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Faceaop thread 2

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 151

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FaceApp Thread 2

Holy kek
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Someone do old Eliza again
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I liked the result
i want to rape this
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Please excuse my autisn
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deifinitely an real giril.png
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im tempted to make an okstupid profile with this pic and see how many people i pull
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Wish I was a girl sometimes.
How the fuck are you people getting perfect transitions from this app?
Every pic I try makes me look like Bruce Jenner or just a bad photoshop
Would destroy boipucci.
Jesus Christ look how easy it is to become qt
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Do it fampai.
Make a thread with the results too.
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I love myself. Ohh noooo.
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This is really making me uncomfortable
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Someone do me I want to see what kind of heroine chic I'd look like
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Haha this is crazy, I love the third one LOL
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>mfw the only difference between male and female is makeup
>mfw most men make better women when they put enough effort
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Would you do female CIA?
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Bjorks sister
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God is dead and i don't know why i'm doing this to myself

Send help
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>one chance at life
>wasn't born on easy mode

Kill me.
Laugh my ass off

We qt now
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I guess it doesn't really matter
plz be my robot gf
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this made me consider becoming a girl
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Slow and staedy wins da race
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rod peeeler.jpg
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all these average dudes

are now 8/10 females

im dying
"...Please fap."
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I am disappointed in you all.
Hahahaha fucking unreal
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Adolf a qt
Women have it that easy senpai. Its so easy to look good as a girl.
I'm disappointed with myself

Fapped to feminine version of myself
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Would you do me? I'd do me. I'd do me soooo gud
You look like an Aunt Jillian
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Warning bots im using this app and a voice modulator to catfish people, pic related be careful
wait, are silly apps already at this level or is anon wasting his time for us?
>that bottom left pic
>in alternate reality Adolf was a cheeky eternal anglo
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If the female version of you turns out decent looking does that say anything about how you actually look?

My fuckin face gives me so many insecurities
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We wuz women n sheeeit

originaleqob fkhdahsd
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>tfw born male
>too androgynous
>not even gay

fucking kek that is originally hilarious
show us your benis
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I think I'm in love bros
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I would impregnate female me

also that old one looks like my grandpa wtf
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i would

origanus senpainus
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the app makes me look like my sister.... its scary af
As if I'm going to care whether you are gay or not while ravaging that boipucci
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the original you (if it is really you) is mad sexy, are you hispanic?
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Wtf how is this even possible??

and nah im paki


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Weird because I look nothing like this. It barely changes some of you >>36152824
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I don't have a phone, would someone do me with female and hot filters?
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This sucks, it's not even doing what it advertises
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I would marry qt me
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Yeah, female me kinda looks like a lighter version of my mom when she was younger.
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>mfw no chai wala qt pakistani bf
I'm 19 and I don't even have a baby face so I'm not sure why it keeps transforming me into a little girl
To clarify, that was a highschool pic. Don't have that haircut anymore
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Chad you is connecting with the ladies
I don't know, but I'm not complaining.
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this app needs to up its game in extrapolating black hair
I want a 3some with 63'd you and your sister, anon.
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>downloading an app because someone told you to
>uploading your face to it's software
so is this board full of retards now?
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trump looks like my mom as a girl
dayum nigga be my gf
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Why yes it is.
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I now have an idea of what it will look like for someone to watch me die...
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so basically you'd look exactly the same as a woman and you'd be hot if you took off the glasses
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Chad-me looks like Denny
>implying that a "social" media u use to chat with someone else doesn't do that shit

nigger stfu
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Fem 54m.png
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>tfw no autistic belly gf who could drink your whole family under the table.
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Saddam did nothing wrong.
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>"social" media
wew lad, this is /r9k/ current status
>implying i use ""social"" media
Who do you think I am? A normalshit?
she looks exactly the same, the second picture is just blurred.

fourth Trump is live action Gattsu
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You could had prevented this. Why didn't you stop it?
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New reaction image m88888
Some of you are so damn attractive. What the fuck are you doing here? Good looking people should not be allowed here desu.
Should've had Old Paul to add to the Doom Paul maymay.
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Interestingly, when I went

Tranny -> boy


Boy -> girl

She came out much more attractive
Ikr damn
I'm one of the guys >>36153439 linked and I really suck socially, poor and easily distracted too.
He looks so fucking smug, even more so than usual.
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>old version of me looks almost exactly like my grandfather
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Am I pretty like your anime girls anon??
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tfw not born a waifu ;_;
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Okie dok if if if if if
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anyone got more of him? only got a few
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Which of us would you say are your favorites?
No matter what they say.

You are not a crook.
Holy shit white female Obama is tripping me out
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this is the only other one I have
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This looks like my sister... creepy
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Mind if I wank to this
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tfw not a qt dsfhsgj
sure, do you have others of him tho?
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Tos is some top kek stuff
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caked on make up whatever posting again
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Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. HARD

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Feel like I'm wearing nothing at all
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This one doesn't even look edited.
you look a bit like james mcavoy in split
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This app is a work of art
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Im on suicide watch
Thread theme song:
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>tfw raping your woman to prove a point
just a reminder he did nothing wrong
He almost looks like a nice, respectable Latina woman.
This is my favorite reaction pic now
Anyone else have trouble getting the app to add long hair?
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my girl face doesn't even look like a girl

it just looks like me

but I don't look like a girl
Yeah it just leaves me bald
I think you mean LATEENX
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Lmao i fucking love this app.
try taking a pic from a higher angle
I'd accept a blowjob behind a dumpster from your female self

faves are

fucking lucky genes :(
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The look like death as a gurl too
TFW** .. og
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tfw top topqt

This thread is proof that most of /r9k/ would have better lives if they were trannies.
anyone have more of these anyway?
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>mfw I could've been a hot chick and live an easy life
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having too much fun with this
you make a cute girl
hot milf
yes i would
Its them lips.
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Thanks pal.
Here this ones for you.
CUTE sldkfjskldjf
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86KB, 640x668px
Genuine smile. Not added by the app.
>tfw i accidentally became my own waifu
>became my own waifu

I did the same thing.
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>i heard your bf was gone tonight... Maybe I could be ur boyfriend?
Hot white Obama looks like Ryan Gosling
White female Obama was really good in Stranger Than Fiction.
i would totally rape your sister.
The old baby belly face looks like our president
>Want to try this but don't have a phone
>Don't want to post a picture of myself here for someone else to use for their nefarious purposes
Don't worry. Nothing anyone could do could make you look any worse than mother nature already did
Richard Lewis on the bottom right.
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282KB, 1099x1195px
Does it do drawings or does it only do real people?
Which one are you? Originalfjfjdjricm
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Do it anyway, become a loli
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add me on discord, ive always wanted r9k friends

im delicate be nice
Yeh cuz your so important huh?. Mr celebrity scared he will becone an epic emberasong meme all of a sudden.

Stick tounge out.
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Do I make a cute girl? Please be considerate.
I would suck your dick normally and suck your feminine dick as a girl
You look like a tired white soccer mom.
>all of the white guys turn into 10/10 women
tell me again why we aren't forcing all white men to take estrogen and keep them as boipussi slaves? their women are already getting breeded by superior BBC so its not like they're good for anything
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Almost anon
If your neck wasnt so thick maybe.
It makes you look tranny.
i need to know the backstory behind this photo
will you be my bf

I guess that wasn't original
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kek at old me
Found the ugly white guy who is jealous
This is fucking awfull. Try again man.
It will eventualy give you hair.
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Wish I didn't delete the real pic for this one
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Is there any other apps that do this?
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>tfw you look best as an old man
the asians too
I'd fuck you in the butt.

That's literally the best outcome you could ask for. Your life can only get better
you legit look like my grandpa

Better than the reality tbqh
>will never post picture of myself to r9k
>but posting pic of girl version of me is okay because I shouldn't be identified
>the girl version of me looks exactly like me with slightly fatter cheeks

>ugly guy and ugly girl

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I could prob slay more pussy as an old guy lmao
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Am I a qt?
In a qt autistic way, yes
huffpo writer in the upper right
Femanon here, most attractive itt

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Took another one
CUTE smile. Pls be my gf.
Is it incest if you fuck the girl version of yourself from an alternate universe?
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Tfw look exactly like my female cousin
i was gonna off myself at 27 tho
i am
Well, genetically they'd pretty much be your sister, so yeah. Wouldn't stop me though.
Were you already wearing lipstick?
I would wife the fuck out of her and I know she'd be all over me because im the only fucking person that wants exactly what I want.

Oh man I'd win her over with my cat and ..then she'd have the same cat probably..huh. How the fuck would I swoon alternate waifu me?
do Bane too ubig anon
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Nope. It added it when I changed the lighting.
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Hi everyone this is Stefan Molyneux from free domain radio i hope u are having a wonderful day.
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my female form is a chameleon
Try moving your hair to the side and taking a new pic.
That way it can remove those manly eyebrowz.
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I don't believe you, show tits with timestamp

Idk but she is hot af
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Gosh darnit i posted the wrong pic.
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Nice app
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Felicity Jones (male)
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i'm starting to like this app
Are you guys making cute girly faces when you take the photo?
It helps if you do
holy kekoriginalleolli
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Holy fucking shit kekerooni
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Good Lord that female molymeme is fucking monsterous
Except she died from pneumonia in the camps
hot now do Stalin and Hirohito
should i?

origanus you know the thrill
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2017-04-10 00.34.28.jpg
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Well I look like I'd suck some mean dick
Can't say much else though
they burn the body anyway
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I would've been such a qt
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What do they call the mental illness when you fall in love with yourself as the opposite gender
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Am i pretty yet. Pls respond
narcissism you dip

yeah thats called being a narcissist
I wonder if the level of attraction I feel towards the female version of myself is the same level of attraction that women feel towards the real (male) version of myself.
I only like the girl representation of me tho. The male version can go fuck himself
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>Try it on my face
>Everytime it turns out looking like a nasty tranny or a unrealilistic barbie doll
>meanwhile anons in this thread transition perfectly and find their new self-waifu

(this comment brought to you by originality)
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i took another pic and did the hot setting and holy shit is that what ill look like if i stop being a fatass
You look very feminine, but that nose... I'm sorry anon
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try it anon
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Henry Rollins.

Try different backgrounds. Mine were terrible till i sat in front of my computer.

Also practice making girly faces. It helps.
maybe am denny
If you took care of your skin and hair better, yeah. -30~40lbs and a bit of confidence and you'd look nice.
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faceapp - Copy.jpg
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complete chaos, originally
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Is that better anon? I tried
a terrorist qt
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>Be most of the anons here
>In the middle of the night
>Seated in front of your computer
>Making girly faces and taking pictures of yourself to try to be the cutest girl possible

This is officially the new low in my dignity
I'm about 60 - 80 pounds overweight actually. I'm at 240.

what do i do for my skin and hair? nobody taught me this stuff.
Or the highpoint of your new life as a qtpi gurl
congrats anon, you fucking broke it.

> girl version
neckbeard remains
> old
the program had one job and it couldn't even do that. RIP
> "hot"
can't add more beard to your face so it just smooths things out
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VERY nice app
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>tfw always wanted to be a trap
>tfw this app is making it hard to resist
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wew I qt
This is the future anon. Its happening.
Hop onboard or you will miss it all.
No because masturbation is not incest
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>All but one of his videos have been deleted
Fucking jewtube.
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Someone do a Michael jackson pic and see if he looks like Latoya or Janet Jackson
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Didnt know i'd want to become a girl today
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It's remarkable how many people are attracted to the girl versions of themselves myself included, even when they're slightly malformed and retain masculine/trap-like features. Are we all narcissists here? I guess that shouldn't be surprising but it is shocking to see it layn out so clearly.
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This anon again, figured I should redo this since that photo is old and I had long hair. Do you prefer long hair girl me or lesbian girl me?
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>tfw have spent the last hour trying to make myself as qt as possible
Gonna kill myself soon desu

This picture alone would probably push him over the edge to suicide. Such minor differences make a huge difference and he won't ever look like the right. GFG.
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popcorn potato salad and that for potato
>hot filter
>nothing changes

Wrong fucking board chad scum

get the fuck OUUUUUUT
gg shoulda been a girl
lmao it tries to remove your glasses to make you look more attractive
Just forewarning, I'm a desperate r9gay homofag, so take what I say with a mound of salt.

The reason that pic looks so good is the (relatively) slim face, sharp eyes, and contrast between (flawless) skin / eyes. That shit isn't perfectly achievable in real life and that's an idealistic shot.

>I'm about 60 - 80 pounds overweight actually. I'm at 240.

Start counting those calories then. myfitnesspal is good if you're serious.


A really light beauty routine would be to use some facial cleanser every 2 days and moisturizer after showering. Trim that beard back a bit every other day, because I can see you have some neckbearding going on underneath.

Good 'guy' moisturizer is something like Dove for Men Face Lotion, which also has sunblock. Rub that shit into your beard and it'll make it softer, too. Seriously, the best you can really do as a young guy is to use sunblock. Sun damage will not go away and will age your face prematurely.

Neutrogena Deep Clean or St. Ives Even & Bright is good for facial scrubs. Nothing super fancy. You're not a teen fighting acne. Using a face scrub helps prevent oily skin and the problems it entails.


Go to a barber. A real barber, not that Supercuts shit. Ask your friends for who. If you don't have friends, ask your family. If you don't have any family, look at Yelp. They'll probably piss you off the first time by cutting things too far back, but that's the consequence of doing things yourself for years.

A good barber will cost a lot. I pay $50 every 4-6 weeks depending on how fuzzy I get. If you're lucky, you'll pay less than that.
Me too.
I have tons of pics of me making kissy lip faces now.
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r8 me

Lenny here ama

What happen to us lads, what have we done

wtf you talking about you're qt af (100% homo)
Lmao fucking horrible
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Holy shit if I was a girl life would be easy mode.
thanks for the input fag friend

feeling around under my face fat, my jaw feels kinda wide at the back i think but it tapers into a bit of a point. my cheekbones are about as they seem in the unedited picture, so kind of wide i guess?

i really dont know how any of this works so ill just have to see. i need to lose weight for health anyway

yeah my trimmer is broken and cant afford a new one yet

ill look into those lotions. sounds good. ive been really uncomfortable with the idea of using any lotions or creams because ive been told that my skin is "creepily soft" and i dont even do anything besides wash it, but ill give it a go

i thought you meant i needed hair care stuff. yeah, my hair style is ass right now because it was previously over a foot long. imagine long, dark curly hair with that neckbeard and how fat i am and thats why i got it cut. ughh.

so right now im trying to figure out what i want for my hair style
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J U S T F U C K M Y S H I T U P , N I G G E R
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J U S T F U C K M Y S H I T U P P A R T 2
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>when u get le s u c c

you lost the coin flip desu senpai
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t-thanks but im really fat but desu that pic had a pretty good angle i think
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>tfw you weren't born a hijab wearing hottie
You've got good facial genetics though. As long as you're not one of those 600lb landwhales no reason you can't get a gf
Losing a few pounds wouldn't hurt though
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My face came out like a weird doll thing. It still triggered me as a tranny, especially since the "male" setting didn't do anyting noticeable.

I'm 8 stories up, at least.
>i thought you meant i needed hair care stuff. yeah, my hair style is ass right now because it was previously over a foot long. imagine long, dark curly hair with that neckbeard and how fat i am and thats why i got it cut. ughh.

I'm more of a fan of letting hair flow naturally. I don't like using much hair product. If you need a good shampoo, Aussie is alright for me. I also use a filtered shower head though.

It sounds like you're trying to improve yourself, and that's really what matters, Anon. I hope you achieve what you want to.
Is this why women like taking so many pictures of themselves? If they see theirselfs anything like I see the qt girl version if me, I don't blame them
I think you're pretty cute. Girls with instagram face are the worst, I'm a lesbian and I'd be happy as a clam with a understated tranny gf
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these are some frightening parallels desu

You don't even look like a tranny, you just look like a low test man. Get off your shit estrogen tablets and go back to the man route. You can't play God, choosing the path of the tranny is not the same as the path of the woman (which you'll never have). Pull your shit together man. If anything go on test. and hit the gym.
thanks. I'm not really lesbian though, but it does mean a lot hearing that.

No thanks
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you know what they say about thai (((girls)))
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Lol am I purtty yet
dear lord you are a fucking goddess

Hey dumb bitch liking low estrogen men doesn't make you a lesbian. It means you're straight like every other woman out there.
how do you guys make it so the girl version of you has long hair?

my female version on this app is always a dyke with glasses. fuck me lol
transform asap

quoted the wrong post, whoops

(this is an orginal post)
I think this was a bad idea bros
yeah i definitely lucked out genetically

dad's side were wimpy lanklets and he himself is a 5'5 manlet brainlet, but good face. i wish i still had his mugshot saved.

mom's side are nicely framed. wide shoulders, good ribcage, ez muscle mass, high intelligence. but big ugly noses and not-as-good faces. mom is 5'6

i came out with most of the good features of both sides and few of the bad, but i did end up with poor eyesight and poop brown eyes. somehow made it to 6'0 no idea where that came from but my mom was so happy she cried so rip short guys :c

fucking genetics, man. its a god damned lottery.

im pretty sure you are right that i have potential, but tfw 240 pounds. i need to at least get down to 180, preferably 160 if i can.

yeah, im the same way. i like being able to touch my hair.

thanks for the help. any hair style ideas?
>Wants a relationship with a man

HAHAHAHA, oh man. The world these days.....
the things I would do to you
This thing is bullshit. Changes eyes too much. Shouldn't do that.
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Be who you would be if you were the only person on the planet, or your life is just a waste. Believe me, if being a pretty feminine doll was a requirement for being a woman, my vag would have been confiscated long ago. Just do your stuff how you wanna do it.

>ER as a woman

Oh my
I like all girls, even the ones who are (male). Genitals don't really bother me because I don't really want sex. I just want to be close to girls and kiss them and braid their hair :3
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qt boys of r9k, roll

im a giant flaming homosexual, yes
Surprised no one's been doing this desu
Naw, man. I'm good
>any hair style ideas?

I'm not great with hairstyles, but I think a cleaned up version of what you have going on now would be nice. The pic I (You)'d was a bit unflattering because it looks disheveled in the front.

I think you look nice in >>36154263. You're destined to be a Chris Pratt look-a-like, but I wouldn't mind one

So you want to have friends or kids and you just have super low libido like all other women?

Still not lesbian.
i was going to post my pic but glad I changed my mind
none of these are that "qt" anon
His female form gets the soulless eyes hehehe
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>not on the cute guy picture
>Not using the qt-est girls (boys)
>being controlled by lust for sex and genitalia
lmao isn't it time for you to wash your cumsock little boy? girls aren't for lewd, they're for taking to the frozen yogurt shop and telling them they can get whatever toppings they want, and then they look up at you like you're some kind of hero
Rolling for a 4
I want anon to destroy my ass
I don't have friends, just co workers who I get along with and only see at work. And I don't want kids either. I just want to find another girl who's transcended the flesh and go on cute dates with her. I love the feminine energy of people who identify as women.
give me my blackbot, give me 3
which one are you, I skipped some pictures because this is a 300 post thread

Make a seperate one for girls
I would include it in my master plan

I-I don't want to say.

Man you are a confused person. Our society has done you a great disservice by feeding you that bullshit.

You could have been happy and found a nice man who's on the effeminate side to take care of you, but instead you'll surround yourself with degenerates and mentally ill freaks and you may never have a legitimate quality relationship in your life. Feels bad man. Many such cases.
>not taking from the previous thread
they had better cute bois
Be fair, friendo. I grew up without the internet in a Catholic household and didn't even know what gay people were until highschool. I was completely miserable trying to repress my attraction for girls while I did my best to go through the motions I'd been taught. I dated a couple guys but felt panic at the idea of being close to them, which lead to a lot of pain. It's pretty presumptuous for you to assume so much about my life, you know.
>tfw will never be considered a cute boi
Please end me

Thing is you fit perfectly into the mould of a woman who's been emotionally damaged and has a low libido and emotional repulsion to men so she thinks she's a lesbian when she's really not.

You said it yourself you aren't really attracted to women, you just want physical intimacy anyway you can get it.

Real lesbians are rare as fuck.

Go to therapy.
Again, you're making assumptions. I've seen several therapists. I grew up in a solid two parent household and never had anything unusually bad happen to me. I'm actually doing pretty good in life, with a job and my own place. Why does it bother you to know that there are people who are attracted to the femininity of a woman and not just her genitals? I'm not hurting anyone and I pay my taxes. I'm more at peace with my identity than I've ever been.

As a woman you have a short period to capitalize on your youth and good looks to settle down and have a family. You may be happy now but will you be happy when you're 50 and living alone and your relationships with mentally ill freaks have all gone to hell?

It upsets me because there's a huge number of women in positions similar to you and it's fucking disgusting because 15 year down the road I'll be hearing from a swarm of women bemoaning how their solitude wishing there were more good men around who want to settle down with a 40 year old woman.
If you think you need a relationship to be happy, you have a lot of thinking to do. I'm passionate about my painting and calligraphy, which give me a reason to live and can't be whisked away by a fickle human who is led around by their reproductive organs. Sure it would be nice to have a girlfriend, but honestly most women these days are a bit too high maintenance. Plenty of strong willed people have been happy and single for most of their lives.
p.s. why will you be hearing from a swarm of women? just stay off social media when you're 40 and you'll be fine.

After 35 you could live another 60 years. What will you do then when all your peers are busy raising families? You sure you want to put 100k hours into calligraphy and painting?

I'm content living alone now too, but there's a difference between being content living alone for a handful of years after moving out of your parents house and living alone for decades and decades.
Emma Roberts??
Someone do one of Elliot Rodgers please
Maybe I'll pick up some new hobbies, or go somewhere weird, or try raising some exotic pet. I actually bought an ant farm online, we'll see how that goes. There's plenty of things in the world to keep someone occupied for a human lifetime. Hell, for the last few years maybe I'll just watch all the documentaries I was putting off or just try a lot of drugs. I don't plan on allowing myself to get too old anyways. I want to be independent to the end.
Don't get me wrong, turning my little vagina into a gaping factory for ungrateful, messy children while a condescending husband I'm not attracted to cheats on me sounds fucking awesome. Let's call it plan B, okay?
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