8 but the false equivalence still stands
the important factors in this case are

>persistence, bordering on harassment
>closeness to the victim
>direct contact with the victim during the act of suicide
kill yourself OP

There is no false equivalence and you're a retard for thinking this is bait.
She told someone to commit suicide. That is all she did.
This is the original /thread
If you can't tell the difference you are autistic
Completely dumb analogy, besides, I am not even talking about if it's immoral or not. Urging someone to commit suicide isn't murder no matter what you may feel.
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>robots will unironically defend her
It's definitely not something that people who deserve freedom do
"Kys" posters BTFO.

Enjoy jail time, edgy kids.
There is no difference. The number times you tell someone to commit suicide is irrelevant, especially when the person in question could have easily blocked her from contacting him.
I could understand if she forced him to commit suicide, but she didn't do that.
Kill yourself faggot.
didnt you know looks are all that matters in life?
I'm absorbing vital salts from them for sustenance as we speak
Good thing she's guilty on an inviluntary manslaughter charge, not a murder charge.
Mmmm tasty salt thank you my lord of edge
Bitch deserves it.
super oregano brothers
While this is true and it's 15 yrs in Germany, I think anything beyond 15 yrs is most of the time not necessary and can still be called life. In our system the truly insane and mental people will go into a mental ward after their sentence if they just cannot be released. But if you're an average dude, your life WILL be gone after 15 years of not being able to talk to anyone or keep in contact, etc.
That's why they still say that.
Nice argument. Try better next time

That's a blatant misrepresentation of what she did. You're stating it like she told him once and left it at that, which is not at all what happened. Read up or shut up.
honestly i couldn't really support any punishment for her as she did not inflict physical harm, property damage, nor breach a pre-existing contract

of course this has no bearing on the actual law in place, only my crypto-authoritarian+lolbertarian idealistic LARPing penal code where violations of the NAP are punished through forced labour or public hanging depending upon severity, but no other actions are punished

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execute the whore desu
Yes, but let's not forget that suicides are the worst kind of scum.
>I hardly know anything about the case

At least skim an article before you form an opinion, idiot.
Relax kid, no one is taking away your ability to tell other kids to "kys" online.
Lmfao btfo eternally
t. Shill Goldkaufsteinman
Yeah but she will be post-wall so it doesn't really count my boy.
>20 years old
>add 20 years
>being released at 40 is apparently life

are you retarded anon? anyways doesn't matter it's up to 20 years she will probably get 3-5 and then get out on some kind of probation.
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