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>tfw no mommy gf to assure you that they love and care for you

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>tfw no mommy gf to assure you that they love and care for you
I have this.

>tfw dated a mommy gf but she got sick of being like my mom and dumped me because I was pathetic

It was a nice 4 years though
Does she tease you about embarrassing things anon? Where did you find her?
She's incredibly timid but when I pretend to be shy or embarrassed she sparks right up and her confidence soars. She says her goal is to make me blush and turn red.

Originally she was just a long distance penpal I'd never even consider dating, but I moved semi-near her area and took the drive to meet her. Never saw her face or heard her voice before seeing her.

We both had an instant attraction and things have been mostly smooth since. Getting married eventually.
I'm really happy you two found eachother anon. I hope to find one of my own someday.
>4 years
what the fuck
Very extra shameless original self bump
Green text anon? Origingungaaaaaaa
I was a mommy gf for a robot I met there until he dumped me because he "fell in love" with another girl.
Want to try the reverse, being a little girl gf instead? I will still suck your tits though.
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That sucks but he was propably just a failed normalfag and not a robot.
Hope you manage to move on.

t. actual robot
He was most likely an actual robot. You are just a failed normie.
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>He was most likely an actual robot.
You aren't sure?
Describe him then

>You are just a failed normie.
What makes you think that is the case?
There are no true robots. A robot is just a failed normie.
Thanks, I still wonder how he's doing everyday though.
That wasn't me, just a random anon messing with you. Not like there'd be a point in debating whether he was really a robot or not now
How big are your tits, mommy gf?
ugh can u fuck off
Would you like to talk? Throwaway or something? Orginally
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>Thanks, I still wonder how he's doing everyday though.
You seem like a good person. I just don't understand how a robot could cheat on a girl like you.
Don't dwell on it for too long.
What's hard to understand? Why do you think a robot would be any more faithful than anyone else?
I've never known any of my robot friends to be in a relationship, because then they wouldn't really be a robot. The question is built on strange ground
I still don't understand either, especially after everything he said to me (that he loved me more than his parents, that he'd seriously die for me etc etc). Now it seems pretty stupid but I really believed him at the time and I felt the same.
I wish he didn't block me without giving me a chance to say anything. I'd be satisfied if we only remained acquaintances, I still worry about him. He was getting out of NEETdom and I wanted to support him as much as I could, I still do.
They do not meet alot of woman
They do not click with most woman
Most don't like or even hate the idea of casual sex and NTR.
They don't have female friends that they have crushes on and some don't even have any friends at all so getting even some affection and attention feels very good to them.
Robots would like somebody with shared interest and girls who browse her usually have something in common with them.
Robots usually have some mental illness and little experience in the real world which should make motherly gf's who can help them very appealing to them.
Robots are bitter to strangers but can be very nice to friends.

If a robot somehow gets a gf he wouldn't break up with her unless she's actively making his life worse or if his autism can't handle the relationship.
Sounds about right anon, I've never had the latter happen myself, they always leave me ;_;

You're too nice, it's obvious you care very very much about him. Sorry that happened to you mommy anon.
It would have been easier if I didn't care so much, I could have told myself he was just an asshole that toyed with my feelings (and maybe that was true) but I genuinely loved him so I can't even resent him.
Thank you though, I hope you all find your dream gf and all lead a happy life
Thank you anon, I'm starting to lose hope but im still holding out I'll be able to find someone like you.
It's not gonna happen but thanks for your sentiment.
>tfw female friends at all
All we can do is hope anon, extremely originally of course.
It could happen, you never know. When the time comes just don't let her go despite all the autism. If you love someone then please do your best for them, even if when it ends it hurts. Remember you cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. :)
Thanks for the compliment. Don't lose hope, I know it seems like there are only roasties out there but that's not true. When you find her it will be worth the wait. Of course I hope I find someone too
Well, seeing people tell stories like you did really opened my eyes on it honestly. I just want a nurturing and caring gf ;_;. I know there are good ones out there, I'm just fearful I'm not good enough for them. I hope you find yourself someone too anon, I really do.
Did they ever tell you reasons for it?
Well I've had two, both never made it irl. The first one was really great and probably the reason I'm looking for a nurturing and dominant gf, but she just randomly ghosted me after a few months. The second one left me for someone else and said something like I'm not assertive enough ;_;
Just get better for when you meet them then! That dumb robot used to say I was too good for him, maybe that's why he decided falling for another girl online was better, who knows?
Just don't backpedal because of a lack of confidence, if she chose you over someone else there's a reason. I would have stuck with him despite it all if he had let me.
>long term mommy gf relationship ends
>life has little pleasure outside of nurturing and caring for someone
>luckily work a job in human services so am occupied for most of the day
>home life is empty, unfulfilled, crushing
>not motivated to care for myself
>men are aggressive, intimidating, brutes who don't deserve gentle love

I didn't ask for this
aaaaaaaaaaa, you seem so nice anon. I really hope you find someone that's in it forever.
Do you want to talk anon? Do you have a throwaway email or something? Orginally
please tell me ur in socal
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Please take care of this meek robot.
I don't know if I deserve gentle love but I'm not aggressive or intimidating at all.
Ahah it might sound ridiculous but I still believe in finding the "love of my life" or my "soulmate".
I hope we both find it, but in the meantime we should just focus on becoming better people. I refuse to become bitter and turn into a roastie
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If I had a mommygf who loved and cared for me I would be able to do anything in life.
I know that feel, I think so too. My largest issue is I was deriving alot of motivation from my previous gf, even if just e she treated me really nicely and encouraged me. She kind of just left me though so now I hardly have the motivation to neet about ;_;
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Do you have big tits?
Don't worry, femanon, there are a million guys here who'd give anything to take his place, myself included.

Where do I go to find one? It's not like people advertise themselves as cougars on OkCupid.
Not really a mommy specific thing, but i've been listening to a lot of those asmr videos where the women say nice things to you and that's been comforting

I watch this too anon, it's nice though it still feels fake. I still can't hold eye contact with the ladies that do it as well
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