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Thread replies: 76
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Post your top albums, movies, tv shows, vidyas, books, animes, or whatever else, then make assumptions about everyone else based on their taste.
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i just chose the first one that came to mind as a favorite for every category you mentioned
i can't make assumptions about you because you're a basic /mu/ bitch
i bet you think you're a robot but you have had a gf or two in the past, and you have a couple close friends too.

also >>35914316
browses reddit on a regular basis
not far off, i visit T_D fairly often and get my esports news from there
>Beatles Love
>Forrest Gump
>The Great Gatsby
>Grave of the fireflies
Do I have normie tastes?
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W-what am I like based on my last 7 days?
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Hart Of London
Synechdoche: New York
A Clockwork Orange
End Of Evangelion
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Taxi Driver
Andrei Rublev
The Master

do you like Drunks With Guns?
those albums are last 7 days btw
>Do I have normie tastes?
>skyrim, forrest gump, seinfeld
Top albums
Ride the Lightning
Master of Puppets
Braveheart or The Dark Knight
TV Shows
Vikings, the sons are retarded, I don't like them.
The Walking Dead, I've been watching for too long to just give it up.
Books, I haven't had time to read anything but textbooks. I read the Odyssey for school, it was good.
Good Kid, m.A.A.d City
>Movies/TV shows
I haven't watched any movies or TV shows since I was like 12. So I don't really have any.
Halo 2
No Longer Human
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (first season only, second season is awful and I pretend it doesn't exist)
I know the albums are very entry-level, but they're still some of my favorites.
Never had a gf and I don't really have any friends.
dunno what your taste says about you but I like We Are Him
You don't seek out new material
>Halo 2
>No Longer Human
You used to enjoy life
Have you read The Setting Sun from Dazai?
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Enter the Void
Alien 3 Assembly Cut
The Holy Mountain
A I A (Grouper)
Asunder, Sweet and other Distress
Yanqui UXO
Slow Riot for Zero Kanada
Soundtracks for the Blind
White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
The Great Annihilator
The Seer
Don't Let Stars Keep Us Tangled Up
Figure 8
From a Basement on the Hill
finishing Anna Karenina, reading Nausea next
Favorite is probably The Idiot or The Sickness Unto Death
>You used to enjoy life
>Have you read The Setting Sun from Dazai?
It's on my 'to do' list but I just never get to it. I heard it is very similar to No Longer Human so I'm interested in reading it but I just never do. Should get around to that.
You should, I can't imagine that you'd dislike it if you liked No Longer Human. It's also just as quick of a read.
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I'm not going to rate anyone, because I always feel like I have shit taste, and so therefore, what right do I have to be passing judgments?

>Synecdoche, New York
>Man With a Movie Camera
>Les Enfants du Paradis
>A la Recherche du Temps Perdu
>The Rings of Saturn
>Women and Men
>Cave Story
>Henry Darger
>Mark Rothko
>Vivian Maier
OP asked for assumptions, not ratings. Your taste isn't shitty and you know that, so the facade is a bit offensive
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Here's my most played on Steam.

I also have like 2000 hours of LoL, couple hundred of Hearthstone and maybe like 50 for Overwatch
I feel like my taste is better than average, but I also feel like it's because I'm (over)compensating for something. Which just means I'm a shitty person trying to hide that with good stuff. So you're right.
I'll try though.

Based on your late Swans stuff and GY!BE, I feel like you might like Ground Zero.
And most anime probably wouldn't interest you, but I feel like the more visually interesting directors like Kon or Yuasa might.
I'd assume you spent a lot of your last few years looking to further expose yourselves to more challenging media after a long stretch of just consuming derivative stuff, and that you're happy with where you're at now; have a pretty good idea of where you sit on the spectrum from Top 40s pop and popcorn flicks to shit so abstruse it's barely tolerable. Not an avant-teen, but you've given most of it all a go.

I feel like you don't quite enjoy these things as much as you maybe once did, and are instead just nostalgic for all the joy they once brought you - the exception being No Longer Human. Seconding that Setting Sun rec, and also some of the Romanticist poets - Wordsworth is fairly proud in his Preface to the Lyrical Ballads, but he does illustrate some of the power in the movement. It should either come across as obnoxious or affirmative of a want to get away from the day-to-day bullshit; back to the joys of innocence and youth. Keats' Odes are good and short.
onibi original oregano oblong
>Civ V
my nigga

have you beaten deity already?
Thanks for the Ground Zero recommendation. I listened through Consume Red and enjoyed it.
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One of each.

>jim o'rourke
mah african amigo
oh boy my kind of thread
Defs check out Revolutionary Pekinese Opera the next time you're in the mood. If Consume Red is the escalation of a war and it's aftermath, then RPO is a clusterfuck-riot (though I guess 'revolution' is probably more what they were going for).
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Onani Master Kurosawa
>Video Game
Phoenix Wright Trilogy
Ender's Game
Edge of Tomorrow
>TV Show
Avatar: The Last Airbender (might be House of Cards if I ever get around to finishing it)
I only listen to anime music for the most part but I liked Discovery when I was younger. Whoops that counts as anime music too.

Have childhood taste in everything besides weebshit because it consumes most of my time.
Yeah but whatever. At least it's not dumb stuff you like. But really, I'm like 99% sure youre a teenager.
Finally somebody else who likes LPD
fuck yeah. art house. this is my stuff. including eoe
assumption: you judge a lot of things as 'pretentious'
go listen to Remain in Light you goddamn fucking goon
>bojack horseman
>always sunny
>danny brown- xxx
>teen suicide- i will be my own hell
>brand new- the devil and god are raging inside me
>yoshis island
>american beauty
>sunset blvd.

desu with you looking at my interests i seem like a numale
In The Court of the Crimson King
Haven't listened to that much music so I'll just stop there.
Ping Pong The Animation
and a shit ton of other stuff
Anything written by Hunter S. Thompson, prefer my fiction to be visual so I don't really go to literature for that kind of thing.
Undertale was cool.. Also Civ 5 and Inside.
Basic normie trash. Kill yourself faggot.

He would see faces in anime, in JRPGs, in manga and in light novels
He thought that some of these faces might be right for him
>this is why first impressions are often correct.
Albums: itcotck, Hurtbreak Wonderland and Exmilitary.
Movies: The Hateful Eight and Night Crawler.
Shows: Seinfeld, Samurai Jack and it's Always Sunny (tv is not art.)
Games: Souls games, Morrowind, OoT and MM.
Books: Notes From The Underground, The Trial and The Stranger.
Anime: SEL, Flip Flappers, End of Evangelion, Spirited Away and occasionally anime from the Monogatari series.

to make this more interesting try to figure my drug of choice.
>Flip Flappers, End of Evangelion, Spirited Away
Top tier taste.
pretty good lad
likes to think that you're idiosyncratic but not to the point of snowflakey

a gross consumer of entry level hipsterdom

fun things are fun and wish fulfillment

likes to think you're above it all
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btw i don't get movies or books :(
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rare photo of this poster
original guess
obvious somewhat normie albums but i like them all. I think people oftrn post obscure shit just to be a special snowflake who likes different things.

I reckon you didnt listen to music as a kid and you only started to when you were in your late teens.
tumblr tastes

probably very smart, equally boring
You're actually right to a certain degree.
Let's rock fagbois
Starless & Bible Black - King Crimson
In the Land of Grey and Pink - Caravan
Pacific - Harry Hosono and Friends
Luxury - Fantastic Plastic Machine
>tv shows
Star Wars: Jedi Outcast/Academy
Gene Wolfe is objectively the greatest writer alive
Spess Runaway Ideon
Aim for the Ace
Royal Spess Force
Cream Lemon
Brian De Palma and Derek Jarman

pleb shitter

If you're listening to that much in 7 days you can't really be listening can you?

Entry level arthouse garbage


This is probably the smartest thing we're going to see this thread.

>Women and Men
Sure thing anon. I'm personally more of a Voynich Manuscript guy but whatever.
>Henry Darger
Okay this is just satire.

Fucking plebs get off my board.
>bad taste
every time
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recently enjoyed
sure showed me
Addendum to this post, >>35923523 Kitchen Nightmares is possibly greatest reality tv shows ever made.
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Battle Metal - Turisas
With All Due Respect - Young Dubliners
>Tv Shows
Z Nation
Always Sunny
Eric Andre Show
New Vegas
Zero Escape series
Don't read much anymore but I like random books on folklore and mythology
Hajime no Ippo
Space Dandy
Evil Dead 2
Hobo With a Shotgun
Pick of Destiny

I got garbo taste.
Does anyone know more links like this?

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You're a short skinny guy and you ran track in high school. You're a slightly ntroverted normie.

Gas - Konigsforst
Skream - Skream!
Cujo - Adventures in Foam
Oneohtrix Point Never - R + 7
Susumu Yokota - Grinning Cat

Eyes Wide Shut
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

>video games
Halo: Combat Evolved
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Mass Effect 2
Halo 2

A Confederacy of Dunces
Infinite Jest
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Fight Club
Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

>tv shows
Mad Men
Peep Show
Twin Peaks
Even Stevens

Princess Mononoke
Cowboy Bebop
Death Note

chicken tikki massala
sushi rolls
General Tso's chicken

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Great movie. Knew I was forgetting something my list.
Bronson was our guy
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>The Queen is Dead
>The Stranger
>Black Ops

Auf der Maur - Auf der Maur
The Thing and prequel, Bloodsport
>tv show
Currently The Expanse and Homeland
Dragon's Dogma, Skies of Arcadia, Destiny
Stephen King shit
Miyazaki stuff
Blame!, Berserk
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Led Zeppelin II
Slime Girls - Vacation Wasteland
Ryo Fukui - A Letter From Slowboat
Tricot - AND
My Dead Girlfriend - hades
LA Confidential
Perfect Blue
Dark souls
Persona 3
Harvest Moon
The Black Company
The Hobbit
Non Non
Log Horizon
Dirty Pair
>what am i like?

Trying too hard
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>Corvus Corax: Sverker
>The best of the original Dubliners
>Silly Wizard: Caledonia's hardy sons
>The essential Johnny Cash
TV shows:
>Avatar: The good one with bending and crap
>Beverly hillbillies
>Gilligan's island
>Wind Waker
>Donkey Kong country
>Star Wars battlefront II
>Mount & Blade
>POTC 1, 2, 3
>LOTR 1, 2, 3
>Star Wars IV, V, VI
>Alone in the Wilderness
>lol no

I'm just gonna make stabs in the dark here, so bear with me. You're relatively introverted and quiet, so you feel like the best way to express yourself is through your media interests. You're also pretty chill around your friends and family.
Stop ignoring me anons
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>You're relatively introverted and quiet
>You're also pretty chill around your friends and family
Somewhat close, I'm completely introverted I go weeks without talking to people irl and I have 1 "friend"
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Eyy, das breddy good. I'm satisfied with that.
>Movies (not necessarely in this order)

The Wailing
Blue Velvet
Taxi Driver

>Tv shows

Twin Peaks
Gaki No Tsukai
Kamen Rider (1971)
Ash vs evil dead

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei


Ichi The Killer
Anything by Fukumoto
failed normie/10, has had a gf in the past but still hangs around claiming to be a robot, probably posts in uni threads
Nothing of that is true.
You got some basic tier taste to not be a normie then anon
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Madoka Magica, Shinsekai Yori, Evangelion, Nagi no Asukara, Welcome to the NHK.
Crash Team Racing, Patapon 2, NFS: Most Wanted '05, Jak II, Spyro 3.
Legend of the Black Shawarma, Sekai Shusoku 2116.

If anyone has any VN/Mango recs that'd be cool.
You guys are all pretty decent i'd hang out with most of you
You're an emotional thrill seeker. You like being mentally toyed with by your media, but you also enjoy simple, goofy fun.
Spirit of Eden
Surf's Up
The Saragossa Manuscript
Le Samourai
A Man Escaped
>TV Shows
Fawlty Towers
Deus Ex
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Hitman: Contracts
The Brothers Karamazov
Les Miserables
Ping Pong the Animation
Tatami Galaxy
Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa
Sumire 16-Sai
You seem like a person I wish I could be friends with.
>Tfw no friend to talk about ground zero and romantic poets with
Fucking kill me
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/mu/ patricians are the fucking worst
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