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>tfw no nihlistic 90s gf

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>tfw no nihlistic 90s gf
I didn't want to feel this feel today but you went and posted it anyway
>nihlistic 90s gf
>Get mad when nihlistic 90s gf is caught being doubled teamed.
Wouldn't happen because I'd cleanser her and shape her into a person with a purpose through the teachings of the Holy Orthodoxy just like in muh russian novels!
Just because your girlfriend or mother were whore doesn't mean everyone else is.

Yeah this is a major disappointment. My life would have been a lot different had I been able to find a woman that goes through the same problems as me and work our way out together.
As a teenager I was fat and social, in my early 20s I got thin but I was socially retarded by then due to isolation, and because of depression I got fat again so there's that. Fuck this.
Always thought she was cute
qt intp gf
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Women being whores is the core of what nature molded women into being.
not really, it's just you.
I don't think you know what nihilism is.
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Tfw you will never be friends with Sam and his crew
>tfw you will never be stonerbros with Nick
>tfw you will never fall in love with lindsay and cuck nick
I love 90s rock. And was born even before the 90s wtfff
>i like things that i'm apparently not supposed to like for some arbitary reason lololol
>wanting to be a freak
You'll understand when you're younger.
Wait, what?
Lol that's not what I meant at all. Fuck me if I'll ever like 80s anything because I was born in the 80s. I mean.. probably not many here born before the 90s......
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>90s girlfriend
>going for some hobo teen instead of a redhead FBI agent
>hobo teen
>Lindsay fucking Weir
>hobo teen
Get out.
Pretty sure it was the 70s.
People who were your age during the 90s are in their 50s now.
>Lindsay Weir
>ugly, smelly, hobo teen (((girlfriend)))
>she'd suck you off for two bucks before buying heroin to tyrone

Grow the fuck up and love real women.
Oh yeah, well my dad could beat up your dad.
My grandpa would shoot him dead before he even got ten yards in front of the house! I win the internet argument.
It was the 80's
Lindsay was pretty bangin';;;;;;;;;;;;;
Oh, that's right. Cos Nick mentions Bonham being dead.
>r9k is one person
>expecting everyone to get mad about le cuck meme
>expecting her to cheat
Women are programmed by nature to want just one mate. It's men that like to sleep around, r9k bullshit aside. Stop being retarded.
>wanting to be normal
You know that normies don't even want to be normal, right? Everyone wants to be special.
>mommy issues
Never change manchildren.
>wanting to marry a cop/fed
You either suck at math or don't realise that most people on this board are teens. If 99 it's only 36.
>Kurt Cobain would be 50 this year
Johny Depp is in his 50s too. No one cares though because he's male. We were talking about women faget.
>People who were your age during the 90s are in their 50s now.
Johnny and Kurt are different, I can see Johnny being older but a 50 year old Kurt? Just thinking about it is weird.
I wish i could tell im lying but i saw the world through the perspective of someone's eyes today. This person is a male and married. And i saw it. It was so beautiful. I never felt this way before. I dont know if it was pure, but it felt like a godsend. It felt to me like an otherworldly, massive vibration. Like seeing your soulmate, a part of yourself that you need. You want this person so well , and you can also feel that person. She is your morning sun. I really never felt this way.

Was it what people call "love"? I really think it was but i dont know. I am an alien. I never felt loved before. I never loved either. I dont know what this is. I dont know if most people know at all what is love. But this was really intriguing.

If the fire of a volcan is the orgasm when you have sex then this is even more intense but instead in a warm state, in a perpetual boiling point and perpertual motion. Maybe its even God itself. I wish i could understand what love is. But at least now I know love. How it feels. I know that nothing else seemed as important as this bound. It felt so honest. And theres nothing that pointless sex and one night stands can do. No matter what words say. And no matter what riches and images can do. They cannot buy you love. No matter what. This feeling was in another realm.

Maybe now i'm prepared. To search. Where i am people dont love. I did not know what love was until this "epiphany" showed me. I dont know if this is the thing we are living for. I think most people in the world are living like phantoms. Misguided. Temptations of the devil and away from God. They are Hating. Uh. This doesnt exist when you love.

I dont think i can afford my time on here. I dont know if can be posting on the internet anymore. I still can, but I dont have any more answers. My visions have come to an end and I think a normal life expects me ahead. So Thanks for everything and goodbye. I wish all of you can find what love is someday.
Maybe you don't realise that Johnny started at age 21 and was a teen idol himself. Besides, Kurt is dead, I don't see the point of your post. Their men and they don't age bad, edward scissorhands jonny had so much makup he doesn't even look young. Kurt had that rugged beard so he'd have just gone gray, that's not weird. He's rich enough to avoid looking bad for lack of stress, the both of them, and they had the genes of pretty people.

fuck off autist scum. What the fuck do you know about anything?
He's probably in the tenth grade or something and can finally into supposed empathy. If he becomes a normalfaggot he's all but dellusion will fuel him to succeed.
his* all but dellusion
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Literally found my favorite show ever thanks op
nihilistic =/= daddy issues
I love field jackets.

Super very origicjs godddamnit
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