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>tfw my (now ex-)grillfriend caught me jacking off to a torture

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>tfw my (now ex-)grillfriend caught me jacking off to a torture video of someone getting flayed alive

I think she's going to tell my friends and parents too. She can be vindictive like that.


Has anyone else ever ruined your life, /r9k/? What happened?
Why would they believe her with no proof?
My cunty ex left me for another guy and took our daughter with her.
fuck man I'm sorry. you should listen to Karen Straughan it's like therapy for that shit
> be 15
> tranny porn on phone
> friend at the time who was a girl asks to use my phone
> goes on browser and sees tranny porn
> tells everyone in school about it
> tfw I was the popular kid until that
> tfw the rumour developed into me having fucked a tranny and everyone believed it
Why would you want a child in your life anyway?

You can do whatever you want again, bro. Count your blessings.
Naw dude twfs kirsten left saga is perfect
Post video. I havent seen one liek that yet and I lurk thenyc often.
If it was an animal being flayed alive, be sure that you do not only lose your girlfriend, but also your entire skin, while being alive, when the day will come.
> friend at the time who was a girl
what did he stop transitioning because you were into trannies and went back to being male? :3
>be 25
>straight A dean list STEM student
>final (3rd) year group project
>(everyone else was around 19-20 btw)
>partnered with a milf 30-something mom
>communicated w/ each other using normanbook for meetups about reports, labs, presentations etc
>i was the group leader and arranged when/where to meet
>some examples of my texts:
>hey do u hv a lecture tmr @3pm, meet normie_library?
>are u free next tue 1pm? usual place
>her hubby (some HS teacher) thought i was hitting on her and inviting her to dates
>filed complaints to my school
>people harassed me on fb, my uni mail account
>even got fox poo sent to my (student rented) house
>(the group project was submitted/presented before all this shit happened btw)
>got a D on that project, the milf got A
>everything went to shit after
>barely passed all my final papers
>got a 3rd class degree, didnt even attend my graduation ceremony
>dont qualify for any postgrad and have to pay back all my tuition fees and allowance to my sponsor

Am now spending my 30s studying meme C++ and java to hopefully earn online bux while browsing a mongolian shinto statue sculpting chatroom
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Forgot to post my

Turn it around and say that you caught her kissing some random guy and shes going damage control

Pick one simple story and stick with it to the rest of your life
Doesn't mean he won't get shit for it lol. Yeah that story is more believable but the torture jacking off story is fucking funny
how many years until you take revenge?
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>tfw my (now ex-)grillfriend caught me jacking off to a torture video of someone getting flayed alive
you deserved it btw. Stupid cunt
I've got one. This is probably going to be a bit lengthy.

>fourth year med student (7th year total)
>mark undergrad first year lit papers because always good at that shit
>first assignment for class was always discussing social theme and how it influences famous writer/work/etc
>get a paper, Jane Austin and feminism
>sounds memey but feminism is pretty common for this assignment and usually scores well if the student puts effort in
>assignment starts out well, good intro, obviously passionate, etc
>starts to get a bit off track
>then really off track
>last few paragraphs the student is actually talking about sexism on the internet and mentions mansplaining
>I re-read this thing like 3 times trying to scrape marks together
>I give her 17%
>the only time I've given below a pass (50%) in this subject is when they don't submit it
>few weeks later when the marks are released the course convenor drops me an email saying the student complained
>attach the assessment, the convenor agrees to allow 2 other markers to assess it
>think that's the end of it

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My boyfriend knows I like to get fucked by dogs and he seems to be cool with it, beyond asking me not to do it again cause he "doesn't want to get cucked by a dog". Constantly makes dog jokes around me in public.
I trust him, but if things ever go south my life will be fucked
How hot was this MILF on a scale of 1 to 10?
>two days later I'm called to head of english for the university
>get there, two other markers I know are there
>girl marker tells me the student demanded a woman marks her assessment after the second marker (male) gave her 17%
>the female marker gave her 14% funnily enough
>we're asked to explain the assessment to the English head who obviously hadn't read it because if he had he'd know it was pure shit
>tells us he'd like us to attend an academic ruling for the paper with the student
>we all agree

>next day is the ruling
>the student rocks up and isn't as tumblrina as I expected but still bad
>17 or 18, female, dyed hair, adventure time bag with shitty badges on it, flannel shirt and those stupid patterned leggings on
>you can tell she grew up around an older leftie sister who encouraged her to whine your way to success
>the other markers and I prepared notes, were actually keen to help this kid because her intro was showed promise
>she starts talking about her paper, why she's upset it's marked so low
>like her paper, she started off coherent and calm and descended into a rambling mess
>made threats about going to the media because the uni was sexist, that her anxiety meant she didn't want to come back, that she felt unsafe, etc
>think the media threats got the head of english worried and he offered her a chance to redo the assessment
>apparently that wasn't good enough for her
>she ended up getting 65% (a credit)
>us three markers were all forced to attend one of those undergrad 'cultural and sex acceptance' sessions that seem to be popular now
>lost my cushy $35/hour marking job
>am allowed no further affiliation with any schools outside med

The other two markers were literally masters in English lit. So while I'll lose out on $8-9k in wages for my last year, they have minor tuting/teaching roles which are being reviewed, so can't imagine what they've lost.
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