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Last Text A Female Sent You

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Related or otherwise. Yep, it's another one of these threads.

Pic related is a girl who liked some of the shit I post on Normiebook. She seems like good people but I didn't know if I'd actually known her from somewhere so I asked.
>I don't know if I wanna see you anymore, I have my doubts and I don't think that would be the best to do after all this time...

Jeez. That AND you were off by one, fuckin' Double whammy right there
>Sorry I fell asleep for a little nap but I'm back apparently
It's not in English, so no point screenshotting, but
>Anon, [local concert] is on the [date], so be free on that day. ;P
Told her I made a note in the calendar, she replied with fireworks emojis.
Humblebragging: the thread

A month ago I asked this girl in my class about a lecture I missed. That's it.
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girls like me because im schizophrenic and 90% of them are into psychology

and she said it in an original way!
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Is it weird that ill know what underwear her mom will have?
Isn't schziophrenia scary? Are you just so used to it that it doesn't other you anymore. I have panic disorder and even the thought of schizophrenia send me into panic because I thought I had it multiple times lol.
I love these reactions. Oh, you've suffered from schizophrenia your whole life? Have you ever tried meditation? I think that would fix it, it helps me. Oh, just put on some headphones to sit in silence. Not that it matters that the problem exists in your mind.

I got told once to try taking magnesium supplements.
for some reason this is qt as fuck and I don't know why

I'm just imagining some cute girl with a nice inflexion in her voice saying "Digimon?", as if asking for validation that her assumption is correct

Loneliness is one hell of a drug
>it was bionicle
You're her gay friend or male girl friend she can show her new underwear, knowing he wouldn't make it sexual. Also you sound thirsty as fuck.
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>im 10 min away be there in 5
She was taking me home from work because I was covering her shift.
>you don't even know what you're talking about. oyasumi nasai!
Cringy ex-coworker black weeb girl who found my snapchat username somehow. Pretty sure she's in to me but not sure if want.
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Best gf ever tbqh senpai
Wrong on both accounts my friend
Girls that send you memes are valuable and to be protected
she's a good girI, my favorite one actually
I've seen this shit before, you're talking about Your Name, right?
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need me a bitch like this tbo
Tfw no female has ever texted you
>I can't stop. This is why I don't play videogames.

My best friend. I'm in love with her and she has a bf
Hahahah omg anon I've only posted this 3 times over the course of like 2/3 months and everytime you ask me that. I love you anon
>female (male)
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Make me
all fear is fear of death and i don't fear death anymore due to reasons.

they said schizoid personality disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar 1, bipolar 2, depression, some other shit and threw various forms of lobotomizing drugs in my face it's all just a guessing game to attribute symptoms to a term and throw the appropriate chemicals on top of them
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aw you guys are so cute :3
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Haha that's cute anon

I was like you anon but if I can do it so can you.
>My best friend. I'm in love with her and she has a bf
You're not alone bro, you're not alone.
Nah nigga I posted a Your Name thread after I saw it last week, and you posted it.

Unless there's some timefuckery afoot this is the first time I've responded to you.
>Hey baby did you get home okay?
>are you okay text me back
>I really miss you

left my phone in my backpack, didn't mean to make her worry
I didnt post this last week? holy shit I bet someone took the photo and roleplayed with it

awww thanks
So you're comfortable having auditory hallucinations throughout the day? I don't understand...
>everybody has the exact same set of skills that i have
you people are fucking pathetic
bruh I have no skills that would help me get a girl. I just styled up a bit and it worked
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>r9k is full of larping americans

Who would have thought
she sounds like the shallow type. For your sake, I hope you don't wife her.
That would make some more sense.

Anyway glad you're happy with someone. I'm getting over an incident involving me asking my oneitis out (she said yes but in my opinion she only did it because she thought I was high and wouldn't remember so she ghosted me when I brought it up again) so at the moment that kind of happiness is a dream to strive towards.
yes, reality of appearances isn't objective anyway as all perception is individual no matter how slight the degree askew. I just attribute it to the devil or some spirits or god and move on with life
you still got a girl so that means you're either lying or a pathetic idiot
>Just be yourself bro

holy fuck dude as hard as it may be to face cold hard reality, the fact is it's 100% YOUR fault that you're alone, not societies, not because you're a "robot" it's because YOU ARE A PIECE OF FUCKING TRASH. Your defeatist attitude doesn't serve any argumentative purpose, you're just desperately trying to perpetuate your paradigm onto other people and it's effectively dragging others into the same pit you've made for yourself.

The cognitive dissonance is unbelievable.
What makes you say that?

Well anon its good youre getting over it cause now you can move on to bigger and better things. You dont have to be stuck and can move forward.

Or I was just lucky

Dude like being yourself doesnt work you have to play the game. Put out some bait and when you reel them in and take them home then you let the real you come out. Thats what I mean by "style" be fake
She might seem so in this example, because her aunts constantly give her shit and tell her she'll never become a nurse even though she's gotten almost a 4.0 GPA in college her first two years, but she's not really shallow at all.
>brag brag brag
she really is, anon
>just play the game bro
>reel them in bro
popculture memes
i suffer from some mental illnesses that cripples my social behavior, i am not a piece of trash on purpose.

you are right about that, for me getting a girl would be akin to a lottery win and i'd much rather win lottery.
She takes pride in her success. I do the same shit. When we're successful we like to throw it in the face of the people that said we couldn't be. I don't call that shallow. You might, but that's up to you.
>it's 100% YOUR fault that you're alone, not societies, not because you're a "robot" it's because YOU ARE A PIECE OF FUCKING TRASH
It's because I'm incurably ill and physically can't go out. Tell me more about how we're all blessed with fully functional bodies.

You have mental illnesses? Wow so do I. I suffered for years and I was an outcast all throughout highschool. I didn't even know how to say hi to people when I was a senior, I had to go through years of behavioral therapy and I'm still a Schizophrenic. I have no sympathy for you. You may not be able to control the fact you have a mental illness but you can control what you do about it. The fact that all you do is complain on the internet instead of solving your problems is the reason you're as you are now.
>every mental ilness and person is the same
>because I can control my life, you should too

Not that anon but kill yourself
>all you do is complain on the internet instead of

>if I can solve my problems, everyone can
You've just gone full circle.
dudeeeee cmon man im trying to be real with you. fuuuu man stop being so damn salty. Im sorry I talk like a valley girl im from socal so I speak like that but im honest

haha thats what I thought anon. This girl is so great that id much rather be with her than win the lottery. well maybe im just blinded by love

find one online and then from there meet up. thats what I did at least

I really want to believe that you're actually incurably ill and not just LARP'ing fake excuses to make my previous statements not apply to you. So I'll write this post as if I did believe you. Yes, the fact that you're incurably ill is not your fault. However, it is unbelievably puerile to spew vitriol to other people who've managed to become happy because you were dealt a bad hand in life. Want to cry to people who don't even know your name all day? Be my guest, just don't expect me to pity you. Or care when you tell me to "gtfo normie reeee!" Because we both know that's not going to happen.

>You don't understand, just because you've managed to turn your life around doesn't mean I can, I'M ABSOLUTELY HOPELESS! FEEL SORRY FOR ME REEEEE!"

Stop playing the victim card, it's part of your problem.

I never once said every mental illness is the same, stop putting words in my mouth. I'm saying that there are ways to deal with MOST mental illnesses such as therapy and medication. But you also need to put in a modicum of effort yourself.
modern medicines can't cure my mental illness, there is literally nothing i can do about it.
>tfw schizoid
>tfw autistic
>tfw really badly traumatized
>tfw dissociative disorder
>tfw can't remember what happened yesterday
>tfw not sure if this all is just a dream
so you can fuck off with your shitty schizophrenia
>find one online and then from there meet up. thats what I did at least
That's just not how it works when you spend most of your time in a bed.
You said anyone can do it. I proved you wrong. Nothing more to argue about.

>Long list of problems

And? So what? Everyone has problems, and even though a solution may not be visible doesn't mean one doesn't exist. Spending your life withering in your own self-resentment isn't making it better. Don't be a victim, Of course you're a fucking victim.
The most special snowflake alive, ladies and gentleman. We're not sure how he's alive, but he is.

Anyone can be happy despite their living situation. That is a fact, and you're right nothing more to argue about.
you can still find an online bf or gf anon
as i said before, there is no cure for these illnesses. it's most likely i will have to wait for gene therapy and nano technology about 20 years and they still might not be able to do anything about them.
ITT happy positive normies visibly uneasy after having their entire worldview shaken by the sole existence of people with actual problems
dude like what conditions do you have?
For what purpose, I'll never be able to take it anywhere meaningful.
i already told:
i have never received a text from a girl on this phone, and i have texts going back to 2013 still saved

I never once said the solution was to cure your illness. Anyone can find happiness. You look at someone with a significant other and you feel such bitter envy that they were able to achieve that. You're so lost in your vision of what happiness is that you've lost sight of what would actually make you happy. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE can make their own happiness. Besides, have you seriously convinced yourself that having a gf would make you happy? Because it won't, I can 100% assure you that the pleasure will be short-lived and the feelings will wither and you'll be exactly where you are now. I'm not you, so I can't give you the answer. And it's hard, fucking god it's hard. But just because something's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. And even if you fail, anything else is better than sitting here cementing your bitterness towards the world.
OP here, this thread went off the fucking rails somewhere around here: >>36333797
i feel the bitter envy only because my amygdala starts to overreact to shit. i really don't even want a gf because i don't see any value in a manipulative whore.

That...That doesn't even address the main point of my post dude...If you continue to pathologize your life you're going to pathologize the entire society.
Dude I totally don't believe you at all though
I hate that assholes cand find love in other assholes. My gf and I are too pure for this earth.
You're an alien to us, just click the small X on this tab and move on with your life.
>never become a nurse
that's not a particularly lofty goal.

i hope you two are happy though, she seems cool.

Scroll up and you'll read where I said that isn't going to happen. Do you all just regurgitate the same beaten to death responses to anyone to violates your fragile hugbox and shows you how retarded you're acting? It's like this board is full of people who never graduated highschool.
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>All these normies

Why would I even have any girl's number besides my mom's?

>violates your fragile hugbox
This is what our sole existence is doing to your hugbox. Your kind comes and goes, and never understands.
She is. We've been together for about two years now. And since she's always been relatively poor and she's the first person in her family to go to college, being a nurse is, to her, a lofty goal.
Uh oh anon. Does your GF live in Avondale, AZ, USA?
>going to college to become a nurse
American education ladies and gentlemen.
>what is nursing school
all post-secondary education is called "College" here.
faggy euro, why don't you ever appreciate american culture for what it is, instead of being offended by how we phrase things.

I fail to see how you don't require medical knowledge to be a nurse, which is obtained at a college. You're a fucking moron. Or It's just different where you are. Here, the nursing students get cycled through actual hospitals and put to actual work to make sure they can handle it. It's like a 2 or 3 year program.
You need to go to college to be a nurse, however you just need to go to a Community College with a nursing program.
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>"goodnight nerd"
>that last meme
kek that's fucking hilarious. Keep her
Oh the irony
Get a gf khv
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Bbycakz wished me a good morning
gonna hug her and then rub my peepee in her vajayjay on wednesday lmao ~
You have the autism my friend
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>voluntarily cockblocking yourself
"Are you going to have lunch before you come, or would you like me to sort something?"

I love my mummy
Not a text but a call
Annoying fucker was trying to sell me insurance
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muh gf

The only thing my mom ever sends me are stale memes from yesteryear. She recently discovered cat pictures.
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Huh there you go.
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Your reaction is the reason these threads are made. Please continue.
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What part of this is humble
this thread is about as humble as a fucking sack of instagram models
Well since I deleted my facebook and dating site accounts, I don't have any but last time I was talking to a girl turned out that she only finished elementrary school, I was like bitch you are 21 what did you do for the last 7 years then? (elementrary school is 8 years here)
Because it amuses me. In a very original manner.
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TFW no qt alt gf, I'll make it one day, can't really hold anything against her
Honestly at least she apologized for leading you on. Not many girls will do that. She's cool in my book.
Nearly would have preferred her to be a cunt desu, she's a cool girl which makes it hard to find a new girl
do you have no compassion for your fellow man?
I feel you anon. Just give it time.
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>I like you
>a lot

am i gonna make it
My advice is to just stop trying. Let the ladies come to you. Be so invested in your own affairs that you become a hotshot success that is appealing and interesting to all women.
No, no I don't really have much empathy at all. I would offer advice and stuff to anons here, but when you do that they just sperg out and say they have mental illnesses and it's not their fault at all, so I've given up trying to help. Now I just laugh at them, because I used to be like them.
Alan stop posting and go back to abusing Bri
you are heartless. some people here legitimately are mentally ill and have no hope for their lives. i am sorry for those people. disgusting.
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Berlin here I come
I'm not. One can find happiness in any situation. Instead you all wallow here in your own self-inflicted misery and self-perpetuating sorrow, and so I come here to laugh.
>One can find happiness in any situation
holy shit lol. have you seen the mental illness threads here? you're fucking deluded. now laugh at my dead corpse
You're the deluded one if you believe that your situation dooms you to eternal unhappiness. And why would I bother laughing at your corpse when there's plenty of other "m-muh mental illnesses" anons on here that are still alive to laugh at?
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Is it autism?

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one day you'll see the error of your ways

You fucked up anon
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part two

now shes translating Russian greentexts for me
But there isn't any error in my ways except for those that you're applying to them, anon. And I don't recognize the opinions of disgusting robots.
>Me: morning
>Her: Morning (spock hand emoji)
>M: Tremendous high
>M: Mind to give me a brief chronic of the night? I barely remember anything
>H: We had a great time
>H: You were drunk as hell haha
>H: We went to this bar and then we were dancing to Music Band's music in this other bar
>H: Then we went to this other bar
>H: And we tried to go to that bar but it was closed ao we took one last drink at that other bar
>M: It was epiphanic when they played Music Band
>H: Hahahahah yeah
>M: We'll have to go out some other time
>H: Yeah!
>H: (black dancer emoji)
>M: (black hand throwing the metal sign emoji)
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>Look at my baby shower nails, ignore my fat sasuage fingers lol.

This is my ex gf that that miscarried then 6 months later she cheats on me gets pregnant with some fuck named Steve

Sauce on that hentai? Sounds sweet.
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she didn't respond because she was at work.
that's what i'm telling myself, at least. it's going to bum me out when she ghosts me if that happens.
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>my post kills the thread
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>don't remember the last time a female texted me
>texts from a female nowhere to be found
>I think you have the wrong number

orignal content required
Found it.

It's from my sister and it's just link after link of horrible Jojo porn because that's our shared shit sense of humor.
Either I have something of problem, or that shit was very very insincere. It seems like whatever she did that wasn't cool barely registered to her.
If you're us, this is the way to get older women that don't want to have fun anymore and want a safe man to look after them
Not the guy you were talking to but I hope for both our sakes we never cross paths in a way that lets me recognize you as being this anon from this thread
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I regularly give short responses and or don't respond for a few hours/days - she insists that I'm her boyfriend and that we're dating despite me repeatedly saying no. I can't post those too if you guys want to see how little chill this girl has.
>Hahahahaha wow well I'll definitely give my honest opinion

Omega af, kill yourself thirsty nu male
i'd like to see how little this girl's chill is, anon
Jeez man. Nothing reminds me of how depressed I am more than r9k

feels like bullshit

looks like bullshit

your not getting laid

also you sound thirsty af
Every time you reject her you hurt her feelings, she hides it well.
ignore her
why'd you respond you cuck
No matter how cringe I try to be with her she persists - her persistence is admirable honestly.
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Needless to say I didn't answer her
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Her second attempt trying to get my new address.
>i can cook so i'll send you some food too
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She's a bit loopy
>Just tell me when you're done eating.
>lol the thing is i have no idea when ill be done! go have fun though haha ttyl
But I didn't have fun
>im the one who likes pain remember
s-she looks like a qt

why won't you give her your address?
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Not the guy you were responding to but why? What are you gonna do? If you think you can physically threaten someone, I doubt it. If you think rage is some sort of substitute for strength or training, it isn't. You will literally do nothing if the guy walked right up to you and confidently said, "I'm that guy who goes on /r9k/ to bully robots, you got something to say to me?".
Inb4 normies ree or something
Ahahahaha this makes me hope we do meet somehow. What are you going to do about it?
She's definitely cute imo, anon.

I have a gf ~ I literally just want to be friends with her. I don't want to block her because it's a shame, but it's long overdue honestly.
Holy shit just go to /soc/ you attention seeking cunt, fucking retard normies like you don't know how good you've got it
are you into cucking or something? what's going on here
are you a literal cuck anon
I think we're both getting into hearing about the other person's exploits, but that's all.

I have a 6.5 inch penis and her bf atm is like 2. We used to bone.
how do you not get jealous hearing that shit? I get physically angry if some chick tells me all about her sex life and how she loves getting dicked
he's gonna fuck her husband
I think I do get a bit jealous but it isn't some all consuming hatred or anything. It's probably what makes the kinkyness of it enjoyable. That and knowing she'd still sleep with me regardless of the other person and her status with them helps.

Probably also because I've gotten/get plenty myself.

I mean of course girls like getting dicked just as much as guys love plowing some pussy. Same coin different sides
not him but I realized my cuck fetish came about as a result of my inferiority complex/defense against rejection/being cheated on. I remember specifically being angry and upset as fuck when I learned my gf kissed her ex but then seconds later turned it into arousal and jerked off furiously to it. At that point I definitely knew it's a defense mechanism
Ew no, he's totally not my type. We're probably going to bang tonight or later in the week. Her dude doesnt know about us.
This thread just entered the cuck zone and I'm getting the fuck out
theres no cucking here other than memeing robot anon
You're right - my apologies anon. I do love to browse this board though, and it's healthy to see females getting rejected too from time to time.


In context:

>something about the nectarines we buy...the insides are brown
>that's weird, does that mean theyre too ripe?
>means they are going bad from the inside out
>oo weird...maybe they've got a fungus
>yeah sure, I can help you in UBRS tomorrow!

that was 3 days ago...
Well good thing I do strength training. I've got a back-up if my rage doesn't cut it.
>texting a female that isn't your mom

i thought you guys were all mentally ill like me?
>girls like this will likely never like me
>you will never throw rocks at this anon's head
Dude there's fucking zero justice in life man what the fuck
A female to male trans guy asked if work was open on Good Friday

Probably doesn't count, as he's transitioning.

A girl I work with sent me "Jesus Christ is my nigga" about a week ago. It's an in joke stemming from some video she showed me ages ago.
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>polite, normal conversation
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>I mean of course girls like getting dicked just as much as guys love plowing some pussy. Same coin different sides

I would chemically castrate myself but I need the testosterone
>You are so gay, so gay
t. my sister
Why wouldn't they like you anon?

Why the rocks? Is it bad to want a girl as a friend? She's nice and fun to talk to..
Thread posts: 181
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