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Does anyone else think it's odd how something like ISIS

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Does anyone else think it's odd how something like ISIS even exists? How the fuck did that happen?
This is not the first caliphate, nor will it be the last.

Islam, not even once.

How it came to exist on 2017 is due to leftists, they love Islam and would love a world wide caliphate.
no joke
What do you mean by "odd"?

NATO bombed the shit out of Iraq back to the stone age and left without taking responsibility leaving a huge power vacuum. ISIS was inevitable.
>How the fuck did that happen?

Why exactly do they love it so? It's LITERALLY the ONE thing that's the most anti-feminist in the universe.

kys you filthy islamopologist


You tell me. The leftist ideology is full of paradoxes.
ah gah, violent jihad existed long before nato. try opening your mind a little. just research the logo isis uses.

if i had to pin it to only one thing, isis is the result of mohammed starting islam but not establishing his successor.

then there is this >>36213812 when you are in the desert people kill for the little stuff that will keep them alive.
leftists don't like right-wing people

Right-wing people say Islam is not good

therefor, Islam is good for leftists

This is THIS simple. They will advocate anything as long as it's seen as bad by right-wing people
Why hasn't it collapsed into a mess yet? It's a highly functional chaotic MESS! ANOTHER PARADOX!!
all this technology, yet whities can't put a finger on the sand icies

white ppl suck and are primitive
Drought had a huge effect on the local area.
Of course it's not the single factor, I'm not a reductionist. You seem to be one though.
the opposite. how are we still not banging objects off each other's heads? we have race mixing and other predatory activities like the EU which is screwing over third world countries so why aren't we all doing shit like this

It is collapsing, you're watching the west collapse right in front of you.


You should seriously rethink your retarded fucking thought.
Muslims are fucking stupid is why.

Patiently awaiting crusades 2.0

I hope the day comes soon.
leftist love islam because there is a system called islamic socialism. you need to look into how conservative real communism is. all the degeneracy is used to erode the culture leftist want to overtake. once the degeneracy is fully rooted, leftists come in and purge the hell of it. islam is a useful tool to purge degeneracy. after the purge, the society to turns to islamic socialism, or just socialism that fully accomodates islam.

progressives are not the end game, they are the means. the end game is an authoritarian leftist government.
Leftism doesn't care about women.
Leftism doesn't care about gays and trannies.
Leftism doesn't care about immigrants.

The only reason it gives a shit about any of these groups is because promoting them damages Western society and undermines its foundations.
Islam is also anti-Western, they don't care that it conflicts with the other values they claim to support, because all they really care about is that it is detrimental to Western society.

They're not really pro anything, they're just anti-Western.
>You should seriously rethink your retarded fucking thought.
Literally not an argument.


>expecting arguments to counter his non-arguments

>muh drought

Is literally not an argument my dude.

It's pure concetrated Islam.
Exactly. The entire west, not the SJWs and feminist specifically.
Any organization can be it least partially understood by where they get their funding from. Look to see who funds/funded it and you'll know.
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Muslim countries have a youth bulge (lots of angry unemployed young males) at the same time as USA is fucking up their shit, internet is showing them how backwards their religion and sexuality are, and their economies on the verge of going to shit as US+EU transitions from oil/gas to renewables

Add in climate change, CIA, foreign meddling, and relentless bombing and it's a recipe for disaster...if ISIS ever goes away, another organization will step into its place.

Yet Christians, and other religions in the same regions aren't creating their own Islamic State versions.
This is called intersectionalism, it's when a leftist takes any problem and tries to connect it with their ideology. So Isis isn't just another jihad group like the region has had before all the shut the poster just talked about, no, Isis is because of the West, climate change, and the Petri dollar.....what a joke. Isis is violent jihad, that's it.

They're half-true, but they are doing everything to AVOID having to call out the fact that Islam is to blame.
>he fell for the isis meme
Islam is much more aggressive in nature than any other major religion.
i think it's fucking epic. they can do it because of all the oil money.
They are true in every society, so we are going to have to look for the thing that is true with Isis but not with other societies or Islamic groups. What is that? It's violent jihad.
Oh, of course, al-Baghdadi and his lieutenants are all secretly leftists! How did I not see this sooner

Does anyone else think it's odd how something like this thread even exists on r9k? How the fuck did that happen here?
Not the fault of Islam. Blame U.S. foreign policy since the Cold War. Only real reason there is, and continues to be, instability in the Middle East.
Not Islam. If you actually knew anything about the religion you would know that its ideals and practices are very much antithetical to those of terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Thought this was common knowledge by now
Are ISIS members bros with each others? Like, what do they do inbetween terror acts? Do they hang out or play videogames together?
C to the I to the A
I don't know, but at least they aren't the ODIN agency.
It isn't. Name one thing in which they betray their religion and I bet I can find some other text or verse that gives them the permission to do exactly that.
Religion, not even once.
Not even a fedora.
Yeah it's odd, someone is wasting their life trying to crack the code of imageboards. I'm more surprised there aren't humorous replies like free waifus or some shit like that, usually you post a question like op just to see where it will go
>"Do not go about commiting iniquity in the earth and causing disorder" (29:37)
>"They seek to create disorder, and Allah loves not those who create disorder" (5:65)
>"Seek not to create disorder in the earth. Verily, God loves not those who seek to create disorder" (28:78)
>"...whosoever killed a person...it shall be as if he had killed all mankind" (5:33)

just a few verses to show you how fucking stupid you are

Islam is a religion of peace, acceptance and unity - not this bloody martyr shit that ISIS has going on. Just a group of people who misinterpret their holy texts. Not like it hasn't happened before.
pretty sure they literally shoot up with heroin, watch footy, and jerk off
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mmmmm yes crusades 2.0

{spoiler] stfu you cuck Christianity is dead [/spoiler]
underrated, did kek

also because the imperialist agenda is being enforced only in a half-assed manner. funnel drugs into those countries, attack their ideologies the way the soviets did and supplicate these damn nations

until we get heavy handed and stop pretended to be good guys over there to save the oppressed people there will never be any peace
Same goes for the right wingers and shit from the left. I'm a leftist and I don't exactly support Islam. I don't want to deport all Muslims and force them to stop practicing their religion anymore than I would people from hardcore Pentecostal Christian churches. I believe that people should have the right to practice the religion they want as long as they are not harming others. Unfortunately when that line is crossed is a very difficult thing for government and law enforcement agencies to determine. So yes you can mark me down as a person who supports people being able to practice religions that fly in the face of my own political ideologies. People on the right should want the same thing because in the hands of the left such restrictions could fuck their own religious allies.

what if we just want to get rid of God?

we don't need him any more, it's time for humanity's collective consciousness to retire that ancient ideal
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
Just one of the many passages about how to deal with non-believers.

Religions are full of contradictions.
I'm not saying all of them are bad people, but you can't cherrypick and ignore the bad parts of this religion because someone else will surely do it the other way around.

There's no contradiction. "Innocent" has a definition in Islam.

I'm an ex-muslim. I know what constitute as innocent in Islam is very different, eg:

>If you leave Islam, you are not innocent.
>If you are a homosexual, you are not innocent.
>If you have sex before marriage, you are not innocent.
>If you are a man and dresses like a woman, you are not innocent.
>If you criticize Allah, his prophets and his friends, you are not innocent.
>If you disbelieve Allah (pretty much everyone in this subreddit), you are not innocent.

If you are any of the above then that makes killing you halal (acceptable) in Islam.
How are you going to do that? Through something like the Khmer Rouge? The Chinese cultural revolution? Really if that's your goal the best way is through having reasonable discussions with people. Don't act like an edgy fedora and try to piss them off. You can't force people to think something, at least without being brutally oppressive and making things far more shitty than they are now.
Nation destablilizing from United States government+CIA funding.

suddenly im acting like an edgy fedora , despite suggesting a whole 0 of the things you listed?

this is the part where you neck yourself my man
Because some people just wanted to fuck up our reputation even more, so they created ISIS.
That takes courage. Isn't it basically open season on you if anyone finds out?
You are misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not accusing you of being an edgy fedora. I'm just saying if that's how you decide to act you will turn people off. You can tell people why you disagree with their beliefs without personally insulting them. That's how you plant the seeds of doubt. But if you're mocking them and being antagonistic they're not going to want to hear what you say.
your advice was far out, man

also entirely unwarranted, thanks for the enlightenment though sensei, i'll keep that in mind the next time i decide to waste valuable oxygen attempting to reasonably discuss the God out of people (something you have clearly never attempted to do)
mhm, and i just found out

you should realize the westerners will never accept you, but who am i to do anything, i'm a moderate Muslim who knows that you are an ex-muslim. im sure allah will deal with you himself, i have no need to interject.
>i'm a moderate Muslim
No you're not, you're a fat white neckbeard killing time until your next plate of tendies.
>in this subreddit
LARPing: the post
I wouldn't want to do it. I'm sure it would have mixed success but the same kind of tactics that lead people to religion could probably lead them away from it. The knock on the door, the friendly tone of voice and discussion of personal beliefs, and maybe the atheist version of a prayer group. Instead of discussing the Bible you could discuss science. It's not a bad idea. It would give people that sense of belonging without any of the cult like social restrictions.
Christian and other religion versions of ISIS existed for nearly as long as those religions existed. Its extremely recently that all of the infighting in Europe ended, but thats mostly because they started focusing on fighting other countries together

Organizing atheists is like herding cats. They have a huge independence streak. Generally the trend with leftists is that they're poorly organized because of this. Religions and right wingers are more lock step joiney types, who just follow the herd, and lefties are a reaction to that.
Yeah I understand that. Us lefties are getting better at organizing though. The indivisible groups are a great example of what can be done. The Internet makes these things easier. There's a lot of infighting though, progressives vs regular old Democrats. That shit is holding us back more than anything else.
>Hey, do you want to murder innocent women and children and draw the ire of nuclear superpowers worldwide while possibly sacrificing your own life and spending years upon years torturing people for information so you can extort and rape civilians at your leisure

I dunno, that all sounds pretty convincing

nigger the knock at the door is just the hook with the bait

it takes years of brainwashing to fully commit people to a religion, and years of deprogramming to take them out of it, often involving traumatic life events where they question the authority of their god figure or his earthly agents

see: mormons, scientologists, jehova's witnesses, any abrahamic faith, japanese doomsday cults, etc

how many people have you watched either turn from religious -> agnostic -> athiest or the other way around?

i'd be willing to bet it never happened quickly, and they probably lost friends/family associations as a result of it. i know i did, and many who left the church before or after me did as well.

it's like a mental illness that has its root in a childhood trauma: you have to treat it, and that takes time and investment
Everything is connected. Issues hardly exist in a vacuum.
Which is exactly why I'm saying having someone experienced, or a group of people with experience, could be helpful to anyone who is considering it. Religious organizations operate in that way. If you ever want to get someone on the phone you won't have any problem doing so and they'll talk about any of your religious questions with you. They might beg for money after but that's another story...
>see: mormons, scientologists, jehova's witnesses, any abrahamic faith, japanese doomsday cults, etc

Evangelicals and Muslims too. It's all the same.
These are both true. Islam is distinct from western, Christian culture, which the right tries to protect. Leftists not only want to fundamentally disagree with the right and virtue signal the top group on the oppression index, but they see western civilization as the most destructive and evil culture on earth, even though it's the only one that protects their right to spew such drivel
As their neighbor, it isn't odd at all, more like inevitable. Militant jihadists that want to bring the caliphate back have been around since the caliphate first fell. We've mostly been able to keep their numbers low enough over the years, which meant most people didn't even care to know about them. Their current forms such as ISIS and Al Qaeda are merely due to the western imperial powers realizing that backing said militants is a much swifter way towards their goals in the region than say backing secularist authoritarian regimes. These guys are like a magic brush, just send them anywhere and the public opinion will practically beg you to bomb the shit out of that place, instead of them being a bit more reserved about cities that have stood for thousands of years being leveled like sand castles. Secularist Arab leaders always have the tendency to actually be pragmatic in a lot of situations, making certain demographics of the west understand where they are coming from, and kind of mind going to war with them when they have outlived their purpose. These guys just outright say they want to decapitate whitey, ain't no one gonna mind you wiping them out when they've done their job.
>but they see western civilization as the most destructive and evil culture on earth,

That's the post-modern left. They also hate the Enlightenment.
Uh, no. That's not at all what we are doing. I have no problem with Christian culture as long as it's not forced on me through government. I don't want to live under the western Christian version of isis anymore than I want to live under the middle eastern Muslim version. Fuck that.
I've fought sandniggers, trust me my friend, if we didn't have armor and air superiority, if it was actually like the crusades of old, the Muslims of today would literally reach the western coast of Europe in less than a generation. They are the exact same savages they were back then, how about most European men?
So which connection is the root cause of Isis? There are characteristics this group has that others dont
They exist in a time where there are resources available to them that other groups would have never had. The most obvious one being the destabilization brought on by the Iraq war. The use of the Internet to effectively recruit was another big one. The rest was effective strategy, bringing in foreign people to enforce their laws that can't even speak the same language as the people they are oppressing so it's harder for them to care about their misery for example. Using the people in their occupied territory as meat shields is another one. They are truly awful but most people don't realize the scale of the awfulness and think we can just bomb them out of caves like their predecessors. I can't blame people for being uninformed, I can't even stand to spend too much time reading or watching documentaries about these wastes of oxygen.
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Okay, why aren't countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, or India (200 million muslims) up in flames?

Why are terrorist attacks by Muslims in Canada or Australia (both have large populations of them) so rare?
>Okay, why aren't countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, or India (200 million muslims) up in flames?

SE Asia has a differnet form of Islam that takes a lot of buddhism. Indonesia has sent a very tiny amount of fighters to Islamic State compared to say, France.

Also that is changing. Salafists are coming there, funded by Saudi money and saying that their Islam is wrong, and needs to follow the Arabian form. Which means there's going to be more terrorism in the future. It really just boils down to ideology.

Also, there's a province in Indonesia that has Sharia law.


And a Thai Islamist insurgency.

>Why are terrorist attacks by Muslims in Canada or Australia (both have large populations of them) so rare?

Canada and Australia are low on Jihadi priorities list. Do somethign to piss them off, and you're in their sights.

And Canada and Australia have low Muslim populations. Expect attacks to rise when they get more.
A shit-ton of western globalist / Saudi funding, and conspiracy against sovereign countries in ME-NA that wouldn't play economic or political ball with those factions.
Funny of you to ignore the nasty shit the Muslims did in India
At the end of the day, it's not about islam as belief, but islam as political ideology.
Reminds me of what happened with the church a while back.
>At the end of the day, it's not about islam as belief, but islam as political ideology.

Guess what? They're one in the same. Islam has no separation of Church/State.

I attended some Muslim presentations on my liberal campus. The Muslims were explaining how Islam is a complete system that rejects "man made isms" like "capitalism, socialism, feminism, liberalism". It is a system of law, taxation, government, economics, as well as a religion.
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