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Are there really paid shills on 4chan?

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Are there really paid shills on 4chan?
Yes, that's old news
Yes and it's leftists pushing their communist agenda.
But is there any proof?
I wouldn't be surprised if those shills were just 4channers trying to get some (you)s. Some people here certainly are autistic enough to do that.
Not gonna spoon feed you answers.
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>Has no evidence
>It's totally true, guys!
Probably religious.
so dat was kool ig
>But is there any proof?
I will happily spoonfeed you. Yes, there is tons of proof.

US Homeland Security Discussing Meme Warfare

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media

The guardian Astroturfing


Anti Semitic Hoax in Ukraine traced (to the ADL)

BBC article on shills

NSA and GHCQ Employing Shills To Poison Web Forum Discourse

Reddit Censored

Israeli Spy: ''We encouraged anti-semitic conspiracy theories''

New Snowden Doc Reveals How GCHQ/NSA Use The Internet To 'Manipulate, Deceive And Destroy Reputations'

I was a paid internet shill

FBI social media firm

Diary of a Paid Shill
Go fuck yourself then. Next time don't post
>Not a single one of them shows any proof of 4chan shilling
Yeah, kill yourself.
hardly any of those are related to each other, it looks like you just googled any form of media infiltration and this somehow means that people who disagree with you on 4chan are paid shills.
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>4 minutes later

Thank you for Correcting the Record
I wish someone would pay me, I've been doing all much shitposting on leftypol for free.
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>hardly any of those are related to each other

Lots of evidence explicitly demonstrating that powerful people are very interested in manipulating and controlling social media. Why would that NOT include us?
We're currently being raided by /r/The_Donald but they're doing it for free I guess.
CTR shill.

I'm assigned to a couple of influential anons who has facebooks. One of my former targets was a guy upon whom the wojak meme was based -- it was actually a poorly-traced rendition of his profile pic, meant to ridicule and shame him into suicide. It worked.

Source: Have you seen Occupy Wall Street on the news lately? Why not?
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no certain users post what the think will get the most responses

controversial or inflammatory post are guaranteed (you)s
>Source: Have you seen Occupy Wall Street on the news lately? Why not?

Yep. You got it. (((They))) gotta make sure shit like that doesn't happen again. They gotta keep us all distracted with stupid bullshit, and fighting with each other, so we don't start realizing how badly the super rich are fucking us.
>One of my former targets was a guy upon whom the wojak meme was based -- it was actually a poorly-traced rendition of his profile pic, meant to ridicule and shame him into suicide. It worked.

Please post more content related to this
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>until hiro sells your posts to the gov't where your posts are regurgitated and taken out of context in buzzfeed articles
Yes but to get a shill job you have to go to a college/university. They usually hire kids in debt to shitpost for them. They do it on campus and use VPNs.
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The right does the same to push their agenda as well. I'm just tired of both sides.
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That's the bottom level, yes. But it also gets more advanced than that
because we're a bunch of weeaboo porn-addicted losers who have no affect on the real world.
>b-but muh meme wars XDDd
go back to rebbit
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The left doesn't have the real power. The right doesn't have the real power. The super rich have the real power in society, and they use the left and the right to make sure that the lower classes don't see the real divide. It's not racial, or sexual. It's a war between the first world middle class, and the international capitalist elite.
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>who have no affect on the real world.

/r9k/ and /pol/ were a features of last year's presidential campaign. I wish this was still a backwater board that nobody on the internet knew about. But that's not the case
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Really any thread which asks why you aren't joining the military. What would happen if their plan worked out would be that one of us would kill allies in the battlefield.
We'd all get PTSD on day one of deployment kek
/v/ has had shills, but they have mostly been indie game devs shilling their own game like the VAHALLA guy did
CTR shill.

There are outsourced contractors. Most college students are incapable of using photoshop or creating original artwork in a group environment. Something about having others look at their progress over their shoulder stifles them.

Remember how WWI was a new war for its time, using technology and stripping proper etiquette of rules of engagement?

WWIII isn't being fought with guns, it's psychological erosion of morale and confidence in the people unbroken by military training who has the potential to rise up with great ideas that would threaten the current world order.

This results in real people being really depressed in real life, unmotivated to do anything with their lives. This also affects those around them. Friends and family would abhor them, thus leaving them without the means to maintain a social following and getting a foothold in a revolution.

The more the internet brings people together, the further they're driven apart. My job as a shill to expedite that.
Have you ever thought about not being a part of that?
This. I actually didn't think there would be other people who thought the same in this place.
I wouldn't agree with that last part (middle class vs capitalist elite), but the rest is pretty much all true imo.
I odn't really think the first world middle class is in conflict with the super rich, instead, they're the most priviledged (born 1st world) and adapted (so they manage to live the middle class life) BY the super rich.
Actually, I don't think there is any real conflict going on. Rather, there are different degrees of alignment to the scheme of the rich.
/pol/ is a majority shills and bots at this point.
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Religion is so GAE lol XD

Not that being gay is bad because it's not
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Guess the KGB's cultural infiltration worked after all. Egalitarianism is the first step on a long spiraling path towards communism. The US may have won the Cold War on the surface, but the soviet union didn't go without a parting gift. The erosion of education & the subtle glorification of deficiencies and issues.
All those trap, sissy, faggot, interracial, cuck thread are paid shills.
It sounds silly, why would somebody do that?
Oh you would be surprised, and this whole board(along with some other boards) is a massive social conditioning project.
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Both sides have guides on how to infiltrate places. /v/ and /g/ had their own marketing shills back then. Dailystormer was caught making fake black twitter accounts to stir up racial tensions, Stromfront's raid section swarmfront was caught many times on spreading their agenda, /lgbt/ shitting up places with forum sliding trying to make it sense like their shit is now heavily accepted, shareblue trying to spread their leftist agenda too. Hell we're just getting started.
Remember when it was just tumblr and SRS with a few actual nazi shills. Fucking GG got on stormfront too for a moment and they tried to push their agenda in GG somehow.
After many years on 4chan man, you see it all. Hell you even learn how to fight against and call it out. Don't get me wrong though, I myself got suck into some stuff to at one point and I had to break myself out of it. I even began to realize that "redpill" is just another way of brainwashing. Someday I'll create a guide to stop shilling from both sides and other marketers. Eventually you'll began to realize that a lot of posts are copypasta responses, always search a post if you've seen it more than once. Always check the file name too. Be safe my friends, don't let these people warp your mind.
Russia are small fries. They have real power in the world, but only a little. The west's development into Multicultural Marxism was primarily orchestrated by our own elite, not by an automatic process initiated 60 years ago by 2nd world Russians.
The whole genderbent app is just the latest attempt at this point. Instead of hating chad like most of the faggots here advocate, why not strive to reach chad's level?
How well does calling out fallacies work? That worked on /pol/ at one point though I don't know why that died out whenever someone called someone out on their bullshit.
>this whole board(along with some other boards) is a massive social conditioning project

This is what I'm beginning to think, too
Anon on /pol/ posted screenshot of big ass chat room. The members of the chat were all in agreement to push some narrative (forgot what it was). Lo and behold the next day that narrative was being spammed in every thread. I wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple shill groups from various websites and political groups.
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heres an original one
>How well does calling out fallacies work?

Not well. They can just steamroll their agenda through with provocative shit and IP switching. People will take the bait, instead of mulling over complicated arguments.

The only thing I can think to do is band together in threads like these, and aside from that, abandon the board.
I think it's the same NEET who's just waiting for someone to feel sorry for him and give him free room and board and a six-figure job doing nothing but sitting on his ass shitposting from multiple devices and IP addresses
It doesn't work anymore. No True Scotsman is one that is a prime example of how they are now.
Probably not. Highly unlikely and incredibly unlikely on r9k
Look at some of the evidence ITT. It's not just one or three autists. It's not just a big joke gone awry. It's bigger than that. This is a modern brainwashing center now. We've been coopted.
That's the whole point. They don't want you to better yourself.
Just be a good boy, watch anime, fap to porn, play vidya. Don't worry about the real world while it changes around you.
I was pretty depressed before I started browsing 4chan and this place broke me even further and it took me quite some time to realize what's actually happening here.
Now I just try to point out shill thread to help people not fall for the same bullshit. And mods are not deleting obvious shill threads with the same text and picture every time. They either don't care or are even paid to not do anything about it.
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I should have added that discord is now a main source for shilling, forum sliding and astroturfing. People will use it, make threads on here or other websites, the people in discord will bump the threads, should someone in there be losing an argument they will call to someone in the discord to come help. Another thing some anons failed to realize is that cuckposting is now the new NTR. The only difference is it's not 2D. I learned that far right extremists discords would spam these BBC threads, race-baiting and, cuck posts to piss off anons. Essentially breaking them down and rebuilding them back up to add another person for their ideology. Leftist discords would straight up dox ANYONE that went against them.
I could be wrong sometimes could be a shitposter one day or a shill the next. Still I'm always on my guard
anybody that really wants to know the answer to that question, ill tell you how to confirm

>create thread on some political situation
>ask for clarification
>act somewhat lost and easily swayed
>be receptive to what people say but keep asking as if you need direction in life
>wait for someone to post links to a website or relate some anecdote about how x (product, philosophy, tv show) helped them

of course a lot of these people will just be normal folks, but when a real shill shows up you will quickly notice the difference. its like being approached by a cult member. Do it while you are sound of mind, so if you ever kind of falter you will know when someone is trying to prey on you.

The thing is, its ok. It works out in the end somehow.

I thought wojack was from a polish image board, you are going to have to convince me what you say is true, seems a little too far to me
I have no idea what's going on with the mods on /r9k/, but yea they are either in on it or are really fucking terrible mods. Letting this place get spammed with /pol/bait and /lgbt/ threads 7 days a week and not doing anything about it
Supposedly people from reddit were able to become mods so they're part of the reason /pol/ is the wasteland it is now, and i'm willing to bet that's part of the reason things have ended up as they have on this board as well.
The shills definitely have a particular tone. They just don't feel like they're really a part of the userbase here. They seem to be trained to generally ply users from a smug, passive aggressively mocking tone. It just feels different than "ebin trolling." It's lower energy and more formulaic.
Thanks for posting this man, it confirms a big suspicion I've had for a while now. I actually didn't even know what a discord was until they all started shilling here. They all just reset their IP too, banning them has no effect whatsoever. I saw a dude get banned a dozen times in one day, within 5 mins each time he had a thread up again
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In my 9 years of 4chan you loveable faggots have provided me source, great gaps, laughs and feels. In some strange way you have helped me and now I return the favor to help those who want this shit to stop across all boards.
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I'll be gookmoot only banned free vpn's just so these shills could do as they pleased.
they arent too worried aobut looking new here or as if they dont belong, because they arent really interested in people that have been here a while. its more about coopting a movement that is starting here, or a trend. if a rumor starts about a celebrity or politician, you might see them suddenly pop in to make sure they can target anyone that might have come here for that.

instead of simply calling someone a shill if you think they are one, try playing stupid and just keep asking questions. The more information they have and they more interested they are in you the more likely they are a shill. i do this every once in a while, and desu sometimes i learn a lot from the conversation. sometimes its just another board trying to make sure their board doesnt die so they try to recruit.
David Brock's army of faggots seem to be mostly interested in /pol/. Not so much with the other boards.
Yeah the stormfront fags.
Unfortunately they brainwashed all of those sixteen year old Gamergate retards into doing their job for free.
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>I learned that far right extremists discords would spam these BBC threads, race-baiting and, cuck posts to piss off anons. Essentially breaking them down and rebuilding them back up to add another person for their ideology.

The goal of the racepornbait is to turn you into hysterical, insecurity-driven nazis. I think that is the most obvious evidence of organized shilling happening on this and other boards. That is how white nationalism is going to be controlled in the coming decades as white population replacement starts to become more visible: white nationalist communities will be flooded with brainwashed and bullied goons with a bunch of mental problems.
hello little anime doll
It's insane useful idiots on both side
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>Are there really paid shills on 4chan.
I don't know, it's possible, I never saw any credible evidence and if you question """evidence""" like >>36195074 you're called a shill/sjw/cuck/etc until the thread 404s (this is pretty much the case on anything).

I don't really have the post (I would greatly appreciate it if someone found it) but during the gamergate controversy someone posted a screencapped post of a mod acting insane but when viewing the archive the actual post was different.

I feel like /pol/ accepts anything without any scrutiny as long as it agrees with them.

Maybe I'm just being biased because the board is filled with normalfags and redditors who accuse people who don't like /pol/ as a board to be "nuAnons" despite browsing for nearly a decade.
I wouldn't be surprised if we have plenty of shilling mods on 4chan now. Granted, I still haven't been banned or warned for reporting threads undeserving of report, but I suppose it is only a matter of time before they take completely over.
Yep, you got it. Goy vs goy
The infiltrators you refer to aren't actually paid at all, thus not being shills. They are an expansive conglomerate of trolls who take amusement to make /r9k/ their playground. If enough outrage is garnered, some miracle of divine intervenation by the mods might come. Until that mythical time, resistance from posters against this cabal is extraordinary high.

But giving them attention will only rouse them to assault more.
>It's all an elaborate, coincidental joke

I just can't believe that. This is beyond tolls trolling trolls. Now it's shills shilling shills. Hillary Clinton explicitly identified /r9k/ during the fucking US presidential campaign last year. There is no way the big players are not up to their eyeballs in social media. They're not just going to let us create our own culture and stuff.
So this is just a part of (((their))) plan to destroy the white race? Wait, now it sounds like I fell for their trap...
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Surely, it's (((pure coincidence)))
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It's really simple, break you down, rebuild you to a hateful ideology or whatever, you join a group or something, begin bullying and shilling in your own view, convinced you are "redpilling" or "redpilling", the left sees this and they also fall prey to being co-opted, getting evidence of the bullying and shilling as well as pushing anti-white agenda that we have today. Basically both sides of you guys are killing yourselves. I'm not white and I don't care if you're a white nationalist, but even I can spot when someone is being played
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