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Hello everyone. Over the past few months, I have been collecting

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Hello everyone.
Over the past few months, I have been collecting information on legitimate shilling groups which "shill" 4chan, due to my disbelief that these shilling groups exist. I have not discovered any shilling groups which are payed; all of the shilling groups that I have discovered are on IRC, Discord, or Mumble, and are composed of users of a given board. I have infiltrated these groups, and I have collected logs of their discourse.

After 3 months of drilling information out of a few groups, I am going to be releasing the information of one of the groups. I will leave it up to you which group will be exposed. Keep in mind however, that my collection on the /pol/ groups are very recent.

I have logs on two groups:
A group which influences /r9k/, and tries to shape it into what it thinks it should be.


A group which is organizing spam raids on /pol/ right now, attempting to get their /mlpol/ board revived.

Which shall I dump, lads?
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Is it for real?
Do the one on /r9k/.
Dump will include usernames, timestamps, and full-message history from all channels from the servers, information on boards they use, leaders, etc.
which board are you on? post relevant info here
I use the boards /r9k/, /g/, /soc/, /pol/ and /k/.
R9k im interested
Post the r9gay one idiot
Alright, /r9k/ dump will be coming very soon.
Tell us about rcanine bitch! Nobody gives a fuck about pol, bunch of idiots.
trapfags finally btfo?
/mpol/ wasnt even a thing, now there are groups on /pol/ like CTR and Shareblue that constantly make "DRUMPF BTFO HOW WIL X RECOVER"
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Beginning with the "in-group"
These are the people that do the serious shilling.
logs of the channel they use to post threads they want to slide / shill. Password = faggot

I swear if this is the MAGE discord its going to be a shitty dump one dude kept shouting magic nigger into his mic over and over if you think those cunts are trying to shape the board well you dont have much to worry about
The rules of the shill discord.
Password is also faggot.







Thanks for dumping mate
the channel in which the LOLCOWS discuss raiding
partial dump, just the relevant stuff.
same pass as usual
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/mlpol/ was the funniest thing to happen to this site in years




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Only shills hate traps confirmed.
R9gay for life. Real robots love traps.
Now, wait just a minute, faggot. What's this lolcow shit? Are you one of those CWC stalkers? No, fuck you, and fuck your normalfag, moralfag board.
Vlad might be an asshole, but he's from here, and he cares enough to try and do something for us, even if it's dumb and wrong.

You, on the other hand, are a bunch of autist-torturing faggots. Get fucked. Thanks for the dumps, but get lost.
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Nah, not an Lolcow stalker.
Just figured it's a suiting name.

Anyway, continuing.
Username dumps coming in.
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I shiggy diggy do da dat
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"Sam 'Good Boy' Hyde"
Someone oughta do this kind of a dump with the lolcow faggots. They've shat on enough people over the years that it might fuck them over significantly. #burnthefarm
Autism isnt a requirement to be a lolcow. Only having no common sense and a big ego is.
Absolutely fucking based, thanks OP.
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And finally, part 5.
>>NBA 2k17
What a richfag asshole
Their 8gag board:
/r9kupring/ @ 8gag
Their IRC channel
#r9kuprising @ Rizon

Usernames to note: Comrade Vlad, GrandSorcerer, Sorcerer, Yui, Yuifag, Aesthetically Pleasing, Special Edward.

Coming up next: #general
>either bow and scrape or we'll crush you
>be a meek cunt with no self-respect or we'll ruin your life
>don't draw loli or anything that could piss off a chubby, middle-aged chick with BPD, or you'll be pilloried in the public square

If I could shoot those motherfuckers, I would. All le ebin internet raid groups are fucking scum, but they're some of the worst. I'd be doing the whole inch-high private eye routine with them right now, except that their posts piss me off too bad to read them long enough to get information.
Cyberbullying laws would be Actually Good if they hit those people. Of course, they wouldn't, because they're sociopaths who know how to game the system, and a lot of them are women. Fucking loathesome.
And the worst fucking part is, they're sociopaths- ie. smart but evil- so they never go up against anyone who actually has the nuts and wherewithal to take them down. I hope the next furry they try to fuck up turns out to be the son of a cartel boss. I think about all the dudes people like that have ruined over the years, who could've been almost normal but can't now that they have PTSD in addition to the autism, and I get fucking mad.
Sorry you ended up on encyclopedia dramatica anon. No need to take your frustrations out on us jerkops. Mind linking me to your article?
Oh, I see. Because I don't like you, there must be a problem with ME. You're blameless, spotless, unimpeachable and behind seven proxies.

Well, there's some stuff I could mention about your jewy ginger pal, that I won't, because I don't want to get him arrested, but let me just say that your high-ground routine is fucking stale as shit.
Oh, and Sherrod was a fat goon.
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I don't think dumping #general is necessary; just a bunch of robot discussion, no real raiding talk.

Anyway, you now know where the bulk of the anti-trap shitposting comes from.

If you want to know where the actual trap-shitposting comes from, I suggest you take a very long hard look at 8gag.


I will return with more leaks at a later date. If it's not with this tripcode, it's not me.

By the way, that Yui fellow has a fetish for bugs inside loli panties. Degenerate faggot.
the actual trap shitposting is because /v/ was full of homos and the mods made them leave so they came here
also bugs are hot, don't be a judgy priss
That judgment was ironic.
Bumpfagging one more time for visibility.
Now wait just a fucking minute. I think the reason you're not dumping this, is because I started yelling about how terrible the lolcow people are.
This is what pisses me off. You people can't take criticism. As soon as someone gets mad at you, you try to make it about them.

Let me just let everyone reading this in on a little secret. See this post >>36053322? Read that, and then read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals.
Got that tab open? Good. Go to rule #13, a fucking auspicious number if ever there was one.
>13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

That's what >>36053322 is doing. He's got a target (me, for calling his sociopath orgy a crock of shit). He's freezing it (redirecting the discussion to whatever he thinks I did). He's personalizing it (it's not about the shit his group does wrong, it's about me, specifically). He's polarizing it (I must have an article! I'm probably a crazed cult leader who goes around abducting coeds!). That post is 100% undiluted Alynsky #13.

Now, go check out rule #5.
>"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
Fucking sound like anyone you know?

That's what those people are: fucking Alynskyites, using a hook-nosed kike's book of tricks to torture already fragile people. They may not be biologically Jewish, but goddamn if they're not trying to transition.

Oh, one last thing. Go ahead and guess who Saul Alynsky dedicated his book to.
I'm not dumping it because it's unimportant.

Here's a sample

"I feel like shit and i and i want to die desu
>tfw all these happy normos everywhere i look at
>tfw if i wasn't invisible they would definitely talk behind my back"
These people disgust me holy shit wtf is wrong with them
>how to immediately identify a "reddit"

It was funny as an april fools thing, though honestly based solely on the threads that resulted I enjoyed hanging out on /fitlit/ and /mo/ more. But anyone who seriously wants /mlpol/ back needs to be lined up and shot.

Not even because /pol/ is just so amazing, it's just pure reddit cancer. It's just like whenever a bunch of those board-tan faggots (nothing against the scene in general just not my thing) started "shipping" /pol/ and /lgbt/ even when no one from /pol/ wanted it. It's become cool to hate/"troll" /pol/ and it's extremely cringe to be quite honest.

I guess as it's own board /mlpol/ would be harmless and occasionally funny, but that's not what these people want.
Also I'm not a part of the "lolcow people"
Jesus, I know that kiwifarms and /cow/ exist, but I've never registered on kiwifarms, and I've never bothered posting on /cow/. I don't even have an opinion of the fuckers.
I think traps are fucking nasty, and sometimes I go into trap threads to say so, but anyone who tries to get some topic they don't like b& outside of specific circumstances (like when nearly half the threads on /tg/ at any one time were quest threads) is pure cancer.

tl;dr traps are gay but you have every right to express your denial over this fact and post all the gay men you want as far as I'm concerned.
Well, you may not be, but that motherfucker I replied to just now sure as shit is. "What are your crimes?". Jesus. I tell you I could, if I had the time and gave a shit, probably trace their lineage all the way back to the radical prog scene. They're not only scum, moralfag scum, but also hypocrites.
btw the main gayboards on 8ch are based on generals from this board that migrated during the GG deal
This desu this is an anonymous board where they can freely express themselves even if I think they are total degenerates and think they should be gassed I dont want to see the fucking thought police on one fo the last bastions of free speech
Absolutely. I don't care what you do as long as it's not illegal, not spam, and doesn't break the rules.
counterpoint: /mlpol/ was good and r/the_donaldlets should be quiet
none of those three categories mean anything
dc is fucking senile and they make new laws every week, there's no way to keep track of that shit
if a thread is reposted more than once per year it's spam t. mods
the rules here are rule-by, not rule-of. they don't actually mean anything except "don't offend the mods"
keeping track of what is generally legal and what is not is very easy to do, regarding online activity.

>don't offend the mods
Well, this is a "mootocracy"
>/mlpol/ was good
As a one day thing, yeah sure. But people who browse /pol/ wherever they fall politically don't fucking want that. I guarantee you 90% of the people pushing for permanent /mlpol/ either don't browse /pol/ or hate 99% of the people who do.

You're allowed to hate whoever on whatever board you want. But this hate isn't a valid reason to fuck with an entire board. I hate /lit/. but that isn't a valid argument for why it should be combined with /d/.

those guys are cancerous faggots too, but that isn't an argument.

Shhhhhhh (((they))) are always watching.
tell that to the dude who made a remote admin tool, specifically said it wasn't for crime, and woke up to 24 agents with ar-15s on his lawn. lmao.
the feds are a rent seeking joke
obviously it's better to be on the side of the well armed bandits than not but it's dumb as heck to actually attribute any kind of moral authority to their proclamations
don't be a goy
/mlpol/ is supposed to be a secret board that you can't get to from the board list
obviously it's a mistake to just replace /pol/
>it's dumb as heck to actually attribute any kind of moral authority to their proclamations
Agreed, but from what I can see he didn't advocate for this sort of legalism. I would also advocate that things which are illegal not be allowed to be posted here given current law, if only because those restrictions allow the site to continue to exist.

>obviously it's a mistake to just replace /pol/
You should tell that to some of these people. I don't give a fuck if you add sekrit boards.
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