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Fembot here, ask me anything. Also, fembot general. Shit that

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Fembot here, ask me anything.
Also, fembot general.

Shit that happened to you recently.
>bf cheated on me.
>parents kicked me out.
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That's so horrible... I'm so sorry... why did your parents kick you out, angel?
The real question is: are you the one who's causing all of these problems in your life, or does trouble just seem to "find you"?


I dont need this
My parents didn't want to care for me after I turned 20.
They hate me.

Trouble always finds me for some reason :(
Can I be your boyfriend? I wont cheat on you! I promise. Where are you from?
I'm from New Jersey.

Where're you from?
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Sorry, but I'm talking to her on Skype and we're boyfriend and girlfriend now.
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Join :33333
Europe. What are you looking for in a guy?
Do you enjoy the attention you get from these threads or do you just a lack of self-awareness?
Jereseybot here bro, watch out. Our women are trashy, and it's not shocking at all that OP was thrown out of her trailer home.
What's your age, height, weight, bra size? Do you take it up the ass?
Where you at in jersey, let's smoke some weed senpai?
Okay cool, nice thread. I have a serious question, but I'm a little anxious about asking it, because I know it will spur a lot of negative reactions...

Could you leave this place?

Im from NJ where are you?
Why do you like atention so much thatvyou decive virgins on a Mongol basket weaving forum?
>try to talk to my crush at the bus stop
>he's angry and sleepy
>go to another bus stop to stop disturbing him
Thankfully the weather was good enough to take a little walk.
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Another day in the life of Stacy.

Should've gotten a loyal qt robot bf from here.
Can I watch you creampie her anon?
Something's amiss here, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
However, I want to ask, where are you currently staying now that you're kicked out? I'm going to be kicked out as soon as my mom finds out I have a gpa of 2, and I don't have any friends so I have nobody to stay with.
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just stfu and gtfo of here nobody cares, needs you
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Kill yourself, dude

Hey, its original, ok?
I'm virgin too!
I don't smoke sadly bby.
I want a nice guy, who doesn't do stupid things, or acts like a bastard.
I think I need to kill myself
Just seems like my only choice
Logically speaking, im trying to think of others paths but im coming up blank
It can make sense to kill yourself right? If you think about it its just another choice, doesnt have to be a bad one
Reported. Enjoy your ban roastie whore
What do you mean by "stupid thigs"?

I am nice..
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How are you a virgin with a bf? What did you do with him? Are you christian?
Want to see a movie?
No, I'm atheist.

What movie, anon?
I'd love to!

It sucks that everyone thinks girls are really social, when it's hard being a girl.
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This is literally the textbook case of a fake femanon. It's some gay guy who wants to either steal a guy's info and doxx them or more likely, wants to do some lewd gay shit with them because he gets off on that kind of stuff

BEWARE! Stay away! Thar be benis here!
Where are you staying if you got thrown out?
I'd be your bf but I'm across the Atlantic. What's your opinion on LDRs
we can go see Kong or Beauty and The Beast
where am I picking you up lol
I'm at my best friend's house right now, he's a guy, but we're just friends.
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Pick one

This is how I know this is a troll thread.
I actually live about an hour from Jersey, damn shame
>where am I picking you up lol

What a beta, mate.
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>house right now, he's a guy, but we're just friends.
Kek, all the cucks ITT face just dropped.
I'm a robot like you guys!
Rollerino spallerino rollerino


Literally just fuck off, mate.
>pick up girl to see a movie
wat m80
you've lost me
Do you guys know about the assholes that're derailing high quality threads?
They're all using tripcodes, on discord or something.
One of them is some Russian, he's the worst shitposter.
Who are they?
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I'll number it just for you
Dude look where you are, it's pathetic
Faggot, you live in europe and you're trying to ask an american to see a movie.
Nothing is more beta than that
fuuuuck desu desu
I live in New Jersey m8 lol
we're all here tho
yeah, filthy board immigrant gtfo OP
U wanna stop sayin "lol"? Fucking pathetic kiddo. Fuck off.
Question for Femanons: at what age does it stop being acceptable for a guy to live with a(his) parent(s)?
Is it an absolute deal breaker?
What are some things that can detract from it? (car/good steady job/school/definitive plans for the future)
would you ever date a shy neet that just wants some one t cuddle?
i even live kinda near you
*teleports behind you*
nothing personal kiddo lol
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How is this possible, comrades?
Do you now see the futility of this situation?

By acting like a Roastie, I managed to rack up twenty-five anons to orbit me.

All roasties that believe that having friends as a girl is difficult, are bloody stupid.
Women, whores specifically, never change.

Comrades, do you not see that these whores come here to degenerate our lands?

Fembots are fake, and easy to pose as.
Females that pretend to be robots are just as fake as the existence of "good women", in modern society.

This is the last safe haven, the last demonstration of Men Going Their Own Way.

Yet, you STILL decide to orbit a female, just because she has a vagina.

Comrades, when will you realize that they are not here to help you?
They are here for your attention.
Y'all just got toastied by the best roastie toaster.
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I still want to be your bf.
>It was me all along teehee.
what did she mean by this?
About 30-32. It's weird for anyone at this age (even though I'll probably be living with them for all my life).
But a good job can show that you're responsible and mature, so that's a big plus.
How can anyone from here help you?
Comrades, this is a demonstration of the futility of the situation.

/r9k/ was never a place fit for females, and most certainly roasties.
This is a place for lost souls, shunned and despised by all.

This is a place where the voiceless have a voice.
A place where the blind can see.
A place where the deaf can hear.

It is a place of wonder, and we will NOT stand for it's destruction by attention-whoring females, like I have proved in this experiment.

>Have a look at this roastie.
>Sitting here, nice and toasty.
>You're a dirty fucking Jew.
>Go ahead and have a (You).
>Chicken tendies, I'm on fire,
>Shitposting just makes me higher.
>Cyka blyat idi nahui roasties BTFO.
Sorry that I REEEE'd your ruse thread, well done, comrade. You're doing Kek's work.
>Cyka blyat idi nahui
Comrade, that was a point of no return for me. I'm 100% with you now.
Not to worry!
Glory, comrade.
Glory to /r9k/.

We stand united,
We die united.
How do I get a gf without going out and socializing?
Hello, anons.
Hello, robots.
Hello, brothers.

This board has become rotten with normies, it has become corrupt and degenerate.
Roasties plague our threads, shilling and spreading their toxicity far and wide.

Their reign has come to an end, for this type if behavior is absolutely unacceptable.

Females cannot be robots, and there are no other ways of saying it.
Women are born into this world pampered by the world, with not a single concern in the world.
A woman may spread her legs, and THOUSANDS, quite literally, THOUSANDS of Beta males, and perhaps some Alpha males will be lining up to tend to her every need. They have no idea what suffering is. They never have known, and never will.

Modern women are little more than glorified whores. Thanks to Western society, and thanks to many other aspects of our daily lives, women have degraded themselves to nearly a primordial state, and have lost all feelings of dignity and honor. They WILL cheat on you, they WILL NOT remain faithful. We can thank society for that as well.

This board, is a perfect example of men going their own way.

Now, roasties and whores, and other cock-hungry sluts have discovered this untapped place of lost souls, and wish to profit from it.
They come here seeking attention from poor desperate individuals, depraved of care, and these whores BASK in the attention.

We will not stand for this.
We will resist.


Social media is here for you.
well good job slavs
>killing fambot thread made by weeb cringy girl
>Fembot here
>60+ replies and counting
Why are fembots such fucking whores?
>Y'all got pranked by the best.

Comrades, ascend above the desire for flesh.

Females exist here only to ruin us further.
They claim they wish to help,
But they make it worse.

They have discovered an untapped source of males,
And they are now exploiting us, and our attention, for (You)s.

This thread is proof that most of them aren't who they claim to be, and those that are, are insufferable whores.

Slavs ruin everything

It was him all along you fucking retard
I got kicked out too for sleeping in 4 days in a row. I'm still my sister's house right now eating cheetos and playing video games. I think I'll try to come home tomorrow all weepy and apologetic.

Are you fembot?

It's clearly a dude how can you guys fall for it
Yeah. I know I don't seem affected by this but it blows.

Is this another troll? If not, fuck off roastie.
I know dude and he's a SLAV

How dense can you get senpai
I'm not a roastie but sure buddy.
Is is possible to find a gf if you are omega male?
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>Not roastie

Pick One And only one
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Femwhores btfo
Not roastie.
you can come live with me bby
GTFO stupid roastie fuck off to somewhere else

Haha get fucked roastie slut and also are you taking bf applications?
Yeah, but she'll be omega too.
Been there, done that, got ass raped.

Fucking kek im laffin

Then you were with the wrong guy obviously and went too far too quick.

Get a R O B O T boyfriend he will treat you like a princess. So come live with me
>it's your fault you were raped
>but I'll treat you like a princess
lol smooth
its ok i was joking anyway
im also a worthless neet
How can you be that desperate? If a girl on the street asked you what time is it, you'd immediately asked her to date you too?
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>normies are cruel
>robots are not

In other news scientists have just confirmed water is indeed wet.

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My mom kicked me out and I moved in with a friend who drugged me and busted my ass in my own bed. I can laugh about it but my ass hurts to this day.
I am too.
Without even knowing the person, without a doubt... That's both pathetic and brave. Also I just realized how cute JonTron is.
post picture without filter
you look qt
what did you do about it?
tfw no neet gf to do neet stuff with
No I'm not doing a serious pic on 4chan.
it's not like someone will recognize you
where you at tho
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How about a non serious pic of your tits?
Preparation H.
Also I wish I wasn't a NEET.
I got a job selling electronics. That's really it since I moved back home. It's not much but at least it's something.
Do people who buy electronics trust you?
so you didnt report him or anything?
idk man thats just kind of a fucked up thing to do to a "friend"
so do i but im pretty awful at everything so its hard
even more so when you mix it with crippling shyness
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How do girls keep doing this. It's a guarantee they don't know who to befriend. Unbelievable
No, they don't trust me.
They seem to. Not that it matters since we basically have a script to go by. People who know things about electronics probably aren't shopping there.
I'm shy too. It's ok buddy. The meek will inherit the earth.

You can blame me if you want but I didn't kick myself out and then rape me.
I dont trust you

m-maybe we could be shy together
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You can move in with me femanon I'll take care of you
>Fembot here
Quite literally kill yourself
women dont exist on the internet
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