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What happens after you get a gf? Like, what do you do with the

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What happens after you get a gf?
Like, what do you do with the girl afterwards?
I've never had a gf and I don't know how this gf/bf thing works.
Do you have to constantly go on dates and shit like that? I really have no idea what people who are in a relationship do.
My brother has a gf. All he does on the weekend is go over to her house and watch netflix, and presumably have sex as well.

The only way we know she's real is because my mom ran into them at wal-mart one time. He hates all of us and doesn't want any of us to meet her so I know very little about her
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After you get a GF you have a varying period of happiness and then everything becomes incredibly dramatic. Her parents will die and she will disappear from your life without a trace. If you try to contact her she will tell you to leave her alone.

Don't do it anon
I had a long distance gf for a while when I was a teenager.
We would be on msn messenger to each other for hours at a time, I have no idea how we talked so much and what we talked about.
Whenever we met up in person all we would do is get drunk and cuddle and make out and fuck and eat.

Good times.
I have a gf, surprisingly similar to the pic in OP. She doesn't really look the same but she has the same sad demeanor. She's also small and skinny like the pic.

Anyways, we really just live life but we do it together. If one of us just wants to lay around and be sad then the other one comes and does it with them. If one of us wants to watch TV and be quiet then the other one joins them.

We still go on dates a couple times a month but most of our relationship is being together because it's better that way than without each other.
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Fuck off normalshit get off my board
Proof that /r9k/ is now infested with ledditfags
fucking go back to your containment site
get out. shoo shooo
Calm down children. I've been touching my penis to these boards for years. She's all I have, I promise you that your lives are 10x better than mine it's just that you're too lazy to use what you have.
just like friends it varies all over the place. Some are high maintenance and you have to give a lot of attention to them. Others are chill and just like coexisting with you, others still just want you for a pick me up and little else. Until you start dating you won't really know what to expect.
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What do I have?
I dunno you tell me. For sure we know you have access to the internet and a electronic device.
You probably have parents, multiple people who want to see you succeed, a comfortable home, enough food that you never have to skip a meal for someone else, the opportunity to stay at home and do nothing. You're living like a king. It's only because you abuse it and act like a glutton that you don't have the supposed "life fixer" that is a girlfriend.

Don't pretend to post as me.
pretty much just pick her up, get food, take her back to mine talk and fuck then drop her off and do it all again the next day
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No parents, barely enough food i skip breakfast for that reason during the week and weekends just eat dinner, I'm a wagecuck and I have no family. I sleep in a rented room. I have no desktop, just my phone.
What type of robot is this?
Mhm this, have gf, life is still shit and wanna die.
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just fucking lol at normies

they cant even let robots have this one thing, normies just CANT admit that they have it better

>yeah i have gf who is cute and skinny lol but I know i have it harder :(((

Not everyone is a rich normie cunt like you buddy
You're pathetic, getting a gf is really easy even for the most autistic uggos, most people here just have really high standards.
wasn't aware I was pretending at anything
What do you talk about with your gf? I've had a few friends before. All I had to talk about are tv shows that we watched, a little politics, if we're both fans of a book then that too... sometimes they'd talk about some annoying cunt at work or something and I would react.

The few times I've hanged out with my sister we'd never have anything to talk about so I would be on my phone a lot.
Always wondered this also. I see normies talk about their friends a lot. They gossip and/or just talk about what they will do during the weekend.
>high standards
The fuck does that mean

Am I supposed to go after girlz who have deformed faces or something? It's not like I'm trying to get together with supermodels or something
My mom killed my dad when I was three. I was molested for three years by my legal guardians. I lost vision in my left eye at fifteen thanks to a bully taking it to far when I push back. I look awful and have high anxiety and basically see any person as a threat trying to take from me but I am soul crushingly alone because I have never even experienced being accepted beyond anything other than something to take pity on. Fuck you for being this retarded and spewing such toxic garbage like thinking anyone musing over a gf must have a ok life.
I'm literally choosing to go without food today so my girlfriend can eat today. I would love to be in your place.

>rich normie cunt
If you wanna know:
Her work, her family, films, music, sex, travel plans and chess (we met @ chess club) mainly
>You're pathetic
Yet you're saying you're more of a robot / have it harder?

>getting a gf is really easy even for the most autistic uggos, most people here just have really high standards.
Riiiiiiiight. I've literally never had a girl attracted to me or want to talk to me. Meanwhile I've made a few guy friends over the years. Even my sister doesn't actually try to socialize with me. She acts like a hostage. Girls are a different species to a robot.
>itt people roleplay that their life sucks so that they can maintain their fragile hatred towards "normies" so they don't have to accept all their problems are their fault
Fuck off newfag, you stupid robots ruined this board
We tend to ramble on the social meta and memes (not the internet kind) of our times. Neither of us get modern social trends but find them interesting all the same.
You really want a gf? Describe your ideal gf, and what stops you getting one?
I'm a different person. There are 2 gf havers in this thread.
it's aweful honestly. I used to be a 21y/o kissless virgin and then suddenly I became normal out of nowhere. Great for me but you don't really get rid of your robots habit when you've been one for long so I just can't stand having my girlfriend at my place for an entire day let alone an entire weekend. Sometimes I just tell her to leave and she starts crying, sometimes I tell her to give me a bit of privacy so I can just chill and have some me time but she starts asking if there's something wrong, if i'm angry at her which in turn makes me angry.

It's a fucking waste of time and I wish more girls would be ok to get fucked and leave or invite me at their place, let me fuck them and then I leave. I used to think that post sex cuddles were the best thing in the world, boy was I wrong I just wanna go play vidya games once the sex is over.
Seperare work schedules are a good thing.
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My brother has one and seemingly all they do is go out to eat and 'show's for gay hipster bands.

They also make it a point to go out of town like twice a week.
Ideal gf would be:
>likes me
>likes playing vidya with me

What stops me from getting one?
Fembot girls are not out in real life, they're here.
awww were your little leddit feelings hurt?
You are delusional, unfortunatley. I think deep down you don't want a gf.
a retarded one
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How am I delusional? What? Just because of what I want in a girl? I don't care about physical aspects, I want a girl who shares that one interest with me and is a bit quirky or different than the rest. I would do anything else with her to make her happy.
There are no such thing as fembots.
Also there are no girls here
Your best bet are robot traps.
Apparently you want a friend that also has a vagina that you can fuck. Good luck lad
All of this means nothing compared to tfwnogf, and I say that as a normalfag.

Survival is not a purpose. It's the means to your biological purpose - reproduction.
do us a favor and never come back to this website-
>implying that isn't every relation ever

Would you be okay if I instead posted this

>Is shorter than me
>Likes cooking
>Is right wing
>Is smart
>Is clingy
>Is honest
>Doesn't drink or smoke
>Has a job or is in college

I mean those are all fine but I SIMPLY don't care if a girl isn't that. I'm attracted to people that are attracted to me. It's that simple.

I'm also fine with qt traps. As long as the other is feminine.
>a bloke is literally starving himself for someone else
>yeah sure I bet you're really hungry but no gf amirite? much worse!
>Apparently you want a friend that also has a vagina that you can fuck.
What the fuck? Is that wrong? There'd also be a level of intimacy that isn't possible with a guy friend. And no, I don't just mean sex.
That sounds extremely boring and uninteresting, how do you lay around being sad or watching TV? I don't understand how people can go more than a day without wanting to do anything, if I have nothing to do for a few days I start to lose my mind.
basically just hang out together and do whatever and cuddle and hold hands and have sex and talk. sometimes i also wonder if it's worth it. that's about it i guess.
Thats literally what a gf is you cuck: a good friend you enjoy fucking.
That's oddly specific, anon.

Rsvioli ravilo, this comment is origanoli
>What happens after you get a girlfriend?

Easy, OP. She cheats on you because she find someone better than you and you end up a jealous, heartbroken, mess. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

You do everything you usually do except someone else does it with you, or you tell them to leave you alone and you do it by yourself.

Sometimes she brings up something you'd like to do but never bothered to, and you do it together (eg: we went to a nearby aquarium).

However, this only applies to good gfs. Shitty ones will make you do stuff you don't want to do and hold sex or "how much you love them" over your head to make you do it with them. And they will complain about the stuff you like to do on your own (vidya).
Just fuck off, man.
If you've had a relationship or sex at one point in the past, you are no longer a fucking robot.

There are no excuses. You don't belong here, get out.
Please follow the rules, normalfags.
its really nothing interesting, just what are do you want to eat. and whatever comes up, either in a movie or on chat, something maybe like if your friend ask for your 16personality, you can ask her aswell and have a convo
he wanted you to describe someone physically attractive so he can blame you for being alone. Since he can't do that, he just dismisses your post in some other bullshit normie way

/r9k/ is for posting whatever OC you want, if you want a virgin only board fuck off to wizchan
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>tfw your gf is as autistic as you and you can go for weeks without seeing each other and it's fine
Kill yourself originally you faggot normie.
please git back to real life, why r9k really?
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