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Come get your (You)s and online human interaction. I'll

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Thread replies: 105
Thread images: 69

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Come get your (You)s and online human interaction. I'll respond to everyone as long as you post a picture of some kind. We can talk about anything: current events, hobbies, life, praying mantises.
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I would really appreciate it if someone told me it's ok to be a tranny and that I don't have to kill myself
It's ok if you're at least a 5/10

Wouldn't it be crazy if anyone at any time could choose which gender they wanted to be? Like you could take a pill and in a week you'd be a girl. Or vice versa. And it could be reversed just as easily. I wonder if society would be any different.

I am really tired of this picture.
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I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I feel like I should be doing drugs, but drugs scare me.
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That's an interesting pic, can I save it?
Do whatever you want anon. Be free.
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that is one cute rat, here's one of my girls

What have you done today, OP? Was it good/bad/tolerable day at best?
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I'm sorry, fampai. It's okay to be one these days depending on where you are, but it takes society a while to get used to this sort of thing because it's relatively new. You deserve and should be who you want to be. Fuck the haters.
It's not okay or normal to be a tranny.

That doesn't mean you should kill yourself though. Seek professional help.
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>tfw 5'6" and 5 inch dick
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i like brutal death metal
anyone else
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sofa frog.jpg
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Check this pepe I made
Trannies are abominations that should be gassed
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Do not do it, kek.
It's ok to be a tranny.
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You should probably stay away from them because they fuck you up mentally and physically, depending on what drug and your personality. Maybe weed and psychedelics is you're established and have a good job and shit and won't fuck your life up with shitty habits and people.

Sure, that's what I did.

It was both good and bad. Depression was extra worse today for some reason, possibly because I had a somewhat big breakfast of fatty but delicious fried food. It was my only meal today as I've been trying to eat less and lose weight. I feel a lot better now that I got a good workout for them endorphins though. Found out we have loads of honey that I can use to make mead with because it got granulated from age. I finished the main part of The Talos Principle. It was pretty good, like a more serious Portal.
I really like this picture, anyone have more like it?
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what is your voice like, OP? Can you record it for me? Say something nice.
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You got what you got and you gotta work with what you have. I'm 5'4" with a 5.0" dick on a good day and if it weren';t for my depression and NEET status, I'd consider myself to be desirable because I'm in shape and good looking and can appeal to weebgirls as a chink.

Not since middle/high school

I saw the original earlier. Hot body, even if she's a Stacy.

I agree with this poster. Pls don't do it. My best friend killed herself and I'll miss her for the rest of my life.
My pictures are in an album desu, but I hope you kerp yor prumse, ilk csll 91' - http://imgur.com/a/tfV4o
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idk, I don't like my own voice. Kinda monotone, like Napoleon Dynamite, Butthead, or Cho the shooter. I don't even think my mic(which is built into a webcam) is properly set up, and I'm too lazy to do so.
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summarize that pls. I don't wanna read that much bullshit trolling. Here's a long, comfy, totally not fake story.
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Is all that salt the same?
Also Napoleon Dynamite is an excellent Robot film.
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I vaguely recall the general consensus that it's not very distinguishable, so it's basically to jerk yourself off over using fancy shit. You're better off splurging on the other ingredients.
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the only trve robot metal is black metal
Generic rsponse for a generic post
I saw a post yesterday where her body wasn't green yet and another anon requested that, are you the same one? Would be funny.
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Yes, it didn't look as good so I redid it.
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It looks good, have this pepe as reward.
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This was the thread
inb4 OP is an AI
So I remembered correctly. Probably my only achievement today.
Speak with more melody then, fuck.
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i was sick of going to therapy until recently. every session began to look the same same 5 questions: "how was your week?" "did you exercise?" "have you drawn?" "have you had suicidal thoughts and have you heard voices"

but the last session was interesting, we talk about life being a dream and how i was stuck between the phallic (carnal) and the holy and thus i stayed inactive not knowing which route to take. and how i identified with the most abject characteristics of humanity yet thought of myself as having a holy mission. sort of like a god in flesh as christ. there was much more than that but i have already written too much
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That sounds beyond me, but I hope you're doing okay. Nice trips btw.
You look like a fat egoraptor with a neckbeard.
the g-glasses are c-cool i guess
>dream interpretation
Fat but definitely potential bro material if our interests line up. But that is if you're ok with gook bois.
>Literal neckbeard
Get a haircut
You actually don't look that bad, but the tryhard tough-guy look is gross
i might not have explained myself correctly. my therapist doesnt believe life is a dream. that was one of my delusions that developed because or at least attached to my psychotic episode. so he was digging how life being a dream related to a messianic idea of myself
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What do you think of this video? I find it to be very funny.
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i find it quite funny
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Why can't I just kill myself /r9k/
I have no idea what I want to do with life
I'm wasting money in CC, with classes that will most likely not be able to transfer

Doesn't matter anyways but I don't want to just waste time

Just wish I had a family that hated me
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Here's something /comfy/

I just want to be held and cuddled and sink into somebody else's arms and have [spoiled] him [/spoiler] tell me everything is gonna be okay but I know that I'm going to become the ultimate wizard, and there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening
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I fucking fucked up the spoiler I can't do fucking anything right God damnit
its was probably freudian slip.
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also, very nice pic
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I think my Ice Machine drawing phase is over, should I move onto sheep or cows? (Serious question, which have more pros like easy to draw, funnier, can be manipulated or put in better situations, more intresting, etc)
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Sad French Pepe.png
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What are the best ways to learn another language?
duolingo is free and p gud
There's black sheep, white sheep, sheeple, lost sheep, etc
For cows most people think of the standard black and white type.
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yeah, sheep is best

this one also looks like a hallway of trees. kind of
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Might as well dump comfy pics since that's all I'm good for
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something something original content
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Comfy dumping 2/ I think ~80 maybe
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3/ 80something or such I don't know
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4/ is anybody even here
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5/ I'm still convinced that everybody else is just some sort of schizophrenic hallucination, and it's just me sitting at my computer, staring at a blank page
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6/ I am so god damn lonely and crave nothing more than I desire human contact
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7/ I'm pretty sure that sentence wasn't grammatically correct
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I need the motivation to get some of my homework done. Junior year uni fag, can't build up the will to start the multiple readings (one with a short written response) due Wednesday. One class only has 4 other students and the other is an independent study so it's not like I can really get away with not doing it.

Pic related: my IS is on Irish archaeology
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there's a $500 anime figure i really want but I must abstain
pic related, my reis
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I'm here for the (You) that was promised. You still giving them out?
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8/ please somebody talk to me I am so lonely
Do you have anything besides Reis?

OP probably abandoned the thread but I'll hand out (you)'s

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drug chart.jpg
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Just got off work 2 hours ago and I'm already tired. Too tired to make dinner so I just ate chips in bed. Too tired to even play vidya, so I'm watching Ken Burns documentaries while shitposting in bed. Life is cruel for a wagecuck.
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I am a fucking idiot stupid retard

Have five (you)'s for the price of none
Hey bro, wassap?
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Life may be cruel for wage cucks, but hopefully a few (you)'s make it a little bit more tolerable

>tfw manager lied to me about promotion so I wouldn't quit and find a new job
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Shitposting, alcoholism and comfy pictures. Wbu?

11/ more like 60 I think
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That sucks, anon

12/ who even gives a shit
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13/ I need to go find more booze soon
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14/ found more magic anti-feels juice
I wonder if I should drink tonight or not.
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I started making art recently and it helps with my crippling depression. It's gotten so bad though that it's really impacting school work and I'm going to see a school therapist
Managed to procrastinate so long on my homework that the library closes soon so I can officially push most of it off to tomorrow. Sitting around in my dorm room, another weekend gone by without social interaction. So you know, standard college life
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Drink with me as I post self-depreciating comments, comfy pictures and hand out (you)'s

15/ my post is most definitely not spam

Sorry to hear anon, can you post some of your art?
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Well I posted one already, here's another!
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Standard /r9k/ life

16/ non-ASCII text should be allowed
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Keep posting anon, it looks great

17/ I wish I had somebody to love
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18/ probably going to get alcohol poisoning from this vodka
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19/ I hope this shit kills me
That's why I'm here. I guess the life of a uni robot is better than a NEET though, I can pretend my lack of social life is because I'm focusing on my studies
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20/ it probably will and this post is absolutely original you fucking filter piece of shit
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How goes the uni life?

21/ captcha broke
22/ I'm now officially out of comfy pictures, will continue handing out (you)'s until I pass out and die from alcohol poisoning
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Thanks for all the (You)s senpai. They feel better than they should right now. :(
It's alright. I've got no roommates, which is pretty chill, but that's also how I met most people when I started uni and I definitely noticed I don't go out or anything as much as I did back when I roomed with a normie who would alwayd have people over. But then again, he would fuck his girlfriend while I was trying to sleep like I wouldn't notice the top bunk shaking, so it's not like it was all roses.

I do need to go out more. One of my friends-- well we never really hang out anything, so like close acquaintance-- has been trying to get me to pledge at the frat he joined last year. Greek life seems annoying, but I might pop in at a few parties or something, try to be less of a shut in.
Missed these two while I was typing up my autistically long response, but the (you)'s have been delivered as promised
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>Haven't read a book in years
>Decide to get a book online that interests me and give it a read
>Having a hard time trying to stay concentrated on it
>Random music just playing in my head all the time
>Mind constantly wanders off into completely unrelated thoughts
>All this going on while reading aloud in my head on top of it
>Feel like I'm not really soaking in this information at all and generally feeling like a dumb asshole

How do I do it? How do I get rid of all these distractions from my mind so I can concentrate on what I'm reading? I just wanna learn something new.
Fucking tripfag.. take this (you) and GTFO
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Don't say that, you deserve (you)s :)
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i understand your loneliness. i dont have much to say about that except that ive been longing for a girlfriend more than usual lately, for some reason. not really looking for a convo as i dont feel up to it for the moment, but cheers.
(You)'re the gift that keeps on giving.
Keep taking the (you)'s, I'm just glad to have robots to keep me company

You have to find information you're interested in and care about, otherwise your mind doesn't see a purpose in retaining it and will filter it out

I am but a simple suicidal namefag trying to spread love and (you)'s, please no bully ;_;
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yea i have a lot! the one i really want is a morrigan figure. pic related is most of my collection
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concentrate on each word. only move on to the next one after you know you understood the word in the previous word's context.
Missed a few (you)'s while typing up my post
That collection might make you a certified robot. Some of them look cool though.
Thread posts: 105
Thread images: 69

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