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dear vegans, why should i give a shit about animals being killed?

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dear vegans, why should i give a shit about animals being killed?
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Dear vegans
why do babies die when you give them vegan diets and why does it count as child abuse?
>"because animals have feelings too"
bitch please
even if this were true why would anyone give a shit? they taste good and im the pinnacle of he foodchain, im not stopping evolution
dear vegans
nobody cares if your vegan
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B-but... we should stop drinking m-milk... Cows need to l-live...
Most vegans I know have dropped the >muh animals argument by now and now say it would be better for the enviroment if more people was vegan. I don't quite understand that. Even if somehow the meat industry was taken down, those people would probably just move onto the mass production of cheap crops that leave fields ruined if they are used for that for an extended period of time, like soy.
>why do babies die when you give them vegan diets
Has anybody tried this who isn't a complete retard?
Most vegans I know have absolutely no idea about nutrition, let alone nutrition for a baby.

Is it actually not possible to raise a baby on a vegan diet, or is it just that the people who try have no idea what they are doing?
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Why are carnies such a joke?

Seriosuly though many reasons.

>live longer
>le animals
>le health
>le better for the environment
>fantastic for your skin (don't get spots, originally why I switched)
you shouldnt if you dont feel like.
Im vegan because of spiritual reasons and because its what I feel comfortable with.

if you dont care about animals being killed is ok. just do what you think is best foe you
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>thinking that stopping eating meat will stop factories growing and killing animals
>live longer
what's so great about being old? Life expectancy is in the 70s as it is. Does anyone really need to live longer than that?
because you are an animal. There is almost nothing that separates your consciousness from theirs and the visual distinction can be explained as a relatively minute alteration of the same source code over billions of years.

I eat the fuck out of meat and I love it, but I sure do feel like shit when I consider that I too have experienced the callous and cold journey down that slaughterhouse conveyor belt.

Alright I'll rephrase it. Live a higher quality of life at the same age.

Anyway you know full well if vegans died earlier you wouldn't be saying this.
i think being old could be great ONLY if you have a great health and are happy with existence. otherwise not so cool
>Im vegan because of spiritual reasons
street shitter detected
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Most soy in the world is produced to feed animals, a vegetarian diet will always be better for the environment than an high meat intake diet
not indian, but i feel great respect for hinduism and buddhism , i have learn tons of useful shit from poos.
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>why do babies die when you give them vegan diets and why does it count as child abuse?

This is false. There have been a handful of cases (about three are used frequently on the Internet) 'vegan' babies dying as a result of nutritional issues, and ALL of these are cases of extreme neglect or irresponsibility. Vastly, vastly more children every year choke to death on animal products, or die of malnutrition despite being meat eaters being any child raised in a deprived setting and not fed enough will get sick and die. Those handful of cases of vegan babies dying are mostly reported in tabloid fashion by "fake news" outlets, or my mainstream news sources using a partial representation of events as clickbait - the same way you have a hundred thousand articles of "the end of men", or "your co-worker is earning vastly more than you!".

ALL major nutritional organisations in the world agree that an ADEQUATELY PLANNED vegan diet is more than sufficient and even preferable in most cases to an omni diet. Vastly more children die of choking and food poisoning as a result of omni diets than ever even get sick on vegan diets.
not a vegan and eat a fuck load of meat

one day i will have a cow farm

and not eat any of the cows

just have about 10 - 20 very happy cows

and let them live their lives to the fullest frolicking in the fields

and eating all the grasses they can

cows have it rough

i'll let a couple of cows live like kings.

i really like cows.

but they taste so good
>cows have it rough

cows are like robots in a lot of ways...
Spiritualist haha you fucking moron ghosts aren't real
Removing humans and other animals from the planet entirely would be best for it.
Anything less than that is half assed virtue signalling.
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Here is also a related and relevant image for your interest.
>tearing plants out of the ground and gobbling them up is good for the environment


also >doesnt explain why I should care if the animals live or die or how it affects my health

I give this post 3/10
hahahaha you made me laugh anon , thanks for make my morning happier.
gotta say those numbers look wrong as fuck.

especially with the beef being higher than chicken in terms of poisoning.

not to mention this study is prolly bogus due to "poisoning" vs "borne infection". most illnesses from food are the latter but misnomer'd as poisoning. I figure any study worth its salt would use the right terminology.

Maybe this data is from the mad cow epidemic years?

regardless, risk factor is even closer to zero with proper handling and care techniques.

even vegan foods like sprouts, salads, and juices have high risks of containing infection.


last year there was a widespread spinach recall if I remember correctly too.


lol vegan organic baby food recall kek
hello >>37662315 here

yes its good for the environment, but so is anything else when done correctly.

improper care of animals and death thereof can taint the fuck out of your meat. identified the anon who's never gone hunting, prep'd a deer, and accidentally punctured a gastro organ. ugh. last thing you want is bile and shit in your meat bro.
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>gotta say those numbers look wrong as fuck.

Anti-vegan incredulity. Impresive argument.

Literally everyone agrees that fish, meats, and other animal products are significantly more likely to cause food poisoning, this doesn't even include the risk of choking, or long term health consequences.

ANY child is better and more likely to survive childhood on an adequately planned vegan diet, than on an adequately planned omni diet.

>even vegan foods like sprouts, salads, and juices have high risks of containing infection.

Everyone knows this, but they are less likely to 'contain infection' than fish, meat, or other animal products.

Keep in mind that this is AFTER most meats are treated with chemicals, irradiated, etc to decrease the odds of infection. They are STILL more dangerous.
think about it like this. if we wouldn't eat all these aninals we eat would never be born. animals die anyways, we just kill them earlier and actually give them the opportunity to exist.
existing > not existing

prove me wrong
Eating meat and eggs is bad karma

its the equivalent of killing the animal yourself
> Anti-vegan incredulity. Impresive argument.
not even close. u got mad quick. i've worked in meat shit for a while and i gotta say that the orders still seem off.

i'm not saying veg then meat, but the meat order is fucking wrong no matter how you slice it.

chix > porks > beef > (eggs > dairy)* >seafood > cured meats
sprouts > salads > fruits > RTE food > grains

i've had to take exams and shit on this.

> child omni vs vegan

very debatable. and something i've always wondered. is breastmilk vegan? cause that's like the #1 for infants. its literally biologically made for babies. and if the parents are omnis and (not feeding the baby when vomiting or exhibiting signs of shittery) then tech the baby is getting all meat nutrients.

> less likely to 'contain infection' than fish, meat, or other animal products

Debatable? i've had to pull countless vegs for recalls, but the meat we sold hardly ever had a recall. i remember we had to pull livers ONCE due to contamination in the back room from a novice prepper. honestly most poisoning takes place either in the avenue of sale, or in the home. so that's causality vs reality.

> AFTER most meats are treated with chemicals, irradiated, etc to decrease the odds of infection.

chems? no? if you mean like antibiotics, then it depends on what you shop for. read a label.

irradiated? that's literally how a plant eats. they aren't processing meats with radium last i checked.

ect? steroids (tho chems) might be a possibility to, but read a label?

all of these then back to infants? like, who the fuck is going to give an infant meat in general unless it's like, blended? and thoroughly cooked. I guess I just don't see what you're talking about.
continued cause i fucking feel like it.

on a different topic something i'd never prep is infant animals. i would straight up refuse. not for any reason other than i just didn't fucking like it.

> veal
> suckling pigs
> other child animals

fuck. that. shit. it shouldn't even be normalized, though it's only the rich that eat that shit anyways.

more backstory, i worked on a buffalo farm that sold that, ewe, and other exotics, as well as a major meat distro that did the basics.
You should give a shit about animals being killed inhumanely or in cruel ways.
oh one more thing

don't know where you get your pictures, but uh, beef sort of doesn't have to be cow exclusive with recent tech. same with milk. all of it can be bioengineered, but it's due to the simplification and the current market that most if not all of those items are made from cow and cow byproducts.

so utopian world? sure. but then...

we wouldn't need cows.

so we wouldn't give a fuck about them.

and the population would drop to zero.

i worked a buffalo farm and honestly the ONLY reason they pretty much have a population is BECAUSE people eat them.

>national parks

oh ya the current gov't really likes helping the buffalo kek
The peer-reviewed research is clear.

Being vegan, if supplemented properly, lower your chance of getting heart disease (our number one killer), cancer, and other chronic illnesses.
Eating saturated fat and cholesterol from animal products increases your LDL cholesterol, creating fatty streaks in your arteries, raising your chances of getting heart disease.

A vegan diet on the environment on every level.

Finally, any non autistic rational person can understand that mass factory farmed meat (which is 99% of all meat produced) is an ethical abomination.

Dairy products and eggs, but especially meat and fish, are absolutely unnecessary to the human diet in a developed country today.
The conclusion is that it is ethically unjustifiable to still consume them every day.
>choke to death by animal products
This is why nobody takes you seriously. It's the shape and consistency that lets you choke. Not the animal nature of it.
Do you really expect people to take someone seriously if they claim veggies are bad because kids choke on broccoli?
>>live longer
Is life about who can live the longest? I don't want to be old.
>>le animals
Don't care
>>le health
Don't care
>>le better for the environment
I don't want to help the environment, I want life on earth to end
>>fantastic for your skin (don't get spots, originally why I switched)
Don't care about my skin, I'm already ugly
oh boy here we go.

killing an animal can happen a multitude of ways, but there are various practices currently enforced to make sure cows are in fact, killed as humanely as killing gets.

not sure about chinese super farms, but usda rules here state they have to ...

im not typing it all out. you can learn here if you so desire.


example: To meet the statutory requirements in the HMSA, all animals must be rendered
insensible to pain by a single blow or gunshot or an electrical, chemical or other means
that is rapid and effective, before being shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut.

and thats a cut and paste of one of MANY regulations.
Define karma and what criteria determines it to be good and bad.
Why should you give a shit about anything, really?
But I'm a vegan cuz health problems. it seems like all my health problems went away the minute I cut out dairy, eggs, fish and meat
>Eating saturated fat and cholesterol from animal products increases your LDL cholesterol, creating fatty streaks in your arteries, raising your chances of getting heart disease.

fallacy one. there are cuts of the meat that are 90% lean. you can eat egg whites. ect ect plz try harder.

>mass factory farmed meat (which is 99% of all meat produced) is an ethical abomination

plz. i've seen the peta horror shows. if all manuafturers operated by those horror show standards they would not be in the bzns.

>Dairy products and eggs, but especially meat and fish, are absolutely unnecessary to the human diet in a developed country today.

in a utopian world yeah i guess, but you're being a little deluded and dissociated with how the world actually is. there's economy. there's culture. it'd be a long shot before people could adapt.

>no dey coul adap now

no they cant.

>yeh huh

no they cant ad infinium
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I said that you are MORE likely to choke on animal products than vegan products.

My post was in response to claims that children are somehow more at risk because of a vegan diet.

You ARE more likely to choke on animal products than vegan products. Fish products are especially dangerous, but chicken for example is a major issue because of bones in that as well. Yes, the shape and consistency of food are important, and children do choke on vegan products - but at significantly lower rates than on animal products.
but animals eat animals too.
But again why would I care about it? They could kill beast in the most cruel way and destroy the entire rainforest and I wouldn't give a single fuck. Also, I'd rather die full of cancerous lumps at 60 than be autistically paranoid about everything I eat
ah. so you're not talking about infants, but rather children 3-(12?). I hate to break it to you but i bet more kids have choked on toys than animal products so... don't give your kid shit to choke on. instead of giving him bone in chicken, give him boneless, and prep your damn food so you know what you're giving your kid. this is just like, common sense. most kids die, choke, whatever in these situation due to stupidity. not because it came from an animal.
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>ah. so you're not talking about infants, but rather children 3-(12?).

The choking hazard is greater with animal products for ALL AGES. The reason I mention children is that you just accused me of being somehow hystrionic or dishonest or something for mentioning the issue of choking, when my comment was in response to dishonest attempts to represent the vegan diet as dangerous to children. It is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS dangerous for people of all ages, including children.

>common sense. most kids die, choke, whatever in these situation due to stupidity...

Yes but if it's a vegan kid that dies, and someone takes that story and tries to claim it's a result of the vegan diet, then that's an issue worth pointing out.
what the fuck is this picture even?

who the fuck makes pasta with cow blood? it's salt, flour and an egg. take the flour. make a volcano shape. put the egg with a bit of salt in there. fold. flatten. cut.

plastics from cow? pretty sure 99% of plastics do not come from cow.

all soaps listed are generally laurelsulfate which is not cow. don't think people have used lard soaps since the 60s.

fireworks? what?

most adhesives may have glycerin in it to some degree but im pretty sure vegetable glycerin is much more affordable than boiling hooves like in the 60s.

most of the byproducts that are not used, at least in the industry i worked in, were subbed out in terms on like, bones of cattle went to pet places to make dog treats. most blood is discarded if not minorly used in fert. cos poop anyways so theres more fert.

and theres no way cow brains are used as antiaging cream (china again?). axons from cow brains literally fuck with human brains.
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Thankyou. The two images I've posted previously are refutations of a commonly posted anti-vegan propaganda images.

Seen on the left of this.
Nobody would lift a finger for my rights or whine about my being mistreated. Why should I hp on the white girl bandwagon and care about a bunch of lower lifeforms that are going to die in five years anyway?

> tries to claim it's a result of the vegan diet
no it's not. it has nothing to do with diet.

people choke.

>greater with animal products for ALL AGES

once again, are you skipping the correct preparation step for making a meal for a child of that age?

this is a dumb argument.

remove the choking hazard from children is the correct answer. vegan, animal, toys. WHATEVER.

to claim more choke on animal parts while neglecting to acknowledge that you skipped the correct prep of a meal for your child and left a fish full of bones is not a case of choking on animal, its neglect of your child in preparation of a meal.

yeah but like, there's too many items here.

chalk is kaolinite.


the picture in general was made by a retard.
Vegans don't know shit about nutrition. They only know pseudo "feel good" nutrition. The responses here add to the staggering amounts of evidence for this. I've watched people who I knew well become brain dead from 5+ years of being vegan.

Cooked meat is important for brain function. I experimented with vegan diets and they left me feeling in some kind of euphoric buzz where I didnt pick up on social queues, couldn't think critically anymore and my shit was terribad. Crossing the road and basic day-to-day conversation beame very difficult.

Now I have a balanced diet but glad I gave it an honest go.

And I cannot believe someone actually said that they are vegan for spiritual reasons. Wow. Talk about trying really hard to avoid criticism.
Who feeds chicken with bones to a toddler?
Might as well buy them kinder eggs.
wait your telling me to stop eating meat where am I going to get the proteins I need to live

oh yeh Soy and we need to eat more then 3 times the amount of soy currently produce to fill that void left by not eating meat

What is it that they're missing out on that they go brain dead from 5+ years of being vegan? Why have you note published a paper on your observations, oh genius?

>oh yeh Soy and we need to eat more then 3 times the amount of soy currently produce to fill that void left by not eating meat

Lets also not forget the damage growing soy does to land and water and the damage it does to our bodies.
ty my point exactly.

its not a case of more choking on animal
its a case of neglect of a child.
cause you gave him the fish full of bones.
or the chicken full of bones.

like, don't give dogs cooked chicken with bones. the bones can splinter and puncture organs.

THO, you can give a dog raw chicken. the bones will not be brittle and the dog can chew through them.

i've gone meatless myself mainly due to monetary constraints and i did fine. multivitamin, rice and plenty of water got me through weeks and weeks desu
kek i think they were brain dead to begin with, and they didn't notice until they went vegan

but im just fuckin round

They have little to no clue how brain dead they've become. Not to mention their attention span.
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"Conclusion Higher scores for IQ in childhood are associated with an increased likelihood of being a vegetarian as an adult."


What are they missing out on?

Vegans are actually PTSD sufferers. They saw some footage of slaughterhouses spammed from PETA and couldn't handle it.
> 366 (4.5%) participants said they were vegetarian, although 123 (33.6%) admitted eating fish or chicken.


> Exclusion of those who said they were vegetarian but ate fish or chicken had little effect on the strength of this association.

nice study bro
1970 study

In total 366 (4.5%) of 8170 participants of the 1970 British cohort study with IQ scores at age 10 years said they were vegetarian: nine (2.5%) were vegan and 123 (33.6%) stated they were vegetarian but reported consuming fish or chicken.

HAH this study is pathetic.
The people who were sorta vegetarian were still more likely to have a higher IQ.

I'm not sure you understand the study. It's not claiming that by eating vegan you become more intelligent, it means that people who are already generally more intelligent are more likely to become vegetarian/vegan (than the ones who are generally less intelligent).
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> When strict vegetarians (no fish or meat) were compared with those who said they were vegetarian but consumed fish or chicken, no differences were found between them in any of these characteristics (data not shown).

my fucking sides
I watched the pro-vegan documentary "Earthlings" that apparently turns people vegan from seeing the footage, and still eat meat happily. I'm an edgy nihilist so it might not be the same for everyone but I don't understand how anyone can get turned off from seeing video of animals getting killed, it's not like it's a shock to anyone except little children who don't know where meat comes from.
Again, it's not about eating vegetarian/vegan itself. It's about people who are already more intelligent are more likely to adopt a vegetarian/vegan or partially-vegetarian diet.


-> Dumbass -> more likely to eat MUH meat

Having higher IQ -> more likely to be vegan/vegetarian or semi-vegetarian.
no it doesn't!

at the end of the study, with 8k people to begin

only 9 ended true 'vegan'.

not only that, but the control, the non vegans, were a huuuuuge sample size.

> 8.5% of vegetarians (n=31) had a higher degree or equivalent vocational qualification compared with 3.5% of non-vegetarians (n=275).

but that's fucking pointless.


>This evidence of higher socioeconomic status was not reflected in the vegetarians' annual income

aka they all became neets and rk9rs
>being normal
>less likely to consider diet
>being autistic
>more likely to worry about irrelevant shit
I don't see how this can possibly be true, because atheism also corrolates with a high IQ, and it's mostly religious people who believe that animals have souls or consciousness who become vegan. If you're not religious there's no reason to empathize with flesh robots as long as it's legal/socially acceptable to ignore it.
Never heard of deeply religous people who don't eat meat as a trend.
In my experience religious/conservative people love to eat meat.

Pretty sure veganism/vegetarianism also correlates with atheism.
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>Among those who had taken vegetarianism to its logical conclusion gone the whole hog as it were and become vegan no animal products mean IQ scores were lower.

Sounds more like it's saying that women are vegan more often than men desu.
>more Higher education
>worse income (because non-stem probably)
>doesn't know what a vegetarian is
How much lower? This is interesting but I'm on my phone.

>it's not like it's a shock to anyone except little children who don't know where meat comes from.


I too have watched all the vegan propaganda and quickly found data that refutes their claims.

Cowspiracy is a doozy but easily debunked. The majority of emissions from this planet are not from cows farting but from electricity and industry. I'd be more worried about the methane under water/soil/glaciers. Lets also not forget how grazing cows are good for ecosystems.

Whenever a vegan uses the "but muh environment" argument to justify their choices I like to bring up their car. Cars are greatly more detrimental to the biosphere. Also worth mentioning is the amount of ecosystems destroyed (leading to extinction of many animals) to build roads that their cars can drive on.

There are no real vegans unless you live entirely ofd the grid but they have no access to internet or society to tell anyone that their vegan.

If a vegan lives in the forest, do they make a sound?

>On average, vegans had a childhood IQ score that was nearly 10 points lower than other vegetarians: mean (SD) IQ score 95.1 (14.8) in vegans compared with 104.8 (14.1) in other vegetarians (P=0.04), although this estimate must be viewed with caution as only nine participants were vegan.

regardless they admit all their fallacies in the discussion portion of the study.

regardless, its a shit study.

Veganism is justified in the bible.
all bullshit aside,

i don't think it matters.

external factors play a lot more into IQ than diet ever will.
I can't think of any reason outside of religion to care about eating meat though. I assume you're in the US and speaking from your own experience, but there are other religions than Christianity and many of them do enforce vegetarianism or veganism to some degree. Even if you don't belong to a major religion, to believe in animals having consciousness, sentience, or whatever you want to call it, clearly makes you spiritual in some way.

Genetics and upbringing play a big role too.
of course.
yall keep goin on about this spiritual shit and let me tell you.

go eye to eye with a cow. and just spend some time with them.

i did. and it's why im going to have a cow haven later in life when i retire.

i want bees as well. 10-20 apiaries. 10-20 cows. and maybe grow vegetables, herbs, and pot on the side.

god damn that'd be the comfy life desu

> Even if you don't belong to a major religion, to believe in animals having consciousness, sentience, or whatever you want to call it, clearly makes you spiritual in some way.

All life has varying levels of sentience. It could be argued that plants and mushrooms have more sentience than animals.

There's been studies on if plants feel pain which have found that they do. Some plants also "scream" when they are plucked to send a warning out to nearby plants. Not that there is anything a tomato plant can do to stop you from taking its sweet fruits.
I don't think spending time with a cow will change my mind. I have a pet dog but I'd still gladly eat dog meat if it was prepared for me.
10 points is a lot if you were to go by that.
Enough that I won't have my children be vegan if I can make them not be, just in case.
Robots can be programmed to react to "pain" stimuli, it doesn't mean anything.

I grew up around animals on a farm. Spent lots of time with a cow (as well as ducks, pigs, chickens) as a kid. She was my friend and very lovely.

We ended up eating her. It was good.
Yes but that would be programming.

It might be more "cruel" to crop plants on masse for our consumption. I always think about if the veges I chop up for dinner are experiencing what is going on.
If foxes could create slaughterhouses for rabbits and eat them whenever they wanted to, they would too. We are at the top of the food chain and there is no reason at all why we shouldn't eat meat.

>but we can survive without meat just eat plants bro!

Meerkats are omnivores and eat other animals and plants as well. Should meerkats be banned from eating meat too?

Fucking vegans are thick as shit

yeah i can't say i'm on the same page.

i love meat, but theres some lines i just cannot cross for reasons i dont understand. im too simple i guess.

but i'd never eat a baby animal (see above: suckling pigs and veal) or animals i had a hand in raising. they're still entities of sentience. and once i make interation with one, everything changes. they see, react, dream. and yeah sure they do that anyways, but im not involved.

cruel? sure. but so are cats.

had a cat and a bird once. they loved each other. cat never once harmed the bird and the bird mourned the cat upon passing. that same cat ate more mockingbirds than i can count.

so i dunno. im like that cat i guess.
Cats are weird.
It probably saw you being affectionate with that bird and just assumed it was a weird looking cat, like it thinks of you.
>dear vegans, why should i give a shit about animals being killed?
Go ahead and don't, there are many other reasons to being a vegan, the biggest of which is environmental effect of meat, especially beef

If you recycle, if you believe that you can do things to minimize your environmental impact on the planet, then you should be a vegan or vegetarian as well. It's retarded to say "ok, I conserve water and recycle and compost because I want to reduce my consumption but I refuse to look at changing my diet".

And you don't have to be a vegan anon. Meatless Mondays are great. Stop drinking cows milk with your cereal, use soy milk instead. Little things can make big differences.

And the health benefits of doing so are very apparent, although not significant in my opinion - while I don't believe health is a compelling reason to switch it is undeniably A reason for which many people have switched to veganism
Why should anybody care what anyone eats?
>if you believe that you can do things to minimize your environmental impact on the planet, then you should be a vegan or vegetarian as well.
No, you should just kill yourself.
Human life is inherently bad for the planet. Do you not care about the planet? Make the responsible decision and die.

Vegan propaganda.

All I'm going to say in response is that soy is really really bad for humans and the environment. Scroll up, plenty more has been said.
rice milk > almond > soy

>No, you should just kill yourself.
>Human life is inherently bad for the planet. Do you not care about the planet? Make the responsible decision and die.

Exactly. All the vegans can die off and generally they dont have children. Help those of us with some kind of legacy to carry on to depopulate the earth so our meat eating children can live in (maybe) a bit more peace.

You made a few mistakes.

Goats milk > unhomogenized and rbgh free cows milk > Coconut milk >rice milk > almond > mass produced cows milk > soy
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