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Fembots, why don't you save robots by giving them the motivation

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Fembots, why don't you save robots by giving them the motivation needed to try and succeed in life? Boys are very easily motivated, it can be as easy as telling them to try their very best. If it doesn't seem worth your time, keep in mind that they would probably be more than happy to buy you figurines or cute things with their wages, since it's all thanks to you after all.
Girls don't want to be a cheerleader

We want to be the hero of our own story
Cheer yourselves boys, you are real men.
What story are you a hero of? The one where you're a useless NEET or a worthless roastie whore?
>mfw my motivation is to remind the femanon that hurt and used me what a worthless piece of shit she is

she did a great job motivating me imo
>>mfw my motivation is to remind the femanon that hurt and used me what a worthless piece of shit she is
>she did a great job motivating me imo
Yeah, this works very well on boys too. What did she do?

Fembots, why aren't you emotionally abusing robots to turn them in to Evil Chads?
Everyone has issues. Mutual motivation would be nice, just trying to cheer on some guy with a bunch of emotional baggage would be difficult and not worth some trinkets. It's only worth it if you love the person and they're mutually helping you
>wants a manic pixie dream girl to save him from himself

What if I want a perfect guy to do the same for me instead of being the supporting npc to another person?
Then you need to save each other.
Two people who are shitty and miserable will only keep each other down
It's completely unnecessary since you will be fine regardless due to being a girl. Robots are the ones capable of greatness with a push that they won't otherwise receive, and their only alternative is absolute demise.
>since you will be fine regardless due to being a girl
This mentality is why you're alone.

Girls have it far easier than guys, it's true. Girls live a more comfortable life than a guy. That doesn't mean that our lives are always perfect, happy, or anywhere close to ideal. If things were really as good as you think, why would I need to 'save' a robot instead of just living in bliss? Your own thinking is counter to your desires
>why would I need to 'save' a robot instead of just living in bliss?
>lmao, like, why would i ever do anything for anyone else? umm, helloo? like why? what do i get out of it?

>Robots are the ones capable of greatness
>capable of greatness
You're all hypocrites. You call guys who are doormats who live entirely for a girl cucks but demand that girls live that way for you and if we don't we're selfish roastie whores
Why not both you self centered asshole?
OP was writing about a female saving him. She suggested the reverse. Why not say that to the first post?
give me one example of a woman that needs any form of help and is not receiving tons of it

this is the difference

Why can't I find a girl who wants to help me improve who I can also help improve

we can motivate each other

>why would I need to 'save' a robot

>Making yourself feel higher by slumming with the less worthy
>And then even 'saving' them, no matter if that is even what was asked for
>financial gain
Or you could simply be bored for all we know.
Are you this person?


Because if so
>give me one example of a woman that needs any form of help and is not receiving tons of it
>this is the difference

makes you look a bit hypocritical compared to
>Why not both you self centered asshole?

Even if a woman has it better, relationships don't work when if it's one person emotionally dependent on the other. It takes mutual involvement to support each other.
This is literally my hobby. I add guys from different places on the internet, talk to them and flirt with them, and convince them to get fit, get a job, and so on. I have a reward system where I send them pictures and give them attention when they improve. Once they're back on track in life, I just leave.
Because I get told I have a god/savior complex even when my intentions are good. Even if I just try to make some vocaroo thread or something taking requests for good nights or i love yous, I get called an attention whore.

One of the reasons I am even on r9k as a female is to try to help people or just brighten their day a bit.

So, tell me, how do I prove my heart is pure?
>So, tell me, how do I prove my heart is pure?
you cant because its not. you are just using people to feel good about yourself
Just do it for free. You get attwntion.
You might help people.
People might be jealous or mad.

In the end, you benefit people that need it.
People that are mad don't need to listen to it.

You gain nothing but attention of anons and it's free both ways.

Please tell me "jontron dodged a bullet by not being in yookalaylee".

Thank you.
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It's literally free.
People that want it get what they want.

It's mutually beneficial you idiot.
Do or don't, it don't matter. All females are roastie whores by default.
I often have to go through a lot of torment before these people trust me and we actually get anywhere helpful, sincere, or meaningful. If I wanted to feel good I would go literally anywhere else on the internet. It wouldn't be worth it if I was just doing it for my own personal gain. There are plenty of other ways to virtue signal for praise in this world. It just wouldn't make sense to put myself through all the bullying if it wasn't actually offering something meaningful to someone else. All that aside, is it really that bad to do a good deed from a place of ego? You're still doing a good deed in the end.
>All females are roastie whores by default.
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I wouldnt mind helping someone. it wouldnt even benefit me at all since my life is irreversibly ruined
>how do I prove my heart is pure?
I wouldn't know 'pure' if I find it naked in my bed.
But it would damn well help to just do your good work, and not be busy lauding yourself onto your own pedestal. That shit is in a way even more disgusting than sluts letting their orbiters do that for 'em.
>my life is irreversibly ruined
how so? are you a grillerino?
>It's only worth it if you love the person and they're mutually helping you
That is true but usually when you help female, she realizes her worth and leaves you in dust.
I do it for free already. I've turned down multiple requests to buy me gifts and send me money (not looking for ass pats for this, just saying).

I can understand it gets tricky when people develop feelings for me, but I do everything in my power not to lead people on or hurt anyone. I make mistakes but I'm trying my best.

Do you want me to say that thing in the quotes on a Vocaroo?
>So, tell me, how do I prove my heart is pure?
you persist

this place is filled with people who cannot help but see the entire world as hostile, why would they see someone who wants to help as trustworthy?
I already have a spiritual practice in which I focus on dissolving ego and releasing attachments (which includes attachment to praise, popularity, etc) and that extends to this as well.

I dislike any further notoriety than using my beloved waifu reaction images that can be recognized as avatarfagging

I understand this applied to my own paranoia. Thank you for the advice.

Deep down, robots wouldn't know what to do when they no longer feel helpless and depressed. Not saying that all robots are terrible people. These are people that never experienced joy in their developing years. A woman shows up in their life, offers them kindness, and helps them become a better person. Now this person who has been scorned and criticized all his life has to power to venture outside his room without shame. He hasn't learned humility, forgiveness, and empathy. He speaks and acts without considering the feelings and wants of others. He's critical of how others and act and doesn't realize he's acting just like the type of people he hates.

I try helping robots, but once their shyness and insecurity goes away they become super cocky and self-serving. They haven't learned to enjoy the company of others since they spent 1/4th of their lives being quiet and alone. They only hang out with others when it benefits them (free ride, free sex, free food, help with errands, leeching, etc). You can date a robot for half a year before being sexual with them and they will slut-shame you by talking about how much of a slut you are to their friends or on 4chan. Or they show your nude pictures to others. They mock you for every imperfection you have and expect you to accept them and all their flaws.
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suddenly everything make sense
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Because fembots don't exist, and every last ""female"" on this board is here for the sole purposes of scoring easy attention and possibly oribterbux. >>36544463

The retards in this thread that enable trash tier attentionwhores would be infinitely better off sorting out their own pathetic trainwrecks they pass off as "lives".
>I already have a spiritual practice in which I focus on dissolving ego
Does not work very well when you still feel a need to tell us about it.
Otoh I enjoy being cynic about people, so I guess you are on track with good work of brightening a robots day at least.
>a sociopath who literally abuses and kills animals and extorts large sums of money from suicidal people by emotionally manipulating them

>same as some random lonely girl
>ugh, like, never fuck a robot
>like, the dude I dated was such a robot that he said he got "shy" sometimes
>never making that mistake again ugh robots are so lame
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>lonely girl
top meme

Try reddit.
>try to help Robot
>he's so clueless about how life works that even when you try giving him a job he screws it somehow because you weren't there to monitor everything he was doing

A lot of Robots are helpless and screw up every golden opportunity due to not being to think clearly under pressure or plan ahead. You literally have to hold a robot's hand and think of every possible way he could screw up a simple task and talk him through the task so he doesn't screw him over even more.
Can you get me a job? I'm a good worker, just don't like interviews and stuff.
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>t. RPing losers who have never made a remote attempt to help a robot (or anyone else for that matter) but want to whine about them regardless
People don't meet off 4chan as often as the shitposting leads you to believe, newfags.
women want men who already are successful. They won't date the broke college kid even if they are in a lucrative field.
i, a roastie, am volunteering to be someones motivation house goblin
Do you want to motivate a sad tranny to be better
Sounds like you were un lucky once or twice bub.
>house goblin
do you mean literally?
>house goblin
Stop playing to my monstergirl fetish or get some green paint, your call.
>lonely robot lives in the same city as me
>we talk for months
>we hang out, but we have never been in each other's homes for 'safety reasons'
>a year and a half into our friend he invites me into his home to introduce me his family
>he lives with his sisters, his parents are passed away
>after being greeted by his sister, eating their food, and talking a bit I go to the washroom
>I go to the upstairs one since I have to take a shit and don't want them to know
>after I'm done I walk downstairs and overhear him talking about me to his sisters
>he's saying "She's really nice. Never expected that I could make friends with a girl as cute as her. She's also Jewish too. The money schemes she comes up are ingenious!"
I've done that with my bf, but I'm not doing it with anyone else. The possibility of them falling in love is too high-also I want to motivate myself as well.
tell me of your schemes
Yeah sure. It won't make me feel better about myself, but if I hear good things about others I cheer up a bit and it's believable. Thanks again.
Yeah I hear that. I start having deeper intimate feelings when someone even talks to me sometimes.
I am trying to do this for somebody right now, but me being with them and rooting for them doesn't magically cure their depression.
I wish it was that easy and that I could make the sadness disappear.
>being with them and rooting for them
That's useless. You need to force him to do it. Just make him fall in love with you and then tell him you'll leave if he doesn't get his shit together.
Not them but what if they don't love them and just want them to be happy?

What if they did that and when he becomes happy it's over? Should they leave him then? Kinda doesn't work unless they want to ball n chain with him.
Do robots actually deserve saving though?
>Do robots actually deserve saving though?
To be honest, it's hard to evaluate which robots only need encouragement to grow a pair of wings and fly into the world and which will forever be dependent on your mothering. I'd say give everyone a chance but cut them off if they start to show qualities of an emotional leech.
>Just make him fall in love with you and then tell him you'll leave
Good way to end in the evening news.

In a world where rapists and murderers end up finding good jobs once they're out of prison it would be unfair to say that law-abiding robots don't deserve a shot at redemption.
Some do, but the failed normies do not. Failed normies will resist encouragement and always wallow in self-induced depression. A robot will get giddy with joy at someone giving them the time of day, though they will try to hide it. They will also be angry at themselves for trusting and caring about someone who might ghost them without a moment's notice. And if the person does eventually cut contact with them it will only hurt the robot more and make him less willing to trust others.

So are they worth saving? If you think they have potential to be a better, happier person and you enjoy spending time with them, absolutely.
Fair enough, I suppose. Seems like hassle to me, but kudos to anyone, man or woman, who's generous enough to spend time helping other people feel better about themselves.

Oh, I don't think they're irredeemable or something. But 'deserving to be given another chance' isn't the same as 'deserving a personal cheerleader to give them that chance'.
>Seems like hassle to me
Because you want the end product and dont want to put any effort into relationship.

I think we've got a crossed wire here. I'm not asking for anything here, I'm >>36548965. Was just curious about people's thoughts on whether or not what OP was asking was a fair expectation.
i will paint myself green and garble at you all day if you provide me a cushion to sleep on
>We want to be the hero of our own story
Don't you mean "the princess"? Otherwise it's pretty understandable to be honest.

>those who tried and failed don't deserve a chance
>but those who were always a piece of shit do
Kill yourself, you'll do everyone a favour.
>those who tried and failed don't deserve a chance
>but those who were always a piece of shit do
When did I say that? Or should I just reply kys, as having an argument with purely ad hominem attacks will surely result in a worthwhile discussion.
Less garble, more impregnation sex.
Alas, I am not into trannies, hrt or anyother brand of nu-females
I'll motivate a robot
What can I do though?
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Do fembots enjoy having sex with guys?
I'm not discussing anything with you, I just want you to off yourself.
i have a naturally occuring vagina
where are you from?
>I'll motivate a robot
but you're a guy
I'm a girl (female)
So what can I do?
Be my gf (male (female)).
motivation? that's a pretty broad statement,motivation with what and will that person even want some random fembot giving them possibly false words of encouragement
>So what can I do?
be in relationship with robot.
Well I've tried because it feels good to help but usually bots shrug me off by telling me I'm a desperate whore

All so jaded it's not even worth the effort
Females who do enjoy sex as much as guys do seem kind of a rare breed, like guys that never quite stop fapping six times a day or such.
I think they enjoy thinking about sex and making shit up how others will think about them for that at least as much actually doing it.
>implying I want to contactfag and get murdered by a woman hating bot
is there anything I can do anonymously?
Like vocaroo or advice/encouragement?
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Not if the guy has a 2" penis like you, Ruggatism
>grubbing for attention on /r9k/
>not a desperate whore
fugg off :-DDD
>Like vocaroo
Read this

One day you'll find the one.
They won't be perfect, but they'll be better than you ever imagined someone could be. They'll eclipse whatever or whoever has held your mind hostage so long. They'll fill in all the empty spaces you thought would remain forever vacant.
You'll look back on these weeks and years of cynicism and pessimism and laugh because you know it turned out all right in the end. You're only regret, if you have any, is that you didn't try to search out this person sooner. But even then, you won't really mind. You're with them now and that's all that matters.
You'll be happy, robot.

I know it.
Euro, and probably old enough that your mom should be a valid dating choice. But thanks for playing.
Case in point, thank you
bitch thats cute but as cliche as that is, things don't always turn out that way for people.
>things don't always turn out that way for people.
People usually give up at sometime in their life.
you are on /r9k/ for every decent conversation you will get, 5 others will shout "roastie cunt" for the sake of it.
>And that's the story of how the human race died
that and all the other reasons
A hero saves someone
>all the other reasons
Such as?
and robots only are like that because 90% of the time someone claims to be a girl they're mentally ill, or a tranny or catfish
that was so fucking gay.

people necessarily don't have to give up to never find someone, sometimes you will never find someone who generally completes you, look you can find someone you enjoy being with that doesn't mean you'll find "love".
>sometimes you will never find someone who generally completes you, look you can find someone you enjoy being with that doesn't mean you'll find "love".
You are correct but sure people usually dont find a person with whom they are 99% compatible but even 70-80% is a good deal.
>in b4 "what is love "
Also sometimes people who just enjoy or can stand being around each can grow into completing each other.
Hell, half of the olden times marriages probably worked out that way. But they had a reason to deal with the bad parts and make it work, today that is no longer the case. Gotta be perfect now or we'll swipe right for the next try.
>Gotta be perfect now or we'll swipe right for the next try.
Neither men nor women have patience to work it out in relationship, you're either perfect or out.
>but even 70-80% is a good deal.
i would say that would be down to the individual, maybe, personally i would prefer someone to be very compatible if were gonna give it a percentage then about a 90% if you can even categorize that shit, while i know thats high i would prefer someone who'm i'm gonna spend ( at least at the moment in time) the rest of my life with to be someone who i can relate to and have a lot of common ground with.
>the rest of my life
Sadly but people change throughout time. One day they're 90% but after some time it barely reaches 20%.
>Gotta be perfect now or we'll swipe right for the next try
That statement is very fucking true actually.
I don't use tinder or any dating sites but people do have this notion of quick spontaneous love in there heads.
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>One day they're 90% but after some time it barely reaches 20%.

yeah that...that's fucking true.
>people do have this notion of quick spontaneous love in there heads
They feel entitled to the blazing love from the spot without doing anything make the fire burn.
a person is their own motive power-if you need someone else for ANYTHING-you're a sack of shit and should die.
but I don't want a roastie or a house goblin I want a real human bean
Don't fall for this meme. I've had one relationship, and it failed because he was so depressed, unmotivated and angry. I tried so fucking hard to motivate him and make him feel even the slightest bit better, nothing worked. Depressed people have to choose to improve their life, someone can't force them to.
Because they'd rather be busy getting assfucked and then beaten by Chad than do something decent.
>Don't even need saving
>No female friends

did he have depression or was she just down and moody a lot?
and when they get over dependent on you and become abusive, then what?
Figurines just arent worth it
See, that shit is why we don't accept fembots as true robots.
If women could get halfway as bad, there would a female bawwing about "no yandere neet bf" by now.
a guy can dream though...right
I'm not her but here you go
Lemme guess

Eastern European?
Not only does it help delude people but it makes people dependent on you
>tfw single robot and you don't want to be motivated bc life is worthless, we're all gonna die one day, all our memories are made to fade in the eternal continuum of time and our projects fail since the start.
>I tried so fucking hard to motivate him and make him feel even the slightest bit better, nothing worked.
How did it go? Did he tried to talk you that it's all useless?
>and when they get over dependent on you and become abusive, then what?
Maybe you should stop screwing everything up for once?
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haha god isn't real!

I'm pickle rick!
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no fuck you stop noticing my existence
How did you guess? Damnnnn that's good
Your accent actually isn't that pronounced, it was only the way you said yookalaylee that gave it away
Nah he had depression, he was on SSRIs. But he was down and moody very often.
I would be like, you can succeed, but this is exactly what you have to do in order to succeed. And I would suggest what he could to do solve his problems, but he completely lacked any motivation. I tried many ways to comfort him or help him feel better will no avail. He never outright told me that what I was doing was useless, but he seemed very indifferent when I gave him advice, suggestions, or comfort.
Thought so... Thank you anyway
>when that accent slips in a tiny bit at the end

problem i see is when it comes to depression nothing can fucking change that shit emotions can't be changed like a switch, my ex would often try to get me to open up but i just couldn't.

obviously it effects every one diffrently and it depends on the severity of it, the worse it is the harder it is to sort yourself out with it, i do understand though that you at least tried to help your ex through it's just sometimes no amount of a advice or comfort will help.
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I don't want a girl to give me false hope and cheer me on when she actually doesn't care for me.

I want a girlfriend who will support me and allow me to support her mutually.
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I tried
>Being this delusional about female nature.
If women see a weak undesired man they rather see him dead, why would they give him motivation? Weakness as man is not allowed, the women should feel safe with you.
the stronger a person, the more shit they have to take from weaker people; strong people don't cause problems for any1
>that accent
>that stutter
Cutest thing I've heard all week. Keep being you, don't let anyone bring you down.
Is that a New Zealand accent?
M-may I have your discord, please?
>that little stutter

Oh god my heart
you sound like a fucking retard, now off yourself

>tfw you literally try everyday but just get disregarded as a roastie whore for mentioning being a girl. I'm probly just a big of a NEET/recluse/ loser than you bots. I'm free to talk to anyone, I'm not showing you my titts and I'm not getting the fuck out so REEEEE
here's some real music for you daft ears:
gimme ur skype
>sometimes no amount of a advice or comfort will help.
Yeah, I realized that. Honestly I simply wanted to temporarily distract him from his misery just for a fleeting moment. Even that would've satisfied me because I know those feelings really can't be changed or turned off by just giving advice, like you said.

I have discord you can talk to me on for now. I don't give out my skype. at least not on here.
search for me: 8184592049
on skype
I don't play games, games are for non-creators
on second thot, if u have discord maybe we shouldn't talk
Personally I am very shy, whenever a robot finds out I am a female it's usually something like "RRRREEEEEE ROASTIE GET OUT"
so i get out
aw bitch u just need a hug, but if u need a hug then u need to gtfo cuz that's pathetic
Are you a qt originally?
>daily suicide threads
>any type of advice in other threads gets met with: GET THE FUCK OUT NORMIE REEEEEEEEEE
>can't even let your guards down long enough to get a different perspective

It's pointless to even try anymore here.
Cheerleaders are only for ultra Chads.
Advice goes in /adv/. It's literally a board rule you fucking newfag.
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tfw no cute robot bf, to give motivation too.
If I got even one hug a month my days would be so much brighter
Its hard to know where the balancing point is on those things.
Because no women really want to be with a dude in clear need of "saving".

At least not in the way you poor fucks need saving.

Why is this something you try to do everyday?

Do you want to be emotional support for some caterpillar-into-butterfly robot or is it just the companionship you're looking for?

Its just that 'everyday' seems like a lot. Maybe there aren't as many robots with growth potential as people in this thread are assuming.
>implying they'd actually improve and not just expect sex from me
Tell us your story, mang
>tfw don't deserve motivation or help
>tfw need to seek it from within
i'd just drag them in the mud, really not worth it
Hey, moralily.
You can be my gf and give me motivation.
>it can be as easy as telling them to try their very best
Not always. Esp when your robot NEET friend is clinically depressed. Also that is much more true when you're single and make yourself available. I always tried to motivate the "friends" I made here, however my boundaries were very clear.


Whats with the quotation marks?
Because it didn't last
What if they're not clinically depressed?
Tell us your story, come on.
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