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>tfw limited my candy intake to only one King Size Snickers

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>tfw limited my candy intake to only one King Size Snickers per day and now only drink Coke Zero, which has no calories, but haven't lost any weight
Who here fell for the fitness meme too? The truth is, you can only lose weight if you have the right genetic makeup, like a fast metabolism. Fuck this.
Go to >>>/ck/ and >>>/fit/ and >>>/adv/ but you can continue to share your frustration of life here as well...
aspartame, as well as added sugar can contribute to weight gain. Maximise your carbs and fibre intake, as well as veg. Stop consuming the powdered jew
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1. no candy
2. Real squeezed juice, or water *(stick with water)
3.Cut back on salt, *(its easier then you think)
4. if its a nice day out, then go for a walk

mfw 6'2 188lbs

stopped drinking candy water, ate less/but more healthy meals, and walked

now im 6'2 155lbs


No, it's about controlling the toxins in your diet, lifting is a meme
How large are you anon?

How much kcal do you actually eat per fucking day, be honest anon.
Low quality bait, OP, I'm not putting your post number in my post, no way
Nice bait. It's good bait because I know there are actually people like this.
>mah only one trash food a day
>mah diet soda

we believed that in the 70's, and it was merely an hypothesis at that time. Now we know as a fact that, in order to lose weight, you have to cut on your glucose intake and limit =your insulinary reaction (by doing sport, walking or cardio).
Basically: don't eat bread or pastas, eat veggies, meat, or simple fat (no processed stuff), and don't eat sugar and/or aspartame.
That honestly isn't that bad anon, people have been fatter and still got better. You seriously need to reduce calories and focus on cardio. Even an hour of walking a day would do wonders..
Oh did i say 400? I meant 600
lol you're just trolling aren't you.
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kek, yea desu
>almost all my calories come from alcohol
>finally manage to quit drinking everyday
>appetite skyrockets and i'm always hungry

i just ate an entire pizza and don't feel full

i used to have to stop after 2 slices...
Just don't eat. I know it's gonna hurt at first, but trust me, your body is not hungry.
unless you're a 10-level BMI, you can easily not eat for multiple days. If you force yourself not to eat, you'll get used to eat more sizeable portions.
>one King Size Snickers
>only drink Coke Zero

You disgusting fat fuck, you have to cook your own food. The more you eat this processed garbage shit the fatter you'll become.

>low calorie snacks make you lose weight

Do some pull ups and push ups, oh wait, you can't even do one. You dead weight, sack of shit, I would seriously beat the shit out of you, anon. Your fat sausage fingers can't even make it through the trigger guard of a handgun.

I'm coming for you, bitch.
>only one King Size Snickers

>2. Real squeezed juice
>3.Cut back on salt

>in order to lose weight, you have to cut on your glucose intake

There is a difference between eating healthy and losing weight.
To lose weight you merely need to eat less calories than you burn.
>b-but muh genetics
>muh starvation mode
Fuck off, unless you have a one in a million genetic defect (you'll still lose weight but it could be dangerous without medical supervision in that case) or are somehow able to violate the laws of physics that's pure bullshit.

As far as eating healthy: don't cut out either fats, or carbs or this or that.
Cut out trans fats, limit saturated fats, up your omega-3 and 6 intake.
Go for complex carbs over simple.
Eat enough high quality protein.
no. all it is is calories in calories out
don't be a retard

You were a perfect weight. Now your underweight and either skelly mode or some hideous remenant of skinnyfat. I'm the exact same height and I just hit 175. Most I've weighed in my entire life, I'm happy with the progress, but I'm still a total lanklet
>stuck to 2-3 meals a day, homemade from scratch
>lost 20 pounds and I don't even get out much
pretty easy tbqh
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>I'm coming for you, bitch.
No you stupid fuck, even coke zero is made with the same shit as regular coke, you fell for their bullshit.

If you want to lose weight, DO NOT DRINK ANY SODA AT ALL, NOT EVEN 'DIET' SODA. Don't eat candy either. 3 meals a day to normalize your metabolism, plus a snack of fruit/nuts if you get hungry during the day. Christ nigga this shit ain't hard.
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apx 4200
gonna look amazing
Coke zero really has 0kcal.
But the fake sugars give you cancer and skyrocket your appetite.
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>No you stupid fuck, even coke zero is made with the same shit as regular coke, you fell for their bullshit.

it says ZERO (0) calories on the nutrition information. Fuck off
When i lost weight i had to eat only one meal per day and it wasnt much because of this bullshit

But hey i dropped from 115kg to 66kg which is great
At least I'm a retard who is able to control it's weight.
If you dig into it for only 5 minutes, you'd realize that:
-not all "calories" are processed equally by the body
-Calories cited by food manufacturers are often wildly inaccurate 'by up to 25%)
-glucose-heavy diets tend to generate more triglyceride>adipous fat

But alright, I guess a guy in the 70's who had no idea how the body worked and just made a wild guess based on some rule of physics that barely apply to dietary standards is more correct.
i havent fallen for the fitness meme but when i will, im gonna make your fat face jealous as fuck

t. genetically superior, alpha, god compared to you
Are you fucking retarded? What is your height, weight, activity levels and approximate body-fat?

Because unless you're a 7' guy who goes running every day that is way too much.
You know what? It may not contain calories, but it does prevent you from losing weight.
It triggers your insulin emission, which means your body is unable to burn fat for about 6-8 hours depending on how often you move your fat ass. So stop drinking the liquid jew ffs.
go for an hour walk in the morning before you eat or drink anything. go outside, not on a treadmill. then drink 500-1000 ml of water, still don't eat anything. then eat your biggest meal of the day. You can eat little amounts of food throughout the rest of the day until 6-7 pm, then don't eat anymore until the next day.

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>tfw this is what I got for breakfast
It's not the candy bar and coke.
It's everything else beside that what you put inside you.
>tfw no breakfast
>tfw no lunch
>tfw nothing but water all day
>tfw light soup for dinner
>tfw 220 calories
lol fatty's are funny lmao
>-not all "calories" are processed equally by the body
Thermogenic effects are very minor.
In theory: yeah, kinda.
In practice: no, a calorie is a fucking calorie - unless you're talking about 0.1% difference.
>-Calories cited by food manufacturers are often wildly inaccurate 'by up to 25%)
Not really.
>-glucose-heavy diets tend to generate more triglyceride>adipous fat
Kys. Excess caloric intake causes fat. The 4kcal figure for carbs and 9kcal figure for fats already takes metabollic efficency into account.
Eat 3 meals per day, don't eat any candy or drink any soda, Coke zero may not have any sugar but it has a fuckload of toxic shit in it which will probably kill your metabolism as well. Also start exercising as well. If you can't manage this, then I'm glad that you'll never reproduce.
>Drinking coke
>Not drinking just water
Don't you feel bad after drinking coke? I seriously can't stand it. The disgusting sticky feeling it leaves in my mouth.
probably more calories than a normal breakfast without anyway of filling you up, meaning you're going to snack all day and become more of a fatass
If you keep like that you will start using you grease as fuel for your body.

GJ buddy keep it up.
>t. avid womens magazine reader
fuck off whit your meme bullshit. losing weight is not as complicated as you try to make it and there are no short-cuts.
Who are you my mom? Fuck you
What about you post a source of what you are stating instead of chimping out like an idiot?


Educate yourself instead of following stupid lade up rules that don't equate to reality...

Same here. If you exceed ~300g of glucose in one setting, your body is unable to hold it, and in order to prevent glycosylation of the blood (bad thing in short), your liver transforms it into triglyceride, which is especially difficult to break down. That is why not all calories are equal: proteins will not have this tendency, same for fat.

Did I say it was complicated? It's not. All you have to do is eat less and eat the right things.
>kill your metabolism
if that happens - congratulations you're dead
>inb4 i meant "slow it down significantly
yeah, you're also dead in that case. basal metabolism can't slow down by more than 5% before you die.
>Kys. Excess caloric intake causes fat. The 4kcal figure for carbs and 9kcal figure for fats already takes metabollic efficency into account.
>this dumb nigger doesn't understand leptin, ghrelin, or insulin
lol. i'm in a medical physiology class, and it's definitively proven that it's not all "calories-in vs calories-out"

there's much more at play than i care to explain to someone as arrogant and stupid as yourself.
enjoy your early grave, fatty. the funniest part is that you're not even going to enjoy the trip there because you're so stupid
You're talking absolute shit holy fuck
Anice cold can of coke is a tasty treat.

It's very delicious and not even that bad for you.

Only 210 calories per 12 ounce can!

Still, it's best kept as a special dessert.

Not something you enjoy with every meal.
man as a gymrat I can assure you genetics have nothing to do with it. its all mindset.
One easy way to lose weight is just to go to sleep really hungry every day.

When you're hungry, your body is saying "I don't have enough calories to maintain my current weight.". With enough repetition, significant weight loss will occur.
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>these many replies in a pathetically obvious bait thread

Sage goes into the option.
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Fuck you too retard, I will enjoy my meal while I think how to find you and kill you
Look at:
If you don't trust me.
Why are so reluctant to just consider the fact that you might be wrong. Ever wondered why since 1972 the US obesity epidemic has increase 10 folds? Yeah, it's because the FTC took into that crap.
Now if you want to be in denial, it's fine: i'm not going to be the one getting my leg amputated from the diabetes boogieman while working out 10 hours a day to stay under 200 pounds...
>I am going to enjoy my single chocolate bar for breakfast while thinking Im suffering through a diet
sure you are
This is a happiness diet you stupid -80 Iq monkey kys
>10 folds
lmao you're such a fucking idiot.

god i'm not wasting any more time on you, skittle brains
Alright, have a nice day burger.
>happiness diet
its not even a diet, so why bother? at least have a nice plate of sausage and bacon with 12 eggs.
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>tfw dying for oatmeal apple cookies
I miss pastries so much.
i lost 10kg just by reducing candies and sweet drinks
oh and you have to leave your house sometimes
Your metabolism determines the calories out. Also, you're probably lying about the calories in.
Top kek. Keto isn't any better for losing weight unless: your goal is to also fight insulin resistance aggressively or if you have severe problems complying to your diet. Ie. it's only really beneficial for obese fucks with little self control who are approaching diabetes.

> ~300g of glucose in one setting
And if you eat 300g of fat in one sitting, you'll shit a lot of that out - skewing the results. Who the fuck eats 300g of sugar in a day, let alone one sitting?

>lol. i'm in a medical physiology class
Then they are doing an awful job teaching you. Dr. Oz is a medical doctor and spews bullshit advice all the time, you taking a college class doesn't make you instantly infailbile. I encountered a lot of doctors who said I have high blood pressure and even one who wanted to insert a port into me - even though I tell them straight out the standard cuff is too small for my arm and skews the result.

>it's not all "calories-in vs calories-out"
This is true in very borderline cases: eat too much and some of the food might not get absorbed etc. Hell, carbs don't even have exactly 4kcal. But the tolerances are extremely tight and if they ever step out of line too much - something is very wrong and you're dead.

The equation needs to even out, so unless you think physics is optional or you have bio-chemistry that is different from the rest of the human species or are running a 50 degree fewer - the model will agree with actual results to over 95%.

That's like someone saying "never drink 1l of booze at one time - you'll die" and you go "actually, that might be good for you if you just drank a large amount of methanol and have no other way of hindering it's absorption."
If you eat about 400g of pastas, you'll mostly hit that 300g limit. Guess why low carbs was a thing even in the 1700...

And of course keto is for the fat people who have a hard time losing fat and controlling themselves (like OP if he is not trolling).
>If you don't trust me.
>he think claiming to have taken a college class makes him an indisputable expert.

>Ever wondered why since 1972 the US obesity epidemic has increase 10 folds?
Yeah, it's definitely due to calories in - calories out and has nothing to do with falling activity levels, rising popularity of fast-food or anything else. It's people counting calories that turned America fat, top logic mate.

>my leg amputated from the diabetes boogieman while working out 10 hours a day to stay under 200 pounds
You have no idea how physical training works if you think anyone but marathoners ever train for 10 hours a day. Are you suggesting marathoners are at great risk for diabetes? Top kek.
>I'm coming for you, bitch.
Is that supposed to be intimidating or what?
You sound like little fuck who acts tough on cuckchan but won't say shit IRL.
Diet soda won't let you lose weight and you're eating more than your daily intake of sugar when you eat that snickers you dumb nigger to give you an idea I just ate two chicken breasts and 3/4 a cup of rice and that was my meal for the day I got to have a couple of sippies of some dr.pepper too.
Are you mentally challenged? The fact that you are failing that
>my leg amputated from the diabetes boogieman while working out 10 hours a day to stay under 200 pounds
is not meant to be taken seriously is sad, truly sad, if you are not doing it on purpose of course...
And before 1972 people were more concerned with following known methods, like offering healthy diets to people that needed them. It is a lie that all calories are equal, and that eating 2000 calories worth of protein/fat are the same as 2000 calories worth of sugars...
>f you eat about 400g of pastas, you'll mostly hit that 300g limit.
Pasta is made of sugar? All carbo-hydrates are absorbed with the same speed and have the same effect on insulin levels? What retarded point am I supposed to take from this?

>Guess why low carbs was a thing even in the 1700
Mercury supplementation was also a thing back then, no argument whatsoever. Also good luck maintaining a low-carb diet while being physically active - which is overwhelmingly proven to be one of the best things you can do for your health.

Is cutting carbs more feasible than cutting out protein or fats? Of course. Can you live that way? Yes. Is it better than a balanced diet? Fuck no.

>And of course keto is for the fat people who have a hard time losing fat and controlling themselves
Then why the fuck are you shilling it as the optimal diet for all people?
>the official breakfast of /fit/faggots
that's a diet not a happiness diet
/ck/ is fat as fuck dude
its a farmers breakfast before gyms were even a thing. maybe you should stop worrying so much about memes
Don't trust the exercise-jew guys, he only wants to harm you.
Shoo shoo filthy jew, back into your oven.
Cals in cals out is theoretically correct but practically very misleading. I don't think anyone who parrots that phrase is actually meaning to be helpful.
>It is a lie that all calories are equal, and that eating 2000 calories worth of protein/fat are the same as 2000 calories worth of sugars...

If you eat 2000 calories of protein/fat, you will have increased levels of testosterone/estrogen and other steroids from the fat, and will have increased muscle development.

2000 calories of sugars will have increased adipose tissue.

Now consider the long term- surely those fucking retards know that muscle burns more calories than fat tissue, right? So consistently eating higher proteins/fats will lead to consistently higher serum testosterone, which will lead to increased muscle size and tone, in addition to the muscle from more protein. over time, you will burn more calories just from having more muscle

if you eat 2000 calories of sugar consistenly, you will have increased adipose tissue. your metabolism will be decreased due to less muscle tissue.

i mean it's fucking common sense, as well as a scientifically proven fact. people who think it's all "calories in vs calories out" are just way too fucking dumb, i wonder how they even exist t b h. then again, the average ACT is like 19 and i got 30 when i was a freshman, i really struggle to understand how people can really be this dumb.
>probably more calories than a normal breakfast
That thing looks like 200calories max. What the fuck do you eat for breakfast?
>is not meant to be taken seriously is sad, truly sad, if you are not doing it on purpose of course...

>lol, I was only trolling.
That stupid statement fits in perfectly with the rest of your claims.

>It is a lie that all calories are equal, and that eating 2000 calories worth of protein/fat are the same as 2000 calories worth of sugars
No shit, sherlock. But saying that "keto will make you lose weight faster inherently" or "if you eat this and this your metabolism will slow down severely" are stupid points to make. Keto doesn't allow you to violate thermo-dynamics and "your metabolism slowing down considerably" means you die.

When people say "a calorie is a calorie" they obviously fucking mean "from an energy balance standpoint" not from a health standpoint. Hint: a calorie is a measurement of energy, not nutritional value. That's like saying that tensile strength is a stupid measure for support struts, because it doesn't take into account design - no fucking shit, there isn't one overall measurement that tells you exactly how good something is in all cases.

You're faulting calorie counting for not being able to tell you what exactly to eat. It isn't fucking supposed to, it tracks your energy intake - and that is part of any healthy diet, and the vital metric for weight-loss.
>hur counting calories means that people will eat 2000kcal of sugar and cut out protein and fats.
>anyone who says that tracking caloric intake is important for weight loss is automatically saying that NOTHING ELSE MATTERS and that you should eat whatever you want.
You are a fucking retard.
I think the problem with your very humorous retardation is that you assume that all things consumed are either burned as energy or are saved as fat.

I really don't know where the disconnect is your retarded little brain, but that's my best guess. Your understanding of nutrition is childlike at best.
>If you eat 2000 calories of protein/fat, you will have increased levels of testosterone/estrogen and other steroids from the fat, and will have increased muscle development.
Where the fuck did I say the opposite?

>2000 calories of sugars will have increased adipose tissue.
Where the fuck did I say that you should do that?

>Now consider the long term- surely those fucking retards know that muscle burns more calories than fat tissue, right?
That's literally what any /fit/izen will tell you.

>So consistently eating higher proteins/fats will lead to consistently higher serum testosterone
To a certain point. Eating more than 1.5g/kgBW of protein or more than 1.1g/kgBW of fat won't do any good. Benefits don't stack linearly forever.

>muscle tone
Top kek.

>people who think it's all "calories in vs calories out" are just way too fucking dumb
That rule will control your weight, which is what OP what asking for. But sure, let's just caricature it into people saying "hur, just eat 2000kcal of sugar" and argue against that retarded strawman.
>about to go get dinner at mcds: 4 double cheeseburgers, 4 mcchicks, 2 grand macs and a 20 nuggets
>tfw will also order a pizza later tonight for my post-dinner meal
who /fat'n'lovinit/ here?

dont know what ill have for my pre-bed snack tho. maybe ice cream or something
>6'2 155lbs
I'm 6'1" and at 185lbs I was like 15-18% body fat. How are you alive?
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>tfw no bf to help me lose weight
How fat were you?
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get your fat ass to the gym
t. your virtual boy friend
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>Your understanding of nutrition is childlike at best.
Yeah mate; I got to 14%BF, a 120kg bench, 110/75 BP@67 and almost ideal blood sample values by not understanding nutrition. That's totally how it works.

>I really don't know where the disconnect is your retarded little brain, but that's my best guess.
Your problem is that you assume because I say "counting calories is how you control your weight" means that I'm saying "it's all that matters for your diet, period" even though I stated the importance of eating complex carbs, eating enough protein and not going the idiot route by trying to cut out fat. You are too stupid to grasp that more than one concept can be relevant to something.

You're the kind of retard that if someone tells them "don't eat those rusty nails" they assume it's okay to eat shards of glass because they were only warned about rusty nails.
Tell me this, obviously you won't lose weight just from switching to the keto meme

But does a keto caloric deficit help you lose more fat than a higher carb one?
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i hope being a lazy fuck worth it.
this post is clearly bait, but to lose weight you gotta
>1. work out your maintenance calories (there are online calculators for that)
>2. work out exactly how many calories are in the foods you usually eat (there are calculators for that too)
>3. aim for 500 calories below your maintenance calories, AND ONLY EAT FOODS THAT YOU KNOW WILL ADD UP TO NO MORE THAN 500 CALORIES BELOW YOUR MAINTENANCE.
>4. check your weight once per week, no more, no less, and record the results. If you aren't gradually losing weight, you calculated your food wrong. Fix it.
>5. after a few months you will have noticeably lost weight
>6. enjoy not being fat
Cut soda period idiot. Diet soda doesn't help much.
Wrong. You spurts keep quoting the 2d law of thermodynamics and ignoring the 3d law.
400kcal of soda IS NEVER GOING to be the same as 400kcal of meat. Please leave, you are why people are fat.
You'd probably drop to a lighter equilibrium if you stuffed yourself with ******whole****** plant foods :-)

worked for douchebag propertarian magician
>But does a keto caloric deficit help you lose more fat than a higher carb one?
No, that was my whole point before that retard started assuming I was telling people to eat nothing but sugar.

Keto is good for decreasing insulin resistance. Which a balanced diet with simple carbs switched out for complex ones will accomplish well enough too - unless you're pe-diabetic. In that case keto is a good idea - until you get down to a semi-normal weight.

It is also good for decreasing hunger levels. Which is good if you're the kind of weak-willed faggot that has a nervous breakdown if he has to skip MDs and eats a chicken salad instead.

The negative effects are decreased energy levels, slowed down mental processes and irritability - those all improve significantly after a week or two but never go away completely.

In terms of making you lose fat faster: no. It doesn't do that by itself.

Eating a balanced diet that includes complex carbs along with enough fats and protein and simply decreasing overall caloric intake in combination with physical exercise (which is really hard to do on keto, which is my main gripe with that diet since physical activity is vital for improved health) is much more tenable as a long term weight loss solution. But what the fuck does /fit/ know about losing weight and improving your looks. We're all retarded meatheads with pigeon brains.
>All this back petaling.
>ignoring the 3d law.
"The entropy change associated with any condensed system undergoing a reversible isothermal process approaches zero as the temperature at which it is performed approaches 0 K."
What the fuck are you on about?

>400kcal of soda IS NEVER GOING to be the same as 400kcal of meat.
No shit, sherlock. Form a nutritional perspective it's not even close to being the same. BUT FROM A MOTHERFUCKING ENERGY PERSPECTIVE IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME. 400kcal = 400kcal.

Again and again and again you fucking retards assume that "track your energy intake" is the same as "energy intake is the only thing that matters."
no proof aspartame causes cancer dude
This Chad sez keto is dum

>All this back petaling.

This >>35620384 was my first post in this thread. To quote:
>There is a difference between eating healthy and losing weight.
>As far as eating healthy: don't cut out either fats, or carbs or this or that.
>Cut out trans fats, limit saturated fats, up your omega-3 and 6 intake.
>Go for complex carbs over simple.
>Eat enough high quality protein.

Yeah, I'm totally saying that you should eat 2000kcal of sugar a day and that eating healthy and balanced is not important.

The 3d law is about heat loss, I.e. Effiecintccy.
That's why 400kcal suger is not the Same energy, it is so effecitly broken down that most of it gets stored as fat. Where 400kcal of meat takes energy to break down and put in a useable form. You can't measure kcal on a bundson burner and pretend the entry output will be the same as in a bicemical system like your body.
It has zero calories but your body still thinks it's food and spikes your insulin when you drink it
>up your omega-6
Someone doesn't know what they're talking about. You won't get too little of it by accident if you're getting enough 3.
Patience, Beans!
>You can't measure kcal on a bundson burner and pretend the entry output will be the same as in a bicemical system like your body.
this. "calories-in" shills BTFO
What in the FUCK is that? like holy shit
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friend you can do what I do and make sweet oatmeal with stevia and throw in different fruits, cinnamon, cacao, or even pb powder. Combine that with some mixed in greek yogurt and you have great macros and it tastes bretty good desu
>That's why 400kcal suger is not the Same energy
Yes it is, it is not digested in the same way and it's function in the human body is not the same. But the amount of energy is almost exactly the fucking same. The difference is so small that it is lower than the margin of error. Guess what: the human body is pretty fucking efficient, evolution will do that.

> it is so effecitly broken down that most of it gets stored as fat
Only if you eat too much. Hence why tracking your intake is important, also protein will get stored as excess weight too if you eat too much. Or are you saying that a person eating 1000kcal of sugar a day will gain weight despite having a TDEE of 2500kcal?

>all of /fit/, professional athletes and in general thin people are wrong and have been doing it the wrong way all this time
>that's why they are all so fucking fat
Yeah, whatever. Eat keto, don't count your calories, avoid physical exercise. Great plan. I'm sure you'll lose tons of weight and not yo-yo.
>up your omega-3 and 6 intake.

I'm genuinely starting to think you're un-ironcially retarded.
How am I supposed to eat healthy at uni? All they have at my cafeteria is shitty junk food. Last week they literally served pizza rolls for lunch. I can't exactly afford a healthy diet either.
>can't exactly afford a healthy diet
this is just a nigger and woman excuse
do you know how much lettuce costs? neither do I because I barely notice it when paying

also if weight is the main issue eating less bad food still makes you lose weight
Uni bot here! Do you have a fridge or something to store frozen veggies? You can always eat canned veggies if you are too poor to afford better (even tho you have to "wash" them a little bit for the sodium intake). I eat about 1200-900 kcal, mostly on veggies and some light protein (like precooked chicken breasts or fish) with 20 dollars per week. You just gotta have some discipline to spend so little in such a long time. Also, coffee helps diggestion, but it must be black.
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Stop masturbating

Start lifting
Is your cafeteria plan opt-out or do you have to pay?
Do you have a place to cook? At least one electric heater?
No stoves or ovens in the freshmen year dorms unfortunately so that cuts out a lot of stuff.
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I KNOW my diet is bad. But what am I supposed to do?

It isn't my fault, it is the fault of advertisements and the human mind.

Colorful candy and cereal is designed to make us fat. I ate 5000 calories today adn 4500 were 'color calories' as I call them. In my opinion 'color calories' don't count. They are calories provided by foods in colorful packaging. I don't count these so don't count the weight they add.

In the last year I gained 99lb and 96lbs was color calories. So I have gained 3lbs. If I die, it isn't my fault, it is the fault of corporations and advertisements. If I die I'll be OK with it because I got to live happily as a man who showed the world what advertisement does.

I am not unhealthy. The world isn unhealthy. Not me.
>It isn't my fault, it is the fault of advertisements and the human mind.
Well since it's not your fault: just continue being fat. Nothing to be done about it. It's all the fault of those colourful candies.

Seriously though, why the fact are you so obsessed with colorful candies? are you a fucking magpie?

>I am not unhealthy. The world isn unhealthy. Not me.
Fuck off, I have abs and could lift you overhead like a child. I'm plenty healthy.
did someone already reply with a this is bait meme
In my state the school is legally required to have nutrition info accessible, be it online, on-site, etc. See if you can find the info for your uni's food provider's. When in doubt just hit the vegetarian section, they've got to have steamed broccoli or squash or something you can load up on.
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