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Scared about school loans

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>FINALLY get accepted into med school after 4 years of abject suffering through the shitty pre-reqs, research bullshit and worst of all dealing with the faggot pre-meds.

>Have to take out 20k in loans this year after financial aid etc.
>Fucking terrified to do so, can't even bring myseld to look at the options etc.

Please help. Any bots take out student loans? I'm so scared whenever I think about it my brain just automatically scapegoats a random task to do. I ended up playing ape escape for 3 hours last night.
Live in a better country
I'm about to study medicine for free
Well thats the hand I've been dealt

I'm just worried I guess. When I think of how much can go wrong in just the next 4 years I get pretty scared.
just do it.
If you don't do it, you won't get anyway
Look at this shit

Just skimming though it is making me anxious as fuck
It's just a simple procedure. You'll be fine
it's not that big a deal. I had $60k in debt after graduating with a fucking BA. I only make $30-40k a year but it won't take long to pay off. you just have to live like you're really poor for a few years.
literally no problem if you're actually gonna get a job after

just gotta bite the dust and live like a poorfag for a couple of years
20k is only gonna be for the first 2 years.
After that I'll be taking out 47 for the other 2 years.

And part of my scholarship is that I'll be doing internal medicine, a job thats quickly being replaced by PAs and NPs.
New grads are apparently having to move to super rural areas just to find work after residency.
And the job market is only gonna get worse.

What if I can't pay it off?
You're going to be a doctor, you know, the highest paid career in the country? I think getting accepted would be the hard part.
>the highest paid career in the country
What a fucking meme
Fuck everyone for spreading this shit and fuck my parents for making me fall for it
If you're that scared join the millitary. They'll pay all of your tuition and give you money for books and food/rent. https://www.goarmy.com/amedd/education/hpsp.html
>join the millitary
Fuck no
Shut the fuck up, you spoilt brat. Take the loans or join the military.
How am I "spoilt"?
The military isn't for everyone, but it is a good deal imo. It's a fuckton of money
how is it not. if being a doctor is a meme then everything else is a much bigger meme. I guess maybe that's the case.
Just be sure you can and will get the degree.

>read about guy who was kicked out of MED school after spending about a half million
>look up to see how long it would take to repay 500k in 30 years at 6%
>$3000 minimum monthly payment

Not saying your bill will be that much but still.
I'm not a genius but thankfully not retarded either.
I'm worried about that too, but apparently the MCAT is a good metric of how you'll do in med school and I scored in the 90th percentile,

The real problem is finding work after I finish residency. Again not allowed to specialize and I've been reading horror stories
If you make it though med school you'll be making bank once you get a job. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's not like you're going for some shitty degree that will put you in a ton of debt and land you a job at Starbucks.
>The real problem is finding work after I finish residency. Again not allowed to specialize

Was there a reason why you did General Internal Medicine instead of going for Family Medicine, then? You planning to be a Hospitalist?
I don't mind being working in a hospital no.

IM is dying, but family has been dead for years now.
Keep in mind I live in the north east
>IM is dying, but family has been dead for years now.

From what I hear it's actually doing reasonably well these past few years, there's been some decent demand for family medicine.
Only in VERY rural areas like alaska and the mid-west
Got 98th percentile on mcat applied to 40 schools and interviewed at 17 last year. Waitlisted at 9 schools and no acceptance. I guess my interview skills are garbage but reading shit like this makes me so frustrated lol. I would give my left big toe to be in your spot.
What was your gpa like?
Did you do research?

39/45 MCAT which is also 98th percentile. Got into a DO school only on my 3rd year of applying.

Good luck my friend, wait-list is actually a positive sign. First two years I didn't even get onto a wait-list.
I was going to say just do it, you'll forever regret it if not. Why do they force you into internalist though? I was looking at schools and very nearly did that, but instead made a decision I regret. At least for my school if you renege they just force you to pay back what they gave you, I mean you already graduated with the preferential placement so that's really all they can do. This was a country doctor scholarship though, so maybe yours is different. I still think you should risk it, fuck them. Such every dick you see while a student and go for a ADORE residency. If you're rejected you still have internal or family to fall back on. If you still fuck that up you have DDS.

Ask them if you're allowed to do Geriatrics fellowship perhaps? It's primary care also, so they may say yes for that.
>FINALLY get accepted into med school after 4 years of abject suffering through the shitty pre-reqs, research bullshit and worst of all dealing with the faggot pre-meds.

Take the opportunity, unless you can think of something else to do with your life. I'd probably be working a temporary pharma bench-monkey jobs and playing MMOs for the rest of my life if I hadn't gone to medical school.

>what if I can't pay it off?

Don't worry, by the time you're out of med school, half the country's student debtors will have defaulted on their shit.
This moment was the biggest difficulty-gap I've ever seen in a videogame, the fact that they make you fight him as soon as they take away your elements make this shit 10x harder
>that boss fight
>that music

Man r9k post quality went up today.
Dragon god had the better ost
Still doesn't me pay for med school though...

Are you a nigger? I'd have to pay $80k just to get a liberal arts degree. Fuck you, Republicans.
The only comforting thing I think I can say is that, hopefully, within the near future, this fucking scharade of fiat stability comes crashing down and all debts are erased and, if we're really lucky, the entire system comes down and there is anarchy and a new system emerges from the ashes.

This is all that keeps me going
That won't happen sadly. If it collapses everyone will just be poor.
I'm white.
Blame dems, if federal loans didn't exist school wouldn't be so expensive.
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