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have you ever met a nice female of a similar age who cared about

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have you ever met a nice female of a similar age who cared about you? what was it like?

does this exist or is it all a meme because they want something from you, rather than they genuinely care about you
They just want something from you.
What do men have? A warm dry place to sleep, a job to pay for a place to sleep, a car to get to their job.

What do women have? Make up and clothes to hide their bodies, a wet hole your dick can fit inside of.
save yourself the misery and accept that you will never, ever, find a female that actually cares about you as a person. they only care about what you can do for them. either play their stupid game or don't
there must be no greater feeling than having a woman want something from you only to deny her and the one power she over you, the wet hole between her legs

it must completely destroy them inside

i want to experience this
>What do men have? A warm dry place to sleep, a job to pay for a place to sleep, a car to get to their job.

can't women get this on their own nowadays?
>What do men have? A warm dry place to sleep, a job to pay for a place to sleep, a car to get to their job.

It would mean so much to me to be able to provide for a woman I love like that.
I'm not sure. I always thought it was a meme so I wasn't really trusting. I was more like "wtf is wrong with this bitch".

In retrospect I was a huge dick to her due to my own insecurities. Thinking I was kind of alpha for being cold to her or whatever. Don't do that. When people show love, don't doubt it. Doing it is the best way to fuck up friendships and relationships.
Plenty, on the whole if you care more about real shit and less about superficial shit then girls are better friends and partners. I would never be able to date a dude simply because they're generally so whiney (me included). You're either ignoring the girls who are genuine or you're just an asshole... I'm not saying all girls are great or all guys suck... Its like a 55/45 thing in both cases... So... I think what I'm saying is that girls are people too and just because you're either going about your approach wrong or you're just unlucky (i know which one you'll pick because people here tend to like to be a snowflake victim) does not mean that all of one gender is some sort of evil magic convent that's agreed as a whole to shit in you.

You're wallowing in your own shit which might be why people aren't open with you
don't believe your movies and other shit. women only 'care' if they are getting something in return. they don't care because they've grown fond of you. They grow fond of what you can provide.
Have yet to meet a woman outside family that didn't keep her distance/ghost on me until I stop talking to them. This includes one's I've known since I was a kid. I've lost interest in trying to be friends with women as a result.
I know women don't really care, they just want you for what you can provide.

That's okay for me.
As long as she appreciates me for what I provide for her, that's enough.
Have you actually talked to her about it or is this an hypothetical woman?

Either way it amazes me that guys wont talk to the women in their lives when they have a problem... I've always been super open about my feelings to every girlfriend I've had, to this day in still on good terms with most of my exes, at least partially, because of that
>Have you actually talked to her about it or is this an hypothetical woman?

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>women in their lives when they have a problem

you mean every girl who ended up ghosting?
If every woman ghosts you then it has to do 100% with your behaviour... Its like when someone joins and online game and complains that everyone else is lagging when they have 2000 ping
right I'll just kill myself then since I wasn't a born super talkative constantly witty normie that doesn't fit into the tiny box that guys are supposed to fit into in be deemed "acceptable" by women

girls just fucking ignore me for NO REASON. sorry I'm not fucking her vapid entertainment 100% of the time

I fucking hate women
Yeah that reaction is why people don't like you, I have tons of friends that aren't super talkative and prefer to play Pokemon ccg in cosplay over a cup of coffee for a first date and most of them do fine. You don't need to be talkitive, witty, rich, funny, handsom, or normal to find someone to love anon. I hope you find a way to get over yourself so maybe you can learn how to connect with another human, I sincerly do
I act like a normal fucking human to these girls and they treat me like shit for no reason
is this copypasta
You're acting combative and hard to approach if I was a grill who liked you to me
It's literally just me dude... I typed it while I was drying off from a shower... I come here sometimes and then you guys call me a normie when I try to offer real advice so I fuck off for a few days
are you serious? im not guy but obviously he doesnt always talk like that.
>on the whole if you care more about real shit and less about superficial shit then girls are better friends and partners.
anon that's genuinely retarded. girls are all about superficial shit.
Yeah but you're showing yourself as a jerkdick, I'm just drawing information from how I see you behaving... Like a potential female interest might

This is him presenting to strangers, you generally attract people as they watch you present to strangers and not them
>This is him presenting to strangers
on 4chan. this has to be bait
Not in my experience... I'm the type of dude who will openly cry at adventure time... Girls generally find it appealing as I talk about the metaphors as play and how they effect me... Guys, for the most part, just tell me to fuck off lol
i don't talk to girls like this you autist

god forbid I treat them with a bit of respect, not because they are girls but because they are people like everyone else I interact with, god forbid I try to be a decent, somewhat funny, not clingy and not asshole guy. no, it's always the same rejection shit every time

I fucking hate women. I fucking HATE them. for whatever arbitrary fucking reason I'm not enough and I don't fit into the box so I'm basically a fucking nothing to them. FUCK THEM

>Yeah but you're showing yourself as a jerkdick, I'm just drawing information from how I see you behaving... Like a potential female interest might

I don't fucking talk to girls about this stuff

they're fucking trash and I hate them
I talk on 4Chan how I talk in real life friend, I've been on this site for like... God damn... Fucking 12 years man
I call girls that I'm interested in dude and shit like that, and I curse like a sailor... And I bet I still treat them with more respect than you simply by acting like they're also human
>that obvious bias
because you're a pretty boy
normal guys tell you to fuck off because what you're saying is retarded as shit
It does exist. I care about a guy very deeply. He's a friend of mine but we're not very close. I worry about him and encourage him but he doesn't seem to appreciate that. I will always be happy for him because he's my friend. But I will focus more on others who reciprocate the care. Anon, you will find d someone who cares about you one day. Good luck.
>And I bet I still treat them with more respect than you simply by acting like they're also human

no, you're just a dickhead wanker
stop dude. you arent fooling anyone
>Anon, you will find d someone who cares about you one day

>hehe le one day maymay XD

you do realise life isn't a fucking fairytale movie? why are women so fucking gullible and dumb
Naw... You guys and /soc/ have called me super ugly before... Doesn't help I'm only half white with you guys
so you're just effeminate then. maybe they think you're gay. beats me

regardless, women are superficial. it's not debatable
In my 23 years I've never had a girl show any interest in me beyond polite conversation. Girls perceive themselves as the main character of a movie or tv show, low status men are just the background characters and extras, don't really notice them.

this for example, she probably knows hundreds of men, but only notices the highest status one, a "friend" that she isn't close to, she just cares about him because his smv makes her vagina tingle.

It's ok. Maybe if you stop being an asshole someone will care about you too.
Lol yeah it's easier to just say everyone in the world is wrong except for you right? I am a dickhead, I try not to be but everyone is sometimes, and that's ok. What isn't ok is doubling down on your dickitude, people will see it in how you look at people, if you approach every woman like she's a souless husk then that's what you will recieve

for the nth time, I DO NOT talk to girls that aren't on an anonymous imageboard like this
they're just baiting you
stop replying
No I have a very broad body and have quite a bit of strength due to me working manual labor type jobs, it's generally surprising to most when I reveal my soft side but I'm the past like 5 years or so I mostly wear it on my sleeve. I'm a fairly ugly dude who's sometimes a gigantic accidental asshole who never finished highschool and through most of his dating career didn't have a job... I'm not some chad or even a normie...but I've dated everything from models to weaboos and they all knew and at least half participated in all of my weird hobbies... Most of them think it's cute when I'm hunched over my orks while covered in paint
>.but I've dated everything from models to weaboos and they all knew and at least half participated in all of my weird hobbies... Most of them think it's cute when I'm hunched over my orks while covered in paint

>things that never happened
I'm not baiting him, but that's what everyone will say... I hope he one day finds happiness or at least contentment and stops blaming the world for his life, I sincerely do
I found my other half, an autismo fairy virgin till almost 24 when we finally got together (inb4 REEEEEEEEEE I'm not a regular poster on this board anymore) but also happens to actually be objectively physically attractive (in a somewhat conventional way but I prefer this anyway. Not obese)

She has even become partially redpilled (to the extent it is possible with a woman - but her potential reverse trapping has been reduced to just classic female tism and genderlessness, and hasnt said the word feminism for at least a year) but is mostly just a childlike weirdo who is both familiar and vaguely immerse in the various fandoms/different internet subcultures to have common ground with me but not obsessively dedicated to any of them to the point of being cringy or embarassing (at least to me)

We would even have kids soon if it wasn't for both being too cyborg to function in this shit society just yet.

However I know that statistically I am fucking incredibly lucky. It also took me until my mid-twenties, but I think this is how it should be anyway. All I can say is that yes it is extremely hard, rare, and will involve a lot of disappointment and maybe heartbreak a long the way. But if youre a stubborn cunt and are lucky you might also succeed.

Definitely do not settle for somebody you know you don't truly want to be with just because they show you attention and you aren't used to it. It's a hell of a lot easier to get your slightly out of shape soulmate to lose 10lbs than it is to convince yourself that your boring normie gf is the manic pixie dream girl non-slut you wish you always had.

As for "theyll only ever care what you can do for them"
yes that is partially true, but if theyre the right kind of person, theyll like you as a person, because you happen to be able to bring those things, and if the things they want are wholesome (companionship, humour, cosiness, lifestyle, family etc rather than cars and money) then you will be liking her for the same reasons.
can you just stop posting, you're really boring but seem to think people on this board want to hear about your boring normie life

take your narcissism somewhere else
You're projecting. I don't know hundreds of men. I know a handful. The one I care about isn't some sort of elite guy, those types ignore me. Most of my friends are female because men don't approach me. Too bad that no woman has noticed you. You are clearly jaded and you're not open to listening to people with different experiences. Carry on being bitter and alone.
you cunts are fucking insufferable
They do happen, I'm honestly sorry you can't believe it... Like I'm not even that weird from my group of friends... Maybe it's because of the passion I show with my dumb hobbies but usually after they see me so happy and excited they start to enjoy it
>You are clearly jaded and you're not open to listening to people with different experiences.
Why would I listen to the experiences of high status men? They lead a different existence to myself and our lives aren't applicable.
I've never been welcome here since the reboot of this board, it won't stop me from trying... The op asked if anyone has ever met a girl that cared... I answered yes and you guys all called me wrong because you all self moderated as hard as /pol/ to have only one mind set and drive off any dissenters... Well fuck you I'm here to tell you that the world isn't terrible but you may be acting terrible (and autism isn't an excuse, I've know enough autistic people to know that they can range from kind to asshole like everyone else)
/r9k/ is for the lowest of men, it's true that women don't care about us

you come from a different group and don't belong here, your experiences don't matter
Dude, I was an agoraphobe who dropped out of school and his in his home for years (or a girlfriends home), a lot of days I have trouble still leaving the house alone. Like... I know life is hard, and I know it sucks a lot sometimes... And it doesn't get better, but... You can get better at taking on the suck, it's not even that hard, you just have to accept your mistakes and learn from them... Is it gonna fix magically overnight? Naw. Over 10 years? A little. Is that little bit worth it? 100%
I'm tired of the attitude presented towards people like this. I too was completely socially isolated, didn't go to school, MUTE for fucks sake for most of my youth, lived alone after that, spoke to nobody but "thank you" to cashiers, kissless handholdless virgin until almost 22 (and only then because I used my manipulation skillz to get a girl over the internet to like me) Just because I have gradually worked on my problems and my life has improved marginally with age doesn't mean I do not understand what it is like to have known nothing but the robot life.
>get emotionally cucked because i'm too empathetic for my own good
>she pretends to care but just keeps using me as an emotional jizz rag
>dating but it feels like i'm just there to hold someone up and drown my own feels in alcohol
uhhh just to be sure that's not how it's supposed to work right?
Boo hoo, normalfags. Fuck off.
but it wasn't even off-topic
also check'd
Why? Why are you still on this board when you aren't a robot?
the rest of the internet is dumb and gay. i'm broken and isolated enough that i can't relate to anyone outside of 4chan, and haven't really been able to for almost a decade
Pro tip: You can't relate to robots either, normalfag.
that's okay
i just wanted to contribute a feel
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