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BritNormie and his 35 characters have abandoned us edition.
>Too poor to afford booze more than once a week
>Spend every sunday evening drinking, listening to music really loudly on my headphones and shitposting
>Rest of the week I feel bored out of my mind and depressed

It really is all I look forward to, it's the only time I enjoy myself.
>be really good friends with girl
>she moves away in 2013
>came back last year
>go on a couple of dates
>she cuts off contact because i was always drunk and generally shitty to be around
>havent spoken in over 6 months
>she invites me to her birthday party on facebook

what did she mean by this
What should I get on my pizza lads

I'm thinking
>regular base and sauce
>cajun chicken
>crispy bacon
i love cowboy bebop and i'm embarassed by that because I'm 24

it's just so cheesy and good like metal gear solid, you give japanese people american things and they make them cooler for some reason
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Why not buy several bottles of cheap but strong alcohol then. White Lightning or Frosty Jacks lad.

>BritNormie and his 35 characters
>tfw accused of being one of his 35 personalities.
I wish, my life really is the shite life I portray it to be.
Drink less then, and stop being such a shitty person.
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bit cold lads tbqh, debating whether or not to plug the heater back in
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Milk Cat 71

At least you're not gaining weight and killing your liver from over the top booze consumption.
getting an energy boost from a choc ice before I go back out and garden
I'm 29 and still love Bebop. No shame lad.
Well, there is some for being 29 and watching anime. But then it's not like it's moe shit.
How is preparing for being a dad going?
Really lad. Suns out where I am, with a nice wee breeze to it.
>Why not buy several bottles of cheap but strong alcohol then.

I don't like them and they're not much cheaper than tesco's cheapest whiskey, which is what I usually get. Mix it with Pepsi and I'm set for a good 6-8 hours.
Oh wow it's another thread filled with your shitty avatarfagging

BBQ sauce base with chicken topping
I don't know about outside but my hands are freezing in my room

I'm not that bad
Not good lad. Let's just say I did something that makes me a proper scummy man and now my family, friends and workmates have ostricised me.
The wife has moved back with her parents and I'm not sure what's happening at all.
>you wake up tomorrow morning in your 4 year old body
what do
Did you get caught with loli manga?
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>three months off college
>everyone asking me if I'm gonna get a summer job
>dont want to tell them if I do that I'll lose my bennies

he fucked the goth girl
Calm down May. You can't catch me out like that.
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Don't forget, they're behind this and want a race war
no one in these threads like you
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Lad, enjoy your 3 months. If they ask, tell them no, you're taking time for yourself. Fuck what they think.

Not sure if it was worth it lad.
I don't think anyone outside the threads really likes me either beyond their obligations but thats ok
It wasn't. You gave into lust and temptation and now must face the consequences
>being punished for working
people actually try to claim the job centre isn't a massive joke
How many of you actually have no disabilities and are just claiming JSA cause you're lazy?
i still have my heater in my bedroom.
i only use it to warm the room when i want a wank and it's cold though.
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Afternoon lads~

Went to get some more anti-dees today only to find out there had been some kind of mistake and the earliest I can get them is Friday afternoon. Bit worried because they really help my bulimic hunger problem and I don't want to go back to how things were~

What have you been up to anyway lads? How're you spending this comfy afternoon?

I live with my bf, he can easily support both of us but for a 30 minute trip to the jobcentre every fortnight we get 230 quid a month. I don't even look for work lol
I claim JSA because I am looking for a job but there is no way in hell I am doing 35 hours of job searching a week
>35 hours of job searching a week
why do they do this? they're people they've got to know there isn't 35 hours worth of available jobs to go through. Why is there such a charade?
damon poster = ebin = BritNormie
after 17 years of service, my PS2 has finally bitten the dust
I'm almost tearful

question now, do I buy a working slim, or do I get a LAN adapter and keep on using my chipped fat
I have no idea, last time I was actually signing on they just wanted to see how much you had done but you have to give the amount of time it took now so I just greatly exaggerate everything anyway
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slept all morning despite going to sleep at like 10:30pm, watched an hour of a movie since I woke up 3 hours ago, should finish it soon.

might reluctantly go to the doctors sometime if my physical symptoms persist. Still don't want anti-depressents or therapy though, maybe I just have a fever
because it placates wagies
>Damon = Britnormie
only thing we have in common is we're both Scottish.
Least, I think BN is Scottish.
didn't think you could claim bennies whilst in education
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>been pretending to be going to the job centre for months
>mum says she's booked a day off work the same day I have my next 'appointment' so she can come too
time to get your ass in gear and find a real job
>or say they've scheduled a course training somewhere else for that day
As long as you don't tell them lad. It's not like they check up on that shit.
why in gods name would she want to go to the jobcentre
discovered fapping with lube lads

BUT edged for an hour and have tears in my frenulum, hurts a lot
Just go in the jc and tell her to sit in the car. Ask the security guy about how to sign on, use the job points to spend a few minutes looking for a job then walk out and tell her it was a quick in and out.
You get an emulator lad.
You always seem to have trouble watching films all the way through. Have you tried sitting away from the computer so you don;t have the urge to keep pausing it?
I once edged for 10 hours and when I came I honestly thought it would never stop.

Took a good few minutes for me to stop ejaculating.
JSA is for the unemployed and fit to work. ESA is for the disabled.
Do you even need lube if you're uncut? I have used it before and didn't feel much difference
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She wants to bitch at them for not getting me a job so I will stop being a parasite NEET leeching off her resources. I'm so fucked lol.
she does know that they don't get people jobs right?
im uncut and usually fap without it

but it feels different with it, especially because im using proper durex lube

Yeah thanks for that nigger
When you walk in you'll be greeted by someone that works there.

If you're alone you can just say you'd like to sign on and let your mum watch from the car.

If she's with you you're fucked.
working cash in hand and picking up bennies
sweet life
Well done on trying to fix your sleep schedule, you're getting there lad! What film are you watching desu? If you don't feel like watching it all just note where you are and get back to it another time~

And yes! Get yourself to the GP lad if only to see what's available~
it's literal autism
Friendly reminder that Tilde is a Norman Normie
this. it's completely ridiculous. i went in once and said i would like help finding a job and she laughed in my face then said i had to make an appointment over the phone. never been back since
>want to take advantage of asda savings
>3 for 21 quid on 10 pack of tinnies
>cant carry them all and dont have a car

wish i had friends
just finished slavery off to a mates to water some plants. then back home will take doggo for a walk and have a spliff
what happy pills you on. i'm on mirtazapine, but might change to something else when i next see my doctor
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>tfw I've developed a foot fetish
Oh boy
take a wheelbarrow or some other industrial carrying device
So we're voting labour, right?
I never had one until about 18, I managed to condition myself into having one somehow.
it kind of made me feel like gays have a choice
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my eyes are too bad to see any further than this unless I wore my glasses and I don't like wearing them with my headphones

its Christine (1983), Just going director by director now and watching all their worthwhile stuff. Also started shinsekai yori.

I went to the GP a couple of months ago, got sent to some suicide crisis place or something where they didn't do anything and 50mg of setraline I didn't take.

But right now I feel physically unwell, could be related to mental health or not.

how you planning to spend your evening?
(you) bet
What kind of penis will ebin be drawing on his ballot paper?
Did Madoanon do it for you?
That's because they do
wouldn't surprise me if this was poleaboo
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His feet were small but masculine.
Feet have to be soft and feminine
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Just bought this off the dark web with all my bitcoins lads haha
>had a dream that people from school were bullying me again, eventually culminating in me being in their house and they went through my bag and fucked with my phone, etc, which i eventually smashed and then felt terrible for smashing since i'd have to replace it.

i had forgotten how bad it felt to have people getting at you. that was a really weird dream though. (i haven't seen any of these people in 5+ years and they didn't bother me since ~7 years ago.) i woke up feeling really bad until i realized my phone (and in particular my music collection on it) was okay.

now i'm irritated because i can't remember one of the guy's last names.
why is having a job so bad anyway? since 16 i've had a job.

I remember all that spare cash that I had. If I really wanted something, I'd just buy it. If it was expensive, I'd save for a month or two. When you move out of your moms B&B then it gets rough, but get a job now for the spare dough.
I don't have a scat fetish, lad. So it's pretty much confirmed I'm not
Just finished my exams, lads. Time to get fucked.
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its Christine (1983)

I have an 1/18 scale model of Christine with working lights.

>tfw no one to share my toys with.
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Agreed, man feet or gross.
I wonder if gay guys get foot fetish as well, for man feet.
>June 9th
>Wake up
>Tories landslide win
>Realise the british public will never use their brain when it comes to politics.
>kill myself
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I don't know but I'm not sure I care
>if the party I like doesn't win then everyone else is an idiot but me
Childlike mentality, lad
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>need to write a cheque for my lawyer
>go to bank and ask them to write me a cheque
>they say it costs 20 quid to write a cheque
>mfw I circumvented the system and asked for a chequebook
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I'm actually legit scared that Corbyn is going to win. May has made such a fuck up of things.

I've never normally care too much about politics, not even enough to vote. But if JC wins, OMG nightmare scenario, I've never actually wanted to kill a politician before.
feel like it's going to be a hung parliament but nobody will enter into a coalition government. think we'll end like what happened to belgium that one time
don't care anymore.
tried reasonable debate, tried facts, tried just straight asking for reasons why people vote Tory and I just get nothing. It's all buzzwords and rehashing daily mail headlines.

but yes, if you vote Tory you are an idiot.
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it's gonna be labour minority propped up by snp
but snp hates us and will have no interest in whats best for us. they can just fuck shit up for a laugh
Who should we vote for then, Mr liberal values?
I'm sure you love to read the Independent and watch the BBC
And I'm sure you love to wear by well-informed opinions constantly
>I'm actually legit scared that Corbyn is going to win.

Same t b h May and the conservatives tried to be cheeky cunts with what they wanted because they felt it would be a landslide instead of playing it safe. turned an easy win into an actual race
>snp hates us

nobody hates you anon

well isis does

but nobody except that
very nice anon, how did you get into buying stuff like that?

whats your favourite toy?
>Rain forecast for Thursday


Labour voters won't go out in the rain lads.
I am not a normie! I have no friends and am a KHV desu~

>Shinsekai Yori
it's a 10/10 desu, wish I could experience it for the first time again~

For this evening I have no plans. Probably just video games or posting here desu~

How about you lad?

Sounds pretty good desu anon! What type of doggo have you got? post pics

I am on fluoxetine more so for bulimia than depression. I like that it doesn't make you gain weight and I would recommend it~
>majority of greens aren't vegan
>most aren't even vegetarian

i'm more left than the greens

Pakies out soon lads!

>old people going out in the rain with their arthritis
Old people actually care about voting desu
not with their bad knees and finley isn't going to drive gramps down to the pollstation to vote for so called nazi parties
>implying labour voters aren't so lazy that the thought of going outside to vote is a chore
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>having plans
hopefully keep watching stuff, maybe some overwatch or something. Have a feeling i'll do neither and just shitpost here and let myself be overcome by feelings again.

might have a wash so I can go out and spoil my ballot tommorow
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because I want to live in the past and surrounding myself with vintage things is the closest I can come.

my most prized is my 1/18 Lincoln futura, it wont let me hot link so you'll have to click link to see one.

also my 1/12 scale Cadillac pic related.
everything boxed away till I become independent and get my own place.
which may be never desu.
Do you think everyone over the age of 60 is so decreped they cant drive or take a bus? Turnout for the old has always been higher than for the young.
Gramps would have voted by post
not on rainy days
bloody hell thats expensive, very impressive though anon.
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>because I want to live in the past

What would be your favourite era to have been alive?

I love the cars from 50's 60's America
What are you basing that on? Brexit was atrocious weather and the old still got out and voted.
voting by post is the easiest way
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I love toe jewelry
only play my PS4 for rock band any more
where are the good games
I only paid 100 for mine, don't have the money to buy expensive things, just rely on luck and good deals.

I would have lived in the 50s and been a car designer for sure. white wooden house, land and pin up wife.
doesn't get better than that.

I find people who like the dystopian blade runner worlds kind of odd. that would depress the shit out of me.
anyone worried about diane abbot being home secretary need't worry, she'll die of cancer soon
>good games
Sorry to disappoint
lib dem is second seat in my constituency, and the party I align with the most. Otherwise vote labour. Not saying they are perfect but if you seriously think the Tories are better in any way then you need to reconsider your life.
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I like it when girls take the time to make their feet all pretty.
I got cheated when I got arkham knight
I did play it once on my toaster, in 720/30~ but I thought that the ps4 version would be more playable since the PC port was dog turd
but no, it was still 720/30 and looked bollocks
honestly thought my gtx560ti ran it better

I finished bloodborne within a week
I have the last guardian but I can't play it for more than 30 minutes at a time
maybe I'm just jaded
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well it's my ex housemates doggo. he's been in hospital with blood poisoning so i took it down to mine for a bit. it's a springer spaniel.
only got 1 pic. it's from when i caught her eating the catto's tea when the housemate was there
yeah mirtazapine make you gain weight.
put on about half a stone in 3 months. well just weighed myself now and i weigh 11 stone but think the scales are wrong. will check with mine when i get home.
do you think ukip will have a surge with the recent incidents in mind?
get your feet off the steering wheel, dirty fucker
just realized the reason i can never get a messenger bag with a strap long enough is because the one i had as a kid must have been designed for adults, hence why it hung down at my legs instead of under my arm.

bit of a bugger that, since it means i'm going to have to find some way of sticking my own strap on one if ever need a bag again
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>anyone worried about diane abbot being home secretary need't worry, she'll die of cancer soon

I think watching her interview on Sky the other day, may have given me cancer too.
nope, ukip is done. actual far right paries might, but won't actually win anything
their faithful could go back in for them again, they wont get anything but 2-4 million votes away from the tories might
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A well cared for feet are the best
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>watch the BBC
The BBC are more Blairite than anything else.

Though desu I would take the view voting Tory is for idiots too. More on a Hitchenite line though: They aren't conservative, they conserve nothing. At least Liberals who vote Lib-Dem are consistent.
I'm voting for them but it won't do much. My constituency is one of the top ten conservative safe seats
I was just doing a play on the lyrics from Beaumont Rag by Redgum
I don't care what you have to say about the beeb
What is postal vote never need to leave the house
doubt it, the majority of ukippers were solely anti EU, they also arent well politically verse and assume the tories as a 'right' part will cut down immigration
just do us all a favour and set yourself on fire
I know, I just like to remind people that the BBC are specifically Blairite-Cameronite instead of more generally Liberal (they're not anti-spying enough.) or Left-Wing. (they're too economically Thatcherite, as in the pic where they propagandised.)
>I know
Know you didn't
Know I did!
Fuck off. I can be yoda if I want
Why don't you do so instead
Wow, the doggo is really cute! Thank you for posting desu~

You shouldn't worry about your weight too much. Feeling better is much more important than gaining a bit of weight~
I fucking hate spaniels. They're always cunts. I got bit by one once
First double to reply to this post will be the next meme to feature in the Daily Sport
because I'm not UKIP supporting luddite
You're a left wing luddite instead?
neo nazis are using 88 to summon the ghost of hitler
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t. Rasheed

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What's the point of wasting a vote on UKIP, vote Tory. Help to keep that dangerous cunt Corbyn at bay.
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(not as funny as it sounds)
yep, which is still objectively better
Muslims are planning on writing in 'the Prophet Mohammed' for the election
Wow this is almost identical to me, except the moving away part.
>meet girl in 2013
>go on a few dates and become close
>cuts off contact because I whitied at her friend's party
>half a year later invites me to her birthday party
for hwat reason
She has a boyfriend now and he's a cunt
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>implying Sharia May isn't the greatest danger to the country.
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>yep, which is still objectively better
says who?
common sense, but I understand that's a confusing concept for you
>my opinion is the right one because I say so
Typical lefty
she would look great geting #BLACKED.com
reminder that there will be a recession before 2019
That's disgusting. Go away, lefty cuckold
why can't you get good apple turnovers any more
give me 5 good reasons to vote for UKIP or the Tories this election.
co-op ones are dece for a quid lad
1. because you want the economic credibility of the conservative party to be damaged by the impending recession
2. because you want to give jeremy corbyn adequate time to purge the blairites within his own party
3. because you're in one of the seats where a UKIP vote could bounce out a Tory candidate in theory
4. because you've got a fetish for autistic old women
5. uhh... i dunno you're a scottish victim of the cringe or something.
pillz and therapy are probs the two things that would help you
pretty sad dessy
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>she would look great geting #BLACKED.com
She looks the type, probably got a Fanny like a ripped out fireplace
The UKIP immigration policy is much better than labours
They have conservationist plans for the countryside.
They want to curb foreign aid
Their plan for social housing is to put local and veterans first
UKIP also plan on increasing the number of medical personnel in the NHS while readjusting the number of executives and managers.
>implying i don't have a big beautiful black...
Going to get my pen and paper out to practice speed drawing Gondola for tomorrow.
What's the best country to emigrate to lads?

UK will always be 'home' but I've clashed with the law a lot over the last 11 years, developing a vast hatred for the police (could kill them).

I have a 'good' job - civil engineer. Absolutely love guns and would have an armoury if I could, was a fond bomb maker prior to being arrested and jailed for it, love cars and like driving them fast, appreciate a good drink and drive, like a 'jazz cigarette' at the weekend etc. Work construction, fucking sick of health and safety cunts, sick of being tax raped of my hard earned, sick of house prices, sick of paki terrorists and no action. Could go on. Quest is to find a new country to move to - where is it lads?
There seems to be tons of Ayrshire bots on here, truly gods country.
think i'm going to vote labour tomorrow just because i want the candidate in this constituency to win. i actually don't want labour to form the government however
>vast hatred for the police (could kill them)
>if it were not for the laws of this land i would have slaughtered you
>I've clashed with the law a lot over the last 11 years
do you have a record? Reduces your options.
>in 2015 'Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol' stood in my area and got less than 200 votes
not a student town then
Mummy May drinks tea with no milk!


>milk with one sugar is the correct way btw
where exactly do you expect this medical personnel to come from if we start closing/tightening our borders? Most NHS staff are migrants.

I'm not too educated on the countryside stuff, so I'll just assume this is a good point.

we should focus on curbing our foreign warfare first, since that's part of the reason foreign aid is demanded from us.

both lib dem and labour have good social housing plans too

>drinking the sugary jew
>likes guns, fast cars, and low taxes

If you weren't a criminal piece of shit I would tell you to go to the US
>Most NHS staff are migrants
Even if this was true, you think we're incapable of training our own medical staff?
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Just had a sammich and Muller light yoghurt for lunch desu. What have you all had today?

Unsweetened soya milk and zero calorie sweetener tablets is the way lad~
us brits are too dumb and lazy ;)
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>voting (((Tory)))
Good goy
Thinking of Texas.
>mummy got one of those bt smart metres
just know i'm going to get about my computer for this
i remember only like 2 years ago you could get a shit ton of food from the takeaways for a fiver but now everything is so expensive

ffs lads
I'd be happy to do the on the job training or an apprentiship of some sort to get money in other wise I'd be homeless and hungry.

instead I see jobs like laundry operator (folding and ironing laundry) tell me I need 5 years experience in that role (not at home ironing etc) to do the job. I applied for it anyways and got rejected when they could have easily just shown me what to do.
has anyone told them she's flooding the country with people who believe jews worship satan
>What have you all had today?

This morning on my way to work I purchased a Toffee Latte coffee from McDonald's. Got back from work at 11 am, went to Tesco. Currently consumed 600ml of Stella and two tins of Guinness. On third tin now and I'll be making a Spanish omelette for dinner with chippies.
if anything i could do with gaining weight desu
been hovering around 10 stone for the past 20 years.
just checked now i'm home. i'm 10 and a half stone.
don't even know how much better off i am on pills. i still get the lows, not as bad as it was which i suppose is good. but it's the highs that have gone. i used to go from 1 extreme to the other. from attacking myself mentally and physically to bouncing around the house.
now it's meh or low.
i'm like that with jack russels. i got bit on face by 1 when i was a little kid.
>Low taxes
Fun fact actually (I was calculating this for a pissing contest earlier), if you're earning 45k or under you actually pay less income tax in the UK, even factoring national insurance, thanks to the 11k tax-free allowance.

Obviously there's VAT and such which varies state-by-state, but still, interesting. You'd think we'd be more expensive by far, but that only really kicks in once you're into the 40p rate.
if I was a jew I would flee the UK and europe t b h

how does citizenship in israel work do they have to be born their or can ethnic jews stay there and not say a english lad that converted?
anyone whos mother is a jew is considered a jew by the state of isreal and can become a citizen i believe
do you realise how long it takes to train to be a medical professional? The kind of stress being an NHS employee put on you? It's not a job for everyone and there is far from a large reservoir of people queuing up to become NHS staff.

and it is true, have you been to a hospital?

You sound like every other UKIP supporter, so focused on being scared of muh foreign people that you forget how the real world works. Immigration is good for us, and the NHS would have been rubble a decade ago if we didn't have the staff coming in from other countries.

It's bullshit. British people are too proud to work in a depressing hospital, yet complain when their nurse is brown. Get your head out of your ass and actually think of your country instead of sucking the dick of a party that clearly panders to the people they care about the least - the working class public.
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>its a your mum bought nothing so you'll just eat some white bread and butter and nothing else all day episode
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tfw I can not escape to israel while europe and uk let themselves fall apart
holy shit lads, done 6 hours of gardening today

haven't been this knackered in a long time desu

even after 6 hours I didn't completely sort out my mess of a front garden
5 years fucking hell lad next there want a degree to fold and iron shit. what how are younger lads gonna get a job when employers bump up the experience required on a basic job. what are employers smoking
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I wonder what would happen if I ever got a girlfriend and they found out I have a foot fetish?
Most people seem negative towards it.
you can also marry a citizen, my neighbours sister did that
>when employers bump up the experience required on a basic job
it's like that with jobs needed relevant degrees too lad

the whole thing is fucked
If my mother converted would that make me a jew or is it by birth
Wtf build those workcamps Jezza because I'm #ReadyForLabour
>there is far from a large reservoir of people queuing up to become NHS staff.
This is partially due to the way they've made it harder and harder to do so, though.
Plenty of people apply and get rejected due to a lack of places or funding.

If we'd been paying doctors and nurses properly and funding their training appropriately instead of buggering public services (under both parties, Blair just pumped up the bureaucracy) since the 80s then there'd be no need to import staff who'll work at the insultingly low rates we pay staff.

The UK has something like twice as many unemployed people as there are job vacancies (and even that vacancy count is skewed upwards.), until someone's trained a chunk of those instead of importing someone already trained since it's cheaper, you can take mass-immigration and shove it. (And I say that as a lefty.)

you can't convert unless you marry a jewess, judaism is a tribe, it's ethnic
here's an idea
allow in people who benefit our country
and not those who do not
i wouldn't think so, jews consider only those matrilineally descend from a jew to be true jews. maybe you could trick them like that however, but jews are pretty wily themselves
it's like they want you to be a neet on jsa. get shit from older people why don't you just be a waiter.

I need 2 years of experience

Many employers could just train you and pay you at a reduced rate while you do the work but nah. they happy to wait untill the well of applicants runs dry
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who /NotRegisteredToVote/ here?
If I voted in the EU vote i'm still registered for the GE right?
>If I voted in the EU vote i'm still registered for the GE right?
Have you received your polling card?
unless you've move since then, probably
you only need to register to vote once
no idea, I'd ask mummy but I can't be arsed interacting with anybody
Lads, this is an urgent plea to draw Gondola on your ballot.
Britfeel? More like SHITfeel. Am I right lads?

stone cold that lad, just no need at all
Dose seem a bit slow today
>join overwartch game
>mcree genji and reaper all picked instantly
>people scaring me and making me uncomfortable by using their mics

mistake desu
Never seen the appeal of online games tbqhwysd
god when will you bugger off ebin
Has there ever been a female britfeel personality?

wanst kentanon a grill? or just a trap?
WestGatesheadFemAnon, but that was ridiculously fake
Pretty sure90% of these personalities are fake
Madoanon is. But they'll deny it.
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Hey Lenlad here what is happening fellow "robots"?
Oh no anon! I hope you can find the strength to play more video games! You can do it!
Oh no I hope you can find d the strength to be less lazy!
Oh no! I hope you can find the strength to be nice to ebin!

What is your favourite type of cat britfeel? Personally I enjoy them all tee her
Those tiny feet add to the proof
I pretended to be one for a thread but I got bored
There are no traps in Britain lad it's an American phenomenon
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timewasting mainly, can't focus
soon maybe

>got lost and someone tried bullying me but another person defended me on microphone
can't you mute them.
i was on rocket league last night and 2 guys were arguing. breddy funny till 1 of the tits started scoring own goals
this is a cheap chinese knock off lenpost, i shall be informing trading standards
Dont "eeewww" female britposters if anything we need more of them
yes there was, it was bout jan 2015.
lupus chan. then they fucked off to the other chan
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>decide to try vaping since normalfags keep shitting on me for smoking
>a week after starting to use it my entire tongue gets covered in white gunk and a bunch of lumps have appeared on the back of it
>keep coughing up phlegm that's clear and tastes of chemicals
>wake up with a dry mouth and throat every morning

Fuck this I'm just going to keep smoking.
>just found out my great great great grandad was a methodist
don't know how i feel about this desu
Why can't we hold on to women
It's not fair
Give me a (You) if you're voting for Conservatives tomorrow because you're not a commie terrorist cuck
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I hope your all trying your best no matter what anons!

I love you all friendos! do your best no matter what!

trying to move onto vaping myself, but i have packed in cigs for 3 months a few years ago and you do end up coughing up alot of shit for a while when you stop smoking
Not blocking, not muting

it's like you want and like to be bullied
What's so horrifying about that?
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even have a pic actually
From me to (you)
Not original
I got bullied and lost horribly, shan't be playing again today
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no anon pls no
Where do I find cute photos of Agatha?
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Go to the doctors friendo! I'm really thinking about you
well she had lupus so shes probably dead.
YES I mean look at them. So kaiwai>>37559205
It's been about a month and it's still happening though, that can't be normal. I think it might have something to do with the e liquid I've been using.
Wind blew some of our washing off the line into our next door neighbours garden.

But those neighbours are absolute fucking cunts. She once screamed in my mums face so hard it made her cry. She only went round and asked them nicely if they could move their car forward a bit so my mum could get our car in. That was the start of it.

They used to bang on the wall separating our houses so hard it would annoy our neighbour on the other side. They have a great dane they never take for walks.

One time their garden was too overgrown so they couldn't put the bins out and just stacked their bin bags in their back garden against the wall and it stunk like rotting garbage for weeks. They only cleaned it up under threat of fine from the council. After that they cleared the garden, burned the plants in a big barrel (and screamed at some people across the alley who were looking to see what they were doing) then put up 7ft+ high wood panels so noone could see in their garden.

Anyone got absolute cunt neighbours like this? How do they even fucking end up this way.
for future reference block and mute people, in an online space you have control and can actively stop it if you chose to unlike in irl were you'd have to get outside help, hope they get bored or sperg out on them
my gran has lupus and shes about 100
>just drank a whole 1 litre bottle of lucozade zero

I regret it desu~

Please do not bully Len, he is a good lad!
I never found out how to mute people on OW
well ill be honest im not a doctor.
I bet she has cute feet, lads
yes they may look nice but please do judge femanons on their actions much like we do with amir/moni
Had quite a nice interaction when I was out walking my dog lads, perked my mood right up.

>Walking past a group of girls, about 13 years old
>One gasps and says "I want that hair!"
>The crowd around and ask me where I get it cut, what I use to wash it etc
>They almost dont believe me when I tell them I havent cut it in 4 years and just use head and shoulders shampoo
>One runs her hand through it and says "But its so nice though"
>I thank them and leave

Wish all kids were as nice as them desu
Shut up Tilde you fat cunt. I hope your vomit soon erodes your vital organs you disgrace
This made me sad
Oil rig in ale
She looks like her feet smell and she doesn't trim her toenails
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no stop it! stop bullying the tildeanon
ok i'll be honest too, she's 80

could be the liquid but from what ive just been reading, coughing up shit (especially in the mornings) is the norm for a few months, its your lungs cleaning themselves out
I dont have OW but I know there is a mute function after watching streamers or people in duos use the mute function

Pakistan is the obvious choice lad
Yeah but not that bad they just have a yapping dog and smoke weed
the vans are on their way
I quit smoking with vaping, then coughed up shit the first few times i did strenuous exercise which was like a year later (I was lazy as fuck)
Probably pickpocketed you
something about this story seems a bit off lad
desu that is really sweet. Some kids can be really nice~

>tfw years of bullying makes you wonder if every compliment you get is genuine or a joke

Please do not bully me either senpai~
I'm gonna put you on a plate and serve you with gravy because you are a faggot
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Please stop this anon! I've never bullied you!
Then I'd love to wash her feet and trim her toes for her.
It builds character
You little turd =)
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afternoon Tilde my mate, hows your day going? (apart from being bullied by anon)
I'm going to force feed you beer and vegemite on toast
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I don't want character if I have to get it this way! Can't we please be friends desu!?

It is going pretty well, thank you for asking anon. No wageslavery today so I can enjoy the comfy and the financial problems my sister caused have resolved themselves for now so I am feeling really optimistic desu~

How are things going for you? I remember you were trying to quit smoking lad, making any progress?

Please no, I can't get fat anon!
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>tfw trying to find anything to pass the next 12 hours so i can go to sleep again

Getting bored of this shit t b h
>dad comes home from work as a builder
>tells me the guy he's working for has spent 8000 pound on hard wood floors
>so the company gave him two packets of custard creams
just done ketamine for the first time lads. is the nasal drip meant to taste so disgusting?
Religion of piss has struck again in London lads
>Have like 5 hobbies/dreams
>Shitty at all of them
>Can't choose just one
wtf, the the company ask him to spend the dosh or did he do it of his own free will and assume he would get paid back?
no it's just some weird 'reward' for buying from that company
Download time! Who's going?
done a quick search on london got an article publish 4hrs ago by the daily mail.
just read about it woman got stabbed in a nursery by three woman chanting "allah will get you". police not treating it as a terror incident, I hope they treat it as a hate crime

glad to hear things are working out for you, its nice to have a weight removed from your shoulders, and i have cut down smoking over the last few days, this pack has lasted me since sunday afternoon and i still have a few left, ive decided to move onto an e-cig instead of cutting out nicotine completely, just bought myself a new battery for the old one i had today so im hoping i can actually pack in and not be a fanny about it this time
I'll force feed you till you're sick and then force feed you some more
>going to a crowded normie location with a terrorist attack 'highly likely'
so a pyramid scheme kinda thing?
of course they won't.

no you seem to misunderstand
>dad works for guy building a house
>guy thats building the house buys flooring
>the company selling the flooring gives the house builder some biscuits as a thank you
Why do you Bonglanders call French fries chips? Is it because you hate the French?
>friend invites me years ago to go with him, i buy a ticket
>he gets a girl pregnant and couldnt go, i sell my ticket
>years later he invite sme again, i tell him to get to fuck
>turns out he couldnt go again for a different reason

useless cunt desu
Because that's what they're called
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>Police not treating as a terror incident
>"Allah will get you"
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why do you call them french fries, do you LOVE the french?
well they did save them in their war for independence
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Vaping seems like it would be a good idea but everyone either goes back to tobacco or turns into some cloud blowing prick who is REALLY obsessed with having 38 different flavors in his wanker whistle
I've went a few times but I'm not into the music anymore.

My anxiety wouldn't make it a fun experience anyway.
The Statue of Liberty is some French tart the burgers love France for some reason
Yes lad, hope you have a nice drink to see you through. An old junkie mate swore by milkshake but it never helped me.
and then the americans betrayed the french right after, never trust the eternal anglo
going to try an hour of rocket league, I tried last night but got pissed off after an hour so turned it off before something broke. hopefully tonight will go better
also, post waifus
Oh you're making lots of progress! One step at a time is the best way and I imagine stopping nicotine completely would lead to a relapse. Good on you desu lad! Remember that if you do give in to any urges that you have to try your best to get back on track as soon as you can! Let me know how it goes for you anon~

As long as I can vomit it back I don't mind at all! Though this is getting a bit lewd~

but I like it
Because the French helped them gain independence from us.
I spend most of my days on here and an asking complete strangers to hang out with, I don't think death is too much of a problem desu.

That sucks. It would've been nice to chill with some anons. The zeemaps threads have been useless.
Where are you travelling from?
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haven't played that in ages desu, online gaming was a mistake

noticed my skin might be going to shit around my nose, keeps itching and is red/spotty, dunno what to do cause I never wash my face or use any products. Maybe all my problems in the last few days is just aspartame withdrawl since I've switched to drinking 80% water now.

Thinking about packing my stuff and living in my car tbqh, can not stand living here and like this for much longer
I live near Leicestershire, so not too far.
Anon, that's awesome. I'd share it with you, where did you get it from?
>tfw sexually confused
has anyone resolved this successfully?
What is this field of wheat meme every normie is banging on about lads
chemical castration
turing please
won an ebay auction, don't remember how much I paid
theyre quite expensive to buy. well for me at least.
If you think you might be bi want to try shagging girls to see if you really like it, then just go for it
And we helped them fight the French
>BBC news literally going on about how the most disappointing thing about the london bridge attack is the rise in islamophobia
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So Islam strikes again, what we gonna do about this lads?
There's been another stabbing attack in London by Muslims chanting "allah" a few hours ago and the BBC are reporting the incident with no mention of how they shouted "allah" or that they were pakis.
this. the weight gain. I'm on ESA and can barely afford to eat but somehow I've gained 14kg in 10 months.

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hashtags and benefit concerts lad

The standard protocol
Get Carter is pretty good

Although it's a bit bloody weird because it basically shows all the parts of Britain that either don't exist or aren't allowed on Telly anymore.
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Mother, you had me but I never had you
I wanted you, you didn't want me
So I, I just gotta tell you
Goodbye, goodbye

Father, you left me but I never left you
I needed you, you didn't need me
So I, I just gotta tell you
Goodbye, goodbye

Children, don't do what I have done
I couldn't walk and I tried to run
So I, I just gotta tell you
Goodbye, goodbye

We've incorporated a minute's silence into the whole shebang too, now.
>Benefit concert
That was a one of because of the kiddies
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i luv Å“strojinn.jpg
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It's time the tale were told
of how you took a child
and you made him old
you made him old

Reel around the fountain
slap me on the patio
I'll take it now

Fifteen minutes with you
I wouldn't say no
oh people see no worth in you
oh but I do

Fifteen minutes with you
oh I wouldn't say no
oh people see no worth in you
but I do

I dreamt about you last night
and I fell out of bed twice
you can pin and mount me
like a butterfly

But take me to the heaven of your bed
was something that you never said
two lumps, please
you're the bee's knees
but so am I

Meet me at the fountain
shove me on the patio
I'll take it slowly

Fifteen minutes with you
oh I wouldn't say no
people see no worth in you
oh but I do
What's a good news app for Androids lads. Sick of this lefty propaganda, but don't want righty shite either.
hearty chuckle, thans
How do I make money online doing simple tasks?
>a webm of a trap riding a desk mounted dildo but you cant see their dick or anything
anyone know what I mean and want to post it for a laugh?
If it aint on Telly to most people it dont exist
there isn't really any money in that for brits because indians etc do the tasks for next to nothing (amazonturk etc). If you're skilled you could advertise on fiverr. I make a bit of money re-selling goods on ebay (ideally look for a market that isn't saturated)
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this one laD?

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and this one, such a funny laugh haha
I was wrong, I cant fap to this.
Can you smell it through the monitor?
just wait till you smell anothers man's cock and anus up close
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The Wombles exist
Do you guys know of Womble, what do think of them quite robotic as they avoid the sight of Normie scum
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why not lad?

When you cycled by
Here began all my dreams
The saddest thing I've ever seen
And you never knew
How much I really liked you
Because I never even told you
Oh, and I meant to
Are you still there ?
Or...have you moved away ?
Or have you moved away ?
I would love to go
Back to the old house
But I never will
I never will...
I never will...
I never will...
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We need better memes
Just bought WipeOut lads, better be as good as I remember it and hope I didn't just waste 30 bong
>shavin' in the bathtub!
Very nice
Like the dribbles in the last one
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On the train on the way to my suicide

there's literally nothing gay about shafting a lads arse as long as you remember to say no homo at the end, me and my husband have been doing it for years
good goyim, weaken your own race
Don't do it, you welsh bugger
>want to take a dump before my nappy nap
>this guys been on the bathroom for an hour already
>like past 10-15 mins just spitting phlegm or whatever

Yeah ok I get it, I take like almost an hour showering, brushing, shaving and doing make up (also 10+ mins of flexing in the mirror before the actual shower) but this shit is annoying when you just wana take a shit.
>no friends
>on cusp of losing my job
>all i ever bring people is dissapointment
>too poor to even drink the pain away
take a dump in your nappy before your nappy nap :3
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Just go and visit ones of these bound to cheer you up lad
Are you voting Plaid Cymru tomorrow
>phone broke in my pocket on the way in this morning
>had to actually work all day
terrible it was lads

And you just know any repair shop is gonna be staffed by annoying, rude, overpriced foreign twats, because they always are.

Check your juice doesn't contain diacetyl anon. It's usually in the cheap shit from petrol stations, Chinese import. Google totally wicked, I was on their stuff until I started mixing my own.

I still cough up shit now and again and I've been vaping over 3 years but that could be because I've got COPD and I used to smoke roll ups.
> Artisan sourdough? You may as well eat mass-produced white bread

absolutely howling at that lad and his artisan-baked shoreditch ciabatta.

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Completely depressed lads, can't even feel happiness anymore. It's down to my life at the moment:

>Flatsharing in london - shit flat full of normies who manage to annoy me all the time
>internet cuts out constantly too
>stressful job
>trying to go to the gym but its always full after 5pm to closing time so i have to go at 6 in the morning before work
>trying to do self-guided self-improvement stuff like reading books, studying maths
>always get tripped up by circumstances beyond my control

essentially i just live to work, any joy, any attempts of appreciating life or bettering myself seem to be squeezed out of me by the fact that i detest living with other people or that some how everything i try to do manages to get fucked up after i start. the only constant is the misery of work and the struggle of trying to keep sufficient sleep and eating in the hours around it.
Liveleak but that has adverts now

Tomonews, euronews, something international will not be as biased and has comfy news stories from other countries
Anon, really. Are you really on this Irish potato admirers message board and don't know how to exact revenge? Really? Put some thought into it man, ffs. You've already got their name and address.
foreigners out out OUUUUTTTT
That's welsh, you turd
I like online stuff, but sometimes a good old solo campaign on something is good. I was on minecraft last week, but the weeks of the early shifts make me tired and grumpy, so not done any gaming bar an hour last night.
I don't really bother washing or showering much myself either desu, I keep forgetting to.don't have dry skin though.
I left my mums 2 years ago, and fucking struggle, most of the time I wish I hadn't left, but there are some advantages to being alone,, mainly being able to wank whenever and wherever I want..
would life in the car really be preferable.
Please don't lad, you never know what could happen in your lifetime, for all you know everything could turn out alright.
treat it as a sign from kek lad. treat yourself to a new 1
how you planning on doing it senpai, and how come you're taking the train to do it. you don't have to answer if you don't want to, i'm not going to try talk you out of it, I just hope it goes smoothly and quickly for you lad
I was having some cheeky banter lad, got a bit defensive there though. Not a foriegner or you?


Race war?
Bodger dead lads

>but the unattended vehicles which triggered the action turned out not to be suspicious.
I'm not looking for dubs
that's not true. I started vaping years ago and haven't smoked since.
cat currently pummelling my stomach
Meant to be more specific there and write, with the attacks and attempted attacks going up are we more likely to see the EDL and such going after Muslims.
I don't use ebay as much as i should. I'll keep my eye out for one now.

>got a thing about things that light up. Tetris lamp, LED strips all round my living room etc. But a light up Christine is in a new league of cool thx.
been trying to sort out my sleeping pattern but it's so fecking difficult
EE just told me it'll cost about 150 squids to upgrade early ;_;
I should have just got a sim-only contract
>In Morrisons today
>Collection bucket at the end of the conveyor
>Looked like last week's "Manchester" one
>They've changed the label to "London.

Also, tea lights. Lots and lots of tea lights.
>aaah shut up normie cunt pleeease

why does Ebina have such a funny voice
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>tfw about to start a 6 hour shift after being awake for 27 hours
Tea lights and articles about one muslim who did one good thing one time will save us
first Wallace now bodger, this is a turning into a shitty week
fucking cheeky bastards eh. I was due an upgrade last year but just kept this phone, couldn't find anything I liked senpai. turned out good i'm only paying 13 quid a month now.
>in the mood to play some vidya
>do well online, motivates me to play more
>get absolutely destroyed by some dude that its a much higher rank than me

how do I motivate myself to go on lads
He's a much higher rank so don't feel demotivated. Aim to get higher than him so if you see him again you can kick his balls in
and why do we fall, anon?
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>didn't get polling card
>ring up local electoral office to find out if I'm still registered to vote
>automated message with "press 1 for..." options
>none of the options are to do with elections
>"press 1 to file a noise complaint, press 2 if you're homeless and have nowhere to sleep, press 3 if you've found a missing dog, press 4 if you're a fucking cunt eating dragon"
Fucking hell you'd think with the amount of bureaucracy in this country that it would actually be half efficient. Might just not go voting tomorrow, the thought of being turned away at the desk because I'm not actually registered is too embarrassing to me.
>muslim press
How do I beat Katrina on tekken 7? Some lad said he is going to bully me on it
and over 10K more le upvotes by virtue signallers
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Who else here hyped to vote mummy may? I'm literally shaking with excitement.
>voting to allow the elite to facilitate tax avoidance

Shame on you
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Which would piss normies off the most? Me voting Tory, or UKIP?
you mean katarina? punish her slow lows tbph lad
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Do I smell a silly socialist? Mummy may forgives you. Come have a sip of wine.
Tories, seeing as ukip are irrelevant now
Tax avoidance is literally fine. It's tax evasion that's the problem. And double taxation too.
original comment
>bending over for more government intervention for a supposed conservative parliament

finest of keks
My mum hates ukip but has never read their manifesto. Fucking cunt
I'm voting labour and there's nothing you can do about it.
>voting for a party that has the highest voter share to piss normies
literally what
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Tory, all the normies are voting Labour. They know UKIP hasn't got a chance so they wont bother them but if you vote for Mummy and she wins then that's years of butthurt to enjoy.
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Vote UKIP you glorious bastard.
I'm voting UKIP but they will not win.
don't worry, we live in a first past the post country so my superior tory vote counts for at least two of your inferior labour votes
Are you on bennies? Voting for Tory is retarded unless you have a middle class or above career
>Election eve poll
>Poll for election eve
>Election eve poll
>Poll for election eve
>The upper class somehow has the lowest class voting for them

vote UKIP if the torys have no chance in your constituency. if they do, then vote tory. if it's between lib dems and labour, vote lib dems. if you live in brighton pavilion, i'm sorry.
I'm in the top 10% earning wise.
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>the plebs are thinking for themselves!
I'm middle class though. I'm voting so my dad doesn't have to pay a lot of council tax
Think I'll vote green for a laugh
You'll be the same as my borderline retarded mum then
So in summary if I vote UKIP I'm just a toothless closet racist, but if I vote Tory I'm literally xD responsible for the deaths of millions of poor disabled old muslim refugee babies? Good enough for me.
Yeah they actually have a fair amount of common ground with Labour, they just plan to get the money back from foreign aid rather than milking it from the wealthier.
I mean uni student normies, not boomers
Yeah, I don't know of anyone that is actually voting Green or Lib Dem. They're all full-on establishment this time round.
>some chart shit
>not an actual nationalist song
I live in a safe Tory seat so it's fine. Have you ever heard the advice "if you live in Brighton, move"?
councillors set that lad
>admits he is shilling

Well we all know you're voting Tory then. The normie party for your class is torie.
>tfw voted green in 2015
I want to erase the memory from my mind
>heart is hurting
this is that lads, finally get to die
I get that too, lad. You'll be alright
first time i've voted tory actually, used to vote lib dems.

Lad asked a question and I answered it, Tory is definitely the thing to vote for maximum butthurt, just imagine "refugees welcome" protestors, antifa, Russel Brand and that limp fish faced journo whinging about it.
I feel the same way about voting Lib Dem in 2010
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>look at my constituency's independent candidate
>pretty appealing even though he'll never win
>sounds like a safe guy and his manifesto is almost UKIP's
>maybe I'll vote for him
>see the word "progressive"
>pic related
i'm same lad can't afford to eat more food so i still eat the same but have gained weight.
dont say that you asshole
you can buy -20lbs worth of dnp from alphabay for less than a tenner lads
Godspeed, anon. Hope the vidya in heaven is good.
fuck it i dont know who to vote for, probs gonna go labour just to protect my bennies and possibly get some decriminlazed ganj
It's mostly tory here.
thanks lad, if i get into heaven ill put in a good word for you lads
>Facebook filename

>voting purely to annoy someone

more pathetically childish than spoiling your ballot
The gulags are ready
>Protecting bennies

You're off your rocker, Corbyn wants to divert all bennies to the immigrants
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Voting Labour save our Bennies
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Anon hasn't even voted yet and he's already causing butthurt
>spoiling your ballot
Yes, goy, you MUST vote for one of our approved options or else we will ignore you
i only weigh 10 and a half stone lad i'm not after losing weight
Aren't lib dems the dude weed lmao party?
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Corbyn is the man for me
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Just had it confirmed that Xi Jingping will feature in this Sunday's Sunday Sport.
>the only reason anyone can think of to vote Labour is to protect their benefits
daily reminder Labour-voters are bad, selfish people
good comrade, can't wait till the ride tide floods the nation and we hang the bankers from lamposters
I'm voting for Labour just in case they win and non-Labour voters get thrown in the gulag
yes because mr sheklestein really cares for you
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Yeah Tim always gets the milk in for the late night Nesquick Cereal munchies
>not being a martyr for the greater good of the nation
So how early are you lads getting up to get Uncle Corbs in?

I think I'll get to the place about 8am, nice and early to ensure I #VoteLabour
i'm going early as well to avoid the terrorist attacks
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>mr sheklestein
>poundland sell vibrators

what the fuck lads
Don't get his hopes up. He's probably going to hell
what a repulsive creature. why did they think this thing could win?

how much are they? A pound?
What? Proofs right now lad.
I've weighed ~52kg all my adult life. Venlafaxine didn't do shit, got put on Mirtazapine which admittedly helped my sleep a bit but I'm now 66kg. Ffs.
bet they don't sell fleshlites tho
Sorry to be a tard but what do you mean by drip?
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here lad


>3 meetings at work tomorrow

kill me


You can get one of the new and improved Nokia 3310s, I sure wish I had one of those
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>Can't vote Tory because I don't own a house and like shitposting on chinese boards and not having the internet banned
>Can't vote Labour because white and pay income tax
>tfw that milky nonce Tim is the only half viable choice
Fuck me lads
>company policy
but not law?
I thought they were the anti brexit anti democracy ignore the people party.

also from people I've talked to they still salty after nick clegg and the uni promises they broke
imagine if they sold pocket pussys the outrage lads
What law would that break?
>wants to keep us in the EU
can you really call him a viable choice
>not voting for Propa Nutter (Paul Nuttall)
Everyone earning under 30k will be better off under Corbyn.

Well fuck my moist boipussy
idk i just imagined there would be a law against selling sex toys to kids
I actually can't be fucked to go in to work tomorrow or the day after. I know I'll have to listen to my leftie manager whinge all day that Labour didn't win. Brexit day was a total nightmare, she literally stomped around the place huffing and puffing and shouting about how everyone who voted Leave was a cunt.

Why oh why were women ever given the vote honestly
he has no chance hardly "viable"

pick which way you want to be fucked lad
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Alright lads, tomorrow is the election.

Post your "my candidate won" memes, just in case yours lose.
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Fucking hell lad thats outrageous. How much of a fucking cheapo does someone need to be to buy a fucking Poundland vibrator.
Anon delivars! Fuck me lad, nice work.
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They've got cockrings too, strange times surely afoot
What are cockrings for?

I'm a virgin but I don't understand the point, wouldn't it get in the way during sex?
i've bet 1100 quid on a tory majority so if they don't win i think i'll kill myself
post betting slip please
whats the odds lad? torydesu
Eh, thank you. But
>Its use in high doses as a dieting aid has been identified with severe side-effects, including a number of deaths
I think I'll pass and stay fat for now.
yeah that's about what I weigh now maybe a bit more. but I suppose size matters i'm 6"1 so still pretty stick thin, well unless it's a side on view






blah blah original comment or something
i've used it a few times over the years and i've always been fine. it's literally only dangerous if you take too much.
My ex said it was like getting fucked while having her clit bashed by a piece of 4 x 2. Utter shite.
Lol, this^ about the side view. I look alright head on but I've developed fucking creases in my back it's so fat. Ah well screw it, I couldn't get a bird when I looked half decent so it's not like I've lost anything in gaining weight.
>someone recommends a podcast to me, says its hilarious
>give it a listen
>its just a bunch of rich people bitching about rich people problems
>complaining about how much they have to fly, even though its all first class and they dont pay for it
>complaining about how many phones they have to buy because a new model comes out every year
>complaining that they have too many cars and they are taking up parking space
>also talking about how they pre-ordered a new tesla car on impulse
>complaining about how many houses they have and how difficult it is to sell one
>shit talk trump and brexit just for good measure

it was awful, dont know what the fuck he thought was so great about it
That's some beaumont rag tier shit right there
Does anyone else get it when you change your phone wallpaper after months and you're so autistic that you can't get used to it just because you're so used to your old wallpaper?
From what I've just read I'll pass. Be careful anon, I've got a pretty cavalier approach to what I shove up my snotbox but that stuff sounds dodgy af.

Yeah. It feels "wrong" so I end up changing it back.
>Fucking hell you'd think with the amount of bureaucracy in this country that it would actually be half efficient
Nah, the point of it is only to exist for it's own sake.

It's one of those cruel ironies, post-fordism uses the language of efficiency but has created a bureaucracy that makes the soviet union look efficient. at least their factories usually made something (even if in the wrong quantity, the wrong color, and only for one foot.), we just create data, to feed into target sheets to generate data to feed into an algorithm that will output efficiency data that can be used to create more data for feeding into a target sheet...

My fantasy is that one day everyone will just refuse to fill in assessment forms - don't go on a full strike, don't even work to rule, just refuse to fill in these pieces of paper with no relevance to their real jobs. The country won't collapse and everyone will have to confront the uselessness of the management class. Problem is you can't rely on anyone to organise it, trade unions and everything are also full of these paper pushing parasites - they have to be, what else is a trade union to do with all the legislation restricting action?

And then naturally when costs get too high, efficiencies have to be made. Fire the drivers, scrap the trains. It's very inefficient actually waiting for trains to move people around, we can handle all the data on how the trains *would* have moved people around electronically and have the report done by 5.
Unironic answer but not a suggestion: Lib-Dem.

Tories are the most normie option by quantity and weight.
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>unironic poundland dildos
the absolute state
Who are the people in the pictures the raghead and the pig are grinning over? I really hope it's not kids from the MEN.
They are, lad.
I think its the victims of one of the various terror attacks we have had lately.

I got it from brit/pol/

I am. Shitting myself though, don't think i can deal with a tory governemnt for another five years. and that old hag as our PM.
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