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Ask anything god will answer and make all things better.
Why aren't you at church right now?

It's Sunday morning.
I'm an Atheist who wants to find god but I always feel like if I do this, God will think I'm a bad person for just trying to get stuff for myself. Or think I'm bad for just believing to benefit myself. Is that really true belief? It's like being bribed.
I already went and the whole world is gods church.

From your post you have a heart. If you were bad you wouldn't even care, but you do. Its not wrong wanting something for yourself.
What does the picture have to do with christianity?
Do you not see the Shepherd with the camel? That's very bibley.
The giant with the sword in him represents when god smited all the giants and nephilim of the land for they were abominations.
looks like something straight out of dark souls
I rarely due secular things so I'm afraid I don't know what that is. A video due game?
yup, dark fantasy vidya.
Can I pray to God and ask for stuff after I jack off
Why has he led me to this situation
I don't believe in any of this god shit but my name is Christian so I'm allowed to post here
Yes most definitely. Right after you moan "oh god yes". That's the perfect time for you are in a mini state of bliss.

Its all part of gods plan. It even brought you here.
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>le god has created man and we should thank him everyday for it

our race became the apex predator all by itself, we didnt get help from god, it was our intelligence and cooperation with each other that places us above every other species

together we went to the moon, together we are understanding the universe better every day, together we are curing illness, together we can do everything.

Man isnt perfect, but the human race can still be proud of itself by accomplishing everything we have done on its own.

God didnt do shit, even if he created life, we still had to fight on our own. If anything the concept of god has hindered us in our development and has given bad people power that they do not deserve (see dark ages).

as Father John Misty said on his new album: it may be hard to accept but we only have each other (but that isnt a bad thing)

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Absolutely btfo

czech em
We never went to the moon. And those diseases we cured were created by us in the first place and there is more sickness created than humans are able to heal.

Together yes we can do anything but we are not together. We fight constantly.

Ironically enough the many thing we fight over the top is god?
I think not. Remember he is a vengeful, jealous god.

Divide and and they will fall.
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This is now an original get thread

God has granted those digits as a sign. Not for the more obtaining of digits. This is now a Christian meme and conversion thread.
>We never went to the moon.
ok then lets say we put something on Mars that sends us pictures. Also quite impressive

>And those diseases we cured were created by us in the first place
yeah maybe 0.5% of all diseases

>there is more sickness created than humans are able to heal
doesnt matter. the point is that we cure one every other week

>We fight constantly
true. as is said we arent perfect. But things are getting better objectively, and god has nothing to do with it.

>Ironically enough the many thing we fight over the top is god?
because he is used by people that have bad intentions.
The digits must now stop.
For the Glory of God!
Amen Blyad!
This thread is of the devil!!
We must repent of our sinful ways to find salvation, for the gates of Hell are wide and the doors to Heaven are narrow, but living a true and honest repentful life we can not only find joy on this Earth, with the fruit that God gives us and multiplies, but joy in Heaven as well.

Would you rather give up a 4 month vacation to the Bahamas, or a one night in the bar? Obviously you would choose the bar. So why would you still want to live a sinful life and face eternal damnation, when you can live a righteous and holy life, and be rewarded with eternal life?
Do you know how those diseases were cured?

Children and other innocent ppl were experimented on.
They were lab mice and they went through extreme pain and suffering.

Don't give me that humans are evolved crap.
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Remember that the stakes of sin are high. God loves us and wishes only the best for us, yet we are too blinded by our earthly and fleshly passions to listen.

Why would I masturbate to terrible porn, feel good for 30 minutes, and then feel guilty and terrible for the rest of the day, when I could instead repent of my sins and find the LORD in his greatness, whom will make me content always? Why would I destroy my familial life, condemn myself to being alone forever, when I can accept God into my heart and live a righteous and joyful life?

Such are the wages of sin, which gives little and takes much.
No need to feel guilty anon. Its perfectly natural, perfectly normal. Even animals do it.
*looks at thread* *breathes in*
We have to start another wave of crusade's. We must kill all the heathens who do not turn to Christianity. We must murder them.

fuckin muslims thinks that their god is better than ours.

let's have a good jihad
how do i get a pure christian gf
Masturbating to pornography is neither natural nor should be normal. It is a major instigator of five major sins.

And even Homosexuality

All of which must be repented of.

Matthew 5:28 - But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Galatians 5:16 - This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

And if one sins against his own body, he sins against a Temple of God.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

Ultimately we must remember that God hates sin, not you. And he hates sin because it brings suffering, there is not a single sin that brings forth good fruit, and every man who commits these sins will feel the effect of them, which is is ultimately unhappiness, unfulfillment, Nihilism, and suffering.
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How come God has not put a ninja greater than I on this earth?
Find an honest Church congregation and join it.

Orthodoxy and Catholicism are preferred, as they are both the Apostolic church, regardless of modern day corruptions.

If you suffer from anxiety or need support, feel free to join the Christian board on 4+4chan.

you have to have faith, god will provide
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tfw the one time i talked to a priest, he said i had a demon inside me and needed to be exorcised
A priest, of which denomination? This is very important.
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Russian Orthodox
And why did he say it?
Maybe because Dark Souls is heavily inspired by the medieval period which was when the church ruled the lands?
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>tfw no Christ-chan gf to nag you about not going to church every Sunday morning

Is there a verse that deals with this feel, Father Anon?
If anything I would like a gf that is Christian or willing to become one since my family is Christian.
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alaykum salam my friends
dont mind me, just making my way through :-)


You didn't talk to a priest.
Faith and complete devotion. You must be able to doe and kill for god. You must do whatever and whatever he says.

Complete obedience, not just faith.
So no sex at all because from what you said it is sin.

Well we are all good pure virgins here so no worries mate.

God will help you to find a wife if you truly desire one, and God agrees to helping.

But you must remember that you must go out and find one, the easiest way to find a Christian wife is obviously at a church. You surely however, cannot expect her to knock on your door one day and marry you. And you must remember to not have sex until marriage. For you need to know that you truly love her, because once a man and woman have sex they are married until death in God's eyes.

Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

1 Corinthians 7:1-40 - Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Faith and action Anon.
I'm super socially anxious irl but I do attend church.
>>God will tie your shoe for you but remember you have to go out and tie it yourself.


>that you must go out and find one

God willing, all of us will find the courage to do this! Thank you, Father Anon.
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Mark 11:23
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

With God all things are possible, but there is no man, save Jesus, who has enough faith to truly believe they can do things with God alone.

If this anon truly believed he could find a wife by God's will alone, then he would already have her, but as I've said, there is no man, woman, or child, save Jesus who could believe in such entirety.

And then you must remember, that it must be God's will that he grants it to you.

So, if you truly believed God will tie your shoe, and he would desire to, then your shoe would already be tied.
So god grants wives and sluts to guys who don't believe in him too?

There are many who have no faith in god but have wives and happy lives. By who's grace is this bestowed upon them?
No, they grant themselves wives, for they take action. If they requested God for a wife, yet had no faith, God would not help them in finding one.

Humans are all given free will, and you may very well find a wife apart from God, but if you seek God's help to find one you must have faith that he is helping you to find one.
What do you think about the new pope, guys? I know few catholics, but they don't sympathise with him
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no good spaghetti
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