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Why the fuck am I attracted to 11-14 year old girls. How to fuck

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Why the fuck am I attracted to 11-14 year old girls. How to fuck do I fix this guys please help.
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I don't see the problem desu.
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I'm disgusted with myself desu
>I'm disgusted with myself
Why, though?
I'm attracted to children... is that even a question?
That's not an argument.
Why are you disgusted by yourself being attracted to children?
You can't, it's the way nature intended.
They're attractive because they're pure and they have really nice skin.
Women know this and hate men for it.
That's also why they use so much skin lotion, thru want to look younger than they are.
Then why is even looking at lolicon seen as evil by the majority of people?
Keep repeating the same dogma over enough of times and people will follow it mindlessly.
Easier to go with the current than against it.
It doesn't count if it's a drawing.
It doesn't count if it's a drawing.
It doesn't count if it's a drawing.
It doesn't count if it's a drawing.
It doesn't count if it's a drawing.
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We live in a world ruled by women.
Women dictate what is socially acceptable, and men just say don't question it to avoid a fight.
Because the majority of people are, as cliched as it sounds, unthinking, conforming sheep who will take whatever values their surroundings currently hold as absolute fact and good.
These, desu
Are you sure you don't just feel disgusted because society told you you are "disgusting"?
Are you attracted to real deal or just lolis? It doesn't count if its 2D, the way they're drawn is supposed to be oversexualized and unrealistic.
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That's probably the main reason actually
I want to tell you to kys but you probably won't do that so it's useless. Go to a psychiatrist and fix it. For real.
both friend but only a select few real ones but I'd never sexually approach a kid
I can help it dude it's just how my brain is wired
what is the psychiatrist going to do, hypnotize him into preferring cowtits?
I feel like I should also mention that I'm attracted to grown women as well
No, you shit. You crave the thrill of fucking someone who's easily to manipulate and can't give full consent. You get hard on the thought of ruining their lives forever. It's like that, even if you're not willing to accept it. Stop trying to put the blame on society for being a disgusting piece of human trash and go fix it. Or remove yourself from society.
That's some heavy duty projection right there.
Why are you being so hostile to, OP? He's nothing but nice and asking for help, and you scold him right of the bat.
I'm just attracted to the way they look not all that mental shit, it's not my fault you were abused as a child.
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who hurt you dude?
Yes it actually is your fault. People like you and people who enable it. Being attracted to prepubescent children is not normal. OP asked how to fix it. Go to a psychiatrist, there are ways to help you anonymously before you fuck someone's life over.
>'d never sexually approach
above 10 they aren't kids you know
they also have a way better personality than older girls
>babbys first psychology lesson
Also, get off my board you normalfag piece of shit
trust me, there is not way I'd rape a kid, I'm happy with lolis for the rest of my life.
Where did Opsay any of that?
>go to a psychiatrist and fix it lol
yeah okay have fun getting questioned by the police when you actually try to get "help" OP
The other guy is a brainlet normalfaggot that literally cannot even comprehend the possibility of people different from his world view
Psychiatrist don't know shit to be honest.
Keep it to yourself and try to get another fetish as bandaid
Do not talk to anyone about the fetish because they will just snitch on you thinking you're stalking kids in a bush or something

When their "help" is throwing you to jail to get killed you don't need their help, if you have to fap keep it to drawn loli, never get any real material for yourself because that shit makes internet police jizz themselves when they find it on your search history or hard drive

Best thing to do is getting another fetish to get into that helps you get over drawn porn, even foot fetish is better socially than loli, if you ever get busted even with the drawn shit your social life is over

To normies even drawn loli = violent sexual predator that stalks people in playground or some shit, they don't realize even robots don't want to hurt actual little kids
I hope you're raped by big black dude with a giant cock who is 'brainwired' to destroy tight little robot assholes.
Thanks for the advice dude, I'll keep all that in mind
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but 11-14 is pubescent and post-pubescent
prepubescent is an entirely different ball game
reeeee why is gay shota rape only okay if it's interracial
fucking cucks off my board
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You've been raped a few times haven't you son
>being THIS butt hurt over literally nothing
Chill, dude. Soothe thy rectum
>supply and demand
>to each his own
>rule of the masses
>definitely not artificially inflated supply by shills

Stop mutilating your kids Jews and Muslims, you're kids are unbearable psychos from their trauma
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post cute lolis
wew lad this is some autism if I've ever seen some
Just leave the guy alone, he is clearly a closet pedo struggling with his urges

Best cure is to find a band aid fetish to replace it with

And psychiatrists don't have the cure so don't bother getting listed to a sex offender list for wanting help
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My comment is not original in the slightest and therefore i have been muted for 2 seconds, it is unfortunate that the mute system is a piece of shit and has not been replaced, it doesn't remove spam it only forced users to spam their posts full of useless shit to avoid it
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loli waifus for all
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>irl legal loli gf
I made it, thank god
fuck off FBI, nothing illegal about it if she's actually 18
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I actually have a chance with a 19yr old too, i think she is into older men (25ish), met her first when she was 16 so i steered clear like she was a plague victim but met her a few weeks back again and she seemed to be into me still

S-should i?
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does she look like a 14 year old too? I'm incredibly lucky though we're both still virgins

even if she doesn't, go for it still for sure, young is good enuff
Well due to my height her head is to my shoulders /nipple height, she is pretty flat and has youthful face + she is pretty skinny

Will feel weird walking in public with her though :>
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>be 3rd grader
>think girls in 3rd grade are pretty
>now be 21 years old
>still think girls in 3rd grade are pretty

I surely can't explain it.
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If you're not ironic, try infinity's childlove board. There are threads with good discussion there. It's unbelievably slow, however, with maybe one post every few days. It's practically dead. Worth a look at, though.
Get off the internet for a while.
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pretty good

yeah I know that feeling, I get looks occasionally and my parents thought I brought home one of my younger brother's classmates. parents probably think im a pedo. whatever tho, worth it
It isn't by the majority, it's just that too many people are in power that are VERY old and have daughters and grandaughters. To avoid fucking their own they have a taboo set in place for themselves. It's got nothing to do with you regardless of what they think. It's their own cognitive dissonance and projection that is the insanity. If you don't get whyboner.png then there's something wrong with you physically or you lived a very sheltered life.

Just don't diddle any kiddies or engage into actual CP and live with yourself.
/childlove/ returns 404 on infinitechan
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Thick, full grown women > everything else

Go find a thread for THICC women in /s/, /e/, or /h/. Condition yourself to like real women.

The prime breeding age for a woman is in her early 20's. Lolis are fucking degenerate. Also THICC doesn't mean fat, thick means thick in the right places.
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I've been sexually attracted to "cute" things over things traditionally considered "hot" since the age of like 13, so I doubt I'll be able to change anything to that extent.
The entire site got hacked on April 1st, most boards are still down.
People can be conditioned to like certain things. Just consume more media with full grown, thick women and you'll like them. Watch Sekirei, High School DxD, or High School of the dead - they all look early 20's. No more moe anime.

Youre normal

Society isnt

Its only a matter of time till society changes its mind about hebephilia like it did about gays

Till then youre oppressed

Hebephilia is natural and normal and even pedophilia to an extent

Shit i left my trip on brb van
There is no such thing as moe anime, and those last two shows take place in high school.
Senpai, I'm not a lolicon or shotacon, but your forcing this fucking Tumblr shit on people is really starting to work on my last goddamn nerve, you know? You keep pushing this goddamn meme, and instead of making me want to fap to some used-up urinal cake OL, it's making me want to see her THICC ass get chopped up with a butcher's cleaver. I want to see her fucking tits get blown off with .500 S&W. I want to see all the feminists' dreams of betas accepting them for their fat asses and huge noses melt into guro and dogshit.

There's nothing less arousing than being a good boy for social justice's omnipresent gaze. The more you try to sell this, the more I hate it and the more I hate you. You feel me?
>have to go wipe my HD
Aha. You're right but aha.

I go as a martyr

Remember my sacrifice and keep the struggle alive
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SJW's push fat acceptance. I push following your biological urges to be attracted to women with more fat on their thighs, tits, and ass, and slender on their waist (This means higher estrogen levels).

Whatever you wanna call it. No "cute girls" anime. Also those last 2 are just examples of what thicker anime women look like.

The prime age for women to have babies is early 20's. They can have them as early as puberty, but that's just because in older times it was better to rush getting a child than be killed off or not have a surviving child during your fertile 20's. Nowadays we have modern medicine and society's so complex that it's much better to have babies as close to the early 20's as possible. Unfortunately women are having babies in their mid 30's to 40's nowadays because "muh career" so babies are getting shit like autism.

Dubs of resistance to oppression

As if you should only be allowed to fuck women in the "prime age for having babies"

It takes cougars off the market for example
Amanchu, for example, is a "cute girls" anime. Yet the characters are all tall and curvy.
I'm about to follow my biological urges to punt that chunky bitch's teeth across the room. She's gonna have high fucking cortisol levels after I finish coloring "Starry Night" on her stomach with a bat. You know how they always draw milves with that stupid-huge gap between the nose and the upper lip that makes them look like an Englishman sucking his teeth? That's a landing strip for fists.

>that artist

Top tier taste my friend
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Personally im attracted to pear shaped women
>B-C on the breast department
>Hips and ass you can grab (not the black THICC bs variety, if her hips/ ass are wider than my shoulders we have a problem)
>Shoulder / shoulder bone length straight hair
>Clear colored irises (hate dark shade irises don't know why, seem really mundane for me)
>her length doesn't matter to me at all, can do it with a midget or amazon i give 0 shits because i never considered length to be issue to me
>tfw 14 is legal here
>tfw 13 yo boy is into me and I can't understand why, but I still wanna make him dress in girl clothes
Probably you never had a GF in HS and that left a gap in your heart
Move to pakistan anon there is no age of consent. And its sand nigger territory so u dont need consent anyway because women are possesions not people.
tfw gay is natural /born dis way anything else needs to die by fire silly normies when will they learn
om nom nom

>gay is natures way to thin the flock
>when the competition among the tribe gets too harsh the weak males "turn girly" and try to attract hyper masculine men or other girly men to survive

Ayy nature done meme'd you homo
>ywn have a daughter that looks like this
She's so cute
If it's not normal, then why has it been happening over a long period of time, at a rate that is consistent?
why has it always been around through human history ??
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Also mental development stops around mid 20's and at least cougars are mentally developed and possibly won't have babies due to being menopausal. So it's not illegal, but heavily looked down on.

I'm attracted to pear or milk & pancakes. I just want something thick on a woman to squeeze and kiss that isn't a belly or manly arms. The bigger the better as long as it doesn't go to her belly and they aren't fake.

Also height is important because a short girl's "thick ass" might actually just be smaller than it looks.

Clear irises are preferred for me too, unless it's a girl with pale skin, black hair, and black eyes. I'm a sucker for them.

You're splitting hairs. You know what I mean.


If you can't help this attraction then it's not your fault. But acting on this is disgusting, immoral and illegal.

Well at a certain point theyre developed enough to be able to understand and appreciate sex as well as know what they want sexually.

Its earlier than you think.

What age did you start being interested in sex for example?

>Look at me im a moralfag

You know the aoc is 14 in a lot of countries including parts of civilized europe and even less in some other places?

It was also in the single digits in parts of the USA until about 100 years ago

And society somehow didnt fall apart despite this
>pear or milk & pancakes
you're into vore is what
For me the ass is the go to place for hands, as long as she has wide grip ass doesn't matter if it looks smaller than it is, there is something about short girls looking up at you that gives me a funny feeling in my tummy

But the long hair is a must, i hate dyke hairs, long straight is the only thing (maybe curly long but that depends on the curl level, no nappy though), and no fucking rainbow colors, natural colors or red are the ones for me
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But this is wrong

Thats very different from something consensual and loving
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That's the image the regular citizen gets every time they hear about pedo's and loli

>consensual and loving marriage to a child
Oy vey
so if some of the pakis were consensual and loving to the little lolis, fed them curry and took them for a nice ride around the estate in their 2004 mercs it would be completely fine?
How considerate, wtf I love 'sheeds now
>as young as 11
>pakis and mudslimes in general being loving towards females
In their countries women are basically pets, you know how weird they see it when western people treat their pets well
i think a 15 year old has a crush on me and shes mega qt
im 20, what do
Go for it. It's not weird unless you make it weird, as long as you act confident and comfortable about your relationship people won't care. As far as the law is concerned, let's be real here, are you going to fuck her anytime soon? Probably not, and if you do, just make sure she's not going to squeal. Hell, even if she does, who cares, teenage pussy is the best thing this world has to offer, just neck yourself if you get sentenced to jail and die a happy, fulfilled man.
im like 5'3 too so people wont even know i am 20
thanks for the advice
You cannot fix what is not broken.
>You know the aoc is 14 in a lot of countries including parts of civilized europe and even less in some other places?

And in some places it is 18. So what?

>And society somehow didnt fall apart despite this

>if society doesn't fall apart because something, then it is completely ok
wth she looks like quicksilver
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