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What went wrong thread

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>Be me at ages 3-5, fairly socially awkward at a young age
>Had a few friends, most were girls
>A few of us go to the same elementary school together
>Make more friends, life is looking good
>First grade a girl touched my pee-pee during story time. I always didn't know how to read and felt great shame, spent hours practicing as I wanted to be like the smart kids. It finally happened and scored amazing on the state testing
>Second grade my best friend, a girl I went to pre school with, confessed to me. We did everything together, but she left the school soon after.
>Third Grade, new best friend, she confessed to me as well. Making lots of friends still

This is where I think it all went wrong

>Get invited to 'gifted' classes, reading middle school books and discussing themes. I am the only guy in the class, I am separated from my friends.

>Fourth grade I am no longer with my new best friend. Dont fit in with the smarties, didn't fit in with the sport guys. Found a small group of people that accepted me, I was desperate.

>Get bullied the entire year, being told I am essentially worthless and treated like the source of problems. This continues into 5th grade except for my 3rd grade best friend comes back and makes life better. She understood my insecurities and was generally kind.

>6th grade two new people arrive at my school. An actor and a girl, they aren't relevant yet. But around this time is when a few kids started hitting puberty.

>Make friends with a nice asian kid, a future FtM tranny, and a few others. Life seems to be set on track again, slightly social, no longer feel like an outcast.

>New ginger kid is the new most popular fuck, I hate him. We eventually become friends. He "dated" some girls including the girl who transferred the same year as him. I was immensely jealous.

I'll continue anyway, this is more for me. Middle school and high school crushed me really. Sorry if I am bothering you.
>used books and games for escapism from a young age
>hated socializing
>found 4chan in 2004 was 16 back then
>end of story

Also you a normie faggot for having friends so you are winner
>Second grade my best friend, a girl I went to pre school with, confessed to me. We did everything together, but she left the school soon after.
>Third Grade, new best friend, she confessed to me as well. Making lots of friends still
>she confessed to me
I am not sure what this even means
>Eventually I get Gingy's sloppy seconds. New Girl goes out with me, or whatever it could be considered.

>2 weeks later my FtM not yet a tranny friend told me she was with New Girl and she she went down on her

>Lose confidence in self, she just cheated on me. Confront her. She says it wasn't technically cheating because it was with a girl.

>Gingy and asian friend are only friends left, or at least that is how I felt. I join Band class, pick up Percussion because drums are cool and I wanted to be cool.

>7th grade. Gingy tells me to ask out a girl that I thought was way above my league, I do it expecting failure. She says yes.

>This girl was and is still pretty attractive. She was good looking, funny, smart, she was actually one of the girls in the smarty group from 3rd grade. Regardless, I am forced to break up with her after Gingy told me she couldn't do it.

>7th grade spring I meet a cool 8th grader in band, she played percussion. She was a little chubby but I liked her. She was my first real relationship, together for 3 months. Then I ignored her, just dropped her. She was mad, my friends were mad. Everyone thought I was an asshole. I don't know why I did it.

>Eigth grade. All my friends call me an asshole, my grades are terrible because I get obsessed with vidya.

>Slowly throughout the year I work my way up the social ladder. Friends with Chad and Stacy, get invited to hang out. Life is good, I have a new found confidence.

>End of the year I have people saying they admire my attitude about things. I touch New Girl's boobs.

>Still called an asshole at times, but it is mainly because I acted autistic and made racist/homophobic/sexist jokes with close friends.

Cont I guess. Next part is when I get cucked at 15 by a whale.
Fucking let me finish the story you autist. I got cucked twice before senior year of high school. Not to mention I brought fucking hentai to school in like 6th grade and tried passing it around.

My writing skills may not be the best, sorry. My best friend in second grade confessed that she had feelings for me but then she moved away. Then the following year, in third grade, my new best friend told me she liked me. Sorry that wasn't clear.
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Should I drop the greentext? I kind of hate it. Not that too many people are reading this, not an interesting thread.

>Last week of Middle School, eigth graders get a cool dance and graduation ceremony. I noticed my asian friend has been having a shit life recently and tried getting him on the floor for some fun. I accidentally got his eye scratched, making me look like a bigger douche.

>Told I am moving away from the city where I had my newfound normie popularity.

>9th grade. Join band and all honors classes. I was terrible compared to everybody else in band, I went from the best to the worst. Make like 3 friends the entire year, I barely know their names. Becoming a punching bag for an arrogant asshole. Fail half my classes

>sophmore year is okay. A below average girl wants me and I want to feel wanted, we date, she introduces me to her circle of friends. Relationship lasts from October till January, her friend informs me that she stated fucking some landwhale because I wouldn't kiss her. (You wouldn't want to either). I break up with her, give her plenty of chances to tell me. I get cucked at 15, want to die.

>Start dating a freshman, probably the lowest point. We make out, get dirty, I hated her but liked what she did for me. She made me feel wanted, needed even. I was ashamed, hid her from as many people as possible. I eventually ghosted her.

>Depression sets in, fail like 60% of my classes again. Just play Gmod all day.

>Junior year, decide I have to choose a career. I swear off girls because they are shit stains. Decide on a film career. Fail like 60% of classes but film schools don't require a good gpa

>Senior year, take arts-y electives. Try and build portfolio. By the end of the year it was worthless as it isn't enough to get in, graduate with like a GPA of 1.47 or some shit.

I feel like I had the tools to normie-dom or chad-dom but threw them away. When did it go wrong? Not that anyone is reading this.
Goodbye anons.
God, shit you sound like my story but I'm just in the middle of it right now.
Anon, my only suggestion is that you apply yourself. I honestly wish I could feel the motivation to have gotten A's in my classes. I could have, I always did okay or above average on state testing.

Granted, if you are anything like me then you will tell yourself you'll do it and just ignore it until you are forced to face it. Good luck my friend
>my grades are terrible because I get obsessed with vidya
I know that feel, man. Vidya seems like the only thing that can make you happy, but really it's the opposite. You gotta realize that vidya, tv, anime and all that other shit is just there to fill the gap in your shitty life and pass the time until you're dead. It's just a distraction from the real goal in life: finding true happiness. Take time out of your mediocre life to contemplate the roots of all your problems and explore your thoughts; ypu have literally all the time in the world to do so, so why not?
It's a bit late for that now, my self control is a lot better. Overall things aren't terrible but I feel like I was given a key to a nice life and threw it away. I am not even that ugly. I also play D&D on weekends with a big group as a required social time hoping that if I do it enough it will help me become more extroverted than introverted. Baby steps I guess. I'm just not sure how I can recover from my poor mistakes I made years ago.

Thank you for the kind words and advice, I will attempt to follow it.
I'm older but I never fit in when I was growing up either. Smart but kinda weird. I knew college would be a huge waste of time as I hated school and went into trades. Became welder. I make great money and never had to deal with anymore fucking normie school shit. You fucked up by going with horseshit fantasy degree and wasted years in school system.
I thought about welding but I figured it would be like the doctor/lawyer bullshit and everyone catches on a few years later and it wouldn't be as good as when I would be able to do it.
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