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straw camel etc

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straw camel etc
Just because you married a disgusting slob whore doesn't mean they're all like that, you fucking loser.

Saged for being a pity seeking faggot.
I'm sure your baby will get a job when they are two years old. Calm down.
get a puppy and a blog
sorry about your problems, but this isn't a self help group.
Nobody cares. KYS.
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kek my gf farts too much too. More than me. It makes me sick to my stomach. She gets mad at the faces I make and that I won't stay in bed with her in the mornings.

haha this >>36629927

Either way. You ruined your kid by abandoning it.

You should have dragged her to therapy. Educate her on nutrition etc.

Stupid disgusting white trash american.

I bet you live in a trailer park and live off welfare.
yeah she's been doing this for a while

shut the fuck up. this did not start happening until she had me married to her. if you don't think this is the fate of all men who marry then you are retarded. you're perfect dream girl is not out there
Nice blog faggot.
You did the right thing. Find a new wife.
You did it wrong. If she isn't going to work she has to rear children, you were supposed to pump out a kid every 1-2 years until she had something to do so she wouldn't get fat. You build a solid family and reap the benefits of a large family in the future.
Shit bait

Well since you work in finance I assume you know how to protect your assets from a divorce.
recognize this will happen to you or suffer the same fate

she has done it before but not to this extent. it was just such a blatant disrespect towards me. it was like i wasn't even there

I will not abandon my child. I will fight for custody. I make the money is this house and she has a DUI from 5 years prior that I can use against her in court. I am not a redneck I live in a two story house and support us all on my own. fuck off
dude wtf... I've lived with my gf for over 7 years and I've heard her fart maybe twice.. on accident and she was very embarrassed but we laughed it off
Why didn't you tell her how much it bothered you when she first started doing it? What kind of woman is not ashamed to just fart in front of someone else like that? Does she have IBS or something?
time for the lead pill faggot
Make sure to exclaim "I divorce you" to make it halal brother.

Otherwise good job my brother.
thank you. i think so too. i just fear for my childs future growing up in a single parent household

she has plenty to do she just won't do it. and she wanted to stop at one
I'm married you worthless loser.
Have a great family. My wife is setting the table right now. I'm actually drinking a glass of wine she poured me and brought in here for me.
One is all that is needed, checkmate faggot
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If you divorce her you'll have to pay her for the rest of your life while she fucks random people in front of your son

It would be better to just get into a car accident with her and her not survive desu senpai , wear a mouthguard
I may be wrong, but somehow I think this is your fault.

Did she ever fart before you married?
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Nor the same situation but my wife is a retarded sociopath, and no matter how much I try to explain things it will not get through. She's attractive and people like her, but I only stay for the kids and it's not all bad. I'm done with chasing pussy and thinking love exists for myself. My children are all that matter. It only sucks I can't stand being around her and sharing a place with her, as she's also lazy and a huge slob.

Oh well.

>pay her for the rest of your life

plenty of ways to avoid that.
Is this a ylyl thread?

yeah, don't go to court talking about how she farts too much that probably won't go over too well
I have said things to her in the past but honestly I think I just fucked up. I never manned up and told her properly what to do and and what not to do. I've just been a big fucking beta and I'm paying for it. She's still a shit person though

Sure thing little buddy, just don't be surprised in a few years when she gets bored and starts cheating
pol is not your personal blog, fuck off faggot or kys
Lol is this real?
fkin newfag, gtfo pol
SRSLY fucking bbc andcnn since drumpf cucklection pol have become a nory board wtf
My brother Sharia has all the answers.

Simply say I divorce you with two witnesses, and then wallahi you are free to buy new wives. ENJOY!!!

Also alimony is not permissible and if the court tries to force you to pay it they will be arrested for Islamophobia.

>kys faggot
Ok, so maybe we do need the new board, since these fucking cum stain faggot worshiping cunts think this is goddamn /soc/ or /adv/ now.
you're own fault, really picked a stinker of a wife
>tfw married
>wife had a kid 6 months ago
>she weighs less than prior to pregnancy
>I put on 30 lbs

Feels good m8s
Oh, I recognize. That's why I'm a childless single man who masturbates to anime. I've never actually watched anime, but I'm timber framing a cabin on a couple acres I bought by not having kids or a parasite vagina.
Do you know what timber framing is? It's building without nails!! How cool is that? Have fun with your problems.
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WTF is this shit?

is this 4chan or facebook?

gtfo pol you cunts
>act like a spineless beta pushover
>get mad when your wife treats you like a pushover
>take your impotent rage out on your kid and ruin his life

Lmao. Why are you betas so passive aggressive?
Don't want a divorce. Don't want the kids put in that situation. She's okay, just not for me.
I broke up with my ex because of the little things, she would start farting and not shave her legs. You're too good for that shit bro, fuck her. Just keep the next one in line before she starts to drift off, thats all.
>marrying an older woman
Doomed from the start. You have to marry a girl younger than you and she has to be a virgin when you meet so you can imprint yourself on her brain forever.

I'm also sick of this world so I suggest you and I bro it up for a while hit the bars, smash some random bitches, shoot some guns, hit me up.
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you sound like a nigger
>Not enjoying a good brapkino

You fucked up anon.
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Id get fuckin pissed off if my wife was farting like tnat too.What a disguisting slob.

Ive probably heard my wife fart once when she was sick. She has shame.

Sorry to hear it man. You gotta try to resolve this though. Kids need both their parents and 1 home to live in.
where are the fucking mods
I'm pretty fucking sick of life but still not fond of abandoning a toddler

maybe once or twice on accident. she was never like this until she had me tied down

the worst part is i have had some cute girlfriends before i met her and generally enjoyed a sex life. now i wish i could go back. i do care about my son and just think he needs better in his life

Use your money to buy acres and land in secret, move onto it with a tiny house.

Divorce her and live in peace.
Word of advice, never marry a girl who isn't a virgin/you are her only sexual partner. Recipe for trouble.
Some don't respond to redpills. They will stay forever stupid and will respect you but not in a mature meaningful way.
It's OK brother Allah shall provide for them, just go make more brother and do not put up with her nonsense.
>not stop farting
PS, please tell the judge this is the reason you're divorcing her if a judge ever asks you. That needs to be immortalized in a legal transcript.

>Come home from work
>Wife eagerly awaiting me with a smile and look what I made for you and waves to it like shes some magician.
>Amazing plate of food
>Sit down and talk
>Honey I did that workout routine you recommended I like it I'm gonna do it every other day
>After dinner sit down and receive a back rub
>Followed by some sex
>Wake up to home cooked breakfast the next day.

You fucked up and your just bitter about it. I mean my wife may or may not be autistic because she only talks to me, her sisters, my mom and her mom and doesnt really go anywhere but a couple times a week out with them. But hey rather have someone shy and not outgoing then someone who doesnt respect me and is a bitch.
60+ lbs, you're not crazy, you made the right decision.
Get fucked Muhammad.

Take the child and take her to court for being a lazy degenerate fatass.
Fuck that retarded religion.
go fuck yourself fucking cunt kys
wtf is this facebook shit?
are you kidding me?
>I mean my wife may or may not be autistic because she only talks to me, her sisters, my mom and her mom and doesnt really go anywhere but a couple times a week out with them.

Literally perfect situation in my opinion, you've done well and I admire your life if you're not LARPing.
PPS you should've taken your son with you, wtf, don't be a goddamned nigger.
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gee, I wonder how women could have come to be like this.....and I wonder for what purpose would it serve to make white men repulsed by white women?
Shit marriage is the norm. Anybody that says different is a child. I agree with you though, get an autist wife. The good kind of autistic, though.
Man this honestly reminds me of my own dad with my mom. My dad still won't divorce though because he says he loves me and my sister and doesn't want problems but in private he keeps telling me about how my mom only slacks at home, barely cooks and cleans while he works hard each day.

Frankly I really don't want to live a miserable life like that, is the only solution to marry some immigrant woman?

My ex farts openly around her home and it's disgusting. Can confirm. It seemed to begin after our first kid and got more common as the relationship got rockier. Came close to marrying her. Still bang her when I can though. She also hates the fact that I'm the only decent looking dude willing to spend time with her and resents the fact that she still wants to screw after everything. Still farts openly, she is still disrespectful, it is still gross.
You did it man. The one in a million traditional wife.

There used to be more of them.
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>when your marriage fails because your bitch didn't take beano
So... your saying your wife is single now? Time to make that shiva film, she sounds perfect for it.
woman have been program by jews to do this, soon you will pay alimony and child support and the jew will take his cut.
congratz on working in finance and not understanding that everything is for the jew, what women need are sever beatings to allow for regular orgasms, ordinary women are not beaten at all and thus have difficulty achieving orgasms. they combat this lack of euphoria by eating.
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LOL but I am having a fun larp session.

This is now an Islamic larp thread.

Memri memes incoming, let's see if mods will throw this in the /trash/.
It's nu/pol/
Get with the girl that is nice but not up to your standards. They will come around but you have to settle for boredom, it's better that way.
>kek my gf farts too much too
Probably a lactose intolerant crypto-Jew. Get a sample of her DNA and send it to 23andme to be sure.
Go for a walk bro, get outside and refresh yourself.

Have you tried having an honest discussion with her about all this and how you feel?

Whatever you do don't hit or push a woman she will call the cops and you'll be fucked in a lot of ways.

>T. guywithdomesticabusecharges
i know a russian girl who is the complete opposite of this girl. we love eachother and she has the utmost respect for me. She constantly cares for me. But she lives far away, but soon that will change. Last time she came, i was on my way and she was in her hotel room and she spent hours designing a shirt for me. IDK how she did it, with thread or something by hand. Whenever I feel not good she tries to make me feel better. All I gotta say is, you're fucked. you'll never have a woman as good as mine. You should divorce her and MGTOW.
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acka akbrrrr
I feel your pain op, it easy for the other /pol/tards to say you had it coming to you. The reality is predicting how people will turn out long term is tough. Good people turn to shit sometimes, shit people go good sometimes. Thats why marriage is such a fuck deal. But past generations forced it down our throats anyway.

What I can guarantee you is this bitch will never be worth a shit as long as you are there. Leave her for her sake. Maybe she will appreciate you when you are gone and turn a new leaf. If so take her back. All this "working through" bullshit makes about as much sense as buying a lemon car with a warranty and paying to have it fixed daily.
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Let a female coworker text you and your wife will pay attention to you again.
>Getting mad
That's what she wants
Dump her like she's not worth a thought, that's how you win
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the jews are making women fart

/pol/ news at 11
Shit will get done around the house too
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That's a new one that is spicy my man.
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I have a hunch research supports that kids don't fare a hell of a lot better being raised by parents who despise one another than they do being raised by a single parent.
Have you tried talking to her about doing chores around the house more often?
Honestly settling for outside your race really sucks ass because modern society has ruined women

Imagine what I see and hear daily in my STEM classes in college, which are full of women. Basically, all the white girls are talking about how they refuse to do the dishes or clean, that they are above that and want a husband that will do half the housework. Nothing but endless shopping, gossiping and lazing around.

There are no Slavic women around here, Indian women are kinda stinky, I don't want Elliot Rodgers as son so no thanks to Asians, I also don't want to be beaten up by rough Muslim dad so no Arab gf. I am so fucked.
So...who's the qt? :^)

tell your wife this and not your internet friends, pussy
My gf of 4 years farted once next to me and I broke up with her on the spot. If she passes gas, I kick her ass out. Any woman that farts or disrespects her man is garbage and should be thrown out. Now I have a new, younger gf who has more control over her asshole.
>the jews are making women fart
It sounds unbelievable, but it happened!
You have been fart raped son. Get down the emergency room and call the cops NOW

I don't get too involved. I do my own thing and the kids don't know a thing. Maybe that will change but I will spare them bullshit for as long as possible.
Instead of talking about your feelings like an adult you freaked out like a child and almost assaulted your wife.

Sounds like you deserve eachother
wow, this is the first time I've seen a thread moved
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Sounds like your woman is passive aggressively farting to gain gender equality
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Well this is basically in the trash, maschallah my work is done here brothers.
Holy shit TELEPORT!!!
THANK GOD FOR MODS! finally! fuck you OP
I reiterate my initial query. For the purposes of research.
Newfag mod. These kinds of threads have been allowed for years.
Surprised it didn't 404 + ban, that's usually what happens to offtopic on pol
No parent says 1 1/2 year old, they count in months up until 3 years (36 months) fucking retard, EXPOSED NIGGER
As a fembot u made me realize I don't want to get married. I have too much pride. There is no way in hell I'll be doing this maid shit. I'd rather be a single mother
It's mods catering to the nu/pol/ masses who cry about threads and types of posters who have always been allowed on /pol/.
soft fucking mod, he should have banned that faggot OP for 3 days

We're literally going to have a /nupol/ board soon, how depressing.
Post before and after pics of wife plox
the nigger has been programed by the jews to do this. a nigger requires regular beatings and whippings in order to activate the higher reasoning part of his brain. the ordinary nigger is not whipped at all and thusly makes crucial mistakes in judgement, soon the nigger will be in jail and the state will pay the jew for incarcerating the nigger for 50+ years.

pics related is a nigger, notice how many times he needed to be whipped in order to act right.
a normal person will cease and desist after 1 whip, but a nigger needs many whips in order to activate the higher reaoning capacity.
It's pathetic. All of the posts about good wives are basically how their wives slave over them.

Is this what these faggots want? Honestly, I want a wife who is cool and smart, not some bitch to sit around cleaning and making me food. The only real traditional thing I care about in a wife is that she's loyal.
>Slave over them

You think working full time to support your family and then coming home and being expected to cook your own dinner is asking for slavery? Fuck off you absolute cuck, you deserve the degenerate overweight whore that eventually traps you with a child.
I would expect my wife to have a job, or at least some kind of super interesting hobby. I work full time now and make my own dinner. It's not that onerous.

But my point is that these people's vision of a "good wife" basically revolves around the shit she does for you (all shit you can do fairly easily btw) and sycophantic obedience. Nothing involving being an interesting person.

And my wife would have to be a whole foods vegan, so she wouldn't get fat
I'm not looking for someone interesting(Assuming you mean BLACKED by this), I'm looking for the mother of my children. It's a mans lot in life to provide for his family, I don't need a second provider I need the conditions to be right for me to do it alone.
I'm going to assume you don't understand that women's interests come almost exclusively from the interests of the men they've been with. If you want a girl with lots of 'interests' be prepared to accept one that's had the appropriate amount of dick to go with them.
A man's lot in life is whatever his lot in life is. Enjoy neither of you having a personality, I guess

also, your being obsessed with cuckolding is definiteyl not pathetic. definitely not
My last gf was a virgin before she met me, and she was a pretty cool person. We could have discussions about things that were more than "I did this thing you wanted, are you happy about that?"
Delusional, if you think you can live a life where your wife is a primary provider for your family and not be emasculated you are very ignorant. Probably <25 years old.
OP, I read your replies, and I have to say... you sound like a huge asshole. I kind of get the sense for why your wife stopped trying.
Did anyone say anything about primary provider. Hell, I even said "at least an interesting hobby", indicating that I didn't require she had a job.

And no, I'm older than that.

And I couldn't be emasculated because I'm a man, not an insecure faggot
Have fun with your 'interesting wife' who cheats on you as soon as she finds someone more 'interesting' than you are.
You are so terrified of emasculation, it's hilarious

This is why you need a slave - because you lack a sense of self worth
enjoy being a maid to your kids then
does she actually fart at you holy kek
You have no grasp on reality, can't wait to see how masculine you feel when the courts take your kids and order you to pay half of your earnings for the rest of forever.
You deserve better, but if you do leave make sure to stay in touch with your kid.
You people always equate "reality" with you worst fears. Enjoy living in a state of constant terror.
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If they are cute i would gladly be their maid. If not.....well, you know how it is.
>fucking up your child's life over some inane shit

Nice going. Go get some therapy and unfuck yourself, idiot.
>wanting to fuck your own children

This is what a lot of women aspire to be.

And they want this life despite being nothing more than a plain 5/10 not-fat women.

They think they can get me to support them for 60 years after they have gotten sick of riding the cock carousel and want to settle.

Fuck that. Rather buy me a few nice cars with that money.
w-what board am I on?
Fucking lmao dude. You married /r9k/.
But yeah, it's true that some women aren't bad but most are so the average robot is better off not looking for one at all. Especially if you're American.
>This meme.
It's probably a leftist at the peak of their 70 iq points trying to use reverse psychology.
Well, sounds like your marriage is over.
If you gonna divorce let every single one of the friends you and your wife have in common know exactly why you are divorcing.
Plus if she ever starts dating someone contact him and let him know EXACTLY what it is like to be married to her.
That plus the fact that she is a single mother mght ensure the she spends the rest of her life alone.
um... >>>/pol/123272505
oh.... >>>/pol/123276253
mods=gods etc
I was wondering why everyone was saying /pol/. Even thought it was a new hot meme.
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that sure would be an ebin may may there friend
As the son of a deadbeat dad, I just want to tell you that you can go fuck yourself you self-centred, egotistical prick. I hope you get AIDS and fucking die.
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Its better to be alone than with people who treat you like garbage. Hide some shit with Bitcoin
>If you complain about marriage you must be a MGTOW
Hes not a deadbeat, hes just gonna get a divorce
You guys are aware that women also process food waste through their intestines resulting in methane gas, exactly the same as men do?

Carrying on like women don't shit. Amazing.
Actually as a superstructure intersecting with social consequence, it can be interpreted as an explicit act of white male hegemonic penetration of the self and biological beingness.
Alright, let me fart all up in your face while you're angry. BRRAAAAAP but sto- BRAAAAPP
BRRAAAAP not gonna clean the dishes. BRRAAAAPP
Tried couple's counseling yet? Sounds like your marriage has been in decline for a long time and you've just let it slide right into the shitter.
well now you fucked up the kid. shouldn't have had kids with someone who was a fat slob you gobsheit
>omg she farted
fucking hell, humans fart
have you even been around other human beings?

>he doesn't have a fart fetish
sucks to be you, BRRAAAAAAAAAAP on, wife
>he fell for the BRRRRRAPPPPPposting meme
just kek my shit up
How the fuck is this original?

>"You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original."

>"You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original."

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>Everybody is ignoring the fact that OP's wife is lazy, disrespectful, and doesn't take care of herself

>Shits on OP because he doesn't like farts
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for real how does anyone get meme'd this bad

we told you bro
memelord /pol/ mods dump shitty threads on /r9k/
lol get fucked dirty robots, go outside if it pisses u off so much
ITT: perma virgins cucked by roastie vagina with faces.
yeah i was gonna laugh at op for failing to change the board on his bait post but i guess this really was a /pol/ original

good that it's here though because... wait... oh god, i'm not feeling too well...


... sorry, i'm so


... embarrassed....

it pleases me that brapposting is still a /r9k/ exclusive activity
>wife is being disrespectful
>instead of standing up for himself and confronting her like an adult he leaves her and his child and cries on the internet

If you're that fucking beta what do you expect-you think respect just falls right out of the sky?? Respect is something that you earn and no, cutting a check or slapping cash on a table doesnt earn respect either.

If you want someone to stop stepping on your delicate toes then you have to open your fucking mouth and verbally say "hey faggot, stop stepping on my fucking toes". OPs just being a passive aggressive little shit abandoning his child over his own failure as a husband and a father. OP, you should tell your wife to start cleaning, cook more, and take better care of herself. Stop being such a weak little cuck, man up already.

and no, hitting her won't solve anything either. If you're that fucking weak that you can't even get your wife to face her responsibilities without turning to violence or turning your back to leave then maybe your child deserves the miserable future you're setting up for them.
>Respect is something that you earn and no, cutting a check or slapping cash on a table doesnt earn respect either.

Marriage takes two to tango. Obviously the wife was giving up on not being supportive/active role to the relationship. I don't agree OP should leave the child, but I can see why he opt out from the marriage.

>OPs just being a passive aggressive little shit abandoning his child over his own failure as a husband and a father.
The husband is supposed to PROVIDE. He was doing just fine for 3 years until she decided to be a lazy slob. There's a double standards where the wife is allowed to be a bad parent/partner but not the husband.

OP's wife clearly lost connection with him. She too could just tell him why the spark is gone and how they could solve it together. Why does the male always have to initiate these things?
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