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Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 139

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Haven't seen a comfy thread in a while lets ignore the soc threads for and just feel
Bump for comfiness
This is not an original comment
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originality is important
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I've had these for a while
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text here
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no mute plz
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huh slow night tonight
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It's a shame but somethings in life need to be taken slow
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Starting to run out, I hope the thread picks up soon
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gonna try to save your thread
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this comment is most likely original
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Eveningng fellass
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we need to start having more comfy threads anons
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hope I can help the comfiness
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the robot is probably the reason comfy threads never get many replies
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thanks friend
agreed I remember when these threads would get hundreds of replies, now I barely see them
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>tfw no cool roommates to be comfy with
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you guys need to put more content into ur posts. put some comfy music, how youre feeling. these threads could also act as an advice thread or self help yknow .

i went hiking today. hiking is nice when the weathers right, and you're all alone in the wild. just walking along a trail admiring the wild while listening to a great album
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yeah so do i but now /r9k/ is 90% garbage trap/gay posting
feels bad man
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that sounds nice anon, nature is super comfy
If people would stop responding to bait threads half of /r9k/ would become better overnight
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Nujabes is always great. How was your day?

btw, if anyone likes vaporwave, there's a nice stream right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxWhlPvKUsA
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why are asian citys so comfy looking?
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we'll have more threads
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my day was pretty shitty, as always
but comfy threads make everything better
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That's a nice picture. I hope you have a better day tomorrow anon, I hope we all do.
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forgot to reply, i cant do anything right
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well im running out of comfy stuff to post, sorry lads
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I need some good chill music to listen to, any suggestions?
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alright my folders run dry lads, goodnight
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comfy china
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I'll be able to keep on going. If anyone wants to talk, I'll be here. I don't wanna make empty posts so let's talk about some stuff, whatever you want.
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listen to this anon its comfy as hell
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comfy china 2
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fucked up my post again, meant to reply to
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comfy china 3
space is always comfy

I have lots of music from the early to mid 90s if you'd like
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'' And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold onto it. Then it flows through me like rain, and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid, little life. ''
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Fuck I have to wake up so early Tommorow
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comfy china 4
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its ok buddy. spent the other day saving city pictures the whole night rather than studying for a test the next day and still managed a C.
so long as you are doing something truly comfy everything will work out in the end.
I need to check my posts before posting jeez meant to reply to >>36685488
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Doing coke for the third time ever while my roommates sleep... might go to a bar. Need to get my shit together. wyd?
forgot comfy pic

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holy shit I have been comfy threads so much. honestly I will probably have to leave r9k permanently soon, 99% of the threads here are just complete garbage. But I will forever have a place in my heart for comfy threads
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Listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxWhlPvKUsA, writing down what I did today in my journal. I hope you get your shit together, anon. My personal opinion these comfy threads could also be good selfhelp/self improvement threads too,
I don't have any images that could relate,but who loves driving around at night or nightwalking?

Especially after its just done raining. The air is cool, no one is out, the soft glow of the street lights and the reflection in the small puddles of water.

The only sounds a soft exhaust note and tires kicking up water, or steady footsteps on the wet concrete.
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it doesn't rain a lot where I live, or have a car. I ride my bike a lot though at night, I have the whole streets to myself since everyone is asleep. How are you doing anon?
>tfw current roomates are meh
>tfw no female roomates aside from am older lady her daughter in law and her grandchild

I want roomates around my age and mentality

These threads make me sad because they remind me of something I only briefly tasted
I hate being sober. I think I might be depressed again
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I'm pretty comfy.
Last night I watched cowboy bebop and I was watching my favorite episode, Heavy Metal Queen.
Then I drove my semi truck a few hundred miles at night through morning and was bouncing back and forth between retro/synth wave and 80s heavy metal.

It's comfy but incredibly lonely.
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cozy korea
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Comfy music for you my /r9k/ bros

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Good on ya, mate. dig the sound. check this mix, i think you'll like it.

night driving is my favorite. sometimes i'll leave the city i'm in and drive for hours through the countryside.
Comfy threads make me sad because they remind me of something I lost and can't taste

They remind me of how much man sabatoges eachother instead of helping one another out

Although it makes me think that in a way I do have some degree of comfy in my current life...at least a bit
I used to go out on my bike around alot around 2 or 3 am. Everything is so peaceful and quiet. For some reason it just feels so good to be out then. I need to start doing that again.
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I cannot wait until I am done with school for the year and can go home. I will have to work forty hours a week which is probably more than I do now but I just can't wait to be able to go into a real house and get comfy in a corner.
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second tree.jpg
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one of my favorite quotes... i think it captures the sentiment of these threads. what we're really looking for in these comfy threads
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Relatively comfy OC I suppose.

Not 100% OC, but still.
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Oh man I remember the nightwalk threads where people would greentext their night out, before normalfags swamped the board
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I miss those threads too.

And all the remaining robots are just shit posting or lurking. Comfy threads are some of the few remaining threads that are good
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I know Im starting to lurk more and more just because the general feel of this place has changed so much since I started coming here.
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>Used to go nightwalking
>Was an edgey fag who smoked while walking
>Walked past the church my parents had me go to as a kid
>Look around at the general area
>Nice houses
>Directly across from firestation
>Notice a little alcove
>Light a ciggy in it
>Notice there's a fucking black widow festival in the alcove
>Stomp them all
>Wonder what it all means
I belive the rot is ever-present, no matter how nice of an area you're in
drunk btw
Comfy pic obligatory
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Same here. I'm not an old fag by any means, I only started browsing a year and a half ago but it really seems like the board has gone downhill very quickly. Not sure how it was before then so I can't say for sure if it was already happening.

If I didn't drive semi trucks I'd be making bi weekly nightwalk threads.
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i don't have much comfy pics
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it's that place in hibike where kumiko and reina go on a date
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If you ever go on long trips im sure some anons here would enjoy a night drive thread
I really hope that we can see a renaissance of these threads.

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I make plenty of long trips.

What would make a good night drive thread?
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Vasily Polenov.jpg
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>tfw too comfy
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Take pics of the scenery and talk about your travels or general experiences while driving
It is a sad irony that /r9k/ would be the home of these threads.
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I only have one night drive pic on this phone but I have a couple sunrise/sunset pictures and can greentext some experiences to keep this thread going if anyone is interested.
We could have a comfy general and people would eventually trickle in
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Man. I really love comfy threads.

It's a shame I don't have a lot of comfy time these days.

Here is a nice album.
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nah generals are for fags just make a thread every now and then
I've never tried listening to music on my hikes. I feel like it would be too distracting. It's something I'd like to try now, though.
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my kind of comfy
the strangeness of the structures and the lights all around them
>writing down what I did today in my journal
Thats beta and gay
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One day I want to drive out into the middle of nowhere with an rv, 2 doggos and a years supply of food and try to survive alone. I was thinking I could build a cabin-like extension to the rv and then plant some seeds to grow food for the eventuality that I run out. I don't know anything about survival though, so this is basically just a pipe dream.
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I appreciate your outlook on life, Anon. And your trips.
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I wish these threads were made more often

ori comet
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like stars partying on our infrastructure
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Some comfy acoustic music.

this is digital art or some other sort of non-photo
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"Futile and sensitive, I'm capable of violent and consuming impulses - both good and bad, noble and vile - but never of a sentiment that endures, never of an emotion that continues, entering into the substance of my soul [...] My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me"
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I can't wait to hear your experiences dudeguy
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original comments are hard to bs sometimes when you want to just be comfy
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"Isolation has carved me in its image and likeness. The presence of another person - of any person whatsoever - instantly slows down my thinking, and while for a normal man contact with others is a stimulus to spoken expression and wit, for me its a counterstimulus [...] When all by myself, I can think of all kinds of clever remarks, quick comebacks to what no one said, and flashes of witty sociability with nobody. But all of this vanishes when I face someone in the flesh: I lose my intelligence, I can no longer peak, and after half an hour I just feel tired. Yes, talking to people makes me feel like sleeping. Only my ghostly and imaginary friends, only the conversations I have in my dreams, are genuinely real and substantial, and in them intelligence gleams like in image in a mirror"
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Some oc comfy for yall
comfy original robot orig
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that's a very pretty haze
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>tfw ywn be a comfy bounty hunter in 2071
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Thanks, I love taking photos like that, not only does it look cool, but I can go back to it and always remember what I was thinking/doing/going through at the time, this oc was taken in an alley a block away from my house
I don't have anything to post but thank you all for having a great /comfy/ thread.

Had a particularly shitty day today and this is just what I needed.
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radio towers at nite
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Just gonna post some more oc comfy for y'all
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comy 2.jpg
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I want to see snow at least once in my life.
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more towerz
Hi everyone, don't have to work tomorrow, feels nice.
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Not oc but still good
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Never really understood these comfy threads. could someone care to explain? I also wanted to help contribute so, have this.
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Love these threads. Haven't seen many lately outside of /wg/
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filesize limits aren't comfy
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Personally comfy threads/images are trypically used to remember the times that you had during the time the photo was taken in the context of oc, for other non oc photos in this/any thread they ususly just evoke a sense of calmness or melancholy or nostalgia. My oc has a story behind every photo and I remember everything leading up to the photo being taken, for example this photo of my car was taken after a ducking great show put on by my brother at a shitty commie run cafe in my city. We went to sonic after the show and I just decided to take the picture and slap a filter on it, personally I think it has a more vaporwave vibe to it but a lot of vaporwave-type of photos have a certain comfy quality to it
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The idea behind a comfy thread is to share media that invoke nostalgia or good feelings to help you escape from everyday life. I dont know about you but that's what they always felt like to me
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Did someone say.... vaporwave?
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I bet those flowerzines have AP rounds in em
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this is a really OG post, but also because text is needed. dvasjvs
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I miss winter lads
I've always found this zone in Sonic 3 to be comforting for some reason, just the low lighting, all the little red lights in the back and the moon just peaking out from behind the clouds.
>not BMW
aaaah winter. best time of year. always cold, always feels good outside. gotta love it.
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my brotha
the music too
that and mine's music were way too comfy for the 2 minute stages they were put on

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What are the comfiest anime I can watch? nothing heavy or anything, just some easy watching stuff like, k-on, non non biyori or working
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forgot to put an image. holy shit.
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Summer is too uncomfy I can't handle the 100+ heat
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Dumping some of my own photos
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Chcecking my own dubs oregano
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Photography interests and how you are you doing in your room or if you have any other like this in the future recedes and I will get it to me with the same thing as a kid but they've gone full green for a few minutes before I can bet large sums (phone posting let's me auto fill with my keyboard)
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well lads its been a great thread but I'm heading off. Don't forget to make more threads in the future
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>>36688132 (me)
I'm a fan of scrap brain's background too but it only really looks good animated and I don't have a gif or otherwise
Watamote is good. Himoto Umaru if you wanna go even lighter
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Damn, that one looks nice.
>ywn be American
>ywn drive through comfy American countryside
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I need to organize my folder
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Man, seeing stuff like this just makes me curse what an ugly dump of a town i've living in for the past 5 years.
>tfw not sitting at a campfire in a cozy fantasy world with my adventurer bros
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This is supposed to be from Wyoming, beautiful state from what i hear. I wanna go really bad even if for a weekend and just explore
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Phoenix sunsets are pretty comfy
that one is neat, the shadows are almost inconsistent
It looks like one of those experiments with salt water I did in primary school.
My city has lots of these big refineries
I used to drive by them all the time when I was younger just my father and I watching the lights and flames dance in the night sky while we talked about everything and nothing at the same time.
Happier days :)
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I get you, I don't know what it is about low lights pulsing slowly in time. It's rather relaxing and somewhat nostalgic. Reminds me of when I was a child, or something similar.
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holyshitanonwherethefuckisthis.jpg looks so small and "everybody knows everybody" esque.
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>tfw not in a far-future civilization where I can hang out between the stars for years at a time
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This one always gets me something about a purple sunset makes me feel.
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>tfw your face is a giant plain of space and it turns out there ARE in fact multiple universes but the universe itself is a being and inside the being exists everything and everyone that has and ever will ive.
For some reason the 4 on the right are extremely unnerving to me. I don't like the twitchy movement. That's some sweet weather, though.
I have no idea where it is. Found it in a /comfy/ thread few years ago and have been using it as my phone background ever since.
Bumpan with some comfy beats

Why does everyone say "I haven't seen a comfy thread in a while" or "I'm ashamed at the complete lack of comfy threads"

Is it a meme?
Yeah, I'm with you anon. Fuck that noise.
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There's something special about the feeling that in the city consisting of hunderds of thousands of people, you can still be lonely. And then I lose my superiority complex for a while and realize everyone lives their own life, with its own problems, successes and failures and tragedies. Everyone is a hero of their own personal story.
And ultimately it doesn't really matter.
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Heres some comfy tunes for you guys, I listen to this a lot

elijah always leaves me feeling comfy
hopefully other anons get the same joy that i do
i love comfy apartments
>Everyone is a hero of their own personal story

I really love this quote anon, and it's true

Everyone is misunderstood, everyone is underappreciated. Everyone is bored, lonely, and worried about the future. Everyone is afraid of dying to some extent, and afraid of their close family members and friends dying.
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I want to live in a real life version of The Shire, where everyone's life is simple and fundamental. Farming some carrots to use at the next harvest festival. Waiting for next year's celebrations of someone's birthday. Going to the tavern and drinking with a bunch of strangers who you immediately make friends with the moment you sit down

If only
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It says banff right on the back of the cart
I live real pretty close to it, it's a tourist trap with a ton of asians and a 0% vacancy rate. National park though and some neat stuff
for comfy i'd go north or south to Waterton/Jasper
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anyone still here? I find asian streetviews at night like these comfy as I grew up around parts like these so they get me all nostalgic
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Baghdad - 1932.jpg
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Duisburg - 1931.jpg
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i got some nice photos from the past. i find them pretty comfy personally. they also inspire a lot of interesting thoughts...
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Daguerreotype, Paris - 1838.jpg
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i believe this was the first photo ever taken...
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personal optimal comfy
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Razguliai, Perm - 1909.jpg
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Hvalba, Faroe Islands.jpg
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not an old photo, but i like it...
maybe someone will like this?
wow this place looks isolated as fuck
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Dallas, South Dakota - 1936.jpg
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it is, only 700 people live there but there are a few hundred more in the surrounding villages...
it is

original is original
not to mention there are only 50 000 in the entire country
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need some comfy summer pics senpai thank you
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Anyone find the radio the most comfy form of entertainment? Like an actual radio, not an online radio channel
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Here is the sunset last summer just outside my house in Scotland at the time
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why is Bjork so comfy?

nice try australian
Those buildings are absolutely beautiful.

It's such a shame everything now is built for the sake of cutting costs and appearing "modern".
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Yup. A while back I had to drive my dad to work for a couple weeks. His shift started at 4 am and on the way there and back I'd listen to the radio, especially the Spanish stations (I live in a border town) never expected then to be so comfy.
I now work 3rd shift as a housekeeper -which is comfy in and of itself- and listen to the radio and podcasts while I work.
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