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How easy is a girls life?

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How easy is a girls life?
if you're hot, ride chads cock until your busted and broken and then settle down with a beta orbiter.

if you're ugly, skip straight to settling down with a beta orbiter.

pretty ez
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You cannot even fathom how easy it is.

Even ugly obese girls have at least two dozen orbiters lined up which she can manipulate for free food, free gifts, and free attention/validation.

Women never have to grow up because men never force them to. Once they're too old to be coddled by daddy they hop onto the first boyfriend's dick. Then the ride on tha cock carousel begins. Finally when she's too old and withered and hideous to attract Chads for daily fucking, she finds a thirty-something guy with a decent bank account who was lonely when he was young, and she convinces him she "loves" him. They get married so she can mooch off him and live for free for thirty or forty years, all while fucking younger guys on the side.

If she chooses to get divorced it's because she found a better man to cuck, someone who she'll be marginally happier with. But make no mistake, she'll still suck the first guy dry through alimony and probably child support too.

TL;DR women are leeches, but men share some of the blame for this parasitism because most of us are willingly wading through the pond.
So easy you never have to grow up
normies are naive especially girls, so to them their life is incredibly difficult although the dramatic irony is that we know how easy they have it.
They need a minimal amount of wit to rope some asshole into marriage, otherwise their lives are played on the easiest difficulty with cheatcodes
rich male or hot female = no real problems in life.

unfortunately most of those still create problems in their lives. so it's not much easier. at least emotionally.
I'm a girl and my life is shit.

>Ugly roastie
>Out of shape (lazy)
>Haet myself
>Want to die everyday
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My sister got flown out to Miami by some turbochad NFL player the other day like it was nothing. All expenses paid, and she didn't even let him smash.

It's fucking ridiculous. She's never wanted for anything in her entire life because EVERYONE goes out of their way to make her happy and comfortable. Dumb as a brick too but she got promoted at her job for "leadership and positivity". Bitch has an associate's in psychology and makes 70k.
tell me why i shouldnt shoot down the nearest starbucks in my area
you have at least twenty orbiters who could probably make you feel special and happy, but they're not Chad so you're not interested lol omg poor you :')
>and she didn't even let him smash

kek keep telling yourself that
>guys who aren't chad should count for anything

Thing is I don't care about the men who could supposedly make my life better. My life is shit as is.
>killing losers
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>she didn't even let him smash

Lel that's not how it works brah.
Remember when you were like 5 and had every need in your life fulfilled and were never questioned or scolded?
Women never leave that period
>ugly roastie
attention disorder
youre actually stupid
>five nine
borderline too tall
>out of shape
yea youre fat as fuck
youre not wrong
>hate yourself
aww boo-hoo
>want to die
maybe you should
What do you want, roast? Sympathy?
You don't deserve any, go fuck yourself.
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You will never be a slim white girl going on holiday to a tropical island with your NT friends.

You post on FB "Omg 6 more sleeps until Bali!" and instantly receive a plethora of likes, which makes you smile, though this was not unexpected. Just a few more days of your cushy, well-paid marketing job to get through. On the day of your flight, you 'check in' at the airport on FB, and the same thing happens.

You get off the flight, check in to your hotel and head for the nearest beach bar for cocktails. Time for an instagram photo.
Within half an hour you have 100 likes, and comments ranging from "have a good time girls" (your mum), "stunning girlies" (your NT girl friend who can't make this trip) to thirsty white knights saying how "naturally pretty" you look, even though you are just wearing slightly less makeup than normal.

After this, you and your friends take turns doing cartwheels and handstands on the white sands of the beach, while taking the perfect photographs for social media of course. It's important you use this as your FB profile pic, so everyone knows how glamorous AND cultured your life is.
I will never sympathize with a girl who says this shit anymore.
Not after the time someone Photoshoped a fat women with a pig, and still got like 100 messages.
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After some more fun at the beach, you return to the hotel to shower and get changed for the evening. While you wait for your hair to dry, you open Tinder and change your bio to "Bali! Here for one week only! ;)". You start swiping, mostly to the left of course, but swipe right on a few Australian RTT Chads. Of course it's a match. Maybe you'll message him later when you've had a few drinks and 'let your hair down'.

You paint a lie onto your face, stick on a dress, and head out for a meal and drinks. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a tall dark and handsome hunk. Him and his boys come over, all 8/10, his skin is a little darker than you usually like, but hey, you're abroad and 'experiencing a new culture'. Thankfully when he open his mouth he speaks fluent English without an accent. You laugh when you realise he is just a tanned Chad and barely ethnic. Just the right amount of 'exotic'. You and your friends go to a club and the booze is hitting you. You start grinding with this hunk. Your friends reject the advances of his friends - one is 5'10" and the other one has a heavy metal T-shirt on, so of course it's justified.
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You "can" have a boyfriend and a fulfilling social life but you're choosing not to. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Begone, parasite roastie.
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very ez. only cucked beta orbiters believe otherwise.
rolling to smite the taxmaster
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You invite the Chad back to your hotel and he gets in the taxi with you. Your forget that you are sharing a room with your friends. Your two friends head to the room, so you go to the hotel bar with Chad. After another drink and some banter he siezes an opportunity. They have closed up the pool but you can easily sneak out there. You sit on a sun bed with him and he suggests skinny dipping. You like the idea but don't want to be seen. So instead you pull the sunbed away from view and start kissing Chad. His big masculine hands explore your body and you feel your pussy dripping. Chad instinctively senses this and slips his hand down your hotpants. He fingers you as you shudder with pleasure. He has a NW0 hairline and just the right amount of stubble. Biceps bulging out of his one-size-too-small plain white T-shirt. He starts to undress you and before you know it you are riding him bareback on the sunbed, your back arched and face looking towards the night sky as you moan in ecstasy. He finishes up and you exchange pleasantries and he leaves. You return to your room and your friends are asleep. Maybe you will tell them what happened in the morning, maybe not lol.

After a week of similar shenanigans you return home to your easy life. Everyone tells you how tanned and well you look. You begin planning your next adventure.
>Haet myself
>Want to die everyday
I'd orbit you baby ;)
>rich male or hot female = no real problems in life.
If we're talking about how easy it is to obtain a comfy, high standard of living, then bar none being a hot woman is the best thing you can be on this earth. Your entire life will consist of men hovering around you by which you get to handpick which ones will benefit you the most.
>hard mode

lol no, they belong in very easy as well
How many guys have you rejected you stupid cunt?
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we'll see about that, taxmaster-kun
while you might just be RPing, if this is true then you're wrong. I can /guarantee/ that there are countless men out there who'd be glad to get with you. You must not understand how low the standard is for men for women.
Why are there two nightmare modes? chad should be medium/normal, and the normie should be hard mode

Whoever wrote this is an insightful writer.
kill yourself then. or you also need daddy to help you on this.
>Remember when you were like 5 and had every need in your life fulfilled and were never questioned or scolded
nope. your parents must have been pretty indulgent.

>Women never leave that period
never had it, wouldn't want it.

you are jealous of adult five year olds?
samefag, thank you by the way
nice nips, cupcake
this, if you're average or above you don't have to work a day in your life if you don't want to. even if you're below average you can just lock down a beta who will slave his whole life for you so you can retire at 30.
So what? that only applies to the top 1% of women.

99% of women also share this feel.
Well I'm a short Asian guy and basically invisible. My sister gets random white guys trying to add her on FB, approaching her in public etc. She tries to tell me lots of girls like Asian guys, and it sounds like a white person Saying that blacks don't have it that bad. She has no idea and she doesn't want to know how bad it is.
why dont you find yourself a nice asian girl
Somebody is some hot girls friendzoned 'bestfriend'
Chad still has to put in effort, while natural to him and easy, it's still effort
He also faces all the same risks about being entrapped by child support and rape accusations as anyone else
They don't date Asian guys. My sister is dating her first non-white guy, he's black. So she's complicit in the problem that she claims doesn't exist.
She looks like a fucking frog.
blacks really dont have it that bad
just no father figure
Like a lot of girls where im from`
>if only i knew to take advantage of daddy issues
She's trying to breed the asian out of her bloodline. Asian women are mentally ill and they create fucked up hapa abominations with white losers.
maybe you live somewhere weird

where i live theres loads of asian couples theyre always really handsy on the train but defo the cutest
>didn't smash
Whatever you say
No kidding. I matched an Asian girl on tinder. Unusual to get ANY matches if you're Asian male. Lo and behold, she had a fucking hapa child in one of her pics. I talked to her and confirmed it was hers not a friend's. No fucking way I'm going to be the beta she "settles with" to sire her Chadspawn, I'm depressed but have a little self respect.
Sounds to me like it's the men's fault that their life is easy.

Why are men so stupid?
>absolving women of blame, yet again
Maybe you are the problem, anon.

If men didn't put them on a pedestal women would be NOTHING

It is your fault.
I,for one, despise women so they never get any special attention from me. Wish everyone would do the same.
good for you, roughly 70% of girls in my age range are single mothers where I am right now
>depressing as fuck
No they don't. Have you seen how girls act around Chad? They pretty much get stuck in his orbit and he has a harem without even trying.

Any amount of effort Chad has to put in is the same Stacy has to put in to get a Chad.

I would say Chad is even easier because most women are submissive as hell and even the pretty ones are insecure as fuck.

And the last point can be disregarded. I can just say Stacy has to deal with being weak or getting raped.
Are beta orbiters a myth for non-9+/10s?

I am not stacy-tier, but also not extremely uggo, and my personality is only slightly autistic. I have never had a bf and have no male friends. The only time anyone has ever resembled being an 'orbiter' was in 8th grade when some kid who probably browsed /pol/ told me he liked me and asked me to a school dance, and I said no because I was scared of him. I have never had a guy go out of his way to do shit for me unless it happens all the time and I am just too oblivious to notice.
>if evolution and biology didn't turn out the way they did women would be nothing

ok anon we can play the what if game all day
You still release them from blame. A reasonable mind does not steal everything that isn't nailed down. They have a choice, and they choose to behave like children.
Elliot Rodger was too pure for this world
This desu. If you're hot like pic related, life is pretty much handled out to you in a silver plate. You can still make a little extra by taking butt selfies on Instagram and stuff.

Pretty easy.
REEEEEEEEEEEE leave you almost Stacy wannabe tier normie bitch
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Haha no

It goes like this

>Hot woman
>Average woman = Chad
>Ugly woman

My roommate in college was a Chad and while he pulled lots of ass, 5/10 and down women would become visibly angry around him even though he was a nice guy

Sour grapes

And he still ended up getting cucked by a hotter Chad and forced to pay child support for a kid who wasn't his on top of losing half his shit
>I'm a broken forlorn girl, oh if only there were a noble knight around to come save me
welcome to utah
laughing at how deluded everyone on this board is.
>be me
>8/10 (although I won't be believed, that's what I have been labelled by pretty much everyone on several different photos
>never had an orbiter
>always had to work extremely hard to get where I am
>never been bought anything by a man, although I have bought men stuff
>on top of that, having to deal with other women and periods and general female shit

Life is on easy mode for the extroverted

whats he gonna do, rape her? Then she gets everything, do you guys have brains?
Women don't consider men below 8/10 human

We don't exist to you
You'd most likely just be oblivious. It's the men you don't consider to be men, the men you'd never be interested in romantically. Women barely see them.
Neither relationship worthy, nor a female to share with, nor a threat. A beta orbiter is a non-issue.
How does that prove Chad and Stacy are not in the same league in terms of easiness?

I can make some shit up how Stacy A got cheated in with Stacy B. And you think below average people don't hate on good looking women either?
I knew a pretty awful woman who was ugly inside and out and worked fast food. She was fucking a 40-something asian lawyer who went to Cornell and worked with our city's mayor, and then had a couple asian gamer fuck buddies on the side. She went for these loner nerd types and was swimming in male attention from loser males. Put in a modicum of effort and watch the payoff.
>be me
>legit male 8/10
>had many orbiters
>never had to work extremely hard to get where I am
>been brought many things by females
>easy man life of minimal grooming and lots of muscles

Women can get fucked easier by men who aren't interested in them but otherwise male life > female life

Based on what? Who told you you're an 8?


>shave your entire body
>have to keep up with over a foot of hair
>have to make sure your eyebrows/makeup/skin is all perfect or you'll be shamed
>have to make sure all the clothes you're wearing fit perfect or again, shame
>gotta stay in shape
>but can't be too bulky
>gotta have that "it might look natural but actually I spend 2 hours a day just working out" body
>guys creep up on you all the time
>they can't take no for an answer
>girls, even your friends, are jealous of you for no reason
>for 5 days of the month you have to constantly check your pants and underwear for blood marks

i haven't even started talking about the cost of everything
>make up
>hygienic equipment (shampoo, razors, etc)
>day to day living

and if you don't maintain a certain level of self, then other people will just throw you under the bus and shit all over you

it sucks

c'mon, bring the virgin hate MOTHERFUCKERS
Post yourself right now and at least 10 niggas will beg to marry you
Chad lacks inherent value
so happy womens only value in in their appearance and being a fuck hole

keeps them away from men doing actual work in this society

life for extroverted people is fun until you have no one to talk to. i can go two days before i slip into depression
you are delusional with your FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS
What is social value?
youre not introverted your just autistic and cant pick up on social queues and its genetically proven women cant critically think
The red-pill answer is that while we perceive their lives as super easy, conflicting propaganda narratives ensure that women are often in a consistent mode of distress.

Studies show that conservative women who stay at home and raise children are much happier than their free counterparts . But this lifestyle is not extolled by western media. Women do not like to be free thinkers so they are easily swayed by this and once a bunch of them start thinking one way the others will bend to peer pressure.

So women think they have to work and start a career and fuck a bunch of different guys and that this will make them happy when instead they really just want one Chad to serve as a wife.

So in short they have it materially easy by our standardads but since they are not meant for hardship to them they feel often overwhelmed.

There weren't as many beta males in the past either so thats why your ancestors had an easier time getting a good woman
>shave your entire body
I prefer natrual
>have to keep up with over a foot of hair
If you want it long, then don't whine. Most men don't care.
>have to make sure your eyebrows/makeup/skin is all perfect or you'll be shamed
I prefer natural
>have to make sure all the clothes you're wearing fit perfect or again, shame
Only other women care about this
>gotta stay in shape
Counts for men too. At least some men like fat girls. You'll never see a fat guy with a gf.
>but can't be too bulky
Some men like that
>gotta have that "it might look natural but actually I spend 2 hours a day just working out" body
>guys creep up on you all the time
I'll give this one to you.
>they can't take no for an answer
And you don't know how to be assertive and tell people to fuck off. My girlfriend does this all the time. Instead of telling creeps to piss off she entertains them in an effort to "not be mean."
>girls, even your friends, are jealous of you for no reason
No they aren't you self centered jackass.
>for 5 days of the month you have to constantly check your pants and underwear for blood marks

Not a virgin btw
Yes that and pretty much anyone I've ever asked in person as well.
I can also see myself in a mirror, funnily enough, and am quite conscious of keeping fit/looking nice etc.
It would be conceited to say I'm beautiful, but I'm not ugly, at any rate.
poor sluts have it so hard :((((
I'd rather not. Besides, we're talking about real life, not 4chan

there's that virgin hate I wanted to see so badly...

please, feed me those tears. tell me a woman is only good for sex.

realistically, women are at a biological disadvantage when it comes to productivity. women have much more intense hormone levels and fluctuations, their entire social network is more complex, and if they get pregnant, that's 9 months just in gestation, plus the rest of the time that they're typically the primary caretaker of the child.

i mean, it's only natural that men would be more productive and have more time to rise through the ranks of society.
I am extremely introverted, but if you like to believe otherwise, go ahead

why would a woman care about you? women do what they do because of shame from other women, not men.
how does one prove the quality of someone's thinking"genetically"?
Easy enough that the threads fucking worshipping them should fuck off forever and never come back
Yeah, every one is /soc/ automatically gets like a +2 when it comes to rating
And of course people in real life won't call you ugly, you are a women after all

I'm not saying you're ugly, maybe just over estimating yourself.
You'd be surprised how much work it takes for a woman to even look 'natural'.
If you leave your body as it is you just end up looking like a little man
I'd be surpsied if I haven't plowed more honeys than dicks you've swallowed
and all I'm saying is everything on your list of 'problems' is about looking pretty
Lower than breeding value
maybe you just dont have any estrogen because you are not a real woman
I knew you'd say that, and yes I'm aware, but what else have I got to go on?
Anyway I'm skinny with long hair and blue eyes, my original point was that I'm not hideous, it doesn't matter
She wanted virgin hate, I was pointing out how off base she is.

I am telling you that myself along with most men I know do not like any makeup. Anecdotal I know, but to say you NEED makeup is just flat out wrong.
ITT: men explain what a woman's life is like, everything is fine. a woman explains what a woman's like is like, she's a retarded bitch who just hasn't noticed her designated man servant yet
>a woman's hardships boil down to having to primp and preen themselves a bit

>women are delusional one sided feminists
>men are realists

What do you expect dumbo
It can be easy if they put themselves out there, i'm overweight with a moderately cute face and didn't realise people could find me attractive until last year (20) when someone really wanted to go on dates with me and constantly told me i was really beautiful, then another man said i was close to perfection this year.. and I had my first and only boyfriend who thinks i'm perfect and really beautiful... but in highschool i was made to feel like i was a monster or alien by the way men would laugh at me and be disgusted at the fact i was overweight. Maybe it's easy for girls in their 20's but nothing under that...who knows.

When they couldn't push products for stay at home wives they shifted gears and started pushing cosmetics.

Men don't really care, but women are often catty bitches to each other and corporations have convinced them that not blowing your paycheck on such products should make you a taget.
You're a shut in then.

There's no reason you shouldn't have and suitors. Unless you never leave the house
I know many women who don't use any makeup because they just don't give a damn. Aaaand they all look like regular women - not plastic dolls, but not hideous barbarian midgets either. Natural women. What a world we live in
See, you're looking at it subjectively from a mans PoV. Women don't care about "breeding value".

I'm just implying if you were as good looking as you think you are, a lot more men would orbit you, even if you are introverted. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've had some orbiters but didn't notice because you are introverted.

But then again, I guess a lot of it has to do with where you are from.
Maybe you have resting bitch face syndrome so men don't approach you or are intimated by you.
I find it hard to believe that all my life there have been these guys being soo nice to me that I involuntarily ignore because I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with them.

Is this what you think all women's vision is when they see any man who isn't a chad? I sympathize with you guys, but threads like these only drill meme ideas into your heads that exacerbate your pessimism
PROTIP: he doesn't literally actually think you're perfect, he just can't get anything better

source: failed chad who used to fuck hot girls in HS and now has to settle with fat girls
>capable of being self aware

Please someone photoshop Chad in there and rename the file "StaceyVision"
I'm not saying women need makeup but there's still
-eyebrows to be plucked
-unwanted hair to be removed (including any dark face hair, sorry to burst your perfect image of women)
- Nails
- Blemishes to be covered
- General cleanliness
- Hair to be done

All those pics you've seen of women 'natural'? They've spent 2 hours to get to that point, not to mention being healthy in general, and probably having had teeth whitening and extensions and all sorts

this, I'm a failed chad too and only get with fat chicks because I can't get any better.
kek, I was thinking the same exact thing
I don't see a significant difference in attractiveness between single men and those in relationships. The dating ones are less likely to be cynical little shits from /redpill/ tho.
She lied to you dummy.

Your sister seems to vapid to refuse Chad whilst he is too smart to spend all this dough without getting some pussy in return.
The thing is I would believe that if he actually encouraged me to lose weight. I go to the gym all the time and he works as a manager at a doughnut place so he gives me free boxes of doughnuts and says he would literally change nothing about me, but he's glad that i want to be healthier. He really does just like the way I am. Sorry you feel that you have to settle for somebody youre not attracted to but if your girlfriend knew you'd be saying such things she could break up with you and find a cute guy who doesn't actually mind or even prefers bigger women. Women are luckier because no matter how they look they will always have somebody that will love every part of them. Men don't usually have that advantage, or it's harder for them to find.

the only thing that you've plowed is right through a large domino's pizza

but really, women are held to a higher standard aesthetically. but women are also paid the most for things that relate to aesthetics such as modelling.

how many times have you seen a guy contour? they couldn't do it.
The thumbnail made it look like a bunch of goats. Anyone else see that?
be my gf
I think I have a death glare, so maybe that is something to do with it. I always wanna just be left alone.

Oh well, maybe life would be on easier mode if I wasn't introverted.
Still, most of the girls I know do not live on easy mode. Actually, none of them. Just because they get laid, doesn't mean they are sailing through life.
They are all doing degrees and/or have better jobs than their partners and their partners sponge off them.
>gives me free boxes of doughnuts

Fucking kek
Congratz anon, you're dealing with a THIC lover.
I don't want any of that and neither do.m my male friends. Aside from General cleanliness it really turns me off when women take all that time to pluck their eyebrows and paint their nails, etc.

Also if a guy you're dating won't eat your hairy asshole then move on. Shaving is really unattractive.

all you keep saying is a womens value is in her looks and that's what I'm saying too

so we agree
it's funny because he's actually has dated skinny pretty girls too and his celebrity crush is a very slim, pretty lady so I genuinely don't think he prefers any size, he likes my face, he likes my personality and because of that he likes my body. I know it comes to a surprise to some of you but there are actually people like that in the world.
>they go to school and get fucked and have nice jobs

Woah so difficult
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Few things

Looks really aren't particularly important when it comes to attracting women for sex. It's mostly dominance.

That's just science.


Next thing, there's only two kinds of guys in relationships. Alphas who fuck, and betas who are cucks. Most guys fall into the beta provider category.

Only a complete autist would discuss the redpill IRL. But we exist.

Most redpilled folks aren't dumb enough to rant about kikes, niggers, and women out loud. We bide our time and wait for the machine to collapse.

You'd never in 1000 years guess I'm redpilled. But if your little fantasy about us all being gross neckbeard virgins (admittedly, some of them are) makes you feel better, carry on.
Men are nice to you all the time. Can you really remember every time they went out of their way to help you for no reward?
Of course not. You expect it.
Resist those doughnuts roastie, you're dealing with a sociopath.
You must be in the minority when it comes to shaving.
If a woman plucking her eyebrows turns you off... enjoy your monobrows
>he doesn't fatten up his concubine for prime breeding
>Looks really aren't particularly important when it comes to attracting women for sex
Then explain Tinder
>We bide our time and wait for the machine to collapse.
I wonder what this would look like
lmao fuk off meil
>they've worked their butts off to get to top universities
>they're smart enough to get good jobs, and aren't lazy
>they look after their kids when their husbands decide they can't be bothered to pay child support or see their kids
>they clean the house and cook the meals when their partners just make a mess
>meanwhile, the men are doing what..?
>...buying their partner occasional presents and drinks in the hope that the woman won't leave him
That's what they get for dating a dead beat.
It's like me feeling sympathy for a man who gets fucked over by a gold digger.
Use your brain m8

First off, non sequitor

Second off, without the ability to determine dominance immediately (because you're on the fucking Internet) women naturally go for the second best indicator of genetic quality which is good looks.

Dominance is dinner, handsomeness is dessert.

The ability to filter out 80% of uggos is a huge plus.
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If you want to be average, it's about as hard as being a house cat.

If you want to be genuinely great at anything, it's Kafkaesque. Good luck getting honest opinions from anyone and taking more for yourself than what men hand to you. But if you make it through, the world is yours and the wall's a joke.
>this delusional stinky fatass girl ITT dating a fucking Dunkin Donuts manager and thinks she's found true love
I thought so too. Freaked me out.
Now explain that to me again as if I were a 5 year old.

Top fucking kek lad

Yeah go tell that to the 5'5 manlet. We'll see where his dominance gets him.
Absolute pottery

I guess the world is a just place afterall
If you can have one cookie from lots of cookies

But you don't know if cookie TASTE good

You just pick pretty cookie!
Quebec canada
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We present three studies involving the evaluation of known social partners showing that judgments of physical attractiveness are strongly influenced by nonphysical factors. Females are more strongly influenced by nonphysical factors than males and there are large individual differences within each sex.

But you could go on tinder or wherever the fuck and get your pick of the litter of men who would look past your introvertedness or be your introverted soulmate.
That's good and all, but the internet, anecdotes and life has taught me you are wrong
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Such bait. Wow.

>backlash of feminism propaganda

Are you an idiot? If this were bait you'd probably link to OP. Kill self.

The sad truth. Everybody is at least thinking they are sad, and therefore robots, and men in general, never get to be entitled no matter how obvious it is that we do suffer more.

Source: suicide rates
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If I wanted to fuck strangers
Not sure if trolling

Or just stupid

This can mean a great deal or it can mean nothing at all.
Actually, if women have it so easy is there anyone here who will get off on doing my housework for me?
If you've got the skill then you could try turning her skin colour to green, too.
it means I've never been able to sustain any kind of friendship because after social interaction, I need a week just to myself to regain social energy
>social energy
I'm guessing you saw that little cartoon comparing introverts to extroverts and decided to base your personality on that.
what cartoon?
sure, whatever
bored now
Okay, that means a lot and makes your life much worse. I don't have friends either, the loneliness gets pretty awful.

I agree that the dichotomy is dumb, and there's probably more specific reasons why social interaction in particular exhausts you and forces you to recharge, but if she struggles to make friends I sympathize with her.
My boss literally had her shingles changed for free by a thirsty white knight from online

Lookup Tinder games

>Free food
>Free labor
>Free comfort

And I know of at least one case where a girl lived platonically at some dork's house rent-free before his cringe became too much for her
Please re explain
Not trolling
I would do your housework in a sexy maid (guy) costume all day ho
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Well lets analyze that shall we?
Lets assume that she is dealt a shit hand at life
>Her face is ugly
>She is really tall
>She is born to poor family and raised by her mother only (lets spice it up and say she is a unemployed nutjob)
>She is dumb
>Fuck it lets add a stutter to top it off

Ok now lets see what she can do that men can't in her situation
Since she is ugly she is likely to stay virgin since no boy is going to fool an ugly chick to sleep with him (she would fall for it since dumb)
Now she can try to preserve her virginity and try to find a shy geek to provide for her, you know the office type that talks to his breast pocket and avoids eye contact
Lets say the geek option is out of question, the geek has too high standards or some shit like that
She can marry a foreigner to whom she might not look that ugly to, lets say she marries a paki or a latino guy, because of the race difference the ugliness gets softened out a bit
Well lets say even that fails, pakis and latinos don't want her for some reason
She still has her cunt, she can become a dominatrix or something that wears a mask during the act, doesn't require much intelligence to whip a gimp
Lets say for some reason that doesn't work out
well she can still get a job at a library or some similar place where ugly isn't a major downside
She can try to look for job at hooters, if they don't hire her she can sue them for cash

Being a woman allows you many mooch options in modern society, courts rule in favor of women all the time because they think women are lil angels even though they have jails just for women set up
I will. I'll enjoy my natural gf than some primped slut.

A few errant brow hairs > hours obsessing over vanity
>bored now
So you're actually just an attention-deficit child who can't focus on multiple people at once?
That's not introversion, bro.
Sounds amazing. Since I apparently have life on easy mode may as well take advantage
whatever floats your boat, as long as my bathroom is clean we're golden
You should just kys roastie.
I'm not going to justify myself when I'm on anonymous.
I know I'm introverted
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Mooch where you can, just remember that time is the fire that burns you, you might end up a lonely cat hag
Just don't expect any working men to give you an ounce of respect, also your kind will become obsolete in 20-25years so chop chop
It's extremely easy when you're in your twenties but western women seem to have forgotten that once they hit the wall the good times are over.

In the future the mental asylums will be overflowing with childless Staceys who went crazy.
I have a boyfriend I just want something for nothing as the thread implies I can get.
Feet for cash, anyone?
>I have a boyfriend
>I want more free stuff gibe moni please

Im starting to think you actually are a woman, only a woman can be this entitled
Do you think we care about your problems roast? Take your quest for sympathy elsewhere.
the thread made me entitled and also gave me cancer
>and if you don't maintain a certain level of self, then other people will just throw you under the bus and shit all over you

People throw me under the bus and shit all over me anyway.
No way, Chad is still above Stacy. Just be 6'3" and white and swipe right on girls you like on tinder. If you aren't a total retard you could be having sex with a different girl each weekend.
How do I achieve this kind of lifestyle
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You're a fool, you're already being provided for by your boyfriend, but you do not see that so you come asking for more, assuming you're missing out on some free stuff you feel entitled to
So the boyfriend already giving you free shit is a given to you, you're blind to your own privilege like your kind accuses straight white men to be
In near future when sexrobots and ectogenesis becomes available for public women will lose their privilege, it is then that your kind will have to be truly equal and know the full weight of that freedom and i would not miss that day for anything in this world
When the Babylon of cunts falls their lamentations will be my ambrosia, i am very interested in seeing how women will cope with that change and what will they try to offer men to compete with a soulless machine and a mechanical womb
Wait a sec
I look like this chad

You sound like a closet faggot.
this would be a good argument if
a) my boyfriend did provide for me. You won't believe me but I provide for him. He owes me money. I am in a much better financial situation lmao
b) I wasn't joking. But I'm not opposed to men who want to give me cash for feet. I bet if there were women who did that you would show your lil feeties in an instant. Feet aren't even sexual
Post your own pic for conformation.
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>I bet if there were women who did that you would show your lil feeties in an instant. Feet aren't even sexual
Absolutely disgusting, the fact that you assume everyone has as low morals as you shows just what kind of woman you are
this >>35152949
I've heard people when looking at themselves think they are 10 times more attractive than they actually are.
>looks like one of the top super models in the world
>doesnt know he is good looking

these are two entirely exclusive lifestyles
pretty sure this is b8.
Where is the immorality if my boyfriend consents to me taking a photo of my feet? not like I'm stripping behind his back to some strangers online. Some idiot wants to pay for toes, they're welcome to it
>Feet for cash, anyone?
What are you proposing?
You are exposing your body for money, you know the person viewing the parts of your body will get off on it and most likely masturbate to it
>Oh my boyfriend is cool with it so it is not bad
If your boyfriend is also your pimp does that make whoring moral too?
There is no fucking way I am posting my face on here and risk being recognized. Also I have penised a girl before in my life. I was more surprised that I look like a chad according to this place.

I take a pic of my feet, you send me monies. kek
Too beta for me. I would pay to rub a girls feet though.
oh, man. Come on. It's feet. FEET.
They come out in public everyday. I'd let him post his footsies online for dolla.
get off your high horse
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Of course women play life on easy mode. We have this thread almost every day, do we really have to go over this again?
yeah, I wasn't actually expecting anyone to want that.
why not become a masseuse?
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You are all niggers, this is now an Islam hate thread
Tell yourself whatever you want, you are still exposing your body for money and you can't say you aren't
You can do it i am not stopping you from whoring your body out, just don't try to act like it's normal or moral
Fuck 'em, but they do have the right idea when it comes to how you should treat females.
I don't want to rub men. If I became a masseuse I bet 90% of my clients would be closet homos looking for a sneaky handjob.

Out of interest, would you let a guy rub your feet for money? I know it sounds weird but you actually would make money from it. And you would get a foot rubs out of it.
morality is relative :)

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yes, fuck sandniggers
>They're constantly happy and never have ups or downs like men do, when they die they instantly walk into the gates of heaven, which they were already living in while alive.
>Every woman claiming to feel sadness or depression is lying and just doing it for attention, what she really feels is pure joy nonstop 24/7, life is a giant theme park of fun for them from start to finish, they never struggle
>Every woman would get an A+ in every class, but they purposely answer questions wrong because they don't want men to feel bad. They meet in the girl's bathrooms before tests to decide who will get what question wrong to provide a more balanced curve of grads on the test rather than a bunch of 100/100 grades
>Average woman makes $1billion a year and donates most of it to charity
>The women who say their period gives them PMS or cramps are just lying and say that for attention. When a woman says "I've got PMS or cramps", their doctor immediately gives them a $500/month supply of free cash as free cash is the only treatment for menstrual cramps or PMS
>Every philosophical idea, scientific discovery, technological was actually invented by a woman, and passed on to a man, who would claim they invented it and get the public spotlight, because women don't like the spotlight and fame, the ones who are famous suffer from it and wished it would end
>No woman has ever been raped by a man by force. Though their muscles appear small, they're actually incredibly dense and you really can't overpower a woman. They claim they were raped and overpowered only to hide their secret strength. In the country of Turkey, women regularly unleash the full power of their hidden muscles, throwing men onto roofs of buildings which is an ancient Turkish sport

Life is SO easy for women ugh, I'm going gay I'm just done with it, fucking womenshits and their EZ mode lives
hahaha, fair enough.
I'd let anyone rub my feet for free, but if I knew they were going to get off on it I'd make em pay. But yeah, sure I would, literally being paid to relax.
The motive doesn't bother me too much desu. All I see is gain on both parties
>Well I'm a short Asian guy and basically invisible. My sister gets random white guys trying to add her on FB, approaching her in public etc. She tries to tell me lots of girls like Asian guys, and it sounds like a white person Saying that blacks don't have it that bad.

I suppose my situation isn't that bad then, despite being an Asian wizard. My sister's been trying to improve my presentation towards girls, coaching me on how to act, how to dress.

I'm also not aware of her ever having dated an Asian guy, currently she's dating a tall buff white surfer dude.
Yes, you brought a lot of straw with you. Any argument in there too?
This thread is stupid of course women have easierli ves. They're submissive and submission to a higher power makes your life easier. Its no different than children obeying their parents or Christian and their jebus
Ha that's cool. Makes me think I should ask the girls I know irl if I can rub their feet. Ever wonder why guys like feet?
I had 2 older sisters. It's going to be detrimental to your life, if you (as a male) compare your life to a female. You will never have the "privilege" that they have.
You can either ruminate about the inequality, or you can improve yourself.
You were born with a dick; that means you will never live life on easy mode. Either you play with the hand dealt, or you whine about it on r9k. Only one of theses options is the correct one
Go for it, although if they're your friends they might be a little creeped out.
I have no idea, can you enlighten me?
It baffles me
>play with the hand dealt
You know what? No.

We're human beings, we shit on the natural order every day. I see no reason why we can't at least try to make things even.
My argument is that life is actually easier for men than it is for women, and if you disagree, you are a disgustingly weak man. Women are weak and we must protect them. A woman of a man (/r9k/ posters who think that life is easier for women) are very sad and pathetic creatures. Like life is just so fucking easy for me as a man and it always has been and I'm not Chad at all. I'm just laughing to the point of tears every time I see an /r9k/ poster say life is SOOOO hard WAHHHHH

>/r9k/ poster tells girl about his favorite anime for 10 minutes straight, then gets rejected

No I'm not trolling. What I greentexted is an example----every robot who hates women does so because they lack the VERY BASIC knowledge of social interaction. Not complex social interaction, not intermediate, not advanced---robots lack the fucking BASICS of social interaction, and have the audacity to say life is easy for women?

Now you may not have sperged out and talked to a girl about anime specifically, but I guarantee, GUARANTEE, that every robot failure to ask a girl out is due to sperging out, talking about something that a woman has no interest in. So, something equivalent (or worse) than talking to a woman about anime is why you have all failed.

But this is EASY STUFF you guys are failing. If you're failing EASY STUFF, how can you say that a life for a woman is easy, when you can't even get past the EASY?
>and if you disagree, you are a disgustingly weak man
>I'm not Chad at all
No you're not. You're a white knight numale is what you are.

Kindly kill yourself.
Yeah I figure they would be freaked out so I'll never do it.

As for feet, well men tend to like legs and the foot is an extension of the leg so there's the aesthetic aspect. Also it's a body part you don't often get to see, much less touch. I guess as well there's a slight taboo aspect.

And for me being barefoot makes girls look cute and feminine.
I;m not asking you to accept the inequality of existence. But it is unequal; in a more fundamental way than you or I can ever transcend.
You won't be the pariah that completely reinvents social norms. No man or woman will. But you are intelligent. You've questioned the social structure, you see where it leads. You can use the existing structure to get want you want
>tl;dr: Autistic screeching

What the fuck, is this for real?
I'm not a white night. My entire post before the last one was irony. I think that women are incredibly weak, dumb, and narrow-minded. /r9k/ would agree with this statement, and yet they say "Life is easy for a woman?" How can life be easy when you are weak, dumb, and narrow-minded? Life for a woman is like trying to get through a pitch black tunnel with a flashlight which has one battery left, which is dying. Trying to get through a pitch black tunnel with the dimmest flash light possible, randomly falling down in the pitch black tunnel and crying because of a sudden release of hormones.

This is talking about women but keeping men out of the picture. Yes, the relationship dynamics between men and women are different. Women can get laid easier, but guess what Frank, there's a lot more to life than getting laid. Men are the masters of knowledge, the inventor of all great inventions, rulers of our body, rulers of our own mind, rulers of the world, while women are flightless birds, mentally stunted, needing a wheelchair and a ton of support to do anything.

You are a weak man---and a stupid man---if you think that life for women is easier than it is for men.
Girl have life on easy mode
>im intermediate social skill
Its not about lacking anything, on equal footing at every level, your life will be easier, unless you are a dumb whore who gets impregnated by some chad by age 21
>reality sets in at that point

If you are a woman and actually think men have it easier in present society, you are living in a fantasy world
>How can life be easy when you are weak, dumb, and narrow-minded?
Do I really have to explain this? Because society takes care of them. So it doesn't actually matter how dumb/weak they are.

Yes, if a man is dumb and weak, his life will be shit, because nobody is gonna pick up his slack.

Being out of shape for women has nothing to do with being lazy when all you have to do is eat less calories than you burn. Nobody needs to work out to lose weight.
Are you from lookism or sluthate?
you are fucking insane, here I was thinking you were a woman
You are actually one of those faggots who put the pussy on pedestal

You are one pathetic fuck
>Yes, if a man is dumb and weak, his life will be shit, because nobody is gonna pick up his slack.

This is true! But only true of men are lack the basics of social interaction. Not intermediate social interaction, not advanced social interaction----but lacking the BASICS. You can be highly intelligent and still be a complete and utter social failure. A woman can't help you stop being a social failure. They can't help you do anything. Only you can help yourself. Women can't help themselves.

Life is easier for men, because they can help themselves---something women can't do. A weak man can overcome his weakness, or he can thrives in it and let it consume him. It's the man's choice. Women don't have a choice. Men are fish who can struggle to swim upstream, struggle to overcome their troubles---or they can swim downstream, and let their weakness overtake them.

Women are a stick floating down river.
Did you even read my post? I don't put pussy on the pedestal. I think women are mentally children. I think women are empty of any intelligent thought. They're like pets. So I don't put them on the pedestal, rather, I think they're so low compared to man, that it's absurd to say life is easy for them, when they don't life the same life---the great, beautiful life---that men do.

I can smell the failure emanating from your post. The smelliness of your body, the poor choice in clothing, poor choice in hobbies, the look of sadness and disappointment in your mother and father's eyes---they had such high hopes for you, what happened to it all? Why are you thinking about such thoughts, and typing them here? Where did it all go wrong?
Complain about it on reddit, normie.
>completely missing the point
>muh weak
That's what it must be like to work with disabled people all day.
>having to work for the quality of your life makes your life easier

I'm being trolled, aren't I?
> can't slut shame women, but virgin shaming men is TOTALLY ok
>trying to get anyone upset on 4chan


Where do you live? africa, you must be a nigger with a mental disability of some kind
Lying Stacy burn in hell, Kek will damn your kind.
I went and took a shower and I KNEW that the only response I would get back was people calling me "Retarded" or insane, etc. I'm sorry, but everything I said is true, and calling me a retard will not refute it. As it stands, everything I said is TRUE and I have WON THE ARGUMENT. By calling me a RETARD, etc., you have raised the white flag indicating you have given up. My words should haunt you from now on, because you didn't defeat them.


Exactly. The struggle of life is part of the beauty life, you need to embrace it.
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Oh wow. We know you're retarded, you don't have to keep proving it.
You still did not provide a counter argument, every time you reply lacking a counter argument I will indicate this.
>translation: I've meade a fool out of myself, so now I will just collect (You)s
Sure, I'll gladly donate to the needy.
you are severely fucking delusional if you think you look anything like lachowski, you would get offered modelling jobs everyday
I thought we were kicking whores off /r9k/ ?
My status in argument: 100+ points
Your status: 0 points

Quest: Provide a counter argument to attempt to gain points in the argument. Do you accept this quest, or do you accept failure? I will give you a minimum of 1 point if you provide a valid counter-argument (possibly over 100 with a good argument)
I imagine it's pretty fucking easy. So easy that most are forever disengaged from reality.

I know this chick living the good life - smart, beautiful, good job, loving boyfriend, living in a nice place with him - she has all this and she still bitches about petty shit like the "gender pay gap".

When I ask her why she's bitching about this shit when she probably makes more than all of her male friends, she says shit like "Ugh, I meant compared to the men I work with".

Literally "me me me" and that's where life begins and ends for her.

Posting you on /r/copypasta.
Orbit me, I have a vagina.
>autist makes a completely ass-backwards argument
>types like a spazz
>rightly gets called out
>"Hurr, that means I win"
>now he wants to play games

I wanna thank you. I had a bad day, but your posts of pure, concentrated autism really lifted me up.

So again, thank you.
Oh shut the fuck up whore, no one believes you for a second.
You're an idiot. I have nothing else to say to you.
>autist makes a completely ass-backwards argument
How so? You cannot make a statement like this without providing evidence to back it up. Please quote and explicate which parts of my argument you think are bakcwards

>types like a spazz
How so? You cannot make a statement like this without providing evidence to back it up.

>rightly gets called out
Never happened.

>"Hurr, that means I win"
So far, that's the way it's looking.

>now he wants to play games
You have 0 points, I am at +150 now.

>I had a bad day
This must happen a lot to you. I can tell.
>Dumb as a brick too but shit got promoted at her job for "leadership and positivity".

One of the dumbest people I've ever met somehow managed to get a sweet job with an elite advertising agency right out of school. This was someone whose day-to-day ability to operate in the world was seriously questioned by other people at uni --but she was sorta hot.

It's difficult for me not to think that the people doing the hiring want to be surrounded by babes.
You are now a meme
>im dying

Sperg out a little more please
A mutual friend is like a 5'0" Chinese girl and she's dating a comically tall, chiseled Scandanvian dude. I think it's kind of weird that the prevalence of the wmaf combo above all others isn't really commented upon.
>Good luck getting honest opinions from anyone and taking more for yourself than what men hand to you.

People itt aren't really imagining what it must feel like when everyone just wants to have sex with you and you just want to learn piano/become a writer/do gymnastics/etc. Probably a nightmarish scenario if you're reasonably self-aware.
White knight alert

Shes not gonna fuck you bro
Holy fucking shit, you guys ruined this thread
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