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Why are republicans so stupid? They don't accept evolution

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Why are republicans so stupid? They don't accept evolution because it goes against the babble, they don't accept climate change because they want to keep driving their fuel inefficient cars, they spout nonsense like ''guns don't kill people, people kill people'' because they can't accept the fact that US has a gun problem, they think slightly raising taxes for m/billionaires is the same as communism, and they think their soldiers fighting wars for israel are ''defending muh freedoms''.
Most of them grow up in sad little bubbles, where they learn to parrot whatever their echo chambers say. That's why the Republican party is supported by so many small town Americans and /pol/ posters
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you sound like someone who gets all their opinions from the daily show.
Nice set of straw men you've got there my friend
>Why don't all people see the world exactly as I do?
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>only one chance to be a yaoi boy in your life
>wasted it
Not every republican is the same person. I believe in climate change and evolution. I'm also an atheist republican.

stop lumping half of the country into one set belief system.
you sound like you're 12 maybe grow up and try getting out of your parent's house for a day.
That meme picture will surely show him.
This, many libshits seem to have hissy fits when people generalize any group, but generalizing Republicans is perfectly fine
>believes in science
>believes in trickle down economics
pick one
Pick one
I don't really hold any of those views, and I oppose most of them.

It's just that you cunts are several magnitudes more insufferable.
Liberalism is a wide spectrum, while being a Republican just means you're a fucking retard unless you're wealthy and their tax plan benefits you (safe to say you probably aren't).
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This seems to be the /pol/tard's go-to argument these days when they're confronted by reality.

>d-daily show
>h-heh, bet you watch john oliver too cuck

Democrats are whack too, but republicans are on a completely different level. They're the kind of person to bring a snowball into congress as proof that man-made climate change is a hoax.
Hi OP, how does it feel to get BTFO?
>believe in socialism
>believe in science
Pick one.
most of the people who believe that stuff are just jim bob hicks
>mathematics isn't a science
Republican posters everyone!
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So much for that "liberals are accepting and open minded" meme

>Liberalism is a wide spectrum
Tell that to the pro-life guy who ran for mayor of Omaha and got literally ostracized by the DNC
It's not a meme though it's what most democrats resemble. Don't laugh at the average male democrat they can't handle the shame.
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How do you suggest we solve the gun problem in America?
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well liberals sometimes need to be told what to think. that's what bill bye is for
It's difficult living with loud-opinionated brainwashed fucktards.
Please refrain from using Taylor in your bait threads. I'm apolitical but this is just nonsense.
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You sound like someone who gets all their opinions from r/the_donald
Let's guess this thread's destiny.
>hey OP I'm a republican and I accept evolution, think climate change is at least devatable, would prefer more gun control but no gun-grabbing, am ok with taxes against the rich and don't like my army fighting for the jew
>y-y-y-y-y-you're not a tru republicunt!
>anons debating anons
>OP laughs thinking he did something today
>DNC = all of liberalism
Republicans really don't have an argument do they?
>snowballs prove your crazy
>cutting off your own balls is fine tho
heh, get fucked kid. you don't get to pick and choose who's normal.
Not OP and I don't think accusing someone of getting their info from a tv show and posting a picture of an obese democratic along with the post necessarily counts as a BTFO but whatever floats your boat m8
i do it all the time. everywhere i go. please learn to be more tolerant.
>Hey OP i'm a Republican but I go against everything the Republican party stands for
Liberals are just libertines.
Conservatives conserve nothing.

Fascism is the only way.
>i don't think
no you don't do you
The DNC has pretty much exclusive control over what constitutes acceptable, mainstream liberalism in America. Fringe voices like Bernie Sanders can't get far. Sorry you don't seem to understand how the two-party system functions.
If you're right winged you're objectively the retard so your point is irrelevant.
Not that guy, but realistivall it's a two party choice, and while I am against most Republican beliefs, I am against Democrat beliefs even more.
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this thread is so boring, BRING IN THE BANE POSTING
I consider myself a Burkean conservative, but that doesn't change the fact that the US has a dumber populace than most other first world countries, and that this stupidity is given a platform by the republican party.


t. underage sperg who compensates for his feelings of inferiority by giving lip service to authoritarian ideologies and calling people niggers on the internet.
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> tfw trying to discuss politics on fucking 4chan

There is no such thing as intelligent discussion for politics on the internet, at least on this site anyways. It's just people spouting memes, cherry picking, straw manning, goal post raising. I'm sure most people love that but have you ever thought about how you're literally accomplishing nothing?
>Why are republicans so stupid? They don't accept evolution because it goes against the babble,


>they don't accept climate change because they want to keep driving their fuel inefficient cars,


>they spout nonsense like ''guns don't kill people, people kill people'' because they can't accept the fact that US has a gun problem,

Just because some psychos get a hold of guns doesn't mean that you get to take my rights away

>they think slightly raising taxes for m/billionaires is the same as communism,

Just because some people are more successful doesn't mean that they should get thrashed by the government so you can get handouts. Rich people are already taxed fucking hard in America anyway

>and they think their soldiers fighting wars for israel are ''defending muh freedoms''.

While liberalism in America takes shape in many different forms (to the point where even a socialist that the mainstream party hated was the runner-up candidate), the Republican ideology does not vary much, which is why every Republican candidate is practically identical
And why would I want them?

This is an original post for you
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yes yes.... please attempt to grow your party via ridicule.

>party has literally won no election of value in 5 years
>which is why every Republican candidate is practically identical
It is now beyond obvious you're either shitposting or you didn't follow the 2016 primaries/election at all. Do not reply to me again.
>t. underage sperg who compensates for his feelings of inferiority by giving lip service to authoritarian ideologies and calling people niggers on the internet.

>t. Mordecai Bagelberg
Ad hominem. Who said I was a democrat? Americans are pathetic.
>and that this stupidity is given a platform by the republican party.

have you ever watched the late night c-span broadcasts of the congressional black caucus floor speeches?
>Just because some people are more successful doesn't mean that they should get thrashed by the government so you can get handouts.

>healthcare, education, infrastructure, and paid leave are ''handouts''
And this is why America is falling behind the rest of the industrialised world in terms of quality of life.

>Rich people are already taxed fucking hard in America anyway
Thanks for proving my point.
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Perhaps this poster is wondering why you would give him a (you) before ditching this thread
Literally every candidate had the same platform that's been the same since Reagan. The only difference was that Trump was louder and catered more to what people wanted to hear, despite not doing anything different.
Another picture of a fat democrat. Damn, I am now registering republican from now on. I have seen the light
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>Americans are path-
Get rid of Americans, problem solved.
Wrong again. The GOP slate had vastly different platforms, ranging from the religious right to neoconservatism to conservative libertarianism. Do not reply to me again.

And yet you dumb fuckers elected Trump. Tell me, if the vast majority of your party is as enlightened as you seem to think you are, and if you have as many sharp actors in the political sphere as you think you do, than why did you guys pick fucking Trump?
Are you retarded? You did literally what I said would happen, at least try not to take the bait. Fucking idiots.
>Literally every candidate had the same platform that's been the same since Reagan
Today they would be calling the candidate who ran with his platform a pinko commie.
What if I hate multiculturalism and want to keep guns but I also don't want to fight for Israel?
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I replied again
How do you know he's democrat? Projecting much?
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you have to build it
>he thinks trickle down economics are intended to help the poor
We know exactly how it works, retard. Why should the dumbest segment of the population get any help? What good does it do?
I'm assuming you mean non-white immigration rather than multiculturalism, and in that case the republican party is no friend of yours. They give lip service so that poor whites will vote for them.
>RIP affordable health care
healthcare was more affordable BEFORE the affordable care act
You almost elected the bitch who wore """presidential""" jumpsuits
Okay but the democratic party has screwed me over too, and the independents can't draw a dime from anybody

I should move somewhere else, fuck US politics
>Why should the dumbest segment of the population get any help? What good does it do?
Lower crime rates and a more well functioning economy. Do you seriously not understand the problems with poverty in a society? Once again proving that republicans are fucking idiots.
This isn't /pol/

>>>/pol is that way. Go whine about political opinions there you fucking pussy.
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whatever lol

pic is me and my cock
/r9k/ is less of an echo chamber when it comes politics. And nu-pol is such cancer because of the huge influx of reddit drumpftards.

Is this how repubs actually picks their candidates? Mmm, I understand now :^)

But seriously, tell me how you honestly think Trump is doing. Is he the great white hope you fucks were expecting?
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And it's even more affordable in civilized countries with a single payer system.
Do you understand what the scientific process is? Do you not understand how that differs from mathematics? only libshits will gleefully spout nonsense as confidently as they can muster because they think they're correct
/r9k/ isn't for politics.

/pol/ is for politics and a containment board for le enlightened political opinions. OP can take his stupid thread over there and jerk off to the (You)s like a good redditor.
>>and they think their soldiers fighting wars for israel are ''defending muh freedoms''.
How fucking delusional are you? Republicunts worship the army and everything it does, and soldiers are all freedom fighters.
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>The economy would collapse without illegal aliens working for less than the going rate. >Btw Nigs should earn 15/hr for flipping burgers and pushing brooms.
>Unions that make it impossible to fire shitty employees and require that raises be based on seniority and not talent are a good thing
>Insurance companies should have to cover extremely expensive medical issues that began before the coverage started, flying in the face of the very concept of insurance. Oh shit, the healthcare co-ops formed after ACA are collapsing!
>Wal-Mart is evil! You want to start your own store? Here's 500 pages of regulations and a list of all the permits you'll need to hang a shingle.
>People who think bringing an ID to the polls is a huge inconvenience deserve to chart the course of the nation.
>Police are evil. Why do you need a gun to protect yourself? Just call 911.
>Can't sell Americans on our agenda? That's okay, we'll just import unemployable people who will vote to protect their benefits, lol
>the american right actually believes this

america is going to deserve everything it gets
theres a ton of right wingers who arent conservatives that have absolutely no representation and are forced into the partisan 2 party centrist authoritarian model. republicans dont make sense because they use low government patriotix rhetoric while being massive spending authoritarians that are fully jacked into the central banking warfare model that funds both sides.

youre just strawmanning their moralist bullshit that the new controlled left abuses as well. theres no pragmatic option for anybody, and anyone that says the libertarians or the greens is a fucking retard.
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What did I say that was incorrect?
The vast majority of lower and middle class people that call themselves republicans actually believe in left leaning policies, they just call themselves republicans because they hate SJWs so much

Implying the Democrats don't also kiss Israeli ass and have a reckless foreign policy
>>Unions that make it impossible to fire shitty employees and require that raises be based on seniority and not talent are a good thing
Why do you think Americans work longer hours for less pay?

>>Police are evil. Why do you need a gun to protect yourself? Just call 911.
Police brutality is a problem and offenders need to be held accountable. Law enforcement still fills an important function in society. Both can be true, you mong.

>>Can't sell Americans on our agenda? That's okay, we'll just import unemployable people who will vote to protect their benefits, lol
Because gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement is a much more noble way to win elections.
The politicians do, but their voter base is more critical to these wars.
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Oh, definitely. Liberalism went off the rails and lost a lot of us. The Trans thing was a bridge too far, for instance.

>Why do you think Americans work longer hours for less pay?

Mandatory insurance and the like for full-time employees encouraged part-time culture.

Look, you can't legislate against every way a boss might be a dick to their employees. Instead, you should aspire to create a business-friendly healthy economy where it's easy to jump ship if your job sucks.

>Because gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement is a much more noble way to win elections.

Cramming the polls with low-information voters who need early/absentee voting, text reminders, and celebrity endorsements before they can be arsed to go out and vote is not good for the Republic.
Yeah there are a lot idiot conservatives, but there are plenty of idiot liberals too. There are also rational people on both sides.
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The argument for climate chance is whether how much of a percent is caused by natural heating and cooling periods, given that thousands of years ago when volcanic activity was more active with greater C02 composition than today's industrialization's c02 externalities in the atmosphere the temperature was about the same.
The soldiers in Isreael are fighting for their freedoms pick up a history book I don't have time to explain the 6 day war WW2 and the events leading up to Israel today. The US doesn't have a gun problem we have a minority with crime problem. I'm for raising the capital gains tax and a republican but that doesn't mean blaming "Muh 1%" when they already fund the majority of the government. This is all public information PLEASE SWALLOW SOME CYANIDE OR SWALLOW SOME ADDERAL AND PICK UP A BOOK YOU DISGUSTING NU-MALE
>what is economic lag
>blaming the economy on any president
>clinton's success is directly from bush's tax cuts to the middle class
>all Obama had to do was not shit the bed after a recession and still put us into record debt
Please eat jizz and die
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>Let's stab the populist candidate with the Millennials behind him in the back and reward the DNC employee responsible with a promotion
>Let's kiss up to Islam, a religion that's 1% of the country and about as popular as genital warts thanks to ISIS
>Let's try to artificially prop up the auto industry by encouraging people to junk perfectly good used cars
>Whistleblowers are heroes! Unless they embarrass a Democrat, then they're Russian agents.
I know this is probably bait, but yes I agree Republicans are retarded, but political activism in general is pretty normie-tier. I don't give a shit about the white race, because it is full of Chads and Stacies who don't give a shit about me, I don't give a shit about the proletarian class, because it is filled with Normies, and I don't give a shit about any other shitty political constructs or ideologies. I just want to masturbate to yaoi and hike in the mountains.

>political activism in general is pretty normie-tier

It really does strike me as a mental defect. Or being a fan of a sports team or something. Downplaying your own team's failures, cheering for players who don't give a shit about you, etc.
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>This seems to be the /pol/tard's go-to argument these days when they're confronted by reality.
>>d-daily show
>>h-heh, bet you watch john oliver too cuck

You're implying "Hurr durr you watch Fox News!" hasn't been the staple of leftist arguments for the past decade or so.

Also Nancy Pelosi believed W. Bush was still President and Maxine Waters said Russia invaded North Korea. That's not cherrypicked. Those are 2 very prominent Dems who said that nonsense back-to-back. That's not even factoring in all the SJW nonsense ruining academia, HR departments, and government as well as all the Trump Derangement Syndrome going on.

Your "Republicans are DUMB!" argument made more sense in the 2000's when social media didn't exist and the leftwing media could cherrypick right wingers to make fun of while ignoring the crazy lefties. But now the crazy lefties grew unchecked while the right has reevaluated itself and changed - now the right has social media to hit back and it's crushing the MSM despite moves for censorship.
>implying neoconservatives, paleoconservatives, and libertarians are all the same.

Reagan's platform is actually well respected. It's just that he had to compromise thanks to George H.W. Bush and what was left of the Rockefeller Republican establishment.

And the left would be calling him a bigot just as they did and always do to those who don't agree with them and pose a threat to them.

Cost of living including taxes, healthcare, cost of goods, etc. is substantially higher in "civilized countries". We have much more disposable income here. Also we make more money for the same job even if you factor in the dollar being worth less than the Euro/Pound. And the healthcare outcomes of white Americans is very good - it's just that black people's lower economic standing and lack of listening to their doctor that gives them worse healthcare outcomes and drags us all down. The economic and cultural issues facing the left is due to the introduction of the welfare state and other leftist nonsense that made their families and communities collapse when their families used to be stronger than white families.
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Welfare programs hurt the black family and thus increased crime. Also "trickle down economics" is a strawman.
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Also race is a greater predictor of crime than poverty.
Here's the links for trickle down economics:


Burning fuel in cars is more efficient than burning it in powerstations to make electricity to power cars.

>don't accept evolution
but i do, and i'm not religious
>don't accept climate change
but i do, i just disagree with carbon tax
>thinking every republican is a religious right neocon
pretty much what you're describing. That's like calling everyone on the left an SJW who thinks Russian homophobes are behind every hacking that's ever happened
> what changed
War on drugs + cocaine epidemic
>y-you have to be a stereotypical republican to be a r-real republican!
So by that logic you have to be a whining cuckold to be a real democrat?

Really activates the almonds
"Muh Russia!" "Muh Assad!".

With the exception of George W. Bush the Democrats have been the party of war for about a century.

You sound like you just stepped out of a time machine from the early 2000's with all these stale Daily Show talking points.
I'm not a republican or american but anyone who believes in global warming is retarded beyond belief
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