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How is anyone not suicidal? How can anyone not arrive at suicide

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How is anyone not suicidal? How can anyone not arrive at suicide as the only way? I'm killing myself tonight and I cannot think of any reason not to
you'll miss out on all new memes yet to be invented
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How are you doing it?

You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
You're spending too much time here. Leave this site. This site, full of poisonous "humans" who do whatever it takes to destroy everyone around them. There is no good on this board. Go outside, enjoy the air and never return to this pathetic, evil shithole.
+1 Reddit Gold

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I just want to experience more things. I have good memories and want more. Right now I'm so, so sad though. I'd rather not exist. I want to be happy again.
But the world outside is terrible, this site just reflects honestly on what the world is actually like. Real life is just occasionally filled with politeness that replaces the terrible honesty or this site
Maybe their instincts and ideals aren't pitted against their environment in the same way ours are.
suicide, indeed, is the final solution if and only if the modern scientific nihilistic view of life is true, that brain death is the complete end and annihilation of the individual and there's nothing after, no rebirth/reincarnation/anything.

personally, i have come upon a sort of buddhist pascal's wager and out of fear of rebirth i cannot commit suicide. what's the point, if you just get reborn and have to keep struggling? the only way out is "spiritual suicide" ie living the buddhist discipline which cuts off craving for continued existence in the deepest possible sense and cuts off the link to rebirth.

if rebirth is true, suicide is literally just like quitting a video game and having to go back to level 1 again. it's incredibly foolish.

we just have to stick with it and keep struggling, anon. not struggling and striving for continued existence, which only perpetuates samsara, but striving towards spiritual extinction, so that when we die naturally we are not reborn and get free.

i understand your feels though. i want to die every moment.
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Ok dude have fun.
Most people would be hopeless if they thought about it for a while. I'm convinced people either don't think about it while trying to play multiple games of exploiting advantages until they have none
or they have deep obligations to one or more people to stay alive and take care of them/keep them happy.
Then there's religion or some other dogma with faulty or circular logic.

Of course there are places where people grow up with a continual sense of purpose and worth instilled within them by their families and communities.

No one here has ever lived in such a community.
Op I understand. The world is shitty and I feel anxious and stressed all the time. I loaded my gun at pointed it at myself last friday but couldnt do it. The survival instinct is too strong. Also i want to play the new Cthulhu game coming out this year.
Thank you for the warm response. Makes it easier to commit suicide.
>starting all over
>not even mad
If I ever want to kill myself I'm going to kill myself. I'm not going to be "suicidal", I'm just going to be dead.
Oh the world is terrible? Why, because /pol/ said so? Or maybe you saw a few ISIS webms on /b/ and you concluded it's like that everywhere? The only thing this site reflects, is a world you've constructed in your own minds.
I agree this board is shit. Why am I even here? And there are so many vile people who come to this site. Hobby boards are pretty cool though. I started going on /p/ and /fa/ recently and they give me the desire to be better.
f-fuck you.......fag`s,,,,,
>i want to die every moment
What makes you think that this feeling isn't genuine enough to cause your "spiritual extinction"?
wtf i didn't even know they were making a new cthulhu game
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This right here.

It does no good to come here every day and wallow in self pity.

I know the first step to being happy is to forget this website, but I have nothing that will keep me occupied and no time to come here. I'll try to work on it.
If you're looking for a suitable excuse not to do it your just kidding yourself
please prove it I want this to be true
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i'm too lazy
once i start getting some energy i'm like you know what i'll take this energy and try to create something or go make money or go get laid

i dont succeed much yet but i feel like if i keep trying i will

might as well ride this train til the end
This world is terrible you norman reedus fuck. Go back to your middle class white family dinner. Your biggest struggle was probably going through puberty
Good luck OP

I'm waiting until I am 30
There are diminishing returns every year on the possibility of finding happiness. 30 seems like the age in which the possibility of happiness no longer outweighs the pain of living.

See you on the other side brother
I'm just hoping someone will point me to a good way of thinking that will allow me to go on and live. I just can't see any way.
29 here. 30 at the end of this year. I want to die and then abide in the eternal embrace of a loving mother
The world is good only for the strong. For the weak like us, it is a hellscape. No matter how much normies virtue signal to the contrary, nobody really gives a shit about any of us.
Nobody's going to save you
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>tfw 29.5
There are a few things that still make me """"happy""""", but if I was ever forced out of my comfy isolation again then life would no longer be worth living
because i live with my grandma and if i shot myself shed really take it hard and probably have a heart attack

but if i had a girlfriend who wasnt white shed probably disown me

also fear of failibg at it even if if was a round of buckshot
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>Oh the world is terrible? Why

things suck so bad i often only enjoy sleeping and eating
i would do drugs all day but i was arrested not too long ago, and if i get busted again im going to jail for a long time
i should probably start carrying a gun or cyanide pill around with me and continue to do drugs, and when it goes down it goes down
Kekaroo same here
Either that or I'll stumble upon something that, by some coincidence, I can incorporate into my worldview and it will somehow fix it

It's not like it's never happened before. Music used to have this effect for me, which is pretty much like being indirectly saved by someone.
I know, gotta save myself by killing myself.
What if you live in the suburbs and have family that would disown you for being gay or having a gf that isnt white would it be wrong to so it even though thy would disown you over interaccial relationships. and if you did it outside since you have neighbors would it be easy for them to save you even if it was buckshot

once again not gonna do it ever its just a hypothetical question
fuck u lil niggre
sure, this board is without any doubt pretty shitty. however i'd rather spend my time circle-jerking my problems with anonymous frogposters that with people that don't understand me and doctors that claim that i'm faking my panic attack just so i can get benzos.
You're projecting your personal experiences and emotions to the rest of the world.
I can't listen to the music anymore, I immediately imagine a real life YouTube comment section where I'm immediately and inescapably accused of cultural appropriation, racism, not understanding the music, etc. If I don't have an immediate approving/praising response, I imagine the sequence that goes, "Well, let's see your #1 album", "They're still more successful than you'll ever be. What are you doing with your life?", etc.
That's not projection, I know that others are not of the same mindset and I'd like some insight. I know not everyone is suicidal
That's fucking depressing. I have a similar thing when I listen to really "edgy" teenager-like music. You gotta will yourself past that bullshit and take the music in for what it is.

There are enough real people judging you already, fuck making up imaginary people who do the same. Nobody has time for that pointlessly regressive shit.
whats a painless method of suicide?

i really would like to know, i dont think i can handle things much longer i just cant.If theres no other way than i just act aggressive to a cop and let him shoot me down
You just listened to music and stopped thinking about. Nothing "saved" you.

There's nothing wrong with suicide. Especially when you're not supporting any children anyways. It's your suffering and if you want it to stop then it's your right to do so
Anyone ? just curious what your take is
Your neighbors will stand by and record the scene on their smartphones and then upload it to Facebook or YouTube. They won't save you
would it be selfish tp do so even though like i said your parents wouldnt speak to you again if you got a black girlfriend? what about if your grandma is the same but she would take it hard? is that selfish considering that they are like that and have some really nutty religious views (ufos, whites are real jews, heaven is segregated)
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I have enough distractions to be able to stand living, at the moment at least.

I'll die soon enough anyway -- ~40 years is NOT a long time in the grand scheme of things, and I'm unhealthy enough that the end will come much sooner than that anyway.
it was a warm response, doofus. i sympathized with your feels, stating that i feel similarly, while also pointing out my own view of the futility of suicide in an attempt to give you some reservations about doing it impulsively because of overwhelming emotions, and also left you with something to consider and think about. usually in these threads, it's rare to see people bring up this perspective of possible consequences of suicide in a rebirth/reincarnation worldview, since these days everyone takes the so-called scientific view for granted that we are just born, live, and die and that's it.

if that view is true, then suicide does make sense if you hate living or hate what your life has become and don't want to try to change it. believe me, if i really thought death was the complete end, i would've killed myself over a decade ago, instead i drag myself through day after day and put up with the often agonizing feels.

if you want something warmer, maybe i can help... just remember, mental states and moods are impermanent. try taking a nap, the frustration can't survive a comfy slip into hypnogogia and fluffy dreams. take some melatonin, have a nice sleep, wake up and assess your situation with a rested brain. poor sleep can contribute strongly to frustration, depression, and confused thinking, all of which lead to impulsive decisions like suicide.

if you are going to kill yourself, at least do it in a non-emotional mood, after you've dispassionately arrived at that as an inevitable conclusion and know it's not the deceptive influence of momentary feels.
Yes, I was being sincere, not sarcastic
i forgot to mention, i've also refrained from doing it because i don't want to utterly devastate my family and leave my pets confused and helpless. in my household i do most of the pet stuff and i'm 100% sure they'd get neglected without me doing the various little things throughout the day.

a few years ago i was put in a psych ward and the only time i broke down crying was thinking about one of my cats (an antisocial cat we can't let around the other cats in the house) waiting at my window to come in my room, wondering where i was, why i wasn't letting her in, and thinking about her going hungry and thirsty. those feels hurt me so much. sometimes i even leave my house intending to just wander off and die but i always come back because i know my pets depend on me. i'm not so selfish that i would let them suffer just so i can escape my own feels. sometimes you just have to deal with it for the sake of others, man. i'm sure you have family and pets who will be devastated if you weren't around.
Yeah I've got but I've already given them up so they can be happy
Wouldn't it be humane if the eternal, pointless suffering of mankind was finally ended? People should have the right to kill themselves because they have just enough awareness of what reality is to check out. It doesn't hurt anybody except for people who are selfish and it liberates those who suffer more than ungrateful others. In regards to religion, a God who forces people to live and threatens them with eternal damnation is a God that only enjoys watching people suffer. Which makes sense since apocalypse should have happened on day one in any creation story.

Good on OP for realizing the futility and sheer meaningless of life. I pray for OP that he may be forgiven by cruel divinity one day.
Music can introduce you to ideas that you didn't have before on a more visceral, hypnotic level. If someone's words can change you, then so can their song. It at the very least saved me in that it took me away from the usual banality of my existence.

Don't parse my experiences for me, that's annoying as fuck.
What are the odds of survival after a shot thru the roof of the mouth with buckshot

like how is that even survivable anyways im not even suicidal just wanting to know
You can easily fuck up the angle and paralyze yourself for life with any gun-to-mouth action.
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Someone is going to have to find your dead body in picture related. A few of my friends are police officers now and it always upsets them the most. Some thug who was shot in a gang fight or some junkie behind a building isn't as bad as suicide according to them. It wrecks them when they have to deal with their family members too. My classmate during college was an EMT, and he said he saw a father curled up in a ball on the floor hysterically crying surrounded by empty pill bottles and his son's dead body. He said it was the saddest thing he ever saw.

My friend committed suicide 5 years ago when we were 18, and his best friend never moved on. He still cries every single day, the only reason for not killing himself is because he saw what it does to families.

Anon there's so many different things to do rather than suicide. Find some help, call a suicide hotline.
Should I destroy my body?
Live stream it somewhere
is it selfish to do it tho if your family would disown you for havibg a wife who wasnt white?
The value of the world is perceived very differently by many different people. Some people truly enjoy life for no other reason than that it is there to experience. Most people may not derive pleasure specifically from being alive, but from the events that occur from being alive, and thus remain generally content and bear on to continue living. I guess as well there are some with absolutely no desire to live. The reality is that while you hate life, many others simply do not cause like fuck man people like different things, like fuck anime, but im about almost anything else.
try helium, where you put a bag round your head and brethe helium from a tank. pretty painless, but i think they put air in tanks so you cant kill yourself. Suicide by cop will probably be painful cause they are trained to shoot you in teh chest (largest target), you might also survive that.
How fucking stupid would you have to be to let this pussy shit deter you.
>omg normie primate brains tell them to feel sad about death for no reason omggg

If someone really cares about you, they accept your suicide, otherwise they are subhuman.
Because life is awesome, man. Seriously, I don't ever want to die.
>wasn't muted for this post

Color me shocked that that was an original comment
So you wan't to kill yourself because you have no fun? Than just be like spongebob.

Seriously go out play in the rain or do some childish shit
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EH I LIKE TO COME HERE BC THESE FUCKS I CAN RELATE TO, HOWEVER YOU PEEPS MAKE ME FEEL ALOT BETTER about myself, sooo that's why I'm here anyway shits kek as fuck (sry about caps lock)
It's no fun when you're alone
Reincarnation. What a crock of shit. When you die you actually turn into a pizza. And each time you get eaten you turn into another pizza. Do you believe this is a possible fate as well now because I've said it? I mean it has as much likelihood.
This is kinda true. I can read tons of stuff and nothing will persuade me that life is worth it. But then ill listen from a song filled with melancholy, get shivers, and my entire mood changes. Weird huh
Ironically you will probably think of a reason to continue living very soon then. Or you're already dead.
this all the way.
I still want to commit sudoku though.
Literally this, senpai.
Not this. Obviously you have a right to take your own life but expecting your parents to just accept the death of their child is a bit rich. I've been in places in my life were I've been certain suicide is certain, I still hold that view actually. But it usually gets better, usually, or worse. Fuck it
I would accept the suicide of my child. If my decided to kill herself, I'd understand.
The chance that your soul will be forced to continue suffering for an eternity if select religion(s) happen to be right.
I actually shot myself in the head once. Girl problems. Still miss her.

I'm convinced that everyone is depressed and knows their efforts in daily life are futile. This isn't depression though, more like anxiety. They're afraid of running out of time for their dreams. To someone like this, suicide is better than making any decision.
I actually killed myself once. Still miss me
>Go outside
>Have nothing to do
>Walk around for an hour or so
>Go home

I wish people would stop trying to act like "go outside" is real advice for people with problems.
This. I only recently came back on 4chan the past few months, my life isn't any worse because of it. Its nice to talk to people with similar issues. Before this I was just browsing reddit and Facebook, dark days. The people on reddit are like NPC's or something, its like they're following a script, scary stuff.
It just shows the weird condescending attitude that outsiders who come here have they assume everyone who is depressed must be some sort of idiot who got tricked by 4chan memes into thinking the world is bad. There might be a few people like that, but most of us just want to use it as a way to cope with life and relate to people.

Reddit comments are really strange. It reminds me of the way that people act at a break at work where they aren't really friends with anyone but are making small talk. 4chan feels more intimate, even if people are often shitty and trolling, we have our own inside jokes like real friends, and people share their honest opinions and emotions more freely..
Kek, that's pretty funny. They are like NPCs
Yea. The work analogy is a perfect way to describe it. Feel like I have to act a certain way there, check all the etiquette boxes. Feels forced and doesn't allow for real discussion. The most annoying this is the down vote button. Its like being shushed, so passive aggressive. I'd rather get called a cuck on 4chan every time. Its way more honest. They don't seem to have a real understanding of irony as well, drives me mad.
This, so much this. How do I upvote on this site?
>tfw have simply given up on life or ever being happy
>Tfw suicide seems like an inevitability
You're supposed to get off the internet and go fucking improve yourselves, get hobbies, learn skills, progress in life.

You're an idiot if you think just stepping out your front door is going to magically change your life.
I don't personally care what you do with yourselves, but the point of saying "go outside" is that you're supposed to go outside and DO something.

-t. goes outside and does stuff periodically and happier for it
Same lad. Its kinda weird though because you know the way everyone's incredibly scared of death but they pretend they aren't? When you start feeling like this a switch flips and suddenly death seems extremely comforting. Like my fear for it in anyway is completely gone, used to be terrified at the thought of one day being dead though. I'd hate to see my family die though.
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Keep at it anon.


Yeah, I have my death more or less planned out. Not afraid to go either. I just haven't had any motivation to kick the chair out from underneath me.

Maybe one day I'll wake up with a sense of vigor and clarity. With it, I'll be able to put it all together and leave this world
Fantastic stuff lad. Really changed my life that comment. Should post it on /r/GetMotivated "Go Outside, it solved my problems" The thing is though, why do you think people end up recluses in the first place? Overwhelming anxiety, fear of social interactions, constant failure around others, all of which happened when "outside" If you are like this, these things which may seem easy to you are almost impossible to others. Literal depression kind if kills any desire to learn arbitrary skillsets in pursuit of some abstract form of self growth. None of which will solve the real problems causing sadness, which are most likely due to a faulty brain.

I do all that stuff though anyway bro, I was just saying reddit is shit. Still didn't help my depression.
No you won't.

Original comment
28 here and it's true, but you have to ask yourself. "Do I hate living?" and sadly dank anime and to a lesser extent vidya make it no, no I do not hate living.
>Why do you think people end up recluses in the first place? Overwhelming anxiety, fear of social interactions, constant failure around others, all of which happened when "outside"
Psychological studies suggest that using "safety behaviors," like staying inside to avoid social anxiety, actually makes the original problem worse, because you don't ever challenge your fear and feel that by staying safe indoors you're avoiding all kinds of awful stuff outside, when the reality is that you need to challenge your view on the outside world to realize that your fear is not always true. It's called exposure therapy and it's the first thing any doctor will do to treat phobias or situational anxiety.

I've had depression for years. I still struggle with it, but I did over two years of therapy, and I found an antidepressant that works for me, and it lets me wake up in the morning and cultivate hobbies for myself and I have the motivation to eat better and go to the gym, and all of these things further combat my depression.

Staying inside hiding from problems is not the answer to having problems. A "faulty brain" may lead to or result from poor lifestyle choices; either way, they feed off each other and you have to break the cycle somewhere or you will never improve.
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>When a normalfag who has never met you tries to tell you all your problems are easily fixable

Fucking normos
How big was the difference before and after anti depressants? I'm starting to think I might need them. I can't enjoy anything I used to anymore, can't focus on anything, there's like a constant heavy feeling in the front of my brain, behind the eyes. Pretty scary desu. I constantly go from being hopeful to thinking suicide is a certainty and the only solution. I've tried the natural solutions, all the things you mentioned. Diet, exercise, working in hobbies but nothing helps. As for what you've said about exposure therapy I. don't think that would work on me, I think I may actually have autism so basically fucked in that regard. Appreciate what you're saying though. I just think 4chan is all that bad.
>it's a "No one understands me! I'm unique and my problems are unique! I'm alone in the world and no one can help me! I'm not normal and you're normal and you'll never understand my problems!" edgy pubescent drama faggot episode again

hoo boy
As a hero, I spend my time working enough to get by, feeding homeless folk, practicing spirituality and attending church (basically any spirituality.meme here). This makes me feel fulfilled.
That pic is probably a result of mental illness, egotism or materialism (which makes people feel hopeless because they attempt to fill their souls something besides love). If you feel this way precious robots, please change and seek help. You're the light of the internets.
Behold! The chosen people not tainted by roastie coercion. Stay safe blessed virgins and do your best to be what you truly desire.
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No, the world outside has been confirmed as terrible. Even thinking about the world or looking at pictures of the world is terrible.

Or it's possible you don't know jack shit about the problems of random internet people. I mean, do you really believe your generic advice is somehow tailored to the unique problems of every depressed person in the world?
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What if my problem is that i want to kill myself and don't care too much about the opinions of some noralfag fuck that wants to feel better about them self by attempting to save someone on the internet?
>How big was the difference before and after anti depressants?
Before, I would spend all day in bed. I got fired from about eight jobs over two years because I would just wake up to my alarm one morning and be physically unable to get out of bed, and so I just wouldn't, and I'd get fired. I would go days without eating, and when I finally got myself to go to the grocery store I would buy a bunch of junk food like freezer pizzas and cookies and donuts, and I'd eat until I puked. I didn't have any friends or relationships and couldn't even convince myself to play video games most days, I would just lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

I went through a handful of ADs: Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, Lexapro, and eventually got to Wellbutrin and everything changed. Within weeks I felt like I was able to get up and do things like go to the store, I was able to enjoy cooking again which is something I always liked to do before, and I felt like I was able to make major changes in my lifestyle without feeling defeated. I actually only took Wellbutrin for six months and have been off it for about four months now and still haven't "relapsed." I work out now, five days a week, I cook healthy meals, I'm teaching myself 3D modeling. I still have bad days where I think suicide is the only answer, but it isn't overwhelming anymore.

The trick is that antidepressants alone will NOT cure you. You have to take the antidepressants to induce a better mindset, and you have to do therapy, and make lifestyle changes, because those will last longer than ADs and create real permanent change.
Dude, just fucking stop. They don't know us. You can't educate them; they refuse to learn. Fuck em.
>A "faulty brain" may lead to or result from poor lifestyle choices

There aren't two ways here. Poor lifestyle choices result from a faulty brain
You might have missed the part of my first post where it says

>I don't personally care what you do with yourselves

but just to reiterate, I don't personally care what you do with yourselves. I don't know you and I never will. I just want you to know that you are factually wrong in believing that there is no fix for your problems and that you are somehow different or unique from other people with depression. You aren't.

I know a lot about depression, but I wasn't claiming to have specific, tailored advice.
>unique problems
here you go with that edgy shit again
I merely said that walking around aimlessly outside just to be outside isn't an instant cure-all to depression, to the idiot who said

>>Go outside
>>Have nothing to do
>>Walk around for an hour or so
>>Go home
>I wish people would stop trying to act like "go outside" is real advice for people with problems.

The trick is to fill your life with things you like and if you are so depressed that you don't like anything anymore, get antidepressants and rediscover your own interests. Every single psychologist and psychiatrist you could ever talk to will tell you the same exact thing I've just said.
Thanks for the information. I think I'll call my doctor tomorrow. Good luck with your goals
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>I know a lot about depression,

Kek, holy shit this normalfag can't be serious.
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I feel like I would not be depressed if I just had a dommy mommy girlfriend to peg me every day
you don't need to be depressed to want to kill yourself retard,
Just because Wellbutrin worked for me doesn't mean it will work for you: brains aren't all the same, and so you should explore a lot of options with your psychiatrist. Take any certain medicine at least 6 weeks before you decide it isn't working for you, your psych will tell you that it takes about 2 weeks for the medicine to become fully "saturated" into your bloodstream, and you'll start on a low dose, so after two weeks if you feel nothing, tell your psych and he will increase your dose. He'll tell you all this too, though, when you go and talk to him.

Best of luck to you, depressionbro.
she looks high af
after looking at some gross suicides i decided to cross that off my bucket list! thanks!
Depression can only truly be cured by loving yourself anon. You need to value yourself before others truely can.

Otherwise you're just escaping the reality of the situation and halting the feelings of depression by running away.
No, good feelings would prevail because I was getting pegged. I love myself by being open to getting pegged. There's no running away. That's a phrase that assholes use to empower themselves when they're trying to sound deep and belittling their target. It's an attempt to trap the person in a dominant-subordinate, doctor-patient dynamic.
When you are the one making yourself unhappy in the first place, no one else can step in and make you happy for you.

It would be convenient and easy if they could, but they can't, you will have to do it yourself. Using a relationship to escape depression is like putting a bandaid over a severed limb, and you'll truthfully only hurt the other person as well.
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Watching a black cock going in an and out of a pussy is very comfy. I pretend it's my ass and Jack off to the thought of it in my ass. Depression cured
I feel so overwhelmed that suicide seems like the only real solution. How do people that have hit rock bottom even try to start and get better?
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Start bottoming
A lot of anime, steam friends, shit home life forcing me to get a job. All in all it's just a shit load of time and trying to force a little change in your everyday life.
I wish I had hanged myself many years ago
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